Berserk: Darths and Droids Style/Berserk as a Tabletop RPG

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So I was reading a thread on /tg/ about how the Pirates of the Caribbean movies are basically a...


The One who Strangles Concepts to death
So I was reading a thread on /tg/ about how the Pirates of the Caribbean movies are basically a tabletop game gone horribly right.

Of course, someone decided to go ahead and write out these scenes with hilarious results.

He then went on to do Harry Potter and Final Fantasy VIII and VII.

After reading through, I thought of how just about every type of fictional media can be turned into a tabletop game of sorts, ala Darths and Droids.

Then I thought about the Anime Berserk.

And I realized something awesome, yet horrifying;

Berserk is the prime example of what happens when a DM snaps.

I'm going to try my best to imitate the Darths and Droids style of writing when I write my analysis, so bare with me please. All criticism is welcome.

Now, I don't know much about the most recent part of the Berserk timeline, as I don't keep up with the manga. As such, if people would like for me to continue this, I will only be able to go up to the part where Guts obtained the Berserker Armor and they get stuck on a boat for 7 years. I will be skipping around a bit, so forgive me if I don't write up a part you were hoping to see.

With that said, let us begin.

Pippin: So, we starting the game yet?

Casca: Not yet. Griffith said that he's bringing in a new player today.

Judeau: Oh really?

Casca: The player's new to tabletop gaming and Griffith wanted us to show him the ropes.

Corkus: Oh this is gonna be sooooo fun.

Judeau: And there's Corkus with his natural pessimism.

Corkus: Noobs have been the death of many a tabletop group. Don't you remember what happened last time Griffith brought in new players?

Pippin: Which one? The one that had a yaoi fetish or the one who wanted to play as some kind of fairy hybrid thing?

Judeau: Those were both just coincidences.

Corkus: He says before the inevitable TPK.

Casca: Come on guys. I don't think it will be
that bad.

Griffith: I have returned, and I bring a gift! Say hi to our new member. Guts meet "The Band of the Hawk."

Guts: Um, hi.

Pippin: Hi.

Judeau: Sup.

Casca: Hello.

Corkus: Hmph!

Griffith: Alright everyone, since Guts just joined I figured we could play out his backstory to kind of ease him into this whole thing. What say you?

Casca: Sounds fine! We left at a pretty good spot last time anyway.

Corkus: Oh I can't wait to hear this. Let me guess, you were born into a noble family and—

Guts: Actually, my character was born in the corpse of his dead mother.


Guts: Is something wrong?

Corkus: If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go grab my 'Incase of That Guy Kit.'

Casca: Corkus.

Corkus: Who the Hell starts their backstory like that?! I bet he only did that so he could min-max his character's stats!

Guts: Min? Max?

Judeau: This coming from the guy who literally put most of his points into Sneak Attack and Dirty Fighting.

Corkus: That's totally legit, and at least my backstory goes along with it.

Griffith: Corkus, be nice. Guts is new here, and the point of Tabletop Games are to have fun and make people feel welcome. So, Guts, what happened next?

Guts: Well, after falling out of the womb, I was taken in by a passing mercenary band. The camp whore raised me as her own.

Griffith: I'd guess that she was a rather important influence in your life as you grew up, right?

Guts: No. She died of plague when I was 5.

Pippin: Wow. First day here and he's already beat Casca out for darkest backstory.

Guts: Hmmm?

Casca: It's-It's not important! You'll find out later.

Griffith: So, who raised you?

Guts: The mercenary leader, Gambino. He taught me how to use a greatsword when I was still a toddler. That's why I put so many points into strength and two-handed.

Griffith: Hmm, now we have two strength based fighters. That OK with you guys.

Judeau: Sure, take the load off Pippin for a while.

Griffith: Alright, Guts keep going.

I'll stop here for know, but do tell me if you guys want me to continue.

And, if you have any ways I can get better at the dialogue, please let me know.
Lucky Dice
Well, at least two people want me to keep going and even though that is a rather small number, I shall not disappoint them.

Griffith: Ok Guts, right now you're fighting Bazuso. He is known across the land as the 30 Man Slayer, his axe said to have taken countless lives. He's the last thing standing between your army and total victory. Now would be a good time to introduce you to Combat.

Guts: Cool. First is, initiative, right? How do I do that?

Corkus: Wow, you really are a noob.

Judeau: *Elbows Corkus*

Griffith: You roll, then add your modifiers—the things on your sheet with that add or subtract from checks—and I roll Bazuso's. Whoever gets the higher number, goes first.

Guts: Ok then. *Rolls* Um, 9. Is that good?

Corkus: Take a wild guess.

Judeau: *Elbows Corkus* Knock it off.

Griffith: On it's own, no, but if you add your modifiers….

Guts: It becomes...uhh, 13.

Griffith: Decent enough. Now I roll for Bazous *Rolls*. Ooohh, even with his modifiers he got 5, so you go first.

Guts: Ok, so know I roll for attack. 15.

Griffith: Nice job, but not enough to beat his AC. You need to score higher than that in order to damage an enemy. Your sword comes down on the haft of his greataxe in a flurry of blows. "Amazing," the other soldiers say, "He's dominating him."

Guts: I keep attacking, trying to break through the man's defense.

Corkus: Nuh uh, new guy. Now Bazuso gets to roll.

Griffith: He's right. *Rolls* Oooh, he rolled a 19.

Pippin: Ouch.

Judeau: Sorry man.

Casca: Sorry.

Corkus: Welp, that's the end of—

Guts: Hold on. I took the Parry feat. I can roll to see if I block his weapon.

Corkus: Well, good luck with beating a—

Guts: 19.

Corkus: What?!

Griffith: Bazuso plants his feet into the ground. His axe lifts high above your head and comes down like an executioner's blade.

Guts: I swing my sword right into the axe's path.

Griffith: Give me a Strength Roll.

Guts: 18.

Griffith: Your sword bites deep into the axe, actually cutting a gash into the edge itself!

Guts: Rolling Initiative. 13 again.

Griffith: He got 13 as well, so you go at the same time. Bazuso attacks. *Rolls* 19.

Corkus: Ok, there's no way you can—

Guts: 20.

Judeau: Holy…

Pippin: *Whistles*

Casca: Wow.

Corkus: Oh come on!

Griffith: Roll again Guts.

Guts: Um, why?

Griffith: You'll see.

Guts: Ok. 20 again.

Corkus: *Facepalms* You've gotta be shtting me!

Guts: What? What does that mean?

Casca: You rolled a Natural 20 Guts. That's a Critical Success! The second roll was to determine whether it went through or not.

Griffith: Yep, and you just rolled your first Critical. As such, I'll let you describe how you beat Bazuso.

Guts: Really?

Judeau: Dude, it's your epic moment. Make it epic.

Guts: Ok. I pull my sword back, abandoning all pretenses of defense, and swing horizontally. Bazuso swings his axe at my head, planning to decapitate me. I don't flinch. His axe connects with my helmet, and breaks. My sword bites deep into his side as both the helmet and the axe blade go flying, blood leaking from the giant's side. I bring my sword up into the air—

Griffith: As you do so, Bazuso shouts, "Mercy!"

Guts: I bring my blade down on his head.

Griffith: His head splits in two like an overripe grapefruit. Behind you, the General shouts, "Men! Everyone! Seize the castle! All of you! Charge!" Corkus, I'm gonna need you for this scene.

Corkus: You got it GM.

Griffith: Above the battlelines, there stands four men. The one in the middle has completely white armor, his helmet formed into that of a hawk's beak. On his left shoulder sands the blue crest of a mercenary band. One of the other troopers shouts, "Didn't know our opponents had any soldiers like that. Must be some kind of mercenary."

Corkus: The soldier closest to the soldier in white sees him staring at the winner of the duel, "Wondering which one of you is stronger."

Griffith: The third soldier speaks up, "No way. No one's stronger than our leader! Isn't that right, Griffith?" The white armored man, Griffith, clutches a bright red trinket close to his chest. Back to you Guts. You probably went off to get paid once the battle was over, right?

Guts: Of course, I'm a mercenary after all.

Griffith: That is true, and you stand outside the castle walls with a bag full of gold in your hands. The General who hired you stands close by.

Guts: Did my contract with the man expire today?

Griffith: Yes, it did.

Guts: Then in that case, I start to count the gold. Making sure it's the agreed on amount, and biting it to make sure it's real.

Griffith: The General speaks as you count, "You impressed me today. Even if it was a fluke. A fledgling like you defeating Bazuso! Well it's truly unbelievable.

Guts: I ignore him.

Griffith: He leans forward, "Young man, would you consider serving me on a regular basis? Your salary may be tripled. I may even promote you to a ranked warrior if you like. Don't you think that's a deal a mere mercenary could never resist?"

Guts: I finish counting the coins and start to walk away. I say, "Our contract expired today, didn't it? It seems the fighting is over around here."

Griffith: The man starts to walk after you, "Wait! I will secure your position and income as well. You won't need to put yourself in danger as a grunt during the war—." As he says this he grabs onto your right arm.

Guts: I jerk away from him yelling, "Don't touch me!"

Corkus: Woah! Someone's touchy.

Casca: Corkus his character was raped as a child!

Corkus: Doesn't mean he has to put his anger on to everyone he meets!

Casca: Why you—!

Judeau: Calm down you two. It's just a game remember.

Griffith: You're right Judeau. Guts, please continue.

Guts: I snarl at the General, "Don't you
ever touch me!" Then I start to walk away.

Griffith: Aaaaand scene. Good job, Guts. You're still kind of rough around the edges, but you'll get there.

Guts: Thanks. I'll try to do better.

Corkus: Won't be hard. You're character is basically a big slab of meat with a sword. Not really much to roleplay there.

Pippin: Corkus, back off.

Judeau: Yeah. Don't judge a book by its cover and all that.

Corkus: Hmph! Whatever.

Griffith: Ok everyone, we'll take a break and the next scene will be when Guts encounters our little Band of Mercenaries.

Corkus: I can hardly wait.

I'm gonna have a Hell of a time making this Comedic.

I mean this is Berserk.

I'm not sure if I have the ability to even make this remotely funny.

Doesn't mean I won't try though.
So I was reading a thread on /tg/ about how the Pirates of the Caribbean movies are basically a tabletop game gone horribly right.

Of course, someone decided to go ahead and write out these scenes with hilarious results.

He then went on to do Harry Potter and Final Fantasy VIII and VII.

After reading through, I thought of how just about every type of fictional media can be turned into a tabletop game of sorts, ala Darths and Droids.
Someone also did this for Dune. Unfortunately I lost the link but it was hilarious. The OOC commentary was what really sold it as the hypothetical DM's planned "Game Of Thrones political houses IN SPACE" game got a bit sidetracked.
Someone also did this for Dune. Unfortunately I lost the link but it was hilarious. The OOC commentary was what really sold it as the hypothetical DM's planned "Game Of Thrones political houses IN SPACE" game got a bit sidetracked.

I'm not sure what Dune is, but I've heard it mentioned on this site a lot. However, I have no doubt that the thread was awesome. Hopefully, I can find it later.
What happens when a Roleplayer plays his role too well?
Griffith: Thanks for buying the pizza, Guts.

Guts: No problem.

Judeau: Corkus, what is that?

Corkus: It's my 'Incase of That Guy Kit'.

Casca: You were serious about that?

Corkus: I never joke when it comes to potential That Guys.

Pippin: Give the guy a break, Corkus. He just bought us pizza.

Corkus: Just you wait. Up next is when the party meets up, then we'll see if he's a That Guy or not.

Guts: I hope to defy all of your expectations.

Griffith: Alright everyone, let's get started. So Guts, we're going to open up with you walking down a dirt road in between two hills. Rocks litter the ground around you, with boulders forming landmarks on the—

Guts: Can I make a Spot Check?

Griffith: What?

Corkus; And here we go.

Guts: This seems like a prime area for an ambush. I want to make sure it's safe.

Griffith: I think you're using a bit of meta—

Guts: *Rolls* 9. Damn.

Griffith: Well, either way. You don't hear anything except the clank of your boots on the ground. Out of your sight, high on top of a hill, stands Corkus with three soldiers behind him. They recognize you from the battle with Bazuso. Most of them want to let you pass as they are no longer under contract to kill you.

Corkus: I point out that while we may not be obligated, the kid's coin purse might be feeling pretty heavy. We would be doing him a favour if we just "lighten the load" a little.

Casca: Corkus! Seriously?!

Judeau: Weren't you the one complaining about killing party members earlier?

Corkus: Hey, IC I don't know anything about this guy, except that he killed Bazuso. As far as I know, he got a bonus for that! And we're mercenaries! We
live for money!

Griffith: Roll me Persuasion.

Corkus: *Rolls* 10.

Griffith: The soldiers agree with you, and prepare the horses and weapons.

Casca: Griffith, am I sitting on a rock somewhere nearby?

Griffith: Yes, both you and Judeau are laying down among a ring of soldiers. In the middle of the ring, Griffith is laying down with his hands behind his head.

Casca: I giggle out loud in order to get Corkus' attention. "I would suggest you leave that man alone. He is a much better warrior than you."

Corkus: I laugh, "Oh really, Casca? Well, how about I go down there and prove you wrong?"

Casca: "Then you'll die."

Corkus: I sneer at her.

Judeau: "Yeah, Corkus. Layoff. This one has nothing to do with us." I say as I hold a dagger between my fingers.

Corkus: I look towards Griffith and say, "Hey, Griffith? What do you say?"

Griffith: Griffith, still looking off into the sky, merely says, "Do as you wish."

Guts: So, should I take a Spot Check? I mean, they are coming for me.

Griffith: Roll me two. If you pass the first one, you see them before they even get their armor on.

Guts: *Rolls* Damn, 5. *Rolls* But a 13 on the second one.

Griffith: You hear Corkus yell out, "Charge!" As one soldier rushes down the hill towards you holding his weapon high.

Guts: I attack him.

Judeau: Wow, Guts. He is kind of a soldier in our Band.

Guts: You mean the guy currently rushing right towards me with his weapon drawn?

Judeau: Well, OK so it's not the most friendly of greetings—

Guts: I attack him.

Griffith: There is a way you can make your attacks non-lethal—

Guts: No. I. Attack. Him.

Griffith: ….Ok then. Roll for it.

Guts: 15.

Griffith: Well, crap I didn't actually make a sheet for this guy.

Corkus: Such a shame. Looks like old Guts' attack can't—

Guts: How important is he?

Griffith: Huh?

Guts: Like how important to the story is he? Is he a Mook, a Rival, or a Boss?

Corkus: What a minute….how do you know what those—

Guts: You're not the only one who browses /tg/, Corkus. I may be new to Tabletop, but I know enough to have the guesswork down.

Pippin: Oh snap.

Judeau: Yeah man, he just called you out.

Corkus: Hmph!

Guts: If he's a Mook, you can just let him die if my roll is high enough. Takes the pressure off you as a GM, and doesn't Scratch my attack.

Griffith: Hmm. Alright then. You easily cut the man down as his horse canters passed you. Another soldier, this one with a flail, is rushing towards you.

Guts: I attack him as well. 17.

Griffith: Your sword cuts him straight down the right shoulder, killing him from blood loss. Corkus *Rolls*, your men are so afraid that they stop in tracks at the bottom of the hill.

Corkus: Damn it dice! Fine, I stop as well and gasp at how he just killed….ummmm. What were their names?

Judeau: No idea.

Pippin: Got me.

Casca: Didn't Griffith make them up?

Griffith: I didn't think we would ever really have to worry about insignificant character deaths, so I just never thought of any names. How about, Frank and Filin?

Guts: Aren't those just analogs for "Rank and File"?

Griffith: Do you really care?

Guts: Nope.

Griffith: So, Judeau what are you doing?

Judeau: Probably standing on the hill's edge watching Corkus get our men killed.

Corkus: Not my fault he decided to kill them!

Casca: I giggle, pointing out that I told him it would happen.

Griffith; In a deep, but clear voice Griffith says, "Casca, go help him."

Casca: I stand up incredulous, "B-but Griffith!"

Griffith: He stares you down with his piercing white eyes.

Casca: "Tsk, fine."

Griffith: Back to Corkus and Guts.

Corkus: I'm guessing you killed the rest of us while we were standing still.

Guts: No.

Corkus: Good. At least you have some honor. I tell one of the other men to attack him next. *Rolls* Damn, 5.
Griffith: He tells you to go fight in a shaky voice.

Casca: Sorry, about this Guts. I shoot the swordsman in the arm with a Crossbow bolt. *Rolls* 10

Guts: You hit.

Casca: Rolling for damage. 2.

Griffith: The bolt imbeds itself in your right arm Guts, as a new helmeted warrior approaches on a horse.

Guts: I grunt and snap the arrow, throwing it on the ground.

Casca: I'm going to charge him with my sword drawn, but I won't be aiming to kill.

Judeau: Word to the wise, don't bother fighting Casca. She's got more ranks in combat than all of us combined. Only one better than her is Griffith.

Casca: Guts, if you want I can ask Griffith to let the attack—

Guts: I swing to unhorse the rider.

Casca, Judeau, and Pippin: WHAT?!

Corkus: Here we go….

Griffith: Both of you give me a roll.

Casca: 10, but my modifiers make it 17. Seriously Guts, there's no need to—

Guts: 9, modifiers make it 19.

Casca: What?! How?!

Judeau: Don't worry, he still has to pass the test to unhorse you.

Guts: 19.

Judeau: You're shitting me?!

Corkus: *Pointing accusingly at Guts* I told you he was min-maxed!

Griffith: Your strike hits Casca's helmet, knocking her down and undoing her hair.

Guts: I stop for a moment. 'A woman?' I think to myself as she gets up.

Casca: I stand up, in a defensive stance.

Guts: I send a flurry of attacks at her. That's 5 rolls. 15, 16, 13, 17, and 14.

Judeau: Jesus. None of those got through her AC, but damn.

Griffith: The rest of the soldiers watch on in awe. One shouts, "He's pushing Casca back! She's the strongest member of the Hawks. Only below Griffith!" Guts, roll a Strength Check. Casca, a Fort Save.

Casca: 15.

Guts: 18.

Griffith: Guts knocks Casca onto the ground. She's vulnerable, will you end the battle?

Judeau: Come on, Guts. Enough is enough.

Casca: Yeah, you won already.

Guts: I prepare to finish her off.

Corkus: And there it is! He's a PKer!

Casca: Guts!

Judeau: Not cool!

Pippin: Come on man!

Griffith: Just when you're about to end Casca, a spear hits the ground under your feet. Looking up you see, the Leader of the Band of the Hawk, Griffith riding on a horse. The sun at his back reflects beautifully across his silver armor. His helmet is on, giving him the appearance of the titular bird.

Casca: "Griffith!" I say.

Griffith: He saunters over and draws his sabre from its scabbard.

Guts: I remain undaunted, and prepare my sword.

Griffith: Roll.

Guts: *Rolls* Well. My luck ran out.

Griffith: Let me guess.

Guts: Nat. 1.


Griffith: His blade moves too fast for you to see. One moment, you're ready to fight for your life. The next, a blade has pierced you right underneath your ribcage. It's not deep enough to kill, but it does knock you out. You fall to the ground. The rest of the soldiers cheer, "Ha!" "Yeah Griffith!" "That's our leader!"

Casca: I stand up and shyly say, "Thank you, Griffith."

Griffith: He nods, "Good to see you unharmed."

Guts: Can I roll Fortitude to see if I can stand?

Corkus: Like Hell you can! You lost! Just accept it!

Griffith: I'll allow it—

Corkus: What?! Come on! He tried to kill Casca!

Judeau: Can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Corkus. What Guts did wasn't OK.

Griffith: *Holds up a hand for silence* However, you will not get another chance at combat. You will only fall back down into the earth, attempting one last swing.

Guts: And if I roll a Nat 20?

Griffith: We'll see.

Guts: *Rolls* 19, sooo close.

Griffith: The entire company turns to you as you stand. Your legs are weak, there is blood leaking from your right shoulder and left side rib. But, your grip on your sword remains strong. The fire in your eyes rages, refusing to give in. You lock eyes with Griffith, as your sword comes up in a one handed grip. You yell out, as you fall to the ground next to Griffith, hand still on your sword's hilt. That's where we'll end it for today.

Everyone else: WHAT THE FUCK, GUTS!?!?

Guts: Is there a problem?

Casca: You bet there's a problem! You tried to kill me! Heck, you
almost killed me!

Guts: Yes. Aaaannnndddd?

Judeau: Killing other players is not cool.

Pippin: Really, not cool.

Corkus: You shouldn't have even been able to scratch Casca, let alone push her back! In fact, let me see your sheet!

Guts: No.

Corkus: Why?! Afraid I'll find your some of your dirty, min-maxed—

Guts: You guys attacked me first.

Corkus: But you knew—

Guts: That would be metagaming. *Points at Corkus* You charged at me with weapons drawn and raised. *Points at Casca* You shot an arrow into my shoulder, and then charged at me with weapon drawn. *Points at Griffith* And he threw a javelin at my feet. My character has lived a life where everyone he has given even a hint of compassion to, has betrayed him or died. His surrogate mother, died from the plague. His surrogate father, sold him to another mercenary who raped him, then tried to kill him. His entire mercenary company blamed him for the death of his father, and chased him out with plans to kill him. He has only known a lifetime of hate, betrayal, and anger. It is his very
nature to attack all who he sees as an enemy, regardless of who they are. You guys may have just made a backstory to get some Feats or extra points, but some of us actually roleplay the way our character's backstories made them.

*Guts gathers up his sheet* Thanks for having me here Griffith. I'll be back next time. *Walks out of the house*


Griffith: Good thing I brought him into the group.

Casca: Why's that?

Griffith: We're finally getting something we really needed in this group.

Everyone else: What?

Griffith: Drama and Conflict.
Party Gathering
Griffith: Welcome back, Guts.

Guts: Hi Griffith. *Sits down* Hello Judeau, Casca, Pippin, Corkus.

Casca: Guts, listen. We're really sorry—

Guts: Don't bother.

Judeau: But—

Guts: It's ok. You guys were just acting like any other group who's been gaming together for a while. You've become attached to your characters and don't want them to die so quickly.

Griffith: That's...very mature Guts.

Guts: I don't just sit on my ass between sessions. I'm watching videos and shit to become a better rolepalyer.

Pippin: I like this guy.

Judeau: That's high praise coming from you. You hardly ever talk!

Corkus: Well I still don't trust you!

Casca: That's because you can't stand the idea that the new guy is better at RPing than you.

Corkus: Not true!

Griffith: Alright everyone. Let's start again. So Guts, after you were knocked out by Griffith, the Band of the Hawk took you to their camp on his order. We're going to open up on you laying down in one of our tents, bandaged up.

Guts: Have my wounds completely healed?

Griffith: Nope, and you've been getting colder through the night.

Guts: That's not good.

Corkus: Yeah, cause I'll be pissed if you die to disease before I can kill ya.

Griffith: Casca. Would you be willing to have your character keep Guts warm during the nights?

Casca: Wouldn't that mean—

Griffith: Yes, you would have to be naked.

Judeau: Guts, your PC is a lucky man.

Corkus: Bow chicka bow wow.

Guts: I don't get it.

Casca: ...Alright. But my character doesn't like it.

Griffith: That's fine.

Guts: So am I awake now?

Griffith: Roll me Fortitude.

Guts: 10.

Griffith: Good enough. Your eyes slowly open. You feel cloth on your back, and grass tickling it beneath. Your left side feels cold and bare compared to your right. Sunlight drifts inside illuminating the area.

Guts: I look to my right to see what's there.

Griffith: You see Casca and she's naked.

Guts: I jump up, scrambling away as I do.

Corkus: What are you, gay?


Corkus: What!? Why else would he scramble away from a naked women hanging on his arm?

Judeau: Because that same woman is the one that tried to take his head off earlier? And he doesn't like to be touched?

Casca: I get up and start putting on my clothes.

Guts: I yell, "Hey, what's going on?"

Casca: I don't answer.

Guts: "Answer me, dammit!"

Casca: Once I have my clothes and armor on, I punch him in the ribs. OOC, I'm not trying to hurt him, this is just for RPing reasons.

Corkus: Good on ya, Casca!

Griffith: Understood, just means we don't have to roll. That ok, Guts?

Guts: *Nods* I crumble over.

Casca: "Good morning! If I had my way, you would've been left to die!"

Guts: I don't say anything, just let the pain pass then stand up.

Judeau: If this is our camp, I would probably be somewhere nearby, right?

Griffith: Yep, you're sitting on a chair sharpening your knife.

Judeau: I say to Guts, "Don't let it get to ya. Casca is the restless type, always rebelling against her life as a mercenary. I guess it's because she's more skilled than the rest of us. She still can't get over that Griffith gave her the order to lay down next to you—"

Griffith: I did?

Judeau: Well, Casca has proven time and again that she won't really do something unless you specifically order it. So, I just guessed that would be the case here.

Casca: Makes sense to me.

Griffith: Alright, continue.

Judeau: "—for two whole days. You had lost so much blood from the fight that you're body was cold as ice. He told her it's a woman's duty to warm a man."

Guts: I just stare at Judeau, silent.

Griffith: Griffith, a young boy who doesn't seem much older than you, Guts, approaches you. His silver hair makes him stand out from the rest of the Band, though he carries himself like he's one of them. "Did she wake you with a punch?" he ask, smiling.

Guts; I remain silent, but on my guard. These are the people who almost killed me after all.

Griffith: "I am Griffith. And you are?"

Guts: "....I'm Guts."

Griffith: Griffith lifts up your sword with two hands. "A great weapon. A bit much for me though." He hands it back to you. "Would you care to join me for a walk?"

Guts: I'll follow him, see where this goes.

Griffith: The both of you walk side by side through the camp. As you do, you see a lot of rough looking men. They all look at you with disdain and anger in their eyes.

Guts: I look from side to side, "Who are they? They have an unpleasant look in their eyes."

Griffith: He looks back at you, "The Band of the Hawk."

Guts: "The Band of the Hawk?!"

Griffith: "Yes, have you heard of us?"

Guts: "I've heard only rumors. The Band of the Hawk, the mercenary company known as 'Death on the Battlefield.' They held the castle siege for three months, when everyone predicted it would fall in three days." OOC, did you guys actually do that?

Judeau: Well, not to toot our own horns….

Guts: How?!

Pippin: Corkus. He seemed to be able to guess everything Griffith threw at us.

Corkus: Yep. With my superior planning, and the other's powerful characters, we were able to easily hold out way longer than Griffith was expecting.

Casca: Hate to admit it, but he's right.

Guts: But isn't Griffith your leader?

Griffith: Yes, but I have meta knowledge that would've allowed me to have an unfair advantage. No point in making a strategy if I already know how to win. So, I let you guys come up with the plans, and just make it come out of Griffith's mouth.

Guts: And it all worked...until I came along.

Corkus: I just didn't anticipate a giant slab of me—

Griffith: We're getting off topic. Continue, Guts.

Guts: Right. "After that, I never thought the Hawks were composed of these kids."

Corkus: I'd like to chime in for a second.

Griffith: Of course. You're down by the wagon with Rickert, Casca and Pippin. Rickert has a crossbow in his hands that he's stringing.

Guts: Who's Rickert?

Casca: An NPC. He's a little boy who joined up with the Band. Griffith's done such a good job at portraying him, that we've all kind of fell in love with the tike!

Corkus: Anyway! I look towards Casca and say, "What do you suppose Griffith is up to? He shouldn't have spared that brute's life."

Griffith (as Rickert): "Well I assume he intends to have that guy join us."

Corkus: "Huh?"

Griffith (as Rickert): "We saw with our own eyes how powerful that guy is. I'm sure he'll make a great addition to our army."

Corkus: I kick the crossbow out of Rickert's hands, "Never! Don't be ridiculous Rickert! He cut Frank's arm off and sent Filin to his grave. The bastard killed our comrades, I can't pretend that never happened. Isn't that right, Pippin?"

Pippin: I just stare after Guts and Griffith with the same expression on my face.

Casca: I'll follow behind you a distance, attempting to hide.

Griffith: I'll allow it without rolling.

Corkus: What's wrong Casca? Afraid the new guy will take away your "boyfriend"?

Casca: *Elbows Corkus, hard*

Corkus: Aarghh! Can't you take a joke?!

Griffith: Guts, you and Griffith are standing on the top of a grassy hill. A brown hawk flies overhead and screeches. Griffith has his arms outstretched, "Aha. Quite a view isn't it?"

Guts: I walk up the incline and get straight to the point, "Tell me why. You could've stabbed me in the heart back there. It would've been easy for you. Why didn't you kill me?"

Griffith: Casca, you're behind a tree watching all of this.

Casca: Ok.

Griffith: Griffith turns around and flatly says, "Because I want you to join me, Guts."

Guts: "What?"

Griffith: "I watched the duel between you and Bazuso in the castle. You were magnificent. But the fight was quite close. If Bazuso's axe had not been cracked, you would've lost your head."

Guts: I wouldn't call the fight close, but whatever. I say, "Probably."

Griffith: "At least you're honest. Judging by the way you fight, you value victory more than your own life. You never yield an inch, even when faced with a monster like Bazuso. Or outnumbered by a gang on horseback."

Guts: To be fair, they were Mooks.

Griffith: "On the contrary, you would recklessly engage any opponent that crosses your path."

Guts: Ok, seriously. Are you just RPing or are you commenting on my PC's build?

Griffith: The former. I just thought that I could use some of it here. Griffith does have a pretty high Wis Stat.

Guts: *Shrugs* Fine. Continue.

Griffith: "You are certainly brave, but I believe you are trying to find the meaning to your existence. By battling to preserve it. That's what I see, you are fascinating. I find you much to my liking. I want you to join me Guts."

*Silence at the table as Griffith stares into Guts' eyes IRL*

Guts: Ummm. That was kind of...ah.

Griffith: Oh, did I get too into my character again.

Judeau: Yep.

Casca: Yeah huh.

Corkus: Ok, I made the gay joke earlier, but now I'm actually a bit worried.

Pippin: *Nods*

Griffith: Hah ha. Sorry, Guts, I tend to get really into playing my DMPC.

Guts: Riiiiiight. Anyway, my character sneers and says, "And if I say no?"

Griffith: "You don't want to?"

Guts: I get all up in Griffith's face, "Of course not! I refuse!"

Griffith: Your wound starts to act up.

Guts: I clutch at it, but refuse to fall over, "Don't talk as if you know so much! What do you know about me?! You've never talked to me! How could you know anything about me?!"

Griffith: "You're right I don't. I just have a feeling about you."

Guts: I back up, "Lousy, Son of a Bitch. Treating me as some kind of friend, after you
stabbed me. You started the fight, I'm not gonna forget about what you did to me. And I don't expect you'll soon forget about what I did either. Taking the lives of two of your comrades."

Griffith: "What do you want then?"

Guts: I smile, "Well, that's simple." I draw my sword and brandish it.

Corkus: And here we go again!

Judeau: Really? No offense, Guts, but don't you remember what happened last time?

Casca: Yeah, and Griffith is really strong. Like, even stronger than me.

Guts: I know. My PC on the other hand, doesn't care. He looks at Griffith and says, "To settle this with swords!"

Casca: I gasp, but don't move from my spot.

Guts: "I'll make a hole in your chest as big as this one when I win."

Griffith: "What if I win?"

Guts: "Do whatever you want with me."

Griffith: "As you wish." He draws his rapier. "I rather enjoy settling things, by force."

Casca: I jump out, hand on the hilt of my sword, "Griffith!"

Griffith: "Leaves us alone, Casca. No matter what, I will have what I want."

Guts: "I've had enough of this Bullshit. You make me sick!" I charge at Griffith.

Griffith: He blocks, and that's where we'll end if for tonight. I must say, Guts, you have improved.

Corkus: Not that hard when there's hardly any substance to your character.

Casca: Corkus—

Corkus: I'm serious! What can he do with a character that's nothing more than a frontline berserker!?

Guts: Maybe I'll surprise you.

Corkus: That sound like a bet.

Guts: Maybe it is. If I'm able to give substance to my character, you have to buy me two large pizzas, with no complaints.

Corkus: And if you can't, then you have to leave the game!

Judeau: Corkus!

Guts: Deal.

Casca: Griffith! Aren't you gonna do something?

Griffith: Being honest? I want to see where this goes. Let's see if Guts really can add something to his character.

Guts: Just you watch.

Decided to start this back up, because why not.

My major problem is rewatching the episodes and getting the right dialogue down, while adding in my own to make this seem like an actually Tabletop game and not just a regurgitation of the show.

But, I'll do what I can.

I hope you guys still want to see this.
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The Party Finally Gathers
Griffith: And we're back.

Guts: Sorry I was a bit late, had to stay after for some extra lessons.

Judeau: Oh, I've gotta hear this.

Guts: Meh, it's nothing impressive. Just some more shop classes.

Casca: You like building things then, Guts?

Guts: I tinker, but let's get back to the game. When'd we leave off?

Corkus: When Griffith was about to kick your ass.

Griffith: Well he's not wrong. We open up back in the fight between our characters. They both stand at the top of the hill, swords locked together. Guts?

Guts: Right, initiative. *Rolls* 15.

Griffith: 12. You break out of the lock first.

Guts: I start to attack. *Rolls* 11, 10, 8, and 13. Shit.

Griffith: Sorry, no getting through my AC. And now, Griffith will strike. I'll make this a counterattack. *Rolls* 18.

Guts: Welp, ya got through.

Corkus: Told ya so!

Casca: Zip it!

Griffith: Your sword clashes with Griffith's time and again, but you're not able to gain any real ground, then Griffith moves your sword back in a way that leaves you open. He leaves *Rolls* 3. A small cut on your forearm right below your bandages. Blood seeps out of the wound. Roll a Fort Save to see if you stay standing.

Guts: 10.

Griffith: You fall onto the ground, and Griffith stands above you with his sword pointed towards your face.

Corkus: Wohooo! Go Griffith!

Judeau: Don't feel bad, Guts. We've all tried to take him on. None of us have been able to do it either.

Guts: Yeah.

Judeau: You're gonna keep fighting aren't you?

Guts: *Smiles* Yeah! I think to myself, "This guy's something else. I know I can split steel with my sword, but he evades every blow. And just uses one arm to handle his narrow blade." I stand up, smiling and gripping my sword again, "He is, good."

Griffith: Griffith says, "We could always suspend this duel until you've recovered completely, if you'd rather?"

Corkus: Personally, I—

Casca, Judeau, Pippin: Shut it Corkus!

Corkus: Hmph!

Guts: I yell, "Shut Up!" And attack again. *Rolls* 15.

Griffith: He blocks.

Guts: I keep going, and as I do, I'm thinking to myself, "I will win. I must defeat him. Faster! Stronger!"

Corkus: I come running up the hill with some men behind me, "That brat is at it again! Kill him Griffith!"

Casca: I step in front of them, arms outstretched, "Corkus! Stay back!"

Corkus: "W-w-w-w-what!?"

Casca: "Griffith said not to interfere."

Corkus: I step past her, "Don't be foolish! It's him or Griffith!"

Casca: I pull out my sword and hold it up to his neck.

Corkus: The fuck Casca!? Have you been hanging with the noob too much?!

Casca: My character is willing to do anything to make sure Griffith's will is followed. You should know this, Corkus. I ask, "When did you become the leader, Corkus? Griffith's orders are absolute, so settle down."

Corkus: I nervously back down.

Griffith: Back to the fight. *Rolls* Hmm. Your luck seems to have come over to me Guts. 18, 19, 17.

Guts: All of those hit.

Griffith: I deal, 3, 2, and then 3 damage. Four cuts appear along your legs, and arms.

Guts: Can I use the environment to gain an advantage?

Griffith: Yes.

Guts: I take my sword, and dig up some earth with it. Then I throw it in Griffith's face.

Griffith: Roll to see if it works.

Guts: *Rolls* Finally, 18.

Griffith: Dirt and grass goes flying, blinding Griffith.

Guts: I bring my sword up, thinking, "He's mine!"

Griffith: Saving Throw for Griffith. *Rolls* Heh, wow. *Rolls* Wow.

Guts: What? What'd you get?

Griffith: A confirmed crit.

Judeau: *Whistles*

Casca; Well now.

Corkus: Hah!

Guts: Oh shit. What happens?

Griffith: He jumps up at the last minute and stand on your sword with his pointed towards your neck.

Guts: How the fu—?

Griffith: Nat 20. Also, while the fight was going on, Judeau, Pippin and Rickert arrived on the scene.

Casca: I say to everyone, "It's over."

Griffith: Griffith says to Guts, "I enjoy the way you fight, my friend. You'd go to any length to defeat me. But now you can't wield your sword unless I move. I wouldn't mind if you'd rather postpone this."

Casca: There's no shame in admitting defeat, Guts.

Guts: I know. My PC…..

Casca: Doesn't know the meaning of the word surrender.

Guts: *Snaps* Now you're getting it. Griffith, I want to try something.

Corkus: Hold on! Let me get something! *starts to rummage around in his pocket. He brings out a piece of paper that says, "PC PLANS MOMENT!"*

*Everyone stares at Corkus*

Guts: …..Ok, I'll bite. What's that for?"

Corkus: Well, my dear newbie, it's for times like these, when a player is about to do something completely bonkers! I made it the night after I heard you were joining us! Had to be prepared in case you turned out to be like the other two.

Guts: Other two?

Griffith: We had two other players before you that…didn't really work out.

Guts: What was wrong with them?

Casca: One of them wanted a Yaoi sublot with Griffith's DMPC, and the other refused to play unless he got to use some homebrewed fairy, elf, hybrid thing.

Guts: Ok, I can understand why you wouldn't want the latter in the game, but what does Yaoi mean?

Judeau: It's basically the japanese word for Homosexual Males. Particularly young boys.

Guts: Oh. Adding that to my list of "Things to never Google without Safe-Search On". But anyway, I want to bite down on Griffith's sword and twist it to throw him to the ground.

Judeau: That….actually sounds pretty cool.

Griffith: Alright, I'll allow it, but you'll need at least a 16 to pass.

Guts: Alright! Dice don't fail me now! *Rolls* Yes! 19!

Corkus: You're shitting me.

Guts: I grin at Griffith, "You know you talk too much. Let me tell you something, in battle there's only one way you should be using your mouth!" I bite down on the tip of the sword, and even as the blood runs through my teeth, I twist it until I throw both of us down the cliff.

Casca: I lead everyone towards the edge to look over the cliff.

Griffith: Guts, roll against me to see who landed on top of who. *Rolls* 14.

Guts: 19. I punch and kick Griffith while he's down. *Rolls* 4 and 5 damage.

Corkus: Stunned I say, "I've never seen Griffith get knocked down like that."

Guts: I stand up and say, "So, how do you like the taste of your own blood."

Griffith: Bleeding out of his nose, Griffith says, "I will admit, you struck a sound blow. But this battle is over."

Guts: I charge to punch him again. *Rolls* 17.

Griffith: I will roll to counter and get you in an armlock. *Rolls* 19.

Guts: Well shit.

Griffith: Griffith moves, gets your right arm into a lock, and pushes you to the ground. The members of the Band start to cheer for Griffith.

Griffith: Griffith says, "Now my friend, you have a choice to make. Either surrender now, or I will be forced to dislocate your shoulder. Either way makes now difference to me. Now choose."

Guts: Can I try to get out?

Griffith: You'll only have one chance.

Guts: Taking it. *Rolls* 2. I just smile and say, "You. Bastard."

Griffith: He delivers on his promise. Your shoulder dislocates as he tugs on it.

Corkus: We all start coming down the hill to congratulate Griffith. I go over to Guts while he's down, "Hey, champ. How it's feel to lose two in a row, huh?"

Casca: For the record, I'm staying at the top of the cliff, watching.

Griffith: Griffith walks over to Guts, and gently pushes Corkus away.

Corkus: Confused I ask, "Gri-Griffith?"

Griffith: Griffith grabs Guts by the cheeks, and lifts his face up until they staring into each other's eyes, "And now you belong to me, Guts. Now and forever." Rickert ask, "Do you mean it?" Griffith says, "From this day forth, Guts is a member of the Band of the Hawk!" And that's where we'll end it for today.

Judeau: So the parties finally together.

Corkus: Took long enough.

Casca: Guts, that was amazing! None of us have ever gotten even so much as a hit on Griffith!

Griffith: I have to agree with Casca. You fought well, I especially liked that part where you used your teeth for leverage. A fine choice.

Guts: Thanks, it's what I would if I was in that situation.

Corkus; Don't get your hopes up. You just got lucky. We'll see how long you last when the real battles start.

Guts: Oh, I think I'll surprise you yet, Corkus.

Next time, I'll write up the first battle Guts was in with the Hawks. The one when he was acting as the Rear Guard.

See you then.
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Guts vs Heavy Cav
Griffith: Alright everyone, today we're going to be doing something a bit different than usual.

Casca: Really?

Griffith: Yes. Guts' suggestion about Mooks gave me a couple of ideas. Today I'm going to introduce "Mobs".

Guts: I like the sound of that.

Corkus: Of course you would. If you're so keen on shedding some blood, I don't see why we keep you around. You could easily stab us in the back at any time.

Judeau: This coming from the guy who spent all of last session trying to gank Guts' in his sleep.

Corkus: Hey! I was just—

Everyone else: Roleplaying your character, because Guts killed a couple of random soldiers who happen to be apart of the Band of the Hawk.

Pippin: Seriously, dude. It's getting annoying. Get over it.

Corkus: *Grits his teeth, but stays quiet*

Griffith: Anyway, since we're going to be doing a lot of combat that involve big battles with hundreds of men fighting at the same time, I've decided to start taking normal Mooks and turning them into large groups to show this. I'll explain the rest in today's session.

Judeau: Yeah, cause if I remember correctly, this'll be Guts' first actual fight as a member of the Band.

Corkus: *Muttering* Hopefully his last.

Griffith: You're right, Judeau. Let's begin. It's night time, we're all in a waycastle on our horses. Midgard has given us a job. Griffith speaks out so that everyone can hear him, "On the hill, our opponent's have their headquarters, manned by approximately 2000 soldiers! Our mission is to burn the provisions and other supplies stored behind the hill!" Ok guys, what's your plan?

Corkus: Where will the enemy muster in case of an night attack?

Griffith: Theoretically, they will muster troops in front of the hill.

Corkus: Are there any geographical things we could take advantage of? A river perhaps?

Griffith: *Rolls* Yes, there is in fact a river. And it happens to be at the rear of the camp.

Judeau: Good. You guys thinking what I'm thinking?

Guts: Not really.

Casca: He's thinking of a surprise attack.

Guts: But in a heated battle, won't they just use their numbers to box us in and end us?

Corkus: You've got a bit of a brain on you after all noob. But that's the thing, we're not going to stick around.

Guts: I'd ask why, but I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that you just complimented me.

Corkus: We're going to run straight through the middle and get back to the castle gates from there!

Guts: Ok. Are we getting any reinforcements?

Griffith: *Rolls* None. Those that hired you can't afford to lose anymore resources.

Judeau: Typical. Still it sounds like a good plan to me, just one problem. The enemies aren't going to just sit there and let us run away after we burn their camp to the ground. They're going to be sending a group to chase us down.

Corkus: That's why we're going to have a Rear Guard to keep them off our backs.

Casca: But who's going to stay behind? That is pretty much suicide, and we can't use some random Mooks from our Band. They'd probably get slaughtered!

Corkus: Obviously, it's going to be—

Guts: I'll do it.

*Silence as everyone stares at Guts*

Guts: *Shrugs* It's my first mission as a member of the Hawks. If you want any proof of my loyalty, this is the perfect mission. If I die, no skin off your bones. You just lost a recently new member. If I survive, then I prove myself worthy to be one of the Hawks.

Judeau: Makes sense to me.

Casca: That's really brave, Guts.

Pippin: Good luck to you.

Corkus: Be glad you've got me out voted!

Griffith: Then the plan is settled. Griffith relays it back to the rest of the Hawks. At the mention of Guts being the rear guard, everyone starts to whisper to each other. Griffith says, "Guts, you'll have to escape hundreds of enemy cavalrymen on a straight road, while defending our fellow's escape. Are you sure you can do this?"

Guts: I say, "Is that an order?"

Griffith: "It is." You hear some of the men ask if Griffith is trying to test Guts.

Casca: In my mind I think about how Griffith truly believes in Guts to give such an important position to him.

Griffith: With that, let's start the mission. Everyone, roll the dice!

Casca: 19!

Judeau: 17!

Corkus: 18!

Pippin: 16.

Guts: 19!

Griffith: Now I roll for them and *Rolls*, they lost!

Corkus: Hell yeah!

Griffith: The plan goes off without a hitch. The tents and supplies are set ablaze, some exploding as you all ride through the camp. Those who get in your way are cut down easily enough by the surprise attack! Griffith shouts, "Move it! Double file!" as you all start to rush down the road back to the waycastle.

Corkus: Time to earn your keep, newbie!

Guts: Hmph, bring em on. As I'm riding behind the army, in my mind I'm thinking how I've never been apart of such an efficient raid before. This is amazing.

Griffith: As you ride through the forest, the enemy cavalry starts to approach from the rear.

Guts: As they get close, I let myself lag behind. I think, now it's my turn! So, I'm guessing this is one of the new Mobs you made?

Griffith: Am I that predictable? Yes, indeed it is. Mobs in this game are basically just upgraded versions of normal Mooks. They follow the same template, but instead of writing down all of their Attributes, I just give them a base AC, Attack Bonus, Etc.

Guts: So, how do you kill them?

Griffith: Same as always; get past their AC. Every damage point you do is basically one dead Mook. Now, let's roll some initiative, shall we? *Rolls* 13.

Guts: Dang, 11.

Griffith: They've got crossbows, so they're going to attempt to shoot you. *Rolls* 4.

Guts: No hits. My turn. *Rolls* 18. Modifiers push it over that.

Griffith: Roll damage.

Guts: 2.

Griffith: One knight comes up behind you, and swings. You block it easily, but another knight gets past you as you kill the first one. He starts to get close to Rickert who lagged behind, when you come up behind him and slash him across the throat.

Guts: I yell, "Get out of here!" to Rickert.

Griffith (As Rickert): Rickert replies, "Uh, yes!" and starts to pull ahead.

Guts: I think to myself, come on! Follow me! Keep up!

Griffith: We're going to cut back to the castle for a bit. As the Band rides through the gate, two nobles stop to talk to Griffith, "Excellent work, Griffith. Yes, that should halt their efforts for at least a month."

Guts: Please don't tell me we're—

Judeau: Wait for it.

Griffith: Griffith bows and says, "The battle is not yet over, excuse me," and starts to walk away. Both nobles scoff, "Why I never! The insolence!" Griffith walks out the gate to talk to Judeau.

Guts: Holy shit. I'm starting to like this DMPC. Dude fights in battles, and flips off nobles because he can!

Judeau: Yep. Griffith's done an excellent job of creating a DMPC that isn't too OP to the point where the PCs aren't relevant, yet still being a good guiding force in the game.

Casca: Exactly! Also, I'm going to follow Griffith as he talks to Judeau.

Griffith: Griffith ask, "What are our losses?"

Judeau: "Nothing serious."

Griffith: "Excellent."

Judeau: "It's thanks to Guts! You should've seen him take on a group of heavy cavalry single handedly! Even though it was on a straight road through the woods! Boy is he something!"

Griffith: Rickert starts to ride up to the group.

Judeau: "Rickert! Where's Guts?"

Griffith (as Rickert): "He sent me back without him!"

Judeau: "Oh no. I hope he's still alive."

*This whole time Guts has been rolling against Griffith for how he does in battle. He's starting to get overwhelmed*

Guts: Time for me to be getting back.

Griffith: The crossbowmen *Rolls* take out your horse's leg.

Guts: No! Dammit!

Corkus: Looks like you're luck's run out!

Judeau: Shut up, Corkus!

Griffith: Fort save.

Guts: 17!

Griffith: You roll to your feet, little worse for wear, but the enemy cav are starting to close in on you.

Guts: Well, I failed. Sorry guys.

Griffith: Now, hold on Guts. You didn't think that Griffith would abandon you that easily did you?

Guts: Huh?

Corkus: Huh?

Griffith: I rolled to see if Griffith was able to get a force together to go rescue Guts. And well….*Hold up a Nat 20*.

*Corkus slams his head on the table as everyone else gasps and cheers*

Griffith: Bolts fly from the forest, piercing through the knight's armor and killing many of them. Griffith rides over to you, Guts, with Pippin and Judeau with him. Judeau you've got a crossbow. Griffith reaches down and says, "Take my hand!"

Guts: I grab it.

Griffith: He hauls you up into the saddle. Pippin, Judeau!

Pippin: 18.

Judeau: 19!

Griffith: More knights fall as we start to retreat back to the castle.

Guts: I yell, "Why did you come back here?! What were you thinking!?"

Griffith: Your commander yells, "Hold your tongue!" We all make it to the end of the woods, back to the castle gates. Griffith yells, "Disperse!" and the enemy cav comes face to face with Midgard cannons. The cannons fire, blasting the enemy to pieces! The remaining soldiers *Rolls* retreat back to the woods.

Judeau: God damn.

Casca: Wooo! Nat 20 baby!

Corkus: Played them like a damn fiddle!

Griffith: It's late into the night as the Band gathers around a campfire. Everyone is there to celebrate victory. Are you with them Guts?

Guts: Nah. I'm up on the castle walls, watching them from above. As I sit there, I think about how Griffith is a perfect leader, and more than just the commander of a mercenary band.

Griffith: Why aren't you celebrating with everyone.

Guts: I don't belong there, with them, all around the fire like that.

Corkus: Damn right you don't!

*Casca elbows Corkus*

Guts: No, he's right, Casca. My character doesn't see himself as one of you. Just a random sword who happened to stop by a bunch of other swords for a little while. Sooner or later, I'm gonna die in battle and be just another broken sword left behind by time. There's no reason for me to try to be anything more than what I am; A weapon, to be used in battle over and over again. At least, that's how my character sees things.


Judeau: Well then, let's fix that. I go up to the castle walls to speak to Guts. I bring Pippin and Rickert with me. "What are you doing up here? Gossiping with the birds?"

Griffith(as Rickert): Rickert says, "Thank you for your help during the battle! I only made it because of you! I'm Rickert! I really admire you! I've never seen someone who is such an amazing fighter! Except of course, for Griffith."

Guts: "I've done nothing more than my duty. I have no reason to be thanked. Same thing goes for you."

Griffith: Even though you say this, Rickert still looks at you with a childlike admiration in his eyes.

Judeau: I shrug, "Well I won't argue with you about that. Anyway, come with us. A party isn't as lively without its hero!"

Guts: "Huh?"

Judeau: "The celebration you've been hearing down there is in honor of you!"

Corkus: It is?!

*Casca puts Corkus in a headlock*

Corkus: Uncle! Uncle!

Guts: Flabbergasted, I say, "Wait?! I never asked for anything like that!"

Judeau: I give Pippin the signal.

Pippin: I go over, grab Guts, and swing him over my shoulder.

Guts: Can I try to struggle?

Griffith: Sure, roll.

Guts: Ok. *Rolls* Uhhhh, 18…..Can I just give him a bloody nose?

Griffith: Pippin?

*Pippin nods*

Guts: I struggle and say, "Put! Me! Down!" I strike him in the face with an elbow.

Pippin: My nose bleeds. I say, "Let's go," While keeping hold of Guts. I bring him down to where everyone is celebrating and put him down, "I am Pippin."

Guts: I get up shouting, "Don't ever—"

Pippin: I hand him a cup of wine, "A drink."

Judeau: I tell everyone to toast Guts!

Griffith: Guts, people start to crowd around you, asking you to recount how you fought off those knights.

Guts: I look around, surprised at how everyone accepts me. Inside, I feel a little bit like, maybe I was wrong.

Griffith: And scene.
Thinking of skipping ahead to when Guts grows up and become captain of the Raiders. Any objections?
Thinking of skipping ahead to when Guts grows up and become captain of the Raiders. Any objections?
Go ahead. I'm more curious to see how the players react (in meta) to his character growth more than seeing the episodes all in tabletop format after all. Loving this btw, always gets a smile on my face.

Gotta say though, if we ever get to the 100 man slayer point I'll laugh my ass off for everyone's (and especially Corkus') reaction!
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Go ahead. I'm more curious to see how the players react (in meta) to his character growth more than seeing the episodes all in tabletop format after all. Loving this btw, always gets a smile on my face.

Gotta say though, if we ever get to the 100 man slayer point I'll laugh my ass off for everyone's (and especially Corkus') reaction!

Good to know. Thanks by the way.
I'm okay with a time-skip.

Luv the characterizations going on. I feel like you pulled writing these characters off 100% in-character .
This is pretty good, certainly fun enough to read through. Two things to keep in mind:
  1. Kind of minor but the in-story/game dice roll system and the rolls themselves seem unrealistic (too simple, way too many 19's). Either randomize more or show them less. Also the gaming sessions seem awfully short. You don't have to have 1-1 correspondence between session and story post.
  2. This type of story works in the long-term only if you have character development (and maybe conflict/drama buildup) in the player's group itself, and not just the underlying story, preferably with the two narratives playing off of each other and not being completely divorced. To that end it's kind of unfortunate the player's characters share their names instead of some variation (e.g Cass would play Casca), but more to the point you should make sure you're building them up over time.
Kind of minor but the in-story/game dice roll system and the rolls themselves seem unrealistic (too simple, way too many 19's). Either randomize more or show them less. Also the gaming sessions seem awfully short. You don't have to have 1-1 correspondence between session and story post.

Thanks. The main reason I did that was because if you notice, it seemed like during the Golden Age they had shit tons of luck. During that time they couldn't be beaten. Guts always came out on top, Griffith's plans never failed, no one was able to get the drop on them, and things just worked out.

Then when Guts left, things went so far south we passed by Mexico and hit the Equator on our way down.

This type of story works in the long-term only if you have character development (and maybe conflict/drama buildup) in the player's group itself, and not just the underlying story, preferably with the two narratives playing off of each other and not being completely divorced. To that end it's kind of unfortunate the player's characters share their names instead of some variation (e.g Cass would play Casca), but more to the point you should make sure you're building them up over time.

I do have a plan for characterization outside of the game, however I'm reluctant to spoil anything.