[x] GET THE DAMN GENERATOR ON -[x] 2x Tactics Dice Abstain(Tactics) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's die as half-strength Free Die for this turn.)
-[x] 2x Administration Die, 2 Free Dice, 2 Half-Strength Free Dice Cold start Dark Fusion Reactor (220/500)
-[x] 1x Research Die Exogen Vivisection (DC 25, Precursor to Near-Human Augmentation.)
-[x] 1x Research Die Signal Analysis (181/200, Gain information about the Unknown faction on this world.)
-[x] 1x Diplomacy Die Interrogation (DC 25)
-[x] 1x Psionics Die Practice (DC Variable, Small chance to improve Psionics skill.)