Beacon (Worm/StarCraft)

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SpaceBattles intimidate me. It's big. It's daunting. And it feels harsh.
Sufficient Velocity is...
Probe [1.1]


I cast "Wholesomeness"!
Mobile, Alabama
SpaceBattles intimidate me. It's big. It's daunting. And it feels harsh.
Sufficient Velocity is much more smaller and calm. It is also blue and I like blue and the Protoss is mostly blue.
Please enjoy.

Probe [1.1]​

Civilization. Abandoned. Intrigue.

Inquiry. Purpose.

Potential. Research. Harvest.

Annoyance. Expedite.

Reassurance. Resource. Data. Solutions.

Reluctance. Warning. Destination.

Affirmation. Completion. Advancement.


He ponders on how the air was so still and cold. Certainly walking to class from lunch alone can instill thoughts of loneliness. He briefly wonders why he has no friends. He means well, but he never finds the right people. What is it about him that makes him some sort of social outcast?

To be fair, he is… Actually he isn't that great a specimen of Humanity. Unbelievably average. No social skills. Presence akin to a ghost of a ghost. He is the lowest rung on the social ladder at Winslow High. Lower than even the least known outcasts of Winslow High. The "Nobody to Nobodies." It's a title he came up with all by himself. Self-deprecation notwithstanding.

He wonders why he exists, then possessed a burst of happiness when he recalled some scientific trivia that he was the one in millions that managed to be the one to gestate. He then felted nauseous.

At least he had some form of a redeeming trait. He was the one to be born first. Out of sheer luck. Lovely.

On the bright side, at least he doesn't have any bullies.

Oh look. There's some bullies now.

Oh look at that. Emma, Sophia, and Madison are making fun of Taylor again in class, before class even started! What an achievement.

Too bad he can't do a single thing about it! How unfortunate!

He slunk into his seat in disappointment. He's right here, at the table with an unassuming and distracted Taylor and an oblivious and optimistic Sparky. Mr. Gladly was a kindhearted teacher he was sure of it! Unfortunately along with being ridiculously average, he was hopelessly naïve, in part. Everything would be better if he tells an adult, right?

Sadly, this is reality and reality loves to use a revolving door as its main weapon. Apathy is more dominant in reality than in fiction, he has learned. Oh sure, the PRT and the Wards are heroes who try their best. They couldn't possibly handle menial problems like these. Then he can go to the police! There are multiple charges he can prove against those dastardly bullies, yes! It's in their job description! But then for some reason, the police just said no to him, albeit with a pitiful and sympathetic expression. At least he left the station with a feeling of empathy for the police. They must be working so hard for the city that they can't spare an officer for social work.

But he also learned not to give in to despair! He straightened in his seat with a bright smile, going unnoticed by a distracted Taylor and noticed by a curious Sparky.

"Yo, Greg. What's up?" Sparky spoke in a voice that any "bro" would say. Even a person sitting next to the Nobody of Nobodies would notice them.

Yes. He was named Greg Veder. Not that it mattered, very rarely would anyone call him by name. Sparky was one of those rare cases.

But before he could even take in a breath to speak, the class started and all eyes are on Mr. Gladly. Once again, he is alone.

Like always.

Never an exciting moment in Winslow High.


To be fair, he is a teenager. So in true teenager fashion, he would have repressed sexual feelings for uncanny specimens of Humanity. One being bullied nerd girls.

So why is he very innocently watching his crush get bullied passive aggressively by her former friends?

The answer: Because he's too much of a coward to do something so overt.

Like going over there and take some names.

That kind of stuff is for dimwitted fools wanting to be heroes, white knights wanting to get into a girl's pants, and cornered and frustrated mice who decided to fight back the cats.

So there's some advantages of being a social outcast. No one can call you out for not helping.

Well the perk is shared with the notorious Bystander Syndrome. So there's that.

He knows the proper way of dealing with their eventual passing of a schoolyard crush and that's simply staring longingly at his object of young affection.

It's never going to go anywhere of course. Another reality to accept. A shame.

But then again, he could be more proactive than his crippling cowardice and help, but as established before, he can't. And that makes him no better than an accomplice of bullying.

He didn't like this aspect of himself, but what can he do against the fear of consequences?

He has had enough of the sight of his Crush being bullied and discreetly made his disappearance. He was never there.


To be fair, he is a teenager. So in true teenager fashion, he has hobbies. Hobbies that would label him as a Geek. Comic books. Video games. Cartoons. All firmly placed in Science Fiction.

The existence of Aliens always fascinated him and he actually has proof that they do exist!

Capes and their powers! They are the products of Aliens! Just where did they get their powers from? Space and not innate Human potential!

Everyone on Parahumans Online immediately stamped him as a tinfoil hat when he debuted with his extensively long and well researched essay. The nerve! The embarrassment! He had his self-esteem stomped on that day, but he persevered!

Day after day, he researched all he could on the origins of Capes and their powers, printing essay after essay. Reading every discussion. Every theory. Every thought. Every notion. He became notorious among the tinfoil hat community, becoming vindicated by his fellow hats! Such betrayal! Such treachery!

Soon he became literate with useless trivia and baseless speculation. On the bright side, it did help him in school. Although, having a different thought process than the firmly established norm isn't really recognized by anyone. Everyone seemed so stalwart to the teachings of Newton and Einstein. Their loss. Even those geniuses were called crazy in their time too, you know!

In other news, where did all this research lead him?

Ab. So. Lute. Ly. No. Where.

That's actually not entirely true. he did get an impression that the all-powerful hero Scion seemed a bit unnatural even by Cape standards, but other than that, nothing.

And that's fine. He isn't in any rush. The Capes are still here and because of that, the proof is still here. He can take his time in proving the existence of Aliens out there in the universe.

Humanity is not alone, that he firmly believed.
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I... really can't tell where your going with this, but I'll keep an eye out for it until I can tell if I'll like it or not.
Your tags seem like spoilers / preview into what is to come... :)

From the title I was hoping it was zerg!QueenAdministrator as its been done a few times but still looking for a better one :3

We'll see how this goes. GL if this is your first fic.
Greg is right. He is among the few people who know a part of the truth. Interesting. Also, don't ridicule people. If they wear tinfoil hats it still can be Aliens.
Well, it's intriguing. I really began to wonder what will happen next. Plus, I like your writing style.
Probe [1.2]
I'm a bit frightened about this story.
The passion is there. The story is planned also.
But the execution is not what I expected from myself. Nevertheless, I am content with these results.
Food for thought.

Probe [1.2]​

It was an honest mistake. He was too busy cramming for his test next block with his notecards that he bumped into the terrible trio. The most cliché nickname for those three, to be honest.

Although it was hardly a mistake since he was already late for class because of a late lunch and because he was late for class because of a late lunch, there was no one in the hallways except for the three people that you must absolutely positively definitely certainly not piss off, especially Sophia Hess.

Unfortunately, he pissed off Sophia Hess by bumping into her.

He didn't even blink twice from his notecards until after he was shoved into something squishy and cramped with the door slamming into his face.

He was apparently in a locker. And if he's not mistaken, this is Taylor's locker too!

Oh goodie! How wonderful! Is this what being bullied actually feels like? How terrifying!

He then realized he's late for a test and he's trapped in a locker.

"What the fuck, Sophie?!"

"Shut up! He pushed me!"

"He bumped into you!"

"Shut the fuck up! Grab his stuff. We'll chuck it with the bag into the dumpster out back."

"Crap! Who the heck is he anyway?"

"Some nobody named Greg. Way too creepy nerd. Now shut up, both of you! Hey. Greg. You got until morning to find your stuff back or it's off to the dump. Now you don't breath a word or sound to anyone about this or else."

"Come on! I hear someone coming!"

He heard fading footsteps run down the hall with a rustling book bag and approaching footsteps that came to investigate. He could signal for help, but he remembered what would happen if he did.

Normally, this would be a criminal offense and the trio would get arrested in the matter of a day. However, it's the trio. Somehow they would always sweep EVERYTHING they might get convicted of under the rug. The fact of him having proof against them? It's in reality very miniscule. How they will marginalize this current situation he is in? Bribery. Lots and lots of bribery. Possibly. That's how the movies do it. Maybe. But rest assured, this will go unnoticed...

Oh egads! The smell! What is…

Oh no. Oh no oh no oh nooo!!!!

It was suffocating! It was awful! It's horrific! Was this dastardly trap meant for Taylor? The lovely beautiful Taylor? Those fiends! Those scoundrels! Oh he would like to give them what for! But first…

He must escape this small corner of misery and pain! Oh Gods! Such refuse! Such filth! Such a heinous design!

Oh no. He felt ill.

Oh no. He emptied his gut.

Oh no. The stench came back with a vengeance!

He must leave! NOW!

He struggled and struggled. Wiggled and writhed. Fought and flailed.

But the door showed no sign of opening. Curse you durable locker design!

He was trapped, but he remained steadfast. Surely the bell will ring soon and his savior will come in the form of Taylor Hebert! Oh how he'll love her even more! But for now, he must endure it!

The restriction. The miasma. The helpless feeling of despair. Yes! He must persevere! For hope and (improbable) justice!

He promptly fell comatose the second after.


Some Time later…|

In a sector far far away...|

The Protoss homeworld Auir…|


"Artanis. I come bearing news."

"Ah. Vorazun. It's good to see you once more here on Auir. Have you witness the results of the true unity of Protoss that we worked so hard to achieve?"

"Yes and I share the same sentiments, but that is not the topic at hand."

"Of course. Speak."

"My Dark Templar and I sensed an anomaly in the Void. Far from here. Deep in uncharted space. We believe one of our own is stranded."

"This is most concerning, Vorazun. Do you wish for an escort for an expedition?"

"That is not my only request. I require more than a simple escort."

"Really? Then what do you seek for a single soldier?"

"The Spear of Adun. And even then, I question its capabilities for this task."

"The Spear of Adun? What could possibly warrant its power? Are there Zerg where our fellow Protoss is? Queen Zagara ordered all Zerg broods to congregate to a single sector far from us and the Terran."

"No. It is something much more sinister."

"Hmm. More sinister than Amon?"

"With more power than the Xel'naga also."

"What? Do you realize what you speak?"

"Yes. Very much so. Artanis, will you assist me in this voyage?"

"We must discuss this with our Fellow Protoss. I shall assemble the original War Council once again on the Spear of Adun."

"Thank you, Artanis."


Some Time Later…|

Spear of Adun's Bridge…|

Above Orbit of Auir…|


"The Spear of Adun still remains vibrant even after all these cycles. Excellent work, Karax."

"I am honored to hear your praise, Artanis."

The Spear of Adun's Bridge glowed with the energies of the Arkship's psionic matrix. Exotic designs and aesthetics were meticulously crafted to embody the nobility and culture of the Protoss. Gold and platinum colored metals comprised the ship's interior and out. The breathtaking view of the stars above and Auir below were seen clear through the ship's massive window. The Bridge's terminal is minded by Khalai workers.

Surrounding the Celestial Array, an ancient relic forged to guide the Spear of Adun through the stars, stood the leaders of the Protoss.

"What brings you here, Karax?" Purifier Commander Talander.

"Artanis called for my aid. I am honored to once more stand for him." Khalai Phasesmith Karax.

"Is that so? I am called for the same purpose. The Purifiers lie in wait for your announcement, Artanis." Talander turned for the one in question.

"Ha. I was promised a worthy challenge. You and I do hope you will provide, Artanis." Tal'darim Highlord Alarak.

"Steady yourself, Alarak. You will find it soon enough." Nerazim Matriarch Vorazun.

"Hierarch, the War Council has assembled. We await your statement." High Preserver Rohana.

"Thank you, Rohana. I call this council into order." Daelaam Hierarch Artanis.

The Hierarch spread his arms in a ceremonious fashion before going back to business.

"Vorazun had brought to me troubling news earlier. Somewhere in our universe lies a threat much stronger than Amon, stronger than Xel'naga." Artanis announced, straight to the point.

The council reacted differently, mostly with shock.

"Ah! So you did provide a suitable opponent for me! I thank you, Artanis." Alarak both mocked and applaud the Hierarch.

"This is no time for petty squabble, Alarak! I have never heard of this threat, Vorazun. What do you know of it?" Rohana pressed for more.

"Far from Auir and the Protoss Protectorate lies an enemy capable of bringing all life back to the Void. From what the Void warns of this enemy, it will require more than the combined power of the Protoss." Vorazun foretells as she waved her arm over the Celestial Array.

The device glowed and blue light filled throughout the Bridge. The Starmap.

"There." Vorazun pointed towards a specific point. The map projected a mark to mimic the Matriarch's aim.

"That is uncharted territory. The next exploration vessel isn't due for a few cycles." Karax noted curiously after recovering from his shock.

"No extensive records from the Purifier's research network coincide with that sector. Only a few files detailed that a single system populate that sector." Talander informed, blinking his light visor.

"Which brings us to the next issue." Artanis called to attention. "Somewhere in that great expanse lie a Protoss stranded. Our very own. This council has been called on the decision to embark on this voyage and save them or stay our blade and wait for this threat to make itself known."

"But to bring the Spear of Adun," Rohana pondered. "If it nor all of the Protoss's combined strength isn't enough for the threat ahead, and to save a single soldier, I shudder to think what is. For the safety of the Protoss, I standby the decision to immediately embark."

"The Purifiers have agreed to assist. We are honored to fight once more for a worthy cause, Hierarch." Talander leaned forward his mechanical torso.

"As the one who brought this issue to hand, the Nerazim will come forth to the cause." Vorazun placed a hand on her chest and bowed.

"What? Of course I'm joining this journey. So I can see and destroy this being with my own eyes and hands." Alarak chuckled darkly. "I do not care for this petty rescue. Only the possibility for glory."

"You all have agreed to this mission before it's even properly briefed." Karax daftly pointed out.

Artanis laughed. "It is fine, Karax." The Hierarch raised his arms once more, instilling his aura to the air. His voice was broadcasted throughout the Spear of Adun.

"Protoss! Today will be the beginning of a journey like no other. A heroic rescue of our fellow Protoss. A massive war against an enemy that threatens the universe and our way of life. An extensive voyage to a single unknown system. We do not know much of this enemy as of yet, but even still, the risk that comes with letting this threat alone is too great. We as Protoss are prophesized to be insufficient to defeat this adversary, but I know in time, we will prevail! Through the unity of our might, we shall achieve victory and glory! Gather your forces, brothers! For we shall prevail! For we are Protoss!"

The resulting cheers from across the Spear of Adun could be heard on the surface of Auir.

"I shall oversee the preparations for the journey ahead, Hierarch." Rohana volunteered.

"I was counting on it, Rohana." Artanis bobbed his head.

The War Council was soon dismissed with each figure going their separate ways.

Thus the Protoss prepared and would later embark on their voyage towards the Boy who heralded his world's salvation.
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It's the dialog isn't it... having trouble getting people to say the things you want them to say in their own voice.

It's still something though, and enjoyable so don't take this as meaningless criticism.
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Greg seems... odd. And not in his usual, almost creeper way. He seems to be far too excited at the smallest of things, and way too bubbly. But that may just be me.
What's happening?:o

Seriously this is a very intriguing but need more.
I'm... not really sure about this. The Khalai have been shown to not be able to contact others even within the Koprulu Sector, nevermind another region of space entirely. Furthermore, what happened to the UED? Or is there another planet in the galaxy that's exactly the same as Earth, but several hundred years behind them? That seems extraordinarily improbable.

I also doubt that Artanis would commit the entire might of the Daelaam to rescuing a single protoss. They've always been pragmatic, even in the fall of Aiur, and I really have trouble seeing them doing something that reckless without a really good cause.

Also, just the LoTV forces would be able to utterly destroy Scion. Seriously, these are the guys who casually glass entire planets in just a few hours. Their tech is easily bullshit enough to kill another planet, especially with Cauldron's help.
The reaction of Earth to hyper advanced aliens popping by blasting the Endbringers and leaving would be Epic!

Probably wont happen that way though.
Probe [1.3]
I've never understood the notion of hindsight.
Once a person does something, it is only until later that they realize their mistakes.
This story is filled with mistakes that I have come to catch.
The Lore. The Execution. The Dialogue. It's not perfect.
I have no right to reflect on damages already done, but 'tis food for thought.

Probe [1.3]​

Some Time Later…|

Winslow High…|


He woke up feverish. Agitated. Frightened even.

It certainly didn't help when the smell came rushing back.

The fever was unbearable. His mind is splitting with thoughts he cannot process. He was all but broken.

Wait! What does his ears catch? Could it be? It's his fellow students walking to their next class! Yes! Salvation!

Be damned Sophia Hess and her threats! He wishes to be released! All he must do now is cry out for assistance!

… Huh?

He… cannot speak? What?

His throat… felt empty?

His mouth is moving and yet no sound escape his lungs?

His lungs? He cannot feel them also.

He cannot feel his limbs.

He cannot feel his self.

He is trapped in both an external and internal prison.

He tried to scream, but no one came to answer. He struggled as he must, but his body refused to act. His mind was slowly eroding at the tinge of insanity. He tried calming himself and closed his eyes.

This moment of respite did little to his overloaded senses.

Help me! Escape! Come here! Someone! Anyone! Please!

He cried all he could, but no one came. His eyes began to water.

Is this the true meaning of being the Nobody of Nobodies? To never be recognized? To never be remembered? To never feel the reassuring bonds of amity?

Still, he has one last hope. Taylor! Soon she shall come to prepare for her trip home. Yes. He still held hope.



Onboard the Spear of Adun…|


High Executor Selendis marched through the halls of the Spear of Adun in complete frustration. Her face was molded to be as intimidating as possible. It was enough for all the staff of the Arkship to steer clear of her.

The Executor was making a beeline for a single destination. The War Council Room.

The doors to the hub came down and there was the one who is responsible for all the uproar back on Auir.

"Hierarch! What in the name of Tassadar are you doing!?" She screamed at the top of her mind.

The Hierarch snapped up from the console. "Ah. Selendis! I'm currently planning my forces for the journey ahead. Didn't I send for a message to you? I explained everything in short notice."

"Yes, I have received your message and I have come here to say how shortsighted you have become! This is not like you, Artanis! Calling any and all spare resources from Auir onboard?! The planet is in chaos!" Selendis scolded, pacing towards the Hierarch. "Why!? What has possessed you to do this?"

The Hierarch merely stared at the Executor. Not with sorrow. Not with guilt. Simply stared.

"I am sorry, Selendis. I do admit that my order seems a bit sudden, but this is all for a noble cause." Artanis tries to reassure his friend, standing with conviction.

"And what would it be, Hierarch?" Selendis decided to humor her commander. He has never been so reckless to act without due reason.

The Hierarch paused, as if considering his words wisely. Then, he spoke. "Do you remember what happened before our attempt at the Reclamation of Auir? What had happened before the beginning of the conflict that ended with Amon's downfall?" Artanis tested her.

She hesitated. "Yes. I have." She recalled the words the one she called traitor once said before the Reclamation of Auir. She admitted that she was a fool to turn his warnings away. "En Taro Zeratul."

Artanis nodded at the utter of his friend's name. "Yes. Zeratul stood before us with a warning to delay the invasion and yet we were too blind with the great losses of our people and our trust of him that we ignored his words. And because of this, we fell victim to Amon's machinations."

As prideful she was, Selendis was humble. "I am sorry for my behavior, Artanis."

"There is no need for apologies, Selendis. We must learn from the faults of our past and I intend to make good on this lesson." Artanis lectured. "No more shall I ignore the words of my allies and no more shall I repeat my mistakes."

"I presume all of this is your response?" Selendis pondered. "To who's message?"

"Vorazun's. She came to me with the foresight from the Void that a great evil lies in wait and that this evil is much more powerful than Amon." Artanis explained. "To prevent a great calamity from occurring once more, I intend to stop it before it gains momentum."

"You could've mentioned this in your message to me." Selendis sighed as she placed a hand on her forehead.

"And it is my fault this time." Artanis confessed. "Do you understand now, Selendis, on why I must go forward on this journey?"

A silence passed before the Executor's voice echoed. "Yes, Hierarch. But you are doing this all wrong. Do you intend on facing this threat head on?"

"If it must come to it, yes." Artanis replied. "But I have proved that I am not a foolish commander. I've been planning for anything that may be thrown our way in this room."

The Executor looked back at the War Council's terminal. It was full of plans and contingencies. "So you have."

"I have." Artanis resounded. "Selendis, I ask of you just one task. Lead the Protoss in my place. Lead them until my return."

She didn't hesitate this time. "Of course, Hierarch. I am honored with your decision." Selendis bowed humbly.

Artanis nodded. "Thank you, Selendis. Now go. I plan on leaving as soon as the Spear of Adun is fully prepared."

"Yes, Hierarch. I wish you the best of luck. Adun Toridas."

The Executor left with a sound conscious. She had her answers. Now, she has a mission.

The Hierarch watched his friend leave and was soon back to his preparations.

One may never be too prepared against the unknown.


She never came.

She… never came.

It's been long past the end of the school.

He wept and wept. He pleaded to the Gods why? Why is he being punished? What is the purpose for this trial? Why did no one notice the boy's disappearance? Why did no one come to the notion to investigate this accursed locker and its smell?

Why? He does not know and he knew that what answers he does know will be sufficient enough.

Humanity truly is an ugly existence, but that is what makes it beautiful.

He just wanted to leave and go home, to his family. His mother and father. Oh how sweet they are. They must be worried sick of him for his absence.

But then he remembered and shed a sweat of despair, today marks the day before the holidays. It would be many days before a soul will come across this locker. Many days or a few scant hours, depending on the diligence of the school sanitation faculty. He held the belief that they are indeed motivated to work.

Still, the essence of sorrow lingered in his soul. He has lost faith in Humanity, but still possess a few thoughts of hope for its potential.

For what he learned of his hobbies, Humanity is capable of the worst of cruel and monstrous crimes, but also the most selfless and virtuous of deeds, that is what he believed.
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If you can't handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
This can be applied for a number of things.
Perhaps, it is best to simply speak and say nothing else.

Probe [1.4]​

Some Time Later…|

Aboard the Spear of Adun's Bridge…|

On course through deep space…|


"Rohana, are all of our forces on board?" Artanis spoke offhandedly, standing at the center of the bridge and taking in the sight of the Spear of Adun's hyperspace travel.

"Yes, Hierarch. All accounted for. The War Council is currently debriefing their factions on the mission ahead." Rohana nodded, standing in wait beside the Protoss leader.

"Karax, what is the status of the Spear of Adun?" Artanis watched unwavering.

"The Solar core is operating at full capacity. All auxiliary systems are online. The Star Forge is at max proficiency. The Spear of Adun's Psionic Matrix is functioning at its peak. Arrival time is in the range of an interval to several ticks." Karax tapped at his wrist device.

"So soon? I'd expected this trip to be much longer." Artanis flinched in surprise. "I do not remember the Spear of Adun being this swift."

"Our top researchers and I believed that an ancient relic such as the Spear of Adun deserved a refurbishment. The entire ship has been improved with the most state of the art technology the Protoss had currently developed." Karax happily proclaimed with pride.

"Really now? Well done, Karax!" Artanis laughed with astonishment. "Truly the Khala smiles down upon us."

"Is it really fine to still refer to the Khala, Hierarch? Even after its end?" Rohana blanked.

"Rohana, the Khala may be gone, but it is not forgotten." Artanis turned to the Preserver. "The Khala stood for Unity between the Protoss. It was not just the psionic link between us all. It was the belief that the Firstborn is a single, unwavering race."

"Be it as you say, there are still some who grew disdainful of the decision to abandon the Khala." Rohana enlightened. "Some do not appreciate their newfound individuality. They much preferred the Khala where everyone could not hide from each other."

"I know of this, Rohana, but it is the price to pay for the future we are currently on the path of." Artanis reassured.

"As you wish, Hierarch. I merely wished to voice my opinion." Rohana spoke.

"And you are always free to, Rohana. There is nothing to be afraid of. Trust is one of many virtues we Protoss have." Artanis nodded.

"We are nearing the system now." Karax interrupted.

"Excellent. Soon we shall see for ourselves what this threat truly is." Artanis stood firm as the Spear of Adun continued its voyage.


He felt a presence in the wake of his abrupt slumber.

Hold on a moment. Felt?

He blinked as his mind echoed with a thought. There is someone nearby. Surely it must be the janitor.

No matter! His patience has been awarded with an avatar of salvation!

"What is that smell!? Ugh!" He felt the avatar recoil in disgust.

Yes yes! Investigate the putrid odor! Come to him! He is calling to you!

He followed the entity making its way in front of the prison he is in. Finally! Salvation! "Crap. I gotta clean this up now." He chuckled internally as the janitor grumbled as they fumbled with their keys.

A click and a crack, he witnessed as he flowed out of his cell of stench, landing face first onto the linoleum floor. His body laid limp still.

"Holy shit. Kid, are you alright?"

He felt the janitor kneel beside him, looking him over. He felt concern from the janitor.

He felt glad. He is saved. Lacking all of bodily motions, but saved.

Oh joy. He felt himself relapsing into a state of unconsciousness once more. But he must find his belongings and head home as soon as he could. He didn't care about anything else. He merely wished to leave…

No. Wait. This is not unconsciousness. This is-

"What the heck?" The man who is looking over the kid muttered and reeled back. Was that electricity just now?

"What in blazes?" The man stood up and backed away from the kid. "A cape?"

Surely the thought of static electricity crossed his mind, but enough to be that visible?

A flash of light and the man shielded his eyes. His ears caught a howl of wind breezing through. He felt his feet slide forward and then, it all simply stopped.

When he lowered his arms, all he saw were a small crater where the kid used to be. The nearby lockers, ceilings, walls, and floor were charred with precision. A perfectly spherical hole.

The locker the kid was in had all of its contents emptied.

"I don't get paid enough for this." The man grumbled, deciding to punch out early for the night and pulled out his phone. He shall let someone else deal with the fallout of this incident.


On the Spear of Adun's Bridge…|

"Hierarch, scanners detected a stray vortex in the Spear of Adun's matrix." Karax reported.

"Is it one of our own?" Artanis queried. "I gave no orders to send our forces outside the Spear of Adun."

"No, Hierarch. It's not from the Spear of Adun." Karax corrected. "It is located at our destination."

"Could it be the soldier we are here for?" Rohana questioned.

"Most likely. Perhaps we can consult with Vorazun?" Artanis pondered. "Call her, Rohana."

"Yes, Hierarch." Rohana obliged. "She is on her way now."


He felt…

Wait. He felt?

He snapped awake, scrambling to attention. Air suddenly rushed back into his lungs. His breath was quick to stabilize after few rough coughs. He felt his throat vibrate familiarly. It seems he can speak once again.

He moved what concern he had on his newfound ability to move his limbs and speak to find where he was.

A forest. He was in the middle of a forest.

Darting his aching head left and right, he saw nothing but trees and groves.

How… did he get here?

Looking down, he saw pieces of metal, concrete, and waste.

Teleportation? He can teleport?


He smiled widely! He jumped for joy! He opened his mouth wide and did not care of the lack of cries of laughter that never came out! He spun and danced with newfound happiness and delight!

Oh Sophia Hess, you unlikable wench! Oh bless you so!

His ecstasy grew on and on as realizations came to him.

He is a Cape now! A real, breathing Cape! All it took was staying in a blighted locker for hours on end!

What else could he do? What else could he transport beside himself?

This reminds him of so many comic books!

He felt a flash of insight. Does this mean he is now an Alien? Does this mean he can add to his thesis after some experiments? Oh he'll show those nonbelievers on Parahumans Online!

He can be a Hero now too! He can join the Wards! Fight Villains! Save people! Become famous! Embark on the path of being the Beacon of Hope for Humanity!

Oh he must develop a name for himself! A costume! A secret identity!

He must do all of this! But for now…

How will he get home? Where IS home?

He stopped his celebrations to ponder and explore.

Trees. Trees, trees, and more trees. He noted a nearby mountain as a landmark. It was recognizable from his numerous investigations for proof of Aliens.

From his gatherings, he concluded that he is at the outskirts of Brockton Bay.

He took a massive heave of relief. He is most glad that he is not located halfway across the globe. He did not care for the foul stench emanating from his being.

He felt the burdens melt from his shoulders. He has nothing to worry of except for his new boon.

He looked down to his hands in anticipation. His mind ached still, but he knew that those are one of the side effects for a newly triggered. He must remember to thank Sophia personally for her brave sacrifice.

He stared and stared at his besmirched hands. They were filthy with stains of waste and blood. They were also shaking. He just couldn't control his glee. If he could laugh, he would like a madman. He did not care for the absence of his voice, only the presence of his power. Oh the versatility of Teleportation! The possibilities!

There was no purpose in going home at the moment! He must train with his newfound powers immediately!

Nothing happened as he watched closely for any sign for a power. Power feedback does exist for most Capes. Surely his power has it also.

Wait! There! A streak of lightning coursed between his fingers!

He felt giddy and thrilled. It may just be the adrenaline running though his veins, but he did just prove that his power does indeed exist! It was not a fluke!

Now. What did the Heroes he interviewed say they did?

Although, to be fair, he didn't really interview them. It was more of a… campaign of annoyance. The limits a researcher must take, his hard work will soon pay off!

Focus. That is the key word. Yes! He must focus!

Concentrate. He immediately closed his eyes and prepared himself, mentally noting a nearby rock's location.

Forward. He wished himself forward. Forward.


He felt cold. His mind shivered. His eyes would not open as they were sealed shut.

Then, they shuddered open.

Air rushed into his lungs and he kneeled as he shook.

His body was failing him. Why?

He was quick to hypothesis the most obvious.

His power required energy. It is a common consequence for using powers. This only meant that he must train himself with experience.

He looked back and widened his eyes.

He did it. He did it!

The rock he was near was farther away! He did it!

He felt a second wind breeze through him and shot up with excitement.

Yes! Yes yes yes! He can do it!

And his head's pain was increasing by the second too! It was simply unbearable!

He suddenly plummeted to the ground and thrashed in pain. His hands clutching his head in complete agony.

With what little control he had, he questioned why. Why is he hurting? Shouldn't it not be hurting? He's training his power, isn't he? Usually when one trains their power, they get better and better with it to raise their threshold. But he is still in pain! Had his threshold not rise?

Could it be power feedback, similar to other powers? Could be. Must be! But the lingering question now is on how to halt the agony.

He shook and shuddered as he crawled on the forest as an utter mess. His clothes and hair was unkempt. His body was weak. His mind was screaming for relief.

How? How!? Does he need to continue training? Practice makes perfect? What is it?!

He struggled to look up to see nothing but droves upon droves of trees. What few thoughts he could spare spoke of whether or not he'll live through this and if he can continue on.

He must. He will. His mind is too strong to be broken as a mere rookie! That is what he believes in!

Steeling his resolve, he grasped at grass and forced himself to his knees and rose his other hand forward.

His mind protested, trying to keep it from moving. It was betraying him from doing anything. But he held his breath as his mind grew more and more blank. His hand crackled with static as it tensed and twitched in defiance.

And then, the light shot from his hand, only to die off not even a foot after. He himself fell with a thud.

He twitched and jolted as he laid once more.

A brief flash blinded him and then he felt his limp self being dragged towards the direction his hand was aimed. Despite the cries of his muscles, his eyes managed to see what is happening. Fear soon gripped him.

A black hole. It was massive. Towering above him meters away. It was pulling everything nearby into its endless maw, including him. Did he do this? He had the power to summon a black hole?

He didn't know how to react as dust and grass were sucked into the abyss as disassembled particles. The surrounding trees were rustling and were being pulled towards the black hole. Their roots were the only things that kept them in place. He pondered if he'll end up the same as the dust and grass. As it stands now, it seemed he had created his own downfall.

How unfortunate. And he was so excited to become a Hero. Now he is destined to die by his own petard and there is the likely chance that the surrounding area will also before the black hole collapses into itself.

The pulsating black sphere was all he saw before he relapsed into unconsciousness.
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Honestly, your constant referral to Greg as "the Boy" is really kinda offputting. In canon, we got the impression that he was a socially incompent dork. Referring to himself in third person to a title like "the Boy"? That's indicative of some pretty serious psychological issues.