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Those unparalleled in strength don't have a choice is life, they either try and stop the tidal wave, or become it.

A knight ascends the stairs leading up to the top of the tower, with sounds of cheering and cellabration coming from the glittering silver city, loud enough that he can even hear it from thousands of feet above it all. However he doesn't care about any of that, not now, they haven't won yet.. As he ascends, two men quickly run up behind him, both worried for what the knight is about to do, but with only the cyclops really showing it.

"Sir!... Sir!....SIR #*%)$"?=! PLEASE STOP!!!" None of the words are reaching the knight. The cyclops continus to yell and plead with the knight to stop, the Drangonborn just quietly follows them both, waiting to see what happens next. As they reach the pinnacle of the tower, the only thing at the top of it is a pitch black metal...wardrobe? The cyclops goes silent, knowing that nothing he can say can make them turn back now. The Dragonborn avoids looking at it as much as he can, thinking from the back of his head, that even though he knows the thing in it doesn't have any magic now. That if it thinks hard enough, that if it thinks about something besides destroying all the Dragonborn he holds dear and true. That it can just learn a new magic if needed. The knight goes forward towards it without a hint of hesitation. And opens it. The only thing in it being a...a man. Kneeling down on both knees and bowing, looking as if it's a humble man giving great thanks. But when you look at it, and I mean really look at it for a minute, you feel like it's trying to move with all it's might. As if every fiber of it's being is screaming at it to move, like if it could get up and out of that weardrobe it would...And do something horrible. The knight takes a step back and takes a deep breath, trying to find the words he had driven him from the parties, the awards and the much needed rest they had all deserved, they all needed! But he still came up here to this thing!... After two minutes of silence, the knight finally speaks.

"...The High Heretic. Glasser of the Yellow Sun Sands. Bearer of the word "Destroyer". Burner of the traide houses of Yondrike. Murderer of the wise man. Starter of the elven wars. Solar Warrior of the Screaming Star. Responsible for the massacre of Jan-ju-geo city. The sole man responsible for the complete genocide of the Gagendo people. Killer of men, women, and children alike. And slaughterer of great lady lunilea's sister luuinel...All of these names mean nothing, because one word is all that's needed to tell all what you are.. Monster. So, monster, I ask...why? What caused you to spread all this misery? You were once a great-
[]>[Knight] - A warrior who has taken a great vow, be it to protect the land, research the great mysteries of the world, or just to make the perfect sandwich, a knight's vow can be anything. And yours...was destruction.
-[]> - [Knight Of The Acrimonious Crusade] You are the great leader headless black knight of the Acrimonious Crusaders, the unkillable undead. You are unmatched in combat, from blade to blade to arrow to arrow, you can easily destroy hundreds of thousands of the most powerful soldiers within a day's time. You are also the fastest rider ever born when you ride your steed…If you could find them that is. Your vow is to end all living energy sources on the planet.
-[]> - [Knight Of The Wild Cridders] They say you are what you love, and man you do love animals. Be it the armor of an armadillo, eyes of a beholder, wings from a dragon, or the mind from a mindflayer, as long as you are either with them for long enough or eating their flesh, you can gain their power. Your vow is to bring joy to all animals for the world
-[]> - [Knight Of The Iron Jungle] You are one of the strangest beasts on this list, you are a knight made of metal and steel with machinations unseen in this world. You are your own factory, so all you will have to worry about is getting the materials. Oh yeah you also have roKET FIS-!
-[]> - [Knight Of The Bucket] One day you found a bucket, you decided "Ey why not?" and put it on, You immediately ran into a tree...and it fell over. And thus began your headbutting reign.

[]>(Fighter) - A man who has spent every waking moment training your body. Not like you had much else to do as a slave. And you great warrior, have perfected a <=(GREAT TECHNIQUE)=> Use it well young monster, use it well.
-[]> - (Black Rock Technique) Your skin is one of the strongest materials on the planet, tougher than the prison you are now in. You can't toss a tower thousands of feet tall though, but if it was thrown at you, it wouldn't leave a goddamn scratch. Your skin is as black as your eyes, and your eyes are as black as you soul
-[]> - (Bang Boom Technique) By throwing you attacks just the right way, hitting the air with just the right amount of force and speed, and seer force of will. You are able to make explosions of all sizes
-[]> - (Lightning Light Technique) 1,000 punches in one second, 10 miles in the same. You have no extraordinary strength, just above an average fighter, but it does not matter with your speed. you are light and light is you.
-[]> - (In Improv Technique) HOLY SH!T HE HAS A CHAIR!

[]>{Void Beast} Born from the dark mother Aiag, you are a twisted mockery of the children of Gaia. Your fate was sealed from the start
-[]> - {Pento-Parasite} Even being only slightly bigger than a slug, if you are wise, you could be one of the strongest Void Beasts. Through the ear, mouth, or nose, you must get to the brain if you want to control the host. You can control them at any level you want, removing the host's mind entraly, giving you complete control. Scramble their memories, having them do what you want without completely destroying the personality of the host. Or just be the voice at the back of their head, whispering what they should or shouldn't do{Wow I wonder who this reminds me of}.
-[]> - {One-Horned} You are an oddity, if not THE oddity among Aiags children. For you can do something that only one in a ten-thousand humans can do, that not a single one of Aiags children is capable of. Magic. Move the mountains, burn the forests, and kill to your hearts content. Although your horn isn't exactly the strongest thing on this planet.
-[]> - {Yeolses-Eyes} You are more like you mother then your brothers. Though the "eyes" on your back, you can birth your own children to fight for you. From bugs that fly, beasts that dig, to fish that swim. Your children forms are to your own liking.