Battletech: A Time of War - Flight of the Silver Wyverns


Smol Birb

Planet Svarstaad
Lyran Commonwealth
3rd of January - 3025
13:44 Local Time

Recommended Listening

There was still a light drizzle in the air from last night's storm, pelting the hull of the motionless Triumph-Class DropShip resting on the moist tarmac, and the variety of buildings and ruins which surrounded it. The military base had been built centuries ago to safeguard the frontier world from Kurita raids, only to be nominally abandoned a mere decade later when the last industrial site of note upon Svarstaad closed its doors for the final time. Two years ago it had been reactivated to serve as the planetary base of the Silver Wyverns mercenary company, and despite the best efforts of the company's technicians and the House Stroiden engineers much of it still lay destitute and abandoned. Commander Nariyoshi had a knack for motivating his employees to look on the brighter side of things, but now...

Now Commander Nariyoshi was dead, with his remains interred to the earth on a small hill overlooking the base. The funeral was a month ago and yet it still felt as though it was yesterday. The planet itself seemed to think so, for a mix of sleet, rain and snow had fallen from the heavens nigh-on since that fateful day.

The revelation within the Old Man's will, regarding this secret daughter of his, had prevented the company from splintering at the seams, yet still an overhang of muted nervousness could not help but develop across the base as week after week ticked on by without word from Nariyoshi's Galatean contacts, until...

At last, the day was here where they would wait no longer, as base sentries alerted it's occupants of an approaching groundcar.


The rain tapped again and again against the windshield of the vehicle as it bumped along unused asphalt roads, despite the best effort of the driver to make the ride over from Svarsby Spaceport as comfortable as was possible. Stealing a glance at the other occupants of the car, Natsuki could not help but for a moment to reminisce about how the elderly man sat opposite of her had found her, worn out, sleep deprived and ready to call it quits on Skye after a mere season hiding away from the baleful gaze of the Dragon.

It must have been quite the shock to any onlookers, to hear their unassuming but insulated apartment neighbor was in fact the sole inheritor of a mercenary company. Hell, for a moment she could not believe it either! Father never spoke of Uncle Nariyoshi when she was young, not after...whatever he did to get his name torn off the family tree, and here he'd been all along, galivanting across the Sphere like some Tri-Vid superhero.

And now he was dead, long before she could have even known he was still alive. The thought stung her deep, though thankfully Sir Alistair was there to break her out of her spiralling thoughts. "Miss Hatake, we've arrived." He plainly informed her, as indeed her eyes observed the passing barbed-wire fencing and the imposingly approaching silhouette of the DropShip parked ahead of them...

@Archivist Grim

As the most experienced member of the command staff left-over following Nariyoshi's death, Warrin had attained the dubiously important position of "Interim-Commander" until the arrival of his friend's replacement. Who would have thought that Nariyoshi kept up with the affairs of the Hatake family after all these years? Despite the best efforts of the company rumor mill, the heir-apparent to the "Old Man" moniker knew better, for after all these years he had many friends across the Sphere, and all told the same story, despite the best efforts of the Hatake patriarch to squash any hint of the truth. To think the man would stoop so low for a mere teenage dalliance? It boggles the mind.

At his side, Karl was as-always hiding his anxiousness by diving into the details of paperwork and statistics, not that Warrin couldn't blame him for it this once. All in all, with losses both material and financial tallied, the Wyverns had been savaged in the last engagement, and the month they spent twiddling their thumbs and burning C-Bills did not help matters at all. It would be good to get on the road again, once the kid had been settled into her new role...

Behind the pair, one of Dryden's grunts adjusted the umbrella held to shield the two officers from the weather ever-so-slight, as the car slid to a halt in front of them, and the old bastard Alistair stepped out to greet the pair. Behind the tinted glass, Warrin's old eyes could make out the small shape of their new commander, but little else.

@Walker Of Chaos

Administration was not Karl's forte, but with Warrin swamped by all his other sudden responsibilities the task of calculating the Wyvern's financials had fallen to him in the month of inactivity they'd been forced to undergo. The situation was not at all looking good, and they would require more work soon if they were to ever have a hope of remaining solvent. He'd kept everyone as abreast of these problems as best he could, but they all knew there was but one answer. "Hurry up and wait till the replacement gets here."

Now here he stood, out in the cold, getting increasingly less dry, and fighting to ensure his financial dataslate did not get taken by the howling winds overhead, because Warrin specifically wished to have him act the role of adjutant despite the fact the former intelligence officer already had someone to be his secretary! At times, Karl wondered if Warrin was being truthful when he said he had nothing against Lyrans...

At last the car crossed the final checkpoint and swung up by the 'Mech Hangar, the aging face of Sir Alistair Coburg emerging from the rightmost backseat to greet the trio awaiting them.


The 'Mech Hangar was rather chilly despite the best attempts of the temperature regulators to fight against the cold outside, and the masses of technicians, soldiers and workers are crowded within it's spacious interiors, all gathered to greet the new arrival. A sigh at this side drew his attention away from the great mass of Humanity ahead of him, to the leather-clad form of his wingman.

"It's fucking depressing is what it is." Calliope grunts out, before placing the half-smoked cigarette back between her luscious lips. "They're bringing in the Old Man's kid to take his job, though for all we know we're about to throw some teenager off the deep-end, just because he asked us so damn politely in the will." A sigh escaped her, accompanied by an obvious cloud of smoke. It was clear that despite the hostile tone, his wingman wasn't quite ready to accept the fact Commander Nariyoshi was gone, and honestly he could not blame her. The Old Man was about as close to a father-figure for the girl when she first came onboard, and it's a tough thing, burying parents...

He elected not to respond right away, his eyes turning to his watch, as it clicked steadily towards 2'o'clock. Their guest should be arriving any minute now.


She knew she should pay attention to the greater gathering around her. She knew she should run a quick maintenance check on her Mongoose before Bella came round to her part of the hangar, she knew, and yet she could not tear her eyes away from the small metallic locket clutched in her hands. The one thing that the recovery team had managed to gather from the destroyed wreck of her cousin's 'mech. The oath she gave to Commander Nariyoshi, that valiant example of Blackwood honor, now stung even further with the death of Nariyoshi himself in the Wyverns' last battle.

The company yet lived, and her oath alongside it, due to the secrets the Old Man had kept from even his closest followers. A secret daughter, right out of the dynastic dramas of old books or holovid entertainment. Were she the Anastasia of yesteryear she might have even gushed at the tale, but the Anastasia of today knew better. She dearly hoped that whatever awaited her in the future, an inexperienced child as her commanding officer was not to be...

@Jack Hansan

To be cooped up for so long in one place, simply waiting and waiting, did not sit well with Ryan at all. Over the last month he'd moved when he could. He accepted patrol duties, did extra shifts, even helped the mechtechs whenever they'd let him, just so there was something for him to do at all times. It helped him forget, to not think about the asskicking they were on the receiving end of a mere month ago. He himself made it out from that disaster in just about one piece by luck alone, and if he had not, Bella would make sure his body was never found.

Speaking of the Chief Technician of the Wyverns, again she was in front of him, a scowl marring her otherwise fine features, as she looked his Swordsman up and down. "You're pushing your museum piece hard as usual I see." She grunted, and why would he not? It was his ancestral 'mech, damn it!

"In case you forgot, if anything breaks down we'll have to machine the parts ourselves, and that ain't cheap by any stretch of the imagination. How many times do I have to tell ya to cool your damn jets before your 'mech gives up the ghost? I might just not repair it next time you bring it in to make the fucking lesson stick." The lady meant well, but after all these years of Ryan bringing the Swordsman into her care in less-than-pristine conditions, the mechtech was quickly losing what wits she had left.

The replacement commander could not get here fast enough.


Sevastian enjoyed thinking and pondering. It was a valuable trait which ensured his survival even after all these years, despite the best efforts of Cassnew to to see him killed in the line of duty. It's what allowed him to bullshit his way into the good graces of Nariyoshi, while keeping his own handlers satisfied, and now hopefully it would ensure his continued 'employment' even in the face of the Wyverns fraying at the edges. A particular worry he could not shake however was the silence of Nicholas or his toadies. If they had their way he'd be off on the next shuttle from this backwater, and yet he remained...

At best, he could guess that there was some politicking and intrigue that was way above his paygrade happening in the halls of power, but such unstable equilibriums by their very nature are temporary solutions.

"Boss?" At his side, Elise "Ellie" Laidlaw, the ever-dependable scoundrel second-in-command to his persona of Iona, spoke, while lightly tapping him at his side. The goons that had come with him from the Bloody Fists were in a strange way loyal to him after all these years, for he continued to steer them towards lucrative opportunities and paychecks, and if the worst came to worst... Well, they'd be useful regardless.

"You holdin' out on us again, boss?" Ellie prodded good-naturedly, not expecting anything was amiss, as usual. "You thinkin' bout the Old Man's kid?"


Alex was at her side once again, half-pestering in a way that only a younger sibling could channel, while at the same time remaining endearing. Of course, were Kayla to voice those opinions the younger Dryden sister would puff up into a ball of pouts and teenage indignation. Despite this, the sight was a tempting one, and she might have gone for that particular jab regardless, if they all hadn't been crammed into the base's 'Mech Hangar for the upcoming meeting. The Archers were used to the displays, but no need to embarrass Alexis in front of the rest of the Wyverns.

Despite a month passing by since her return, it was hard to get used to the fact that her parents were not around gracing the grunts with their presence, nor Commander Nariyoshi and his grandfatherly aura that had led the Wyverns through the toughest of times. Now, times were harder-still, and this particular dragon had just had it's head chopped off...

"-And I hear that the Old Man had to hide her because her mom got offed by her parents. Crazy fuckin' noble politics and intrigue, didn't think Nari was good enough for their girl. Bet our first contract after she takes over is going after her grandparents, get some sweet revenge!" It appeared Alexis had been lurking about the base again, taking bits from every rumor that was floating about, and making a grand story which only made sense in the head of a teen.

Though that swearing slip-up certainly meant she'd been hanging around a certain someone again. Maybe she should have a talk with the aerospace pilots, and 'politely' ask they temper their language around her little sister.
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The rain tapped again and again against the windshield of the vehicle as it bumped along unused asphalt roads, despite the best effort of the driver to make the ride over from Svarsby Spaceport as comfortable as was possible. Stealing a glance at the other occupants of the car, Natsuki could not help but for a moment to reminisce about how the elderly man sat opposite of her had found her, worn out, sleep deprived and ready to call it quits on Skye after a mere season hiding away from the baleful gaze of the Dragon.

It must have been quite the shock to any onlookers, to hear their unassuming but insulated apartment neighbor was in fact the sole inheritor of a mercenary company. Hell, for a moment she could not believe it either! Father never spoke of Uncle Nariyoshi when she was young, not after...whatever he did to get his name torn off the family tree, and here he'd been all along, galivanting across the Sphere like some Tri-Vid superhero.

And now he was dead, long before she could have even known he was still alive. The thought stung her deep, though thankfully Sir Alistair was there to break her out of her spiralling thoughts. "Miss Hatake, we've arrived." He plainly informed her, as indeed her eyes observed the passing barbed-wire fencing and the imposingly approaching silhouette of the DropShip parked ahead of them...

Ever the refined young lady, Natsuki gave the old man a polite nod as she waited for the vehicle to come to a complete stop. Fighting the urge to follow the etiquette lessons drilled into her since her youth, she instead opened the door for the elderly man and angled her umbrella in such a way as to shield him from the frigid rain.

"Alistair-sa-" She started, before coughing into her hand. "Mister Alistair, where shall we go from here?"

She assumed that all the legal papers had been filed properly and signed by the correct individuals, but she wouldn't be surprised if there were still a few things they needed to get her signature on. On the other hand, it'd probably be quite useful if she got to know the people in the mercenary company she'd soon be taking command of.

She'd heard enough horror stories of inept heirs mismanaging stables back on Solaris VII and getting themselves killed by their supposedly loyal subordinates. She didn't think her Uncle would hire people like that, but it was always better to prepare for the worse and hope for the best.
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Ever the refined young lady, Natsuki gave the old man a polite nod as she waited for the vehicle to come to a complete stop. Fighting the urge to follow the etiquette lessons drilled into her since her youth, she instead opened the door for the elderly man and angled her umbrella in such a way as to shield him from the frigid rain.

"Alistair-sa-" She started, before coughing into her hand. "Mister Alistair, where shall we go from here?"

She assumed that all the legal papers had been filed properly and signed by the correct individuals, but she wouldn't be surprised if there were still a few things they needed to get her signature on. On the other hand, it'd probably be quite useful if she got to know the people in the mercenary company she'd soon be taking command of.

She'd heard enough horror stories of inept heirs mismanaging stables back on Solaris VII and getting themselves killed by their supposedly loyal subordinates. She didn't think her Uncle would hire people like that, but it was always better to prepare for the worse and hope for the best.
Warrin would push up there glasses and turn an analytical eye to the girl. Young, too young too be thrown in this line of work, and younger than Hatake was likely hoping for. Still looks a bit harried, likely from lasting stress due to her precarious situation hiding from the dragons eyes. Also clearly anxious, going from being on run from the dragon, too being drawn across a few lightyears to a miltary base on a backwater filled with unknown heavily armed mercs and charged with leading them. Young, already stressed, no experience, and likely bad headspace is far from ideal for leader of merc company.

However, she does have potential, and given some effort, may be able to live up too Hatakes legacy. From the pieces his old friends and connections were able to gather, plus some digging of his own, she's good pilot, especially for her age. Capable enough to take on a lead position as the head of one of the dragons "idol" groups, good Reflexes, and solid multitasking abilities. With some time and training she could exccel as a mech warrior, main hole that needs to be filled there is experience. However, largest hole to fill would be leadership, however she does have some foundation, and should have presentation down

She'll be leaning on senior staff for next few months until she has her feet under her, but given some time she should be able to shape out and fill role of company commander

Giving a small nod, Warrin would step in downpour not minding it all, and make his way to the new boss, offering a hand.

"Good to see you again Alistor, and good to meet you Miss Natsuki. I'm Joseph Stratem, intellgence officer, and temporary-senior officer of Silver Wyverns. I do apologize for the rather sudden circumstances, however the Wyverns are happy to have you. Behind me is Karl von Hötzendorf, senior analyst and my acting adjutant. If you would follow us, the company's ready to meet you." The old intellgence officer says, "Also, it would be good to get out of this downpour." He would say with a small smile
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Placing a light hand on the back of Alex, fighting down the big sisterly urge to pinch and see her squirm, she instead lightly straightened her younger siblings posture and give her a small smile. Waiting for a moment till the last rumours and hearsay had left her younger sisters mouth – useful as it was to have someone to make sure she was up to date with all the gossip in the company – she bent over lightly and hummed: "Revenge tends to pay badly in this business if it isn't done to make sure your reputation remains intact.", with the little bit of wisdom dispersed, she cracked a smile again and now gave in and pinched her sister lightly "But whatever's the plan, we need to get off this rock. They raised the prices on the flour again last week and you don't wanna know how much Old Man the second paid for the new boots we got last week.", she had, and she couldn't imagine her own reserves taking the amount of bleeding the company had lately. It was nice to have a roof that wasn't a tent, but things couldn't continue as they had.

Still, when the groundcar was halting before the hangar she couldn't help but straighten a little, her hand lightly tapping against her sister's spine to use that puffing motion for something useful, while giving a sharp hand gesture to the rest of the company. Drydens Archers might not have been drilled like the grunts she had served with, but they knew that making a good impression could be the difference between adequate pay and good pay. Like in all things people bought things for the shine, not only for what was inside of the packaging and there was no doubt: they were very much on sale here, or at least on the chopping block. If the Old Mans secret love child didn't want to have any part in this she could either put someone else in charge or just pull out all of her dads assets, leaving the company even more gutted than his death did.

They would be stuck on Svarstaad and who knew what they would need to pay for a dropship slot – and who would even bother hiring the various parts of the company if it came apart. No: they had to show themselves with as much fancy as they could – be it to wooo or to impress the new Commander. Throwing her eyes towards the members of the company, she couldn't help but grin as she saw Ellie Laidlaw pull her CO out of whatever funk he was thinking himself into again, their two formations taking up most of the hangar's space – at least when it came to humans and not just heavy metal.

When the ground car came to a stop and a woman slipped out of it, she was curious – but what she could say for now was that she appeared to be a courteous slip: to whom and till when was the question they would need to answer later. For now she moved to stand at rest, laser rifled cradled and her archers… a strange notion that still stabbed her sometimes …. Following her motion as she had decided that there was no reason to apt the drill and ceremony when the new commander simply needed to know who they were and that they were quite good at what they did in the field.
Warrin would push up there glasses and turn an analytical eye to the girl. Young, too young too be thrown in this line of work, and younger than Hatake was likely hoping for. Still looks a bit harried, likely from lasting stress due to her precarious situation hiding from the dragons eyes. Also clearly anxious, going from being on run from the dragon, too being drawn across a few lightyears to a miltary base on a backwater filled with unknown heavily armed mercs and charged with leading them. Young, already stressed, no experience, and likely bad headspace is far from ideal for leader of merc company.

However, she does have potential, and given some effort, may be able to live up too Hatakes legacy. From the pieces his old friends and connections were able to gather, plus some digging of his own, she's good pilot, especially for her age. Capable enough to take on a lead position as the head of one of the dragons "idol" groups, good Reflexes, and solid multitasking abilities. With some time and training she could exccel as a mech warrior, main hole that needs to be filled there is experience. However, largest hole to fill would be leadership, however she does have some foundation, and should have presentation down

She'll be leaning on senior staff for next few months until she has her feet under her, but given some time she should be able to shape out and fill role of company commander

Giving a small nod, Warrin would step in downpour not minding it all, and make his way to the new boss, offering a hand.

"Good to see you again Alistor, and good to meet you Miss Natsuki. I'm Joseph Stratem, intellgence officer, and temporary-senior officer of Silver Wyverns. I do apologize for the rather sudden circumstances, however the Wyverns are happy to have you. Behind me is Karl von Hötzendorf, senior analyst and my acting adjutant. If you would follow us, the company's ready to meet you." The old intellgence officer says, "Also, it would be good to get out of this downpour." He would say with a small smile
After Warrin introduced him Karl stepped up and got his own look at the new commander. He was not exactly pleased to be working under a former Takeda propaganda icon but from what he had heard she and the Combine were no longer on speaking terms. He quieted the little voice in his head talking about yet another assassination attempt by the ISF and extended his arm.

"Welcome. Warrin already covered the basics. I specialize in battlefield tactics, especially combined land and air operations. I also studied a fair bit of strategy at the Nagelring so I can provide advise for more long term planning though the ultimate decisions will be up to you of course" and if he is lucky she'll have a better head on her shoulder than his old superiors at the Strategies and Tactics Division. "Finally I also pull double duty as the pilot of the company griffin as its previous pilot passed away shortly before I joined up" he wasn't exactly thrilled to doing two jobs at once but at least it gave him a good amount of the spotlight. And he supposed it was good to get a use for all those piloting lessons from his Nagelring days.
Ellie's prodding brought 'Iona' out of his pondering reverie, shaking his head before he turned to answer her questions. "Nah, just strikes me as odd. We both know how the Old Man operated, how he lived. I have some doubts to all the rumours floating around and... well, just trying to find out just what exactly is up with this succession." A sharp exhale and a breathe, a few moments of silent thought paced through Sevastian's mind before he continued.

"It strike you as odd that a dishonoured Drac had a kid we never saw that inherits the company after his death? I'd have thought that kid would've either already considered the man dead, or we'd have had the missus and such following us around as dependants before." Before he had the opportunity to waffle on, Sevastian noticed the sound of a groundcar slowing to a halt, and other members of the Silver Wyverns attention turning towards the hangar doors. "Well, those questions look like they'll be answered soon." facing the rest of the platoon, hiss voice was raised as he called out to them. "Eyes up, New commander's here. Hope no-one's been making a betting pot on those rumours, I don't want to have to deal with Barry being fleeced another 200 Cees again."

Turning to Ellie again, he lowered his voice back to normal. "Well, about time Alistair showed. You'd have thought he'd arrange this someone warmer though rather than trying to freeze our asses off in here.", his sentence punctuated with a brief chuckle to himself and a slight head shaking as his eyes focused on the new arrivals.
She knew she should pay attention to the greater gathering around her. She knew she should run a quick maintenance check on her Mongoose before Bella came round to her part of the hangar, she knew, and yet she could not tear her eyes away from the small metallic locket clutched in her hands. The one thing that the recovery team had managed to gather from the destroyed wreck of her cousin's 'mech. The oath she gave to Commander Nariyoshi, that valiant example of Blackwood honor, now stung even further with the death of Nariyoshi himself in the Wyverns' last battle.

The company yet lived, and her oath alongside it, due to the secrets the Old Man had kept from even his closest followers. A secret daughter, right out of the dynastic dramas of old books or holovid entertainment. Were she the Anastasia of yesteryear she might have even gushed at the tale, but the Anastasia of today knew better. She dearly hoped that whatever awaited her in the future, an inexperienced child as her commanding officer was not to be...
Being the youngest Pilot was never easy in any company.
With the loss of her cousin, and her taking up their oath, she was now the proud owner of a Mongoose light mech. Admittedly not her preferred ride she had promised herself she'd learn how to master it and make it home some day. It was where her cousin had started after all... she'd make it in time...
For now though all she could do would be to await the new commander and pray to god in heaven that said commander was older than herself as she doubted anyone in this hangar would make it for long with a 16 year old at the helm...
"Alright all systems coming up good." she mumbles, her thumb gently running over the locket that was salvaged from her cousins thunderbolt. Wondering how things might have been different had they survived. Would she still be home? playing at war? Or would she have gone off to join him either way... Questions she would be asking herself for quite some time as she began the double and triple check to make sure the Mongoose was indeed in proper functioning shape.
"Good to see you again Alistor, and good to meet you Miss Natsuki. I'm Joseph Stratem, intellgence officer, and temporary-senior officer of Silver Wyverns. I do apologize for the rather sudden circumstances, however the Wyverns are happy to have you. Behind me is Karl von Hötzendorf, senior analyst and my acting adjutant. If you would follow us, the company's ready to meet you." The old intellgence officer says, "Also, it would be good to get out of this downpour." He would say with a small smile

Natsuki paused as one of the men from the base approached her, though she quickly nodded and gave him a smile as he suggested they remove themselves from the deluge.

Moving towards the rest of the mercenaries, she leaned in a bit to question the man, "So... what can you tell me about the company? I know you must have struggled a bit after losing your old CO."
Natsuki paused as one of the men from the base approached her, though she quickly nodded and gave him a smile as he suggested they remove themselves from the deluge.

Moving towards the rest of the mercenaries, she leaned in a bit to question the man, "So... what can you tell me about the company? I know you must have struggled a bit after losing your old CO."
Warren would nod with a town, "Well, currently the company is not in the best straights. We've been sitting on this world for past month and in turn hemorrhaging C-bills." He would quickly take off and clean his glasses before continuing. "Moral is low, the company is nervous, but hasn't a degenerated any further. Alongside the commander we've lost other experience personal along with equipment, however we still maintain a majority of the force in good condition alongside oue remaining equipment. Overall, things aren't good but are holding together, and with you here we can get back to work and begin to recover."

He would finish off with a small sigh, "I'll be plain, it will be rocky for at time but the company can recover. "
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"Alistair-sa-" She started, before coughing into her hand. "Mister Alistair, where shall we go from here?"

Mister Alistair smiled ruefully in the way only a grandfather could, gesturing towards the men which awaited them just beyond. Adjusting his umbrella ever-so-slight as to cover them both comfortably, the man said nothing and simply walked to the gathering. The man at it's head, Stratem, she would know in but a moment, spoke up.

"Good to see you again Alistor, and good to meet you Miss Natsuki. I'm Joseph Stratem, intellgence officer, and temporary-senior officer of Silver Wyverns. I do apologize for the rather sudden circumstances, however the Wyverns are happy to have you. Behind me is Karl von Hötzendorf, senior analyst and my acting adjutant. If you would follow us, the company's ready to meet you." The old intellgence officer says, "Also, it would be good to get out of this downpour." He would say with a small smile

"It's indeed a pleasure to speak with you again, Joseph, though as always I'd hoped it be under better circumstances." Despite his many years of law work behind him, there was still that hint of an accent from Alistair's Highlander days. As thunder once again rumbled in the distance like Long Tom artillery pieces, the old man gestured with an extended hand towards the Mech Hangar of the base. "I believe, Miss Hatake, that your XO speaks sense. Let us be out of this weather before someone catches a cold." And by someone he likely meant himself...

Indeed, together the small contingent passed through the gap left by the massive half-open doors, the rain and sleet immediately halting it's assault upon the group as they passed beyond the threshold. Within, it was moderately warmer, though if one exhaled deeply enough one could still clearly see one's breath as it exited their lips. Ahead of them, completely unprompted, one of the infantry platoons assembled itself in parade formation before their very eyes, then settled into a readied rest, with their rifles pressed against the ferrocrete floor of the hangar. It was an impressive display that was not mirrored in the slightest by the various other gatherings of mercenaries around the spacious interior. With varying levels of curiosity, despair and disappointment, Natsuki found herself the center of attention, like as if she had never left Solaris at all.

When the ground car came to a stop and a woman slipped out of it, she was curious – but what she could say for now was that she appeared to be a courteous slip: to whom and till when was the question they would need to answer later. For now she moved to stand at rest, laser rifled cradled and her archers… a strange notion that still stabbed her sometimes …. Following her motion as she had decided that there was no reason to apt the drill and ceremony when the new commander simply needed to know who they were and that they were quite good at what they did in the field.

She was correct in her initial assessment of Her Archers. There were some almost-stumbles or fumbled marching here, but they all meant well, and in the end it wasn't even clear if their new Commander even noticed, stuck as she was for a moment staring at the assembled platoon like a deer caught in the headlights of a groundcar. Ahead of them, the company solicitor cleared his throat and began to speak, likely in some form or another explaining to the remnants of the Silver Wyverns that their new leader had arrived. Kayle couldn't quite make out the words for at her side, hidden within the space between the soldiers, Alex had managed to worm her way into the formation, and she was very, very excited.

"Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod..." She repeated her mantra like she was maddened, hands covering her mouth to conceal the broad grin that she for the life of her simply could not suppress. "Kay, Kay...KayKayKay, do you see? It's Her! The Old Man's kid is Her! I-I-I need to get to the barracks, grab my tapeplayer or-or poster or something! It's Her!"

If she could, Kayle would have likely smiled, for there was precious little that could entice her little sister out of her sombre and 'cool' shell these days, but for now she had to remain as steel-faced as possible, lest the Archers' little stunt all be for naught. Now that Alex mentioned it however, she could have sworn she'd seen that face before somewhere, on the wall by her sister's bunk...

Turning to Ellie again, he lowered his voice back to normal. "Well, about time Alistair showed. You'd have thought he'd arrange this someone warmer though rather than trying to freeze our asses off in here.", his sentence punctuated with a brief chuckle to himself and a slight head shaking as his eyes focused on the new arrivals.

"You can say that again." Ellie huffed, equally annoyed at the waiting time. In but a few short moments the company's lawyer and the remaining officers of the Wyverns began their walk towards the hangar. "Careful, here come the Boy Scouts." The pirate noted with a hint of mirth, as the Archers assembled themselves into a display formation, though not quite as cleanly as they liked to have done. A few of Iona's goons couldn't help but chuckle or laugh lowly at the attempt, Ellie among them. To say there was bad blood between the remaining infantrymen of the Silver Wyverns would be a lie, but there could not be denied there was a certain tension between the two that never seemed to go away.

At last, the new Commander showed herself, and at his side, he heard Ellie chuckle again. "Look at that, a kitten they dragged out of the gutter and prettied up for us. Look at the way she shivers still. Must be skittish as all-hell. Ten C-Bills says she's here to take her stake and bolt." Of course, what his second-in-command didn't know was that "Miss Natsuki" was a known quantity to Sevastian and his handlers, and he had read plenty of reports regarding her activities over the past few months...
Sevastian/Iona would join in on the chuckling amongst the troops of his platoon; Old habits would die hard on either end, and the Archer's haphazard and semi-spontaneous formation as Natsuki arrived into the hangar proper would be the exact attempt of a professional bearing the Archers did that always elicited a good amount of ribbing from the ex-pirates, good natured or not. Comparatively, Iona's platoon prided itself on being combat ready at a moments notice, with not a damn, care or fuck given about dress uniforms or formal presentation, with only a relatively co-ordinated colour scheme and style (In loose terms) being held as a communal identifier, once that hearkened back to their time as part of the Bloody Fists and changed little.

As Ellie chuckled and made her statement... Sevastian grew a devilish smirk on his face; He had a myriad of ways for Ellie to eat her words on this one and oh was it tempting to inflict a variety of them on her. Though for the moment, he stowed those ideas; Better to use them when Natsuki was closer...

"You say that like there's much to take a stake in and bolt. 'Sides, from what I hear, she's not in a position to bolt."
A small smile played over her lips as she gave short glances to the ranks of Archers at her side, the energy rifles presented maybe not in true parade fashion but close enough that the casual observer would see its familiarity and know immediately what they were facing. Ignoring the not so silent snickering form the other infantry formation – the one which did not seem to value the idea that people bought things depending on their wrappings – she made sure to throw a few warning glances up and down the lines, straightening them out as well as she could without running into the open annoyance of the older hands who were very much glad of getting rid of military protocol. Not that she longed back to these day either, still…

…with a light tilt of her head and two taps against her rifle she gave the uncle behind her a little sign: enough for him to let out a low laugh before reaching forward and using the cover of the rows before him to clasp Alex shoulder, stopping her from vibrating for at least a moment. Without turning her head, she whispered backwards towards her sister:

"Calm down Lexie – if you are that curious, I can see if she needs an errand girl.", something her sister would actually be qualified for: helping their new commander get her bearings and help her pack in away that fit into all the quarters she was likely to get. A thought for the future. For now, she had to agree with her sister: there was a certain likeness between the old old man and the new girl: the eyes, the curves of her lips, the slight curl of her hair behind the ears: if one placed them next to one another it wouldn't be too hard to see the family resemblance.

Waiting for the group to come closer – and making sure that Alex was staying in place – Kayle moved forward with determined and purposeful steps, approaching the group around the new commander with a cool and relaxed expression. Coming to a halt she inclined her head lightly towards the high command of the outfit or what was left of it. Having pondered a salute and thrown away that idea with a small shake at the firmness with which such ideas got imprinted in training, she instead offered their former commander's daughter her hand and a welcoming smile:

"Kayle Dryden, responsible for Drydens Archers. Anti-Mech and vehicle duty if you need someone to secure an environment.", gesturing towards her extended family with her free hand, she added with a grin "Every Corner - a Mechs Nightmare", the old motto coming easily to her lips.
Warren would nod with a town, "Well, currently the company is not in the best straights. We've been sitting on this world for past month and in turn hemorrhaging C-bills." He would quickly take off and clean his glasses before continuing. "Moral is low, the company is nervous, but hasn't a degenerated any further. Alongside the commander we've lost other experience personal along with equipment, however we still maintain a majority of the force in good condition alongside oue remaining equipment. Overall, things aren't good but are holding together, and with you here we can get back to work and begin to recover."

He would finish off with a small sigh, "I'll be plain, it will be rocky for at time but the company can recover. "

Natsuki listened intently as he spoke, grimacing as he explained just how dire of a situation they were in. Taking a moment to process the information, she eventually gave him a firm nod and spoke, "I understand, things are pretty rough right now."

A determined glint suddenly appeared in her eyes, and the edge of her lips quirked slightly upwards, "But I've seen plenty of stables rebuild from worse, and it's not like we have a terrible base to work from here."

Indeed, together the small contingent passed through the gap left by the massive half-open doors, the rain and sleet immediately halting it's assault upon the group as they passed beyond the threshold. Within, it was moderately warmer, though if one exhaled deeply enough one could still clearly see one's breath as it exited their lips. Ahead of them, completely unprompted, one of the infantry platoons assembled itself in parade formation before their very eyes, then settled into a readied rest, with their rifles pressed against the ferrocrete floor of the hangar. It was an impressive display that was not mirrored in the slightest by the various other gatherings of mercenaries around the spacious interior. With varying levels of curiosity, despair and disappointment, Natsuki found herself the center of attention, like as if she had never left Solaris at all.

She blinked in surprise as she realized just how many more people were now relying on her leadership compared to when she was the lead of her stable back on Solaris, but she'd always been good at pretending to know what she was doing.

"Kayle Dryden, responsible for Drydens Archers. Anti-Mech and vehicle duty if you need someone to secure an environment.", gesturing towards her extended family with her free hand, she added with a grin "Every Corner - a Mechs Nightmare", the old motto coming easily to her lips.

Natsuki nodded at her and paused for a bit, considering her words carefully. She positioned herself in such a way as to maximize the number of people able to clearly speaking, and used her years of experience in singing to project her voice over the crowd, "I know you've all been through a lot, and that morale isn't in the best state right now... but if I know anything about my family it's that they don't work with people who don't have talent. Each one of you was recruited for a purpose, and that purpose now is to rebuild the Silver Wyverns into a company worthy of the name! I know I may not seem like it, but I can assure you that all of this despair will soon be a distant memory as we rake in the profits of a legendary mercenary force!"
Fullyautomagic threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Leadership Check Total: 8
4 4 4 4
Natsuki nodded at her and paused for a bit, considering her words carefully. She positioned herself in such a way as to maximize the number of people able to clearly speaking, and used her years of experience in singing to project her voice over the crowd, "I know you've all been through a lot, and that morale isn't in the best state right now... but if I know anything about my family it's that they don't work with people who don't have talent. Each one of you was recruited for a purpose, and that purpose now is to rebuild the Silver Wyverns into a company worthy of the name! I know I may not seem like it, but I can assure you that all of this despair will soon be a distant memory as we rake in the profits of a legendary mercenary force!"

For a moment, the hangar was deathly silent. Not a word was said, not a sniffle or cough, all eyes were upon Natsuki, as if she had never left the stage behind in the first place. For a moment, it was feared her words would not resonate well with the hardened mercenaries, grief-stricken as they were by the loss of many a comrade, and then...

As if possessed by a single will, slowly but surely weary, but genuine smiles began to crop up across the gathered mass of bodies. While it could not be said that her words elevated these downtrodden examples of Humanity, it had managed to add fuel to a flickering fire sputtering out it's last rays of light and warmth. That fire of course, was hope, which was in such scarce supply on this miserable planet.

Success tasted sweetly on Natsuki's tongue, and whatever anxiousness which had settled in the pit of her stomach was already fading. Yet before she could congratulate herself on taking her first big step as an actual mercenary commander, her new handlers proceeded along a schedule known only to them. The gathering was dismissed, with Mister Alistair guiding her back out into the rain, accompanied by what felt like a small army of officers and aides.

Across the tarmac, as if awaiting her alone, sat the massive aerodyne Triumph-Class DropShip that now belonged to her. It's technicians and crew hurried about as if completely unbothered by the downpour above, attending to their duties with but nary a pause to salute the procession passing them by.

At last, the group arrived deep within the belly of the great spacecraft, it's CIC eerily silent compared to the controlled chaos which characterized the ship's Mech Bay. By second nature, Joseph stepped up to provide personal introductions between the new commander and their direct subordinates, starting with her lancemates, amongst which consisted the already-introduced and technically-minded Karl von Hötzendorf, the stoic but friendly Ryan Baker, and the surprisingly-young yet eager Anastasia Blackwood. Their machines had survived the previous campaign relatively intact, though the company's overall tonnage had been massively reduced during it's last battle...

Next came the head of the remaining air assets of the Wyverns, Alexander Hartmann, who proved amicable though rather quiet in his discussions. That such a soft-spoken man could become the lead pilot of a flight as efficiently deadly as the one employed by the company clashed rather terribly with Natsuki's mental images of how things would be.

Next came the two platoon-leads of the Wyverns much-reduced infantry detachment, though Kayle had already made quite the impression with her display of martial discipline in the hangar. Compared to her, the leader of the aptly-named "Goon Platoon" might aswell have been the Devil himself. Iona, no surname given, said little aside from the customary pleasantries, seemingly preferring to hang back and silently observe matters proceeding from the sidelines.

Then came the Chief Technician of the Wyverns, doubling as their Chief Engineer when the need arose. Bella Virenzo proved one of the friendlier faces onboard, treating Natsuki almost as one would a younger sibling, based on the mannerisms she so colorfully used during their introduction. A quick whisper at her side from her lancemates did warn the dimunative woman had quite the temper if her 'mechs were every mistreated.

All in all, they were a colorful bunch, heavily shaped by their time serving underneath Natsuki's uncle, a legacy which she would somehow have to live up to lest all his hard work unravel...

Speaking of that hard work, Joseph continued on with a general overview of the company's finances. Away from the prying ears of their subordinates, the old man proved surprisingly frank in his bleak assessment. Presently the Silver Wyverns spent on average 3 million C-Bills on various equipment, fuel and salaries, and as of today the company's remaining liquid assets amounted to 5.5 million C-Bills. Work had to be procured quickly lest the entire organization fold and crumble. Sadly, an outlying world such as Svarstaad did not have a Hiring Hall worth anything to mercs of the Wyverns' caliber, and so transport should be secured at the earliest convenience to a more favorable planet. Suggestions thrown around included Tamar, the capital world of the vassal-realm which held the eastern Lyran border, and the industrial planet of Sudeten further into the Commonwealth.

At this point, Mister Alistair at last spoke up, delivering a note to Natsuki's XO, before bidding them all goodbye at last, his duties fulfilled. It was now all up to her, and her officers...
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Looking across the table to his fellow officers, Joseph would stand up once more and begin speaking again. "As of now, we only have enough liquid assets to maintain the company for 1 more month, without needing to cut corners or sell off equipment. Both are very much non-preferable, however, there is insufficient work on this world to provide necessary income we need to stay in the black."

At that, Joseph would raise the letter, and put it on the table, "On that, this letter represents our ability to leave this system. The House in charge of the world and its dutchess have one final job for us, eliminating one last concentration of rebels holdup in a fuel depot. I will put plainly, it is unfavorable." With, that he would sigh, and push up his glasses before continuing, "The payment is only 250k, a drop in red in all regards, and we are unlikely to be able to gain salvage to help cover matience cost from it as any salvage will need to be bought. The good news, salvage price is unlikely to be an unreasonable markup, if likely high without haggling, we will maintain our ability to decide how we prosecute the operation, and we're having 20% of our monthly operation cost covered by subsidy by the House will doing the job. However, the most important thing, is that the cost of booking a jumpship is covered, which is 100k C-bills per collar."

"With all this in mind, any questions?" He says, looking between the various officers
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Looking across the table to his fellow officers, Joseph would stand up once more and begin speaking again. "As of now, we only have enough liquid assets to maintain the company for 1 more month, without needing to cut corners or sell off equipment. Both are very much non-perferables, however there is insufficient work on this world to provide nessecary income we need to stay in the black."

At that, Joseph would raise the letter, and put it on the table, "On that, this letter represents our ability to leave this system. The House in charge of world and it's dutchess have one final job for us, eliminating one last concentration of rebels holdup in a fuel depot. I will put plainly, it is unfavorable." With, that he would sigh, and push up his glasses before continuing, "The payment is only 250k, a drop in red in all regards, and we are unlikely to be able to gain salvage to help cover matience cost from it as any salvage will need to be bought. The good news, price for salvage is unlikely to be af unreasonable market, if likely high without haggling, we will maintain our ability to decide how we prosecute the operation, and we're having 20% our monthly operation cost covered by subsidy by the House will doing the job. However most important thing, debts to the planets house would be cleared and cost for financing a jumpship would be covered."

"With all this in mind, any questions?" He says, looking between the various officers

"What kind of opposition are we expected to be facing?" Baker asked, leaning on the planning table. "Any 'mechs?"

'Certainly would make things easier for me if there weren't any.' Baker thought to himself. 'Especially on my own machine.'

"Also," Baker continued. "I think we should go for it, even if they are trying to take advantage of us, that subsidy and covering of the jumpship cost could give us some breathing room to get to a system with that has a better paying job."
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Kayle couldn't help but settle her face into a mask of displeasure as she listened to the 'payment' that was offered to them. Stepping forward and fighting down the urge to slam her hand onto the table or something equally dramatic that would have served her well with the ranks but would only show her own apprehension at her newfound rank and legacy, she instead shook her head vehemently, before saying out what everyone else was most likely thinking:

"This is not even a drop, it's their way of kicking us out after the company spent two years fighting to hold this miserable rock for them.", she couldn't help keep the bitterness out of her voice: she might not have been here during these two years but the commander and her parents had died eon this planet and now their erstwhile employer was seemingly even cheaping out on getting them off planet: "With all due respect to the idea that a company should show its value by pulling through with contracts as long as they can – this is clearly just a way of making us jump and say thank you for getting a ticket now that they don't need us anymore. My personal opinion is that the company shouldn't be made into a laughingstock like this. Better to take the loss and leave with our heads held high and reputation intact for the next client."
Kayle couldn't help but settle her face into a mask of displeasure as she listened to the 'payment' that was offered to them. Stepping forward and fighting down the urge to slam her hand onto the table or something equally dramatic that would have served her well with the ranks but would only show her own apprehension at her newfound rank and legacy, she instead shook her head vehemently, before saying out what everyone else was most likely thinking:

"This is not even a drop, it's their way of kicking us out after the company spent two years fighting to hold this miserable rock for them.", she couldn't help keep the bitterness out of her voice: she might not have been here during these two years but the commander and her parents had died eon this planet and now their erstwhile employer was seemingly even cheaping out on getting them off planet: "With all due respect to the idea that a company should show its value by pulling through with contracts as long as they can – this is clearly just a way of making us jump and say thank you for getting a ticket now that they don't need us anymore. My personal opinion is that the company shouldn't be made into a laughingstock like this. Better to take the loss and leave with our heads held high and reputation intact for the next client."
To that, Joseph would nod with a slight frown, "You are correct, it is plain and clear we are taking advantage of this contract, and is below the legacy and reputation of this company. Accepting this job may harm our reputation, but this job should allow us to remain fully operational for an additional month, more than worthwhile breathing room we can use to get our feet below us and find a new job. Also, this world is minor and while showing weakness by accepting this contract may harm our reputation, it will hopefully have little impact, and better to be called desperate than oathbreakers." As he finished, the old intelligence officer would turn his eyes from Kayle towards Barker

Joseph would take out his pad and quickly turn on the room display, showcasing a series of reports gathered by himself and other support officers of Wyverns, showcasing what they knew of rebels. "On what we know of the rebels, and what assets they have, our previous information should hold up, and is indepth"


Shown across the display was dossiers and images, displaying 3 infantry reigments, 2 tank battalions and 1 battlemech lance. With them was there unit names, and all with the image of Stroiden House Gaurd coat of arms. "As you all know, the rebellion had spawned from units within thr Stroiden, that unlike claims of our contract being caused by Combine espi, was rather caused by large scale pay disputes and snubbing od commanders." As Joseph say this, the image of House Gaurd would fade and replace by the flag the rebellious unit would rally too. "Over the course of our multi-year campaign, we have manged to break rebellion, with our previous assult on there fortress having led to decapitation of there leadership and most of there units being combat ineffective or eliminated. I will be sending a detailed dossier on our campaign against the rebels after this meeting Commander Natsuki for your review." As Joseph spoke, a timeline would go buy, names of battles popping and rebel losses over them, before ending on the mountain assult.

Joseph set down the pad on conference table, the display finally left upon images and charts of the rebels forces. It showcased a number of assets and units that are missing, alongside that of taken or killed units. Joseph would push his glasses up and continue, "Overall, given the intellgence we have, it is likely we would be finding handful of sqauds and some number of supporting vehicles. We are likely to expect a number of APC's and other Mechanized support vehicles, with up to and including LRM carriers. Meanwhile, we are likely to encounter some level of tank support, with this being in form of Scorpion LT's and Bulldog MBT's, with latter unlikely or in low numbers. Finally, of 2nd most concern to that of enemy LRM Carriers, is that of rebels last remaining mech, a light mech." Joseph would pause and look across the table, "Now, forces arranged in that base, is if there anything like there previous performance well organized and disciplined. They are more than capable fighting force, and while in best case may gave lost a great deal of that orginziation and discipline with loss of there leadership, it is best not to assume. They are armed with standard ballistic weaponry alongside a small number of Lasers and MANPAD SRM's." With that, Joseph would end, and with that the run down of the rebels likely capabilities.

"With all this said, any more questions?" Warrin looked across the room
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Sophia shrugs slightly, leaning back in her seat in thought "I mean if we don't take the contract the only real alternative is to sell half of our equipment at minimum" she says. Despite being a newcomer much like their commander she slides into the talks rather naturally with a nobles grace. "So i agree with Joseph. Better we suffer a slight reputation hit than get ourselves into even hotter water."