Battle Against Hell: Heroes from Another World! [Multi-Crossover][OOC/Sign-Up]

Muhkat Lomorki

Draconic Sorcerer
There is a tyrant world of blood and fire called hell, full of deadly demons and the sorrowful spirits of the slaughtered. There is also a rusty red planet called Mars, inhabited by humans through drive and technology. These two worlds are connected by ancient powers whose names are lost to time, but one man stands between infernal dominion and humanity: the legendary Doomslayer.

However, something has changed on both sides; in Hell, two castles have appeared: one spiked and topped with roofs of green, while the other shaped like a skull, with walls blue and bristling with advanced technology. In the orbit of Mars, meanwhile, a stupendously massive spherical space station floats, bearing a face that, while comical, shows the creator's boundless egotism.

As the portal between these worlds activates, some heroes have been brought in...
The Rules are as follows:
  1. Follow all site rules.
  2. No godmodding or other such behavior.
  3. Currently, your character can be from the continuities of the following series:
    1. DOOM
    2. Mario,
    3. Sonic
    4. Megaman.
  4. If you would like another series added to the list, I'll ask for a vote on it from the players when there is enough. If it succeeds, then it will be added.
  5. While generally I'm expecting canon characters to be here, if you want to create an original character, you can.
  6. The power levels of characters is lowered so that they can't defeat all the forces of hell on their own. Generally, they'll be around Phase 2 MCU levels, however.
  7. I won't be using a system, instead having it just be freeform.
  8. Try to be cool and have fun, as well as let other people have fun!
Character Sheet

Physical Appearance (can be either a description or image, depending on which you prefer):
Starting Location (Can be either Mars or Hell):
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Current Villains
-Olivia Pierce
Location: Resource Operation Center, Mars Base
-Samuel Hayden
Location: Advanced Research Complex, Mars Base
-Dr. Eggman
Location: Death Egg, Orbiting Mars
-Dr. Wily
Location: Wily's Castle, Hell
Location: Bowser's Castle, Hell
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Question If I want to be someone from the Doomverse, what equipment would be available to use? I mean not all of us can be Doom Guy's running around in Praetor Armor powered by Argent energy can we?
Question If I want to be someone from the Doomverse, what equipment would be available to use? I mean not all of us can be Doom Guy's running around in Praetor Armor powered by Argent energy can we?
Nah, you would get the equipment of whatever job your character has, along with maybe some special items and/or skills.

That said, I imagine the people from other universes are probably significantly more powerful, although they'll not understand how the tech works as well as someone native to the Doomverse, as well as probably have a stronger ethical code.
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Okay yeah.

So I have a question: Do you think Dr. Wily has a chance in hell?

If he has the minions and robot masters to hold the line, I don't see why not. Dude's a genius after all, isn't he?

Kinda wanna use a Maverick from X4 as my character. Magma Dragoon. Or another version of him anyway, if going by canon he's dead by now.

Also I figured more people would've signed on by now. I'll have my sheet up tomorrow.
...I kinda want to say you can't be since he's on the list of villains, but I also don't want to be a jerk.

"Why? Why would I join you? I am insulted by the question! Do you think I wish to be a king of only ash and bones? Do you think I would choose to let everything burn simply because I seek to rule? No the world will be mine but that means I must protect the world to seize it"
Name: Dr. Light
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Series: Mega Man
Personality: He's a man who believes in the goodness of mankind, and that people can change. While not willing to perform acts of violence himself, when called for it he will make robots to do the violence required. He tends to be more of a teacher.
Equipment: book, and robot blueprints, teleportation device.
Powers/Skills: Hadoken, Shoryuken, can create robots as advanced as mega man and the robot masters, programming, build time machines, teleportation(through teleportation devices), skilled scientist, and martial arts teacher(taught the Hadoken and Shoryuken to mega man.)
Weaknesses: He's an old man, gullible, and a pacifist.
In the 20th century, Thomas Light attended the Robot Institute of Technology, where he met Dr. Wily and became classmates. They got along quite well, but their friendship ended when a committee decided to cancel Wily's Double Gear research in favor of Light's research into robots with independent thought. Light agreed to the decision as the Double Gear puts great strain on the robots that use it and he believed that powerful robots required proper judgment to avoid misusing its abilities. Light laments that his efforts to quench Wily's hotheadedness before it led him astray only ended up fueling the fire, and kept the prototype Double Gear system that Wily broke in anger.

Light and Wily graduated together with their doctorate degrees (PhDs) on electronic enginnering, although Light always received more credit than Wily. Dr. Light won the LIT Manual Design Contest four times in a row, the golden prize in the World Engineer Award, and the Nobel Prize in Physics. With his pride hurt and tired of being in second place, Wily vanished, and Dr. Light didn't see him again until the events of the first game. At an unknown time, Dr. Light (alongside Dr. Wily in some sources outside of Japan) founded his laboratory to further the development of computing and robotics technology for the benefit of mankind in the coming era. Light became a world-renowned scientist and the leading expert on robotics.

Light built a series of household and civil service robots. Not long after that, he created a humanoid robot with a much more advanced A.I., DLN-000 Proto Man, the first "advanced robot", known as a Robot Master. However, Proto Man's dangerous imbalance in his energy core and having a strong sense of independence, went A.W.O.L. before his repairs were complete in fear that his personality would change in the process. Yet, in the year 200X, Light would build on the successes and failures of the Proto Man project to build other Robot Masters, like Rock, Roll, and a series of industrial robots.

When Dr. Wily grew jealous of Dr. Light's works receiving credit and his works not (in USA sources he's jealous because Light received all the credit for the team's work), he stole and reprogrammed Light's industrial robots, attempting to take over the world. Rock, having a strong sense of justice, volunteered to be converted into the super robot known as Mega Man.

Starting Location: Mars
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I hope this is acceptable!




Mario Bros

Physical Appearance:

It would seem that Kamek is academic, as he owns a library. This is reinforced by the fact that Kamek can build complicated machines. Kamek is shown to be quite knowledgeable as well.

He is shown to have acted as a mentor to Bowser Jr., and is very loyal to the Koopa Troop, even making Bowser Jr. swear to aid the minions beyond the sake of personal glory. He is also shown to be very concerned when the Koopalings begin slowly dwindling in numbers. He is also shown to have some foresight, as evidenced by how he developed a freezer to store the Ever Ice, despite knowing it will not ever melt, due to anticipating Bowser Jr. would ultimately need it, and also deciding to act as Bowser Jr.'s first captain due to anticipating that even Morton may ultimately leave Bowser Jr.'s command before long. He also admits that, despite his faithful service to Bowser and his son, he does have a few regrets. He is also shown at times to be sarcastic, such as when he sarcastically goes along with a Papercraft Yoshi due to thinking it is a hallucination until his paper counterpart tells him he is indeed seeing a Papercraft Yoshi, and also he "gladly" accepted Bowser Jr.'s ignoring the Ever Ice despite Kamek spending 36 hours trying to find it. In addition to sarcasm, he also has the tendency to be quite condescending, often taunting the Yoshis with pet names such as "baby" and "cutie".

His sceptre, broomstick, robes, glasses and hat.

Kamek displays powers commonly associated with Magikoopas, including teleportation, creating beings from inanimate objects, pyrokinesis, firing magical blasts from his scepter, summoning enemies and the ability to create multiple copies of himself. These are assumed to be much more powerful than those of a regular Magikoopa, because of his top rank. This was shown when in the past Kamek created an army of Dry Bones surrounding Mario, creates different colored clones of himself with unique properties, and was able to fire a gigantic magic blast with other Magikoopas at a Giant Dreamy Luigi during the battle against Giant Bowser, despite being fatigued from previous battles with Mario and Dreamy Luigi. Kamek is also capable of flying on a broomstick, being the first ever Magikoopa to display such an ability.

Aside from the aforementioned powers inherent to all Magikoopas, Kamek is portrayed as having powers unique to himself, the most prominent of which is his ability to shrink and grow other creatures (including himself) to extreme proportions. Kamek is also capable of psychic powers, such as divination, brainwashing, foreseeing events in the future, and manipulating objects with his mind. These he does without using his scepter, although he does utilize a crystal ball for precognition and divination. He also has the ability to Paperize.

Overconfidence. Many times he has failed to defeat foes much weaker than himself, due to the fact that he primarily scales his attacks to how weak he believes his opponents are. This has led to many embarrassing failures on his part.

Kamek is an old, yet powerful Magikoopa and apparent advisor to Bowser (or at least a high-ranking member in the Koop Troop), and the arch-enemy of Yoshi. He is also Baby Bowser's primary caretaker, and continues to look after Bowser, even in the present day.

Starting Location:
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Name: Steven Banner
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Series: DOOM
Physical Appearance: Standing at 5'11", with black hair and blue eyes Steve is normally seen wearing his military armor and helmet.
Personality: Mr.Banner is a serious and hard working man, loyal to his race and home, and Determined to help keep it safe from the otherworldly threats popping up on mars, plus the new Moon Mar's has just acquired.
Equipment: Military Armor (plus helmet), Heavy Assault Rifle, Frag Grenades, Hologram, Combat Shotgun, Pistol
  • Weapon training: Steven knows how to use the guns he's been given.
  • Incorruptible: His goals are simple, keep humanity safe and kill demons, as long as he has these two goals to steel his mind and soul, he is safe from any temptations that would come from those festering abominations.
  • Glory Kills: The best way to kill demons is to make sure they do not get up again, knowing this the military has made sure to teach him how to make sure the demons go down and stay down.
  • Human Weakness: For all of his skills, and strength he is still human and suffers for all the weaknesses of one, he get's tired, no access to extra lives, and healing anything more than a flesh wound will take time.
  • Team Efficiency: without a team
Background: Steve was an ordinary person on earth, one who joined up with the Military for a couple of reasons, one of them was to help protect the people he loves, now assuming that there have been Demonic Incursions happening before the Egg Moon appeared along with the other new places, He would most likely be one of many others sent to mars to see what's going on.

Starting Location (Can be either Mars or Hell): Mars

Well here's hoping that this is good.

Name: 'Magma Dragoon' (Replica)
Gender: Male Programming
Species: Reploid
Series: Megaman (X)
Physical Appearance: A seemingly exact copy of Magma Dragoon. Looks like the image of the original Dragoon above. About 6'4'' in height.
Personality: Upbeat, friendly and positive 'Magma Dragoon' is a bundle of energy and optimism. Traces of his proginator's personality remain in his hype for combat, taste for melee combat and seeming desire to prove himself. Ultimately he's a protector and good friend, ready to go to war to defend his friends and the innocent. In a way, what Dragoon once was and could've been.

  • 2x E-Tanks (Full) (Reploid Health Packs)
  • 2x W-Tanks (Full) (Reploid Weapon Packs)
  • Combat Reploid Physiology: High grade Android body made to go toe-to-toe with rogue Reploids (Mavericks)
    • Enhanced Strength: Capable of lifting and throwing Cars as weapons. Can lift and slowly move while carrying MBTs, with some effort. Punches hard enough to leave an imprint on reinforced steel walls and doors.
    • Enhanced Durability: Extremely tough and immune to small arms fire and 21st century melee weapons. Can be hurt by other beings with similar levels of enhanced strength and exotic ammunition types such as plasma and laser. Magma's frame is especially resistant to fire attacks, however. He can survive a short dip in lava and stay close to lava without suffering any drawbacks.
    • Enhanced Endurance: Reploids tire very slowly and can stay active for several hours and even days. However, they do eventually tire and require energy (usually in the form of energy crystals) to recover. In times of emergency, they can draw on the energy reserves of their special weaponry, but the conversion of energy is extremely unfavorable and strictly one-way.
    • Enhanced Speed & Agility: Dragoon was specialized as a speedy and agile close-range attacker. Capable of dodging conventional firearms and delivering multiple blows at once. Notably faster and agile than other Combat Model Reploids.
    • Enhanced Senses: Standard gear for Maverick Hunters, can zoom in some amount of distance, can see in the dark and stalk via heat signatures.
  • Expert Martial Artist: Comes pre-programmed with multiple martial arts styles and combat forms. Extremely skilled. If the physiological elements were equalized, he could easily match an elite special forces soldier. Notably much less skilled than his original, who was a masterclass fighter.
  • Special Weapons System: Dragoon utilizes his weapon systems to create powerful fire projectiles stronger than any conventional flamethrower.
    • Surge Fist: Dragoon releases a large fireball from his hands. Moderate Range and Power. His most often used special attack.
    • Rising Fire: Dragoon unleashes a devastating uppercut with his hands covered in hot flames. Powerful, but very short range.
    • Dive Kick: Dragoon covers himself in an aura of flame and divekicks the enemy. Very Powerful with a decent range depending on how much lift he can get. Costly on his weapons reserve.
    • Flamethrower: Nothing fancy here. Dragoon opens his mouth wide and attacks with a high-power flamethrower. Moderate Range, but weak unless the target is stunned or trapped somehow.
    • Meteor Storm: Dragoon's ultimate attack. Releases a storm of large fireballs into the air that rain down like meteors. Devastating with a moderate range but extremely costly on his weapons reserve and leaves him fatigued for a time.
  • No Experience: Having just woken up, Dragoon has no data on his new foes, an idea of where he is or even any combat experience to draw upon. This can lead to situations where he overestimates the enemy and uses more power than required, or underestimates them and gets a beating.
  • Maintenance: An advance android being, Dragoon requires maintenance and repair after taking heavy damage in order to continue functioning at top efficiency. Every Reploid has some basic mechanical knowledge to make sure they aren't completely out of luck in emergencies, but such slap-dash and amateur repairs take their toll on their efficiency.
  • Energy Consumption: Meat, Veggies, Water? Reploids won't hear of it. They need to consume energy to survive. Thankfully less regularly than a human requires food and drink, but still regular enough that a ready supply of energy would be a good idea. Though the Reploid compatible Energy Crystals and E-Tanks are the most guaranteed way for a Reploid to replenish themselves, the former might be rare in the new surroundings and of the latter, Dragoon only has 2 Tanks. Other energy sources are likely to not have the best 'conversion' rate and might be rare.
  • Friendly 'Fire': Dragoon's attacks have a small degree of splash damage that absolutely does not differentiate between friend and foe. Further, his combat style tends to mean he's in the thick of it and and can often block the shots of his allies, for example. This isn't intentional. Dragoon genuinely wants to be a team player, he just doesn't have the skills for it (yet?).
Background: A seemingly exact copy of the rogue Maverick Hunter Magma Dragoon, who was destroyed by X (or Zero, the files are a bit hazy on that) in the Repliforce Coup. Dragoon has no idea of his original and for all intents and purposes thinks he's the one and only Magma Dragoon. Discovering who his creator was would require a full diagnostic check by a skilled scientist. Suddenly finding himself in hostile territory, the newly 'born' reploid has decided to make the best of a situation and try to get some answers. And maybe save innocents along the way, who knows?

Starting Location: Mars


Here's hoping this works.
Here's a question if another world is introduced would that mean a sypervillain woild be chosen from that universe?
For new settings... I'd suggest The Legend of Zelda or Kirby, that is if you're looking for more. I think they fit with the others, and I'd like to see Ganon as an antagonist.
For new settings... I'd suggest The Legend of Zelda or Kirby, that is if you're looking for more. I think they fit with the others, and I'd like to see Ganon as an antagonist.
That might make sense, although the game hasn't even started.

In terms of power levels, Bowser is equivalent to the Cyberdemon in terms of strength and durability, as a reference.
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Wait no ones made a character sheet? What do you mean by that several people have.
Sorry, didn't see them. I've been pretty busy this week.

On that note, I'll be doing something tomorrow and the day after that means I might not be here on those days.

Still, keep strong!

Also, I'm currently wondering just what Doctor Light will do when he makes first contact with Doctor Robotnik and his machines?
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Sorry, didn't see them. I've been pretty busy this week.

On that note, I'll be doing something tomorrow and the day after that means I might not be here on those days.

Still, keep strong!

Also, I'm currently wondering just what Doctor Light will do when he makes first contact with Doctor Robotnik and his machines?
Best guess entrust a Robot to take care of Dr. Robotnik and act as if he was on a similar thought process as Dr. Wily since they do act pretty similarly. If Dr. Robotnik weren't interested in global conquest he'd happily work with him as a lab partner for better research and development of robots.