Batman! (2027) - Wikipedia
Batman! is a 2027 comedy superhero film co-directed by Quentin Tarantino and Justin Roiland. It is a standalone reboot of the Batman film franchise, created by DC Films in a "last ditch attempt" to revive the Batman character after the box office failure of The Batman (2022) and in response to the continuing rise of the rival Marvel Cinematic Universe franchise. Batman! grossed the second highest box office return of any superhero film in history, $2.3 billion, after Avengers: Endgame (2019).
The film has received both acclaim and criticism for its surreal style, comedic tone, and unorthodox direction, described by IMDB as "the first real comedy of the digital age". Comparisons to the film have been variously made of the original Batman (1966) TV series, Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975), and the works of Charlie Chaplin, as well as with the esoteric style of modern meme culture.
The film's directors, Quentin Tarantino and Justin Roiland, despite their previous lack of creative contact, were directly drafted by Warner Brothers executives due to their previous experience and perceived grasp of 21st century culture. Both directors were reportedly told "you have a blank check, name your price, I want you to save Batman" upon their arrival at DC Films. While at first seemingly doomed by creative differences between the directors, exorbitant production costs and delays, and casting disagreements, Batman! ultimately released on December 1, 2027 after five years of delay and with a production cost of $412 million, the most expensive film in history.
Bo Burnham as Bruce Wayne / Batman
Timothée Chalamet as Dick Grayson / Robin
Michael Peña as Alfred Pennyworth
J. K. Simmons as Commissioner James Gordon
Zendaya as Barbara Gordon / Batgirl
Sacha Baron Cohen as The Joker
Eric André as The Riddler
Kaitlin Olson as The Catwoman
Jack Black as The Penguin
Samuel L. Jackson as Mr. Freeze