
Smol Pone GM
The Æther
A plague of nightmares has broken out across Equestria. Feverish visions of megaliths drowned by black, icy waters, of tempests and earthquakes ripping apart the land, of eclipses and nights devoid of stars, of all the grand splendor across the world becoming so much rubble. Princess Luna has run herself ragged trying to calm the realm of dreams, but for each nightmare she quells, two more take its place come next nightfall.

A solution must be found. Princess Celestia has sent for the Elements of Harmony and the best investigators around the world to find the cause of this, before the portents come to pass and Equestria is destroyed.

You are not one of the Elements. Unknown to anypony, the Elements are looking in the wrong place. You, however, are, whether you were sent by royal decree or swept along as an informant, witness or victim.

Baltimare. A thriving city located on Equestria's eastern coast and bordering the Horseshoe Bay, it is a trade hub for nations on the eastern continent and the third largest weather exporter, behind Cloudsdale and Las Pegasus. Its history is rich and deep, its culture and populace a melting pot from across the world, and like any big city, it has its own problems. Violence and foalnappings are on a rise, the city is thick with anxious tension, and the wild, oceanic rains have foiled the weather team for the past three days.

It is a hotspot of nightmares and rumors, and you're about to discover why...
- - -

Welcome to Baltimare Rains, a noir-themed game of investigation set in the magical land of Equestria, prior to Queen Chrysalis's wedding crash. This means Discord has been petrified, the Crystal Empire is still banished, and Twilight hasn't ascended yet. I will be using FATE Core RPG as my game system of choice, with a few modifications to accommodate for Equestria's varied species and magic. You do not need to be familiar with the system to play, I am more than willing to guide and teach newcomers. To get started, here is the FATE SRD website.

For those of you who are more familiarized with FATE and its variants, I am open to suggestions and talk about things you would like to see improved on or added to the system.

Description or picture.
High Concept: Who and what you are.
Trouble: A recurring complication in your life.
Aspect 1: An important, defining detail of you.
Aspect 2: Another important detail about you.
Aspect 3: Your relationship with another PC- leave blank for now.​
Skills: 20 points.
+4: O
+3: O O
+2: O O O
+1: O O O O​
Species stunt - Make sure your pegasi have wings, unicorns have magic and earth ponies have strength!
Free stunt #1
Free stunt #2​
Stress and Consequences:
Phys: OO
Ment: OO
Cons: [2] [4] [6]​
Refresh: 3
Athletics - The skill used for movement, and the general catch-all defensive skill.
Burglary - Used for picking locks, casing a location, getting in and out, and all thievery-related things.
Contacts - The "I know a pony" skill. It's also useful for finding people, and perhaps staying hidden.
Crafts - Used for fixing, making, and disassembling things without resorting to brute force.
Decieve - Used to lie and misdirect others in all sorts of ways. The enemy of Investigate and Empathy.
Empathy - The emotional equivalent of Notice, used to spot a person's mood and motives.
Fight - The general combat skill, used to inflict direct harm and make ways to cause more harm.
Investigate - The skill for finding things. Used to interpret clues and discover information.
Magic - Used by unicorns, changelings and zebras for their magical effects.
Notice - Used to spot things and as a general level of situational awareness.
Physique - The strong and tough skill. +1 Physique gives you an extra physical stress box, +3, two.
Provoke - The jerk skill. Used to elicit negative emotions like anger and fear, and cause mental harm.
Rapport - The nice guy skill. Used to elicit positive emotions and generally be friendly.
Resources - The wealth skill. Used to make expensive purchases and to have things.
Scholarship - The knowledge and education skill. Goes hand-in-hand with Investigate.
Shoot - Used for causing physical harm at a distance, from throwing rocks to shooting a bow.
Stealth - Used to hide and remain unseen, even when moving. The enemy of Notice and Investigate.
Will - The determination skill. +1 Will gives you an extra mental stress box, +3, two.
When you choose a species, take their Species stunt below. Species stunts are extra-potent stunts that represent what your species is known for, such as pegasi flight and unicorn magic.
Earth Pony: You are an earth pony, strong and tough. You get +1 to all applications of raw strength- this means you get +1 to Physique when rolling to move something, +1 to stress inflicted on a successful blow that uses strength, +1 to defending when using your toughness, and so forth. Additionally, you get one extra Mild consequence that can only be used to soak physical stress.
Pegasus: You are a pegasus, fleet and nimble. You have a set of wings, allowing you to use Athletics to climb vertical distances with ease and make aerial maneuvers. Additionally, you can shape and move the weather -clouds, wind, temperature, etc.- according to your desires via Crafts, Athletics, Physique, Shoot, or whatever other skill you might wish to use.
Unicorn: You are a unicorn, clever and magical. You have a horn, granting you access to the Magic skill. This allows you to use telekinesis to manipulate items up to one zone away and cast a limited repertoire of spells related to your special talent. Additionally, you can shoot magic lasers up to one zone away using Shoot, and detect magical anomalies using Notice.
Zebra: You are a zebra, mystic and strange. You have alchemy and rituals, granting you access to the Magic skill. This allows you to concoct brews for a variety of purposes and perform rites with reagents, circles and sacrifices that can result in extremely powerful effects... as long as you have the necessary time, resources and preparation. Resources, Contacts and Crafts advantages cah help. Additionally, you can detect magical anomalies using Notice.
Gryphon: You are a gryphon, fierce and quick. You have a set of wings, allowing you to use Athletics to climb vertical distances with ease and make aerial maneuvers. Additionally, you may sit on and shape clouds according to your desires via Crafts, Athletics, Physique or whatever other fitting skill. Finally, you have sharp talons, claws and a beak that add 1 stress to all of your successful unarmed Fight attacks.
Minotaur: You are a minotaur, mighty and large. You get +1 to all applications of raw strength- this means you get +1 to Physique when rolling to move something, +1 to stress inflicted on a successful blow that uses strength, +1 to defending when using your bulk, and so forth. Additionally, your massive size gives you an extra physical stress box, and a +1 to Provoke when size is a factor.
Changeling: You are a changeling, deceptive and sneaky. You have access to the Magic skill, allowing you to shapeshift into a myriad of forms (ponies, minotaurs, rocks, water beds, etc), creating a Shapeshifted aspect with one free invocation. However, you don't gain any of the abilities of those you shapeshift into, and your illusions will break upon taking stress. Additionally, you eat love, and you can sense it using Notice. Finally, you have a set of insect wings, letting you use Athletics to fly, and a horn, letting you handle light objects in the same zone as you with telekinesis.
Diamond Dog: You are a diamond dog, keen and stubborn. You have a sensitive nose, ears and eyes, giving you +1 to Notice for virually all applications. Additionally, you may use Physique to dig and tunnel through the ground very quickly: you may open a tunnel, extend it into an adjacent zone and drag unsuspecting victims below as full actions.​

If you wish to do so, you may make a custom skill to reflect a profession, position, or specific ability your PC holds. Make sure that at least one of your aspects is related to that skill and that you list everything the skill can do. Be judicious, don't make a super skill that can do everything and more than multiple other skills combined. Just for you, Runeblue. :V

Drive has been removed.
Lore is now Scholarship.
Investigate now functions differently: instead of using it to find clues, it's used to interpret them. This being a detective game, it's assumed that the PCs are at least capable of being detectives.
Magic added. Magic is a skill that changelings, unicorns and zebras roll to perform arcane abilities. The exact trappings of this skill will vary depending on the species of the user, but all of them are able to...
Overcome obstacles and problems, whether it's by a unicorn teleporting across a gap, a zebra using a ritual and a personal effect to track down a target, or a changeling donning a rock illusion to sneak past sentries.
Create advantages, whether it's by a unicorn conjuring a light to blind a foe, a zebra's alchemical elixir to grant a burst of speed, or a changeling donning a seductive disguise to entice an informant.
Attack, whether it's by a unicorn telekinetically smashing someone with a rock, a zebra casting an entropy curse on an unsuspecting victim three miles away, or a changeling forcibly draining a victim of their love.​
Defending is only available to unicorn and changeling magic; zebra rituals are too slow to meaningfully defend in a traditional, "there's a fireball coming at my face must do something now" sense. However, zebras can still set up defensive wards and other protections ahead of time- it's just creating an advantage instead.

When making your aspects, fill in one to start and leave at least the third one blank. Blank aspects will be filled in using The Phase Trio to tie your character to the other players' characters, or during play as your character is tested by the environment.

If you have any other questions, don't be afraid to ask. Post away!

IC thread.

Player list
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So hype. I've already got a character sheet half finished, I'll post it soon.
Nox - Karl (3/3)
High Concept: Diamond Dog Freelancer
Trouble: Socially abrasive and blunt

Karl grew up in Baltimare, born among a litter of seven in the city's slums. Being the biggest of his litter, he became a bit of a bully, though he did still care for his siblings. Being raised by a single working mother with no father to speak of, Karl started working young. He ran paper routs, he swept floors, and he cleaned bathrooms. As he grew into his full adult size, the nature of his jobs shifted. He acted as hired muscle or took manual labor jobs, his size and physique lending him a natural advantage in this area. But Karl wanted more, tired of merely scraping by.

One day, he discovered his nose was keener than even a normal Diamond Dogs, and his time in the slums had lent him a sharp eye for detail, so he took a few snooping jobs and found they payed very well, so he sought them out and put his skills to the test. It was on one of these jobs he ran into ___ (other character meetup here.)


A Deal is a Deal
Karl isn't the nicest of beings, nor the most social. But there is one code he lives by above all others. When he strikes a bargain, when the contract is set, he will honor it. Part of it is the reputation it earn him, but more importantly he feels like this is his virtue. Whatever else he might do or say, this dog won't lie to you.

Greed is Good
Growing up, Karl went hungry all too often. He looked up with envy at those who had more than him, and in his heart vowed to make his fortune. As a result, Karl is a greedy Diamond Dog, drawn to gems and gold.

Aspect 3:

+4: Physique
+3: Athletics, Fight
+2: Investigate, Notice, Provoke
+1: Empathy, Shoot, Stealth, Will

Species Stunt: You have a sensitive nose, ears and eyes, giving you +1 to Notice for virtually all applications. Additionally, you may use Physique to dig and tunnel through the ground very quickly: you may open a tunnel, extend it into an adjacent zone and drag unsuspecting victims below as full actions.
Berserk Brawler: Your fighting style is best described as wild, channeling your anger into wide, sweeping blows. When you and your friends are outnumbered at least two-to-one and you take physical stress, you get +1 to both Fight and Athletics for the duration of the fight.
The Nose Knows: If allowed a moment to concentrate, you can gain a +2 to a Notice check made to pick up a scent.

Stress and Consequences:
Phys: OOOO
Ment: OOO
Cons: [2] [4] [6]
Refresh: 3
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Runeblue - Squared Circle (3/3)

Squared Circle
High Concept: Disgraced Academic
Trouble: They Called him Mad!

Once an incredibly promising student, Circle became the laughingstock of his university for his doctoral thesis after presenting a mathematically impossible conclusion he reached during his research. The humiliation caused a psychotic breakdown, during which he dreamed of strange and unearthly things. After his recovery, he swore off academia and became an analytical consultant for anybody who could afford him. He's easily offended by people questioning his expertise, intelligence or sanity and continues to have a reputation as an unstable crackpot in certain circles.


Maddening Dreams
During his psychotic break, Circle suffered from hallucinations, seeing impossible equations dancing across his vision and hearing maddening whispers of ancient secrets. He alternated between insomnia and a comatose state, though neither provided escape. After medication and extended therapy, he was able to claw his way back to functionality. As of recent, his dreams have begun to remind him of that horrible time and they been growing steadily worse by the day.

+4: Scholarship
+3: Magic, Investigate
+2: Deceive, Resources, Notice
+1: Will, Shoot, Athletics, Provoke


Magic is also Magic
- Unicorn species stunt
Just a Statistic - Add a +2 shift to Investigate if you have studied statistical analysis and academic research of the subject being examined
Mathematical Rigour - Treat Scholarship as one shift higher for natural and formal sciences and one shift lower for social sciences

Stress and Consequences:
Phys: OO
Ment: OOO
Cons: [2] [4] [6]
Refresh: 3
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Awesome, three people already. I'll leave submissions open for a day or two to see if anyone else has a character idea they want to write out or get help with. @The Fourth Monado, feel free to post your WIP in the thread, it'll be open to more feedback and suggestions here.
How would you define a tough battle? Being significantly outnumbered? Facing down a supporting NPC and a pack of cronies, or a main antagonist?

Also, you have three +3 skills and only two +2 skills. You'll need to knock a +3 skill down a peg.
Oh hey it's the usual mad scientist from Lovecraft :V. Looks pretty good; is he supposed to be a blank flank?
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Oh hey it's the usual mad scientist from Lovecraft :V. Looks pretty good; is he supposed to be a blank flank?

Well, someone had to do it :V.

As for the cutie mark, I'm just having a bit of trouble thinking of a design that would both fit the aesthetic and be easily photoshopped.
Don't really care for MLP as such, but the premise is intriguing enough that I'll throw together a gryphon investigative reporter once I get home.
The Fourth Monado - Cricken
Shift Spark/Cricken
As Shift Spark, looks like a brown unicorn. Cutie Mark sometimes changes, but usually looks like a spyglass on a thundercloud. As a changeling, looks like your average changeling.
High Concept: Green Investigator Who Is Secretly A Changeling
Trouble: Love Is My Alcohol
Aspect 1: Conflict? No Thanks!
Aspect 2: Escaped Chrysalis to Baltimare
Aspect 3:
The hive of Queen Chrysalis is not a good place to grow up in, as Cricken can attest. (REST WILL BE FINISHED AFTER I SLEEP)
+4: Empathy
+3: Deceive, Stealth
+2: Investigate, Magic, Athletics
+1: Will, Fight, Shoot, Notice​
Species stunt - Is This My Real Form? You Don't Know~
Hide and Survive - Years of fear over being captured has driven Cricken to become very good at remaining hidden. Yet sometimes, that isn't enough. In a situation where Cricken has his metaphorical or physical back to the wall, add +1 to Fight and Shoot.
Magic Missile - Cricken's fondness for a unicorn disguise has resulted in him working on his magic more so than most other changelings. He can fire magical lasers like a unicorn wizard, allowing him to make Shoot attacks up to one zone away with just his horn.​
Stress and Consequences:
Phys: OO
Ment: OOO
Cons: [2] [4] [6]​
Refresh: 3
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Awesome, three people already. I'll leave submissions open for a day or two to see if anyone else has a character idea they want to write out or get help with. @The Fourth Monado, feel free to post your WIP in the thread, it'll be open to more feedback and suggestions here.

How would you define a tough battle? Being significantly outnumbered? Facing down a supporting NPC and a pack of cronies, or a main antagonist?

Also, you have three +3 skills and only two +2 skills. You'll need to knock a +3 skill down a peg.
Not sure, not familiar with this system. I'll take any ideas though.

As for the +3, I thought the race gave +1 to Notice checks, or am I understanding that wrong?
Not sure, not familiar with this system. I'll take any ideas though.
Hmm. Perhaps something like...

Your fighting style is best described as wild, channeling your anger into wide, sweeping blows. When you and your friends are outnumbered at least two-to-one and you take physical stress, you get +1 to both Fight and Athletics for the duration of the fight.
As for the +3, I thought the race gave +1 to Notice checks, or am I understanding that wrong?
You'll list your base Notice skill as +2. The stunt boosts it to +3 in most cases, but don't list it like that on your skill pyramid.
A bit of Discord chat with HadesHerald that resulted in some Baltimare background:
Baltimare is a city located on Equestria's east coast, originally built up around the Horseshoe Bay as a small trading post with the eastern continents across the Celestial Sea. The city's grown quite a bit since then, but it's still a bustling trade center and a melting pot of culture and species. Ponies are the most populous, followed by gryphons, zebras, diamond dogs, minotaurs, and the rest.
Everyone is generally friendly or at least neutral towards each other, though the recent plague of nightmares is creating stress and specism- in general, everyone who's not a pony and plenty of those who are think Luna is tied into this in some way, those who aren't ponies are taking it out on them, and the ponies are retaliating against it.
So @Cyreni, I revised Karl's character page with the changes you suggested, and did some tweaking and adjusting. All that's left to do is type up his backstory.

Looking good so far?
So @Cyreni, I revised Karl's character page with the changes you suggested, and did some tweaking and adjusting. All that's left to do is type up his backstory.

Looking good so far?
Indeed. Make sure you leave some wiggle room in your backstory to let another player slip in and fill in that 3rd aspect.
Indeed. Make sure you leave some wiggle room in your backstory to let another player slip in and fill in that 3rd aspect.
All done. The last portion will be filled out once the interaction with another character is set along with the third Aspect, but otherwise Karl the Diamond Dog is ready to go.

I set him up to be the teams muscle, the guy who kicks ass and takes names when things get bad, with a side of bloodhound to help with figuring things out. Looking at the other two applicants, he seems to have that roll well filled thus far.

Would your character be willing to help strong-arm somepony for money owed to a loan shark pony? Currently working on my zebra who has money issues, thought it would be a nice tie-in.

Yea, he would totally do that, so long as you were upfront about the whole job beforehand this would be right up his ally. Hired muscle is a job he's good at, and he can be intimidating if need be too.
Yea, he would totally do that, so long as you were upfront about the whole job beforehand this would be right up his ally. Hired muscle is a job he's good at, and he can be intimidating if need be too.

Actually, I worked out that it wouldn't work with the other concepts I was working with.
HadesHerald - Telphon Nyeusi
NAME: Doctor of Mechanics, Telphon Nyeusi
Telphon is a Zebra with a short, purple mane. His neck rings are very boxy, with stylized gears, wires, etc. depicted on them. His cutie mark is a set of two interlocked, bronze gears. (Like this, but in bronze.)
High Concept: Animator of the Arcane
Trouble: Build first, think later.
Aspect 1: The Mechanic's Blade.
Aspect 2: Shield for All.
Aspect 3:
+4: Craft
+3: Magic, Physique
+2: Fight, Athletics, Resources
+1: Will, Notice, Scholarship, Contacts
Species stunt - Zebra, mystic and strange. Possessing alchemy and rituals, they are granted access to the Magic skill. They are allowed to concoct brews for a variety of purposes and perform rites with reagents, circles and sacrifices that can result in extremely powerful effects... as long as they have the necessary time, resources and preparation. Resources, Contacts and Crafts advantages can help. Additionally, you can detect magical anomalies using Notice.
Stunt #1: BE
May use Craft and Magic in order to create and animate small, self-made machines. [Minimum Time Required: 20 minutes]
Additionally, after succeeding at a GOOD (+3) Magic passive check, Telphon may use his mystical powers to draw his tools to him, providing him the workshop for crafting his automata.
Stunt #2: MY SWORD <BE aspect> ​[Required: Magic +2, BE]
Use Magic to imbue animated machines with Fight or Shoot equal to Successes and the ability to Attack. Overwrites any other BE aspects given to this machine.
Stunt #3: MY SHIELD <BE aspect>​ [Required: Magic +2, BE]
Use Magic to imbue animated machines with the ability to intercept attacks for characters. Overwrites any other BE aspects given to this machine.
Stress and Consequences:
Phys: OOOO
Ment: OOO
[2] Healthy
[4] Healthy
[6] Healthy
Refresh: 2
Fate Pool: 0

Backstory: [Will fill as needed/provided]

Mechanic's Blade: <Non-Descript, Pseudo-Mercenary Work>

Shield for All: <Taking Down Mundane Threats in Baltimare>
Man why do people post sheets at one in the morning? :V
Looks pretty good. I can tell you've done some homework. Are you leaving the stress tracks and skill points of your automata to be determined by the roll used to make them?

Also, if he's part or head of a company like you were saying on Discord, you should probably reflect something to that measure in an aspect.
Sailor Midgard - Kayla Moon
NAME Kayla Moon
Description or picture : Kayla is a big, white Minotaur woman.Her eyes are surprisingly gentle and big, her horns well polished , and she is wearing her police badge, west and cudgel with pride. Being tall, even for a Minotaur, she is a bit self-conscious about it and tends to slouch.

High Concept: The STRONG arm of the law.

Trouble: A Minotaur among Equines (Kayla is not a member of the majority population, yet a member of the security forces. Some of her fellow minotaurs see her as a sellout, some equines do not trust her...the works.)
Aspect 1: Idealistic to the core
Aspect 2: Bull-headed in more than one way
Aspect 3:
+4 Physique
+3:Fight, Will
+2: Investigate, Empathy, Contacts
+1: Provoke, Notice, Athletics, Rapport


Species stunt - Minotaur
Free stunt 1 : Strong as an OAK: Kayla may use Physique instead of Athletics to resist attacks. [Twice per scene]
Free stunt 2 :The CaValry Is Here! kayla spends a FP once per scene (or once per scenario with no FP cost) to show up anywhere she is needed.
Stress and Consequences:
Phys: OOOO
Ment: OOO
Cons: [2] [4] [6]
Refresh: 3

Kayla always wanted to be a cop. From her early ages on, she had a great respect for the brave men and women of the BCPD, ingrained by an youthful escapade where a nice Earthpony officer had to save her from a very dangerous situation involving a
waterpipe and her horns (do not ask, she still has minor claustrophobic moments.)
She has entered the force as a young heifer and pushed on with both bullheaded determination and dilligent work.
While Minotaurs are often seen as the proverbial blunt instruments, the young heifer has always tried to balance her brashness and imposing nature with an affable manner and basic friendliness. If you are a law-abiding citizen, or even a slightly shady fellow doing no serious harm, Kayla is the best friend you can have.
If, however, you are a seasoned criminal, a corrupt officer , or do harm to children and animals, watch out, Kayla still is a Minotaur, strong, hard and tough...
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Cause I cannot into GM posts, D-D-DOUBLE POST!

Man why do people post sheets at one in the morning? :V

Looks pretty good. I can tell you've done some homework. Are you leaving the stress tracks and skill points of your automata to be determined by the roll used to make them?

Also, if he's part or head of a company like you were saying on Discord, you should probably reflect something to that measure in an aspect.

A. Because I got done with work at 12 and can't ever sleep afterwards.

2. Sort of, I'm working out that they get stress boxes and agility and those determine the difficulty.

iii. He is not, it clashed with with the character I was trying to build, so I ditched it.
Looks okay so far, though it's riddled with spelling errors and just looks very cluttered. Do you want some help figuring out what you want to do for stunts?

Also, your +4 Physique and +3 Will give you two extra stress boxes on your physical and mental stress tracks, and your racial gives you one more physical stress box.
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Looks okay so far, though it's riddled with spelling errors and just looks very cluttered. Do you want some help figuring out what you want to do for stunts?

Also, your +4 Physique and +3 Will give you two extra stress boxes on your physical and mental stress tracks, and your racial gives you one more physical stress box.
Yes, please.As to the errors... sigh.
I shall go over the post again.
My thoughts on how BE works:

Machina have a base difficulty of Craft 2 and physical stress of 1 (immune to mental attacks and stress).
Additional stress boxes may be added at a cost of +1 difficulty per box.
Additional Athletics may be added at a cost of +1 difficulty per rating.
Total difficulty must be declared before rolling.
For every 2 shifts above the difficulty reached, add 1 stress box or 1 Athletics.

Once built, machina follow Telphon until destroyed. Machina must be empowered in order to fight.
Powering takes 2 actions with a base difficulty of Magic 2. Powering lasts for 2 base turns +1 turn for each success rolled + Magic skill (for example: roll -+=+, Magic skill 3, spots 2 successes and 3 skill for 5 additional turns).

Using MY SWORD imbues the ability to attack via Shoot or Fight (as determined at cast). Base difficulty is Magic 3 and grants 1 Fight or Shoot skill. Additional Fight or Shoot skill can be added at a cost of +1 difficulty per rating.

Using MY SHIELD gives machina the ability to intercept attacks for friendly targets once per turn. Base difficulty is 2 for 1 stress box or 1 Athletics. Additional boxes or skills can be added at a cost of +1 difficulty per box or rating.
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