The advent of the Krogan clan system was originally established as a communal means of maintaining local control over a wider region through the usage of a system of meetings, points of agreed barter systems and general distrust for any Krogan outside of their local sphere of knowledge. This shared agreement of economic means, combined with a tiered level of respect and authority focused around a Krogan's age, in general meaning that they actually survived long enough to teach others, was one of the earliest founding governmental institutions, one that remained with the Krogan during their rise through the various stages of industrialization and eventual 'contact' with the Citadel species.
Many outside the traditional Krogan sphere of influence, such as study through various academic lessons or continued contact with a reasonably friendly Krogan, generally believe that these clans were very much built as a system designed to act as a 'stronghold' against the ravages of the surrounding environment, in order to support their own cultural and economic development, free from the terror of being eaten by the next big, hungry, gribbly monster in the area. In fact, this notion is primarily believed due to the shared belief, and continued spread of a Thessian-centric view, on the Tuchankan environment.
Most study, based off both preserved Krogan histories and extended Salarian research, points to the idea that most Krogan, during the pre-industrial era were in fact more akin to a combination of the traditional nomadic hunter-gather development patterns and a basic pseudo-agricultural society. Research shows Krogan clans operated as a means of connecting the various separated groups within a single area, as each familial group operated within a set territory within the overall 'clan' territory, rotating between different sections of land to farm various crops without lowering the overall soil fertility. This, combined with the widespread domestication of various smaller creatures, specifically the original breeds of Varren, allowed the original Krogan clans to thrive as a unit.
Latter developments, specifically the rise of gunpowder lead to the typical view that the Krogan clans maintained strongholds as bastions of central power, and lacked any sort of mobility within their homelands. Again, this belief is further than the truth, and again, primarily spread by a Thessian-centric view on how the Krogan were violent from their original development. The various strongholds acted not only as a means as defense against the influx of various military raiding forces, a key component of Krogan culture, and the possible attacks from major predators, but, more importantly, it acted as a means of trade, commerce and culture within the Krogan society.
These bastions were manned primarily by the older members of the Krogan society, a form of militarized retirement home if you will, in an effort to maintain the traditional works of the Krogan clans, and protect their major attributes to the clan itself, the detailed repository of knowledge that the older Krogan had access too.
This is not to say that these bastions weren't also home to major sections of trade, domestication of larger animals, defensive points during major conflicts and safeguarding points of major art within Krogan culture, but there most important aspect was the preservation of knowledge for future descendents of both familial and clan lines.
However, following the deployment of nuclear weaponry in a conflict between two sides, made up of various allied clans, the bastions, as they were, were overstocked with the surviving Krogan during the long nuclear winter, a 'miniature ice age' in which the break down of the traditional familial lines within the clans were lost. Such families that did remain usually formed smaller clans within the bastion itself, and the culture began to change to adopt a heavier focus on duty to the clan and military experience within the 'Vaults' of Krogan existence. Such conflicts lead to numerous battles within the vaults themselves, often resulting in the destruction of numerous historical artifacts and great works of art, scarred in order to demonstrate the dominance of a certain clan over another or, sadly more common, to deny the successful attacker the chance to do so themselves.
Few clans survived through this period, many falling into ruin through chronic infighting over the few scarce resources available or the division along familial lines through confusion over possible information lost with the death of the elder Krogan. Even during this period, the rare animal life that did survive were mostly among the top predators of the Tuchankan wildlife, which, originally were use to a rich variety of both prey species to consume and mutualist species that served as a means of maintaining their lifestyles. As such many beasts turned to preying on the Krogan in even greater numbers than before, some, like the famous Thresher Maws, even attack the Clan Bastions, leading to the ruin of some and glory of others.
It was into this period that the Krogan were first introduced to the Citadel proper, and allowed for the solidification of the clan lines. Before contact, the Krogan clans were still under the threat of possible 'extinction' at a clan level following the defeat within their own bastions. The usage of the Krogan as an army however, lead to the clans shifting from organizations focused around maintaining all aspects of their livelihood within the bastion, to a definitive military focus, one that would shape the Krogan clans from the opening days of the Rachnai wars to the present day.
Needless to say, such aspects such as the rivalry between the Salarian, Thessian Republic and Krogan militaries are discussed in more depth in their related articles, but the defining feature of the Rachnai war on the Krogan was the intense militarization of the Krogan people as a whole. No longer was there any discussion as to the balance of the clan growth and finances, the heavily ritualized control on breeding requests and the governmental domination by the eldest Krogan, instead, the focus turned to strength, one of the main tenants of Krogan culture, once in balance with aspects of breeding, farming and wandering was now the only thing that mattered.
It is of little surprise to those who actually bothered to pay attention to these developments, which mainly consisted of a single Asari scholar and her assistants working on leave within the Sur'Keshian Geopolitical development academies, that the Krogan, their entire culture effectively 'out of whack', would rebound after the war and demand increasingly larger appeasements in order to provoke a conflict.
The genophagh, and its assorted aftermath is well known, but the affect on the Krogan as a people was harsh. A society already mutated by the influences of outside forces to only acknowledge the concept as strength as the defining feature, now became even more increasingly focused on an individuals strength within its own society to define their position within both the clan and the people. Clans that had been solidified during both the Rachnai conflicts and the Krogan Rebellion soon became as weak and fluid as they had been during the Nuclear Ice Age centuries prior, as Krogan became fixated on preserving their own status and strength. This resulted in the separation and domination of female camps over any attempt of sexual freedom within Krogan society, while any military focus had to spend as much time guarding their own position as they would strategizing against opposing armies.
Even today, these military ideals still hold sway over the Krogan people, along with the absolute authority awarded to the strongest members of their clans. However, some question the validity of such claims, with many researchers pointing to the decaying fabric holding most minor clans together, resulting in an almost ironic return to the ancient familial units that the Krogan once operated.