Awake, Arise, or be Forever Fallen (SI Multi-cross/Original Setting Roleplay)

"You exist: without name, without form. You cannot see the light of day; you cannot see the dark. You sold the green earth and the sun and stars to save yourself. But you have no self. All that which you sold, that is yourself. You have given everything for nothing. "

Ursula K. Le Guin, The Farthest Shore


Approaching a city best left forgotten a gruesome procession advanced. The center piece was a creature like a horse but many times larger, standing close to 10 meters high the creature looked like something out of a nightmare, it's skin had been flayed away leaving glistening muscle and tendon and a harness of metal that was one part saddle and one part cage was bolted into the animals body.

The horse thing moved towards a city that couldn't exist and yet did. It had no true equivalent but an observer might describe it as akin to Rome as it had been in the time of Caesar but swollen to impossible size and now equal to the greatest cities of the modern world. Here a skyscraper wrought of faded marble and wood jutted impossibly upwards, here was a coliseum where steam powered golem beasts battled while inhuman crowds roared.

The streets of this dammed city were chocked with the refuse of another life: plastic bags, old newspapers, rusted metal wrecks, glass and broken toys piled on top of each other forming rivers where their should streets. The place was a garbage dump of insane scale. To breath here was to gag on smog and stink so thick you could cut it.

To look up was to behold a sky of red tinged void, an empty pit of no stars or sun with only a sense of alien cold radiating from it. Those bound onto the horse beast's back in the cage - saddle knew a truth like a shard of glass driven into their hearts.

This was Hell.

And they were dammed.


Okay welcome one and all to the OOC Thread of 'Awake, arise, or be for ever fall'n', I am toxinvictory and I will be acting as the primary GM for this project.

This is a rewrite/reboot of a RP I started a long time ago To Reign in Hell (SI Multi-cross/Original Setting Roleplay) OOC which was begun back when I was relatively new to writing and trying to juggle a range of commitments. God has it really been four years? Since that project I've written a range of other material, struck up lasting dialogues with more experienced writers and I like to think grown a bit better at handling the workload that comes with such a project.

So to kick off the new year I'm revisiting my old RP notion, putting on a fresh layer of paint and giving it another go. Credit to @UbeOne for prompting me to try this and also to @Sunshine for being an truly inventive writer whose evil ideas about corruption and identity have long been inspirational (if you want a slot in this Sunny it's yours no questions asked).

Okay then down to the nitty gritty. This is a sort of SI based game with some reservations. The central characters who players well control are people who frankly speaking should be sent to Hell in death, either outright villains or folk that did something evil and didn't have time to properly atone before they died. These dammed have arrived in Hell and are being transported to their judgment/fate/etc, which is where the SI element comes in. To make sure these new arrivals are contained and don't make a mess before they reach a secure area each new arrival has been implanted with a Soul Copy.

Soul Copy's are within the framework of this quest artificial replication of normal human's soul complete with memories - personality, they don't tend to last very long but can possess - takeover another mind for time. That's what players are: Intended to be short lived copies of actual people that have been shoved into the minds of dammed souls to keep said souls confused/disoriented until they are safely behind bars or pushing a rock up a hill for eternity.

Only something has gone wrong, a wave of power from an experiment or spell gone wrong has granted this crop of artificial souls more of an afterlife than anyone thought they could have. Now you are the primary mind in control and that's not going to change any time soon. You have access to the skills, memories and powers of the dammed you were pushed into. The original soul has been assimilated into the artificial but Hell sees no difference, you are a sinner and deserve to be here any argument otherwise is likely to fall on deaf ears.

What you do with this newfound lease of afterlife and what context the merge takes is up to you. Maybe the weight of past sins is enough to make accepting whatever punishment Hell has in store seem right? Maybe the original inhabitant has overwhelmed the artificial soul and has come out the other side better or even worse for the process? Maybe the idea of acquiring power among the dammed and demons while running from/fighting the powers that be sounds like fun? Maybe escape from or denial of this damnation is the driving goal.

It's up to you.

Okay so players are inserted into a character of their choice, you can play as just about anyone within some restrictions. Played characters can not be from universes with clearly depicted afterlives, my take on Hell is it's own thing and I don't really want to open the can of worms of for example a character playing Aizen Sosuke and running into the fact my take on Hell is very different from the Bleach one.

Also to be clear characters so powerful they render conflict non-existent will not be accepted, the Plutonian (Character) - Comic Vine could absolutely be sent to Hell but the ability to subconsciously alter reality and in so doing cause anything you want to happen makes coming up with real challenges somewhat difficult for me.

I will be accepting 5 - 6 players for this if that many people are interested in taking part. Since they expressed an interest in the concept directly to me and so got the ball rolling @UbeOne has a locked in slot unless health or work concerns come up. I ask that all players be civil with each other OOC and if you have questions feel free to ask me.

Since they took part in the original game just dropping you a line @Redium @ebolasos @munchkinomatic @Cjdavis103 if you are interested.
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Huh neat this is back.

What's the power level ? Street? Building?City? Low planet busting?

I'm certainly interested

Provisionally ima go with DIO.
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Is there some sheet template we should follow? Or a list of things we should include?
I'm definitely going to throw my hat into the ring here, though I haven't decided on who to apply as yet.

Leaning towards Princess Azula from Avatar: the Last Airbender.
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Huh neat this is back.

What's the power level ? Street? Building?City? Low planet busting?

I'm certainly interested

Provisionally ima go with DIO.

I don't have specific power level this is set at since it's open to characters from across fiction, that said the power to destroy an entire city single handed would probably be more than a little excessive for this and yeah I'd put planet busting tier as to powerful.

DIO could be all kinds of fun.

Is there some sheet template we should follow? Or a list of things we should include?

Given the range of possible characters an exact template is somewhat difficult.

That said if prospective players could provide an outline of how they would like to play with and indicating what your IC mental state and goals are (have you been taken over completely etc) that would be great.

I'm definitely going to throw my hat into the ring here, though I haven't decided on who to apply as yet.

Leaning towards Princess Azula from Avatar: the Last Airbender.

Looking forward to seeing what you ultimately go with.
DIO Character
So something like this

Damned Soul DIO (JOJO's bizarre Adventure)

IC mental state: Confused scared and trying not to lose out to DIO's will.

IC goals: Get the Hell out of Hell or at least find a less hellish place to live/ not got deleted by DIO or whomever runs this place.

Ooc: I'll leave that to you mostly just kind of interested in the setting as well as the idea of having to deal with the devil(DIO) in the back of my head and having to both fight and listen to him knowing full well he wants nothing more then to crush me and resume direct control.

Hmmmm sone other suggestions for characters.

Kratos: could be Neat the guy has done more then enough to warrant a one way trip to hell granted it's never stuck before but now he's not in charge anymore. He'd be a relatively chill Soulmate all things considered as he'd share the same goal as the soul ie get out and back to his kid.

Vergil : I mean he's already a devil and what not and it wouldn't be the first time someone else was in the drivers seat so to speak. Could pull a dante's Inferno reference and have Vergil know his way around hell.
Well, this is interesting. I can certainly think of a few characters that it might be fun to throw into this impending clusterfuck, but as always the question is which one to pick.

Though on that topic, are we restricted to human-ish characters, or would aliens, intelligent animals, etc, be accepted?
Well, this is interesting. I can certainly think of a few characters that it might be fun to throw into this impending clusterfuck, but as always the question is which one to pick.

Though on that topic, are we restricted to human-ish characters, or would aliens, intelligent animals, etc, be accepted?
Probably anything that could go to Hell?
I'm going with Darth Talon. Outline to follow later on.

Edit: On second thought, I may consider Jean Gray. Hm...
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Oh boy SI into an evil character. Gimmie a sec to roll my roulette of destiny

EDIT: Roulette of Destiny is not a reliable deciding tool, but it has decided to make the character I'm SI-ing into be Esdeath
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Oh boy SI into an evil character. Gimmie a sec to roll my roulette of destiny

EDIT: Roulette of Destiny is not a reliable deciding tool, but it has decided to make the character I'm SI-ing into be Esdeath

Oooh a fellow time stopping sadist with ice powers.

I'm not sure if back seat DIO would be intrigued or pissed that there's yet another person that can move in his world.
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I mean, he was more of interested when Jotaro did it, but I assume that was less of intrigue and more of caution than so

He was scared and pissed which then became arrogance again once it was established that Jotaro was weaker then him in time power.

I imagine his first response would be something along the lines of " Are you fucking kidding me?" Which would be followed by caution and curiosity.

Also thought occurs to me. If a vampire drinks the midoclorain rich blood of a Sith would he become force sensitive? I mean he has complete control over his body once he has a sample he might be able to replicate them.
Midichlorians do not cause Force-sensitivity. They are merely indicators of it, for they are drawn to Force-sensitive people in the first place.

Edit: Lemme Google it though, just to be sure.
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Midichlorians do not cause Force-sensitivity. They are merely indicators of it, for they are drawn to Force-sensitive people in the first place.

Got it wasn't quite sure of the cause and effect there.

Edit so the cause-and-effect thing is debated. However we know that transfusions don't usually work. Grievous got injected with a lot of Midiclorain rich blood to make sure he survived but didn't get any force sensitivity from it. Granted DIOs body wouldn't just have them but would consciously replicate them from his own cells.

That's sad I'm not inclined to believe that he be able to do it maybe if we have a lab and a good amount of time to actually study it? Not to mention even if he does acquire the sensitivity he still going to need training even with over a century of meditation training
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Yeah, definitely leaning towards Azula. The blue fire bending, lightning shooting princess of the Fire Nation who went mildly bonkers after being betrayed by her BFFs feels like a good level of power, and I could do some fun things with her worse hang ups bleeding through.
Lotta fun ideas and out there could go for a quadratic type character where no matter what you start off weaker but, grow stronger as you go own....
Oooooh, this looks very neat. I'll have to keep a watch on it. Alas at the moment I don't quite have the time for another RP game. Shame.
Character I have chosen: Darth Vader
IC mental state: The lord of the Sith may have killed Sidious and turned back to Anakin skywalker in the last moments of his life, but that does not redeem the worlds destroyed, species exterminated to the last, and the subjugation of an entire galaxy under a reign of terror not seen for millennia. For that, Vader was sent to hell, but something went wrong. The mental state of this new being is...warped, while Vader is, for lack of a better word, dead that does not mean his memories and personality do not effect the new soul. The new soul can for the most part skim Vaders memories and skill for everyday use and come away vaguely clean, but the deeper the delve the more they are tainted. Prolonged use of Vaders abilities results in a sort of bleed through, with these abilities come memories, and with them comes personality.

As a result the new soul is entirely terrified to delve too deeply for too long, but such may be essential for survival in Hell.

Goals: Escape hell or avoid punishment, either heal Vaders body or get rid of it for something else, try not to get too tainted by his personality, lest it subsumes the new soul entirely.

*Other: Hrm, didn't exactly know how to frame this so tell me if anything needs to be added or such. Or if you'd like me to take another character entirely, ect. I will say this looks very interesting. What I'm doing with Vader is that he can't make active decisions, because hes-for lack of a better word- dead. He's...asleep, and unlikely to ever wake up, so the danger is not from him making his own decisions, but how his memories and skills I draw upon affect me. Not even getting into the Dark Side itself, but if I want to live through this then I need to use the talents and abilities he is infamous for, but if I use them for too long, or delve too deep, then it'll cost me. A part of who I was, and who I could be, all subsumed under the taint of Vader. So thats going to be fun to balance. * Saw some sheets that other, heh, people were doing this for the thoughts behind the app, and I figured why not?
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For me, I'm currently thinking one of the following:
  • The old classic, the Skinwalker from the Dresden Files.
    • Pros: Powerful without being overpowered (with the exception of one ability), lots of potential for drama due to evilness bleedover.
    • Cons: Something of a one-dimensional character, Torment Intellectus would probably need to be nerfed or removed due to the setting.
  • Best Boss Ever, Elvis from God Hand.
    • Pros: Powerful without being overpowered, his personality is quite a bit of fun, his place on the evilness scale is a touch ambiguous.
    • Cons: Not all that much interesting about his powers, has previously eaten people.
  • It's Baron! Kumon Kaito from Kamen Rider Gaim.
    • Pros: Morally ambiguous (wanted to destroy the world and rebuild it as one where the weak are no longer oppressed), not overpowered on a personal level, fun character.
    • Cons: Has the ability to summon a literal army from another dimension unless the ability is blocked, a lot of his power options are gear-based and thus inaccessible.
  • 'I am but two days old' Vee, from Devil May Cry.
    • Pros: Has an interesting and indirect powerset, his personality is enjoyable, comes with a snarky sidekick.
    • Cons: Might not actually count as evil.
  • Mistress of All Evil, Maleficent.
    • Pros: Can turn into a dragon, lots of variety in her powers, evil through and through with all the associated drama potential, can turn into a dragon.
    • Cons: Poorly defined limits on her powers.
Will need to think more to narrow this down, obviously.
Ares Character
Sinner: Ares (DCEU)
Mental State: Confusion. Fear. Despair. These are just some of the emotions dominating the unexpected amalgamate of two souls that should have never come into existence. Although the much more balanced artificial part has claimed dominance, it was not completely for the better. While the baggage of resentment, arrogance and misanthropy cultivated over thousands of years was greatly lightened, many more, perhaps much more pressing issues replaced them.

Who was he now? After all, while he may possess the memories of a human life, his family, accomplishing things and failing miserably alike… he never experienced any of this, did he? He was a copy, one meant to disappear into oblivion soon enough. There was nothing of substance to his being, none at all. He was nothing but an illusion meant to deceive and confuse.

Then again, no longer could he claim to be old Ares either. God's memories, so much vaster and tangible, real beyond a shadow of a doubt… didn't feel truly his. Even though he possessed infinitely greater claim to life of the deceased deity, pointless fabrication of earthly life held more significance than the life one part of his being actually led.

So divided and torn, unable to answer who exactly he is, there was only one certainty in his mind. Whether he could still identify as Ares or something else entirely, there was no way he would let himself be subjected to whatever torture hell has to offer.
Goals: To avoid punishment for Ares's sins indefinitely. Figure out who exactly he is anymore, Ares with a different perspective or maybe an entirely different being.
Other: I chose Ares because I believe he has a rather nice and versatile powerset (from telekinesis to teleportation, lightning, thermokinesis, superstrength, illusions and even scientific acumen) while being quite a bit below the 'city destroyer' threshold.

I think that while roleplaying I will mostly focus on the "who am I, truly" aspect, and see how my character will grow. Aside from that I am open to the story evolving in a number of different ways, from escaping hell, to taking it over, to just trying to survive and avoid punishment or even something else, depending on what the GM and other players would like to do.
Well, I was forwarded this RP by @UbeOne. It's a bit short notice, so I need a bit of time to think.

Given all the Magic users, I could try something on the side of Tech. Alternatively, I could just go with a Necromancer. Again, need some time to ponder and see what comes to mind.
Before I consider my options I have a few questions, what's your stance on OCs? If a setting has an afterlife but the character wouldn't know, and thus the difference is irrelevant, would that be okay?

While I'm at it, what about altering a story so the character dies at a different time than in canon? For example, a character does something bad and is killed before the redemption arc they actually underwent in the story?
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