Vote tally - Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest)

Adhoc vote count started by Birdsie on Mar 7, 2018 at 1:29 PM, finished with 1095 posts and 23 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest)
Post #1
Post #1095


  • [X] Plan Honesty
    -[X] It's the only way. One day, you'll leave her and everything else behind to fulfill your duty. It's best to tell her early. "I'm the Avatar."
    -[x] Keep exploring. (Will begin Questline: Past Your Own Self.)
    [X] Plan Tie of the Jungle
    -[X] The future is not important. You need to focus on the now. You need to focus on the one person that is here for you. "I'm sorry to keep worrying you. I always pester you with my problems, but I never help you with yours."
    -[x] Keep exploring. (Will begin Questline: Past Your Own Self.)
    [X] Keep exploring. (Will begin Questline: Past Your Own Self.)
    [X] The future is not important. You need to focus on the now. You need to focus on the one person that is here for you. "I'm sorry to keep worrying you. I always pester you with my problems, but I never help you with yours."
    [X] Keep exploring. (Will begin Questline: Past Your Own Self.)
    [X] Plan Home
    -[X] The future is not important. You need to focus on the now. You need to focus on the one person that is here for you. "I'm sorry to keep worrying you. I always pester you with my problems, but I never help you with yours."
    -[X] Pack it up.