Or that.Or maybe increase Paranoia gain by shuffling the dice to favor SCVs over Fusion Cutters.
How do people feel about swapping
[] Nephor II: TRUST Civil Auxiliary Pilot Program [TRUST] DC 60 (2 dice, 30 F) (92.97%)
[] Korhal: Have a Talk with Director Starke DC 80 (2 dice, 10 F) (83.47%)
Wondering whether to replace the Vardona Environmental with the Biosphere action. And any other (minor) changes to make.
So I can see the fun in us working on Mar Sara though I can also see the benefit in us aiding in food production.
As for other minor changes the only other category that had me going "oh" in was mass literacy. I mean in real life I love the idea of mass literacy but here I wonder about other options. And by other options I mean Vardona: Angustia Orbital Shipyard Complex.
Remember with Starke's blessing, losing Paranoia is actually a losing game, compared to just gaining 5 Paranoia that then becomes gaining no Paranoia. Disappearing Paranoia entirely.
I don't get what you mean by 'losing game'. We have many ways to loose Paranoia so how is that losing?
Are you saying "we will be doing an action that reduces Paranoia, might as well combine it with an action that gives us Paranoia so its a net sum" cause if so then yeah, I can see that.
The reason why I'm favouring fusion cutters over SCVs is because 1. the cutters gain the benefit of the Nephor II bonus which cancels out the -5 from taking Mengsk's deal and 2. because the cutters require less progress then the hv factory so it will take less effort to set up and the hv factory will benefit from the progress reduction from the cutters.Or maybe increase Paranoia gain by shuffling the dice to favor SCVs over Fusion Cutters.
I honestly consider our primary goal to strengthen and better the Dominion. We are loyal to the idea of the Terran dominion. Our secondary goal is to remove Mengsk. But we are nowhere near that point. He is still somewhat popular. We have no idea on who to replace him with (etc etc). We don't want anarchy. We aren't rebellion for rebellion sake. We definitely don't want a return to the Confederacy. We also know that Kerigan, the Queen of Blades, is out there. (and thanks to the canon omake we now are having dreams of her, though I think maybe its more than just dreams. I think maybe its a) she is doing some psychic things and b) maybe we are slightly psychic ourselves, which would be awesome!)
Anyway, while giving more resources to the Fringe Worlds so they boost up in capability makes sense for future actions we have more a piority in making the Dominion better.
Strengthening the Dominion and getting rid of Mengsk are not mutually exclusive. In fact, given how Mengsk would gladly burn down the entire Dominion just to preserve his own power, you could argue getting rid of him is one of the best ways to improve the state of the nation.
[] Plan Super Cool Vehicles, Robots, Legal Unions, and Paranoia Balancing
-[] Infrastructure (6/6 dice, 30R)
--[] Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 2) [MANDATORY] 262/400 (4 dice, 20 R)
--[] Brontes: Orbital Cleanup (Phase 2) [Reconstruction] 106/300 (2 dice, 10 R)
-[] Heavy Industry (5/5 dice+2 Free Dice, 70 R)
-- [] Vardona: Ardonin Heavy Vehicle Factory (Phase 2) 33/300 (7 dice, 70 R)
-[] Light Industry (5/5 dice, 25R)
--[] Mar Sara: Endureum Extraction Operations (Phase 1) 0/400 (5 dice, 25 R)
-[] Environmental (5/5 dice, 30R)
--[] Korhal: Regreening Effort (Phase 1) 48/100 (2 dice 10 R)
--[] Tyrador IX: Establish Farmsteads (Phase 2) [Reconstruction] 360/400 (2 dice, 10 R)
--[] Vardona: Supplemental Aquaculture Effort 0/250 (1 dice, 10 R)
-[] Services (5/5 dice, 50R)
--[] Korhal: Katherine Mengsk Memorial Veterans' Hospital [MANDATORY] [NEW] 0/300 (1 dice, 10 R)
--[] Mass Literacy Movement (Phase 2) 0/300 (4 dice, 40 R)
-[] Military (6/6 dice + 1 Free die, 70R)
-- [] Brontes: Fort Riley Orbital Training Center 0/300 (7 dice, 70 R)
-[] Research (5/5 dice, 65R)
--[] New Model Weaponry (Phase 2) [Tech] 198/250 (2 dice, 20 R)
--[] High-Efficiency Conduits [Tech] 0/200 (3 dice, 45 R)
-[] Bureaucracy (5/5 dice + 1 Free dice, 65R)
--[] Services/Administration/Logistics/Operations Mechanization Endeavor 94/300 (5 dice, 50 R)
-- [] Veterans' Benefits Program [MANDATORY] [NEW] 0/400 (1 dice, 15 R)
-[] Personal (4/4 dice)
--[] Nephor II: Legalize the Dominion Industrial Workers Union (4 dice, 20F)
I really like @the Laurent's plan, but I would much prefer to Legalize Unions. It gives more relations and we won't be making use of CAPP for a while given we don't have a training facility yet. Plus it's cheaper F-wise. Ended up putting the free die on Orbital Training Center so we have better odds of balancing things out. Would have liked to do Refloating, but that requires an autocomplete, and having it done next turn instead of this one throws off the Paranoia balancing.
I really wanted to get Trends done, but the massive to-do list convinced me to increase our dice load first. Won't be too much of a sacrifice to get it done next turn, plus doing Sally then Trends should require less free dice.
[] Plan Super Cool Vehicles, Robots, Legal Unions, and Paranoia Balancing
I could condemn this sort of, "There must be one King" mindset as silly, and it kinda is.
But what it's actually doing that's worst of all is neglecting Comrade Smith, Vanguard of the Revolution from his rightful position as absolute dictator of an oppressive bureaucratic state!
If we're appointing someone's nephew to the throne it better damn well be ours!