Attempting to Fulfill the Plan MNKh Edition

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
This might be good for the state in the long term at least, having corruption be something powerful enough to shake up the halls of power is far better then accepted it as costs of doing business. If running a mostly clean operation becomes more profitable/safer in the long run than people will naturally gravitate toward that instead of maximum short term gains. If we go for the impactor option I vote we take a page from the Luna 2 and the with basically shaped charges loaded with USSR symbols. I feel it adds a sense of pizzazz and excitement while also letting the universe know we mean business:V.
It's a good sign if and when the corruption scandals aren't straightforwardly a way for one faction to advance at the expense of another... and I'm hopeful that we might be approaching that point.
Honestly, I just see the Minister of the Interior being sidelined out of a previously successful corruption investigation here and that has me concerned.
[]Act Decisively
[]Act like a Firebrand
[]Focus on the 1962 Window
Aw hell yeah, back in business! The economy is chugging along pretty well sounds like, perpetually short on electricity but hopefully we get over the hump in the next year or two as hydro spins up and the coal plants build a buffer. Just in time to suddenly need more domestic aluminum for the space program and obliterate our carefully hoarded power surplus, I'm sure. Petro complex is doing its thing, Ag and Services sound.... fine, they're not really a huge focus of the FYP but they're doing what they do well.

As for the votes.... we really should not pull a Malenkov and just detonate the ministry. We're not the sole crusader fighting against the tide here, the political currents are already leaning towards a broadly effective-ish wave of anti-corruption. Play along, offer up some heads that need to go anyways, but our old friend decisive action is probably a bad idea. It's also a bad idea to evade the investigations though, they do need to happen, the best option for Ministry stability is probably offering up a few choice suspects, while the best option for cleaning out Ministry corruption long term is probably killing time and forcing the bad apples out peacefully on a pension instead of detonating our support base with mass public firings.

I could go for either []Equivocate or []Form Suspects, leaning towards the former, as long as we trust Voz to actually pressure a lot of the corrupt old guard into taking their pensions and leaving before the cops drag them out kicking and screaming. Thoughts?

For the political response, I think there's a solid chance we can get away with playing the firebrand. It'll piss off the SupSov, but between Kosygin and the new radical bloc I think there's enough support that we won't be fired, and if the Party expansion programs do their job the next few SupSov elections should see increasing turnover pushing out the old Stalin-era idiots who we'd be pissing off anyways (please ignore that we're also from the Stalin era, we're not an idiot). If we don't want to play the firebrand then I think we should probably just shut up, joining in the struggle session and mass denunciation against the people who are already doomed is a little too Stalin-y for my tastes, shutting up and doing our job is always a safe fallback. So either []Act like a Firebrand or []Stay Passive for me.

Rocketry I think is pretty easy, although not in the way y'all might expect. Shoot for the 1960 window, we absolutely cannot afford to risk getting beat by the Americans until we have a few more milestones under our belt. We're already on thin ice for Sputnik getting beat by a few weeks, if the Amis beat us to Mars by years we're gonna be in even more political trouble. It's not about the science here, it's about minimizing the risk of getting fired. And if/when the rushed 1960 probe doesn't work super well, at least we rolled the dice, and the 1962 window isn't going to stop being there. We can just also start a 1962 program, either in parallel or after the 1960 program fails. Even if we just run the exact same program again for 1962, two repeated rolls against a 40% success chance have a much higher probability of succeeding than one roll against a 50%. And we'll probably learn enough from the 1960 shot, even if it fails, to make a '62 shot better than 40% success chance.

I definitely don't want to gamble getting beaten to Mars on a coinflip, the Amis will quite possibly be making their own shot in the '62 window, we need to roll early and often. []Rushed Minimal Probe for me, easy.
Was this crisis caused by State 3 Economics Institutes completing, or is it an entirely separate and novel problem?

Guh, this is a hard one. For the MNKh, just evading would be a bad idea, and I don't want to get crazy with Decisive Action. Remember what happened to Malenkov when he tried that? As for The Voz's stance, IDK. Remaining passive like a good bureaucrat is temping, but as for the other options which one is most likely to nudge the USSR is a more humanist direction without getting us killed?

For the rocket, I'm inclined to follow CrazyCryoDude's suggestions.
Was this crisis caused by State 3 Economics Institutes completing, or is it an entirely separate and novel problem?
This crisis was caused because Min Int rolled a nat 100 when we released the quarterly reports to the public which meant he figured out many off our shady backroom dealings.
My stance on the vote is i really don't want to begin playing grand political games those usually end badly for us so i would go with
[]Stay Passive

This covers our asses and makes sure we don't get hit by a backlash if this anti corruption campaign blows up like the last we had
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I'm guessing we could probably afford to go overboard internally more than externally right now
Cause I haven't heard of any major grumbling from our own ministry so I imagine we'd have enough of a support-surplus to take the hit for now, as long as we keep it to an internal matter rather than broadcasting it like we did last time
(At least, so long as "acting decively" isn't just Voz-ese for "purge all the last guy's corrupt cronies so I can install my own corrupt cronies in his place)
But we're definitely haven't been in a strong streak in the supsov lately so my guess is that miscalculating there could hit us badly
Kos is in a pretty strong position right now after racking up several wins, and my instincts tell me that we'd need a couple more years of Kos's foreign policy shenanigans making him look weak before we can really act against him, and Malenkov is still too fresh in people's minds for us to really go all inquisitor in public
So right now my choices would probably be
[]Act Decisively
[]Stay Passive
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"These investigations may cause some issues, but an internal review is a perfect cover for dramatic and rapid reorganizations."

I'd be surprised if Act Decisively isn't Voz primarily furthering his own patronage network again. I'm definitely for one of the milder internal actions.

For the space probes, the 1962 options are good. The first satellite going to America was big, but we're currently viewed as leading and the first cosmonaut will be even bigger - ours, unless we blow him up. What's Mars, especially in the early days of disappointment about its thin atmosphere and barrenness? We need to avoid the historical problem of leaving behind crucial developments and quality-control methodologies - here, our first vacuum-rated electronics are rolled into of the 1962 alternatives - in the name of scoring milestones.
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Been weeks since we detonated soviet politics, time to go back to the old us.

[]Act Decisively
[]Exploit Podgorny and Kleshchev
Post stalin politics in this timeline can be best summed up by 2 phrases: revolving door reforms and bombshell reveal diplomacy. Not sure if this was intended when we aimed for a booming economy.
Hmmmm. Another anti-corruption drive eh? Well, let's hope people have remembered the lessons of Malenkov's fall. To go too far is to punish people for the crime of surviving Stalin. To not do anything at all is to surrender to oligarchy.

[]Form Suspects: It is entirely clear to anyone with eyes that a number of managers are entirely guilty of every accusation and likely dozens more. They can, however, still be useful despite their problematic behavior. By holding up the worst cases early and voluntarily, it should be easy to justify most of the work being done with a minimum impact. Plus, the targeting of specific high-level personnel will do a lot to get the ministry in line and scrambling as the breakups are intensified under the guise of anti-corruption.

So... This option targeting specific high ranking individuals bodes well. Worth considering.

[]Stay Passive: Continuing to run the government as a responsible minister and member of the Supreme Soviet may not get a massive amount of praise, but it would be the most expected outcome. Keeping to this stance also means not taking a side in the debates and keeping things running. Overall, great for furthering the current structure and almost certainly the least impactful.

I lean towards staying passive as far as the overall anti-corruption effort. If nothing else, trying to be a crusader on this issue will be belatedly joining an already packed field of people trying to get some mileage out of this. For another thing Voz clearly doesn't have a crusading mindset about this, and I think it is dangerous for him to play act at something he's not really invested in. Better for Voz to be the man who swiftly acted in his own sphere of responsibility, but who kept focused on getting work done in the SupSov.

[]Impactor-Flyby Pair in 1962: Technically advanced, but nothing prevents the construction of a combined impactor and flyby system. The technology for both systems is there through the reduction of a number of features in the flyby bus. This would be compact and could partially fail, but the achievement of both an impactor and a space-based flyby will ensure that a wealth of information is retrieved. More likely to fail from the increased technological demands and more expensive, but also likely to push understanding far further. (50% Chance of Failure) (+5 RpT Program Cost) (Program until 1963)

I favour the 1962 mission with a helping of extra ambition.

To try and send the mission out in 1960 will result in something with very limited scientific utility and with a better than even chance of failure - meaning that the US has a good chance of reaching Mars first and getting more science done. By contrast, just going in 1962 makes for a 20% lower chance of failure. Good, but not really compelling.

By contrast, the impactor-flyby pair is only slightly higher risk, and if we end up reaching Mars second, it could still gather serious amounts of science and thus overshadow the first US mission out to Mars.

Mission quality matters.

24-Hour Moratorium (Apologies for any mistakes/bad English, large portions of this were written while on painkillers.)

I didn't notice anything that you need to apologize for. I hope your health is getting better. ^_^

and if we end up reaching Mars second, it could still gather serious amounts of science and thus overshadow the first US mission out to Mars.
We as the players and some of the more scientifically-minded of the government may see it that way, but will the rest of the Supreme Soviet see it that way? Or are they going to think "The USA beat us in the space race, again. Because our space program took too long to design an unmanned probe, again." There's got to be a limit somewhere to how much we can fall behind in the space race before other people start coming in to try and "fix" the program.

If this was the race to put the first person in orbit I think we could explain ourselves with something along the line of: "We aren't going to risk our brave cosmonauts in rushed untested rockets for something as ephemeral as national prestige." But this isn't a manned mission risking cosmonaut lives, rolling poorly and having the probe crap out and die halfway there isn't going to be devastating the way losing a cosmonaut because we rushed the launch would be. There's going to be future launch windows and opportunities to collect data on Mars. By definition only 1 probe can be first though, and having something to wave at the Supreme Soviet that "Yes, we do get things done faster than the USA" may allow us some more wiggle room if we need to delay the manned launches we really don't want to fail.
[X]Form Suspects
[X]Stay Passive

Given the constant political shakeups and Voz's general political record, it seems best to just maintain stability as much as possible while trying to get rid of the worst offenders. I don't trust Voz to actually reduce the level of patronage with any of these options but he might increase the competence of the cronies, and I'm cautiously hopeful for the current Minister of the Interior's leading role in the investigations so we may as well not obstruct him.

[X]Focus on the 1962 Window
Ultimately Mars is just one milestone and our efforts are broad - we're likely to put a pretty good probe past Venus first, not to mention the first person in orbit, and it was mentioned that we're generally viewed as being ahead in the space race. If the Americans beat us to this one, it isn't a decisive issue. A decisive issue would be failing at our long-term goal - the Moon landing - or failing to ensure continual development that keeps us in the running.

It's worth noting that the US historically got a Venus flyby in 61 and a Mars one in 64/65, and they don't seem to be much different than OTL though our knowledge is limited. If anything, their military-led program might neglect space probes.

The 1962 window gives our engineers the breathing room to actually pursue good quality control and technical developments we really need - "the first vacuum-rated electronics would be pioneered along with a number of novel technologies for sourcing power". This is something that the historical USSR constantly failed at and which seriously held back its space efforts until they sat down and learned the lesson in the 70s. We have staked the space program on a very ambitious goal and we need to put movement towards that goal first.

I'm not against the 1962 dual probe but the single one seems like a more focused programand more likely to succeed - the quality of the scientific information isn't important, there'll be plenty of time to invest in that once the engineering is more mature.
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[X]Stay Passive
[X]Rushed Minimal Probe

Politics are scary so my vote goes to the options that are very standard and not dangerous
It's worth noting the first interplanetary probe otherwise would be the Venus mission in '61, so unless some one thinks America is in a position to launch to Mars already in '60, the first to another planet will be with Venus.

I'm also kind of concerned that rushing a probe in '60 will lead to further efforts being slowed, because of lots of temporary solutions will have to be developed that have no use in future, rather then getting it right the first time. If both programs can be run that would be fine, but if instead it leads to the '62 option no longer being possible at that level, that will have some real world impacts further in to the future, like who actually might first land on another planet.

So in that sense it depends which trade offs one wants to go with.
[X]Form Suspects
[X]Start Accusing
[X]Rushed Minimal Probe
Hmm, Form Suspects or Equivocate seems best to me for the MNKh Investigation. Don't want to try and dodge the investigation or go Full Decisive Action. SupSov I have little idea on; We don't exactly have much luck with Voz there and I'm not quite certain on the environment we're doing this in, so I'm not sure what action to take.
[X]Rushed Minimal Probe

We need a political win in the space race, I'll roll the dice.

[X]Stay Passive
[X]Form Suspects

Cooperating with the investigation without getting too radical seems it will serve us well.