Attempting to Fulfil The Plan: ISOT Edition

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Ten years ago, the city of Tucson, Arizona was sent over three millennia into the past. Through a long series of events, you went from one of hundreds of thousands of refugees from the doomed city to being in charge of the economic development of the "Popular" "Republic" of Mycenae. While the country has many issues, most of these are shared by its rivals, and the path to greatness is open... if narrow.
Introduction/Turn 0
Note: This is based off of TeenSpirit's fantastic timeline An Age of Rust. If you want more information please go check it out here, the following is just a general outline.

At first, January 10th, 2019 seemed like a normal day in the city of Tucson, Arizona. People woke up to go to school or work, and it was set to be an utterly unremarkable day. However, at 1:15 PM, the rest of the world disappeared in a flash of light. Though it took some time for people to notice, the city had been transported to the western coast of Anatolia in 1600 BC.

The situation rapidly began to deteriorate. On the first night after the event, some people already began to flee, on foot, car, or even boat. News about what happened got out within a few days, causing the city to fall even further into chaos. The mayor, most of the city council, and the acting commander of the Davis-Monthan air force base died within the first week. As all order broke down, the inhabitants spilled out into the countryside alone and in small groups, while most of the Air Force decided to grab whatever equiptment and skilled personnel they could before taking control of the city's airport and scattering across Anatolia and the Balkans.

With crop shortages already taking place due to the eruption of the Thera volcano just a few years ago, there was nowhere near enough food to support both the Luwians and other Anatolian peoples as well as the Americans. Most downtimers nearby were killed by bands of starving refugees, with the rest either fleeing or becoming enslaved. Still, even after this mass slaughter there was still not enough food, and a majority of the population in Tucson had starved within months, the survivors scattered along the Anatolian coastline, many barely managing to survive as subsistence farmers.

However, not every American had been dealt such a bad hand. A group of survivors led by Rachel Wilson, who escaped on boat the first night after the Event, managed to ally with a group of militarist priests and nobles in the Cretan city-state of Knossos, launching a coup before conquering the rest of the island within two years of the Event (AE). While Wilson was only able to do this via allying with downtimers, keeping most of the power structures intact and even adopting the Minoan language and religion, as well as being extremely lucky, many Americans heard about this and decided to launch wars of conquest of their own. While none were quite as successful, and many expeditions fell to poor planning, infighting, or even being defeated on the battlefield by the armies of states such as Egypt, the remaining uptime weapons still gave them a massive advantage. By 10 AE, most of Greece and the former Hittite Empire in Anatolia have been conquered by various American groups, with the downtimer population in these areas often being reduced to slavery, even if they usually weren't slaughtered en masse like most of those who ran into Americans in the first few months.

Not all Americans who fled western Anatolia did so as conquerors. Many traveled to the courts of powerful states like Egypt and Babylon, deciding that a relatively secure post as an advisor was better than risking your life to become a tyrant. Particularly interesting were the group of Americans who ended up settling at the court of the Wanax of Mycenae.

Between 2 and 4 AE, several groups of Americans ended up guests of the Wanax. By chance, most of these ended up being subscribers to various far-left ideologies, or just disgusted with the behavior of Americans towards downtimers in general. The most important of these were Chalen Barker, a relative moderate and a Christian who was appalled by how most Americans treated downtimers, Aitana Frexia, a veternarian whose medical skills ensured her a prestigious post and aligned with Maoism, and Sean Gordon, a mechanical engineer who fled to Mycenae after his plan to forge a socialist state out of the collapsing Emergency Comission (a state which attempted to unite the American refugees in Anatolia and reclaim Tucson) failed.

The Wanax was quite unpopular with his subjects, and they began to talk about the idea of oveerthrowing him and setting up a non-monarchial government in its place. However, most of them genuinely did not want this state to be just another American-led apartheid state, and so began recruiting various downtimers - soldiers, artisans, the third and fourth sons of nobles, slaves - who they thought might be sympathetic to their cause, and started making plans to act in case the Wanax's position became unstable.

The Wanax's position was indeed threatened, but not in a position that any of them wanted. While some technolgies had been adopted by the Wanax, enabling him to conquer nearby city-states such as Tiryns, Mycenae was far behind Crete in this area. In the autumn of 5 AE, Cretan armies began invading the Peloponnese.

While the Cretans did not advance completely unopposed, the Mycenaean army was defeated in its first battle, saved from destruction only by a few dozen uptime rifles and a machine gun that Gordon had brought with him, scavenged from Tucson in the chaos after the Event. Elliot Parrish, Aitana's boyfriend and a military veteran, decided to raise an army of peasant guerillas loyal to the leftist conspiracy and not the Wanax in areas occupied by the Cretans, taking many of the downtimer recruits with him. Although this had mixed results, being unable to force the Cretan army to retreat, it did take up a lot of their resources and created an armed force loyal to them and not the Wanax, driven mostly by the idea of land reform. Most of the remaining Mycenaean army was destroyed outside of Pylos in 6 AE, forcing what was left of them to retreat to Mycenae itself.

Even though they had suffered defeat after defeat on the battlefield, taking Mycenae would be no easy task. The city had a population of over twenty thousand, stone walls meters thick, and the Mycenaeans had been able to construct a few bronze cannons. In a protracted siege, Mycenae could last for months or even years, while the Cretan army was bled white by disease and guerilla attacks. Therefore, most of the Americans were still confident that the Cretans would eventually be forced to the negotiating table, after which their coup against the Wanax could proceed.

However, not everything went to plan. The Americans had tried to recruit a wine merchant who was unhappy about a noble confiscating a recent shipment of his, mistaking it for general unhappiness with the nobility. When they approached him, he panicked, fearing that the conspirators would confiscate his vineyards, and told the Wanax about the conspiracy. The Wanax ordered the arrest of every American who might be involved in the plot, but unfortunately for him, several figures in the court, from servants to minor nobles, were involved in the plot and informed the leaders of the conspiracy.

As night fell, the coup began. Most of the warriors who tried to arrest the Americans were gunned down, although one almost succeeded in killing Chalen Barker. The conspirators then seized the initiative, hunting down the Wanax, uninvolved nobles, and anyone else who might oppose them. While the Wanax himself escaped, most of his warriors were killed or captured, with the entire city under the conspirator's control by dawn.

While they were still in a disadvantageous position, the Cretans did not fully realize this. When the new government asked for terms, they were able to negotiate a peace in which they retained control over the northern portion of the Peloponnese, with the Cretans taking the rest.

After peace was achieved, the Americans and their Mycenaean allies convened a council to discuss how the government would function. While there were a large amount of disagreements, with various faction advocating everything from an immediate democracy to a one-party vanguardist state, they were able to come to a general consensus. Most of the attendees decided that holding elections would simply lead to a new Wanax being elected, although Barker was one of the few to call for immediate elections. As a compromise, Barker was appointed Chairman of the government, and a Central Committee of 8 Americans and 4 Mycenaeans was given control of legislation, with the requirement that by 10 AE, either elections would have to be held or the Central Committee would be expanded to be at least 60% Mycenean.

In terms of the economy of the new state, the proceeding states did not have any currency, which would not have been invented until about a millenium after the Event. Goods were either exchanged via barter or given out by central palace complexes. The new government decided to attempt to take over this system and "strangle capitalism in its crib". A "land to the tiller" policy of land reform was enacted, a necessity seeing as that promise was the main motivation for the peasants that now made up most of the army. Both nobility and slavery were abolished on paper, although in practice most of the nobles who joined the conspiracy were allowed to keep much of their wealth and given important positions in the government and army. As priests made up most of the bureaucracy of the state, they were kept in place for the time being, with plans being drawn up to slowly replace them with secular bureaucrats in the government. On September 3rd, 6 AE, the Popular Republic of Mycenae was declared.

At first, things seemed to be going fairly well. The government reorganized the palace system to distribute the goods it produced more equally, and invested into areas such as irrigation projects, blacksmithing, and distributing uptime innovations such as the spinning wheel and higher-yielding crops to the people. Due to most of the nobles who made up the army either being killed or fleeing the country, and the relative lack of uptime weapons or much of an industrial base, the decision was made to focus on defense instead of offense. A new People's Army was created, focused mainly on creating a large if poorly trained and equipped force of peasant guerillas to grind down any invaders, and reinforcing the walls and garrisons of cities to make them impossible to take.

However, the biggest focus of the government was on education. Most of the government viewed the undemocratic nature of the Republic as a temporary evil, to be replaced with free and fair elections as soon as the people could be trusted to not reinstate a monarchy. Schools began to be set up in Mycenae, but they were extremely controversial. Arguments raged in the government over whether the focus should be on a complete education or giving as many people as possible a basic one, how much time should be devoted to different subjects, and how much political education should be involved.

Perhaps the biggest argument was over which writing system should be used. Even a modified version of Linear B would be far more complicated and unwieldy than other scripts, the Latin alphabet was not perfect either and was viewed by some as imposing American culture on the Mycenaeans, and an adapted version of the modern Greek script had the issue of being unfamiliar to both Mycenaeans and almost all Americans. While Chalen Baxter wanted to preserve Mycenaean culture as much as possible, other members of the government led by Aitana Frexia and a teacher named Irene Wagner argued that English loanwords would be needed for many concepts not present in Mycenaean Greece, and that at least some people should be taught English so that they could read Uptime texts. Barker was vehemently against this idea, viewing it as a step towards cultural genocide. However, he was criticized by both many Americans who viewed this as an overreaction, as well as some Mycenaeans who compared his behavoir to that of an overbearing parent.

As this argument was heating up, Irene Wagner rapidly fell ill and died within a few days. This was just the most recent and high-profile of several deaths of both Americans and Mycenaeans who had been involved in the education effort over the past year. While most of these had been assumed to be illnesses, Aitana noticed that they often had similar symptoms to arsenic poisoning before their deaths. She declared that she thought that someone was poisoning proponents of educational reform, although this was mostly ignored by Baxter. She also hired a refugee as a food taster, giving him a good salary and promising that his family would be taken care of if he died. Within two weeks, he was dead, and Aitana was struck with a severe illness.

Aitana had been keeping track of everyone who had entered her home or who she had bought food from since she announced her suspicions, and questioned all of them. Eventually, a baker snapped under questioning, revealing that a priest from a nearby town had given him a massive bribe to poison Aitana's bread. After the priest was arrested and promised immunity in exchange for his confession, he revealed that he and multiple other priests had been assasinating people involved in pushing for expanded education, realizing that the government wanted to make them obsolete and hoping that they could entrench themselves enough to be irreplacable if mass education could be delayed enough. Worse, while the priest named several co-conspirators, he admitted that there were many others involved who he did not know of.

Barker was finally convinced of the reality of the plot, and promised that everyone named would immediately be arrested and questioned further, hopefully destroying the plot with minimal collateral damage. However, more radical voices in the government were tired of his inaction, with Aitana going so far as to call for the immediate execution of all priests who appeared to be a threat to the government, even if they had not been directly implicated in the plot. Most of the remaining priests who were still involved in administration would have their responsibilities transfered to secular bureaucrats. Barker was shocked by this, calling for Aitana to be expelled from the Central Committee. However, the Central Committee instead turned on him, forcing him to resign.

The two most influential members of the government after Barker, Frexia and Gordon, decided to divide the government between themselves. One of Gordon's allies, Sophie Shaw, would become Chairwoman, and Gordon would be given command over the armed forces as a whole. In exchange, Frexia would be allowed to deal with the priests as she saw fit, and given leadership of the Ministry of Economic Development, in charge of all large-scale investments in the economy. Arrangements were also made for nobles and priests exiled from Crete and New Arizona as well as some Americans to replace the priests in the bureaucracy, although this would be nowhere near enough to make up for the disruption the purge would cause.

On August 10th, 9 AE, the plan was put into action. Under the guise of a training exercise, the most radical units of the People's Army had been mobilized and placed in cities and other strategic locations around the Republic under the leadership of Elliott Parrish. At noon, they started going door to door, looking for priests suspected of being involved in the plot or who had been especially troublesome for the Central Committee. Many were simply shot on sight, with the remainder being arrested to be given over to the families of poisoning victims or given show trials. They then fanned out into the countryside, doing the same thing in more rural areas. After the violent parts of the purges were mostly over, most priests involved in tax collection and other administrative duties were informed that their help was no longer needed.

There were some acts of resistance by the downtimer population in response to this, but a combination of leniency towards leaders of these protests, reassurances that private worship of the gods would not be impacted, and the continuing issuance of rations meant that this largely fizzled out. Bloody August, as it came to be known, shocked many even within the government, who thought that Frexia and her husband had gone too far. However, many had also been fighting the priests for years and had been shocked by the assassinations they committed, and this combined with her alliance with Gordon meant that her position in the government was secure.

The reaction from abroad was far different. Most other states had already been wary of the Republic, downtimer-led states due to their actions against the nobility and uptimer-led states due to them letting downtimers into the government. The massacre of hundreds of priests made these feelings far stronger, with states from Crete to Egypt to the Air Force remnants being shocked. Many were convinced that the Popular Republic was the living embodiment of every cold war fear of communism made manifest, and most of the states that were previously their trade partners cut off relations. Some have viewed this as a sign of instability and chaos in the republic making them easy pickings, or that the red tide must be destroyed now before it floods the entire world.

Ten years after the Event, the Popular Republic is at a crossroads. Fairly rapid progress has been made in transforming society, both socially and technologically, even if it is not quite as good as was hoped. The country is fairly stable, and with the priests mostly out of the way progress can go even faster. However, you are still surrounded by reactionaries stronger than yourself. To the south, the Dual Kingdom of Crete and Mycenae still lays claim to your lands, and while they are currently in the process of conquering Sicily they very well may turn on you next. To the north, the State of New Arizona also has you outnumbered and outgunned, and many fear them just as much as Crete. In the longer term, other states founded by Americans or even slowly modernizing downtimer states such as Egypt may be an even bigger threat. The responsibility for navigating this landscape now lies largely in your hands.

Vote by plan, pick one option per category:

Taxes: Recent actions against the priests have destroyed much of the goodwill gained with the peasantry from land reform and the introduction of uptime livestock and technology. Still, the needs of the state may require an increase in taxes. (Note: Since Tucson was sent back around a millennia before currency was invented, taxes are in the form of grain, labor, and other goods, not currency)

[]Large Tax Cuts: In order to restore government support from the peasantry, large tax cuts will be required. This would throw a massive wrench in our plans for both military and economic development, but it would make it easier for them to participate in government on some level without attempting a return to monarchy. (Both Military and Development budgets must be cut)

[]Moderate Tax Cuts: While a temporary decrease in taxes is required, the people's government still needs food, corvee labor, and other resources for progress to be made. (One of Military or Development budget must be cut)

[]Keep The Course: A decrease in taxes, while it would be nice, is simply impractical. The average peasant will still have more food in their stomachs than they did before the revolution, and in a few years they should be complacent enough to be allowed to participate in at least local governance. (Keep both Military and Development budgets in the middle, or increase one and cut the other)

[]Tax Increases: While it would make the peasantry even more upset, more resources are needed to increase the pace of progress and military buildup. This would lead to a slight increase in the amount of goods and labor requisitioned from rural areas, but would probably not have too many negative effects. Members of the People's Army would be exempted from this, hopefully keeping them loyal. (One of Military or Development can have its budget raised).

[]Total Committment: We are surrounded by reactionaries on all sides, are barely able to equip peasant militias with crossbows, only a few percent of our population is literate, and we have yet to have installed a single steam engine outside of the capital. We are probably doomed to be invaded by one of our neighbors regardless, but if we refuse to committ every able-bodied individual in the Republic to progress, that will become a certainty. (Both Military and Development can have their budgets raised)

Military: Due to our strong neighbors and lacking industrial base, the People's Army is mostly comprised of peasant militias meant to slowly bleed and harrass invaders and city garrisons which should make a rapid victory impossible, at least until someone gains the ability to mass produce explosive shells. Once more weapons and other supplies have been produced and more troops have been trained, it might be viable to field a more professional force as well.

[]Reduce Funding: With limited resources being needed for economic development, we have no choice but to cut back on planned military expansion. With the Cretans being occupied with Sicily and New Arizona facing the threat of slave revolts, we probably won't get invaded until after their budget is increased. (-25 Political Support).

[]Planned Funding: The military will get the same amount of resources that they are expected to. While Gordon still isn't entirely satisfied with this amount, it is at least enough to significantly increase the strength of the People's Army, hopefully making the occupation of the Republic impossible.

[]Increase Funding: The Republic is surrounded by threats, and we need as strong of a military as possible. Peasant militias and city garrisons would be expanded even further, and more emphasis would be put on producing better equiptment for arming better trained units possibly capable of liberating our neighbor's territory should one of them collapse. (+15 Political Support)

Development: Canals must be dug, dams must be built, mines must be expanded and modernized, more advanced farming methods must be spread, the people must be educated, factories and armories must be built... No realistic amount of resources will be able to accomplish all of this to a satisfactory extent. Still, we are doomed if our neighbors are able to gain a large economic and technological advantage over us. As many resources as possible must be dedicated towards economic progress, but exactly how much is possible is still up for debate.

[]Reduce Funding: In the short term, military buildup must be our priority, as if we are conquered a year from now the question of economic growth will be meaningless. The diversion of resources from investing the economy is a regrettable but necessary consequence of this. (90 Resources per turn)

[]Planned Funding: A more balanced approach will let us make substantial progress on economic and technological advancement, if not as much as some would hope. (125 Resources per turn)

[]Increase Funding: A modern army is impossible without a modern economy. While it would require sacrifices now, in five or ten years we will be able to field an army and navy far more powerful than would be suggested by our country's size and population. (175 Resources per turn)

Writing System: While recent changes in government composition have been disruptive on almost every level, they have given you an opportunity to solve the scrpit debate once and for all. You now have enough influence to be able to impliment whatever standard you want nationwide.

[]Simplified Linear B: While the complete mess of Linear B is obviously unsuitable for mass literacy, it can be simplified while still keeping its unique characteristics. Ideographic signs can be largely eliminated except as shorthand, and accents can be used to either indicate signs as either consonants without a following vowel or other sounds that could not be written directly in traditional Linear B. However, this would still be much more unwieldy, complex, and harder to teach than other options.

[]Modified Greek Alphabet: This is the modern Greek alphabet with a few extra characters for sounds present in Mycenaean Greek which were later lost. This fits the language better than other scripts, and while it is different from either Linear B or the Latin alphabet, someone who already knows an alphabetic script can likely learn the Latin alphabet fairly easily.

[]Latin Alphabet: A modification of the Latin alphabet with accents used to cover all the sounds of Mycenaean Greek, this would be the most similar to English and the most familiar to Americans. However, it doesn't fit the language quite as well as a modified Greek alphabet, and is viewed by some as imposing a foreign culture on the Mycenaeans.
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Southern Greece, with borders, rivers, and some natural resources shown.
Misc in the Peloponnese is manganese, in southern Attica is zinc and small amounts of vanadium and molybdenum, near the Isthmus of Corinth is bauxite and a small amount of chromium, northeast of Gla is iron, nickel, and a small amount of chromium.

The Eastern Mediterranean

Jan 10th, 1ae - Event happens
late Jan-early Feb 1ae - Air Force mutiny
~May 1ae - Emergency Commission formed
Fall 1ae - Emergency Commission fails to collect significant taxes due to low harvests
November 1ae - Troy coup, Wilson flees to Crete
December 1ae - Wilson and Aranare (a Cretan priestess) seize control of Amnisos, take Knossos shortly afterwards
April 2ae - other city states of Crete form coalition against Knossos
Summer 2ae - Emergency Commission tries to reclaim Tucson
December 2ae - Palace of Zakros surrenders, all of Crete under Knossos's control
Feb 3ae - Wilson launches invasion of Pylos, attempted coups by priestesses and american mercenaries cause expedition to retreat shortly after landing, Aranare killed in one of the coup attempts
April 3ae - Cretan army returns from Pylos and crushes resistance to Wilson
June 3ae - Wilson crowned Anax of Crete, senate of nobles created
Summer 3ae - Emergency Commission collapses, formation of New American Republic, American Republic of Turkey, United States of America (New Washington), first State of New Arizona(broken coast)
4ae - Mycenae starts conquering nearby city-states with help from American advisors
Feb 4ae - Republic of Naxos declared
5-7 ae - most of Greece conquered by various American expeditions
Spring 5ae - Crete begins invasion of the Peloponnese, lays claim to throne of Mycenae
5ae - Mormons leave troy for Crimea
Early 6ae - Mycenaean army mostly destroyed at Pylos, Parrish starts raising peasant guerillas in Arcadia loyal to him and not the Wanax
Feb 6ae - Sanford-Haynes expedition starts organizing
6ae - Crete starts minting coinage
June 6ae - Sanford expedition takes Hattusa, splits into three smaller armies
Late 6ae - Wanax of Mycenae overthrown, Popular Republic declared, peace negotiations result in partition of the Peloponnese, Crete retains claim on Mycenae but agrees to not press it
October 6ae - Haynes's army takes Aleppo with help of former king, forms power sharing agreement
Feb 7ae - New Monthan threatens to invade Naxos, diplomatically defeated
7ae - New Washington writes a constitution
7ae - Kieran Stone dies, coup in NAR
7ae - group of Americans colonize Corfu
Aug 7ae - USA (Athens) formed
7ae - Reynolds Expedition defeated by Egypt
9ae - New Washington establishes colony on Malta
Early 10ae - collapse of first State of New Arizona, breakdown of unification talks between Naxos and New Washington
June 12, 10AE - coup in USA (Athens), formation of State of New Arizona. Events after this point will be decided with dice rolls with later events in TeenSpirit's timeline mostly only being possible outcomes
Spring 11ae - Completion of Cretan conquest of Sicily, divided between directly annexed parts and vassal kingdoms
Late 11ae - Abiel Wyse / Vanguards of Christ attempt coup in NAR
12ae - Attempted coup by NW far right, leads to expulsion of extremists in general
August 12ae - New Arizona invades PR
13 AE - Arizona Republic formed, tide turns against New Arizona
May 14ae - Patel (leader of Arizona Republic) assassinated, turns against downtimers
14 AE - New Arizona expelled from PR, loses lots of territory to Iolcus and Arizona Republic but threat of intervention by New Monthan prevents PR from taking any or completely destroying the state
Feb 15ae - Crete stops attempted trojan invasion of lesbos
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Status of the Popular Republic of Mycenae

State of the Economy

Central Committee (8 Americans, 12 Mycenaeans, 6 elected):
Maoists (Aitana Freixa's faction): 6
Intensificationists (Sean Gordon's faction): 8
Moderates (Marcus Chavez's faction): 3
Agrarians (Eruthros son of Hektor's faction): 9 (6 militarist, 3 pacifist)

Faction Descriptions:
Maoists: Viewing the peasantry as the main agent of revolution, Maoists are focused on securing their support both at home and abroad. While they are the most ideologically uniform of the factions, the lack of political parties at this point means that they cannot yet have an enforceable party line on issues.
Intensificationists: While still staunchly opposed to capitalism, the main focus of the Intensificationists is on economic and military buildup under a centrally planned economy. While less committed to any one line of ideology, they are almost all subscribers to various Marxist and Marxist-Leninist schools of thought.
Moderates: Made up mostly of Americans who were apolitical or social democrats before the Event, the moderates favor less emphasis on political education, the introduction of some market systems into the economy, compromise with the priests, a more rapid introduction of democracy, and a less aggressive foreign policy.
Agrarians: The only faction led mainly by non-Americans, the Agrarians are led by Mycenaeans who joined the conspiracy to overthrow the Wanax and supported mainly by former slaves and some peasants who benefited from land reform. While still supportive of economic development, they want this to be more focused on directly benefiting peasants instead of the current focus on urbanization, raw materials, and machinery. Some are relative pacifists, while others are more militaristic than any other figures in the government.

Ministry of Economic Development:
Minister: Aitana Freixa (10 AE): A veterinarian before the event, Freixa formed a core part of the conspiracy to overthrow the Wanax. Ardently opposed to the priesthood from the beginning, Freixa was granted this position (and the Ministry massively strengthened) as part of a power sharing agreement with Sean Gordon immediately before Bloody August. With a large portion of the People's Army under the command of her husband, Elliot Parrish, one can only hope the agreement holds.
- Former Veterinarian (+5 to dice involving human medicine and everything in the Chemical Industry category, +10 to those involving animal husbandry)
- Decent Administrator (+0 to all dice)
- Politically Extreme (Will not hesitate to destroy anyone and anything she views as an enemy of the Revolution)
- Energetic and willing to learn: May gain additional positive traits in the future
- Faction Leader

Deputy: Saul Dunn (13 AE): An architect who focused on historical building restoration, Dunn was unfortunately in Tucson for a conference during the Event. Still, his knowledge of building techniques that don't rely on modern technology is massively useful, even if he doesn't have as much engineering expertise as Perkins.
-Architecture focus (Extra Infrastructure dice, potentially new projects)


Minister: Lucas Perkins (7 AE): A civil engineer who arrived as part of Gordon's group, Perkins is the person leading the charge in the rapid construction of dams, locks, and canals which have been one of the most visible effects of the Republic's economic advancement. While this is no doubt helpful, he is nearly obsessed on the construction of a canal to allow for barge traffic between Mycenae and the Gulf of Cornith which may not be currently cost effective. He is also a strong supporter of Sean Gordon, and is not entirely okay with the formerly independent Ministry of Infrastructure being subordinated to you.
- Hydraulics focus
- Intensificationist
- Likes large scale projects

Deputy Minister: Sonia Sherman: A civil engineer before the Event, Sherman led much of the construction campaigns of the government of Andros before fleeing from the invasion by Rhodes. While the most qualified candidate for this position, her political reliability is low.

Heavy Industry

Minister: Billy Rhodes (10 AE): A mechanical engineer who operated a home machine shop as a hobby, Rhodes is one of the most important people in our industrial efforts. Another member of Gordon's clique, the simple reality is that nearly all of our engineers fall into that category, making his appointment unavoidable.
- Intensificationist
- Machining focus

Deputy Minister: Judy Hines (10 AE): While she may not have much in the way of formal pre-Event qualifications, she had always liked blacksmithing, and spent around a decade before the Event selling items she made on the side. As blacksmithing knowledge is now much more in demand than it was previously, her powerful position is warranted.

Light Industry

Vicente Guerra: While his Uptime experience as an electrical engineer is no longer as useful in the near term, he has still played an instrumental role in managing various plants producing precision devices. Additionally, as we are starting to slowly regain the ability to produce and use electricity, his old skills may come in handy once again if we can begin to manufacture everything from lightbulbs to electrically driven small machinery.
-Electrification Focus
-Electrical Engineer: (+1 Light Industry dice, +10 to all Light Industry dice related to electricity)

Deputy Minister: Sonia Reyes (10 AE): Again chosen due to having a useful hobby, Sonia had experience with weaving and spinning, owning several books on the subject and building several looms and spinning wheels for the town she resided in before moving to the Republic.

Chemical Industry

Minister: Christina Grey (10 AE): One of our most valuable assets, a graduate student in chemistry who happened to have copies of Wikipedia, several other websites, and many books downloaded on her laptop before the Event. In addition to her academic work, she also had a frankly alarming amount of experience with the synthesis of various interesting substances with limited access to equipment and reagents, which has been another massive boon.
- Maoist
- Clandestine chemistry experience (Knows how to make due with limited resources)
- Limited knowledge of large-scale operations

Deputy Minister: Julia Mroz (13 AE): One of the doctors who fled from Andros prior to its capture, she decided that a BA in chemistry in addition to a BS in biology would help her stand out on applications to medical school. While it has been over two decades since she last took a chemistry course and she does not have the most passion for the subject, she is the only person in the Republic other than Grey with an actual degree in chemistry, making her invaluable for this position.


Minister: Amber Garza (15 AE) : A student in the University of Arizona's Agricultural Technology program before the Event, her incomplete education was still extremely useful on Lesbos, where she coordinated the modernization of agriculture for much of the island. She is much more politically reliable than the other candidates, which is an additional plus, although some other members of the Central Committee do not see it that way. (-10 Political Support to take)
-Agricultural education and experience (+5 to all Agriculture dice)
-Mechanization focus

Deputy Minister: Milton Campbell (8 AE): Another former manager, he didn't know much about agriculture before the Event, but his managerial experience is invaluable in running the ministry. He has managed to learn a decent amount about it in his time in the Republic, and is not afflicted with idealism to the same degree as Barnett, making him a potential replacement for her.


Minister: Lynette Bush (9 AE): One of the leaders in our education efforts since the beginning, she probably would have been dead by now if the counterrevolutionary conspiracy of the priests had not been discovered. She is also one of the architects of the recent writing reform, and has been an invaluable political ally for some time.
- Maoist
- Education Focus

Deputy Minister: Christopher Townsend (9 AE): A former high school teacher like his superior, he is now more focused on vocational education efforts.

Liberated Territories

Minister: Natasha Tyler (13 AE): Having just started medical school before the Event, she does not have nearly the expertise as Grey, but still remembers a decent amount of knowledge from undergrad. She is still far more qualified than anyone else but Grey, but finding someone more educated is a priority due to the dangerous nature of Grey's work.
-Population Health focus

Deputy Minister: Glaukos son of Augewas (13 AE): A former servant for the Wanax of Mycenae who was part of the conspiracy that led to the creation of the Republic from almost the beginning, he has become an avid learner and was rapidly appointed to a bureaucratic position in the Ministry of Agriculture. While appointing a Downtimer to such a technical position will attract some criticism, he will have advisors to rely on for topics he does not know about and will offer a perspective less alien to most of our citizens than an American would.


Minister: Sophie McDonald (7 AE): Yet another mechanical engineer who came with Sean Gordon, Sophie has been one of the main people involved in attempts to construct modern weaponry since before the revolution. Before the event, she engaged in gunsmithing as a hobby and often read about military history, features that have certainly made her useful.
- Intensificationist
- Light Weapon Focus

Deputy Minister: Jeff Turner (7 AE): An electrical engineer with some experience managing others before the Event, his skills are not as directly applicable to military construction as some others but are still useful.

Government of the Popular Republic of Mycenae

Chairwoman of the Republic: Sophie Shaw (9 AE): A close ally of Gordon's, Sophie replaced Barker as part of your power sharing agreement with him. She is still a fairly competent politician, but is not the one calling the shots on many issues. While not completely Gordon's puppet, she clearly takes his advice quite seriously and rarely disagrees with him.
- Intensificationist
- Politically Consistent
- Currently satisfied with your faction (you think)
- Solidly Positioned

Current Major Programs:
- Rebuilding the bureaucracy
- Expansion of the People's Army
- Promotion of intensificationist cadres

Ministry of the Armed Forces:
Army: 5200 militia, 3930 modern trained infantry, 750 full time, 530 officers, 250 dragoons - total mobilization capacity of ~14,000
Arms: 5300 pipe guns, 2050 rifles, 80 muzzle-loading 12 cm cannons, 33 Uptime rifles, 28 Uptime pistols, 295 breech-loading 12 cm cannons, 27 Uptime shotguns, 24 walkie-talkies, 46 large cannons, 2170 bolt-action rifles, 1050 submachine guns, 45 60mm mortars, 2 machine guns (currently +250 rifles +610 bolt-action +30 breech-loading 12 cm cannons, +4 large cannons, +400 smgs, +30 60mm mortars, +2100 trained infantry per turn)

Commander in Chief: Sean Gordon (6 AE): Committed to the idea of revolutionary socialism even before the Event, a group that forms the core of his current clique scavenged a machine gun left behind by the Air Force just a month after the Event. After a plot to carve a socialist state out of part of the collapsing Emergency Commission failed, they fled to Mycenae, starting the very conspiracy which you joined, leading to your current position.
- Intensificationist
- Neutral Focus (Recognizes the need for some professional units but is afraid of empowering Parrish)
- In conflict with Parrish
- Faction Leader

Eastern Regiment: Orestes son of Alektruon (7 AE): Probably the most powerful Mycenaean in the government, he got his start leading a unit of peasant guerillas under the command of Parrish during the Cretan invasion. Despite being part of a minor noble family, he readily embraced the concepts of land reform and the abolishment of the nobility even while most thought Cretan victory was certain. He did, however, disagree with Mao on both his ardent opposition to various forms of superstition as well as the very idea of socialism in one country, arguing that world revolution must be launched as soon as possible before states outside the Western Mediterranean become more advanced.
- Agrarian
- Mass Army Focus (In favor of a large armed force made up of all adult peasants and workers)
- Downtime military experience (Fought in several wars before the Event)
- Faction Leader

Central Regiment: Elliot Parrish (5 AE): One of the most critical people in ensuring the success of the Revolution, he was the leader of the peasant guerillas fighting against the Cretans which enabled the fledgling Republic to exercise control outside of Mycenae itself. Due to being your husband, it is generally assumed that units under his control would rebel in the case of your faction being purged, which both provides some safety but also causes a constant battle over influence in the army.
- Maoist
- Professional Army Focus (In favor of a smaller but better trained and equipped army)
- Uptime military experience (Served as a sergeant in the US Army before the Event)
- In conflict with Gordon

Western Regiment: Francis Dixon (7 AE): Another former subordinate of Parrish, but this time part of Gordon's clique, he defected from the Air Force after learning of their plans to abandon Tucson and helped Gordon obtain a machine gun and other military hardware immediately following the Event. While he was certainly useful fighting against the Cretan invasion, he now provides as a means for Gordon to gain even more control over the army.
- Intensificationist
- Neutral Focus (Recognizes the need for some professional units but is afraid of empowering Parrish)
- Uptime military experience (Served as an airman basic in the USAF before the event)

Home Guard: Elaine Mathis (7 AE): Originally appointed by Charles Barker due to fears of a coup by either you, Gordon, or both, Mathis is in charge of equipping and training the garrisons of all major cities as well as directing the defense of Mycenae itself. While she may be less committed to socialism than most, she actually believes in the idea of an apolitical military and will likely only act against an outright coup.
- Not (publicly) part of any faction
- Neutral Focus (Recognizes the need for some professional units but is afraid of empowering Parrish)
- Uptime military experience (Served as a private in the US Army before the event)

People's Navy: Colin Wong (13 AE): A former Seabee, Wong is the only person in the Republic with both experience in Uptime naval forces and with any political reliability. Although he is unfortunately close to Gordon, he is still far better than anyone else for this role.
-No clear focus yet
-Uptime military experience (Served as a constructionman in the US Navy before the event)

Special Services Division: Wedaneus son of Tros (11 AE): Another former Downtime minor noble, Wedaneus was a part of the conspiracy to overthrow the Wanax from the very beginning.

Ministry of Finance

Minister: Evan Manning (8 AE): Appointed by Barker to head secular tax collection, she was an accountant before the Event. Despite her moderate beliefs, her status as the leader of a bureaucracy completely separate from the priesthood and nobility led to her nearly dying from arsenic poisoning during the counterrevolutionary plot of the priests. Even nearly being murdered still wasn't enough to make her realize the necessity of a harsh stance against reaction, and she now leads the capitalist roaders in our government.
- Moderate
- Focused on rebuilding the bureaucracy after your purges
- Faction Leader
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So incredibly cool to see this, thank you so much for making this. I am really looking forward to see where this goes.

Not sure of a plan yet.

Edit: Link in my Signature to my Age of Rust Timeline for those unfamiliar with the TL.
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This looks cool, I'm always onboard for a new plan quest.

anyways here my attempt at a simple but practical plan.

[x] plan KISS
-[x]Keep The Course: A decrease in taxes, while it would be nice, is simply impractical. The average peasant will still have more food in their stomachs than they did before the revolution, and in a few years they should be complacent enough to be allowed to participate in at least local governance. (Keep both Military and Development budgets in the middle, or increase one and cut the other)
-[x]Planned Funding: The military will get the same amount of resources that they are expected to. While Gordon still isn't entirely satisfied with this amount, it is at least enough to significantly increase the strength of the People's Army, hopefully making the occupation of the Republic impossible.
-[x]Planned Funding: A more balanced approach will let us make substantial progress on economic and technological advancement, if not as much as some would hope. (125 Resources per turn)
-[x]Latin Alphabet: A modification of the Latin alphabet with accents used to cover all the sounds of Mycenaean Greek, this would be the most similar to English and the most familiar to Americans. However, it doesn't fit the language quite as well as a modified Greek alphabet, and is viewed by some as imposing a foreign culture on the Mycenaeans.
[X] Plan Laying the Ground Work
-[X]Tax Increases: While it would make the peasantry even more upset, more resources are needed to increase the pace of progress and military buildup. This would lead to a slight increase in the amount of goods and labor requisitioned from rural areas, but would probably not have too many negative effects. Members of the People's Army would be exempted from this, hopefully keeping them loyal. (One of Military or Development can have its budget raised).
-[X]Planned Funding: The military will get the same amount of resources that they are expected to. While Gordon still isn't entirely satisfied with this amount, it is at least enough to significantly increase the strength of the People's Army, hopefully making the occupation of the Republic impossible.
-[X]Increase Funding: A modern army is impossible without a modern economy. While it would require sacrifices now, in five or ten years we will be able to field an army and navy far more powerful than would be suggested by our country's size and population. (175 Resources per turn)
-[X]Modified Greek Alphabet: This is the modern Greek alphabet with a few extra characters for sounds present in Mycenaean Greek which were later lost. This fits the language better than other scripts, and while it is different from either Linear B or the Latin alphabet, someone who already knows an alphabetic script can likely learn the Latin alphabet fairly easily.

Okay so general thoughts. While Public relations are important, we're not at a Crisis point. And we're bordered on all sides by less than friendly powers and while the Military needs funding, focusing on it right now would just give us a big but likely soon obsolete Army. We should focus on expanding farms, and building roads and forges. A strong economy will lead to a stronger military and help PR in the long term.

Modified Greek seems the best Compromise since either way, English is gonna be a major secondary language. Modified Greek seems like a good way of ensuring the local language keeps pace literacy wise with English.
[X] Plan Laying the Ground Work

economic growth is necessary. iron and copper mines for muskets and tools, logging camps for buildings, furniture, fire, and also tools. farms for flax, food, and fighting. we could probably use modern knowledge to get a honey industry going and that's a good luxury to distribute and a godsend medically. we can't exactly industrialize immediately, but we're in an era where people have at least 5 kids as a standard, cause at least one of them'll die, we lower the death rate by even 5% and our workforce booms long term. let's make sure we're ready for that.

the deposit colors are a bit hard to make out against the red, is that a lead and three copper deposits?
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[X] Plan Laying the Ground Work in Linear B
-[X]Tax Increases: While it would make the peasantry even more upset, more resources are needed to increase the pace of progress and military buildup. This would lead to a slight increase in the amount of goods and labor requisitioned from rural areas, but would probably not have too many negative effects. Members of the People's Army would be exempted from this, hopefully keeping them loyal. (One of Military or Development can have its budget raised).
-[X]Planned Funding: The military will get the same amount of resources that they are expected to. While Gordon still isn't entirely satisfied with this amount, it is at least enough to significantly increase the strength of the People's Army, hopefully making the occupation of the Republic impossible.
-[X]Increase Funding: A modern army is impossible without a modern economy. While it would require sacrifices now, in five or ten years we will be able to field an army and navy far more powerful than would be suggested by our country's size and population. (175 Resources per turn)
-[X]Simplified Linear B: While the complete mess of Linear B is obviously unsuitable for mass literacy, it can be simplified while still keeping its unique characteristics. Ideographic signs can be largely eliminated except as shorthand, and accents can be used to either indicate signs as either consonants without a following vowel or other sounds that could not be written directly in traditional Linear B. However, this would still be much more unwieldy, complex, and harder to teach than other options.
economic growth is necessary. iron and copper mines for muskets and tools, logging camps for buildings, furniture, fire, and also tools. farms for flax, food, and fighting. we could probably use modern knowledge to get a honey industry going and that's a good luxury to distribute and a godsend medically. we can't exactly industrialize immediately, but we're in an era where people have at least 5 kids as a standard, cause at least one of them'll die, we lower the death rate by even 5% and our workforce booms long term. let's make sure we're ready for that.

the deposit colors are a bit hard to make out against the red, is that a lead and three copper deposits?
I think it's Iron and three copper deposits.

Personally one of the things I want to focus on is farming Uptime crops, potatoes, corn, etc. Because that's going to improve things health wise for downtimers, it will also lead to eventually to a population boom and increase crop yields, which means we won't need quite as much farmers, which could lead to more skilled labor.

Mines and logging camps are also vital at this stage I agree.
the big problem with linear b, if i remember correctly, is that it's an ideographic system that doesn't have any characters for english loanwords, which are incredibly necessary if we don't want english to become a prestige or literary language. it's lack of adaptability is a major hindrance. however if we're converting linear b to an alphabet i'm fine with it.
the big problem with linear b, if i remember correctly, is that it's an ideographic system that doesn't have any characters for english loanwords, which are incredibly necessary if we don't want english to become a prestige or literary language. it's lack of adaptability is a major hindrance. however if we're converting linear b to an alphabet i'm fine with it.

I think my issue with Linear B is, what benefit does keeping it provide? Like yes, replacing it with anything is going to be a bit of uptimers imposing stuff on downtimers but even keeping Linear B would be that to an extent as well since it has to be modified to remain useful. And, how many Myceneans actually know how to read Linear B? How many would actually care the script is being replaced?
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@garphield if we go with linear b are we changing it into an alphabet, or is it staying an ideograph system?
Linear B was a syllabary with some ideographic signs. You'd be adding more signs for sounds that are in Mycenaean/maybe English and adding the ability to write just a consonants instead of a consonant followed by a vowel (iirc you couldn't do this in Linear B), with the ideographic signs not being taught immediately but possibly being kept for abbreviations/shorthand. If you want an alphabet you can use either Latin or Greek.
State of the Economy:
No Bureaucracy: -10 to all dice
Oh that hurts

Ministry of Economic Development:
Minister: Aitana Frexia (10 AE): A veternarian before the event, Frexia formed a core part of the conspiracy to overthrow the Wanax. Ardently opposed to the priesthood from the beginning, Frexia was granted this position (and the Ministry massively strengthened) as part of a power sharing agreement with Sean Gordon immediately before Bloody August. With a large portion of the People's Army under the command of her husband, Elliot Parrish, one can only hope the agreement holds.
- Former Veternarian (+5 to dice involving human medicine, +10 to those involving animal husbandry)
- Decent Administrator (+0 to all dice)
- Some Administrative Experience (-3 to all dice, penalty decreasing by 1 every other turn)
- Politically Extreme (Will not hesitate to destroy anyone and anything she views as an enemy of the Revolution)
- Energetic and willing to learn: May gain additional positive traits in the future
- Faction Leader

Deputy: Un-appointed (Frexia will not appoint a replacement until she is more assured of her position)
So this is our character at the moment, more or less. So pretty useful for Animal Husbandry projects, probably feared by a lot of the Popular Republic, and possibly willing to murder anyone who goes Counter-revolutionary, or hurts the Capybaras.

The lack of deputy is worrisome.

Minister: Christina Grey (10 AE): One of our most valuable assets, a graduate student in chemistry who happened to have copies of Wikipedia, several other websites, and many books downloaded on her laptop before the Event. In addition to her academic work, she also had a frankly alarming amount of experience with the synthesis of various interesting substances with limited access to equiptment and reagents, which has been another massive boon.
- Maoist
- Clandestine chemistry experience (Knows how to make due with limited resources)
- Limited knowledge of large-scale operations
- Rather unconcerned about personal safety
Hmm, someone definitely did some interesting stuff on the side, Pre-Event.

Minister: Lynette Bush (9 AE): One of the leaders in our education efforts since the beginning, she probably would have been dead by now if the counterrevolutionary conspiracy of the priests had not been discovered. She is also one of the architects of the recent writing reform, and has been an invaluable political ally for some time.
- Maoist
- Education Focus
hmm my read on Lynette is probably Maoist out of loyalty to Frexia, particularly since the priests wanted her dead. So probably a fairly dependable ally.

Central Military District: Elliot Parrish (5 AE): One of the most critical people in ensuring the success of the Revolution, he was the leader of the peasant guerillas fighting against the Cretans which enabled the fledgeling Republic to exercise control outside of Mycenae itself. Due to being your husband, it is generally assumed that units under his control would rebel in the case of your faction being purged, which both provides some safety but also causes a constant battle over influence in the army.
- Maoist
- Professional Army Focus (In favor of a smaller but better trained and equipped army)
- Uptime military experience (Served as a sergeant in the US Army before the Event)
- In conflict with Gordon
Naturally a solid ally in our corner.

Eastern Military District: Orestes son of Alektruon (7 AE): Probably the most powerful Mycenaean in the government, he got his start leading a unit of peasant guerilas under the command of Parrish during the Cretan invasion. Despite being part of a minor noble family, he readily embraced the concepts of land reform and the abolishment of the nobility even while most thought Cretan victory was certain. He did, however, disagree with Mao on both his ardent opposition to various forms of superstition as well as the very idea of socialism in one country, arguing that world revolution must be launched as soon as possible before states outside the Western Medeterrainian become more advanced.
- Agrarian
- Mass Army Focus (In favor of a large armed force made up of minimally trained peasants and workers)
- Downtime military experience (Fought in several wars before the Event)
- Faction Leader
I like the energy.

Minister: Evan Manning (8 AE): Appointed by Barker to head secular tax collection, she was an accountant before the Event. Despite her moderate beliefs, her status as the leader of a bureaucracy competely seperate from the priesthood and nobility led to her nearly dying from arsenic poisoning dueing the counterrevoltionary plot of the priests. Even nearly being murdered still wasn't enough to make her realize the necessity of a harsh stance against reaction, and she now leads the capitalist roaders in our government.
- Moderate
- Focused on rebuilding the bureaucracy after your purges
- Faction Leader
You know I'm not inclined to be too harsh on the moderates since probably a lot of them are just left wing democrats pre-Event who are just massively blackpilled over what so many other Americans did following the Event. Evan on the other hand makes me rather suspicious.