At The Edge of the Dream - Inheritance Front


Be Attitude For Gains: Fight For Truth
Somewhere: It'd be Specified, but....
The lives of individuals, fleeting as they may be, are beholden to myriad ideas. They drift along the edges of consciousness, drifting into dreams and fading away like morning dew. In a normal world they are just dreams, nothing more and nothing less. However, in the occasion presented here, they are what attract the attention of countless eyes bring with them curiosity, speculation, and discussion.

In the presidential suite of hotel that houses a casino deep within the City of Sin that is Las Vegas, six figures sat around long table. In front of all but one were books, scrolls, computers and tablets and all of which were being worked feverishly. Perhaps it was an unknown command, a simple feeling but collectively these figures turned towards the head of the table and nodded. The person who sat there smiled revealing a row a sharpened teeth.

"Ah... So everything's set. Let us begin this little game then." They passed and addressed the other individuals. "You have your duties, get to them." The head of the table said before descending into a small fit of laughter. The figures bowed their heads and wordlessly left. The head of the table turned their chair to face the skyline and watched sun slowly crest over the horizon.

"All we need to do is wait."

@Noob5674 @Janus @UbeOne @Hydrokinesis @Omida @NinetyNineLies @shinkiro @TheBiggerFish @THatWhichWillBe @Maximum Power

Something strange occurred to you one morning. For you see, despite the various highs and lows of your life up to this point, you did not wake up in the normal place. Rather, you awoke in an expensive looking hotel room. The bed soft, the furniture is exquisite, and the room temperature is just right for you. There is also a clothes that you would normally be comfortable in, a tray of breakfast, what looks like a complementary cleaning case and a silver attache case. In the attache case are several rolls of 100 dollar bills with a note. The handwriting is chicken scratch to say the least but it is still reasonably legible. It reads as follows;

"Spend as much of this stuff as you want in the casino below, the real prize will eventually reveal itself to you! When it does, please visit me on the tip-pity Top floor, Room 999 for it! You won't be disappointed!


M. Jordan

P.S. No, not that M. Jordan, so don't ask."

The choice of what to do is now yours, but how far will that choice take you?
The lives of individuals, fleeting as they may be, are beholden to myriad ideas. They drift along the edges of consciousness, drifting into dreams and fading away like morning dew. In a normal world they are just dreams, nothing more and nothing less. However, in the occasion presented here, they are what attract the attention of countless eyes bring with them curiosity, speculation, and discussion.

In the presidential suite of hotel that houses a casino deep within the City of Sin that is Las Vegas, six figures sat around long table. In front of all but one were books, scrolls, computers and tablets and all of which were being worked feverishly. Perhaps it was an unknown command, a simple feeling but collectively these figures turned towards the head of the table and nodded. The person who sat there smiled revealing a row a sharpened teeth.

"Ah... So everything's set. Let us begin this little game then." They passed and addressed the other individuals. "You have your duties, get to them." The head of the table said before descending into a small fit of laughter. The figures bowed their heads and wordlessly left. The head of the table turned their chair to face the skyline and watched sun slowly crest over the horizon.

"All we need to do is wait."

@Noob5674 @Janus @UbeOne @Hydrokinesis @Omida @NinetyNineLies @shinkiro @TheBiggerFish @THatWhichWillBe @Maximum Power

Something strange occurred to you one morning. For you see, despite the various highs and lows of your life up to this point, you did not wake up in the normal place. Rather, you awoke in an expensive looking hotel room. The bed soft, the furniture is exquisite, and the room temperature is just right for you. There is also a clothes that you would normally be comfortable in, a tray of breakfast, what looks like a complementary cleaning case and a silver attache case. In the attache case are several rolls of 100 dollar bills with a note.

"Alrighty then. What in the hell is going on?" asked Jake to no one in particular. He had been kidnapped, given five hundred dollars and told to spend it in a casino on the first floor. Shrugging his shoulders he thought to himself , "What the hell?" and made his way down to the casino floor below. This person was a blonde, thirty year old man who appeared in clothes that were entirely black, with no variation in color. He would walk with a cane, which was conveniently leaning against the night stand by his bed. He then made his way down stairs.
[Apollo Gray]

Well then, this is interesting, thought Apollo to themselves. To be kidnapped and forced into a game. How very interesting.

Following the instructions, Apollo left their room to go down to the casino, after eating the breakfast provided. They are of average height, if a rather thin person with a spiky, red hair. They are wearing a nondescript white shirt and black pants. Their face are stoic, but deep inside, they are excited at what may be happening right now.
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Something strange occurred to you one morning. For you see, despite the various highs and lows of your life up to this point, you did not wake up in the normal place. Rather, you awoke in an expensive looking hotel room. The bed soft, the furniture is exquisite, and the room temperature is just right for you. There is also a clothes that you would normally be comfortable in, a tray of breakfast, what looks like a complementary cleaning case and a silver attache case. In the attache case are several rolls of 100 dollar bills with a note. The handwriting is chicken scratch to say the least but it is still reasonably legible. It reads as follows;

"Spend as much of this stuff as you want in the casino below, the real prize will eventually reveal itself to you! When it does, please visit me on the tip-pity Top floor, Room 999 for it! You won't be disappointed!


M. Jordan

P.S. No, not that M. Jordan, so don't ask."

The choice of what to do is now yours, but how far will that choice take you?
Charles wakes up with...relative calm to his situation. While there's definitely some who'd wake up panicked or confused, that requires a clear mind to decide on which to be, and he's taking a moment to boot up properly. Given a few seconds, absent-mindedly taking a whiff of the food and look over clothes...The guy sighs and hangs his head for a second before he gets up and stretches as joints all over his body pops as he gets fully online to put it.

Not really much he can do in this situation..."I could wreck the stuff in this room..." He takes one look around before he shakes his head in scrapping that idea. It's certainly a rich room, and that means either A: He's being treated as if he's a high prize, in which case wrecking it would just shakeup that label, or B: They have plenty to spare on that kind of expense, which means that's a pointless thing to do. No point in doing that...

But there's always some worth investigating around, which resulted in him ending up wearing the clothes, eating the breakfast, and pocketing the money. One look at Charles...and he honestly looks like he'd belong to a mob or high-up yakuza gang more so than wealthy business folk. But hey, at least it's better than a street thug and surprisingly comfortable for its appearance...Although, the gloves and lack of any accessories make him look like a high worth fighter than a leader. Think Kiryu or Majima from Yazkuza.

Anyways, clothed and situation suited, Charles simply walks over to the exit of his room, unlocks, and opens the door. And then firmly plant his foot on it before kicking hard forward, causing the door to swing all the way into hitting the wall, leaving a dent where the handle on the other side would've hit, as Charles just heads out to go investigate what's around.....Oh right, yeah, he's full out sprinting around. If he needs to go downstairs, sliding down any rails. All with a face like a man on a mission, glancing about from side to side, taking in everything he can see.
"Spend as much of this stuff as you want in the casino below, the real prize will eventually reveal itself to you! When it does, please visit me on the tip-pity Top floor, Room 999 for it! You won't be disappointed!
How curious. How very curious indeed. Alexander examines the paper as he dons his usual clothes, a blazing red leather jacket over a t-shirt, the icon of a raised fist emblazoned on his chest. He had no idea what was going on here... But he was very interested in finding out *what*. The athletic young man decides to simply play by the rules of this 'Jordan'. He'd awoken to find himself in a strange room, and now found himself somewhere else entirely. If they wanted to hurt him, they would have by now. So, he finds it likely that it's safe for him to go along with whatever they have in mind.

In truth, a large part of him is excited at this strange mystery. As Alexander walks out the door, heading down towards the Casino, he whistles a jaunty tune with a big smile across his face. Life was an adventure, and the stranger and wilder the journey, the more he liked it.

"mrrrgle. I hate mornings." Kirov grumbled to himself as he quite literally rolled out of bed, and forced himself to his feet and towards getting dressed. After looking though the items left there, he did grin a bit. If he got to gamble with other peoples money, he wouldn't have to get pissed if he lost. Now if he could just find his way to the main floor and the slot machines...
@Janus @Maximum Power @Noob5674 @THatWhichWillBe @shinkiro

The casino before you is opulent to say the least as vibrant colors and designs are arranged to draw the eye towards various tables, machines, and kiosks. However, there is something strange about it all. Despite a general theme of coloration being various shades of red, gold, and purple, the areas themselves don't match.

There are areas that seem directly lifted from old western films, accurate portrayals of Roman and Egyptian architecture, art deco, and modern contemporary. All of these areas have their own unique tables about them with appropriately dressed staff. That being said, Every area has multiple games available including Poker, Texas Hold'em, Baccarat, Blackjack, Slots, Roulette and Craps.
"I came, I saw, I conquered." Jake stated in nonchalance as he made his way towardrs the Roman styled area. "Okay, um what about this one?" Jake questioned before entering the room. "Eh, I'll do Poker here I guess."
"So em, why is this room in the style of the ancient Romans?"
"I came, I saw, I conquered." Jake stated in nonchalance as he made his way towardrs the Roman styled area. "Okay, um what about this one?" Jake questioned before entering the room. "Eh, I'll do Poker here I guess."
"So em, why is this room in the style of the ancient Romans?"
The card dealer at the table, dressed in a roman robe complete with laurel crown, looks at you for a moment before responding. "I guess this is your first time here? The New Fortune casino was designed to be a one stop shop for all gambling needs along the strip. Which is why this room has roman theme. Now are putting your bet down?"
There are areas that seem directly lifted from old western films, accurate portrayals of Roman and Egyptian architecture, art deco, and modern contemporary. All of these areas have their own unique tables about them with appropriately dressed staff. That being said, Every area has multiple games available including Poker, Texas Hold'em, Baccarat, Blackjack, Slots, Roulette and Craps.
Alexander sits down at a Western Poker table, giving the other players a wide grin as he cashes in.

"So, how's the playing been for you all?"

He eyes them carefully behind his relaxed expression. He played for keeps, after all.
Alexander sits down at a Western Poker table, giving the other players a wide grin as he cashes in.

"So, how's the playing been for you all?"

He eyes them carefully behind his relaxed expression. He played for keeps, after all.
An older man, in a suit with a hawaiin shirt underneath responbds without looking away from the dealer, "I'm breaking even so that's good." While a young woman in a blue dress doesn't even bother addressing you, her eyes glued to the three face down cards on the table.
The choice of what to do is now yours, but how far will that choice take you?
Marie Claire Halden wakes up, proceeds into her morning routine, and crashes unexpectedly when it turns out that the side of bed she'd normally roll out of is flat against a wall.

"...Well. Fuck."

The cash, and note...Those, those prompt an even more vehement expletive.

"Fuck. I've been ROBbed!" 'And he probably thinks he's funny. Fine, I'll play your game. But I'm going to play to win.'

She pulls up 'how to count cards' on her phone, and sets off to find blackjack to not-cheat at. Well. After eating her breakfast. And begrudgingly acknowledging that it was a pretty nice breakfast.

At the table, she's...intent, but with an edge of anger to it that really seems out of place in an average casino. That said, she does greet the other players (and potentially other Players) with a polite wave.

"Y'know, it's a funny thing. Whatever I did last night, I don't even remember getting here. Anyone else have a funny story like that?"
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The casino before you is opulent to say the least as vibrant colors and designs are arranged to draw the eye towards various tables, machines, and kiosks. However, there is something strange about it all. Despite a general theme of coloration being various shades of red, gold, and purple, the areas themselves don't match.

There are areas that seem directly lifted from old western films, accurate portrayals of Roman and Egyptian architecture, art deco, and modern contemporary. All of these areas have their own unique tables about them with appropriately dressed staff. That being said, Every area has multiple games available including Poker, Texas Hold'em, Baccarat, Blackjack, Slots, Roulette and Craps.
To say Charles knows how to gamble is akin to saying a moose is good at swimming. You wouldn't expect them to be good at it, but they certainly are gonna try nonetheless. Looking around, it's certainly good odds of making bank here and such. Maybe even enjoy the time gambling...

Nope. That seems like a bad plan given how the start of all this has been. Just gamble and keep moving. All the games could be rigged and he'd have nothing to stop that, but that'd defeat the purpose of giving him money to it's safe to say that he can win at least...Which means Roulette is an option. Sure, the card games would be good for testing the waters of others here, but that'd require reading others well which he can't do.

So, a simple odds of Roulette will do instead. No words needed, just see where bets go and then bet half of the cash on whether evens or odds depending on which has the least people betting on them, counting single numbered bets as well. Gives the short time needed to see how to bet first before he just slamming a bet down without knowing how to.
The casino before you is opulent to say the least as vibrant colors and designs are arranged to draw the eye towards various tables, machines, and kiosks. However, there is something strange about it all. Despite a general theme of coloration being various shades of red, gold, and purple, the areas themselves don't match.

There are areas that seem directly lifted from old western films, accurate portrayals of Roman and Egyptian architecture, art deco, and modern contemporary. All of these areas have their own unique tables about them with appropriately dressed staff. That being said, Every area has multiple games available including Poker, Texas Hold'em, Baccarat, Blackjack, Slots, Roulette and Craps.

Huh, neat. Kirov thought. themed tables.Not one for social interaction, he decided to make his way to the slot machine and give it a spin, instead.
Marie Claire Halden wakes up, proceeds into her morning routine, and crashes unexpectedly when it turns out that the side of bed she'd normally roll out of is flat against a wall.

"...Well. Fuck."

The cash, and note...Those, those prompt an even more vehement expletive.

"Fuck. I've been ROBbed!" 'And he probably thinks he's funny. Fine, I'll play your game. But I'm going to play to win.'

She pulls up 'how to count cards' on her phone, and sets off to find blackjack to not-cheat at. Well. After eating her breakfast. And begrudgingly acknowledging that it was a pretty nice breakfast.

At the table, she's...intent, but with an edge of anger to it that really seems out of place in an average casino. That said, she does greet the other players (and potentially other Players) with a polite wave.

"Y'know, it's a funny thing. Whatever I did last night, I don't even remember getting here. Anyone else have a funny story like that?"
Several of the players at the black jack give you an odd look and one of them even exclaims.

"Don't remember getting here? You know how hard it is to get a reservation here. I waited six months to be even considered. Why…"

But the player was wuickly cut off by the table manager who simply asks you.

"Your bet?"

To say Charles knows how to gamble is akin to saying a moose is good at swimming. You wouldn't expect them to be good at it, but they certainly are gonna try nonetheless. Looking around, it's certainly good odds of making bank here and such. Maybe even enjoy the time gambling...

Nope. That seems like a bad plan given how the start of all this has been. Just gamble and keep moving. All the games could be rigged and he'd have nothing to stop that, but that'd defeat the purpose of giving him money to it's safe to say that he can win at least...Which means Roulette is an option. Sure, the card games would be good for testing the waters of others here, but that'd require reading others well which he can't do.

So, a simple odds of Roulette will do instead. No words needed, just see where bets go and then bet half of the cash on whether evens or odds depending on which has the least people betting on them, counting single numbered bets as well. Gives the short time needed to see how to bet first before he just slamming a bet down without knowing how to.
The table manager takes your bet without a word and you watch as the ball quickly rotates in its housing. Several other players, individuals that could be from anywhere watch in baited breath.
Huh, neat. Kirov thought. themed tables.Not one for social interaction, he decided to make his way to the slot machine and give it a spin, instead.
The slot machine begins whirl, its lights and sounds still visible and audible despite the din of the casino. The machine shows two cherries and one bag of money, and you can hear coins fill the receptacle below.
"Don't remember getting here? You know how hard it is to get a reservation here. I waited six months to be even considered. Why…"
"I didn't say anything about remembering getting a reservation. Just that I don't remember arriving for some godforsaken reason. Now if you'll excuse me, we have a game to play."

Then, she turns to the dealer.

'Okay, I've got a good hand and good numbers. Let's do this.' Marie pushes a good-sized stack of chips forwards - nothing she couldn't deal with losing, but the odds should be in her favor at this point. "My bet, yes."
"I didn't say anything about remembering getting a reservation. Just that I don't remember arriving for some godforsaken reason. Now if you'll excuse me, we have a game to play."

Then, she turns to the dealer.

'Okay, I've got a good hand and good numbers. Let's do this.' Marie pushes a good-sized stack of chips forwards - nothing she couldn't deal with losing, but the odds should be in her favor at this point. "My bet, yes."
The dealer raises an eyebrow and deftly deals out 4 sets of cards. Your cards are a 2 of Spades and an Ace of Diamonds.

The other players look at their quickly before planting them back down. Some, briefly, either look happy or apprehensive.
@Janus @Maximum Power @Noob5674 @THatWhichWillBe @shinkiro

The casino before you is opulent to say the least as vibrant colors and designs are arranged to draw the eye towards various tables, machines, and kiosks. However, there is something strange about it all. Despite a general theme of coloration being various shades of red, gold, and purple, the areas themselves don't match.

There are areas that seem directly lifted from old western films, accurate portrayals of Roman and Egyptian architecture, art deco, and modern contemporary. All of these areas have their own unique tables about them with appropriately dressed staff. That being said, Every area has multiple games available including Poker, Texas Hold'em, Baccarat, Blackjack, Slots, Roulette and Craps.

Well, ain't this a doozy. Whoever designed this place is either really weird, really rich, or really powerful, Apollo thought. They were never one for gambling, but they suppose when in Rome or whatever. On a related note, they walk over to the slots in the Roman areas.
The card dealer at the table, dressed in a roman robe complete with laurel crown, looks at you for a moment before responding. "I guess this is your first time here? The New Fortune casino was designed to be a one stop shop for all gambling needs along the strip. Which is why this room has roman theme. Now are putting your bet down?"
"Yeah, I guess. Here" He sits down. ::I don't know how poker works.:
The table manager takes your bet without a word and you watch as the ball quickly rotates in its housing. Several other players, individuals that could be from anywhere watch in baited breath.
Charles would watch the ball rotate with absolute calm as far as anyone else was aware. Too calm if any. After all, it's not his own money, and as such he hold little qualms as to whether he loses the bet or not. If anything, he's betting on winning either way.

Either he wins the bet and gets to stand with earnings, or loses and the majority of people get the win. It's either he wins, or the casino loses. And that's all he needs to keep perfectly calm in his flawless logic.
Well, ain't this a doozy. Whoever designed this place is either really weird, really rich, or really powerful, Apollo thought. They were never one for gambling, but they suppose when in Rome or whatever. On a related note, they walk over to the slots in the Roman areas.
The slots are appropriately themed, and have a variety of bidding prices between 1 to 20 dollars.

"Yeah, I guess. Here" He sits down. ::I don't know how poker works.:
The dealer gives you an odd look before dealing you two cards.


Charles would watch the ball rotate with absolute calm as far as anyone else was aware. Too calm if any. After all, it's not his own money, and as such he hold little qualms as to whether he loses the bet or not. If anything, he's betting on winning either way.

Either he wins the bet and gets to stand with earnings, or loses and the majority of people get the win. It's either he wins, or the casino loses. And that's all he needs to keep perfectly calm in his flawless logic.

The ball lands on a red number. Some of the players erupt in joy while others all but grind their teeth. The dealer slides a small amount of chips your way before opening the table again.
An older man, in a suit with a hawaiin shirt underneath responbds without looking away from the dealer, "I'm breaking even so that's good." While a young woman in a blue dress doesn't even bother addressing you, her eyes glued to the three face down cards on the table.
Alexander puts twenty dollars into the pot, shrugging. Might as well go big, or go home. Only then does he look at his hand.