At The Edge of the Dream - Inheritance Front


Be Attitude For Gains: Fight For Truth
Somewhere: It'd be Specified, but....

Something strange occurred to you one morning. For you see you despite the highs and lows of life up to this point, you did not wake up in the normal place. but rather a rather expensive hotel room. Within was a basic set of cleaning materials, clothes that you would normally be comfortable in, a tray of breakfast, and a silver attache case. In the attache case are several rolls of 100 dollar bills with a note. The handwriting is chicken scratch to say the least but it is still reasonable legible

"Spend as much of this stuff as you want in the casino below, the real prize will eventually reveal itself to you! When it does, please visit me on the tip-pity Top floor, Room 999 for it! You won't be disappointed!

M. Jordan

P.S. No, not that M. Jordan, so don't ask."

What else can you really do? Head down and enjoy yourself for the road to come will be a hard one, but a prize beyond your imagination awaits at journey's end.

Inheritance and Tokens:
PC's will start with one character Inheritance and list another 11 in their character sheets of their choosing, totaling 12 in all. Inheritances are powers based on fictional entities that a player can choose for themselves. Unlike the previous iteration of this RP idea, these aren't your past lives, but rather keys to a potential future. After specific events, a new token for an inheritance will be awarded. Players can use choices from various fictional works. HOWEVER, they do not start with that inheritance at full power. Yes, powers are inherited, but a player must train and build up that power and any related skills until they reach a proverbial... moment of enlightenment so to speak and then they will come into that power fully.

Basically the ground rules for smooth games and fun.

  1. Be good to fellow players OOC: Pretty basic I know, but let's keep the mood light when discussing story elements.
  2. PVP should be in designated arenas: You want to throw down with your fellow players? Sure! Just be sure to do it in a friendly sparring session.
  3. No mind control: Mind influencing one or two weak willed mooks Ben Kenobi style? Perfectly okay. Getting players or boss characters to do what you want, not gonna happen.
  4. Be ready for anything: I mean this. I have a few secrets I'm keeping from everybody, so be ready in case of anything.
  5. Pester Me: If you need a response, or want the story to move forward and I have not done so in a timely fashion, contact me directly through either Discord or SV's direct message system. Either SV's notification system didn't like me that day or something is going on IRL.
Character Sheet
Theme Song:
First Inheritance:
Inheritance List:

Additional Notes:
The Player Cap for this will stand at 10. Should a player leave for any reason, a spot will be open for others to join in, provided of course that they create a character sheet. Aside from those facts, have fun everybody. I look forward to your builds.

Here's the link for the Discord channel -- Join the Edge of the Dream Discord Server!
Jake -- The Big Bad Evil Guy
Name: Jake
Theme: Big Bad Evil Guy
Theme Song:
: Male
: 30 years old
Personality: Jake is an insecure, shy introvert. Just recently owning his sexuality, he has had to contend with the horrifying mistreatment of others since his youth, not just for being gay, but he's been a scape goat, and punching bag for much of his life. He is obsessive as a writer over odd niche subjects here and there, loves video gaming and hoards table top games. He is socially inept but when he makes friends he is fiercely loyal.
Background: Jacob has suffered from bullying and traumatic childhood experiences, has been physically weak and unpopular for his entire childhood through teenage years, and even his adulthood has suffered greatly as a result.
First Inheritance: The Judeo Christian Devil.
Inheritance List:
Takhisis (Dragon Lance)
Asmodeus (Pathfinder)
Hermaeus Mora (Elder Scrolls)
Set (Conan The Barbarian)
Dracula (Castlevania, original time line)
Darkseid (DC Comics)
Tenebrae/Valkorion/Vitiate (Star Wars)
Mesos (The Scarred Lands)
Dormammu (Marvel)
Orgodemir (Dragon Quest)
The Darkness/Amara (Supernatural)
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Alexander Gunnarson -- Martial Artist God of War
Character Sheet
Name: Alexander Gunnarson
Theme: Martial Artist God of War
Theme Song:

Sex: Male
Age: 25
Personality: Bold, confident, and singularly aggressive, Alexander is a man out on a quest for glory. He craves acclaim and approval, the sensation of accomplishment that comes from doing what none other can do. Gambling, sky diving, archery, fencing, he's dabbled in all of these and more, constantly seeking the adrenaline high of victory. The harder fought, the more seemingly impossible, the more he craves to face it head-on... And win. And now, faced with an adventure beyond his wildest dreams, he will stop at nothing to chase the glory he knows is waiting for him just over the horizon. His heart blazes with the dangerous red glow of ambition. And so the World shall shake and tremble at his coming.
Background: A young man from Los Angeles whose thirst for personal achievement pushed him to become a renowned athlete and mountain-climber. At the age of 19, he had made it to the summit of Everest. At age 20, he'd done the climb alone. At age 22, he had become one of the world's premier young fencers. At age 24, he won Olympic Gold in fencing and silver in archery. But somehow, it still wasn't enough for him. He wanted more, still yet more. And here, he found it.
First Inheritance: Sing, Kung Fu Hustle

Inheritance List:
King Bumi, Avatar: The Last Airbender
White Chain, KSBD
Mathangi ten Meti, KSBD
Juggernaut Star, KSBD
Vigilant Gaze, KSBD
Mammon, KSBD
Mottom, KSBD
Incubus, KSBD
Solomon David, KSBD
Meti ten Ryo, KSBD
Jagganoth, KSBD
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Marie Clara Halden -- THE Queen of Escalation
Alright, let's see if I can get into this one before it dies a miserable death this time.

Also, @Atma Warrior, what's the intended power level for this? I've gone for something of a wide selection while avoiding anything that's an immediate "I Win The Game" (looking at you, It Gets Worse), but I obviously have no way of knowing any particular limits, as you haven't actually stated any.

Name: Marie Claire Halden
Theme: But First, We Need To Talk About Parallel Universes
Theme Song: In The Mirror | Celeste OST
Gender: F
Age: mid-20s
Personality: Honestly, the best adjective to describe Marie Halden is "worried", even before she woke up in a hotel she'd have no reason to be in. That said, when push comes to shove she has a determined streak.
Background: A down on her luck twenty-something.
Appearance: Oddly reminiscent of the character she keeps getting reflections of.
First Inheritance: Bumblebee (Taylor Hebert), from Beaconhill's Nemesis
Insect-swarm!Changer!Taylor (via Cauldron vial). Canonically pretends to be a bumbling bee Master. Skilled in acting and heists.

Inheritance List (subject to change):

A) [] Binary (Taylor Hebert), from A Ghost Of A Chance
See the Worm CYOA v1 build at the link. (Inspired Inventor, Shattered Limiter, Invictus, Blank). Comes with free military veteran.

B) [] [Unnamed, tentative "Viridian" see also Psyche] (Taylor Hebert), from Chromatic Quest
Imbue emotions into objects for various effects. (Detailed information on emotions and effects found in the quest and/or story thread.)

C) [] Taylor Hebert, Eighth Campione, from Skittering Campione
Admittedly a cross I know little of, but the abilities are straightforward. (I am only laying claim to the Scion ones. Any others will be developed by beating gods.)

D) [] Harbinger (Taylor Hebert), from Woe Betide (also on SV)
An A Practical Guide To Evil Name, a Harbinger of Insects and also whatever else happens to be ready to explode, with aspects Reap (as in "you reap what you sow", but it is instead Taylor doing the reaping), Perpend (reflect on past mistakes/actions), and Weave (see, and influence, the story) Also knows varied magic.

E) [] Starlight (Taylor Hebert), from Impurity
Energy absorber/flying blaster.

F) [] Skitter, Tyranid Queen (Taylor Hebert), from Hive Daughter
Taylor, but she got her powers from the Tyranid Hivemind rather than Queen Administrator.

G) [] Blackjack (Taylor Hebert), from Chosen
Summons and controls all twenty Endbringers, plus an additional twenty-first Endbringer.

H) [] Blackguard (Taylor Hebert), from Self-Administration
Does what it says on the tin - self-control on the cellular level, plus tinkering ability ala Panacea-lite, especially if she can introduce appropriate (biological) materials.

I) [] Avalon (Taylor Hebert), from Hammer Time
Gavel altpower: Reduce incoming damage recursively until it is below a threshold, increase outgoing damage, bestow the same buff on equipment or other people via contact.
(Will also be using a different Avalon who knows how her power works due to having gotten it from Cauldron for inspiration, see below for that description.)
Basically, I was pseudo-invincible to conventional damage. What do I mean by "conventional?" Pretty much anything you can think of. Fire, explosions, bullets, blunt force trauma, slashing and stabbing. It was all the same to my power. I could be hurt, but only by a small portion of the actual attack. Bullets left small bruises. Blades left paper-cuts.

The total power behind attacks dealt to me was irrelevant, at least to the point that we tested. It was like my power put a limit on how quickly I could be hurt within a given time period. A rapid barrage of 50 caliber rifle bullets dealt the same damage to me as a couple of nine millimeter handgun rounds. Yes, we checked that. I supposed it was useful information to know in case I wanted to rush a heavily fortified military installation.

As part of our agreement, I also let Doctor Mother bring in other capes to see how our powers interacted. I trumped pretty much all of the "direct" attacks and dampened most of the weird ones. Master abilities gave me some trouble, as did a few Trump powers.

J) [] Perspective (Taylor Hebert), from Perspective
Extensive mind-reading and telepathy, no more, no less.

K) [] Alchemist (Taylor Hebert), from Unnatural Disaster
Molecule and quantum scale construction and alteration, as well as an attention/communication detector. (As in, can tell if someone's looking at/talking to her or not)
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Apollo Gray -- Between the Shadow and the Blade
Seems interesting.

Name: Apollo Gray
Theme: Secret Sadist
Theme Song:

Sex: Non-Binary
Age: 17 years old
Personality: Often seen as silent and passive, rarely does Apollo ever interact with other people of their own volition, usually content to observe them from afar. However, beneath their stoic exterior is a person who enjoy jokes, pranks, japes, and funny things, all of which has varying level of human suffering. If given the opportunity to participate in an event that could be funny or amusing to them, they would jump in recklessly to participate, all for their amusement and other people's suffering. Uncaring of others plight, should someone actually managed to befriend them, they'll be willing to hold back some of their more cruel actions if asked to by their close friends.
Background: By all accounts an average teen, Apollo spends most of their life feeling an emptiness in their heart. It wasn't until they saw their classmates stupid actions in highschool that they had their first laugh which lit a fire within them. Happiness at other people's suffering. Often unable to differentiate between harmless annoyances and dangerous pranks, Apollo accidentally become a boogeyman in their local hometown as mysterious accidents of varying lethality began to crop up.
First Inheritance: The Changeling (WH40K)
Inheritance List:
Chaos Breaker (Cardfight!! Vanguard)
Setne (Riordanverse)
Jack the Ripper (Fate/strange Fake)
Simurgh (Worm)
Neopolitan (RWBY)
Risotto Nero (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Kabuto Yakushi (Naruto)
Tsukishima (Bleach)
Hunter Zolomon/Zoom (The Flash)
Lucien/Nonagon/Neo-Somnoven (Critical Role)
Kyubey (PMMM)
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Alright, let's see if I can get into this one before it dies a miserable death this time.

Also, @Atma Warrior, what's the intended power level for this? I've gone for something of a wide selection while avoiding anything that's an immediate "I Win The Game" (looking at you, It Gets Worse), but I obviously have no way of knowing any particular limits, as you haven't actually stated any.

Name: Marie Clara Halden
Theme: But First, We Need To Talk About Parallel Universes
Theme Song: [Undetermined at this point in time]
Sex: F
Age: mid-20s
Personality: Honestly, the best adjective to describe Marie Halden is "worried", even before she woke up in a hotel she'd have no reason to be in. That said, when push comes to shove she has a determined streak.
First Inheritance: Bumblebee (Taylor Hebert), from Beaconhill's Nemesis
Inheritance List (subject to change):
A) [] Binary (Taylor Hebert), from A Ghost Of A Chance
B) [] [Unnamed, tentative "Viridian" see also Psyche] (Taylor Hebert), from Chromatic Quest
C) [] [Unnamed, tentative "Skuld"] (Taylor Hebert), from Alea Iacta Est
D) [] Harbinger (Taylor Hebert), from Woe Betide (also on SV)
E) [] Starlight (Taylor Hebert), from Impurity
F) [] Esper!Taylor Hebert, from Chaos Theory
G) [] Blackjack (Taylor Hebert), from Chosen
H) [] Demigoddess!/Bard!Taylor, from Four's A Party
I) [] Avalon (Taylor Hebert), from Hammer Time
J) [] Perspective (Taylor Hebert), from Perspective
K) [] Alchemist (Taylor Hebert), from []Unnatural Disaster[/url]
That's... that's alot of Taylor's... There's no real intended power level for this but I have it set up where players won't be super god like right out the gate
Prologue Information and The Vote
So, this is the purpose of Act 0: The Casino.

The New Fortune Casino will act as a sort of analogue to the stereotypical tavern meet-up in D&D campaigns. Players here will not have their awesome and terrible powers yet but rather get to meet each other, talk and establish their characters. This, naturally won't be a huge Act and more or less ends when players get a special token from either a one-armed bandit, a the dealer at any table they go, or any other type of gambling game.

Then it's up to the penthouse to meet M. If you all want to do something funny during this period go ahead it's meant to be a light hearted time before meeting the (Hopefully) infuriating M. Jordan. Once you meet Jordan and the powers are given *hint, hint* the tokens have a role in this *hint, hint*. Players will be given a sort of vote. I won't explain what that is now but I think you all may be surprised (I hope) at where Act 1 may potentially take place.

Post Acts, players can visit the casino for general downtime and rest. Don't worry the Rooms have been covered for.
There's no real intended power level for this but I have it set up where players won't be super god like right out the gate
Is there a maximum power level you're planning your enemies to have?

*hint, hint* the tokens have a role in this *hint, hint*.
Buddy, that's not a hint, you have literally outright said so multiple times. ...Also, stuff like "the rooms have been paid for" are really things you should tell the characters, more than the players.

Also, update your signature, it's still linking to the previous game.
oh hey, this kinda thing.

time to get very fucking angry

Name: kirov
Theme: The beserker
Theme Song: The wrath of god in all its fury
Sex: male
Age: 22
Personality: aside from suffering from resting bitch face, Kirov has always had a bit of a short temper, but is at least decent at keeping it pointed at those deserving it. he does however, enjoy a good challange, especially if he can push himself, or someone else, to their limits. can hold grudges for a very long time.
Background: Your everyday collage student five minutes away from snapping due to stress, Kirov often tries to burn it off at the gym, to some avail. when that didnt work, he turned to some less then legal means (read: joined a gang, and got in fights)

first inheritance: akuma/oni (street fighter. technically the same character, Oni is just Akuma losing control of his power)

other inheritances

Asura (asuras wrath)
Broly (super)
The incredible hulk (marvel)
Evangelion unit 01 (Evangelion, its a bit complicated)
The Doomslayer (Doom)
Shin Godzilla (Godzilla) (no extended canon.)
Herakles (fate)
red arcueid brunestud (type-moon/melty blood)
Lung (worm)
Giritina (pokemon)
Kratos (god of war)
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The Doomslayer (Doom)
...Kinda glad I didn't grab the DOOM Taylor now. Or, for that matter, the one with the Varga.

...Also, seriously, how are you going to have a functioning character with that many hairtriggers, mindfucks, and Herakles' whole...well, I suppose if you're being him he's not technically bound to a class container and thus Mad Enhancement? If he was a Berserker in the first place. Fuck if I know, what I know of Nasuverse lore I picked up by fanfic osmosis.
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I don't think the point is for you to be the characters, but rather to just gain their powers and abilities.
I don't think the point is for you to be the characters, but rather to just gain their powers and abilities.

Xalgeon is correct. This is not one of my reincarnation war characters. The mechanics of the game seem to be similar but the means in which you receive fictional character's power is different.
the question is, how far does it go?

Memories and Skills often go hand in hand, with people forming certain habits and quirks due to cognitive association from when they learned that skill.

Do we perceive their memories like a movie, aka no inherent emotional attachment? or do we not get their memories at all and the skills are just hermatically copy-pasted into your muscle memory?
the question is, how far does it go?

Memories and Skills often go hand in hand, with people forming certain habits and quirks due to cognitive association from when they learned that skill.

Do we perceive their memories like a movie, aka no inherent emotional attachment? or do we not get their memories at all and the skills are just hermatically copy-pasted into your muscle memory?

Well in the Discord he said that we start out with very little of our Max potential unlocked. But maybe someone with John Wick's "powers" gets the whole shebang from the start. As opposed to my character, who has the power of Satan, which include black magic. My character probably starts with something equal to level 3 Dungeons and Dragons magic. As far as emotions and memories, there isn't any reincarnation mechanic in this RP, so I doubt we'd be downloaded into like my other role plays.
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Arthur Anderson -- First Among Sabers
Name: Arthur Anderson
Theme: King Arthur
Theme Song:

Sex: Male
Age: 27

Personality: Good natured and friendly, if rather unconsciously elitist and entitled. Romantic at heart dreaming of excitement and adventure sorely disappointed in the lack of opportunities for either. He is quite fascinated with stories of gallant knights and brave adventurers, and has tried to live up to the ideal... with decidedly mixed results.

Background: Bored rich kid from wealthy British family. Arthur has recently (almost two years ago) finished with university and decided to see the world before he settles down in a comfortable position in his parents' company. The trail of


First Inheritance: Siege (Arknights)
Inheritance List:
  • Artoria Pendragon Alter (FGO)
  • Artoria Pendragon Lancer Alter (FGO)
  • Mysterious Heroine X (FGO)
  • Mysterious Heroine X Alter (FGO)
  • Morgan le Fay (FGO)
  • Artoria Pendragon (Fate/Stay Night)
  • Mordred (Fate/Apocrypha)
  • Artoria Avalon (FGO)
  • Arthur Pendragon (Fate/Prototype)
  • Lion King/Goddess Rhongomyniad (FGO)
  • Merlin (FGO)
Inheritance List:
  • Artoria Pendragon Alter (FGO)
  • Artoria Pendragon Lancer Alter (FGO)
  • Mysterious Heroine X (FGO)
  • Mysterious Heroine X Alter (FGO)
  • Morgan le Fay (FGO)
  • Artoria Pendragon (Fate/Stay Night)
  • Mordred (Fate/Apocrypha)
  • Artoria Avalon (FGO)
  • Arthur Pendragon (Fate/Prototype)
  • Lion King/Goddess Rhongomyniad (FGO)
  • Merlin (FGO)

King Arthur has come to save us. Some would even say, it's FATE~!
Siege is also a King Arthur - being a secret royalty associated with lions (actually being one) and voiced by Ayako Kawasumi :V
Rae -- The Hero Needed

Name: Rae
Sex: Female
Age: 26
  • A shorthand way of describing me would be that I'm akin to Nepgear and Ruby Rose, very much a gearhead who is nice, yet rather shy and awkward with limited self-esteem. I can find myself overshadowed by others, and I find that I need to be able to prove myself and receive approval from others.
  • At times, I can be cynical about humanity, having little faith and trust in them, while at other times, I can be optimistic, having a sense of hope for a better tomorrow, and being driven to try and do the right thing. It's the result of seeing the goodness and evil, the crowning moments of heroism and idiocy, the tolerance and discrimination, on the news and in history, in what I watch, read, and witness.
  • Fairly open-minded about things, though there are certain topics that I'm sensitive about, and have definite stands on, based on principle.

Background: An SI, basically. A recent graduate in mechanical engineering in the Philippines who has stayed home for the most part due to the ongoing pandemic and its risks. Waking up in a strange, new place is frightening, but waking up as a girl in body is very much a good thing in the midst of it all…

Theme Song:

Theme: A Hero in the Making (DC and Marvel Superheroes)
First Inheritance: Supergirl
Inheritance List:
  • Batman
  • Forge
  • Iron Woman
  • Captain America
  • Black Widow
  • Clea
  • Ghost Rider
  • Miss Martian
  • Wonder Woman
  • Green Lantern
  • Blue Lantern
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Jessica Muñoz -- Visages of Worth
Name: Jessica Muñoz
Sex: Female
Age: 25
Jessica's a very analytical person first and foremost, or at least that's what she likes to believe. In reality she's quick to anger and slow to calm down and she's often not the most socially aware of what others are expressing. She often has trouble, that she's somewhat aware of, when it comes to interacting empathetically since the simplest or most logical solutions to problems are what she favors over emotional responses. Jessica still maintains a somewhat outgoing personality despite her issues bonding emotionally at times, however, because being friendly and helpful with people generally means they'll be friendly and helpful towards her in return. But when she's got her mind set on something she will pursue her goal in a bullheaded way until the goal is completed in such a way that she's satisfied.

Jessica's past is one of mixed success. She's got a career that keeps her future secure, regardless of what might happen in the world for the most part. But, on the other hand, not bending over and brownnosing her superiors has left her career in a precarious state. It's something that's left her uncaring towards her career, carrying the opinion that getting fired from the military would be no different than actually staying in. But while she is in she might as well make the most of things since very few jobs would allow her to do what she likes to do as easily as the military does, getting to touch million dollar radar systems isn't just something anyone off the street can typically do. Now if only it didn't also mean she was stuck out in a small city in the middle of nowhere in Canada...

During her downtime, when work wasn't demanding her attention, she considers herself something of an otaku. Though part of that is due to her living in such a remote location due to her job and the other part is just a normal interest in Japanese media. It's an interest that takes of a fair chunk of Jessica's free time too, because there's always some new piece of media to consume and enjoy. Sure, she could go out and hang around with the scant few friends she's managed to acquire or... She could stay in, get comfy, and watch a new anime series that just came out while munching on snacks. And if some of those friends come over to watch anime with her it's just an all around better time, it's not like there's anything better to do in the backwater city she lives in anyway.

Though the fact that Jessica is an otaku is the actual reason for her inheritance choices. All too often the 'waifus' in Asian media are primarily just eye candy, which Jessica does find enjoyable, but often they're also generally rather skilled in some way. But their ability to manipulate the esoteric or influence the world plays second fiddle to their ability to make a good meal or clean up around a house, or third fiddle to their ability to be breeding stock depending on the anime in question. So Jessica picked who she did to show that the characters are actually able to be more than just a visage and handful of traits to lust over. Plus, she just likes a lot of the characters she's picked out but that totally isn't influencing her choices at all.

Theme: Waifus, or girls from harem anime/manga/games.
Theme Song:

First Inheritance: Satellizer L. Bridget (Freezing)
Inheritance List:
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Roy Santana -- Mind over Matter
Character Sheet

: Roy Santana

Theme: Mind Over Matter

Theme Song: Not Ready To Die - Avenged Sevenfold

Sex: Male

Age: 20

Personality: Roy would be described by his friends as an intelligent and friendly person, quick to laugh and often dramatic. But his easygoing attitude and sentimentality conceals a sort of mania that makes him somewhat out of touch with reality. His thoughts and beliefs aren't always consistent and may not match up with his actions, giving him the appearance of a dishonest person when he talks about himself. Even so, he has a surprisingly reliable intuition and a kind heart. These two factors have helped him lead a good life so far, despite his shortcomings.

Background: Though he's an abnormal person, he's lived an ordinary life. In a world like ours, it takes deliberate effort to follow a different path from most people. Roy never had the impetus to do so and as a result hasn't become anyone special yet. It's probably been for the best so far, because an unstable person often finds infamy easier to acquire than fame. However, now that he's older and better held together, he's set his sights on a career in the film industry. Or rather, he would have eventually had his life stayed on that ordinary path.

On the surface, his family doesn't seem to share his issues, but it's hard to see ailments of the mind anyway, so who can say? Not to say his problems are all mental. He used to play sports with his friends regularly, but certain events have led to him acquiring a sort of hermit-like lifestyle in recent times. His body has weakened and many of his bones are easily visible under his skin. He isn't quite malnourished, but he'd be almost worthless in a physical confrontation as he is now.

Ultimately, there isn't much to talk about concerning someone who hasn't accomplished anything.


First Inheritance:
  • Jesse Faden (Control)

Inheritance List:
  • The Sorrow (Metal Gear)
  • Goddess (Parahumans)
  • Daud (Dishonored)
  • Sylar (Heroes)
  • Adam (NieR: Automata)
  • Father (Full Metal Alchemist)
  • Michael Roa Valdamjong (Tsukihime)
  • Mewtwo (Pokémon)
  • Galen Marek (The Force Unleashed)
  • The Didact (Halo)
  • Randall Flagg (The Dark Tower)
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Well well well, nine players so far, this should be an interesting time. But first unto review.

Right let's start with Janus

First Inheritance: The Judeo Christian Devil.
Inheritance List:
Takhisis (Dragon Lance)
Mesos (The Scarred Lands)

These three are the only ones I would need an explanation for and mainly just for clarification on certain things.
1) How do you plan on implementing the Devil (Powers, etc.)
2) Who is Takhsis and what can they do?
3) Mesos, second verse same as the first

Now for THatWhichWillBe, Definitely did not expect expect to see Singh on the list and I don't know if I should be laughing or terrified about the potential synergy.

White Chain, KSBD
Mathangi ten Meti, KSBD
Juggernaut Star, KSBD
Vigilant Gaze, KSBD
Mammon, KSBD
Mottom, KSBD
Incubus, KSBD
Solomon David, KSBD
Meti ten Ryo, KSBD
Jagganoth, KSBD
That being said, I don't really know much of anything regarding Kill Sixbillion Demons, aside from its pretty cool art and fusion. So a brief explanation would be good and then we can go from there.

Up Next is NinetyNineLies,
What exactly can chaos Breaker do? I don't know if I missed it but that wikia wasn't exactly clear on his capabilities.

Shinkiro's turn
Which Kratos are talking about here? Hyper Violent God Slayer with better morailty considering his peers or Teal'c Dad who's trying his best?

@Omida , That's alot of Arthur's... I'm okay with this, but I will probably have to check the wiki alot to understand the ALTERS.

@TheBiggerFish, If you would just give me a brief run down on these AltPower Taylor's abilities, we should be solid. Funnily despite reading a good amount Worm fics, I don't know too many alt Powers beyond Queen of Blood, Tyranid Taylor, The Sylar One and Sauron Taylor

@UbeOne We're good on your sheet, no questions need to be asked here.

Onto Hydrokinesis
So, considering the ship, Would I be correct in assuming that at that you could fire only the standard ordinance of the ship? Other than that question, we're good.

Lastly, I think, Maximum Power
Jesse Faden (Control)
Most of your choice I know and approve of, that being said, who is Jesse Faden and what can they do?

Did I miss anyone? If so please let me know. Now I'm off to check out the Discord backlog and go from there.
Onto Hydrokinesis

So, considering the ship, Would I be correct in assuming that at that you could fire only the standard ordinance of the ship? Other than that question, we're good.

If by standard ordinance you mean 10cm naval guns, 25mm autocannons, 24 Mitsubishi A7M2 Reppu fighters, 25 Aichi B7A2 Ryusei torpedo-dive bombers, and 4 Nakajima C6N1 Saiun reconnaissance planes then yes. Though the way the aircraft are launched and actually represented matches what's going on with Azur Lane's version of the shipgirl, which is to say she essentially uses magical flame constructs as representations for her aircraft, flight deck, and weaponry.

I figure that there's the possibility for items acquired during the RP to actually affect this loadout? Some weird sort of esoteric or magical replacements that are potentially better or offer different functions than the standard aircraft. If items as rewards or gifts during the RP are out of the question, could the loadout be changed by other powers the character has?
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Most of your choice I know and approve of, that being said, who is Jesse Faden and what can they do?
Jesse is the protagonist of the exceptional sci-fi game CONTROL by Remedy Entertainment. Think SCP and X-files for the tone of the setting, though it's an action adventure. She is the Director of the Federal Bureau of Control and wields a number of paranatural powers and an Object of Power known as the Service Weapon.

Among her powers are telekinesis, a dash, mind control, the manipulation of a black rock-like material, the ability to purge corruption and outside influences from areas and people (though in the latter case they might die if they're too corrupted) and a whole host of resistances to things like corruption, fungus, possession and mind manipulation. Most notably is the source of her powers. As a Parautilitarian, she can bind Objects of Power to herself to gain new abilities based off of them. She gained telekinesis from a floppy disk with nuclear launch codes that launched objects at people who got near for example.

The Service Weapon, also known in the past as both Excalibur and Mjolnir is a shapeshifting weapon that for Jesse typically takes the form of a small variety of nonexistent sidearms with supernatural properties.

She also has a connection to an extradimensional entity known as Polaris, but that isn't necessarily a power per say. The Service Weapon also has a similar connection to the Board, a mysterious group of beings that guide and watch over the FBC and it's Director, though they have seemingly little power of their own.

Here's a link to her pretty accurate vsbattles page. She's probably in the three weakest characters I chose overall, next to Sorrow and Daud.
1) How do you plan on implementing the Devil (Powers, etc.)
2) Who is Takhsis and what can they do?
3) Mesos, second verse same as the first

1)I was thinking I'd implement the Devil's powers over wealth, intelligence and charisma. Eventually I could command demons to do what I want, and probably would be immune to possession.
2) Takhisis is the goddess of evil. Her domains of focus are Night, evil dragons, hatred, control, intrigue, chaos.
3) Mesos is the god of D&D arcane magic. He is a Titan.
If you would just give me a brief run down on these AltPower Taylor's abilities, we should be solid. Funnily despite reading a good amount Worm fics, I don't know too many alt Powers beyond Queen of Blood, Tyranid Taylor, The Sylar One and Sauron Taylor
Yeah, I'll edit that in. ...Oh damn, I completely forgot about Tyranid!Taylor...decisions, decisions...

E: Annnnd done.
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