At One Story's End, A New Beginning


Really in the mood for ribs.

All was fire, and yet there was relief.
-The Book Of Endings

If there was anything that needed to be said, it was that hell truly sucked and that looking out a sea of flames on your little islands of rock and dirt drifting randomly across the infinite expanse was truly boring.

Plus, the screaming from all the damned souls, as well as the screamed repentance of the Anti-Christ and Satan was really grating on a person's nerves.

For now though, you have managed to create a simple series of lashings and rigging so you don't get separated, but if you want to really make a change with your new powers, you need to think, and dream, bigger and bigger.

Time doesn't exist here, the Lake has no end, and you instinctively know that in the cosmological scheme of things, the Lake might as well be buried at the bottom of a mine. The spiritual 'gravity' of this place means that it drags aspects of the realms above down onto you, and since this was what was going to replace Hell, that means that Hell's aspects dominate but that doesn't mean you are without any means of comfort as aspects of Limbo and eventually Earth and older, pagan Paradise myths trickle down.

Think of it like living on a hostile planet...that you're building out of nothing. Okay, the analogy is weak but what do you expect me to say? Technically there's not even a concept of a 4th Wall so really you can ask me whatever you want. Actually, no, let's not make it that easy to spoil things.

[Concept: 4th Wall] Created!

There, now you can't steal my plot notes or skip to the ending!

@shadow shinobi
@Pyro Hawk

Well, that was rude. Still, it would have been a bit much to not have a 4th Wall in place.

You are currently sitting, standing, lying down on, handstanding on, pissing/shittin off, etc, etc, a rock and dirt 'raft' that's about ten-meters square. Everything you see is fire, there is no breeze, no relief, no water, no comfort, not even light.

Just darkness, heat, and agony.

So...what now?

OOC Thread
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Damand rises to his feet and roars, howling his hate to the sky. He's done it before, he'll do it again later. There isn't much else to do you know, just the hate of He who chose to damn him to the pit.
Twenty three sat cross legged on the floatsam that was basically the only thing keeping them from falling into the lake. Were she human, every square centimetre of her skin would have been beaded in sweat from the unyeilding heat.

Nothing could be done in this heat. And so she took one of her fragmented memories, and from there copied the sensation inside.

Damand rises to his feet and roars, howling his hate to the sky. He's done it before, he'll do it again later. There isn't much else to do you know, just the hate of He who chose to damn him to the pit.

If there was a way to measure time, you probably could have been screaming for several minutes. As it is, it lasts for eternity, and it lasts for a minute.

Cathartic, but it all got drowned out by the the agonized/repentant screaming going on already.

Oh well.
It was worse than the bomb on Tykor – and that had been the most painful moment in her life so far.

But while the bomb had torn apart her skin, opened her flesh and send her into coma for multiple days, it had also been "only" the subject of constant nightmares and not the constant rendition of pain and agony that was currently coursing through her body. Her hands dug into the dry dirt beneath her writhing body, her every breath stolen by the scorching hot air that was burning her lungs and her eyes unseeing in the darkness.

There had been someone calling her name, something rushing on to them, someone calling her title and then – darkness, heat and agony. This trio was slowly but steadily biting away on her and the relatively young diplomat could only reach out with her hands, trying to feel for something, trying to hear something aside from the constant wailings that were rushing around her with each passing moment. Clasping to the faint memories of her childhood, the drills, warning and lessons…

…she could only open her lips lightly and wish for something – anything to bring relief to her burning lungs, for Air to breath life into her and to surround her even if the heat would make it just as worse when it finally reached her again…

…just air.​
Twenty three sat cross legged on the floatsam that was basically the only thing keeping them from falling into the lake. Were she human, every square centimetre of her skin would have been beaded in sweat from the unyeilding heat.

Nothing could be done in this heat. And so she took one of her fragmented memories, and from there copied the sensation inside.


Ice forms on the platform until the rock and dirt are frozen through, becoming an eternal raft of dirty ice, the edges eternally melting and creating thick wisps of steam that rapidly dissipate but the cold begins to spread outwards, an aura of freezing that dims the flames around the platform before it finally comes to a halt. It seems your power cannot reach further without stable ground to project from.

Potentially useful.

[Concept: Cold] Created!
[Mechanic: Land Projection] Created!

It was worse than the bomb on Tykor – and that had been the most painful moment in her life so far.

But while the bomb had torn apart her skin, opened her flesh and send her into coma for multiple days, it had also been "only" the subject of constant nightmares and not the constant rendition of pain and agony that was currently coursing through her body. Her hands dug into the dry dirt beneath her writhing body, her every breath stolen by the scorching hot air that was burning her lungs and her eyes unseeing in the darkness.

There had been someone calling her name, something rushing on to them, someone calling her title and then – darkness, heat and agony. This trio was slowly but steadily biting away on her and the relatively young diplomat could only reach out with her hands, trying to feel for something, trying to hear something aside from the constant wailings that were rushing around her with each passing moment. Clasping to the faint memories of her childhood, the drills, warning and lessons…

…she could only open her lips lightly and wish for something – anything to bring relief to her burning lungs, for Air to breath life into her and to surround her even if the heat would make it just as worse when it finally reached her again…

…just air.​

It comes from you in a rush as you exhale and then suddenly the platform becomes the eye of a raging wind, whipping the flames around you even higher and setting a fierce, hot rush of air forcefully outwards to buffet the others.

And then you drift near the one named 23's island, where your hot wind meets bitter cold, steam and snow form at the same time, clouds forming in a swirling mass above the border of your respective platform's projections of power, and above the howling wind, beyond the feeling of refreshing cold and soothing warmth instead of agonising heat, you feel something wet hit your nose.

[Concept: Wind] Created!
[Mechanic: Power Interactions]Created!
[Concept: Temperature] Created!
[Concept: Weather]Created!
After an eternity – or just a moment? – of the heat and pain, the suddenly extremes and changes were at least that: a change. If she would have had the strength to laugh she might have cried out and done just that, but even with the strange shift in temperature that seemed to be the same soothing warmth in all directions, bar one, she could only slowly push herself up, blinking as something wet hit her nose? Rain?

One could hope, but it would be better to check – now if she wasn't surrounded by ever present darkness she could do so, even a dim light might be nice, and her hands run over her sides, trying to see if any of her emergency gear had come down to…well…wherever she was now?

Whatever had just happened…maybe it had reacted to her wishes? Her longing or just her instinct? IT might be better to try both, after all having no lights was a good sign for your stations power to be broken and that never beckoned anything good: Light please!​
After an eternity – or just a moment? – of the heat and pain, the suddenly extremes and changes were at least that: a change. If she would have had the strength to laugh she might have cried out and done just that, but even with the strange shift in temperature that seemed to be the same soothing warmth in all directions, bar one, she could only slowly push herself up, blinking as something wet hit her nose? Rain?

One could hope, but it would be better to check – now if she wasn't surrounded by ever present darkness she could do so, even a dim light might be nice, and her hands run over her sides, trying to see if any of her emergency gear had come down to…well…wherever she was now?

Whatever had just happened…maybe it had reacted to her wishes? Her longing or just her instinct? IT might be better to try both, after all having no lights was a good sign for your stations power to be broken and that never beckoned anything good: Light please!​

What was it an ancient holy book once said? Let there be light?

So there is. A small sphere of pure, white light, maybe only as big as your fist, appears before you, but the light it emits is as bright as a military spotlight. But before you can register it, the wind picks it up and flings it high, high into the darkness above, where the radius of light around you expands further and further until finally there is a flash like a bomb going off, and there is LIGHT.

All before you is fire, burning for eternity. All you hear is screaming and desperate calls of repentance, and deep in your soul, you know where you are.

This is the Lake Of Fire.

And you have been damned. Your body is not the beauty it once was, it is a scorched, ashen mockery of a gaunt corpse. And those around you are not much better in your shared hideousness, comrades in survival and possessing power like you they may be.

Still. Your hollow eye sockets witness that these others are kindred souls.

If only through mutual self-interest.

Beyond the light that seems to go for kilometers upon kilometers, you see a band of pure Darkness, the natural result of bringing in Light.

[Concept: LIGHT] Created!
[Concept: DARK] Created!

The Wind has tossed the Light high above you and illuminated the eternal reaches of the lake just enough to also allow for Darkness to gather outside the Light.

The Lake is formless, burning, and infinite. The Light will always stay above this little group of platforms.
It's hot here and not much else it's horrible but at least it's not eternal torture I'm hopeful that maybe one day I will find water but now all I think of is the memory....

.....of light.
Damand remembers... the sting of salt, the roar of the waves, the constant churning movement. How it never ended, how it never paused.
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It's hot here and not much else it's horrible but at least it's not eternal torture I'm hopeful that maybe one day I will find water but now all I think of is the memory....

.....of light.

A burbling sound catches your attention and you watch as one of the random sharp lumps on your platform suddenly splits open, clear water pouring out of it like a burst pipe, spilling all over the platform and you gasp in shock as the water hits your scorched, damned body.

It spills and tumbles over the edge of the platform where it immediately turns to steam, the clouds visibly rising up from the sheets of water hitting the flames.

[Concept: Water] Created!
Damand remembers... the sting of salt, the roar of the waves, the constant churning movement. How it never ended, how it never paused.

Your platform buckles and shifts under your feet, and you watch as large crystals grow on the platform, flaking off in powder that is easily picked up by the hot wind coming from one of the other platforms, filling your nose with the scent and your mouth with the taste of salt.

Nothing else happens. Disappointing really.

[Concept: Salt] Created!
He remembers weaving together fibers into cord, cord into net and reaching out into the wind he takes hold of it, and his hands begin to move. The salt and ice twist together, strings of shining crystals winding ever tighter until he has a string. Then he begins to make another.

((Edited my post before you posted, so I'll just chop it off and slap it here.))
He remembers weaving together fibers into cord, cord into net and reaching out into the wind he takes hold of it, and his hands begin to move. The salt and ice twist together, strings of shining crystals winding ever tighter until he has a string. Then he begins to make another.

((Edited my post before you posted, so I'll just chop it off and slap it here.))

You drift your island closer to the one that has cold, hands sinking into your salt crystals as you grab it and the platform that has water. Pulling both islands close to the cold, you watch ice form in the water and you immediately get to work, pulling threads from crystals of both kind and weaving them together, working furiously until meters of long, frozen cord lay coiled on your island, ready for us.

Damand has made: Salt-Ice Rope!
This is different I had been wanting water it it came I'm not sure how this works what kind of limits are in place but now I need to try something I know I try for silence.
Damand slings the crystal cord down into the pit, angling for one of the suffering. A fisherman's line, a false hope for whoever grabs on and a path leading straight to Damand's gut.
Well – she had never looked worse and could only be thankful for the lack of a mirror if that was what the light was showing her. Holding up her gaunt and burned hands, she could see what remained of her skin peeling of the blackened bone and she might have emptied her stomach if she even had one to begin with. Tearing her eyes off the wreck that was her body and upwards towards the light again she could only wonder: that was her doing? It had begun small, cupped into her hands and now it was encompassing their whole surroundings? She could only let out weak rasp, the try of a laugh that never left the charcoaled throat uttering it.

Ohh she did learn quite a bit in her training, including imaginations of the beyond, the events after death and human, as well as alien mythology. Lake of Fire? This looked pretty much human and wouldn't that please those old xenophobes in the senate quite greatly, if at least the afterlife was made on Earth?

Letting her eyes – or the lack of them as she didn't even need to blink- move from one side to another, it became quite apparent how hostile the whole place was – and that without the whole fire and brimstone theme that was obviously ruling the place.

Closing her eyes once more and reaching out with weak arms, Sarah tried to pull in some of the new cool air that her latest experiment had brought her, trying to feel out the edges and corner of the little floating piece of land that was hers. Some borders might be nice and in her mental eye she tired to form the memories of the lightly arched Titanium walls that the space station she grew up on consisted off.​
Sanath Ittantha stared into the fire. There was a lot more heat and burning than the Faceless God had promised him. It hurt, of course, but Sanath did not become a magister by bowing to the paltry whims of pain. The screaming was annoying, very much so.

His cosmos, he considered, was this pathetic scrap of rock, floating on an endless sea of daemonic flames. At least cold was created, or so he sensed. He put a hand on top of the flaming sea, which licked at his gloved hand, while concentrating on his former lands. A mountain. Land. Let there be solid ground.
Twenty three breathed in and out, sat on a plane of ice. The cold was deep, and abiding and endless, but it had created so much more. The light that illuminated their platform provided her the ageis to see the others - truly see them.

Few they were, and equal in seeming ability, if not in application. Walking to the edge, of her platform, she looked at the woman near her, the one who had formed along with her own abilities temperature and weather. Reaching into the void, into the air the other she created, she opened her mouth, and imposed her will on the world, as before.

"I will Speak."
Hayden Ishtar, Son of Michelle and Kieran Ishtar, Brother of three Sisters, and descendent of many, and the Succubus who took the name Circe Ishtar as a False Name continues to meditate. He has done so for an eternity and a moment, before a crude, primitive and fragile raft formed around him and lifted him out of the Lake. He has done so for an eternity and a moment even afterwards. For he knows many things, but one more important than the rest. He needs to save his family, and others, from the (literal) hell that they have been damned too. Some may have merited their damnation, but many were innocent, or damned through no fault of their own. And he knows only one force that may help. Magic.

Unfortunately, due to the circumstances, he lacks the books and records he had before to keep a record of what he knows, so he must dredge up all he can recall, and etch it into his mind whilst he still remembers. Well, that and ensure the memories aren't clouded by the continuous pain being immersed in the Lake causes. So focused on this is he, that he doesn't even notice the raft forming below him, or the rise out of the Lake, only absent-mindedly noticing the reduced difficulty of staying focused the lack of continuous pain from the flames causes. He doesn't even notice the 'sounds' or 'sight' (such as exists without the concepts really being around) of the other rafts, and the beings on them, that have all drifted together.

Well, until the [Cold] met the [Wind] and the ensuing power interaction caused a small (freezing cold) rain storm to appear right above his raft. Once that proceeded to empty itself as 'fast' (Well, as speed can be defined when Time doesn't exist) as 'possible'. Naturally, he 'proceeded' to sputter and shiver and all the normal things that happen, before opening his eyes as the meditation was thoroughly disrupted, and if that was the case, might as well see what happened. Also, rain? Cold rain? How was that possible!?!? ... And where'd the raft come from and...

Well, it just so happened his 'luck' (what there is when chance as a concept has yet to come into existence) sucked, for he was looking right at the raft that had a rather charcoaled corpse with cybernetics implanted in itself when [Light] can into existence... (Or maybe it was before, or after... Look, when [Time] doesn't exist, the order of things get confusing) and promptly made him feel as if he'd just been in a pitch black room, closed his eyes, ran outside and started right at the Sun. Not a pleasantly feeling, you understand? He proceeded to... Wait, screw it. This [Fourth Wall] is getting too annoying, I'm just going to shove you right into his head. You can listen to his thoughts as they happen, and see what he sees and all that other stuff. [center]----------------------------------------------------------------[/center] "Ouch! Go- Wait, fuck him. I am[i] not[/i] cursing by that bigot ever again." "Okay... My vision seems to be clearing up... and uh. When did something[i] other[/i] then pain, and flames and ya know, all that 'Damned to an eternity of agony' stuff happen? ... Err, as much as something can 'happen' when it seems time isn't a thing according to all the confusion that is everything..." "... Wait, the raft of that burnt jellyfish thing just had water appear on it... Can we make things?" "Huh, I'll have to give it a shot... Errr... Ideas... Ideas... Nada, nothing an-" 'whoosh' "Breeze! That was a breeze! ... And I'm still to far from the other rafts to really communicate with them or anything so let's see... Okay, I remember the structure of the 'spell' for creating physical structures out of mana from Great-Grandma's journal. Normally useless due to being too flimsy for anything, but if I can set it up right, and create a breeze at the right place..." "Well, here goes nothing..." Let's see... Focus on the structure and... Let [Magic] be done! I want a sail and a mast on this raft made out of mana, should be good enough for now... Oh, and I want to have a gentle [Breeze] come from behind, filling the sail and pushing me towards... Guess I'll aim over towards those two rafts that have that miniature storm forming around them. The raft with the skeleton with the cybernetics and the other raft with... Well, I think they're human? Looks humanish at least... Oh! Important! I also want a [Metal] grappling hook on a rope tied to my raft... Need to make sure I have something to anchor me to their rafts when I bump into them, or I might drift off elsewhere. ... Err, better make sure I dissolve mast and sail formed of mana when I get close enough, or I might get blown... well, no clue where, but not where I wanted to be.[/Time]
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This is different I had been wanting water it it came I'm not sure how this works what kind of limits are in place but now I need to try something I know I try for silence.

There's a pulse and after a second, the screaming and cries begin to fade, as silence falls upon The Lake Of Fire, leaving only the sound of the wind flowing from one of the platforms.

Concept Created: Silence!

Damand slings the crystal cord down into the pit, angling for one of the suffering. A fisherman's line, a false hope for whoever grabs on and a path leading straight to Damand's gut.

The cord sails down towards the flames, touches the flames, and then evaporates. The hungry flames overpowered the ice and salt rope easily, evaporating it but a few spectral hands you saw grasping at the rope only slid off the rope before it evaporated. Seems you'll need something stronger and perhaps a hook in order to get your meal.

Well – she had never looked worse and could only be thankful for the lack of a mirror if that was what the light was showing her. Holding up her gaunt and burned hands, she could see what remained of her skin peeling of the blackened bone and she might have emptied her stomach if she even had one to begin with. Tearing her eyes off the wreck that was her body and upwards towards the light again she could only wonder: that was her doing? It had begun small, cupped into her hands and now it was encompassing their whole surroundings? She could only let out weak rasp, the try of a laugh that never left the charcoaled throat uttering it.

Ohh she did learn quite a bit in her training, including imaginations of the beyond, the events after death and human, as well as alien mythology. Lake of Fire? This looked pretty much human and wouldn't that please those old xenophobes in the senate quite greatly, if at least the afterlife was made on Earth?

Letting her eyes – or the lack of them as she didn't even need to blink- move from one side to another, it became quite apparent how hostile the whole place was – and that without the whole fire and brimstone theme that was obviously ruling the place.

Closing her eyes once more and reaching out with weak arms, Sarah tried to pull in some of the new cool air that her latest experiment had brought her, trying to feel out the edges and corner of the little floating piece of land that was hers. Some borders might be nice and in her mental eye she tired to form the memories of the lightly arched Titanium walls that the space station she grew up on consisted off.​

Light cracking sounds alert you to rising sheets of metal, forming crude, curving walls that surround the edges of your little island, providing a measure of protection from the winds, but the all-consuming flames of the Lake that had burned that ice and salt rope the other being had tried fishing with, those licked against the metal and did nothing.

It would seem that your new walls are naturally more capable of resisting the incredible heat of the flames.

Curiously, you pull a sheet from the ground, watching a new sheet grow rapidly in its place, and on a whim you find that you can shape it easily by hand. Without any concept of physics and other rules of science and nature, it is child's play to make creations of durable metal without tools or forges.

Concept Created: Metal

Sanath Ittantha stared into the fire. There was a lot more heat and burning than the Faceless God had promised him. It hurt, of course, but Sanath did not become a magister by bowing to the paltry whims of pain. The screaming was annoying, very much so.

His cosmos, he considered, was this pathetic scrap of rock, floating on an endless sea of daemonic flames. At least cold was created, or so he sensed. He put a hand on top of the flaming sea, which licked at his gloved hand, while concentrating on his former lands. A mountain. Land. Let there be solid ground.

For a moment, there is nothing. And then you hear it, a sound like rocks colliding before the flames part, the tip of an ash-black peak rising from the flames, before the flames sharply sweep away, the mountain rising with incredible speed as the small group of rock platforms are quickly subsumed by the rising expanse of black rock.

As the island groans and settles in place, the rock platforms melt into the black rock of the island, their effects taking effect immediately.

From the peak, water geysers forth, freezing into ice as it spills over the lip, the inadvertent snowfall melting in the heat and turning into rain that is whipped by the winds into dark clouds that pound the burning-hot rock with icy rain, covering everything in a thick carpet of steam as salt crystals, pillars and sheets of metal sprung up from the ground, rivers flowing from the constant stream of freezing water being fired into the sky.

Congratulations. You made an Island.

All players are now stuck on an roughly-circular island about 16 kilometers from one side to the other. Environmental Concepts are now Universal for all players!

Mechanic: Land Expansion is now possible. Players can now expand the island outwards in whatever direction they wish.

Twenty three breathed in and out, sat on a plane of ice. The cold was deep, and abiding and endless, but it had created so much more. The light that illuminated their platform provided her the ageis to see the others - truly see them.

Few they were, and equal in seeming ability, if not in application. Walking to the edge, of her platform, she looked at the woman near her, the one who had formed along with her own abilities temperature and weather. Reaching into the void, into the air the other she created, she opened her mouth, and imposed her will on the world, as before.

"I will Speak."

And lo, in the silence that deadened the screams that would have drowned out your words, you spoke. And in that instant, all those on the island with you could speak and could understand each other. As evidenced by the excited babbling of the others.

Concept Created: Language. Players can now speak to each other.

"Ouch! Go- Wait, fuck him. I am not cursing by that bigot ever again."
"Okay... My vision seems to be clearing up... and uh. When did something other then pain, and flames and ya know, all that 'Damned to an eternity of agony' stuff happen? ... Err, as much as something can 'happen' when it seems time isn't a thing according to all the confusion that is everything..."
"... Wait, the raft of that burnt jellyfish thing just had water appear on it... Can we make things?"
"Huh, I'll have to give it a shot... Errr... Ideas... Ideas... Nada, nothing an-"
"Breeze! That was a breeze! ... And I'm still to far from the other rafts to really communicate with them or anything so let's see... Okay, I remember the structure of the 'spell' for creating physical structures out of mana from Great-Grandma's journal. Normally useless due to being too flimsy for anything, but if I can set it up right, and create a breeze at the right place..."
"Well, here goes nothing..."

Let's see... Focus on the structure and... Let [Magic] be done! I want a sail and a mast on this raft made out of mana, should be good enough for now... Oh, and I want to have a gentle [Breeze] come from behind, filling the sail and pushing me towards... Guess I'll aim over towards those two rafts that have that miniature storm forming around them. The raft with the skeleton with the cybernetics and the other raft with... Well, I think they're human? Looks humanish at least...

Oh! Important! I also want a [Metal] grappling hook on a rope tied to my raft... Need to make sure I have something to anchor me to their rafts when I bump into them, or I might drift off elsewhere.

... Err, better make sure I dissolve mast and sail formed of mana when I get close enough, or I might get blown... well, no clue where, but not where I wanted to be.[/Time]

Your plans were suddenly derailed by the actions of one of the others creating a massive island, but as you looked around at the salt and metal, feeling the icy breeze on your...possibly skin, and feeling water soak into you, there was no reason at all try and make something like magic.

Except...what was magic? Magic requires a source, something that is drawn upon to create magic. That takes the wind out of your sails somewhat as you consider what you need to create to allow for magic.
Damand stomps upon the ground, ripping up chunks of earth and stone, piling them into the center to create a great peak in the center of the island.
Damand stomps upon the ground, ripping up chunks of earth and stone, piling them into the center to create a great peak in the center of the island.

No matter how much is torn up, it all melts back into the island after seconds, while the looming peak at the center of the island mocks your efforts.