Interlude: Holocron Activation!
- Location
- At your local SPCA
'If you allow it, Knight Tano, I must meditate and think about my next move. My Order's true purpose might be different than your own, but at the same time, we might have intersecting goals. I can tell you this, my overall goal is the defeat of Palpatine and his Sith Order before he unlocks..a secret.' Kal tells Ashoka before asking. 'I must ask you something. Do you have a spare room where I can relax? My training was..strenuous, as you can imagine, and I must center myself.'
The young, Togruta Knight replies, 'Of course. I understand. My Master put me through a lot, and he was a Jedi. I can't imagine what Sith training is like...and by the way, drop titles and rank please. You can call me Snips, or just Ashoka. I hate being so..formal.'
'How did you get the nickname 'Snips'?
'It's a long story, but to keep it short, Anakin Skywalker was my Master. He was an amazing Jedi Knight, he is who I aspire to be. He was a bit of a joker, and..gave me that nickname at the end of our first mission together. I called him Skyguy in response..'
'I loved him like a brother. A big brother. I left the Jedi Order for a few years, and he was the only one who stood up for me at the end. I was accused of being part of a plot to destroy the Jedi Temple, and the rest of the Order tried to exile me. Anakin came up with the proof that I was innocent, and stood by me pretty much the whole time..I must redeem myself for leaving my Master when he needed me. He would want me to fight the Empire. We share the same goal, Assassin Kal..'
'Please, just call me..Desmond.'
'If you say so..or should I just call you..Stabby?'
'Nevermind. Go and get some rest. We'll make a pit stop at a refueling station off-the-grid. Go do whatever you need to do."
'If you say so...' and Kal, or Stabby, as per Ashoka, takes his leave and takes the holocron he stashed in his robes.
It takes him four hours to meditate, centering his thoughts on how to unlock it..and it eventually does the trick. It slowly reveals itself, and an elder, human woman, appears in a hologram.
'I am Darth Traya, or simply, Kreia. You must have a powerful mind to unlock tell me, stranger, who are you? What is your truth?'
'I am Kal Cestis. I am an assassin. My code, and that of my Order, is simple. I am an Assassin. We work in the dark to serve the Light. Nothing is True. Everything is permitted.'
'Interesting..and I can tell you wield the Force as well, but you have just begun. Tell me, young one, are you Jedi or Sith?'
'If this makes any sense, I am neither. I am an Assassin, as I already told you. I probably lean more towards the light than dark, but I am willing to use both to complete my mission.'
'And what would that be.'
'All I will reveal is that there is a Sith Lord controlling the entire galaxy. He is in search of an artifact..that could enslave the lives of hundreds of trillions, if not more. That is all I will say for now.'
Traya responds...'That is a grave threat indeed, young one...and I find your order's..code to be similar to my own. If you wish, I can guide you..but if you do accept this bargain, I expect you to take to my teachings. Do you accept?'
'For now..I do.'
The young, Togruta Knight replies, 'Of course. I understand. My Master put me through a lot, and he was a Jedi. I can't imagine what Sith training is like...and by the way, drop titles and rank please. You can call me Snips, or just Ashoka. I hate being so..formal.'
'How did you get the nickname 'Snips'?
'It's a long story, but to keep it short, Anakin Skywalker was my Master. He was an amazing Jedi Knight, he is who I aspire to be. He was a bit of a joker, and..gave me that nickname at the end of our first mission together. I called him Skyguy in response..'
'I loved him like a brother. A big brother. I left the Jedi Order for a few years, and he was the only one who stood up for me at the end. I was accused of being part of a plot to destroy the Jedi Temple, and the rest of the Order tried to exile me. Anakin came up with the proof that I was innocent, and stood by me pretty much the whole time..I must redeem myself for leaving my Master when he needed me. He would want me to fight the Empire. We share the same goal, Assassin Kal..'
'Please, just call me..Desmond.'
'If you say so..or should I just call you..Stabby?'
'Nevermind. Go and get some rest. We'll make a pit stop at a refueling station off-the-grid. Go do whatever you need to do."
'If you say so...' and Kal, or Stabby, as per Ashoka, takes his leave and takes the holocron he stashed in his robes.
It takes him four hours to meditate, centering his thoughts on how to unlock it..and it eventually does the trick. It slowly reveals itself, and an elder, human woman, appears in a hologram.
'I am Darth Traya, or simply, Kreia. You must have a powerful mind to unlock tell me, stranger, who are you? What is your truth?'
'I am Kal Cestis. I am an assassin. My code, and that of my Order, is simple. I am an Assassin. We work in the dark to serve the Light. Nothing is True. Everything is permitted.'
'Interesting..and I can tell you wield the Force as well, but you have just begun. Tell me, young one, are you Jedi or Sith?'
'If this makes any sense, I am neither. I am an Assassin, as I already told you. I probably lean more towards the light than dark, but I am willing to use both to complete my mission.'
'And what would that be.'
'All I will reveal is that there is a Sith Lord controlling the entire galaxy. He is in search of an artifact..that could enslave the lives of hundreds of trillions, if not more. That is all I will say for now.'
Traya responds...'That is a grave threat indeed, young one...and I find your order's..code to be similar to my own. If you wish, I can guide you..but if you do accept this bargain, I expect you to take to my teachings. Do you accept?'
'For now..I do.'
You have unlocked your Holocron. The Roll was 102, so you have gained an extremely useful teacher..but be wary of her teachings. Darth Traya can now be utilized as an advisor for Martial, Lore, and Learning.