Assassin's Creed: The Movie (no, seriously)

I get the feeling that, even more than the video games, in a movie format people are going to wonder why the hell we're bothering with this modern day conspiracy nonsense when we could just be following the adventures of an assassin.
Well, going with an original scenario is a good idea, I guess. Though with how much there is to tell, I wonder how they'll do it in a single movie.
Two hours of historical urban climbing and parkour would make for a very impressive visual spectacle.

It's going to be a shitty generic action movie, isn't it?
Wait, so they're actually going to be making a movie based off of the games?
Why not do the same with Attack on Titan?
Or, Dead Space? Yeah, we already have the aliens movies, but to see Dead Space in that perspective would be a really good and cool one.
If not that then what about Halo or a Legend of Zelda movie?

I mean, we did come out with the Mario Bros. back in the 90's and we can't deny how badly that movie sucked.
Saw this on SB, thought it looked interesting. Something kind of off about the costume though, can't put my finger on it.
I get the feeling that, even more than the video games, in a movie format people are going to wonder why the hell we're bothering with this modern day conspiracy nonsense when we could just be following the adventures of an assassin.

Is not the only reason the modern day segments exist because the writters want to feel clever. They wanted ingame explanation for the game mechanics, HUD etc. To explain it by saying you are inside a simulator machine.
Young...Adult? I realize the modern day portion has elements of cyber-dystopia which is popular now, but the game is rated M. The Expanded Universe stuff (nivels, comics) have never shyed away from the fact the Assassins are not good people. What is Ubisoft thinking here?

Oh it gets better. Also on Nook's pre order is Assassin's Creed: Through The Ages, a (quoting straight from the Nook page) "in depth non-fiction look at the worlds from Assassin's Creed using screen grabs from the game and actual historical artifacts!".

This, plus The Last Descendant, a actual YA novel is also on pre-order. I might actually grab them once they're released for a laugh. :D
Oh it gets better. Also on Nook's pre order is Assassin's Creed: Through The Ages, a (quoting straight from the Nook page) "in depth non-fiction look at the worlds from Assassin's Creed using screen grabs from the game and actual historical artifacts!".

This, plus The Last Descendant, a actual YA novel is also on pre-order. I might actually grab them once they're released for a laugh. :D
First one might not be bad, if it notes the inaccuracies through bith Animus and the Orders.
I'm a little surprised with having modern day training segments, but frankly that's probably because the movie crowd is a lot less likely to say "Oh, he gets all the skills of his ancestors by synchronizing with them? Ok."

The parkour looks good, as does the combat. That leap of faith at the end, tho...

...I don't think they can explain it away with a hay bale here. I think it looks like water at the bottom, but even water is going to hurt.
Well, I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition.

I also didn't expect it to look like something that could actually be good. I'm cautiously hyped.
We can haz trailers!! :):D

Why would Abstergo let him train? For what purpose, besides making an Assassin Hunter, could they have for letting him actually get skills? This will either backfire horribly on the Templars, or the modern day segments in the games just got more interesting as the threat of this guy coming after the Initiates is hanging over your head.
Why would Abstergo let him train? For what purpose, besides making an Assassin Hunter, could they have for letting him actually get skills? This will either backfire horribly on the Templars, or the modern day segments in the games just got more interesting as the threat of this guy coming after the Initiates is hanging over your head.
It looks like the Animus isn't just a reclining chair that inserts your mind into a virtual recreation of the past, but rather a sort of full-on immersive simulation/hallucination that requires your body to still move about, judging from the crane arm Callum Lynch's suspended from. So it might necessitate actually giving the Animus subject the skills needed to relive their ancestor's life. The only other alternative is what you said, they're training Hunters.

On the trailer itself, at least it looks a helluva lot like the games. Otherwise, I'm as ambivalent about it as I am about the series itself.