Vote tally - Ascension: Sword and Sorcery

Adhoc vote count started by Black King on Aug 13, 2020 at 8:50 PM, finished with 26 posts and 14 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Black King
Ascension: Sword and Sorcery
Post #68
Post #93


  • [X] Plan: Leader of Men
    -[x] Leader: Appearance, Charisma, Luck, Intelligence ½ off, Strength, Precision, Dexterity, Agility 2x
    -[x] Cult of Personality (25)
    -[x] True Charisma (25)
    -[x] Stubborn (+10)
    -[x] Pride (+10)
    -[x] Intelligent Efficiency (10)
    -[x] Future Sight (10)
    -[x] Honor Code (+10)
    -[x] General's Presence (5)
    -[x] Battle Intelligence (5)
    [X] Plan: Ultimate Psychic
    -[X] Psychic: Will, Intelligence, Knowledge, Psychic powers ½ off, Strength, Durability, Luck, Agility 2x
    -[x] Intelligent Efficiency (10)
    -[X] Aerokinesis (10)
    -[X] Immortal (10)
    -[X] Teleportation (5)
    -[X] Telepathy (5)
    -[X] Telekinesis (5)
    -[X] Cryokinesis (5)
    [X]Plan witch king
    -[X]Mage: Will, Energy, Magic, Luck powers ½ off, Strength, Endurance, Durability, Health 2x
    [X] Plan Simple min-maxing
    -[x] Leader: Appearance, Charisma, Luck, Intelligence ½ off, Strength, Precision, Dexterity, Agility 2x
    -[X] Luck of the Gods (25)
    -[x] Cult of Personality (25)
    [X] Plan: Lead with Will and Technology
    -[x] Leader: Appearance, Charisma, Luck, Intelligence ½ off, Strength, Precision, Dexterity, Agility 2x
    -[X] Stubborn (+10): This character always believes that they are right and will not back down without a DC 50 Will check, and the check cannot be made without good reason.
    -[X] Vengeful (+10): This character is vengeful and will payback all who cross them the wrong way. To not take revenge on someone and to let someone go after wronging the character, the character must pass a DC 50 Will check.
    -[X] Honor Code (+30): This character has an honor code that they must follow. It can be anything from not killing, to not attack others from behind or when they're not looking, to fighting down to the opponent's level, to not attacking women and kids. This is all to the GM's discretion, but usually one major thing is 10, and around 8-10 or so is 50.
    -[X] Technopath (-50): The character has a deep relationship and control over technology (usually high end such as computers and electricity based technology). This gives them a +20 on all Knowledge checks dealing with such technology as well as a +20 to creation and repairing checks to such technology. The control of technology is handled via the Technopathy skill.
    -[X] Sexual Enticement (-5): Gain an Appearance/10 bonus to all social interactions with the opposite sex.
    -[X] General's Presence (-5): Boost your allies' stats in battle by 1/10 just by being there. This is cumulative with the commanding, strategists, and battle knowledge skills, as well as any other powers, skills, or abilities.
    -[X] Battle Intelligence (-5): Gain Intelligence/10 to every roll that has to do with combat, using the character's vast Intelligence and logic.
    -[X] Ambidextrous (-5): The character counts all limbs as dominant.
    -[X] Unilingual (-5): The character can speak all languages and only has one languages skill.
    -[X] Divine Aura (-10): Opponents suffer an Appearance/5 penalty to all attack rolls.
    -[X] Super Will (-5): Raises Will by 5 points.
    -[X] Super Will (-10): Raises Will by 15 points.