As An Eagle Flies (A House Arryn Quest)

Its not a full suggestion but I pictured a fragment going something like this.

"I don't demand you kneel. I have no wish to hammer the Mountain out of you and make you good Valemen. But Winter is too damn cold and too damn long for us to rattle swords every night and we have been doing this for thousands of years. That much bad blood may not wash away easily, it might never, but you deserve the surety of a hot meal and a heavy tankard every night. And my people deserve the chance to look and the mountains and not fear what shadows lurk beyond them."

"What I ask for is a watchful peace. Surety on the roads and the chance to treat with those who would treat with us. Your expertise and lore and mastery of this land for what you need to make something out of it."
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The Halls of the Mountain King Part 2: A Nation's True Birth
The Halls of the Mountain King Part 2: A Nation's True Birth

The great meeting of the Mountain Clans and the Vale itself entered it's the third day when you were finally allowed to speak. Dozens of men and women used what sample oratory skills they had to speak to the hearts and minds of the Clans, making grandiose promises that promised only one thing.

War, battle, and death. Not just of the Valeman, but of the clans themselves, who would seek bread and salt, and peace.

It was more than a little disheartening to hear men and women alike, preach for war, when peace was within their grasp. The hatred, the envy, the absolute madness of them all, wanting to fight a losing battle, compared to the Ale and mutton that could be met if you were a friend.

"<Chief Arstan of Clan Arryn will now speak.>" The elder in charge of the entire gathering stated.

Many of the clansmen representatives were disgusted that you were among them, and tried to stand up and leave, their minds made up, and their thirst for blood… needing to be quenched. But they were forced to stay, with your men, and the men guarding the hall making sure not a single person left the grove.

They would all hear this. They all hear this and be ashamed that they called for war, instead of seeing the peace that you were offering.

You stood and waited for the wind to die. It would not carry your voice into the mountains… it would stay right here in the grove.

"<You've called me here and here I am, willing to listen and give this peace between us a chance.>" You said. "<This feud between our people has lasted long enough, enough blood has been shed to drown any and all of us in a river of it. Enough to wash away even these Mountains we call our home.>"

"<What do you know of the mountains! You have not lived in them! You have never hunted, or fished, or fought in these mountains! Why should we follow a man so blind to our traditions and ways!?" The chieftain of the Stone Crows protested, earning cheers from some of the surrounding him. But more were looking for you. Their curiosity piqued, and your words, true.

"<I have lived in the Grandest mountains of the Vale, The Eyrie, The Stone House, The Mountain of the Moon!>" You replied. "<The Mountains are my bones, the streams my blood, and trees my skin. It's Elk sustain me, and it's foods fill me! I am as much the mountain as the Valley. One cannot exist without the other.>"

You paused, taking a deep breath as you prepared to continue speaking. "<I come here with an open hand in hope for peace not only for ourselves but for our sons and daughters, and their sons and daughters so that we as a people for the first time in history unite as one, as we always should have been, those millennia ago.>"

"<We can never be one with outlanders!>" Another protest rose from the back.

"<Yet I am not an outlander!>" You replied firmly. "<Andal blood flows through my veins, so does the blood of the First Men,>" You showed your hand and cut it open with a dagger, allowing your blood to flow. "<We are different in many ways but are the same in many others.>"

You paused again, ripping a piece of your cape and wrapping your hand with the blue of your house colors. "<We all call this place our home, and we would all die to defend it.>"

A moment passed, the blood stopped flowing, and you continued. "<Imagine what we would be able to accomplish together, the fierce Warriors of the Mountain and the brave Knights if the Vale if we were to make peace. Instead of fighting each other and having our homes suffer for our mistakes we should be looking to improve it? Westeros as a whole is changing and either we change with it or we are left behind. To become slaves of another man… another king who does not know the Vale does not know the Mountains and the Valley… The Streams and rivers, and the oceans and the Fingers. They know nothing of our home.>"

"<Why should we follow an enemy of ours, who has tried to vanquish us from our mountains and homes!?> A voice shouted, quieter than the others. It seems you had their attention.

"<We have many enemies who would rather see us continue to shed our blood merely because our ancestors did the same!>" You replied with vigor. "<Look to their graves now and ask yourselves if their loss and sacrifice was worth it in the end? Where nothing changed? I for one refuse to make the same mistakes as those that came before me did and I hope neither are you!>

You paused and said words you knew struck true. "<The world is changing, and I cannot-will not have the Vale be nothing more than a relic to be trampled beneath the boot of foreign kingdoms. Never again!>"

This time, there were no protests… only the beginning of a mild cheer, those that had supported the idea of peace, finally being swayed over.

But others were not convinced. "<YOU DEMAND US TO KNEEL TO YOU AND YOURS! I SHALL NOT KNEEL!>" A voice from the Howlers shouted.

"<I don't demand you kneel. I have no wish to hammer the Mountain out of you and make you good Valemen. But Winter is too damn cold and too damn long for us to rattle swords every night and we have been doing this for thousands of years. That much bad blood may not wash away easily, it might never, but you deserve the surety of a hot meal and a heavy tankard every night. And my people deserve the chance to look and the mountains and not fear what shadows lurk beyond them. I'd rather have friends in the mountains than enemies.>"

The howlers became quiet, but they still spoke from the heart. "<You would kill us all if we step out of line like yours always have Chief Arstan. How can we be assured that peace will be maintained, and disputes mediated?>"

"<What I ask for is a watchful peace. Surety on the roads and the chance to treat with those who would treat with us is worth that much to you? I do not wish to trample on your lore, and you are masters of the mountains. But your expertise and lore and mastery of this land for what you need to make something out of it… is far better to live as an ally, than an enemy.>"

You took a deep breath. "<But do not take my mercy, as cowardness, or weakness. If this meeting were not called, and all of the Vale are in attendance… I would wipe you all from the face of the world. The Burned Men thought they could stand against this tide...There were few more storied than the Burned Men. Look upon their last remaining son and he will tell you mine. I do not relish in this pointless loss of life but neither shall I shy away from it. We have a chance here to truly do what's best for our people. Stand beside me, so that one day we may feast upon the fruits of our labor, and our children can live, for the first time, together... or go back to the hills, the mountains, and the streams and forgo your place at my table. I will remember the chance we had, and never make the mistake of showing mercy again, to those who would not consider it.>"

"<I offer in one hand peace, and in the other war. Make your choice, and prepare to live with them, no matter what it is. I have made mine. I want peace, but I am prepared to wage war.>" You ended your speech.

The debate lasted for hours, and you had watched every single person weigh in their opinions.

Many supported you. Many more did not trust you, fearing that if they did trust you, you'd stab them in the back.

But none were opposed to the idea. Your ruthlessness against the Burned Men was as clear as day, but your sincerity in wanting the best for all… was nothing they could ever consider as malicious.

Do the Mountain Clans Agree:1D100 => 90+50 (Great Write in)+50(Diplomacy skill)-20 (Recent Actions against the Burned Men)=170 vs 1D100 => 70+30(Enemy Clan hostility)+20(Recent Actions against the Burned Man)-40(Speech of the Century Given)=80

You were brought forward from the back and knelt before the grove's pool.

"<Arstan of Clan Arryn.>" The elder began. "<The Clans have chosen you, and your clan to lead the men of the Mountains. Do you accept the clan's oaths of fealty to you, and do you accept the duty of defending the mountains from those who would seek to subjugate us. Do you accept the duty of defending the gods of the woods, streams, and forests? Will you uphold the oaths of your clans, and view all who come to you seek council as equals, who are under your protection?>"

"<I shall.>" Arstan stated.

The Elder paused. "<Than Arise, King Arstan of The Mountains.>"

You arose, and they offered you a crown of weirwood, and the elder placed it on your head.

The clansmen cheered. Even those who were against you.

Reward: You are now considered the King of the Mountains, being able to lead the Mountain Clans. Peace, at least an uneasy one, falls over the Vale for the first time in Millenia. You can now begin to exploit the mountain's resources… once you get permission from the clans to do so.

Many of the Vale Lord's are disgusted by your actions, but understand why you sought peace instead of war, and are eagerly awaiting a Gathering of the lord's, to redraw the maps of Lordships, now with the mountain clans being dealt with.

The seeds have been planted for a unified identity between the Men of the Mountian and the Valemen. The Vale can now consider itself a unified kingdom and nation.

Your father is proud of you.

Certain factions around the world are livid at the prospect of peace between the Valeman and the Clans, and the Vale can now Exploit their resources to rise to its true potential.

Aerys might be asking for that crown to add to the royal treasury of Crowns from conquered kingdoms and tell you to not call yourself king since you have not been granted a principality, something that even he might not be able to give.

Arstan Gains the Trait: King of the Mountain: You are the King of the Mountain, a man who has brought peace to the Vale through words, not conquest. You will be remembered forever, as the man who brought the Mountain and the Vale together at last. (+20 to all rolls when within the Vale. You have the ability to stop Blood feuds from erupting between the Valeman and the Clansman, for the remainder of your lifetime)

AN: Enjoy.
For the first time in four thousand years, if not six, there is peace in the Vale. Let none forget who and what we are, a child born once a Millenia who could change the world.
For the first time in four thousand years, if not six, there is peace in the Vale. Let none forget who and what we are, a child born once a Millenia who could change the world.
Six thousand years.

And we truly are that one person who has the ability and the will to shape a nation.

History, at least in the Vale... will be kind to us.

If things don't fall apart because of greedy family members, outside influences, and the patented Targaryen madness.
Six thousand years.

And we truly are that one person who has the ability and the will to shape a nation.

History, at least in the Vale... will be kind to us.

If things don't fall apart because of greedy family members, outside influences, and the patented Targaryen madness.
Interesting, so how many extra men can we now call upon when we need to call our banners?
What needs to happen next is we send miners and foremen, folks with experience in exploiting the land, to teach the clans how to pull metal and rare stone from the earth, and fell trees for surer construction. Oversee the first few deals between the mountain men and those with the facilities to process the raw goods, then encourage the other nobles to use those deals as a foundation to measure things by. That's about how far I expect our status as King of the Mountain to get us solely on good faith.

The knowledge of coin flowing into the mountains and raw ore coming out should entice a few enterprising traders to venture in. It is the success of those enterprising merchants that will determine the success or failure of this whole peace, as the Clans will not see a point in toiling for gold if they have nothing to spend it on. We might have to encourage the Winged Hussars Knights to patrol the roads to and from the mountains, ensuring no Bandits (or anyone sponsoring them, Mountain Clan or Nobleman) can disrupt the flow of trade.

Once the Mountain Clans get an idea of what sort of amenities gold can get them, they'll work themselves to keep the lines of trade open and flowing.
For the next few turns we should entirely focus on the Vale, this is too important for us to go dealing with other peoples problems. The peace we have right now between the Clans and Houses is a fragile one so anything we can do to make sure it lasts is of the utmost importance.

Calling in all our Vassals for a great council type of meeting is also important but so is establishing some sort of spy ring focused on the Vale to make sure we can keep a tight leash on things since there are sure to be those who will want to put a stop to this. Something like a secret police or organisation not unlike a Knightly Order solely focused on intelligence gathering or even assassination and imprisonment if needed.

While the chances of there being many if any amongst the Vale Lords and Heirs that would work against us considering Arstans reputation with them is low it's better to be on the safe side on things and be sure of it and not be blindsided later on.

We can probaly rely on the Graftons, Arryns of Gultown, Royce, Hunter and other Houses with First Men ancestry to be open to initiate trade with the Clans without needing to be convinced first so getting started on those Mines soon is among the first few things we need to do.
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The Region Report Post war 4
The Region Report Post war 4

The Vale:1D100 => 92

With Peace in the Vale, the lord's of many of the regions have begun their own diplomatic expeditions to the local tribes, to hammer out boundaries and territory, along with preparing for… potential flare ups.

A few of the lord's are preparing for war, but thanks to your efforts at the Grove, they are standing down.

Quite a few of your lord's are furious that you concerted with the Mountain Clans, going so far as to gather swords to prepare a rebellion.

But a letter from you, and your father was more than enough to at least stop any blood from being spilled. But things are going to need to be done, and swiftly if you want to prevent a civil war.

Reward: The Vale is on the brink of civil war, but are waiting for a meeting to keep them from starting to battle.

New Action Available.

The Riverlands:1D100 => 55

Nothing of note came from this kingdom, save fore another child being born from Hostars loins.

A boy named Kermit.

Reward: Kermit has been born.

The Westerlands:1D100 => 70

Tywin has defeated the Rayne and Tarback forces in the field and have laid siege to Castamere and Tarback Hall.

He also began to call his lord's to meet him, so he can… correct any behavior from disloyal vassals.

Reward: Tywin has a handle on the situation. He's also dishing out some… Tywin Trademarked glares.

The North:1D100 => 92

The North has entered a Trade deal with the Graftons to deliver more lumber to the South.

They have also opened a new port in the southern rills, Called: Winterport.

Reward: The North has a new port on the western side of the continent Winterport. They also have a new trade deal with the Graftons, sending lumber to Gulltown.

(Braavos makes angry noises because the North embargoed them)

The Reach: 1D100 => 28

The Tyrell's have overstepped their lordly boundaries, trying to place a tariff on Oldtown goods being imported.

The Hightowers have protested, and have began to tariff Reach goods being exported.

Reward: Economic warfare has begun in the Reach.

The Stormlands:1D100 => 51

Nothing to report… at least that isn't sheep count.

Reward: Status Quo.

The Iron Islands:1D100 => 53

The Ironborn are… confused… They have no idea what to do with their new privileges.

Reward: The Iron Isles are having an existential crisis from being state sponsored pirates.

Dorne:1D100 => 72

The Dornish have Sacked Tyrosh and killed all of the remaining brotherhood members.

They then placed the Archon back onto his rightful throne.

Reward: The Dornish are returning home victorious, and installed a pro Westeros

The Wall:1D100 => 99

Aemon Targaryen has become Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, after the Lord Commander Quorgyyle was killed on the Great Ranging, which had destroyed a wildling chieftain named Craster, who was sacrificing his sons to an unknown entity within the haunted forest.

The Watch had stopped the sacrifice, at the last moment, and found a stash beyond the wall, with a horn, equipment… and a message

Dragon Glass weapons were there, a book written by Commander Bloodraven detailing his adventure north of the wall before his death… and the single words that all men of the North knew.

Winter is Coming.

Reward: The Night's Watch had killed Craster, and rescued his daughters from sex slavery, along with one of his sons.

The Night's Watch are demanding more support, as they believe darker things are afoot beyond the wall.

They have sent a message to the young Lord Aegon of Dragonstone to start mining Dragon glass and start sending it to the wall… Now.

Aemon Targaryen is now Lord Commander of the Night's Watch.

The Crownlands: 1D100 => 18

Joanna has suffered a still birth, a dead girl. Aerys is distraight from the news.

He has also hired a new Master of Coin, a Pentosi raised Westerosi named Illryo Mopatis

Reward: Aerys is mourning the death of his stillborn daughter, Haessa.

He has hired a new Master of coin.

The Three Daughters:1D100 => 1

The Dornish have destroyed the surviving Brotherhood, and dislodged their armies.

Reward: The Brotherhood is now dead.

???:1D100 => 96

He smiled as he showed the new badge. "I think that worked better than expected."

"That we have the Master of Whispers in our pocket is just… perfect."

"I trust you will make sure the information we want to reach his ears will reach it?"

"Indeed. Make sure our other plans are prepared."

"As you wish."

Reward: Bad people are in the government of Westeros who do not have the realms best interest at heart.
So one thing I think we should put our skills to work on is getting Aerys to allow us to keep our crown. Right now its a rallying point for both the mountain clans and the lords of the vale and the loss of it would hurt peace efforts. Though it may be a challenge considering that he may be a bit mentally unbalanced due to the loss of his kid.
Welp, time to support both the wall so we won't suffer a mini-apocalipse and Aerys 'cuz he sure needs a morality pet right now to comfort him.
So Hoster has a son instead of a daughter as per OTL.

Knew Tywin could do it.

From royal son to Lord Commander huh?

Also seems like the fertility problems Aerys had OTL were really on his side huh. Those shadowy guys certainly aren't helping either.