[X] Plan: Stick to the plan
-[X] Infantry
-[X] 72nd Hum: Fire at 33rd Dwa, Move E Facing NW, Brace
-[X] 148th Hum: 3*Move SE, Facing NW
-[X] 45th Elv: 3*Melee 74th
-[X] 42nd Elv: 3*Melee 155th
-[X] 251st Hob: Move W, Brace, ReadyFire NE Medium Range, Facing NE
-[X] 200th Hob: Move W, Brace, ReadyFire NW Medium Range, Facing NW
-[X] 19th Half Pfd: Brace, Ready Fire (Close Range NE), Ready Melee Adjacent Unit, priotize hitting NE unit
-[X] 16th Half Pfd: 2*Move [SW,SE,W] [Face NW]
-[X] 28th Half Pfd: 3*
Fire at 109th Hob
-[X] Cavalry
-[X] G. H: One unit Charges the 155th Elv. The other charges any enemy coming out of Rotholz forest or any unit that charges the other Hussar.
-[X] 13th Hob Lance: Move W, Ready Charge Unit that moves onto plains within 400m and is west of Schloss, and not South of Kirschenholz.
-[X] 55th Elv Hsr:
Move [E,NE, Ne], Ready Charge + Ready Move (Trigger: any unit that approaches beyond the Rotholz line, move towards orginal position after charge)
-[X] Artillery
-[X] Horse Artillery:
Move 2W,
Fire at 33th Dwa
-[X] 31st Elv Art:
Set Up,
Fire at 109th Hob
-[X] 10th Hum Art: Fire at 109th Hob, Move E (switch places with 84th)
-[X] 84th Elv Art: Fire at 33rd Dwa, Move W (switch places with 10th)
-[X] HQ: resupply 10th Hum Art after firing