[ ] Burlington Academic Program: Burlington would remain good friends with Mark Jacobs. Together, the pair of them would successfully grow the scholarship fund, expanding it from something that only helped those looking to get into education themselves into something that helped all African Americans looking to learn, young and old. Numerous fields of study would benefit from the influx of scholars and trained professionals, but one in particular would find itself flourishing.
[] Aerospace Engineering

Aerospace engineering isn't a thing yet, planes barely exist.

[ ] Burlington Academic Program: Burlington would remain good friends with Mark Jacobs. Together, the pair of them would successfully grow the scholarship fund, expanding it from something that only helped those looking to get into education themselves into something that helped all African Americans looking to learn, young and old. Numerous fields of study would benefit from the influx of scholars and trained professionals, but one in particular would find itself flourishing.
-[] Material Sciences

Veto'd, don't care for it.
The Rat bank is a bit of an interesting development especially if it grows bigger than Gotham since it could very well lead to having secret government accounts at the Rat Bank. And it also depends on the clientele the Pied Piper starts accepting it does seem like we'll set the criminal scene for a good by making it happen.
Fuck, poor Scotty.

The next time you do an ACT/Performance vote, (apologies to the QM, I'm going to quote you) it's not for upgrading acts, you cannot use it to commission complex props, inventions, or assets. It is for designing using what Assets the Lounge would have available or would be trivial to acquire a headline act that gets advertised in the papers and the big evening dinner slot.

If you want to commission a pyrotechnics system or whatever, you need to spend a character action on it.

So please, do not forget the rules and do not forget to be specific. We don't want this to happen again, thank you.
Robin: Him and his talking dog, yeah

Beast Boy: HIS WHAT

Cyborg: HIS WHAT
On a brighter note, Batman and Robin met Scooby-Doo and the gang!
Hey, who was it again who made a rant about how hurting Scotty would push Josiah to reform because it would hit his finances ?

Also, out of all the options I think I want to take the bank.

The idea of little rat tellers is too fun to pass.
[X][Hotspot] The Rat Bank: The Opaque Shadow would collaborate with the Rat Piper: in exchange for increasing the Rat Pipers pay and introducing him to other figures in the underworld, the Rat Piper would manage the fortune Josiah had gained, using it to finance the schemes and heists of other criminals of class as well as bankrolling "charitable malice" directed at figures the Shadow considered to be scorned, as well as tending to the finances of any other thief looking to utilize the Banks services.

I'd like to do a breakout of Blackgate to help out Violet, and this will help handle and take advantage to the fallout of that.

[X][Power of the Lounge] Predestined Pyre: The material used in Klan robes would have a reaction with cleaning detergent, causing many Klansmen to catch on fire from their cross burnings.

[X][Skein of Fate] Burlington Academic Program
--[X] Chemical Engineering
[X][Hotspot] The Rat Bank: The Opaque Shadow would collaborate with the Rat Piper: in exchange for increasing the Rat Pipers pay and introducing him to other figures in the underworld, the Rat Piper would manage the fortune Josiah had gained, using it to finance the schemes and heists of other criminals of class as well as bankrolling "charitable malice" directed at figures the Shadow considered to be scorned, as well as tending to the finances of any other thief looking to utilize the Banks services.
[X][Power of the Lounge] Predestined Pyre: The material used in Klan robes would have a reaction with cleaning detergent, causing many Klansmen to catch on fire from their cross burnings.

[X][Skein of Fate] Burlington Academic Program
--[X] Chemical Engineering
[X][Skein of Fate] Burlington Academic Program
--[X] Chemical Engineering
[X][Skein of Fate] The City of Gears and Light:
Gluck would move to Paris, using Josiah's connection with french film-makers and work on the Projectocorder to help build her reputation in the city, helping them refine their cameras and building a reputation as an inventor and engineer of renown, eventually being commissioned by the French Government to help completely renovate the city.
-[X] Under-Paris: Gluck would expand Paris not by building wide or tall but by building downwards creating an entire district beneath the earth often called Glucksville.
[X][Hotspot] The Under-Vault: Zelda Crane was always looking to expand her scientific franchise. The chemist knew several others who felt the same way. The Opaque Shadow would invest, using their access to the still in-construction Asylum to build a hidden facility deep, deep, deep in the caves underneath the island, creating a hidden research facility supplied by the Shadows smuggler associates to develop technology for the shadow created by Crane and forty other disgruntled Gotham U graduates.
[X][Hotspot] The Rat Bank: The Opaque Shadow would collaborate with the Rat Piper: in exchange for increasing the Rat Pipers pay and introducing him to other figures in the underworld, the Rat Piper would manage the fortune Josiah had gained, using it to finance the schemes and heists of other criminals of class as well as bankrolling "charitable malice" directed at figures the Shadow considered to be scorned, as well as tending to the finances of any other thief looking to utilize the Banks services.

[X][Power of the Lounge] Full Moon over Gotham:
As the nights grow cold across Gotham, sailors both old an new would swear they heard the most enchanting melody out on the misty waters, one crew could not resist the call and were forever lost to the sea as they chased the sound. Beware to those who sail the Gotham waters, for even the sweetest sound can drag you to your doom.

[X][Skein of Fate] Burlington Academic Program
--[X] Pathology

Wanted to try out and see what Bird could do with some enchanting songs and disappearing crews, if he approves of course. Hope it's open enough for him
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[X][Hotspot] The Rat Bank: The Opaque Shadow would collaborate with the Rat Piper: in exchange for increasing the Rat Pipers pay and introducing him to other figures in the underworld, the Rat Piper would manage the fortune Josiah had gained, using it to finance the schemes and heists of other criminals of class as well as bankrolling "charitable malice" directed at figures the Shadow considered to be scorned, as well as tending to the finances of any other thief looking to utilize the Banks services.
[X][Power of the Lounge] Predestined Pyre: The material used in Klan robes would have a reaction with cleaning detergent, causing many Klansmen to catch on fire from their cross burnings.

[x] [Skein of Fate] A Better Ireland

Eh, this seems good.
[X][Hotspot] The Rat Bank: The Opaque Shadow would collaborate with the Rat Piper: in exchange for increasing the Rat Pipers pay and introducing him to other figures in the underworld, the Rat Piper would manage the fortune Josiah had gained, using it to finance the schemes and heists of other criminals of class as well as bankrolling "charitable malice" directed at figures the Shadow considered to be scorned, as well as tending to the finances of any other thief looking to utilize the Banks services.
[X][Power of the Lounge] Predestined Pyre: The material used in Klan robes would have a reaction with cleaning detergent, causing many Klansmen to catch on fire from their cross burnings.

[x] [Skein of Fate] A Better Ireland
[X][Hotspot] The Rat Bank: The Opaque Shadow would collaborate with the Rat Piper: in exchange for increasing the Rat Pipers pay and introducing him to other figures in the underworld, the Rat Piper would manage the fortune Josiah had gained, using it to finance the schemes and heists of other criminals of class as well as bankrolling "charitable malice" directed at figures the Shadow considered to be scorned, as well as tending to the finances of any other thief looking to utilize the Banks services.

I'd like to do a breakout of Blackgate to help out Violet, and this will help handle and take advantage to the fallout of that.

[X][Power of the Lounge] Predestined Pyre: The material used in Klan robes would have a reaction with cleaning detergent, causing many Klansmen to catch on fire from their cross burnings.

[X][Skein of Fate] Burlington Academic Program
--[X] Psychiatry

Admittedly this is a bit of IRL seeping into my in-game choice, but I'm firmly of the belief that Psychiatry (and Psychology) are invaluable fields of study and the world, even a fictional one, needs all the future therapists and psychiatrists it can get. That we're talking about the DC Universe and Gotham in particular only furthers my belief in the importance of therapy and proper medication.
[X][Hotspot] The Rat Bank: The Opaque Shadow would collaborate with the Rat Piper: in exchange for increasing the Rat Pipers pay and introducing him to other figures in the underworld, the Rat Piper would manage the fortune Josiah had gained, using it to finance the schemes and heists of other criminals of class as well as bankrolling "charitable malice" directed at figures the Shadow considered to be scorned, as well as tending to the finances of any other thief looking to utilize the Banks services.

[X][Hotspot] The Under-Vault: Zelda Crane was always looking to expand her scientific franchise. The chemist knew several others who felt the same way. The Opaque Shadow would invest, using their access to the still in-construction Asylum to build a hidden facility deep, deep, deep in the caves underneath the island, creating a hidden research facility supplied by the Shadows smuggler associates to develop technology for the shadow created by Crane and forty other disgruntled Gotham U graduates.

[X][Power of the Lounge] Full Moon over Gotham: It seems that repeated meetings with the interloper have drawn the curiosity of Solomon Grundy out of the Swamp and into the country side following the waterways of the interloper. (Solomen Grundy is following the St. Majeste to its various stopping points (The Farms))

@The Bird does this one work for the Full Moon?

[X][Skein of Fate] The City of Gears and Light: Gluck would move to Paris, using Josiah's connection with french film-makers and work on the Projectocorder to help build her reputation in the city, helping them refine their cameras and building a reputation as an inventor and engineer of renown, eventually being commissioned by the French Government to help completely renovate the city.
-[X] Under-Paris: Gluck would expand Paris not by building wide or tall but by building downwards creating an entire district beneath the earth often called Glucksville.
[X] [Skein of Fate] A Better Ireland: In the aftermath, Scotty O'Rourke would continue to write extensively, honing his craft and becoming an extremely well respected author, his corpus of work altering the course of the nations history by inspiring global sympathy with the Irish cause…as well as covertly funding nationalist organizations using treasure sent to him from a contact in America known as C. Chill, accelerating the cause of Irish independence.

[X][Skein of Fate] Burlington Academic Program
--[X] Psychiatry
[X][Power of the Lounge] Full Moon over Gotham: It seems that repeated meetings with the interloper have drawn the curiosity of Solomon Grundy out of the Swamp and into the country side following the waterways of the interloper. (Solomen Grundy is following the St. Majeste to its various stopping points (The Farms))

For a dark horror story does it need to be negative?

Because.... Sometimes horror can apply to those who lurk in the dark.

Perhaps a tale of a spectre made up of all those killed by the klan. It hunts anyone who harms someone of color, a woman, or a child within their district... Sometimes even when it isn't intentional.

For example....

The klan, feeling the squeeze, decides to make a show of power. A massive purge of an entire district of Gotham, lynching people left and right, among them is an elderly woman who still practices old style voodoo places a curse on those who did this and all who follow their path. That their sins shall come to hunt them as the pain they inflicted shall be returned by those they harmed.

The woman is killed and for a time... Everything is normal. Then.... One by one those involved start... Seeing things. Rotten faces in mirrors for a moment. Voices cursing at them. The woman's words echoing in the distance..... And then the first death.

A klan member is walking down the street when he turns a corner and finds himself somewhere else. A burnt out section of Gotham but.... Twisted. In this fog he is chased by specters that torment him with visions before eventually he is bound to a cross upside down and lit aflame with the words "We Are Still Here" burnt into the ground.

Alternatively a mad alchemist working in Gotham seems to find a way to cure the darkness of the city and comes to the conclusion that Innocence and Hope, properly distilled, might bring forth a true lasting cure.

So he begins hiring people to harvest it from. All willing but as he drains it he makes something wicked, monsters hidden in their minds that come out when they are at their lowest to make things "better" in a monkeys paw sort of way.

Despite this the alchemist succeeds. A single vial of distilled Goodness, something that can turn even the most wicked of men to a path of heroism and justice... But before he can reveal it those he harvested from come and harvest from him.... And instead of the light draining he did to them they drain him dry but meanwhile that singular vial.... Is lost. Not destroyed but lost.... A single spark of light in the darkness.

Meanwhile the newly formed being, a being devoid of all that is good, awakens as the alchemist is left screaming.... Deep inside as he watches this monster take his place ... And begin hunting for the lost vial in order to destroy it....
[X][Hotspot] The Under-Vault: Zelda Crane was always looking to expand her scientific franchise. The chemist knew several others who felt the same way. The Opaque Shadow would invest, using their access to the still in-construction Asylum to build a hidden facility deep, deep, deep in the caves underneath the island, creating a hidden research facility supplied by the Shadows smuggler associates to develop technology for the shadow created by Crane and forty other disgruntled Gotham U graduates.

[X][Skein of Fate] The City of Gears and Light: Gluck would move to Paris, using Josiah's connection with french film-makers and work on the Projectocorder to help build her reputation in the city, helping them refine their cameras and building a reputation as an inventor and engineer of renown, eventually being commissioned by the French Government to help completely renovate the city.
-[X] Under-Paris: Gluck would expand Paris not by building wide or tall but by building downwards creating an entire district beneath the earth often called Glucksville.

[X][Power of the Lounge] Full Moon over Gotham:
-[X] As the nights grow cold across Gotham, sailors both old an new would swear they heard the most enchanting melody out on the misty waters, one crew could not resist the call and were forever lost to the sea as they chased the sound. Beware to those who sail the Gotham waters, for even the sweetest sound can drag you to your doom.
Sure, you could find some positive? horror but I'm more of a fan of 'Scary Stories to tell in the Dark' series and SCP.
Scary things don't have to be scary to "Good" people. A horrific monster that specifically preys upon those who cross certain lines or ones that act as a karmic backlash or consequences of those going too far... Well it's a classic for a reason.

The greedy industrialist who awakens a vengeful nature spirit.
The Serial Killer whose past victims come back for revenge.
The bullies who push the quiet kid too far.

It's a classic for the victims of scary stories to be the unlikable sort with a few others getting caught up in it as a protagonist
[X][Hotspot] The Rat Bank: The Opaque Shadow would collaborate with the Rat Piper: in exchange for increasing the Rat Pipers pay and introducing him to other figures in the underworld, the Rat Piper would manage the fortune Josiah had gained, using it to finance the schemes and heists of other criminals of class as well as bankrolling "charitable malice" directed at figures the Shadow considered to be scorned, as well as tending to the finances of any other thief looking to utilize the Banks services.

[X][Power of the Lounge] Predestined Pyre: The material used in Klan robes would have a reaction with cleaning detergent, causing many Klansmen to catch on fire from their cross burnings.

[X][Skein of Fate] The City of Gears and Light: Gluck would move to Paris, using Josiah's connection with french film-makers and work on the Projectocorder to help build her reputation in the city, helping them refine their cameras and building a reputation as an inventor and engineer of renown, eventually being commissioned by the French Government to help completely renovate the city.
-[X] Under-Paris: Gluck would expand Paris not by building wide or tall but by building downwards creating an entire district beneath the earth often called Glucksville.

I really like the idea of under-paris and what effects it would have on history. Especially in how it would effect the world wars. Having an underground city/district is really useful when your getting bombed all the time.

As for the other two, Rat bank seems really good, rat piper becoming an increasingly common partner in crime sounds nice. The pyre I'm more interested in because of our new hero/anti-villain girl, the fire lady? I forgot her name but I'd love to see this indirectly affect her.
I really like the idea of under-paris and what effects it would have on history. Especially in how it would effect the world wars. Having an underground city/district is really useful when your getting bombed all the time.
Honeslty that was a rather large part of my thinking, and who knows depending on how effective/popular it is there might be more under-communities that form in the aftermath.
Robin: Him and his talking dog, yeah

Beast Boy: HIS WHAT

Cyborg: HIS WHAT

As no one questions it in the show, I would presume that a small percentage of animals are known to be able to talk even if its not common, likely all the previous mystery-solving teams had said talking mascots. I presume there are some naturally talking animals in DC as well, although I'm not as familiar with talking animals in DC and their backstories- it seems sometimes that Grodd and Detective Chimp were naturally able to speak, so it does make sense that their ultimate origin would be as descendants of the Annunaki.

Also, as it's the post-come undone universe, will we get Mr. E Harlan Ellison working on solving mysteries with occult origins with the gang?
i ended up liking one of the others ideas more than my own
[X][Skein of Fate] Burlington Academic Program
--[X] Chemical Engineering
[X][Skein of Fate] The City of Gears and Light:
Gluck would move to Paris, using Josiah's connection with french film-makers and work on the Projectocorder to help build her reputation in the city, helping them refine their cameras and building a reputation as an inventor and engineer of renown, eventually being commissioned by the French Government to help completely renovate the city.
-[X] Under-Paris: Gluck would expand Paris not by building wide or tall but by building downwards creating an entire district beneath the earth often called Glucksville.
[X][Hotspot] The Under-Vault: Zelda Crane was always looking to expand her scientific franchise. The chemist knew several others who felt the same way. The Opaque Shadow would invest, using their access to the still in-construction Asylum to build a hidden facility deep, deep, deep in the caves underneath the island, creating a hidden research facility supplied by the Shadows smuggler associates to develop technology for the shadow created by Crane and forty other disgruntled Gotham U graduates.