Are most periodic tables wrong?


Neither a dandy nor a clown
76 Totter's Lane, Shoreditch, London, EC1 5EG
There's a relatively obscure controversy about the placement of lanthanum/lutetium and actinium/lawrencium that's been brewing for about three decades now. As it happens, the youtube channel Periodic Videos did a nice video on it:

It's a bit of a personal issue for Sir Martyn, because the news that their boxer shorts may be wrong would be quite troubling to anyone. ;)

Anyway, I think this is pretty cool because before today, I didn't even realize it was possible for there to be controversy over where an element goes in the periodic table. Except perhaps hydrogen, but everyone already knows that hydrogen is the joker in the pack anyway. Both the IUPAC and wikipedia try to avoid the issue completely by drawing the periodic table like this:

On the left (groups 1-2) are the s-block elements, the transition metals (groups 3-12) constitute the d-block, and on the right are the p-block elements. On the bottom are the the f-block elements, of which there are two rows of 15. This is perhaps surprising, because the f orbital should have angular momentum l = 3, and so 2(2l+1) = 14 states, not 15. But actually, the electron configurations are a bit screwed up, e.g. Ac is [Rn]6d¹7s², Th is [Rn]6d²7s², and then Pa is [Rn]5f²6d¹7s². It makes this jump of first not filling up any of the 5f orbitals and then does two at once. So calling them 'f-block elements' shouldn't be taken completely literally in terms of the orbitals; perhaps it's not a big deal whether there are 14 or 15.

However, most periodic tables place La and Ac in that missing space, thus placing them with Group 3. The video says that according to this paper, it's actually Lu and Lr, the end the lanthanide/actinide block, that should go in Group 3. The paper itself doesn't seem to do that though, so I'm not sure what Prof. Poliakoff is talking about.

Perhaps he is agreeing with William Jensen, who says the paper supports his previous arguments that it is Lr should be placed in Group 3 rather than La. Notably, one of the authors of the paper, Matthias Schädel, says the paper supports Lr being put in the f-block, while the team leader behind the measurement, Tetsuya Sato, says that it doesn't provide enough evidence either way. (Cf. here) So it does seem a somewhat controversial topic after all.

I wonder if there are any chemistry-trained people here that could shed some light on this...

Side note: before the 1940s, Lu was placed with Group 3, so Jensen's position is basically that this was the correct grouping all along. Lawrencium wasn't discovered then, but is right below lutetium.

On the left (groups 1-2) are the s-block elements, the transition metals (groups 3-12) constitute the d-block, and on the right are the p-block elements. On the bottom are the the f-block elements, of which there are two rows of 15. This is perhaps surprising, because the f orbital should have angular momentum l = 3, and so 2(2l+1) = 14 states, not 15. But actually, the electron configurations are a bit screwed up, e.g. Ac is [Rn]6d¹7s², Th is [Rn]6d²7s², and then Pa is [Rn]5f²6d¹7s². It makes this jump of first not filling up any of the 5f orbitals and then does two at once. So calling them 'f-block elements' shouldn't be taken completely literally in terms of the orbitals; perhaps it's not a big deal whether there are 14 or 15.

Ah, yes, I remember chemistry from back when I was still a science major.

Very fun, in a hold your poor broken brain and cry sort of way.
And now I am learning back Organic Chemistry, what with steric/rotational strain, chiral molecules, and the bloody IUPAC naming convention, amongst other horrifying things.
Honestly, my main problem at the time was that I had terrible study habits. Dumb eighteen year old shit.

Spend a couple years doing actual hard labor and suddenly spending a few hours a day in dedicated study is nowhere near so bad.
And now I am learning back Organic Chemistry, what with steric/rotational strain, chiral molecules, and the bloody IUPAC naming convention, amongst other horrifying things.
I am taking all the org-chem classes I can, this sem. They have literally nothing to do with my major.

And I'm doing it for fun.
I can try to explain in detail if you want me to, but in the meantime I think this image may be more helpful:

This is an idealization that most periodic tables follow for theoretical reasons. However, the IUPAC draws theirs with a hole in the d-block and 15 elements per row in the would-be f-block, rather than the usual 14. The disagreement would basically be: which elements (if any) should go in that hole.

I have a problem.
I don't see Earth, Wind, Fire or Water...
Well, at least then you've found the element of surprise.

I am taking all the org-chem classes I can, this sem. They have literally nothing to do with my major.

And I'm doing it for fun.
What kind of sick person are you?
I am taking all the org-chem classes I can, this sem. They have literally nothing to do with my major.

And I'm doing it for fun.
I remember the people like you from O. Chem last year.

I thought they were crazy, but the cool kind of crazy that'll probably invent something awesome someday.
How do you even have the time?

Or the prerequisites for that matter, my school requires General Chemistry before you can take O. Chem.
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I wonder if there are any chemistry-trained people here that could shed some light on this...

I think the question is "which fits in with the rest of the 5d and 6d rows". And the answer is clearly "the ones at the end" because of the lanthanide/actinide contraction (basically, the period 6 elements after the lanthanides are far denser than the ones before, because there's a big increase in Zeff​ due to how f orbitals work). In terms of chemical properties there's not a huge difference since the lanthanides (including both lanthanum and lutetium) pretty much all act like they have 3 valence electrons anyway (the actinides are a bit different at the start, but by the end they're back to "lol +3 or gtfo").

Also, it allows you to write out a long-form periodic table and keep all the blocks intact, since you can just stick the f-block between the s-block and d-block instead of cutting the d-block in half. Yay, Aufbau.
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From what I understand, putting the Lu and Lr elements in group 3 makes more sense because they're the only ones that would be there in perfectly spherical cow verse, it's just that in our real universe La and Ac are there too.
I think the question is "which fits in with the rest of the 6d and 7d rows". And the answer is clearly "the ones at the end" because of the lanthanide/actinide contraction ...
Yeah, part of Jensen's arguments were the ionic radii... also, just the straight atomic radii but based on the group instead. Some of these other arguments are easier to see graphically, comparing a Sc-Y-La vs Sc-Y-Lu for the d-block:

In terms of chemical properties there's not a huge difference since the lanthanides (including both lanthanium and lutetium) pretty much all act like they have 3 valence electrons anyway (the actinides are a bit different at the start, but by the end they're back to "lol +3 or gtfo").
There should be some non-huge but still significant difference because apparently, before the 1940s, chemists put Lu in Group 3 based on chemical properties alone... but I have no idea what those are.

Also, it allows you to write out a long-form periodic table and keep all the blocks intact, since you can just stick the f-block between the s-block and d-block instead of cutting the d-block in half. Yay, Aufbau.
Oh yes. :coolbeans:

From what I understand, putting the Lu and Lr elements in group 3 makes more sense because they're the only ones that would be there in perfectly spherical cow verse, it's just that in our real universe La and Ac are there too.
Agreed on the former part, but the matter is much more muddled on the latter, unless you're simply saying that it's why the issue is there in the first place. A perfect spherical cow verse would be completely ruled by the Aufbauprinzip, so La would start filling in the 4f orbital, and Lu would be the first one to have a single 5d electron after the entire 4f orbital was filled. So things would be quite simple: Lu would go unambiguously in the d-block, while La unambiguously into the f-block.

In our universe, though, both La and Lu have a single 5d electron, so one may think that they both have equal 'claim' to the d-block. But most (all but three) of the lanthanides have electron configuration [Xe]4fx​6s², so it may make slightly more sense to consider lutetium as coming after the f-block. In any case, when the electron configuration arguments are unclear, it's best to decide according to physical properties.

Side note: lawrencium gets stranger, because according to the the Sato et al. paper, its electron configuration is actually [Rn]5f¹⁴7s²7p½​.
Shouldn't the table just be drawn differently, rather than having rows appearing at the bottom the way ti does now? If you stagger the center table so that all 15 go in (Or even just so that the first and last go in) doesn't that render this entire argument completely moot?
Shouldn't the table just be drawn differently, rather than having rows appearing at the bottom the way ti does now? If you stagger the center table so that all 15 go in (Or even just so that the first and last go in) doesn't that render this entire argument completely moot?
Doing that might make the issue more clear. The argument is basically that up till now, we've been using this periodic table:

While, according some people, the more logical one would be this one:
Eh? Half an electron? I thought electrons were fundamental particles.
It's subscript, so it's different orbital; treat it like p½​¹, even though that looks ugly. With strong spin-orbit coupling, the orbital angular momentum no longer makes sense as an independent quantum number, but the total angular momentum j = l+s can still be used. If you start with the p-orbital with no electron-electron interactions and no relativity, it would have three possible states (conventionally labeled px​, py​, pz​, then doubled due to spin). But with both effects in, LS coupling distorts this into a spherical p½​ (i.e., j = 1/2) orbital and two p3/2​ (i.e., j = 3/2) orbitals.

AFAIK this makes Lr the only atom to have a p½​ orbital in its ground state (but I haven't checked), although some heavy ions have it too.
Doing that might make the issue more clear. The argument is basically that up till now, we've been using this periodic table:

While, according some people, the more logical one would be this one:

They're the same color either way; nothing is actually changing here besides a very slight formatting issue. Like, what if we just do 'align center' in the first place?