Vote tally - Architects of the Great Plan - Warhammer Fantasy Old One Quest

Adhoc vote count started by Urit on Oct 11, 2023 at 8:51 PM, finished with 89 posts and 25 votes.

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Architects of the Great Plan - Warhammer Fantasy Old One Quest
Post #3675
Post #3763


  • [x] Plan: Learning and Trading
    -[x] Cultural Name: Seafolk
    -[x] Names: Renaissance Italy
    -[x] Architecture: Sicilian Baroque
    -[x] Respect the Sea: The Ocean is a place of great bounty and great oppertunity but it does not do either for free and it's wrath is easy to bring on. Do not kill sea life without very good reason and always be sure to heed the signs of an oncoming storm, even if one lives through a thousand false alarms it only takes one unheeded warning to bring disaster.
    -[x] A double edge Sword: Mages are respected by society at large but in turn are expected to be far more disciplined than the average citizen. Power is not a toy to be thrown about at leisure and treating it like one is a good way to get peoplle killed.
    -[x] Understanding is Key: Weather it is as a friend, enemy, or even something as simple as a buisness partner one must always do their best to figure out how another thinks, this becomes even more important if the other person thinks differently from ones self, the most dangerous thing to do is to make an enemy without realizing it.
    -[x] Travel to learn: One cannot learn the full extent of the world by isolating themselves in their own little world, even if it is only once in ones life once should take some time to go to a new city or a new place and learn more about how the world works.
    -[x] Government: The Seafolk are governed by a coalition of several oceanside city states whose style of government is mostly dependent on the locals, each city state has one elected representative and one chosen by the ruling body of that city states government whatever it may be. Invasion of a another city state with the intention of changing its government or destroying it's culture results in an immediate loss of voting rights and a declaration of war by all participants on the aggressor. Any attack by an outsider on any of the city states likewise is consider an attack on all of them.
    -[x] Religion: The Seafolk believe in three different sets of gods. The Patrons are the first who look over individual city states and are considered the lowest level of divinity they are to be respected regardless but are awknowledged as being weaker than the other types. The conceptuals are second and are beleive to hold control over aspects of nature/society such the sea, war, artists, and so forth they are the second strongest type of deity. FInally are the divine of the winds who are considered the strongest but at the same most dangerus type of deity, the diety of high magic is the most respecteed while dhar is a scourge to be fought.
    [X] Plan: Nine Divines
    -[X] Culture/People Name: Irican, named for their great city of Irica
    -[X] Names: Vaguely Mediterranean
    -[X] Architecture: Late Roman
    -[X] Sacred Tenet: The Flower of Youth (To be young is to be vigorous and able and strong, near and dear to the gods)
    -[X] Sacred Tenet: Honor and Discipline
    -[X] Sacred Tenet: Feast of Forgiveness
    -[X] Sacred Tenet: The Blessed City Irica, capital and greatest metropolis
    -[X] Cultural Tenet: Unite the Clans
    -[X] Cultural Tenet: Master and Apprentice system to teach magic
    -[X] Cultural Tenet: Honor Codes
    -[X] Cultural Tenet: The Feuding Clans
    -[X] Cultural Facet: Religious paraphernalia is everywhere
    -[X] Cultural Facet: Wizards are deep trendsetters and not only Irican wizards, either.
    -[X] Cultural Facet: Marriage is exogamous between Clans.
    -[X] Government: The Prismatica rules by the acclaim of the gods and the Clans, each descended from one of the gods by their children, the Prismatica's duty being to unite those clans in times of war, see to it that the gods remain pleased, and see that the law is held in all accounts. In turn the Clans see to the day-to-day function of society and the maintenance of order. The Prismatica themselves is the only righteous, sinless one, and so the only one who the gods will ensure their people to. An interregnum lasting decades is far from unusual as the gods seek their champion.
    -[X] Religion: Nine gods, each personifying one of the Winds of Magic and High Magic respectively.
    -[X] Religion: The personification of Qhaysh, Qaynesh, rules over the gods, a perennially young and just lord, one who keeps balance between the gods who otherwise would war against each other.
    -[X] Economy: A Palace Economy, where laborers place either their goods or their labor under the control of the Clans and in turn the Clans and Clan Heads see to the wellbeing of their members, ideally. This works better than you'd think, but is far from optimal.
    -[X] General: A feuding, rivalrous and quarreling people, however see them united under the Prismatica and know that the earth will quake in fear.
    -[X] Gift: The symbols of the Prismatica, eight bells, one for each Wind of Magic, and a staff by which means the acclaimed Prismatica is properly vested with power. Only the Sinless may wield the staff and it has been enchanted to journey to find its wielder if necessary, while to ring the bells is to gain the Mark of the Wind, without suffering the indignity of a true Arcane Mark on the soul.
    [X] Plan: Goliath Epulia
    -[X] Culture/People Name: Lupercalian, after their first settlement back in Mannslieb - Lupercal.
    -[X] Names: Roman
    -[X] Architecture: Late Roman
    -[X] Sacred Tenet: Rights of Citizens
    -[X] Sacred Tenet: Hatred of Bondage
    -[X] Cultural Tenet: City-State Cosmopolitanism
    -[X] Cultural Tenet: Differing pairs of divine marriages in each urbes.
    -[X] Cultural Facet: Rule of Lift - policies in governance, urbes enterprise, labor collegias, & even social collegias are proposed by way of the one proposing is literally lifted by at least nine peers. The proposal (excepting ones on repeals or impeachments) is then assessed by relevant counciliums or boards, then put to vote for the membership.
    -[X] Cultural Facet: The Lupercal Ludi - cross-foedus athletic, magical, and magi-sport games
    -[X] Government: Each urbes is governed by direct democratic comitias, with tasks delegated to varying legislative concilium, appointed executive magistrates, or popular judicial tribunals. Inter-urbes dispute, organization of mutual defense, & treaties with external parties are handed by the Foedus Legation. It is made up of each urbes' chief legate (foreign minister) or their representatives.
    -[X] Religion: A pantheon of nine representing the Winds of Magic & High Magic
    -[X] Economy: Intra-urbes palace economy and inter-urbes duty-free commerce between urbes-owned, democratically managed trade enterprises. Labor collegias champion the rights of urbes enterprises' laborers.
    -[X] General: Compulsory 2-year military service for the professional foedus military, with reservists forming each urbes' democratic militia. Urbes-level militia collegias & foedus-level soldier collegias champion rank-and-file rights & check officer power.
    -[X] Gift: Information & aid for mediation between Old Ones' children to gain their alliance, to help lay the foundation for goliaths' leadership of Old Ones' creations.
    [X] Plan: Some type of Mish-Mash
    [X] Plan: Hunt 'n' Fight
    -[X] Cultural Name: Luuni
    -[X] Names: Finno-Ugric
    -[X] Architecture: Fortified nomad camps , yurtas and the like
    -[X] Survival of the Fittest: Every child at the age of 7 is subjected to life alone in the wildlands with only minimal supplies and their skills to count on. If they manage to survive and get back to the camp in no more than 6 days, they are accepted into society. If they don't - oh well.
    -[X] Welcome to the Family: The orphans of their enemies , especially if they showed great fighting skills , are frequently adopted into the Luuni society. Every young has no particular parents and is educated communaly. This education is primarily in combat skills, tactics and battle magic (if the subject is capable of it) , but for minority also includes weapon and armor production , logistics , etc.
    -[X] Creative Destruction: To prevent the world from stagnation , to breed innovation , to improve and achieve new heights conflict is needed. Without crushing ugliness you wouldn't achieve beauty and without removing weakness there wouldn't be power. Only in the chaos of battle , where live is at stake and everything is on the edge one could truly understand themselve. Life should be spent in search of fights , each more challenging then the one before. Slay great beasts and great warriors , and let your duels be glorious.
    -[X] Brothers in Arms: The only unjust advantage is the advantage of numbers. When the goal of your hunt is not alone , call other Luuni. All of you are parts of the same war machine , from the ages of 7 till death , man and woman , Goliath and other , so no conflict is possible between Luuni and there is no understanding, no glory to be found in it.
    -[X] Religion: Luuni worship the conflict itself (more-or-less Creative Destruction tenet), though some personifications of War and Hunt exist as gods in syncretism with the main idea. The most popular of them are Kuopolati and Zleepi.
    -[X] Goverment: Civil government (or civil anything for that matter) doesn't exist as a concept , so when everyone is busy hunting their own goals there is no government. When Neesto (Warmaster) calls , everyone who could be contacted is expected to answer and abide to his authority. The one to recover the Neesto helmet becomes the new Neesto. The other way of assuming leadership is to win thee previous one on the duel.
    -[X] Gifts: Luuni posses an interesting ability to create armor that highly outclasses their technological and magical level of development. They are highly individual and posses a level of intelligence , which becomes greater the more it spends time with it's master. After decades of shared battles it becomes an invaluable partner , acting as an ai exoskeleton of sorts. This one of the reasons Luuni never take off their armor and especially helmets , there it's spiritual consciousness actually lives. Of course , this property is a highly guarded secret
    -[X] Other: So these are basically Mandalorians in Warhammer with Hunter and Hollywood Spartan influences , if you didn't already notice
    [X] Plan: A Secondary Culture
    [X] Plan: A Secondary Culture (made to be a secondary culture)
    -[X] Culture/People Name: Goliaths (if it works...)
    -[X] Names: Ancient Mediterranean (Latin, Greek, etc.) and Medieval European
    -[X] Architecture: they use stones and bricks and prefer hardwoods as they can last and are durable. they build in shape of triangles (like ziggurats of the lizardmen), the most stable shape in the world (can build other designs, they're just practical).
    -[X] Sacred Tenets:
    --[X] Citizen Soldier: all members of society are expected to take up arms in defense of it when the need arises. Nearly everyone has some level of martial training equivalent to a full time soldier.
    --[X] Citizen Battlemages: while being scholar for magic is a profession, citizens are expected to use magic for self-defense and in the military.
    --[X] Oaths: Social ties are formalized by complex oaths that are unbreakable. Kings owe their subjects as much as they own their kings.
    -[X] Cultural Tenets:
    --[X] Knowledge of Crowd-Combat: a methodology regarding crowd-combat in which friends and foes are all jumbled together, or to persevere as a single warrior when surrounded by an enemy army. "I hate that surrounding them prompts one of them to pull out a US general's helmet so he can make a speech about 'Now we can attack in any direction'." "I have looked a Saurus in his smug scaly face as an encirclement that would shatter any other early game infantry closed in. He went from angry to excited, killed an extra two hundred spearmen because I had foolishly allowed all four sides of the saurus unit to fight at once…"-Karl Franz
    --[X] Armored Skirts: a Faulds and Culet combo with lames stretching to the knees bolted with a kilt. (the "kilts" of this, this & this) The armored skirts makes it very hard to actually target the less-armored knees and shins, especially by those smaller then them.
    --[X] Billed Helms & Masks: helmets have an outstretch above the brow to lower the space to be hit in the eyes; this is combined with a protective lower face mask to cove any gaps.
    -[X] Cultural Facets:
    --[X] Practical Fashion: they prefer designs and designs and etching so much instead of additions that might get in the way.
    --[X] Productive hobbies: gardening, hunting, crafting, sports, martial arts and any other pastime that improves oneself or can be helpful to others is common.
    -[X] Government: Nations/Kingdoms are made up of city-states (3 cities make a nation/kingdom)
    -[X] Religion: A mix between polytheism and henotheism, where they worship a few gods and acknowledge others can exist.
    -[X] Economy: Mixed economic system, where supply and demand is controlled by the citizens but the government has moderate oversight to prevent monopolies.
    -[X] General:
    --[X] they like sparring with Saurus, leftover quirk from interacting with the Old Ones
    -[X] Gift(s):
    --[X] lessons on the 8 winds and Qhaysh, late bronze age to early iron age technology and knowledge of other intelligent species.