Arcanum - A Worm x Final Fantasy XIV Dual Insert Ft. Nihilo

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Two "Arcanists" come to Brockton Bay, carrying with them the Souls of the Scholar and Summoner. Follow their journey as they discover their place in the world after being so violently displaced from their own.

Minor AU elements by fleshing out the ABB, Merchants and independent scene.

A Dual Insert featuring Nihilo
Rough 1-1

Miho Chan

One with too many ideas
A Special Thanks to my generous paetrons, J Frost, IridiumSky, Tale Swapper, Ttw1, G_Man_No_99, CateCat, Silva T, Omida, charlie howe, Henifataffle, Rubunny, saganatsu, Spheal lover., and VerviettaVP
Your support is what enables to me to write as frequently as I am able, and means the world to me.

Have you ever been put under? That sudden snap from being drowsy to being somewhere else altogether?

Try that but standing up in a brand new body.

There were only two saving graces to this situation, the woman who would be needing an equally new name within the minute mused. The first was that having a tail about thrice as long as she was tall had a way to keep you from finding out what the carpet in a busy bank tasted like. The second was that the human brain was uncharacteristically competent about dealing with situations like this and while she hadn't exactly eaten an IED and woken up in a medtent, it still worked just fine. All she was feeling was a detached sort of curiosity.

Taloned hands covered in orange and violet swirls over an uniform mustard yellow reached up to the back of her skull, where she felt something tangled with her hair. Apparently she had some sort of carved stick holding a hair bun in place, but further up there were a pair of branching horns. Given the yellow and blue fur running a line through her tail and the big lapis tuft it ended in? She had something of a feeling of what they looked like.

Her hair, when she pulled one of the longer locks framing her face, was apparently that same vibrant yellow and blue. Just starting at honest-to-god steel grey before turning blonde then the richest blue she had seen in her whole life.

She didn't get more time to check herself out, because that afterthought about this being a busy bank? Her needing to come up with a name in the next minute? Yeah. The shock and bystander effect of her poofing into existence in front of them had started to wear off.

The bank she had landed in was a fairly large one with the decor you'd expect. Carpeted floor, a smattering of chairs, couches and tables trying their best to not make it feel like a hospital's waiting room. There were a pair of double doors to her left, made out of glass because banks seemed physically incapable of not doing so. That and the large windows told her that it was raining outside. Finally, she could see a security guard begin to make his way over to her, currently not at all hostile, though something about his stance told her that could change at any second. Behind him, a respectable crowd of people stood, some of them dressed professionally, others clearly here as part of their weekly chores. All in all, they looked more irritated about the disruption to their day than anything else. There were also about half a dozen children peeking out from behind their parents, fascinated with the rather interesting interruption to their otherwise dull day.

"I swear I didn't teleport here on purpose." She tried with a strained smile and raised hands, hoping to god she wasn't about to get tased. At least she didn't have any obvious weapons on her other than the inch-long black talons on her fingers. Well, unless you counted the doorstopper hanging from her belt, one that'd probably kill a man if it fell from a balcony.

At her words, the security guard stopped, turning towards the trio of tellers at the counter in obvious questioning that she was going to count as a win. Meanwhile, the crowd behind him seemed to collectively shrug and return to go about their day, those already in line turning around. There was an unspoken 'hurry up, bean counter, the entertainment's over' so heavy it may as well have been a neon sign over the crowd.

"Mommy, why is that dragon-lady so shiny?" Of course, the children weren't so quick to let something like this go. A little boy in a stereotypical yellow rain poncho was the one to break the silence and whatever conversation the guard was having with the staff. Maybe she'd be lucky and they hadn't decided to sound the silent alarm, although the way one went to the back while pulling out the phone left no doubt that someone would be showing up.

"Because I take really good care of my scales. My name is Shèn, what's yours?" The so dubbed 'dragon-lady' replied immediately, bending her knees a bit to make herself smaller and trying to soften her smile. She would be the first to admit she was dogshit with kids, treating them more like miniature adults than anything else. Still, she knew how monkey brains were wired, give a name and have a friendly interaction with a child and you were pretty much going home free.

Of course, it was just as the kid was opening his mouth that a muffled shout came from the back, followed by a far more shrill one. The crowd's jolting and muttering was just barely enough to mostly cover up the guard's muttered, "Of course that wasn't everything." As he made his way towards the source of the noise. The day just kept getting better and better, huh? Fuck, how was she going to explain this to her family?

Well, her brand new knife ears weren't picking up any worrying noises from the back and the crowd relaxed freakishly quickly again, so she just… wandered over to a couch. Then she had to figure out how to negotiate a seating arrangement with about eighteen feet of pearlescent tail. Shèn ended up just twisting a bit to the side on a long couch and letting the tail drape over her.

…The fur was really soft. It gave her something to focus on while her other hand checked her pockets. Unsurprisingly, she didn't have a wallet, nevermind any IDs. Just some funny rocks. A flat teardrop of jade with two bites taken out of it and something almost like a drawn bow engraved onto it, an amethyst with the exact same cut and what was either a pictogram for glasses or a bicycle emblazoned on it in gold, then a quartet of circuit-etched gemstones making her bones thrum. Quartz, sapphire, topaz, emerald. Protection, sea, land, sky, they hummed wordlessly. Inklings of powers– spells started to stain her mind, only to be snapped out of it by the return of the security guard.

Or rather, the woman accompanying him. The long pair of triangular ears atop her head and the fluffy tail the size of the girl's torso said in no uncertain terms this one was in Shèn's boat. The kitsune looked a strange mix of contrite, sheepish, melancholic and trying to suppress a glare of all things. Which did funny things to Shèn given those electric purple eyes and slit pupils, forcing her to drag her focus elsewhere. The she-fox had light caramel skin, nowhere near as dark as an Indian woman but she was tiny enough to be from around South East Asia, the slight slant of her eyes and all but ink blank hair all but confirming it.

Much more importantly than all the previous, however, was the big red horn like someone had combined a Tengu's cap with their nose. That together with the very familiar book hanging from her belt and how her green and brown outfit was more belts than sense rather told the dragon what consolation prize they'd gotten.

"Sorry again, Steven. I genuinely have no idea what happened or what's going on. I don't think anyone exactly expects to wake up on the floor of the employee area of a bank, after all." She stated sheepishly as she rubbed the back of her head, her ears flattening in embarrassment. As she continued to walk out, however, the fox-lady noticed the massive dragon tail occupying most of a couch. Then the woman attached to it, looking at Shèn with an expression that stuck between hope and despair, her voice very much matching as she asked, "You too, dragon lady?"

"I showed up standing to the side of the line, but yes." The twice crowned 'dragon-lady' replied with a sigh through her nose, shoulders slumping slightly even as taloned fingers combed through tricolored hair. What a mess, what a mess. "They already called someone to pick us up, I'm pretty sure. Shèn, by the way."

"...Well they sure do work fast." The vixen replied as she walked over, her face falling a bit before she forced it back into neutrality, "Miho. I suppose. It'll work for now, at least, until I figure out if I want to change names with the situation or not."

The dragon was silent for two heartbeats, before springing to her feet with a flex of her tail. Her hand moved as if to grab Miho's own or perhaps squeeze her shoulder, only to flop back down with a shake of Shèn's head, "Come on, I don't think they'll mind if we wait at the steps and we can have a bit of privacy that way."

Only receiving a slight incline of her head in response from the rather despondent fox, the dragon led the way to the door. She was so focused on her sister in shitfuck that she didn't look outside until she was halfway through opening the door. "I don't suppose you're just here to make a deposit?" Shèn all but pleaded, frozen like a deer in headlights at what fate had seen fit to vomit onto her shoes.

"Here to make a withdrawal, actually. Several." One of the five supervillains in front of her chimed up with a shit-eating grin, noting the aborted motion with some curiosity. She was dressed in a lavender bodysuit with black stripes placed in what she was pretty sure was meant to be a 'Tt'. The dragon arched an eyebrow at the maybe fifty pounds soaking wet teenager trying her hardest to sound smooth. Credit where it was due, the blonde had rolled with the punches without missing a beat, but the curse of being fifteen years old was harder to beat than that.

Teal eyes flicked between a domino mask, the glock on the spokeswoman's utility belt, the motorcycle leathers duo built like quarterbacks and a pair of amber lenses set into beetle carapace and spider silk. Tattletale, Bitch, Grue and Skitter. Plus Regent at the far back barely visible between his friends, the massive cloud of bugs and trio of pony sized dogs.

Joy and rapture.

At least Shèn wasn't the only one suffering, even beyond how Miho had clutched at her book. Skitter clearly hadn't learned how to shunt her emotions to her swarm yet, her body stiffening and trembling softly as fight or flight hit her like a runaway truck. Her face was probably a picture right now, not that anyone could see behind those amber lenses. Grue, for his own part, tensed like a loaded spring as he subtly lowered into a brawling stance. A quick glance at Tattletale and a small hand gesture from her, though, and he relaxed. Bitch had been pretty much in lockstep with Grue where her response was concerned. Finally, Regent was being more or less as he'd been depicted. Poncy shit was leaning against his cane as if he had all the time in the world, a shit eating grin peeking through the gaps of his mask as he rapidly recognized that neither of the pair were currently hostile. 'Currently' doing a hell of a lot of heavy lifting.

"And if we object to that, friends?" Miho asked, a dangerous edge in her voice. Someone was clearly looking for an excuse to drown her pain in violence. Blessedly, it didn't take a Thinker power to read up on one of the most common attitudes among parahumans beating feet in the backstreets.

Just like that, everyone was tensed up again, Tattletale's eyes flickering between the two unknown unknowns before locking with Shèn's. A tiny little twitch towards Skitter was all it took to make the dragon spit out a resigned sigh. She just wasn't willing to take chances with little miss brutality, "Alright, come on in. I'm not strong enough to kick all of you into the street and I know better than to start shit next to a bunch of bystanders. Don't hurt anyone and we won't find out how many of you I can send into the intensive care ward before I get turned into hamburger meat."

Thankfully, Miho seemed to have gotten the message, "...What Shèn said, then." Pausing, she frowned, glancing over the teenagers again with more than a little judgment in her eyes, "Don't try to find out. You won't like the results."

It could be a trick of the light, but Shèn was ninety percent sure that she and Tattletale shared a look of commiseration as they got their partners to calm down. It was gone in an eyeblink, covered up with a winsome smile and a peppy, "At last, a hero with good sense!"

The rest of the Undersiders were stuck playing catchup with this stop and go game. Nevermind how much it broke their brains to just have a pair of 'obvious heroes' just letting them in. It seemed, of the Undersiders, Skitter was by far taking it the hardest. Everything about her posture radiated frustration and malcontent despite being, y'know, an undercover hero. None of the other Undersiders had particularly obvious reactions, though Regent was making a show of stroking his chin contemplatively as he leaned against one of the pillars lining the facade, keeping watch while his teammates trotted in.

As the Undersiders entered the bank, it became imminently obvious that, well, Brocktonites were not okay. Almost without prompting, most of the bystanders walked over to the wall, muttering something about not causing trouble with worryingly practiced ease. The children looked more excited than anything, as if this was their latest episode of Spongbob come live. The security guard from earlier, for his own part, swore something under his breath as he approached the undersiders with a resigned gait, hands in the air to avoid unfortunate misunderstandings.

"Capes," The guard began, nodding towards the Undersiders, "I assume you're only here for the money, correct?"

…Oh, right, bank money was insured. Honestly, Shèn had been so focused on not turning people into collateral that she hadn't even stopped to think about that. Given Miho's laconic blink and nearly-audible spool up noises, the she-fox was probably in a similar boat as her.

"That would be correct, Steven!" Tattletale chirped with… okay, the face she made resembled a kitsune mask somewhat with the way her eyes crinkled but it was just a regular smug smirk, "I'm sure you know the drill! Disarm, go over with the rest of the temporary hostages, and there'll be no problems~"

Not even bothering to protest, Steven simply nodded, professionally discarding his taser and placing it on the floor, moving over to the wall without protest with the confirmation that the Undersiders weren't here for a spot of redecoration and repainting.

With that particular song and dance concluded, Tattletale turned to the rest of the people within the bank, making a grand, sweeping bow that was so blatantly performatory that it felt genuine, "Hello, Brockton Bay Central! While I'm sure all of you know the drill, I'm going to repeat it so no one can claim I didn't do my due diligence! As of right now, you are all hostages to prevent any of our local hero organizations from busting in and causing immense amounts of barely insured property damage! If you simply stay calm, stay sane, and generally cause no problems, we'll be out of your hair in about thirty minutes! To ensure your cooperation, we'll have Bug over here," She pointed grandly towards Skitter at that, all showman pomp, "monitoring you through her moths! Rest assured that she can tell if you decide to do something stupid, and you wouldn't want to be the reason that little Timmy can't go home tonight, now would you?"

At the crowd's rather laconic reaction and affirmation, the bodysuit clad girl continued, turning towards the staff standing behind the till, "Now, if you lovely ladies and gentlemen could go open the vault and start retrieving all the valuables, we can get out of your hair as fast as possible!"

"I knew Brockton Bay was something else, but seeing is believing." Shèn muttered under her breath as she simply… walked over to the hostages, standing between them and the Undersiders. Hands crossed behind her back to show she wasn't about to do anything stupid and engraved quartz up her sleeve in case someone else did.

"Ah, right. That's what it was called," Miho muttered back in turn, a quick look confirming that her ears were slanted towards Shen, "Though I suppose it's not surprising, considering that apparently they have the highest cape per capita in the world or something."

They were barely done with that tiny exchange when some sort of crowd hive mind seemed to kick in, a full three quarters of the hostages whipping out their phones. They didn't even try to pretend to not stream or make online posts, yet only Skitter looked put off. Very tellingly, Grue put a hand on her shoulder and shook his head before she could do anything. A hushed exchange between them followed, but even Shèn's knife ears weren't enough to pick up on. Miho, though, was another story. Her lips were moving, clearly piecing together what those floppy fox ears of hers were telling her.

'Reputation is everything in Brockton Bay, Bug. The recordings make sure that we don't end up as statistics in the evening paper.'

'What, why? We're just putting a target on our backs for the gangs to take advantage of!'

'Because the more famous you are, the harder it is for the gangs to off you or hold your identity hostage. That game of cops and robbers Tats talks about? It's only for celebrities. People would notice if, say, Glory Girl disappeared one day, because she and New Wave are well known. But, if, oh, I don't know, Diesel the generic Brute suddenly stopped patrolling one day, no one would notice because Diesel the generic Brute is
forgettable. He's not different, he's not special, he doesn't put on a show and so nobody cares.'

'That– that's not
right! Why is it always a popularity contest with these things?!'

'I know it sucks, but it doesn't matter if you don't like the rules of the game Bug, especially not when the 'normal world' is just like that too. While you're running with us, you're damn well going to follow those rules to the letter. Now, leave the hostages alone. If it bothers you that much, feel free to sandbag at your leisure so the PRot underestimates you later. It's what we do, most of the time.'

Shèn left them to it, she'd ask Miho later if anything important was said. She had something of an idea what it was about anyways, so she was free to focus on Tattletale leading the trio of bank tellers to the back. Bitch went with her after a sharp, "Angelica, Brutus, stay."

Which left two steadily growing murder dogs keeping the crowd company while the third followed her. Very pointedly staying the size of a pony, presumably to fit in the corridors. It also left Shèn without anything to do other than twiddle her taloned thumbs.

…Actually, the Thinker had just left. The phones may pick up on this, but honestly? Whatever, they wouldn't be able to piece it together. She bumped shoulders with Miho, lowering her voice to dead library levels, "Quartz, sapphire, topaz, emerald."

Miho went stiff for a moment, before relaxing, "Quartz, ruby, diamond, amethyst." She echoed back just as softly, "Summoner. Scholar."

Protection, wildfire, blizzard, thunderstorm. It was the grimoire whispering wordlessly to Shèn this time, thrumming her bones with meaning. Still, the two Jobs the fox mentioned… "Triangle and glasses?"

Looking almost offended, Miho nodded, "Technically a hat and a book. It seems– Well, it seems like we are birds of a feather, at least."

Yeah, they couldn't really discuss more without getting into things they really didn't want on the internet. Still, they had to while away the time somehow, soooo… "I got the better tail, though." The dragon said with a grin, waving her fluffy tail tip in challenge.

"Them's fighting words, you overgrown lizard." Miho huffed back playfully, a bit of the melancholy disappearing from around her, "Clearly the fluffy perfection that is my vulpine tail is far superior to that scaled nonsense." She continued, faux haughtiness dripping from her voice.

Shèn could almost smell the overpriced perfume and lead powder. She, of course, did the mature thing and puffed up her nearly nonexistent chest while looking down at the much shorter woman, "I got glossy scales that put leather to shame, silky fur to pet and can wrap someone six times over with it. If you can find your superiority, by all means, share with the class."

"Consider, I have fluffy tail, you do not." Miho retorted smugly, resting her case.

"Floozy." The dragon replied with all the eloquence under heaven.

"Lizzer." The fox countered with all the haughtiness of the Imperial Courts of the East.

"Pfft." "Hrk"

They both descended into giggles, momentarily forgetting that they were currently hostages. Of course, Earth Bet was all too happy to hand them a reminder.

"Oi, Bossman, the Wards are here." Regent yelled from outside, stepping into the bank with all the elegance expected from a court jester, "They're setting up a cordon, and the PRT is starting to arrive in force with non capes."

For one precious second, Shèn and Grue were in exactly the same wavelength, united by a singular thought. 'Tell me it isn't Shadow Stalker.' The latter even said it out loud to his teammate with the groan of the damned.

"I'm afraid that the edgelady supreme herself has in fact, graced us with her glorious presence, oh Big Kahuna." Regent waxed 'poetically', false simpering pouring forth like a fountain. Then he dropped the act like a man changing hats, "Oh, and she looks like she's chomping at the bit to, ya know, put another few arrows in your gut."

"Goddammit." Grue groaned, twisting towards the back as he hollered out, "Oi, Tats. I need you out here stat!"

"Give me a second, Grue!" Came the near instant response, more than a little shrill, "Bitch and I are almost done here. Stall them if you have to!"

With another sound of vague frustration, Grue proved why he was the nominal leader immediately, "Right. Regent. You're with me. We're going to step outside, and explain to our wonderful local superheroes why exactly trying to attack us is a bad idea. Bug, I'm going to need you to take the more violent parts of your swarm out and… dissuade our local sports team from doing something stupid."

"We'll intervene if it starts looking like fatalities are possible for either side or the hostages are imperiled." Miho said softly, her voice low so that only Shen could hear, for all her eyes were flinty, "Which is probably going to be necessary since both sides have a Little Miss Brutality."

"I am going to summon some minions to guard the civvies and give them forcefields, I'm not taking any chances with loose cannons on the field." Shèn stated firmly, projecting her voice, a quartet of jewels held between the fingers of her raised hand.

"...Go ahead." Grue nodded, after a few moment's consideration, likely weighing the cost benefit as he waved aside Regent's look, "In the event that shit goes down, it's better to not have extra heat from injured or dead hostages." He explained, likely for Regent and Bug's benefit, seeing as the latter issued a poor attempt at a subtle nod right after he finished speaking.

Just like that, light bloomed from the dragon's hand, shooting off into a quartet of comets circling the hostages. Turquoise, deep blue, burnt yellow, bright green. They coalesced into… Shèn's best attempt at being kid friendly.

Cartoonish proportions, bright colors matching the lights, big and expressive mouths and eyes. The essentials, rather unfortunately countermanded by teeth like spearheads and an uncomfortably long tongue all packed into what was basically a winged ball about ninety percent eye and mouth. The crystals had demanded a projection schema when she pumped aether into them, she needed something flight capable and relatively compact while able to put the hurt in someone. So here she was, doing her best to sanitize the venerable Ahriman within two seconds.

At least the crystals had also asked for behavioral strictures, so they were big balls of cheer doing little aerial tricks for the kids. Blessedly, these were Brocktonites, so they took to the entertainment and implied safety net like fishes to water. Man, how desensitized were these people?

"Alright, Aegis, with me." Shèn called, the turquoise-skinned Ahriman chirping as it flew to her side. One hand on the spine of a suddenly fluttering book and the other outstretched towards the crowd, green-white light traced itself into existence as though by an invisible brush. Two sets of overlapping magick circles, hellishly dense arcane schema shifting and adjusting with each lazy rotation.

"Of course there are literal fucking wizards now." Someone grumbled in the universal tone of immense personal suffering and Ramses-grade dried out patience. In other words, he sounded like a retail worker. He was the outlier, though. On the other end of the spectrum, the crotch goblin wranglers were shooting her thankful looks for keeping the kids happy and distracted.

"Didn't you know? Friendship is magic." Shèn said in lieu of telling the man to shush and let the wizard cast 'don't bleed out from stray shrapnel'. Also, fuck but was loading forty-six individual instances of Radiant Aegis into this schema making her sweat. She could only hope the staff at the back would hold out until she could send the Quartz-Ahriman over to slap some shields on them too. The little guy was doing god's work here, she wouldn't be able to do even half of this without the funny flying eyeball.

"Arcanist, not Wizard." Miho grumped to herself, quietly enough that only Shèn could hear.

"Shush, you're on glare mage duties once I bust my load on these barriers." The dragon hissed back.

"I'm not a White Mage, dumbass. No wonder your Carbuncles aren't Carbuncles, you filthy uncultured heathen. Che, no appreciation for the classics." Miho grumbled to herself with no small amount of dry snark. Miho's own gemstones shone in her hand as she summoned her Carbuncles forth in a tight burst of aether. Turquoise, ruby, snow white, and amethyst carbuncles joined the four flying meatballs at the feet of the hostages. All of them sat on their haunches, some watching over the crowd and others outwards. Skitter got the honor of getting two pairs of beady ferret-fox eyes boring into her as the three-tailed simulacra simply stood there, placidly.

The Master twitched, then proved she was a bona-fide teenager by looking away in a huff, making a show of how she was too busy to deal with this.

"While I didn't exactly say you could as well, Foxy, I suppose as long as you aren't starting something…" Grue muttered, shaking his head, "Alright, for real this time, Regent, let's step outside and greet the coppers, yeah?"

The pair stepped out just in time for the spell to reach its crescendo. White-green lines suddenly compressed into a tiny sphere and shot for the ceiling, where it shattered into fifty-two pieces. They trailed like comets, landing on each and every head sans Skitter's and the dogs', arcane schema blooming from the point of contact and their feet. Row upon row of iridescent hexagons twirled into existence, snapping together like magnets until every last person and being was completely wreathed.

For their part, it was this, of all things, that broke the seemingly unflappable crowd of Brocktonites. Most, if not all of them, staring at their barrier with outright awe even as it faded from visibility. Perhaps it was understandable, given that such a display of 'parahuman' ability was in the realm of Myrddin rather than a no-name random. Or perhaps it was the kindness the pair of 'parahumans' had displayed by their constant care for the proverbial little guy that finally cracked that stiff upper lip. In the end, it didn't really matter. The crowd shook it off within moments and huddled into a corner, knowing full well where the wind was blowing.

Shèn all but collapsed on the coils of her tail the moment the barriers were in, overpowering whatever allowed it to almost float as she turned it into an impromptu chair, gasping for air. As it turned out, making your first proper spell a massive multitarget? Not a great idea. It felt like someone had taken a melon baller to her chest cavity.

Not that she was regretting it, since she had barely caught her breath by the time everything thoroughly went to hell in a handbasket.

As with all my Patreon works, the next 2 chapters have been uploaded to my Patreon. All of my Patreons gain early access to Eevee Therapy for Little Magi Chapters (2 ahead), and my "Fan" and "Supporter" Patreons have access to all other projects at the same rate of chapters.
Well this should be interesting considering Sophia is here. Grue could throw out some accusations at shadow stalker for trying to kill him before. Though I bet PRT and Protectorate will not like Shen and Miho that much.
Ah yes, who needs a white mage or a black mage when you can be a War Crime mage.
Presumably potential collateral damage is going to be a problem for both of them if they end up needing to use their spells.
Oops. Accidentally revealed Sophia is just a psychopath to PRT and Wards chains of command? Regent will back up the attempts because it ruined HIS COUCH. You don't mess with a gamers couch.
Well this should be interesting considering Sophia is here. Grue could throw out some accusations at shadow stalker for trying to kill him before. Though I bet PRT and Protectorate will not like Shen and Miho that much.
Funny you should say that! To your latter statement, what makes you think so? They haven't done anything yet, after all~

Ah yes, who needs a white mage or a black mage when you can be a War Crime mage.
Presumably potential collateral damage is going to be a problem for both of them if they end up needing to use their spells.
Scholars and Summoners are fucking terrifying, yes. Though Shen and Miho are currently very firmly Arcanists who happen to have two soul crystals. As for collateral damage...

It'll be a proper concern in the future, but I don't believe either should have access to any particularly destructive spells yet.

We call this Foreshadowing in the business :p

Oops. Accidentally revealed Sophia is just a psychopath to PRT and Wards chains of command? Regent will back up the attempts because it ruined HIS COUCH. You don't mess with a gamers couch.
One does not, indeed, fuck with a gamer's couch.

looking forward to this nice hook
Thank you~ It's very appreciated~
Mostly because they let in the undersiders and didn't fight them at all. Depending on THE AMY who is probably there could spin it that they were apart of the Undersiders.
It'll be a proper concern in the future, but I don't believe either should have access to any particularly destructive spells yet.
I think the most destructive they have right now is Fester?

Forgive the dogshit res, you know how wikia is about these things.

One does not, indeed, fuck with a gamer's couch.
One also never fucks on a gamer's couch. Too many crumbs, y'see?

Mostly because they let in the undersiders and didn't fight them at all. Depending on THE AMY who is probably there could spin it that they were apart of the Undersiders.
I can tell you all the teenagers will, in fact, do dumb teenager shit.

If perhaps not the level of everyone having taken a triple dose of crazy pills that morning, because the original bank battle sure was something.

Skitter threatens everyone with black widows, Grue has the hostages run out of a huge cloud of darkness hoping they won't get shot, Amy gives Skitter a laundry list of things she could do with skin contact starting with cancer, GG calls TT a retard for thinking she can fake being a psychic (and also spawned the old fanfic thing of "YoU NeEd A bIgGeR BrAiN tO PsYcHiC") and then talks about using her family's connections to give her maximum sentencing, Kid Win pulls out a Doom Cannon rated for Endbringers out of his ass, Aegis and Clockblocker think it is an amazing idea to swap costumes before they head out and surely not liable to end with Clock dead due to a parahuman or crook with a gun thinking he can take Brute grade punishment...

Really, only reason Stalker was bullshitted not to be there was to keep her and Skitter from murdering each other on the spot, given how this encounter rumbled.
Also school location might have made it too far to pick up SS. I'm waiting to see Leviathan Summon slaughter Fake Leviathan for daring to use their name or Behemoth. Though I don't think FF has a Simugh summon?? Do they have a Angel summon that could replace it?
Ohh ohhhhh. Simmie isn't going to have a good time once Garuda finds out about her. Though depending David might die also if these Prime can trace the connection.
I will say that our main cast aren't anywhere close to the level of power that it would take to have their Summons Kaiju fight a Endbringer.

Trances my beloved.

Oh, right, as a head's up. Things aren't going to be a 1:1 of XIV gameplay because that's fucking boring. What works for a tap targeting videogame doesn't work for narrative.
Tab targeting, but yeah, we'll be doing our best to stick within XIV's established lore when it does exist for the Jobs. That said, we both reserve the right to make minor changes if it makes for a more interesting story.
Quite nice writing, and an interesting place to start this adventure! I'm curious about what changes you may want to make, but I'd understand if that's not something you have specifically planned. I'm fine with it either way.

This Machinist and Astrologian will be watching for more eagerly!
Quite nice writing, and an interesting place to start this adventure! I'm curious about what changes you may want to make, but I'd understand if that's not something you have specifically planned. I'm fine with it either way.

This Machinist and Astrologian will be watching for more eagerly!
Here's a freebie, for asking:
  • E88 sell a lot of designer drugs thanks to their access to Medhall facilities. They regularly lynch people and firebomb buildings because they know they can get away with it due to outnumbering and outgunning the ENE Protectorate+Wards. So long as they don't kill a Ward and end up with someone from the Triumvirate showing up, they're golden.
Rough 1-2 New
A Special Thanks to my generous paetrons, J Frost, IridiumSky, Tale Swapper, Ttw1, G_Man_No_99, CateCat, Silva T, Omida, charlie howe, Henifataffle, Rubunny, saganatsu, Spheal lover., VerviettaVP, Logically Random, shadowSeth, Penguino, Joshua Littlesun, White57Wyrms, KenneGlitch, and Lightstorm
Your support is what enables to me to write as frequently as I am able, and means the world to me.

It had not even been a minute since the door shut behind the villain duo, Miho and Shen just barely able to pick up the exchange occurring just beyond the boundaries set by the glass door. Neither the rain nor the rising murmurs of the crowd were helping. Seeing outside was also a struggle because Skitter was keeping most of her bugs under the bank's eave, soggy wings were clearly something of a problem for an insect Master.

"Hello Brockton Bay Wards and PRT! As I'm sure you're aware, we, the Undersiders, have taken everyone currently within the Brockton Central Bank hostage. Now, if you all cooperate, we can ensure their safety. However, if any of you start making aggressive moves towards us, well, I'm sure you all know where I'm going with this!"

Shèn didn't need eyes on the scene to see the teenage merc gesturing grandly. How much he was hamming it up because Cape rules and how much it was just being a huge fucking nerd of a teen, only god and perhaps Aisha knew. Either way, she had enough common courtesy not to comment on how he sounded like a theater kid taking his first baby steps into a lead role.

The ensuing silence was good. Great, even! It means that the PRT and their superpowered teens were doing the responsible thing and talking out a plan of action. This was only confirmed when another teen's voice spoke up, this time through a megaphone and with a faint Puerto Rican accent. "Understood, Undersiders. Give us a moment to put the hostage negotiator–"

"STALKER, YOU SCUM-SUCKING–!" A girl screamed like a miniature Drill Sgt, although even her prodigious lungs were drowned out by the all-consuming buzz of Skitter's swarm going berserk.

The writhing mass of chitin did nothing to keep her and everyone else from watching Grue's silhouette twist and get a crossbow bolt appendectomy. God, Shèn hoped it was just an appendectomy, all she could tell was that the kid was on his knees with the silhouette of a broadhead through his torso. He had jerked right before the silhouette of a broadhead punched through his gut, so maybe–

She blinked rain out of her eyes. That was a lot of troopers. And Wards. And pissed off bugs.

"Bug, get yourself together and get you and yours out of here. Shèn and I will handle the fucking cops. Of course they employ the murderous vigilante, the goddam fucking morons. In exchange, I expect that the hostages will be safe, understood?"

All of it was ignored as the wind blowing water into her face. Shèn had a bleeding, unresponsive teenager in her hands. There was already a tracery of white-green light floating over her fingers, her support Ahriman having apparently followed her out of the bank during that almost fuge given how it had just chomped off the broadhead sticking out of Grue's back. Nevermind how images of slow internal bleeding, shock and a kidney missed by two inches were filling her head courtesy of the monster's glowing eyeball. A moment later, there was a copy of her healing spell's schema floating over its massive iris, ready to be applied on the other side of the wound.

Shèn breathed in, breathed out.

Yank, pressure, Physik. Good news, he wasn't going to bleed out. Bad news, either she or Ahriman had to sustain the spell to keep it that way. Worse news, he was going into shock. Worst news, Aegis reported septic leakage so the man also needed an Esuna to purge that within the hour or he was gone. The only silver lining was that Resurrect would fix the first two issues and buy a hell of a lot of time for the third.

"Barrier on both, now." The hissing growl underlining her words was more at home in a two hundred pound alligator than a human, but Shèn's body gave as little of a shit about it as her right now. What mattered was that she didn't have to worry about these idiot kids getting turned into swiss cheese as she switched to the agony of slow-filling a Resurrect schema. Every fiber in her body wanted to speed it up, only for the grimoire at her hip to mercilessly shoot her down. A drawn out thrum from her book to the magic coursing through her veins whispered in her ear that this was the fastest someone of her skill could go without the spell shitting itself. She had never loathed an inanimate object so much, but she swallowed it through her stress grin and kept doing her hardest to keep the poor bastard and the spell steady. This was NOT made easier by a legion of centipedes, wasps and god alone knew what else swarming over them. At least they'd be harder to shoot at like this but don't fucking distract the medic you twat.

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news," Regent made his presence known again and only didn't get a glare fit to burn through five feet of concrete because Shèn refused to take the eyes off her patient. The kid's voice was strained to the point of turning shrill, his words coming in a great rush, "But Shadow Stalker doesn't look like she's satisfied with just that– she's coming over to finish him off– I'm doing my best to buy as much time as I can by tripping her up but she's still coming!"

"MIHO!" The dragon roared and like the answer to a prayer, lightning came.

"–I expect the hostages will be safe, understood?" She declared firmly, her voice boyed by confidence and bravado she didn't feel. It seemed to be enough to snap the teen out of her oncoming panic attack, and, almost hesitantly, Bug nodded.

With the confirmation that the girl that would become Skitter had received her message, Miho turned her attention towards the developing situation outside. Electric purple eyes assessed the situation with tactical expertise she had not possessed until she had woken up here, the alien thoughts in her mind whispering potential problems and their solutions in a way that spoke of years of dedicated studying; studying Miho could not remember doing. Because of course she would wake up worlds aways from everything she had ever known and loved, because that was just the kind of-

'Put it in a box, worry about it later.' Miho forced the oncoming bout of anger at her situation aside with a firm mental hand. She had bigger fish to fry, especially since the absolute fucking cunt that was Sophia Hess would be going for broke now that she'd screwed the pooch. She didn't trust the traumatized Darwinist to do literally anything else, nor the need to moderate her paranoia given what she was stepping into.

That wariness was vindicated moments later as Regent shouted in warning, his arms twitching as he did his absolute best to foul up her approach. Before she realized what she was doing, her feet were beating against the floor. Before she could process the former, she was calling out firmly to all but her unaspected Carbuncle, firmly ordering them into action. In what felt like an instant, she was through the door, all but smashing it clean off its hinges with a shoulder check, Her Amethyst Carbuncle leaping to her shoulder as she raced against the clock.

She could see space bending like a pretzel in a dizzying display of power. She could see a wispy form that vaguely aped a teen's silhouette, racing through each obstacle placed in front of her with an expertise that would be much more admirable if the intent behind wasn't so decidedly murderous. She could see a deluge of assorted arthropods, crawling all over Grue and Shen in a fruitless effort to shield the pair without getting in the way of the latter's work as Bug panicked, her irritation a palpable force filling the air with the buzzing of insects. Miho's mind whispered to her that she wouldn't make it in time, that she wouldn't reach Shèn and Grue before her foe did. As she pushed her body to the breaking point, straining through her limits with nothing but adrenaline and pigheaded stubbornness, a thought danced through her mind,

'I don't need to reach them. I just need to shoot down Stalker. I'm an Arcanist, not a Pugilist.'

"MIHO!" Shèn thundered, her cry briefly rippling the rain as Miho's spine stiffened. Adrenaline pumped through her body as she barked out a firm command towards her Amethyst Carbuncle. Moments before Shadow Stalker lined up a shot to deliver the coup de grace, she was upon the murderous bitch with an inarticulate battlecry. The Carbuncle on her shoulder leapt forth, loosing a wide bramble of lightning; one that Shadow Stalker had no real way to dodge with the dizzying amount of spatial distortions surrounding her, each twist in space akin to wrongness in the visual spectrum. Despite the amount of lighting poured forth, only a limited amount hit Miho's target, the rest sent flying into the sky or ground by the distortions that her foe had just now broken clear of, her body twitching as she was knocked out of her near ethereal state.

Within a half a breath the Kitsune was upon the teen, her shoulder slamming into the Ward and sending her tumbling ass over teakettle away from her target. Shadow Stalker's crossbow tumbled onto the concrete with a satisfying thunk. Even before the former vigilante came to rest, Miho was unsheathing her grimoire with a practiced movement full of alien familiarity. Pushing the complicated feelings that arose without prompting aside, Miho interposed herself between Shadow Stalker and the others, ears flat against her head and her tail lashing from side to side in a blatant display of furious aggression.

'Keep Shèn safe. Gotta buy her enough time for her to work her magic. Make sure the kid doesn't die, and that his little sis isn't left with no options but shitty ones.' She told herself, only for her ears to twist over backwards.

"Right. I can do the whole song and dance about thanking you after we get into cover."

"And I can make sure you don't have to get your intestines unzipped once we're in there, come on."

She couldn't quite help her toothy smile, now that they were inside the bank she had a lot more options.

Shadow Stalker leapt back up to her feet snarling something that Miho didn't bother listening to for a second, unsheathing a pair of knives. It didn't matter when she drowned it out with a barked, "ルイン!" poisonous purple eyes all but glowing as she practically spat a Ruin. The bundle of impossible black light sailed like an arrow– and promptly swerved up into the sky when it got within ten feet of Shadow Stalker.

"Stand DOWN, Shadow Stalker!" A young, female voice roared with authority, sounding more like a drill sergeant than the twelve year old it had likely come from.

Taking only a moment to be impressed at Vista's efficiency and skill, Miho's eyes narrowed as she stared into the spatial distortions surrounding the Ward she had been combating only a second ago. It would have to be enough. In the interest of deescalating, she reigned herself in, pulling back from her aggressive stance as she stood at attention, her body still tense as she prepared to spring back into actions should it prove necessary. Not that Stalker seemed to care, content to play at being cooperative. Those probing eyes weren't fooling the fox for a second.

Miho quickly cast her gaze around, trying to get as much information as she could get on the PRT and Wards cordon as she could without giving her opponent a proper opening. Focusing first on the PRT cordon, they had it set up professionally as far as she could tell, each individual agent keeping their cool as they did their assigned tasks. Tense, yes, but not twitchy.

Turning her attention then to the Wards, she was immediately disappointed sans two exceptions. Their nominal leader, Aegis, was… doing nothing. He was frozen in place, what little of his face she could see screwed up in indecision. Perhaps he was instead communicating with someone on the comms, but the point was that he wasn't doing anything to take charge. Gallant, on the other hand, was so torn on something that she could read it clear as day despite only having body language to go off of. Given that Miho wasn't in the habit of assigning something her potential enemies could be doing, she shoved the immediate thought that he was debating whether to attack her aside, instead opting to keep an eye on him. Clockblocker looked about ready to sprint over to his waffling teammate to do god knows what, coiled up tighter than a spring. There was another she didn't recognize in the slightest. Built like a strongman carved from marble, clad in a blue bodysuit with a diamond thematic, the only sign of his actual age was that the face was a teenager's idea of pure masculinity. The exaggerated lantern jaw gave it away. Unfortunately, that was about everything she could piece together, the looks and consume weren't ringing any bells. He was just standing there with his arms crossed over a barrel chest, so she just set the matter aside. Especially because she suddenly had to worry about the team's Tinker aiming a gun at her. If anyone noticed, they didn't say anything.

Vista, however, wasn't about to take that lying down. How she noticed, Miho had no idea, but the yells came across the street loud and clear. "Kid Win, lower your gun right now or that ball lightning will be tickling your prostate!" It was perhaps a petty use of her powers to shove knife hands in the face of someone behind and to her left, but damn if it wasn't effective. Kid Win took several steps back, almost fumbling his gun which of course treated him to even more of a dressing down.

Miho quietly turned her attention away from the Wards and back towards the jumped up vigilante pretending to be part of them, only for her eyes to shoot as wide open as they'd get. Between muscleman and the Tinker, her attention had slid almost entirely off of Stalker. Together with Vista's lapse to berate Kid Win and confiscate his gun, that had been enough for the Breaker.

The spatial maze hadn't budged an inch despite the Shaker's multitasking, but that wasn't enough to contain a dimensional phaser who had trained and fought with Vista for nearly half a year. One moment she was standing there, the next a cloud of smog was contorting and phasing through the dimensional maze.

The vixen played up her panic, three Amethyst Ruins screamed towards Stalker fruitlessly, each one sent into the sky or the earth without so much as a twitch from the none-too-happy Shaker at the back. Growling to herself, Miho searched for an opening even as the most veteran Ward multitasked herding her rogue teammate away from the bank and keeping the idiot in question from getting hit by an unknown Blaster. The only thing remotely approaching a flaw was that Shadow Stalker was 'only' slowed down rather than deadlocked.

A flicker of respect bloomed in the fox, for all it didn't stop her from relentlessly probing the defenses with her lightning. Slowly learning what this or that bend in the downpour and the air itself meant for the twisted space.

"Sit your ass down, Gallant! I don't have time for your bullshit!" The de-facto Wards leader roared, her attention pulled away as she was forced to redirect a barrage of heartjacking lasers.

Miho needed no further invitation, aether flowing clear and smooth through her grimoire before screaming out as a lance of violet lightning. Even with Vista's reflexes, all that changed was that the electrocution began from the shoulder instead of the gut. Once again, Sophia Hess was ripped away from her power and thrown onto the pavement to convulse.

The flicker of respect kindled into a flame, the she-fox ever so briefly casting her gaze towards the general direction of the Wards. With a quick pulse of aether, she ordered her Carbuncles retreat as she withdrew back towards the entrance, keeping a sharp eye on all the parties still somewhat involved in the conflict. For now, she would stay out here, on guard… but something was niggling at her. She was forgetting something.

All the more reason to stay on guard, even as Stalker remained limp on the ground and Vista wrangled her team into a semblance of cohesion.

Lightning had just struck twice when the arcane schema covering Shèn's flattened hands finished charging, releasing into Grue's chest with a jolt that rattled her arms to the shoulder. Under other circumstances, she may've been amazed at turning her yellow mitts into magical defibrillators. As it was, the only tangential thought she allowed herself was a silent thanks to Regent for stopping the convulsions on the sly.

Grue jolted upwards with a gasp, patting himself down and looking completely mystified at y'know, not having a crossbow bolt sticking out of his gut and two inches away from perforating his kidney. To nobody's surprise, the patch job of Resurrect was very tender. She'd have to give him a focused Physik to make sure he didn't have complications down the line, going by the diagnostics Aegis was feeding her.

For now, though, she sprang back to her feet with a flex of her tail. Just in time for the merc to finish getting a grip on the situation and throw her a thankful nod, "Right. I can do the whole song and dance about thanking you after we get into cover."

"And I can make sure you don't have to get your intestines unzipped once we're in there, come on." As much as it was nice to watch Shadow Stalker convulse like a beached fish on the pavement, they had more important things to do.

Wordlessly, she took point. Grue followed behind her and Regent closed the formation while Quartz Ahriman kept its massive eye on the battle, ready to spring a barrier if something went way wrong.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the first thing Shèn clapped eyes on her way in was Skitter. Or rather, Skitter being kept from rushing at Grue by Tattletale. The Thinker was urgently whispering something into the other girl's ear as they entered, her eyes gazing around the room before she finally greeted the trio with false cheer, "Welcome back you three! I take it negotiations went poorly?"

"You can say that again." The dragon groaned, a flare of aether ordering the barrier Ahriman to switch with wind in keeping an eye on the door and windows. A glance of her own at the crowd left her decidedly conflicted. On one hand, they weren't scared at all, which was good! On the other hand, they were feeling well enough to be back to recording this whole thing, some of them aiming their phones at her while others looked at the windows. Whatever, she'd take it. Bigger things to worry about. "Mind finding yourself a couch to lay down on, Grue? I got you stable but if I don't finish up the job you'll be dying of sepsis in a day or two."

Immediately, Grue tensed, only for a firm shake of Tattletale's head to put that to rest. Her tone offered no avenue for defiance, "She's completely serious, Grue. Get on the couch. Regent, Bug and I can keep an eye out."

"Right this way, big guy." Shèn said, tapping him lightly on the shoulder with her tail as she moved towards a big three seater. She may be half a head taller than him, but she wasn't about to literally belittle a poor teen who'd been convulsing on the ground less than a minute ago.

With an exasperated sigh that sounded a touch exaggerated to her knife ears, Grue almost grudgingly trudged along behind her. If she were a betting woman, she'd put good money on it being a strong front too. 'Don't let them see you flinch' and all that.

"That lightshow from a moment ago is for reviving people, it took care of the internal bleeding and purged most of the gunk so you aren't keeling over anytime soon, but it's only really meant for getting someone footslogging to safety where they can get proper treatment." The dragon started explaining, tapping index and middle on her thumb's talon, the satisfying clackclackclack grounding her a bit. She spun on her heel as she reached the sofa, tail a whirling blur of pearlescent scales and two-toned fur as it followed the movement and kept her steady, "Siddown. I just need to put a hand to your chest for this next one, so no need to lie down yet."

Without any of the earlier protests, the Shaker sat down. The dragon made the executive decision to take that as her attempts at being reassuring or at least distracting working somewhat. Which meant keep going.

"Now, I'm going to finish mopping up the leakage from your lower intestines first. This schema is called Esuna," Shèn said as her talons lit up with prismatic light. She put her outstretched fingers together, before rolling her wrists to trace out a large circle, hellishly complex patterns and symbols in every color of the rainbow. Idly, she cut away most of the sections, leaving purple and red to shine all the brighter. He didn't really have any mental conditions to clean up and she only had so much aether to go around. Thank god that her Ahrimans didn't need any upkeep. "It is a multipurpose purger that will take care of both the toxins, bacteria poised to cause an infection, and any pockets of spilled blood that could go necrotic."

Grue nodded wordlessly and she decided it was safe to assume a relatively experienced parahuman would be paying attention when the healer Cape talked about the procedure. A quick glance told her that Tattletale was, unsurprisingly, watching her like a fucking hawk from behind the counter. Skitter was by the hostages, Regent was keeping Aegis-the-Ahriman company and Bitch was presumably at the back carrying bags full of money by now.

There were also a fuck of a lot of cameras pointed at her and the bank was definitely quiet enough for them to pick up what she was saying. She'd feel awkward if she wasn't too busy keeping a teenager's life from here on out from being misery.

"Once that's done I will use a more focused version of Physik, the schema I used to seal your wound then Aegis over there," A taloned thumb hooked over her shoulder to the Ahriman, the other hand busy feeding power to the magic array. The overgrown Beady Eye chirruped in response, waving with its tail in lieu of turning around, "Used to keep you from dying of internal bleeding while I charged up Resurrect. Anyways, I'll use it to massage, for lack of a better word, the scar tissue into what should actually be there. You aren't about to burst something from stretching up to grab something on a high shelf and end up in the ER, but without this you'd be staring down the barrel of a few months of rehab minimum to keep the scar tissue from turning into a rock, constantly feeling tight and restricting your movement. And there's nothing to really do about the permanent weakening of your core muscles with conventional medicine, one of your abdominal lumps got skewered and don't get me started on your lumbars. Good thing you've got me here, aye? Speaking of, I probably headed off the chronic pain and swelling whenever it rains or it gets cold with what I did already, but this will make completely sure you don't ever have to deal with it."

As if on cue, the spell matrix compressed into a swirling ball of light. She wasted no time pushing the fist-sized mass into Grue's heart, a twirl of her other hand unfurling a diagnostics schema. The tiny bit of skin visible around his neck lit up, a pulse of red then purple racing through the veins. Shèn's smile rivaled the sun despite the draconic dentature on display. "All clear! I considered having it clean up all the stress hormones you're stewing in, but between you and me? People get really skittish about anything supernatural that messes with their brains, even if it's just a glowing chill pill. Hell, I can see your cortisol spiking just from me talking about it."

Although, honestly, she could see it even through the motorcycle leathers. Guy tensed up something fierce, even if he forced himself to react right after. The crowd kicked up into murmurs, too, which she decided to handle in the best possible way, "So please, if you fall to my eeevil mindcontrol, proclaim your love and eternal worship of my august self within the next five to ten business days. I will email you some forms you have to fill in triplicate for tax fraud reasons."

Now the only question would be how hard the R34 artist took her up on that. They'd better, she had even twisted her tail into a big ol heart shape while doing that bit.

"Tattletale. It's done." The curt report from Bitch cut into the break of chuckles, some awkward some not, that had fallen over the lobby.

"Good. We can start thinking about our–" Tattletale began, interrupted seconds later by the phone within the bank ringing furiously. With a raised eyebrow, the Thinker moved over to pick it up, her eyes widening minutely before she controlled her expression. After listening to whomever was on the other side of the phone for a moment, she responded, "This is Tattletale, Vista. I'm sure that, as you're aware, all we want is to leave in peace."

"Right, let's get you sorted out while Mastermind there negotiates." Shèn told Grue once it became clear that they weren't being warned about Kid Win firing that Death Beam of his. "Lay down, I can get this done faster if those muscles are straight and relaxed."

"Is this necessary?" The nominal leader of the Undersiders grumbled, not quite protesting but also most certainly not cooperating quite yet.

"Yes, if you don't want to risk delaying your team." The dragon replied evenly, her tail gesturing for him to sprawl out already while her hands flitted around a freshly conjured Physik schema, pruning some lines while thickening others. More the former than the latter, literally all the bits about casting it at range or across the whole of the body went away in favor of doubling and tripling down on its ability to repair dama–

"INCOMING!" Came Miho's yell, followed immediately by the woman herself as she all but threw herself through the door. The fox's eyes were wild as they raked through the room, finally landing on the freckled hostage from earlier.

It was at that moment that the sound of shattering glass filled the bank's lobby as a tiara clad blonde burst through the window furthest away from the crowd, then through the barrier turquoise Ahriman had erected to stop the superhuman missile. It at least succeeded in stopping the spray of glass shards, not that the parahuman even seemed to register the screen of light she'd burst through, eyes wild and screaming, "AMY, ARE YOU OKAY?"
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Hello CDB way to make the situation a 100 times worse. This will New Wave and PRT/Wards look like very untrustworthy after this once the videos get posted. Sophia might be throwing in juvie for this stunt. The Barnes depending might get caught on federal charges depending on the DA inventiveness. Thank you for the chapter update.
Hello CDB way to make the situation a 100 times worse. This will New Wave and PRT/Wards look like very untrustworthy after this once the videos get posted. Sophia might be throwing in juvie for this stunt. The Barnes depending might get caught on federal charges depending on the DA inventiveness. Thank you for the chapter update.

Something tells me it'll be worse than that because Shen has shown she's a healer which is a pretty big deal before the other stuff so she and Sophia will be harshly blamed for the bad impression they gave and any distance put between them or service denial including not fully joining as a result plus well Amy's going to open her mouth and make it worse and they are already in a bad mood.
Amy's going to open her mouth and make it worse and they are already in a bad mood.
I will say that at this point Amy is deeply regretting how she worded her text to GG. It was sent before Grue got skewered and currently she has some very complicated feelings given everything Shen said and did.

As for Sophia? Her thoughts during that whole thing amounted to "fuck. Well, I'm going to juvvie now, so it may as well be for murdering that bastard instead of for just trying."
Rough 1-3 New
A Special Thanks to my generous paetrons, J Frost, IridiumSky, Tale Swapper, Ttw1, G_Man_No_99, CateCat, Silva T, Omida, charlie howe, Henifataffle, Rubunny, saganatsu, Spheal lover., VerviettaVP, Logically Random, shadowSeth, Penguino, Joshua Littlesun, White57Wyrms, KenneGlitch, and Lightstorm
Your support is what enables to me to write as frequently as I am able, and means the world to me.

How one responds to mind-numbing terror can be quite indicative of their character. There was only one thought in Shèn's skull when every fear chemical her body could produce flooded her system, making it feel like she was standing inches away from a monstrosity, a negligent twitch away from leaving her to drown in her own blood.

Protect the others.

There were no delicate schemas, no filigree of brilliant genius to shape magic with. Only the roar of raw, unbridled aether burning from her breast. The heavy hand of the sky, the crushing pressure of the sea, the unfathomable weight of the earth. Piling down on everyone and everything as the Aethercharge dyed the air green, blue and amber. Boiling out of her body in thick ropes, strands weaving protectively around the patient at her back even as her Ahrimans shone like stars, rising elemental walls against the threat.

It was every scrap of strength in her soul at her fingertips, a rush of power that cleared the senses and sharpened the mind to a razor's edge.

Esuna's schema bloomed big and bright over the whole of the reception. The red of trauma, the orange of transformation, the yellow of sensory, the green of freedom, the blue of mind, the indigo of soul, the violet of chemicals.

Not that the wellspring of atavistic fear knew that, having started rushing towards Shèn the moment her aether had asserted itself.

Immediately, Miho was upon the new intruder, aiming a barrage of spells in an effort to force Glory Girl to abort her charge, only to blink in mild surprise as the flying brick managed to trip up at the last moment, running face first into a flurry of elementally aspected Ruins. Ice, fire, and lightning made their mistress' wroth well known as she stepped between the bystanders and the hostile parahuman, "Stand down! Can't you see that there are innocents you're threatening with your actions?!"

The rainbow of restoration chose that moment to shine down, washing away all ills. The fear was gone, no matter what the flying brick's Shard felt about it.

"Vicky–" The mousy girl from earlier began, drawing the eye of one of Shèn's Ahrimans behind the elemental walls. Whatever she wanted to say other than her sister's name, and wasn't that resurfacing memory a shock to the system, got drowned out by none other than Glory Girl's yell.

"Did you just Master everyone?!" The flying brick roared as she rose, surprisingly injured for a supposed Alexandria package. Her costume was singed, even burned away in parts, showing Lichtenberg marks red and raw. Shaking off her injuries with almost admirable persistence, Glory Girl rose back into the air, staring down the people standing between her and Panacea, "Move."

"I think not." Miho's curt reply almost made the situation worse, only for Tattletale to interject with the swiftness of a woman a wrong word away from being turned into chunky paint.

"Glory Girl, Panacea is safe. She's back there, with all the rest of the hostages. The ones you are risking by busting into a building filled with hostile parahumans." The Thinker began shooting both Shèn and Miho a pleading look as she did so. With a silent twitch of the former's aether, the wall of stone crumbled to sand, leaving only shimmering water and green wind standing. Enough for the hostages to be seen, "As Vista and I were just discussing, the hostages will be free to go the moment she and I finish negotiating. Which we did. Before you came crashing through the window like some idiot with delusions of grandeur."

Thankfully, Skitter didn't add to that provocation… verbally. The swarm had taken the time to crawl in through the broken window and while largely sticking to the ceiling? They weren't happy.

"Glory Girl. Stand down and get the fuck out the of the active hostage situation before I have to get your mother on the phone." Like an answer to Tattletale's silent prayer, Vista added her own two cents to the situation through a megaphone before the irate teenager with more horsepower than a mainline tank could do something deeply unwise in response to that taunt, "Tattletale, as per discussed, you are free to go the moment one of our troopers confirms the hostages are safe. We'll be sending him in once this situation resolves itself."

Shèn breathed out a sigh of relief for all she didn't lower her guard for a moment, sparing just enough attention to command her healing Ahriman to give her visual feed behind her. Grue was fine. On his feet and tense as could be, but fine.

That was all the reprieve they got before Glory Girl did as any emotional teenager would and doubled down. "The one with horns and a tail MASTERED everyone! We have to con-foam her and put everyone in quarantine!"

It took all of four seconds for Vista to respond, "Stand. Down. I won't ask again, Glory Girl. I'm more than certain I can get the authorization to use force if you refuse to." A brief pause filled the room, before, once more, the megaphone resounded, "And if dragon-girl did Master everyone in the room, well, I wonder how Tattletale is so fluently conveying all of the things you're saying to me so well."

"Speaking of. Tell her I'm happy to go into PRT custody and submit to power testing if that helps clear this clusterfuck. My only condition is that I want to finish fixing up Grue, shouldn't be five minutes." The dragon girl in question supplied. Whether it was her moral fiber or her perfectionism, she was loath to let Grue walk out with a lifetime crippling no matter how minor, not when she wasn't done with him. "I just need a guarantee that–"

"You're just in cahoots with the Undersiders." The floating girl accused harshly, "I'm of half-"

"Stand the fuck down before I make you stand down." Miho snapped, ears flat against her head as her eyes sparked with malicious intent. With a completely unhealthy and frankly terrifying level of cold rage in her voice, the other Arcanist continued her ultimatum, "Trust me, girl, if you want to throw down, just give me the fucking excuse already. I have had it up to fucking here with your immature nonsense. I woke up in unfamiliar surroundings, surrounded by unfamiliar people, away from everything I know and love."

Breathing deeply, the fox briefly centered herself, aborting her oncoming rant, her eyes remained fixed on Glory Girl as if she was a particularly annoying rabbit that she had grown bored of entertaining, "Shut up, sit down, and let the adults finish talking and I won't take out a fraction of my rage on you. Continue, and we'll see just how long it takes me to utterly trash you."

Shèn threw Tattletale a meaningful look as the fox let loose, glancing at the windows behind the walls of wind and water. The Thinker had seen her Earth Ahriman crumble the stone wall into sand, it didn't take a superpower to put the pieces together. It did, however, take one to gauge on the spot whether Glory and Miho were liable to start something before the PRT could break this up.

At least she and Grue weren't in as much danger as could be. Aegis-the-Ahriman had been taking the time to creep closer and closer. The not so little guy was hiding behind the sofa now, ready to spring barriers and healing at a moment's notice. Between that and the invisible barrier around them, it should be enough to not get a free ticket to the ER the second the flying brick got in melee.

Tattletale shook her head and that was that for using the Earth Ahriman. There was definitely some self-interest there, but Shèn didn't feel like ignoring a Thinker's advice. Which was also why she didn't voice any objection as the teenage supervillain started to reach for her pistol while Glory Girl was busy having a staring contest with the she-fox. They both knew how the Alexandria Package's power worked.

"You want an excuse?" The Brute said lowly, a hard edge in her voice. That was everything the dragon needed to hear to command her Ahrimans to shift to self-defense sans for Aegis, who instead built a palisade of shimmering light over her and Grue. Not that she needed have bothered, given that Glory Girl shot straight for Miho, fist drawn back in a picture perfect haymaker.

This went about as well as you'd expect. First, a gunshot cracked through the room, shattering the flying Cape's barrier. Second, a downpour of blacklight bolts like someone had turned the rain outside sideways crashed into the parahuman. They may be individually weak, but they were as simplified as Arcanima got, so barrage casting them was easy as breathing.

Then she got swarmed by bugs.

A second. Five. Fifteen.

Finally, the writhing, chittering mass dispersed. Shèn honestly wasn't sure if to commend Skitter's restraint for not doing irreversible damage that she could see or groaning at having to remove god knew how much venom.

The brown haired girl from earlier dashed forward through the walls of wind and water, not even bothering to pretend to be cooperative anymore as she reached Glory Girl's side. There were a few scattered shouts, but Tattletale shut them down right quick and by that alone Shèn relaxed.

"Vicky you absolute fucking moron," She muttered harshly, sounding more tired than actually worried; perhaps understandable, given she was Panacea, "Why in the world did you expect that to go any differently?" Pausing as a swarm of bugs vibrated near enough to her to cause concern, she shot Skitter an annoyed look, "All I'm doing is ensuring there's no lasting damage from Bug over there injecting god only knows how much venom directly into my sister. I'm not stupid enough to try and pull something while surrounded, outnumbered, and outgunned, especially with innocents at risk."

"Thank you, Panakeia." Shèn didn't say so much as sigh out, meaning every word. This car pileup of a hostage situation had gone on for long enough already. Still. "Aegis, keep the barrier up in case this godawful day has something else to throw at us. Grue, I don't even care about you laying down anymore, just stand there and let me work."

She was well beyond caring what it may look from certain angles as she took a knee to get on eye level with the damage, Physik's green schema glowing in her hands already. Seeing as the motorcycle and old text game enthusiast didn't feel like gainsaying her, she got right to work.

"Yītiān de làn shì."( Rotten piece of shit of a day) Shèn muttered under her breath, indulging in her grandfather's language for a moment, "Ugh, I don't even get to find a dark room and a pillow to faceplant into after this, Lord alone knows what nonsense I signed myself up to with that offer to the PRT." This time she was running her mouth for her sake rather than Grue's. Even if there was a bit of both columns, poor guy was trying his best to suppress the twitches as he felt her magic sink into his gut and rearrange things. "Shàngtiān liánmǐn( heavens above have mercy) on my scaly ass if someone decides me being a healer is a reason to bottom bother me until I join just to make 'em shut up. I'd rather not have to hold my healing hostage to make some paper pusher with an agenda crawl back into the cesspools of bureaucracy. Ah, Christ, some may get into their soft skulls they have to scare me straight."

Grue, either due to politeness or awkwardness, didn't offer anything more than vaguely commiserating grunts. Probably busy watching the proceedings, sounded like Tats and Vista were back on track.

"Oi, Floozy, do you drink?" Shèn said over her shoulder for all her head didn't do more than tilt, voice just a hair shy of a holler.

"On occasion, but don't expect to have more than one or two at most." Miho replied back, the eyeroll communicated perfectly through pitch and inflection alone.

"Fuckin' A. We're going to a bar and I'm going to drink thimble glasses and bitch until I find something that doesn't taste like rubbing alcohol and electrical sockets." The dragon decided unilaterally. An imperious pat on the most reasonably dressed of the Undersiders and a twirl of her tail and he got the picture, turning over for her to check over his back, one hand holding the Physik and the other a diagnostic schema. "Done and dusted. Do me a favor and use that money for something fun, big guy, that way at least one good thing came out of this shitshow."

With an amused snort, Grue nodded noncommittally, stretching out as he lumbered over to Tattletale quietly chatting with the Thinker. Shèn's knife ears could've probably made it out if she really strained them, but she couldn't be arsed.

Especially not with Skitter's swarm kicking up a fuss again. She had no idea if the girl had already learned how to push her emotions into them or if this was just her voicing her displeasure in a deniable way.

"So! Who wants to hear the good news?" Tattletale interrupted that brewing mess with fifty pounds of smug, even if it was slightly plasticky.


Nihilo: Writer of Shèn here. To head off any misunderstandings at the pass, I will explain really quickly. My maternal grandfather is a Chinese immigrant. He tried to teach me some of his mothertongue and even calligraphy when I was a kid. I was a hyperactive PoS back then and that didn't go anywhere. I'm going to fudge things and say that for my SI, this wasn't the case, and thus Shèn is fully fluent as that's more interesting. However, I don't exactly have my grandpa around to check translations and sayings anymore, so I'm just using google translate.

I'm trusting you lot to not act like twitterinas, okay?

Miho: While "Miho" won't exactly be making use of judicious Japanese, as while it is one of my two mother-tongues, I haven't spoken it in an immersive environment in ages. There will be times in the story, however, that Miho does think and speak in Japanese, as there are moods I get into where I feel especially nostalgic and revert to it for a bit. For an authentic SI experience, Miho will only speak and think in somewhat fluently broken Japanese. If you don't know what I mean by that, talk to a 2nd grader from Japan who hasn't been in Japan for ages but still remembers a good portion of what she learned, and you'll get an approximate experience.
Wow that went as well as it could go. Too bad Vicky didn't become smear Vicky or broken arms Vicky. Glad to see Vista being the big badass in the room.
Seeing as the motorcycle and old text game enthusiast didn't feel like gainsaying her

I thought he picked it to be short for gruesome and only learned about Grues later. It's also kind of hypocritical of Vicky to be making the master comment something I'm kind of surprised the angry Primeon didn't throw in her face.
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