Apostle: Teenage Antihero Quest (Original Setting)

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Insect Spirits

You have summoned a swarm of tiny insect-like forest spirits from Celtic mythology, who can bring you any trinket you ask them to find.

[Roll 1d20. The best of first three rolls will be considered]

Dice 1-8:
The spirits are visible and fragile.

Dice 9-14: The spirits are visible, but quick and durable.

Dice 15-18: The spirits are invisible, but can be killed by bullets.

Dice 19-20: The spirits are invisible, and cannot be harmed by normal weapons.
Rolling. Here goes nothing.

Edit: welp glad someone rolled high.

Disregard the second. It was a test.
Yzarc threw 2 20-faced dice. Total: 24
8 8 16 16
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So, it looks like we are unleashing a swarm on them, though I do not recall Evil Herbie being one of the plagues of Egypt.
Episode 1.8: The Fair Folk

Episode 1.8: The Fair Folk

Vote Tally : Apostle: Summoner Superhero Quest (Original Setting) Original - Fantasy - Modern - Superhero | Page 8 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 189-200]
##### NetTally 3.1.4

[X] Summon the Insectoid Spirits next. They can find every gun in the docks, and throw them into the water.
No. of Votes: 8
[x] Lord Necromancer
[X] GamingandReading
[X] Kingster
[X] MrMeerkat
[x] Narasan
[X] Simon. Andersen
[X] Yzarc

[X] Summon the Toy Soldiers next. They have the numbers and firepower needed to hunt down every gangster.
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Mars

Total No. of Voters: 9

You opened the book again, and this time, it took you to an enchanted forest. A hidden place of magic that can only be found in dreams. There were ancient trees that were centuries old, and vibrant wildflowers full of life.

"Bugs?" You blinked in surprise, once you noticed the floating orbs of light. There were hundreds, no thousands, of them, every light different in one way or another.

"Fie! We art not bugs!" A hundred high-pitched voices protested all at once. "We art faeries!"

"Faeries." You repeated the word dumbly. You had never believed in fairytales, yet here you were, right in the middle of one. You examined the glowing orbs as they got closer.

The faeries were considerably more insect-like than one would expect. Most had translucent wings and antennas, appearing not too different from common butterflies and dragonflies from a distance. However, they all glowed with a soft warm light. The same light that was inside the book your grandmother had left behind.

"Thee hath called us and we cameth, anon what treasures doth thee wanteth us to findeth f'r thee, princess?" One of the faeries asked you in her high-pitched voice, leaving you speechless for a moment.

Your understanding of Old English was far from perfect, but you still managed to grasp that the faeries were offering to find any treasure you wanted and that they had just called you a princess.

[] Guns, I guess?
[] Some money would be nice.
[] Have a panic attack realizing that you are basically a Disney princess now.
[] Yell at them that you are a broke teenager struggling to pay the bills, not a bloody princess!
[] Recruit the fairies for urban gang warfare.
[] Write in.
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*Realizes that there were several updates since i rolled*

Oh well, at least i have an excuse to share my stolen and slightly edited guide to deal with Fae.

"Strike no deal with them, make no bargain.

Take nor offer a gift.

Be nothing if not polite and courteous. Give no insult.

Do not lie. They can not lie****, but never think they speak the truth.

Keep your word.

Do not give them thanks.

Do not partake of their food or wine.

Do not spy or violate their privacy.

Do not give them your full name… a task you might struggle with. Give them a moniker if you must.

Do not violate their rings.

These things may grant protection against the Fae, each in its own manner.

Cold Iron, pressed to flesh.

An adder stone* and/or four leaf clover, to grant vision.

Wearing clothes inside out, to confuse, amuse, and befuddle.**

Salt, sprinkled around in a circle.***

The Symbol of a God, worn sincerely.***

A wreath of holly, a crown upon your head.***"

* A rock with a natural hole inside, looking through the hole allows to see through illusions, or at least that is the myth.

** I am not sure if this one will actually work, but with how Fae are usually portrayed it should.

***These ones are actually for protection against spirits in general, but they could work.

**** This one depends on the setting, but in most settings they can't lie.
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[X] Recruit the fairies for urban gang warfare.

Do not give them thanks.
Sounds even more rude with what we're asking of them. Not even a subtle thank you like; " Oh, silly me. I have bought all these fruity delicious desert, but no one to share it with. Looks like I'll just leave it here. Free for people to take". Then looks expectantly at the Insect race.

Nothing like that?
[X] Recruit the fairies for urban gang warfare.

Sounds even more rude with what we're asking of them. Not even a subtle thank you like; " Oh, silly me. I have bought all these fruity delicious desert, but no one to share it with. Looks like I'll just leave it here. Free for people to take". Then looks expectantly at the Insect race.

Nothing like that?

Yeah, i find it rude too, but for some reason saying "thanks" counts as acknowledging that they did you a favor, and now you are giving your word stating that you owe them one.
Is there a way to vote for all options? Because I'd choose that, this is hilarious.

[X] Have a panic attack realizing that you are basically a Disney princess now.
Is there a way to vote for all options? Because I'd choose that, this is hilarious.

[X] Have a panic attack realizing that you are basically a Disney princess now.
Hmm...we are in the middle of attacking over a hundred people with guns and have a Evil Car attack and eat them. So now REALLY is not a good time for panic attack. Especially since the Swarm are faeries. That would be catastrophically bad if we say something we REALLY Should have not.
Hmm...we are in the middle of attacking over a hundred people with guns and have a Evil Car attack and eat them. So now REALLY is not a good time for panic attack. Especially since the Swarm are faeries. That would be catastrophically bad if we say something we REALLY Should have not.
There's never a good time for a panic attack.
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Faeries vs Urban Gangsters

You have recruited the summoned faeries for urban gang warfare. How does that turn out?

[Roll 1d20. The best of first three rolls will be considered]

Dice 1-4:
Terribly. Tinkerbell is the latest tragic victim of urban gang violence.

Dice 5-12: The faeries adapt surprisingly well to urban gang warfare, but you are still deeply traumatized by the senseless violence.

Dice 13-18: The faeries are quick and durable, and easily disarm every gangster.

Dice 19-20: The hardened urban gangsters lose their guns, money, and dignity at the hands of the faeries.
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