[X] A man enters the room, bowing to Yoda while Obi-Wan reflexively bows to him. He is going gray but not there completely with a short beard and an aristocratic style. On one hand you don't like him very much. He walks like one of the masters confident and self-assured. You think he wouldn't like the stories about Ekreth very much. Still he kneels and looks at you in the eyes and you feel his grief touching yours. : «I am Dooku. I was Qui Gon's master and I will be yours» His tone brooks no refusal but you are more interested in the curved hilt of his lightsaber than anything else.
[X] An old woman approaches and seeing her, even with formal robes, you are reminded of the Grandmother of your quarter, wise woman and storyteller and survivor. Like with Yoda, a part of you longs to sit by her side and listen. She is old but spry and she smiles at you. « Hello Anakin. My name is Jocasta Nu. I keep the Archives of the Jedi.» So yes she is a Grandmother. «I will be your teacher.» You look at Yoda for a moment and you have the feeling you are not primed for a normal apprenticeship with this one, and you don't know why.
[X] The black man who tested you with the rest of the Council pass the door. You straighten yourself when he locks gazes with you. For a moment you fear him but as he feels it his demeanor changes. He smiles and you understand without understanding he is fair as he is stern. « I have heard on what you did to the Trade Federation command ship. Even a trained pilot would have struggled to do so.» As you blush from the compliment he continues. «I am Mace Windu and I will be your teacher.»