Angels of Steam: A WHF Divine Quest

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You are the newborn god of technology in Warhammer Fantasy. Try and survive both the Warp and the shenanigans of other deities.
Raleigh, NC
Gods are shaped by belief and emotion, which resonates within the Warp, collecting and solidifying, until it births sapience. Anything may become a God, given time and belief. Now, such a thing has happened, despite the efforts of other beings. You are the new god of technology, a figure created by the desperate prayers of soldiers on the frontline that their guns and cannons work, the prayers of students and engineers in the great colleges, the humble craftsman praying over his work. You embody man's faith in steel and powder, that artifice can conquer darkness, that the future will be better than the past by the sweat of one's brow. You as of yet do not have a name mortals can know you by. Perhaps your first action should be to create ones?

What is your name?

What gender do you define as?

You have a godly domain, ill-formed as it is. Perhaps you should spruce the place up a bit?

What is your aesthetic?

Finally, you need to create some divine servants to carry out your orders.

How do your servants appear?
[X] plan fantasy steampunk
[X] Omnissiah also known as Deus Mechanicus
[X] Non-Binary but can take male or female form
[X] steampunk

both male and female angels
[X] plan SCIENCE!!!
[X] Xesus god of technology
[X] Non-Binary but can take male or female form
[X] renaissance Steampunk
[X] both male and female
[X] plan fantasy steampunk
[X] Omnissiah also known as Deus Mechanicus
[X] Non-Binary but can take male or female form
[X] steampunk

You are the Omnissiah, god of technology. Your domain is one of brass, cogs, and steam. Yet more must be done still. First, you need a holy symbol, a sign for the faithful

What is your holy symbol?

Next, you need some strictures, a code of holy rules one must abide by to follow you.

What is your code?

Then you must decide how to announce your presence. You could spark a divine inspiration and allow a mortal to write a holy book and preach your name. You could approach one of the existing gods to inform the masses of your existence, allowing for easier integration into the current pantheon, but that would leave you with a debt to repay. You could also send down angels to the Imperial College of Engineering for a public reveal.

How should you announce yourself?
[]Divine inspiration
[]Go through another god
-[]Pick an imperial god
[]Public reveal

A/N: Flipped a coin.
[X]Plan: Ave Omnissiah
-[X]Holy simbol Write-in: A heart half-meat and half- machine with steampunk components signifying that we are the sorce of all industry and related knowledge(
-[X]Code Write-in
1°- Venerate the machine, for it is my power that gives it form and pourpose and my power that wich gives you the knowledge and undestanding, trough venerated metal and sacred oils.
2°- Respect the machine, for it is the conduit trough wich I affect the world and bring great gifts and blessing upon the mortal world, trough the machine is power and respect gained.
3°- Protect the secrets of the machine, for the enemies of man are vast and varied and they will covet my power, arm yourselfs, prepare yourselfs, for to protect the secrets is to protect your lifes.
4°- Utilize correctly the machine, for the world of mortals is fickle and cruel and ist rulers even more so, you who are blessed, you who are chosen, dont let mortal emotions sway you in the correct way to utilize my gifts, that of the beneficial way, not the way that petty mortla rulers and warlord would wich to see them used.
5°- Undestand the machine, for is with both knowledge and undestanding that true wisdom can be born, take my knowledge, take my secrets and meditate upon them, and undestant the song of the forge and the lullabys of steam.
-[X]Divine inspiration
--Send inspiration to build a Mechanical Steam Cogitator (a computer) in order to comunicate with your followers