Anderson Quest: Killing Vampires and Werewolves and Leprechauns (Hellsing/Bloodborne)

[X] Head to the Hunter's Dream and ring the bell.
-[X] Warn Maria beforehand about Hope
-[X] And vice versa

Should we tell Gehrman in advance or just let Maria make her own entrance? I'm iffy.
[X] Head to the Hunter's Dream and ring the bell.
-[X] Warn Maria beforehand about Hope
-[X] And vice versa

Maria deserves something more than just words.
Even if it's just getting to choose how dramatic and intimidating she wants her entrance to be?

Also no more invisible red text? I've been missing Alucard's snide comments, and there were some choice bits that he never edged in a reply to.
[X] Head to the Hunter's Dream and ring the bell.
-[X] Warn Maria beforehand about Hope
-[X] And vice versa
We don't need to WARN her, she already knows about Hope for crying out loud.

We just need to ask her to not hold it against Hope.
Wasn't there some theory about the Plain Doll being more than just a doll that was animated? It was supposed to be some sort of eldritch being or something since it bled white and was able to make use of the blood echos, not to mention that the dream didn't die when Gehrman was killed and took care of the hunter after he got turned into a great one. Honestly wondering how the Doll's actual nature will be resolved here.
[X] Head to the Hunter's Dream and ring the bell.
-[X] Ask Maria not to hold what Hope is (both her nature and connection to Maria) against her beforehand.

She already knows about Hope, we just need to ask her not to hold it against her.
[X] Head to the Hunter's Dream and ring the bell.
-[X] Warn Maria beforehand about Hope
-[X] And vice versa
[X] Head to the Hunter's Dream and ring the bell.
-[X] Ask Maria not to hold what Hope is (both her nature and connection to Maria) against her beforehand.
[X] Head to the Hunter's Dream and ring the bell.
-[X] Ask Maria not to hold what Hope is (both her nature and connection to Maria) against her beforehand.
[X] Head to the Hunter's Dream and ring the bell.
-[X] Ask Maria not to hold what Hope is (both her nature and connection to Maria) against her beforehand.
[X] Head to the Hunter's Dream and ring the bell.
-[X] Ask Maria not to hold what Hope is (both her nature and connection to Maria) against her beforehand.
[X] Head to the Hunter's Dream and ring the bell.
-[X] Ask Maria not to hold what Hope is (both her nature and connection to Maria) against her beforehand.​
[X] Head to the Hunter's Dream and ring the bell.
-[X] Ask Maria not to hold what Hope is (both her nature and connection to Maria) against her beforehand.
[X] Head to the Hunter's Dream and ring the bell.
-[X] Ask Maria not to hold what Hope is (both her nature and connection to Maria) against her beforehand.
Good binge. Need rest.

[X] Head to the Hunter's Dream and ring the bell.
-[X] Ask Maria not to hold what Hope is (both her nature and connection to Maria) against her beforehand.
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[X] Head to the Hunter's Dream and ring the bell.
-[X] Ask Maria not to hold what Hope is (both her nature and connection to Maria) against her beforehand.
Given that Alucard's been piping in via invisitext the entire time, is there any chance he'll actually show up in-person before the end of the quest?

Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes...

One more thing. Did we ever reach Hypogean Gaol? Also, I don't believe we fought Darkbeast Paarl.
[X] Head to the Hunter's Dream and ring the bell.
-[X] Ask Maria not to hold what Hope is (both her nature and connection to Maria) against her beforehand.
[X] Head to the Hunter's Dream and ring the bell.
-[X] Ask Maria not to hold what Hope is (both her nature and connection to Maria) against her beforehand.