Anderson Quest: Killing Vampires and Werewolves and Leprechauns (Hellsing/Bloodborne)

About a head shorter than Maria and the Doll, same as everyone else.

But in this quest, it has been estabilished that Doll is a foot taller than ANDERSON. He's about 2 meters tall, as I said. That's like 6 and half feet tall. A bit more.

Maria and Doll are super tall here. Taller than anyone. Since it has been mentioned a few times that Anderson is as tall if not taller than most people here, no?
If we do, I'm voting Anderson for president.

Also? Maria is related to Queen in Castle Cainhurst. You know, the one said to be immortal who kept living as a scrap of flesh, just couldn't regenerate.

I want Anderson to at least have some measure of fight against a fellow regenerator
I'm pretty sure Alucard counts as a regenerator, if not in the exact sense of the word as it describes Anderson.
Boss Battle: vs. Ludwig the Accursed
There's no resting this time. All weapons are loaded and accounted for; however many asses Ludwig has at this point, you're prepared to kick all of them.

A weak, rhythmic clanking noise greets you as you re-enter the heady air, emanating from beside a capsized tower. Closer inspection reveals a small gate surrounded by yet more "bodies," one of which is beating on the bars with all the strength it can muster. You can almost hear the bones in its arm splinter as it smashes the emaciated limb into the unyielding metal.

"I tried to move him to the other side once," says Simon. "It looked at me, then started crawling back to its original spot. That's all it knows to do now."

More and more, flailing weakly, line the narrow stone tunnel beyond. Simon's pace slows as your group reaches a tall brick entryway, unusual in that it is both intact and approximately perpendicular to the ground.

"Ludwig is inside. Watch your footing and do not let it corner you. If you lose sight of it, be sure to check above you in case it's crawling on the ceiling. Do not attempt to engage at close range from the sides or the rear."

"Anythin' else?" you and Djura say at the same time. He uses a "g" instead of your customary apostrophe, though.

"It's faster than you think."

The entryway opens into a spacious room littered with bodies. Its support pillars are embedded in the walls, leaving the floor free of inorganic obstacles. A small stair leads to a raised section with a side doorway that presumably leads further in. You can feel the vague hints of Yharnam's traditional floor designs through your boots, but the blood is so deep you can't confirm.

It's a perfect place to fight a giant monster in a climactic showdown. All it's missing is the giant monster.

"Ahh, ahh, us...ah..." a thin voice interrupts before your squad has a chance to reconnoiter this shit up. One of the bodies is pulling itself towards you, wheezing with exertion. "An unsightly beast...a great terror looms!"

You all pause to stare at it, realizing the gravity inherent in that many ellipses.

"Ahh...Ludwig the Accursed is coming. Have mercy...have mercy upon us..."

Something Simon mentioned springs to mind. If you lose sight of it...

As one, the four of you crane your necks upwards. Sorry, went off to grab some popcorn; what's going hoooooly shit.

The thing twists in midair and crashes to the ground at the far end of the room, sending out such tremors that small waves in the blood lap at your trousers. It's not any better-looking right-side up.

Simon pretty much nailed the description, save for the fact that it apparently has a second fucking head that's basically a toothed pillar of flesh and eyes. The main head, caught somewhere between humanoid and equine, gnashes misshapen teeth as its clawed hands slowly curl and uncurl. Its lower portion is a nightmare amalgam of body parts, limbs sprouting seemingly at random from its sides and twitching as the menagerie somehow maintains its colossal form's balance.

It screams, and the earth shakes.

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