Vote tally - And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Sep 20, 2022 at 12:47 AM, finished with 45 posts and 14 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)
Post #2142
Post #2186


  • [X]Plan: A Silent Joust
    -[X] "The Gull Knight"
    -[X] The Joust: The High point of any knight's career. And many men would partake in this list to make sure they are known far and wide as the greatest in the realm. The King is Watching and favor can be demanded or asked. And a Mystery knight was always welcome if he was skilled enough.
    [X] Lucien the Knight
    [X] Lucien, Giga-Chad Supreme
    [X]The Melee: You wish to fight on foot and prove your skill at arms. In the lesser, more controlled contest, there is far less chance for men to be killed, and you also have a greater chance to prove your swordsmanship. But that might not be enough to draw out this mage.
    [X] Lucien, Giga-Chad Supreme
    -[X] "The Gull Knight"
    -[X]The Melee: You wish to fight on foot and prove your skill at arms. In the lesser, more controlled contest, there is far less chance for men to be killed, and you also have a greater chance to prove your swordsmanship. But that might not be enough to draw out this mage.
    [X] Lucien the Knight
    -[X] "The Knight of Love and Peace"
    [X]The Joust: The High point of any knight's career. And many men would partake in this list to make sure they are known far and wide as the greatest in the realm. The King is Watching and favor can be demanded or asked. And a Mystery knight was always welcome if he was skilled enough.
    [X]The sound of silence
    -[X] "The Whisper Knight
    -[X]The Melee: You wish to fight on foot and prove your skill at arms. In the lesser, more controlled contest, there is far less chance for men to be killed, and you also have a greater chance to prove your swordsmanship. But that might not be enough to draw out this mage.