And Thus You Are, And Thus You Aren't (Possible MultiCross Cosmic Horror/Trickster Quest)

The Worm part was more just for a baseline conflict and something that people know to be able to build off of, but as you are a being beyond imagination, if people wanted you wouldn't be opposed to jumping realities again.
After all, you are a Story, and for some Stories certain backdrops are better than others.
The Worm part was more just for a baseline conflict and something that people know to be able to build off of, but as you are a being beyond imagination, if people wanted you wouldn't be opposed to jumping realities again.

What exactly might you mean by this? Give an example.
like can we both want to kill the entities but also look for our origins? have two main goals and such?


I love your idea! can you give me any tips for my plan? This my first quest so I am not sure my plan is good enough :(

Well, looking at your idea, my general thought is to pull in the opposite of the entities you talked about, and pulling the general idea of the media you mentioned, what makes you happy so to speak. So, all we really need to do, is flip the script around and

[] The Whisper of love in your ear, the joy lurking in your smile as you draw, The feeling of content permeating your being as you are with your friends. Such great feelings those humans have, it makes you shiver in joy. The electric tingling of nerves upon sky-high dimensions, you want more! Indeed, you are here to give people the best day of their life!

Which, tying back into powers and limit, might be something like

[] They bring twisting tendrils into the minds of people. Well, if that's the case, then with tendrils of love you shall contest them most fiercely. To their weapons of despair and grief, you shall arm the people with happiness and joy. Where those that would wield flames of destruction, you shall shape champions cradled by waters of creations. Despair creates seldom a good story after all!

Essentially, parahumans except they are made in those translucent moments, where it feels like your soul is about to burst out of your physical shelf. Where, all the worries of the world vanishes and you are just content. A woman, swimming in the pool, now empowered to share her love and joy with everyone around. The limit of course being, that you can only act through "parahumans", not as an actor yourself. You are a director.

That would be my impression of what i read from your ideas, at least. Honestly, with quests it's a lot about just writing ideas, not everyone of them will stick, but some will. Also shamelessly looking at other people's idea, and using them as inspiration for your own. Just give mention that you are using their idea as a basis.

So you might look at what i wrote here and go "well, i like most of this, except that part", and then you change that part into something you like more~
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Well, looking at your idea, my general thought is to pull in the opposite of the entities you talked about, and pulling the general idea of the media you mentioned, what makes you happy so to speak. So, all we really need to do, is flip the script around and

[] The Whisper of love in your ear, the joy lurking in your smile as you draw, The feeling of content permeating your being as you are with your friends. Such great feelings those humans have, it makes you shiver in joy. The electric tingling of nerves upon sky-high dimensions, you want more! Indeed, you are here to give people the best day of their life!

Which, tying back into powers and limit, might be something like

[] They bring twisting tendrils into the minds of people. Well, if that's the case, then with tendrils of love you shall contest them most fiercely. To their weapons of despair and grief, you shall arm the people with happiness and joy. Where those that would wield flames of destruction, you shall shape champions cradled by waters of creations. Despair creates seldom a good story after all!

Essentially, parahumans except they are made in those translucent moments, where it feels like your soul is about to burst out of your physical shelf. Where, all the worries of the world vanishes and you are just content. A woman, swimming in the pool, now empowered to share her love and joy with everyone around. The limit of course being, that you can only act through "parahumans", not as an actor yourself. You are a director.

That would be my impression of what i read from your ideas, at least. Honestly, with quests it's a lot about just writing ideas, not everyone of them will stick, but some will. Also shamelessly looking at other people's idea, and using them as inspiration for your own. Just give mention that you are using their idea as a basis.

So you might look at what i wrote here and go "well, i like most of this, except that part", and then you change that part into something you like more~
hmm i enjoy the idea of using joy as a power, but i want us to be the opposite of Entity as a whole, as in we dont rally know what to do? my plan is just the bare minimal of what a person would do (find family and random thought that you cling onto) unlike the entity 4-d chess game,plus i want does who use our powers to use them in a creative ways, for example: lets say we give someone the powers of peglin, will they just throw the ball and then die? or will they understand and try to use this power in a unqiue way

i am inspire by this fic which is inspired by this! and for the unique way to use them idea...jojo
Hmm, I think I'll give me ideas as well!

[ ] Plan Template: The Seed Of Our Story
-[ ] You're First, Primary, and End Goal is to make an interesting story! That is why you're here after all!
--[ ] Due to this, you'll establish you're first Limit: While you may be aware of everything that exists within your Story, you will not effect things. Someone becomes a threat to your potential protagonists? Well you will neither stop directly or warn of that. A disaster coming? Well you might warn of it, but it's not like you're going to stop it yourself. That would ruin the plot!
---[ ] Of course, there are things that may need you to step in. In this case, their has to be a Narrative Reason for both you Intervening, and How You Can. If their is an attack that will kill the performers and cut the tale short, maybe you'll give you're heroes a choice? Like you can stop this but you're "Energy will be depleted" so "you can't help/communicate" anymore. Of course you could, you're the director, but it would be an act for the story!
-[ ] You're Plot... This will be a story about overcoming Despair. Of making things better, despite the adversity. This will be a story about bringing light to a dark place, a story about HOPE and the emotions that float around it.
--[ ] For this, you'll need more colors than just the one you have now! So you'll enact your second limit here: You're first color will be the color of Inspiration. It shall be the seeding for all colors to come. It will be... a trigger yes. It will be what will allow for other colors to bloom!

Taking in all of the ideas floating around here and adding my own, as well as following the QM's directions! Remember, we're making our Goal, Over Arcing Plot, and a few Limits here. We aren't setting up the actual structure just yet!
The Backdrops To A Story
Thank you @ThaTrueRealmWalk for helping me realize this, and I'm amazed I didn't think of this already.

You are an Eldritch creature of Color and Stories, why the hell would you limit yourself to one backdrop?

If enough people want it, you can shift which world you occupy to a world of your choosing to continue the story there.

Hell, maybe that is the story, a being constantly shifting worlds doing... Something.

But, a small warning about shifting too often, every time you do so, you break the Veil just a bit, do it enough times and a crack starts to form.

You don't want this.

Because while you would be fine, the mortal inhabitants certainly wouldn't be. As being exposed to any of the other that lies behind the Veil would certainly kill... Well, everyone.

And though you might not care much for mortals, and they might be like ants to you. You don't step on every single any you see on the sidewalk, do you?
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Thank you @ThaTrueRealmWalk for helping me realize this, and I'm amazed I didn't think of this already.

You are an Eldritch creature of Color and Stories, why the hell would you limit yourself to one backdrop?

If enough people want it, you can shift which world you occupy to a world of you choosing to continue the story there.

Hell, maybe that is the story, a being constantly shifting worlds doing... Something.

But, a small warning about shifting too often, every time you do so, you break the Veil just a bit, do it enough time and a crack starts to form.

You don't want this.

Because while you would be fine, the mortal inhabitants certainly wouldn't be. As being exposed to any of the other that lies behind the Veil would certainly kill... Well, everyone.

And though you might not care much for mortals, and they might be like ants to you. You don't step in every single any you see in the sidewalk, do you?
such fate for those who show you the wonder of media will not become a reality until you are sure that all shall make it!
Thank you @ThaTrueRealmWalk for helping me realize this, and I'm amazed I didn't think of this already.

You are an Eldritch creature of Color and Stories, why the hell would you limit yourself to one backdrop?

If enough people want it, you can shift which world you occupy to a world of your choosing to continue the story there.

Hell, maybe that is the story, a being constantly shifting worlds doing... Something.
You're welcome! And oh does that feel freeing!

Oh the ideas! Maybe we create a "Big Bad" that's hoping worlds, collecting/stealing away the emotions, the colors of peoples hearts! Maybe make each world it's own arc?

Or perhaps maybe we can play this tale like a builder, taking bricks of different worlds slowly but surely? A toy box for sure!

Either way, maybe making the title "(MultiCross Cosmic Horror/Trickster Quest)" would be best if you're wanting to take it in this direction? Though it works fine either way!
You're welcome! And oh does that feel freeing!

Oh the ideas! Maybe we create a "Big Bad" that's hoping worlds, collecting/stealing away the emotions, the colors of peoples hearts! Maybe make each world it's own arc?

Or perhaps maybe we can play this tale like a builder, taking bricks of different worlds slowly but surely? A toy box for sure!

Either way, maybe making the title "(MultiCross Cosmic Horror/Trickster Quest)" would be best if you're wanting to take it in this direction? Though it works fine either way!
Welcome user's to my world! where chaos and fun are one of the same what ever you can imagine! And have fun
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[ ] Plan It's Our Story, But Why Chain US To The Narrative?
-[ ] The End Goal: While it would be interesting and fun to play pretend Human, being a hero, saving the day... You want to make a Story. An Interesting Story. To be it's Teller, to pull the strings, to make the actors dance in a tale by your design. This gives you freedom, but also might make things a bit boring if people don't play along. You can always throw things their way to fix that, but who knows? A Mortal might make things interesting just on their own!
--[ ] Limit 1: Now, since you know you're role... You better be ready to sit back. Sure, you might interact with you're heroes and villains, maybe even become some sort of spirit guide or a mascot! That doesn't mean you'll fix everything- that's boring. The actors on the stage have to deal with things on their own, with some nudges here and their from you, but no free wins! Deus Ex Machina is not! NOT! What you'll be reduced to!
---[ ] Limit 1-B: This is you're story, so you will no doubt know everything there is about, so you'll be able to kinda guess if something is not actually beatable by the heroes or whatever. So you'll give you're self some wiggle room here. IF their isn't a chance that the heroes are able to beat or survive something, you'll let you're self give them a bone a seed something they can use to win. It has to be challenging to get to- can't just give them a W!
-[ ] The Overarching Plot: Hmm... What's a good classic tale, something that has stood the test of time of being a GREAT base for a story?... Oh. Oh. Yes. Let's not limit ourselves too much on the Shape of the Story, but the overarching story will be about HOPE. About overcoming challenges, facing the darkness of the unknown, drowning in Despair and rising up in spite of it. Yes, that sounds like a good central theme for you're story!
--[ ] Limit 2: So... if this is the case, then you'll have to set another Limit here: You must have a conflict of this nature going on- or at least most of the time. Sure, slice of life chill moments are great! Pretty Cure does it super well! You just need to keep the gears rolling, at least until you get to a season finale!

And this is my suggestion for what to do here! Let's not limit ourselves crazy yet, but set up the ground work! Feel free to change this how you see fit!
[X] Plan: God of the Moon
-[X] Play the role of the moon god, your goal is to create your own cult on earth that will cover the whole world.
-[X] All the forces that are used must be connected to the moon in one way or another. These forces may be related to the moon only thematically, but the further they move away from the lunar ones, the weaker their manifestation. For example, it is easier for us to cause tides than to drive people crazy or give fertility to fields.

For my taste, the rest of the plans are overcomplicated, it is better to choose a clear role and stick to it, expanding the legs of the restriction as needed than to take too much and get confused in it.
[X] Plan It's Our Story, But Why Chain US To The Narrative?
-[X] The End Goal: While it would be interesting and fun to play pretend Human, being a hero, saving the day... You want to make a Story. An Interesting Story. To be it's Teller, to pull the strings, to make the actors dance in a tale by your design. This gives you freedom, but also might make things a bit boring if people don't play along. You can always throw things their way to fix that, but who knows? A Mortal might make things interesting just on their own!
--[X] Limit 1: Now, since you know you're role... You better be ready to sit back. Sure, you might interact with you're heroes and villains, maybe even become some sort of spirit guide or a mascot! That doesn't mean you'll fix everything- that's boring. The actors on the stage have to deal with things on their own, with some nudges here and their from you, but no free wins! Deus Ex Machina is not! NOT! What you'll be reduced to!
---[X] Limit 1-B: This is you're story, so you will no doubt know everything there is about, so you'll be able to kinda guess if something is not actually beatable by the heroes or whatever. So you'll give your self some wiggle room here. IF their isn't a chance that the heroes are able to beat or survive something, you'll let you're self give them a bone a seed something they can use to win. It has to be challenging to get to- can't just give them a W!
-[X] The Overarching Plot: Hmm... What's a good classic tale, something that has stood the test of time of being a GREAT base for a story?... Oh. Oh. Yes. Let's not limit ourselves too much on the Shape of the Story, but the overarching story will be about HOPE. About overcoming challenges, facing the darkness of the unknown, drowning in Despair and rising up in spite of it. Yes, that sounds like a good central theme for your story!
--[X] Limit 2: So... if this is the case, then you'll have to set another Limit here: You must have a conflict of this nature going on- or at least most of the time. Sure, slice of life chill moments are great! Pretty Cure does it super well! You just need to keep the gears rolling, at least until you get to a season finale!
[X] Plan It's Our Story, But Why Chain US To The Narrative?
-[X] The End Goal: While it would be interesting and fun to play pretend Human, being a hero, saving the day... You want to make a Story. An Interesting Story. To be it's Teller, to pull the strings, to make the actors dance in a tale by your design. This gives you freedom, but also might make things a bit boring if people don't play along. You can always throw things their way to fix that, but who knows? A Mortal might make things interesting just on their own!
--[X] Limit 1: Now, since you know you're role... You better be ready to sit back. Sure, you might interact with you're heroes and villains, maybe even become some sort of spirit guide or a mascot! That doesn't mean you'll fix everything- that's boring. The actors on the stage have to deal with things on their own, with some nudges here and their from you, but no free wins! Deus Ex Machina is not! NOT! What you'll be reduced to!
---[X] Limit 1-B: This is you're story, so you will no doubt know everything there is about, so you'll be able to kinda guess if something is not actually beatable by the heroes or whatever. So you'll give your self some wiggle room here. IF their isn't a chance that the heroes are able to beat or survive something, you'll let you're self give them a bone a seed something they can use to win. It has to be challenging to get to- can't just give them a W!
-[X] The Overarching Plot: Hmm... What's a good classic tale, something that has stood the test of time of being a GREAT base for a story?... Oh. Oh. Yes. Let's not limit ourselves too much on the Shape of the Story, but the overarching story will be about HOPE. About overcoming challenges, facing the darkness of the unknown, drowning in Despair and rising up in spite of it. Yes, that sounds like a good central theme for your story!
--[X] Limit 2: So... if this is the case, then you'll have to set another Limit here: You must have a conflict of this nature going on- or at least most of the time. Sure, slice of life chill moments are great! Pretty Cure does it super well! You just need to keep the gears rolling, at least until you get to a season finale!
so we are turning into a media junkie? or not?
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by notAperson on Dec 30, 2024 at 7:46 AM, finished with 7 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Plan It's Our Story, But Why Chain US To The Narrative?
    -[X] The End Goal: While it would be interesting and fun to play pretend Human, being a hero, saving the day... You want to make a Story. An Interesting Story. To be it's Teller, to pull the strings, to make the actors dance in a tale by your design. This gives you freedom, but also might make things a bit boring if people don't play along. You can always throw things their way to fix that, but who knows? A Mortal might make things interesting just on their own!
    --[X] Limit 1: Now, since you know you're role... You better be ready to sit back. Sure, you might interact with you're heroes and villains, maybe even become some sort of spirit guide or a mascot! That doesn't mean you'll fix everything- that's boring. The actors on the stage have to deal with things on their own, with some nudges here and their from you, but no free wins! Deus Ex Machina is not! NOT! What you'll be reduced to!
    ---[X] Limit 1-B: This is you're story, so you will no doubt know everything there is about, so you'll be able to kinda guess if something is not actually beatable by the heroes or whatever. So you'll give your self some wiggle room here. IF their isn't a chance that the heroes are able to beat or survive something, you'll let you're self give them a bone a seed something they can use to win. It has to be challenging to get to- can't just give them a W!
    -[X] The Overarching Plot: Hmm... What's a good classic tale, something that has stood the test of time of being a GREAT base for a story?... Oh. Oh. Yes. Let's not limit ourselves too much on the Shape of the Story, but the overarching story will be about HOPE. About overcoming challenges, facing the darkness of the unknown, drowning in Despair and rising up in spite of it. Yes, that sounds like a good central theme for your story!
    --[X] Limit 2: So... if this is the case, then you'll have to set another Limit here: You must have a conflict of this nature going on- or at least most of the time. Sure, slice of life chill moments are great! Pretty Cure does it super well! You just need to keep the gears rolling, at least until you get to a season finale!
    [X] Plan: God of the Moon
    -[X] Play the role of the moon god, your goal is to create your own cult on earth that will cover the whole world.
    -[X] All the forces that are used must be connected to the moon in one way or another. These forces may be related to the moon only thematically, but the further they move away from the lunar ones, the weaker their manifestation. For example, it is easier for us to cause tides than to drive people crazy or give fertility to fields.
[X] Plan It's Our Story, But Why Chain US To The Narrative?
-[X] The End Goal: While it would be interesting and fun to play pretend Human, being a hero, saving the day... You want to make a Story. An Interesting Story. To be it's Teller, to pull the strings, to make the actors dance in a tale by your design. This gives you freedom, but also might make things a bit boring if people don't play along. You can always throw things their way to fix that, but who knows? A Mortal might make things interesting just on their own!
--[X] Limit 1: Now, since you know you're role... You better be ready to sit back. Sure, you might interact with you're heroes and villains, maybe even become some sort of spirit guide or a mascot! That doesn't mean you'll fix everything- that's boring. The actors on the stage have to deal with things on their own, with some nudges here and their from you, but no free wins! Deus Ex Machina is not! NOT! What you'll be reduced to!
---[X] Limit 1-B: This is you're story, so you will no doubt know everything there is about, so you'll be able to kinda guess if something is not actually beatable by the heroes or whatever. So you'll give your self some wiggle room here. IF their isn't a chance that the heroes are able to beat or survive something, you'll let you're self give them a bone a seed something they can use to win. It has to be challenging to get to- can't just give them a W!
-[X] The Overarching Plot: Hmm... What's a good classic tale, something that has stood the test of time of being a GREAT base for a story?... Oh. Oh. Yes. Let's not limit ourselves too much on the Shape of the Story, but the overarching story will be about HOPE. About overcoming challenges, facing the darkness of the unknown, drowning in Despair and rising up in spite of it. Yes, that sounds like a good central theme for your story!
--[X] Limit 2: So... if this is the case, then you'll have to set another Limit here: You must have a conflict of this nature going on- or at least most of the time. Sure, slice of life chill moments are great! Pretty Cure does it super well! You just need to keep the gears rolling, at least until you get to a season finale!
World: Worm
-- -- --

You now have your narrative, a rather common narrative for stories yes, but some of the best stories there ever were started from common ideas.

You yourself might not be the main focus of the narrative, but that's fine. You don't need to be the main character, for you are something more already.

You are both Writer and Character.

Painter and Painting.

Author and Authored.

You are a Nimbus. And you are the story.

And every story, including yours, needs a setting.

So! Into the next bit of setup! A setting!

You have the overarching tale but before you can even begin to make the plot, you need a location for your tale to take place, a backdrop, a setting. You need to find the world in which your story will happen. Perhaps even multiple worlds.

Or maybe, that's the setting itself? Trying to find something within this infinite space of realms?

Will it be here? The first world that you crashed into? Or perhaps somewhere else? A different, better setting for your type of story? Perhaps it might be in multiple places, the tales of multiple people, all told at once, coming together? So many choices!

[] What Will Be The Setting? What Will Be The World?
-- -- --

Sorry for the small wait, but I'm actively building the quest systems as we go along, so there might be some waits between posts.

Speaking of which, here is the next part of your power that I've devised.

You are an Eldritch Entity. You are not native to this plane of reality. The third dimension disagrees with your native form and the law of your native reality.

Usually that disagreement is quite violent.

You, as a being of your nature, have a natural power to BREAK THE VEIL between realities, this power technically isn't actually part of your power. Because this isn't your power at work, this is just you. Your Colors are just an effect and manifestation of how your natural being reacts to being in the third dimension. This is you simply ignoring that effect.

You Breaking The Veil is how you achieve two things, first off, it's how you hop universes and realities. Secondly it's how you can enforce a change upon the natural world that you normally wouldn't be able to do with just your Colors. Both of these things are obviously powerful and useful to be able to do, but there is a price.

The Veil is tough, it has to be to hold reality in place, but it's not unbreakable, and acting or moving through it too much can cause damage. Normally the Veil is able to heal this damage. Sometimes it is not.

There are four levels of damage. Chips, Cracks, Breaks, and Holes. 3 Chips make a Crack, 5 Cracks make a Break, 3 Breaks within one hundred light years of each other make a Hole.

Chips are small things, easy to cause, easy to repair. Nothing to really worry about.

Cracks are more concerning. They are caused by the build up of too many Chips in the Veil, and are harder to repair. You don't want there to be too many of them, but one or two of them is reasonably fine, and if you wait and cause no more damage for a time, they will repair themselves.

Breaks are bad, don't get a Break. At least, don't get one if you value any life within a light-year distance. Because once a Break is formed, it will render all the space within one light year of where it was formed uninhabitable to mortal life for anywhere between a couple seconds to forever. You would be fine of course, but only you.

Holes. Don't get Holes. Ever. A Hole means that everything in this realm is now dead. A Hole in reality is now open at this spot, and cannot be closed. The other is spreading, and while you may be able to save those not yet consumed by it by moving them to alternate realms, that is all you can do. You have killed everyone, and doomed this reality.

It is dead. It is barren. The motion of life has ceased.

Don't get Holes.
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Your Powers As A Nimbus
You as a Nimbus, are a being of Colors and Stories, and within this world, those Colors are of the physical, visible kind. You can change your current Color every week within this world, and unfortunately that time is being tracked from your perspective, so shifting time forward for everyone else will do exactly jack and shit for you.

And within these Colors that you take, lie your powers.

What do you think of when you think of a color? What about green?

Do you think of nature? Trees and grass? Perhaps gardening? Most people likely think of things like this. Some might see green and think of healing. Of helping and doing good. Some might think far, and might really stretch the color, to the thought of baleful green flames, of dragon's fire and necromancy.

Your power, is to use your Color in the forms of what people think it means. And that varies quite a bit between different Colors, so make sure to choose your Colors wisely for the situation at hand, and for your future plans.

The next part is a little more simple, but also much more dangerous.

You are an Eldritch Entity. You are not native to this plane of reality. The third dimension disagrees with your native form and the law of your native reality.

Usually that disagreement is quite violent.

You, as a being of your nature, have a natural power to BREAK THE VEIL between realities, this power technically isn't actually part of your power. Because this isn't your power at work, this is just you. Your Colors are just an effect and manifestation of how your natural being reacts to being in the third dimension. This is you simply ignoring that effect.

You Breaking The Veil is how you achieve two things, first off, it's how you hop universes and realities. Secondly it's how you can enforce a change upon the natural world that you normally wouldn't be able to do with just your Colors. Both of these things are obviously powerful and useful to be able to do, but there is a price.

The Veil is tough, it has to be to hold reality in place, but it's not unbreakable, and acting or moving through it too much can cause damage. Normally the Veil is able to heal this damage. Sometimes it is not.

There are four levels of damage. Chips, Cracks, Breaks, and Holes. 3 Chips make a Crack, 5 Cracks make a Break, 3 Breaks within one hundred light years of each other make a Hole.

Chips are small things, easy to cause, easy to repair. Nothing to really worry about.

Cracks are more concerning. They are caused by the build up of too many Chips in the Veil, and are harder to repair. You don't want there to be too many of them, but one or two of them is reasonably fine, and if you wait and cause no more damage for a time, they will repair themselves.

Breaks are bad, don't get a Break. At least, don't get one if you value any life within a light-year distance. Because once a Break is formed, it will render all the space within one light year of where it was formed uninhabitable to mortal life for anywhere between a couple seconds to forever. You would be fine of course, but only you.

Holes. Don't get Holes. Ever. A Hole means that everything in this realm is now dead. A Hole in reality is now open at this spot, and cannot be closed. The other is spreading, and while you may be able to save those not yet consumed by it by moving them to alternate realms, that is all you can do. You have killed everyone, and doomed this reality.

It is dead. It is barren. The motion of life has ceased.

Don't get Holes.
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[x] Worm/parahuman
mr notAperson? how much can the average veil take before it get ripped?
I mentioned this already
There are four levels of damage. Chips, Cracks, Breaks, and Holes. 3 Chips make a Crack, 5 Cracks make a Break, 3 Breaks within one hundred light years of each other make a Hole.
But if your asking how much expression of power it takes to create these things, well it varies greatly, and there is usually a rather wide margin of error for how much power will create what type of damage, but whenever you choose to invoke your full power, you will be able to know how much damage you will cause.

(I'm saying that I'm not going to be able to give any solid examples of what causes what as even I can't concretely say, because I'm building this as we go, but if you choose to anything I'll let you know what damage it might cause, and we'll go from there.)

There is also the problem that within some universes the Veil can be weaker or stronger than normal. The one your currently in has a Veil of normal strength, but others may differ. Don't worry to much about that though, whenever- if ever- you enter a different universe, you will be able to tell the strength of the Veil.
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Looks like you accidentally posted the Chips, Crack, Break, Hole twice.

Presumably this quest is going to be a multicross, not limited to this setting. Maybe only those settings where its teetering on the edge of despair, like Worm, or Dark Souls. Bloodborne would be funny.

Looks like you accidentally posted the Chips, Crack, Break, Hole twice.

Presumably this quest is going to be a multicross, not limited to this setting. Maybe only those settings where its teetering on the edge of despair, like Worm, or Dark Souls. Bloodborne would be funny.
I did post it twice, one post is the actual chapter, and one is an info post on what your powers are, both your Color and your natural power. I did this so that later in the quest people could just look at the info post if they forgot anything, and not have to try and remember which chapter had the info they needed.
Ah, I see. Thank you for the clarification. 👍
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Looks like you accidentally posted the Chips, Crack, Break, Hole twice.

Presumably this quest is going to be a multicross, not limited to this setting. Maybe only those settings where its teetering on the edge of despair, like Worm, or Dark Souls. Bloodborne would be funny.
I did post it twice, one post is the actual chapter, and one is an info post on what your powers are, both your Color and your natural power. I did this so that later in the quest people could just look at the info post if they forgot anything, and not have to try and remember which chapter had the info they needed.