And Thus You Are, And Thus You Aren't (Possible MultiCross Cosmic Horror/Trickster Quest)

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Colors pulled together and severed in twain.

A Nimbus cloud of a shape shifting frame.

Fallen to the earth to play a little game.

Upon unsuspecting mortals who might doubt its fame.

(Strap in your butts, this ones gonna get weird.)
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The opening post is post 33808535.

Therefore, the color is... this. Blue! Cyan? Azyr.

[X] Celadon Blue

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World: Worm
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What you impacted was not the ground, not as most would know it anyways. It indeed is the ground, but not the one mortals walk. It is the one under and above the earth, outside of it and created from it.

The metaphysical ground of Earth.

And as you take a StepJumpRunHopLeapCrawlSkip-

And as you Move. The ground shifts with you. Your presence Coloring the ground, and disappearing just as quick as you move away.

What are you, you may ask?

You, my dear reader, are a Nimbus.

You are Colors.

You are a Story Made Manifest by Lights and Colors and Shape.

You are as real as imagination. And as fake as reality.

You are something mortals could never comprehend, and that artists and writers would weep in awe at the mere thought of.

You are bored.

So, so bored.

Who knew Eternity as an ephemeral thought creature could be so boring after a while.

You certainly didn't, until recently that is.

So here you are, upon a mortal world, in a more limited form, plotting.

What are you plotting? Why, a story, dear reader!

Ah, but first, where exactly are you upon the world?

[] Choose A Location
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World: Worm
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Ah, you apparently weren't on the earth.

That metaphysical ground you are walking upon.

It's not the Earth's.

It's the Moon's.

Hmm. No matter. You'll get to Earth eventually.

But perhaps it is better that you start your story on the Moon anyway. That way you are not constrained in any way by your current location. Though, honestly, even if you had been upon the Earth, you wouldn't have been constrained in the first place.

But, I digress. We must now move to the main part of your current plan.

You are bored. You have a plan to fix that boredom. That plan is to write a story.

And as a creature as vast and powerful as you are, your stories are a lot more real than others.

You are here. Within the realm that this world exists, so this realm, this world, is now a story. Your story.

And any good story needs a plot line.

But you don't currently have one, so you need to make one.

So what's the plot? Do you have to save the world? Destroy it? Are you the hometown hero, helping all you can? Are you the mastermind behind an organization that covers the world, playing games from the shadows? Are you a businessman or official, trying to use your super powers to increase your social powers?

What is to be your purpose here?

[] Choose The Overarching Plot, And What Your End Goal Is.

But, while your deciding that, you also need to decide upon one more thing. Your limits.

You as a Nimbus, are a being of Colors and Stories, and within this world, those Colors are of the physical, visible kind. You can change your current Color every week within this world, and unfortunately that time is being tracked from your perspective, so shifting time forward for everyone else will do exactly jack and shit for you.

And within these Colors that you take, lie your powers.

What do you think of when you think of a color? What about green?

Do you think of nature? Trees and grass? Perhaps gardening? Most people likely think of things like this. Some might see green and think of healing. Of helping and doing good. Some might think far, and might really stretch the color, to the thought of baleful green flames, of dragon's fire and necromancy.

Your power, is to use your Color in the forms of what people think it means. And that varies quite a bit between different Colors. So that definitely applies a certain limit to you.

But besides that, the only other limits you have, are ones you place upon yourself.

And for your story, you will need limits. It wouldn't be a very thrilling plot if you just steamrolled everything you came across after all.

Or… Maybe it would be, maybe that's the storyline. Someone with unlimited power fixing everything, or dooming it all.

[] Choose Some Limits

(A.N. Twelve hour moratorium. Good night!)
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How do you like the idea of such a goal to usurp the power of Simurgh in order to move humanity towards an ideal utopia through behind-the-scenes manipulation and subtle control?
[] Choose Some Limits
Do I understand correctly that by restrictions it means that we have to name a theme that will be associated with our color? So, for example, now our color allows you to choose the theme of the sea and gain control over the water, tides and marine life?
Do I understand correctly that by restrictions it means that we have to name a theme that will be associated with our color? So, for example, now our color allows you to choose the theme of the sea and gain control over the water, tides and marine life?
Something like that yes. The limits you give your self would be more like general limits than anything strict.

Such as, only used the most relevant thoughts of Colors and not extreme ones, like for green only using nature like power, Instead of baleful necromantic magic.

Or maybe you just put an artificial limiter on your self, saying you can or can't do anything above this certain power level.

Or maybe, you just don't put on any limits at all.

Much like yourself, the limits you put on yourself can change as the story progresses.
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[X] Omnipotence once you obtained it all shall fall.

[X] Alien logic your singular focus on achieving your dreams meant a lot of bodies are bound to fall no amount of persuasion can stop you from chasing your dreams.
[X] you have gain some enjoyment from their creations , you are very fascinated by their so call "media", their games, books , even the so call quest *wink wink*, they dream of such things..... but yet they cant truly reach such things But perhaps you can aid them to achieve their "media" into their reality.....

[X]you have learn of a word call "family" from their media, yet you were alone when you first do wonder if there are other like you? perhaps you can try to open the way for more of your kind? for all you wish to have is a family....

[X] you are but a seedling, you may be beyond their understand for them but you too don't fully understand yourself, you don't understand how you were created (we are young and slightly weaker then a single shard but we can grow and become more powerful)

so my idea is to create our own "parahumans" which instead of giving powers base on the events of their tragedy aka worse moment, we give them base on any media (books, games, tv, even web series) base around their soul/personality

and for us being seedling, it make sure we are "balance" to speak but it also mean we have a chance to become stronger then Zion

i based this idea from all the gamer fics but also i just want uber and leet to have a W for once
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Oh! It's the Color Out of Space!

Hmm... maybe for Overarching Plot is to open a way for more Colors to arrive, and spread some good ol' fashioned eldritch horror? For our limits, maybe every time we display our powers we need to have at least one person in the audience realize it's not a 'standard' parahuman power.
Oh! It's the Color Out of Space!

Hmm... maybe for Overarching Plot is to open a way for more Colors to arrive, and spread some good ol' fashioned eldritch horror? For our limits, maybe every time we display our powers we need to have at least one person in the audience realize it's not a 'standard' parahuman power.
i like you idea and want to add it to my vote but i dont know how to weave them together? can you help me better my vote?
Oh this is interesting! A quest about making a story? Sign me up!

Now... limits huh? Well, going off the current write it (And understanding voting isn't actually open yet), I think instead of being the "Protagonist" in the sense of the story we're going to tell, fully leaning into being the Story Teller would fit nicely!

Lets us actually not limit ourselves too much while also not being a One Punch Man. We're very important to the story, but in both ways!

As for the story we have to tell... I think @Max_the_fool is onto something- oh wait this is based on Worm? Huh
That... takes away from my ideas- but hmm... gosh golly yeah no that's really limiting. I thought we were going to be jumping into something original!

Like... I had the idea for our Nimbus to be the source of all monsters and heroes in the world, the source as you will... but that doesn't really work if we have to contend with an already existing story that I personally have zero idea about.

Wonderful idea this story here, but... yeah I got nothing.
Oh this is interesting! A quest about making a story? Sign me up!

Now... limits huh? Well, going off the current write it (And understanding voting isn't actually open yet), I think instead of being the "Protagonist" in the sense of the story we're going to tell, fully leaning into being the Story Teller would fit nicely!

Lets us actually not limit ourselves too much while also not being a One Punch Man. We're very important to the story, but in both ways!

As for the story we have to tell... I think @Max_the_fool is onto something- oh wait this is based on Worm? Huh
That... takes away from my ideas- but hmm... gosh golly yeah no that's really limiting. I thought we were going to be jumping into something original!

Like... I had the idea for our Nimbus to be the source of all monsters and heroes in the world, the source as you will... but that doesn't really work if we have to contend with an already existing story that I personally have zero idea about.

Wonderful idea this story here, but... yeah I got nothing.
i want to create or ying-yang for worms (zion is very old= we are very young ,gives power's by trauma = give powers by dream and passions, etc)
plus i like it if that we too improve instead of being at our max at the start, i like to think that we don't use logic, we use "logic" (the quotes change alot) like how in minecraft sand and gravel fall but the rest of the block floats it make some sense (if you streach it) but it does work
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Oh! It's the Color Out of Space!

Hmm... maybe for Overarching Plot is to open a way for more Colors to arrive, and spread some good ol' fashioned eldritch horror? For our limits, maybe every time we display our powers we need to have at least one person in the audience realize it's not a 'standard' parahuman power.

I do really like this idea though. Something like

[] How Boring, how dreadfully colorless this entire space is. Nay, what this needs, is an renovation. Joy, Anger, Love and So much more! Yes, like a canvas you shall paint this entire place, and let there be a little more.. Imagination around~

Bring in more colors to the world, whatever form that may take. As for limits, mhhh

[] You are by all account the first story in this place, and that won't do at all. Nay, let us wrap this color in imagination and inspiration. Let it drive all whom see it to ever greater height, but let it only serve as an inspiration. It would not do for the First story to become the dominating color, no. Let there be stories of every single kind! A color of every single Kind!

Basically, it allows you to inspire thoughts and ideas in almost all forms, but it cannot bring shape to those ideas. Those ideas might work, but you, the artist still needs to create, bring them out.
oh wait this is based on Worm? Huh
That... takes away from my ideas- but hmm... gosh golly yeah no that's really limiting. I thought we were going to be jumping into something original!
The Worm part was more just for a baseline conflict and something that people know to be able to build off of, but as you are a being beyond imagination, if people wanted you wouldn't be opposed to jumping realities again.
@notAperson? can we have multiple goals?
What exactly might you mean by this? Give an example.