An unexpected scenario unfolds to the embrassesment of Japan and terror of ISIS


More of a Zor than You
In this scenario a most unexpected scenario happens as an alien transport fleet happens and sends down to earth 8,192 drop pods (half of which of which being slightly more bulky than the rest and have one hatch, the other half being slightly smaller and have two hatches on either side), half of which land in Japan and other half touch down in territories held by ISIS. From each of the smaller two hatched variety comes 32 soldiers, adding up to 131,072 soldiers in total. The surprising thing is that they come out bearing this flag...

...and pledge in formal Japanese their undying loyalty to the Imperial House of Yamato and the Empire of the Rising Sun. In the case of those that touch down in Japan they do so in white red trimmed dress uniforms bow before the sunburst flag stand at Parade Rest while their commanders ask politely for accommodations for their troops. In the case of those in ISIS controlled territory they do so while charging out in power armor with the express goal of the extermination of all ISIS forces.

The soldiers in question are human, half male and half female. Three quarters of them are Japanese and the rest are multi ethnic drawing from peoples around the world. Each soldier is has been vat grown and neurologically programmed to have a thorough understanding of Japanese culture, how to serve as elite soldiers and fanatically loyal to Japan, as well as AN UNSWERVING BELIEF THAT IT IS THE HIGHEST DISHONOR AND DISGRACE TO THEMSELVES AND THE EMPEROR TO ENGAGE IN RAPE, TORTURE AND THE DELIBERATE MASS MURDER OF CIVILIANS. Each soldier has three sets of clothing: the first being the aforementioned dress uniforms, a utilitarian work uniform and the suit of power armor.

Each suit of power armor weighs 250 kilograms, giving the user ten times their regular strength. Each is powered by an internal high density power cell allowing 36 hours continuous use before requiring a recharge. Each powersuit has a number of stylistic features (most pronounced in the helmet with menpo, chestpiece, arm plating and tassets) which are reminiscent of Samurai Armor. It is rated against small arms fire. Each suit has a built in sensor suite, communications gear, translation software, biological monitoring systems and water dispenser.
  • JIKI Assault: A bullpup Gauss assault rifle firing 9 gram 6.5mm steel projectiles at 2km/s. 600 RMP with 3 round burst fire, 60 round magazine, weighs 7.2 kilograms. Each has a 40mm grenade launcher attached standard. Five people in the standard 8 trooper squad has these, including squad leader, rocketeers and morter crews. Has a bayonet lug
  • JIKI SAW: A belt fed fully automatic version of the JIKI rifle firing the same ammo. 600 RMP, Standard box magazine carries 250 rounds, weighs 12.8 kilograms. Two per squad. Has a bayonet lug.
  • JIKI Sniper: A long ranged semi automatic gauss sniper rifle firing 8mm 12 gram steel projectiles at 3km/s. 20 round magazine, weighs 8.5 kilograms. One per squad. Has a bayonet lug.
  • JIKI Pistol: A semi automatic gauss pistol firing 5mm 2 gram steel projectiles at 1km/s. 30 round mag, weighs 1 kilogram. Standard sidearm.
  • Frag Grenades: twice as heavy and powerful as regular frag grenades.
  • Rocket Launcher: A re-loadable 60mm multifuction rocket launcher able to serve as both a MANPAD and as an anti-tank rocket launcher (able to burn through 750mm of armor). One per squad.
  • Katana: A 70cm long Katana made from high end molecular composites with a monomolecular blade for close quarters work.
  • Bayonet: a similar 20cm long bayonet.
  • Mortar: Every 32 man platoon has a two man mortar team. Each mortar team has a mortar. Said mortar is 120mm and has a maximum range of 10km. Its weapons can fire both conventional shells and laser guided shells.
  • Yokai: For every seven platoons of regular power armored infantry there is one platoon of Yokai assault mechs. Each Yokai is 4.5 meters tall humanoid form, weighs 6.5 tonnes, heavily armored, is piloted rather than worn and can run at up to 60km/h. It is outfitted with an arm mounted 8mm gauss machine guns firing 12 gram projectiles at 3km/s, a belt fed 40mm grenade launcher and either four rocket launchers comparable to those carried by infantry or a self loading version of the mortar. Carries a 1.5 meter long upscaled version of the Katana.
The slightly larger drop pods contain power generators and space power cells for the suits, spare parts for weapons and suits, fabricators to make more ammunition, food, medical supplies and a single one tonne INU unmanned logistical truck per pod. Those that touched down in japan contain some ammo, power generators and supplies, but mostly contain fabrication equipment to mass produce these weapons and equipment.

What happens?

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All hell breaks loose. UN and the rest of the world goes utter bugnuts as field reporters capture the sheer curbstomp these "space samurais" carry out on ISIS, as they sweep terrorist forces around the drop sites off the map. Reigning sultans and Middle Eastern governments start screaming about "illegal Japanese invasion".

In Japan proper, protests strike the streets as citizens interpret the presence of this "miracle army" as a esoteric plot to remilitarize Japan again, drawing tremendous amounts of heat upon Prime Minister Shinzo Abe as the Diet devolves into chaos. The current Emperor of Japan might need to give a public statement to reassure the scared public, the supersoldiers are likely to be held in secure sites for observation and questioning.

China immediately goes completely crazy as riots hit the streets, the angry public condemning the supersoldiers as glorifying the horrible Empire their ancestors suffered under, ignoring or disbelieving their claims of non-brutality. Chinese government likely to ramp up military readiness and begin staging troops all across the China-Japan border, especially after videos of the Middle Eastern army's performance surfaces. Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands is probably claimed under military law and fortified to hell and back, Sea of Japan becomes a gigantic Western Standoff between JMSDF and PLAN.

The world isn't very impressed, resulting tensions and international outcry may take years to smooth over. UN likely to demand disbandment of supersoldier corps and surrender/ban of powersuit technology under a UN disarmament treaty, Japan becomes close to a pariah in Asia overnight. China likely to demand extra concessions for "opening old wounds", such as the supersoldiers' technology for the sake of easing technology disparities. Diet tears itself in two, with the nationalists on one side and the oeace advocates on the other. On one hand, Chinese invasion and possible nukes. On the other hand, outright spitting on their history and surrendering arms advantage to their biggest threat. Not to mention matters related to national pride and disputef territories.

Future army likely to be contained in military bases 24/7 while their home country figures out what the heck to do with them. Likely resistant to disbanding and forsaking Imperial Japan loyalties, may develop scorn towards Japanese government for "puppeting the Empire". Tensions rise as global politics flounder and China gets progressively louder, potential Boshin War reenactment as future army personnel attempt to reinstate the Emperor via means of military coup. China goes batshit, Japan goes nuts, world holds its vollective breath.

Sino-Japanese War: Round 2 not impossible, and Middle East suddenly gets 200% more UN participation as UN forces rush to contain the Middle Eastern army before they claim Egypt and Saudi Arabia under the banner of the Empire of the Rising Sun.

All it takes to set off THIS powder keg is some trigger-happy loon with a cheap gun.