An Undertow of Sand (Percy Jackson and the Cthulhu Mythos)

... Okay, now I really want to see what I suspect would be an AU where Riordan-verse and Undertow-verse end up meeting each other. Just so I can see Percy and Percy's reactions to each other. Especially because you can have them identify each other due to this seen.

Just wish I could remember who the girl with Percy and Annabeth was. I want to say Thalia?
Here's Percy's prophecy in full:

1. Zeus, King of Olympus
2. Vial of Centaur Blood
3. Boreas, God of the North Wind
4. Hermes, God of Thieves
5. The Oracle of Trophonius
6. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt
7. Geras, God of Old Age
8. Despoina, Goddess of Mystery
9. The Cydonian Cincture
10. Zeus' Lightning Bolt
11. A Harpe Sword
12. Moros, God of Doom
13. The Right Hand of Kronos, the Titan Lord

So 1 is Zeus, 3 references the events of the last two chapters, 4 references Luke, 6 is Artemis, who's on the quest, 10 is the bolt...

That leaves 2, 5, 7-9, and 11-13.

Earlier, I said
So the secondaries are probably Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, and Zeus's Lightning Bolt. The unknown card might also be a secondary, unless negated by Hermes.

The unknown card, being the centaur blood, does not seem to be negated by Hermes, so it's a secondary. Interestingly enough, the only myth I recall about the toxicity of centaur blood references the death of Heracles, but that blood was only poisonous because it was contaminated with hydra blood. I think it references deceit? This also fits with 8 and 9.
I even have a mortal doctorate in physics with a focus in thermodynamics."

I blinked. The rest was cool and all, but the important bit was that this goddess actually went to a normal college. "You did homework?"

Her lips twitched. "I did."


New second favorite goddess.

Me too. Even after the ending incident, which was frankly pretty justified.

You have divine blood. That would be...gauche."

Hm. Like how Jason viewed his children with Medea. Not a comfortable comparison, perhaps, but a valid one, I feel.


Also, Artemis better have some self-reflection when she is restored.
A lovely chapter, and arguably the best one yet. I look forward to reading more!
Can someone explain the subtext of their conversation, I feel it was well written, I just have pudding brain at the moment.
Not gonna lie, I would've gone with Khione's plan. She's been way nicer than Artemis so far and I agree with the whole 'Bind Zeus with a Real Oath' idea.
a specimen she was both excited about and dreading having to dissect
Looks like she's having second thoughts about hurting Percy
"Forget them and everything they said," she said strongly. "We have a Quest to discuss."
I wonder if she changed her mind about wasting time, or whether she realized it had been enough.
Khione gave me a small, sad smile, already dissolving into a flurry of sleet and snow. She let me go.
DEFINITELY fond of Percy.
Before we go into shipping a kid. - she definitely would be willing to wait.

I could definitely see her (at least temporarily) putting aside some of her grudges to back Percy facilitating Things Changing. Because by the end of this I also envision Artemis favoring him.
Having a new perspective on what it's like to be mortal is definitely something I see causing a major shift to her thought processes.
With the most recent conversation about the status of Demigods, I see her realizing her current state is basically inverting their relative status…
(A truely genuine apology probably would help sooth some of those she'd hurt in the past, mainly for things no worse than what she did to Khone)

As Fate, I can easily see Percy's mom accomplishing multiple things by having Artemis be turned into a rabbit. 'Multitasking' is a fallacy, the true efficiency is 'Multi-purpose actions'!

There was a girl in front of me rocking the punk look with black hair and electric blue eyes, looking shocked. Behind her there was a girl that looked a lot like Annabeth's older sister with blonde curls and Athena's grey eyes, screaming. And beside her was a boy.
The fact they saw THIS Percy… How interesting…

California… anyone think that New Rome is going to show up?
Let me try and summarize the contents of the chapter to help determine what is meant to be inferred, implied, and left a mysterious reference.

-Khione show's off the city to waste time and be a "good host" to Percy.

-Artemis figures out the Khione is stalling, and either from spite or to warn the others, bites her leg.

-It is revealed that by Rabbitifying/de-goding Artemis, Ananke has "killed" her.

-There is a crack in Ouranos' prison and Athena's "solution" involved the deaths of tens of millions. (Or perhaps not death, the word used is consumed, so it could have to do with using up already dead souls)

During that time Atlas got to walk around.

-The line: "A few months ago, I would have envied you." I assume is said by Khione, and this is the part of the conversation that my pudding brain begins. I feel like there is some kind of implication to her accent thickening, I just don't know what it is. Add to that, at first I thought that Percy said the line, that perhaps he was saying that to console her. Either way I'm unclear of the meaning.

-Percy learns that godhood just means Olympic citizenship.

-Wouldn't her great-grandfather have been Erekthonius (Erektheus' grandfather) not Erektheus (Son of Pandion).

-I assume that the implication is that a descendent of (in this 'verse) Prometheus and Athena would not be made a god, especially post Olypomachy.

-Looking into the myths, she had Poseidon's son Eumolpus that she tried to through into the sea. Hearing it from her perspective and reading between the lines (with the knowledge of how rape-y the Greek gods are), she got "the attention" of Poseidon and decided to make the best of a bad situation. The situation with Artemis seems to be a reference to Chione daughter of Niobe and that whole myth.

"That Artemis was chosen for this Quest is well known, just as it is known that it is her second chance. If I were there in her place before the thrones of Olympus…" She shrugged a little. "It is petty," she admitted easily. "Perhaps there will even be consequences for me."

-This bit I don't get, is she saying that unlike Artemis she wouldn't get a second chance? This is more brain goo for me, I feel like there is something here, but the wires are not connecting and the lightbulb is not going off.

-Also, side story is needed of Khione acclimating to the mortal world when going to collage. So many opportunities for comedic hijinks.

-There is way more story to summarize, but I have been doing this for a while, and want to get through ^that stuff first.
-The line: "A few months ago, I would have envied you." I assume is said by Khione, and this is the part of the conversation that my pudding brain begins. I feel like there is some kind of implication to her accent thickening, I just don't know what it is. Add to that, at first I thought that Percy said the line, that perhaps he was saying that to console her. Either way I'm unclear of the meaning.

-Percy learns that godhood just means Olympic citizenship.

-Wouldn't her great-grandfather have been Erekthonius (Erektheus' grandfather) not Erektheus (Son of Pandion).

-I assume that the implication is that a descendent of (in this 'verse) Prometheus and Athena would not be made a god, especially post Olypomachy.

-Looking into the myths, she had Poseidon's son Eumolpus that she tried to through into the sea. Hearing it from her perspective and reading between the lines (with the knowledge of how rape-y the Greek gods are), she got "the attention" of Poseidon and decided to make the best of a bad situation. The situation with Artemis seems to be a reference to Chione daughter of Niobe and that whole myth.

-This bit I don't get, is she saying that unlike Artemis she wouldn't get a second chance? This is more brain goo for me, I feel like there is something here, but the wires are not connecting and the lightbulb is not going off.

-Also, side story is needed of Khione acclimating to the mortal world when going to collage. So many opportunities for comedic hijinks.

-There is way more story to summarize, but I have been doing this for a while, and want to get through ^that stuff first.
1. Is indeed said by Khione. When someone gets worked up emotionally, their accent becoming more noticeable is a common occurrence. It is deliberately unclear why she would have envied Percy, but for those who read the Heroes of Olympus series, a connection can be made regarding the fact that she put emphasis on the existence of the prisons.

2. Just last chapter, we covered Athena and Prometheus' kid. It seems to be a case of recycled name as they are used interchangeably for Athena's adopted son for some writers.
"Erekhtheus," Luke said dully with his eyes still closed. "Otherwise known as Erikhthonios. The snake eyed child from the earth."

3. That is indeed the implication.

4. You got the first part right regarding her and Poseidon. The second part is part of Khione's actual myth, Niobe is someone else entirely. Here is a link. Long story short, she was also raped by Hermes and Apollo and she had a very toxic, twisted pride in being 'loved' by gods for her beauty and boasted about being prettier than Artemis. Artemis did not appreciate that comment. 'if my face is not pleasing enough, you'll like my actions better!' And struck the nymph down with an arrow. In some versions Poseidon protects Khione. In one Apollo is not a complete piece of shit. But in most no one protects her at all.

5. Artemis being on the Quest is her second chance at finding her father's Bolt. Everyone knows she failed the first time. She was given a second chance, and Khione intends to make sure she fails again by taking her place on the Quest.
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4. You got the first part right regarding her and Poseidon. The second part is part of Khione's actual myth, Niobe is someone else entirely. Here is a link. Long story short, she was also raped by Hermes and Apollo and she had a very toxic, twisted pride in being 'loved' by gods for her beauty and boasted about being prettier than Artemis. Artemis did not appreciate that comment. 'if my face is not pleasing enough, you'll like my actions better!' And struck the nymph down with an arrow. In some versions Poseidon protects Khione. In one Apollo is not a complete piece of shit. But in most no one protects her at all.

I will say that in one version of the myth of Niobe, one of her daughters is named Khione. You seem to instead by merging the story from the myth of Khione daughter of Daedalion. Here's to hoping that in AUoS the myth of Khione daughter of Arcturus isn't also true (Considering Boreas is her dad in this 'verse)
I will say that in one version of the myth of Niobe, one of her daughters is named Khione. You seem to instead by merging the story from the myth of Khione daughter of Daedalion. Here's to hoping that in AUoS the myth of Khione daughter of Arcturus isn't also true (Considering Boreas is her dad in this 'verse)
The Arcturus myth was also merged, as Khione states in the chapter that her mother sacrificed a Name for her. OREITHYIA amd KHIONE, nymph consorts of Boreas were merged into one, with the Erekhtheus origin. 'Arcturus' instead refers to Arkas, son of Kallisto, the former Hunter of Artemis. There is also a Khione of the River Nile of Egypt, daughter of Neilos as well so it does get confusing, but that's how I'm handling it :)
Daaang. I do like the follow-up commentary. Implications tend to be squishy, some people get some of 'em, others get others... It's nice to see it unpacked.
Wait, so somehow Undertow!Percy did something with the space-time continuum and managed to briefly meet Canon!Percy and co.? It's an interesting development for sure but seems kind of left field.

Also, am I blind or did I miss some previous subtext about the whole 'Athena consumed a metric crapton of souls to do a thing'? Honestly there's a whole bunch of side-stuff going on that I really don't understand and I think any more is gonna give me sensory overload.
I kind of like how this story replicates the feeling of everyone who meets Percy in the reader. Lots of questions, very concerning implications, questions are helpfully answered but mostly lead to very concerning implications, and you're never sure you've gotten all the concerning implications.
With a bit more thought, one thing I really do like is how much of a catalyst this chapter has been for Percy realising just how privileged he is compared to other demigods, and where to go from there. The disparity has been obvious for a while now both at the supernatural and the mundane level - I mean, leaving on the quest with a budget of thousands? But this was I think the point when Percy really seems to become cognizant of it as privilege.
With a bit more thought, one thing I really do like is how much of a catalyst this chapter has been for Percy realising just how privileged he is compared to other demigods, and where to go from there. The disparity has been obvious for a while now both at the supernatural and the mundane level - I mean, leaving on the quest with a budget of thousands? But this was I think the point when Percy really seems to become cognizant of it as privilege.
Percy is pretty much the 1% (and only because there aren't that many demigods) in every single way you could look at it. How much his divine parent cares? Yup. How much she does to help? Yup. (He's loaded with artifacts, and gets a credit card). Training? Yes. Attention from godly parent? Extreme Yes, completly breaking the scale (besides the fact that his mom is actually being his mom, she also listens to his prayers, and acts on it). Though to be a little fair, the greek gods have dumb restrictions, so the less powerful ones have that excuse.

But honestly, it's like a high jumper at a limbo contest. Exchanging a few words with his mom already put him in the priviliged class for greeks.
Less that he's privileged and more that every Greek is underprivileged as fuck. Previous chapters mention how the other pantheons treat their demigods. The Greeks are just actively malicious

Edit: well Hera is and Zeus doesn't care
Percy is pretty much the 1% (and only because there aren't that many demigods) in every single way you could look at it. How much his divine parent cares? Yup. How much she does to help? Yup. (He's loaded with artifacts, and gets a credit card). Training? Yes. Attention from godly parent? Extreme Yes, completly breaking the scale (besides the fact that his mom is actually being his mom, she also listens to his prayers, and acts on it). Though to be a little fair, the greek gods have dumb restrictions, so the less powerful ones have that excuse.

But honestly, it's like a high jumper at a limbo contest. Exchanging a few words with his mom already put him in the priviliged class for greeks.
Yes, but what stands out to me about this chapter isn't the ways that we know Percy is the 1% (that's been a constant thing throughout the story), but rather the catalyst of how much he knows it, how aware he is of it and how much he acknowledges what it means, and the responsibilities that come with it.
Wait, so somehow Undertow!Percy did something with the space-time continuum and managed to briefly meet Canon!Percy and co.? It's an interesting development for sure but seems kind of left field.

Also, am I blind or did I miss some previous subtext about the whole 'Athena consumed a metric crapton of souls to do a thing'? Honestly there's a whole bunch of side-stuff going on that I really don't understand and I think any more is gonna give me sensory overload.
Percy has had visions of canon since Chapter 1. The scene in this chapter was of Luke's fall in the Titan's Curse. Not sure what kind of subtext you are referring to, its her solution to the whole Sky falling down without Atlas that was the problem, not that Athena was the one doing the consuming.
Percy is pretty much the 1% (and only because there aren't that many demigods) in every single way you could look at it. How much his divine parent cares? Yup. How much she does to help? Yup. (He's loaded with artifacts, and gets a credit card). Training? Yes. Attention from godly parent? Extreme Yes, completly breaking the scale (besides the fact that his mom is actually being his mom, she also listens to his prayers, and acts on it). Though to be a little fair, the greek gods have dumb restrictions, so the less powerful ones have that excuse.

But honestly, it's like a high jumper at a limbo contest. Exchanging a few words with his mom already put him in the priviliged class for greeks.
We actually went back over canon with a comb on the SB thread and....everything I said earlier about there being restrictions? Yeah. Any mention of laws keeping parents from kids came from the non-canon PJO movies. That's not in the books. There is no mention of anything of the sort in the books. The absolute closest, is Athena's insistence that children must be raised by mortal parents to Frederick Chase. However, no where does that imply the immortal parent can't stay to raise them as well. Demigods in Percy Jackson and the Greek Gods were raised by godly parents such as Khione's son Eumolpus by his goddess half-sister, Orpheus by his mother, Achilles and his mother, etc. Dionysus in canon mentions raising Castor and Pollux. No such law was mentioned when it came to Hades taking Nico to the Underworld or Poseidon offering to bring Sally to Atlantis.

The gods complained about just Claiming their kids in The Last Olympian. AUoS attaches a modicum of responsibility to a Claim as a household, but in Riordanverse it meant they bitched about having to let people know the kid is theirs and nothing else at all until Athena rebuked them. It was said the minor gods like Hebe and Tyche didn't claim their kids because they didn't have a Cabin, not that it was in anyway about the kid knowing who their parent was.

Hermes had a son, Chris, living in Hermes Cabin as Unclaimed. We meet him in the very second book, The Sea of Monsters.

So no, they are all dickheads, turns out.