An Original Thought

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You stared outside your class window, bored out of your mind. With your elbow planted firmly on...


Writer's Block Incarnate
South Dakota
You stared outside your class window, bored out of your mind. With your elbow planted firmly on your desk, you let your face rest against your palm, and watched a pair of students argue outside. One a girl, the other a guy. Bile rose up in the back of your throat, and you felt your face twist in revulsion. Finally, the girl slapped the boy, and she took off down the street, with the boy chasing after her, desperately calling her name.

Hoo, boy, you can already see how this would play out. 3...2....1...

Suddenly, the sound of screeching tires ripped throughout the campus. The girl had run without looking across the road, and a driver had stomped on his brakes in panic. You watched with apathy as the car sped towards the girl. It was getting closer...and closer. As if lightning had struck you, you sat up with a straight spine, your attention focused solely on the girl. Holy shit, is this actually gonna be different?

Just as it seemed as if the girl was about to get hit, the boy dived out from around the corner and grabbed the girl. The car skidded past them, lightly tapping an electrical pole. In disappointment, you sat back. Sighing, you watched the rest of the predictable scene play out.

Girl is surprised, Girl forgives Boy for whatever transgression/misunderstanding that had occurred, Girl embraces Boy, Both kiss, blah blah blah.

How cliched. How many times have you seen this play out before? Boring, boring, boring! Now your mood was soured. A piece of chalk flew through the air and struck you firmly on the forehead. That only made you more angry. Well, luckily, it wasn't a ruler/rolled up newspaper smacking me.

"Hey, pay attention!" The female teacher glared at you, "You know you really ought to pay attention in class. Surely there can't be anything of interest out there."

With a dead look in your eye, you leaned forward in your desk, leering at the teacher, "You're right, miss. There really isn't anything interesting out there. I sincerely apologize for my rude behaviour. You have my full attention."

The teacher blinked. Unsure what to make of you, she simply turned back around and continued her lecture to the rest of the uniformed students. Inhaling heavily, you sat back in your desk and stared glassy eyed at the board. Taking out a pen, you doodled on your note pad.

What is your gender?
[] Male
[] Female

What is the name printed on the front of the notepad?
[] Write in.

Finally, you slapped your pen down. Eight hours of your day is going to be wasted in this place. Then after that, you're probably gonna run into a superhuman guy fighting his arch nemesis on the corner of your street. That actually happened once, you know. The memory made you want to retch.

The "hero" had smashed the corner's pavement to pieces with the power of his blows. The "villian" had spouted a few "It can't be!" lines before being thoroughly defeated. Then the police had drawn a line, forcing you to take a longer route around back home. Of course, it had started raining.

These "protagonists" were ruining your daily life. It's amazing you didn't see a single person fly through the air yet, or have the windows of your school shatter as some huge monster overtook the city. Through some miracle or another, there wouldn't be too many fatalities.

Did no one see how fucking weird all this is? Why does no one question it? Shouldn't there be like, goverment's trying to regulate this kind of shit? Well, technically, there is, but they're a bit ineffective. Probably because all these "protagonists" had superhuman abilities and such. Your own talents were quite mediocre in comparison.

[] You joined the music club. Violin is a natural fit for you.
[] Drawing is actually a passion for you. Blocks out reality a bit.
[] Video games, duh. How else do you escape this hell hole?
[] Basketball. Luckily, no blue haired bastard who's somehow "invisible" has taken over your role of star player.
[] Debate club. No one joined it. It's just you. But damned if it won't look good on your resume.
[] Inventor's club. You're really pushing for it to be called "RhoBotNix". Heh. Oh, and no one invents. You sit around and play computer games. Kind of.
[] The walking club. Literally the most nonsensical club of the bunch. You take walks and then toss a paper of your experience to the P.E teacher...?

Breaking your reverie, you class bell rang. You totally ignored the teacher and the students, and shouldered your way out the door. They were probably talking shit about your unsocial attitude. Unfortunately, you were out of fucks to give. Time to get to third period, and survive another day on earth.
[X] Plan Music Is Good For The Soul
[] Female
[] Lilly Powell
[] You joined the music club. Violin is a natural fit for you.
[X] Female
[X] Sakura Heart
[X] The walking club. Literally the most nonsensical club of the bunch. You take walks and then toss a paper of your experience to the P.E teacher...?
[X] Male
[X] Anthony Walker
[X] Basketball. Luckily, no blue haired bastard who's somehow "invisible" has taken over your role of star player.
[X] Male
[X] Anthony Walker
[X] Basketball. Luckily, no blue haired bastard who's somehow "invisible" has taken over your role of star player.

That description lol:rofl:
[X] Debate club. No one joined it. It's just you. But damned if it won't look good on your resume.
[X] Male
[X] Lloyd Powell
[X] You joined the music club. Violin is a natural fit for you.
[X] Female
[X] Sakura Heart
[X] The walking club. Literally the most nonsensical club of the bunch. You take walks and then toss a paper of your experience to the P.E teacher...?
[x] Male
[x] John Smith
[x] Debate club. No one joined it. It's just you. But damned if it won't look good on your resume.

If we're going to play as the side character that has some sort of Reading Steiner, let's just go for the most generic name a person could ever have.

Also I quite like the idea of us babbling to ourselves about what protagonist would come next.
[X] Plan Music Is Good For The Soul
[x] Female
[x] Lilly Powell
[x] You joined the music club. Violin is a natural fit for you.

When the bell rang, you were once again the first one out the door. Swinging your bag around your shoulder, you quickly zoomed your way through the mass of students crowding the halls. St. Peterson's High School certainly stuffed to the brim. Even though you've been doing this since the start of freshman year, you still got caught up in large clumps of students and the inevitable pileup at the doors. Luckily, you didn't have to go through the nightmare that is the main front doors.

Instead, you raced down a rather abandoned hallway. The classrooms here were used almost exclusively for the clubs. For whatever reason, the staff thought it was a fucking fantastic idea to stuff as many students as possible into each class while a whole hallway of rooms sat mostly unused. Sometimes you questioned the sanity of everyone. Or maybe you were the weird one...Let's not think about that. Stopping in front of sports lockers, which apparently no one knew what to do with, at the end of the hall, you leaned down and took a small key from the pocket of your skirt. Taking off the padlock, you sighed in relief at your greatest treasure in this god forsaken school. Your violin.

It was a rather old little thing, yet you kept it as refurbished as possible. Suddenly, a sonic boom shook the school, interrupting your reverie as you gazed lovingly upon the instrument. Nope, not today, world. You aren't taking me from one of the few things I actually enjoy here. Grabbing the embossed stringed instrument, you turned back around and found yourself soon standing in front of a door. Even from outside, you could hear the raucous sounds of various instruments and rising voices.

The music club.

Grabbing the brass handle, you pushed open the wooden door and were greeted with the sight of students spread out everywhere. Kids with varying instruments sat gathered around in a glorious mess. Other violin players sat next aspiring DJ's as they scratched on their equipment. Long haired guitarists chatted with others who had dubstep blaring out of their oversized headphones. It was pandemonium, and there was absolutely no seperation of genres here. Your last bastion of creativity in this otherwise predictable world.

"Oi, check it out, ladies and gents! Lady Lily has graced us with her presence. Now that we're all here, it's time for today's Opening Act!" There were a few cat calls and whistles as one of the students made the announcement. The so called "Opening Act" was a tradition of the club. Before everyone concentrated on their own or collab'd with other artists, we'd all listen to a performance by a solo artist or group. It was a fun little thing that promoted constructive criticism and shit. One of the few things that made sense around here.

Today's Opening Act was the Montgomery Twins. They were a brother and sister who's primary interests were rap. Ah, ah ah! I see what you're thinking. "Rap, oh noes! The thing that requires no talent?" Well, I can tell you I felt the same way too. But the Montgomery Twins passion didn't revolve around the more mainstream versions. Instead, they both heavily incorporated jazzy beats and upbeat lyrics. One time they'd even requested you to play as a backdrop in one of their home made tracks.

Grabbing a seat, you placed your violin on your lap and listened as the announcer hyped the club up.

"Alright, Ladies and gents. The Twins rivalry has no limits! As you expect, they're gonna do another rap battle. This time, Andy here hopes to steal the champions belt that his sister, Dizzy, holds!" More whistles and hoots lit up the room as a small chant broke out between the kids. Sounds of "Dizzy" and "Andy" were chanted before the announcer calmed the room down.

"So, they've got one minute to produce the silliest little rhymes we've heard! Then YOU guys will decide who wins. Speaking of winning, I hear I got elected to do tomorrow's Opening Act. You fools love me, don'cha!" In response boos resounded throughout the room, and a few paper balls bounced off the announcers chest. He laughed before handing the microphone to Nelson.

Inexplicably, you felt a smile grow on your face. This place was...calming. Andy, a rather good looking blonde, set his track to large speakers. It was a quick little track Andy's classic combination of piano and jazz interspersed throughout. Sounded original too. You couldn't help but wonder who helped create this one, then you noticed a few of the band members proudly sporting their brass instruments. Ha...

As always, Andy's performance was quick and free flowing. A smile dominated his face the whole time, as he tossed a few friendly insults at his sister Isabella "Dizzy" Montgomery, who playfully stuck her tongue out at him. Surprisingly enough, the Twins quite inseperable. You kinda thought that siblings would hate each other and stay as far away as they could. Could be your cynical thinking though. When Andy finished his one minute, a roar went up in the class, and you grinned and simply clapped.

In complete contrast to her brother, Dizzy's flow was more deliberate and slower, matching the equally slow beat that meshed electronica and deeper bass. Not bad. When she finished, the classroom erupted again. Just as the announcer was about to quiet the room down, multiple booms shook the building again, instantly silencing the room. Everyone held their breath. What would it be today? Two assholes fighting in mid air? Perhaps a foiled terrorist attack? Maybe some weird monster crashing through the school?

Thankfully, silence reigned. Nothing of the sort happened, yet you felt the happiness drain out of you and your smile slowly fade into a grimace. How many times...? Yet when nothing else happened, the group slowly but surely regained its fervor. Shouts went up as the announcer asked who won. The subdued atmosphere passed easily enough, and even you found yourself calling out your favorite of the two.

Who did you vote for?
[] Andy and his quick jazzy beats?
[] Dizzy and her slower but catchy flow?

When all was said and done, the announcer had to declare it a tie. A few "awww"s went up but the decision was final. With that, the club settled into groups or moved towards tables to work in pairs. Teacher oversight was nil, seeing as the one in charge was in the hospital for accidentally stumbling across a superhuman fight that happened three months ago. You glanced around, but it doesn't look as if anyone needed to seek you out specifically.

What do?
[] Talk to the Twins? They seemed to be having fun in the corner over there.
[] See if any of the other violin players wanted to practice for a bit? Improving your passion is a must!
[] Talk to the announcer? I don't think we've talked before though...he seems more into electronic than anything.
[] ....Hate to do it, but investigate the sonic booms outside? Seems pointless though.
[] Write in.
[X] Andy and his quick jazzy beats?
[X] Talk to the Twins? They seemed to be having fun in the corner over there.

Interacting with named characters is a must!
[X] Dizzy and her slower but catchy flow?
[X] Talk to the Twins? They seemed to be having fun in the corner over there.
[X] Dizzy and her slower but catchy flow?
[X] See if any of the other violin players wanted to practice for a bit? Improving your passion is a must!
[X] Andy and his quick jazzy beats?
[X] See if any of the other violin players wanted to practice for a bit? Improving your passion is a must!

Gonna beat all those other musical protags in their own game!
[X] Dizzy and her slower but catchy flow?
[X] See if any of the other violin players wanted to practice for a bit? Improving your passion is a must!
[X] Dizzy and her slower but catchy flow?
[X] See if any of the other violin players wanted to practice for a bit? Improving your passion is a must!
[X] Andy and his quick jazzy beats?
[X] Talk to the Twins? They seemed to be having fun in the corner over there.
[X] Andy and his quick jazzy beats?
[X] Talk to the Twins? They seemed to be having fun in the corner over there.