An Epochal Disaster (Metroid Prime 3)

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Bryyo, Royal City, Grand Forum

"And so I will give again the warning of the Chozo, this time...


Team Plasma Grunt
Bryyo, Royal City, Grand Forum

"And so I will give again the warning of the Chozo, this time as a plea! The growing rift between the Primal Traditions and the New Science can be mended! Must be mended! Nothing in Magic and Science need contradict. We have seen what wonders are possible in their unity, from the Luminoth, from the Ylla, from the Chozo. As we move to take our place among the stars it is their example we should emulate."

Emperor Andest's speech ends to mild applause from both halves of the audience.

Said audience falls silent as an ancient and nearly decrepit Byrronian begins to take the steps. His assistants move ahead of him, setting up a loud speaker system. They have time, for he moves with the slow deliberateness of the oldest Reptillicus still alive. Despite this, his eyes blaze the fiery intensity of a true believer.

The Byrronian is Sfimas, first of the Lords of Science. Chronologically, and in status. He shuns the podium, enchanted to make his voice heard throughout the forum. Instead he takes a microphone from his assistant, which serves the same purpose. He looks out at the audience, and begins to speak.

"Three hundred years ago, when I was still a Primal Master, night would fall. Those lucky enough to be blessed with the Talent would cast spells to heat and light their homes, while the many who are without the Talent would shiver in the cold and dark. Today when night falls, the Talented may still heat and light their homes with magic, but now the common Bryyonian also has heat and light. All but the most backwater and isolated communities are provided these things by the harnessing of Fuel Gel. A decade hence, the infrastructure will have expanded such that no Bryyonian save those who desire it shall be without.

"Two decades hence and Electricity will have started proliferating, providing a cleaner and safer alternative.

"Two hundred years ago, agriculture was in such a state that fifty percent of the population needed to grow food or the world would starve. Innovations from Science Lord Ulempf and others has changed things. Now a mere one percent of the Bryyonian population could feed the world, if we but fix the distribution problems.

"One hundred years ago, a young girl without a single drop of Talent came to me with an outlandish idea. Today she is rightly celebrated as the Science Lord responsible for our first steps among the stars."

Sfimas pauses a moment, as if to catch his breath.

"And where have the Traditions been in this story of Progress and Glory? Have they been pioneers, blazing the way for the rest of us to follow? Have they been allies, working side by side the Science Lords to bring innovation and advancement to the masses? Have they been bystanders, merely partaking of the benefits Science has brought like everyone else?

"The Primal Traditions have been the Antagonists of this story! Whenever a Science Lord asks a question, they say that Reptillicus was not meant to know the answer! Whenever we find an answer and try to share it, they say that the uninitiated do not deserve to know! Whenever we make technology based on our knowledge they say we are playing god and abandoning wisdom! Whenever we try to share this technology they say the people are not ready! That they never will be ready. Even when those among the Traditions have had similar technology from their magic for centuries.

"Without the opposition of the Primal Traditions, that day ten years from now when all Bryyonians have heat and light would have come a century ago.

"But what if the Primal Traditions and the Science Lords could work together? Emperor Andest has spoken eloquently on the subject. Certainly, the technical aspects of Magic and Science are compatible. Our tools of thought, and our physical technological infrastructure would not fail to work if applied to the hidden knowledge locked away in the vaults of the Traditions. Were those vaults to be opened I have no doubts the results would be wonders beyond the current dreams of Science or Magic on their own.

"But they would be few wonders, that benefited few people. As with everything else involving magic, it would be limited by those with the Talent. And this is the fundamental opposition between the Primal Traditions and the Science Lords. The Traditions do everything for the aggrandizement of those with the Talent, while the Science Lords seek to benefit the common man.

"And this is why the Primal Traditions have fought constantly to slow the rate of advancement of science on Bryyo. They do not concern themselves only, or even mostly, with spiritual matters, but are desperately hungry for temporal power, and every factory making loudspeakers and microphones means tens of thousands of people who need not beg the Traditions for an enchanted podium.

"This is the reason for the rift between Magic and Science. We do not want to subject ourselves to the political control of the Talented. The Grandmasters of the Traditions will not open their vaults because they know it will someday mean the Science Lords discovering a way to use magic without the intercession of the Talented. On that day they would wake up to find themselves suddenly obsolete.

"Know that this day will come regardless! Someday, anything that can be done by magic, will be possible either cheaper or more efficiently by machines available to all! I hope I live to see that day."

As Sfimas fell silent the crowd erupted. Those who favored the cause of Science cheered obscenely, while those who favored the Primal Traditions fell upon Sfimas' followers in a blind fury.

So begins the Age of Schism.
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This was based on the following Bryyo data from Metroid Prime 3:Corruption.

Age of Schism said:
"In time, the wonders of Science were not enough for those who held the Primal Traditions in their hearts. The warning of the Chozo--to seek balance between old and new ways--were not heeded by the Lords of Science, myself included. We forged on, ignorant of the rage in the hearts of the Primals. The time came when Sfimas, first Lord of Science, denounced the Primals and their Traditions in the center of the Royal City. It was as flame to dry forest. Age of Science ended, and the Age of Schism was born."

I am very much a believer in Agatha's Corollary of Clark's Third Law, so I got to thinking: how can I make a magic vs science conflict work if magic and technology/science aren't actually inimical?

The result is above.