An Assassin's Tale (Assassin's Creed x Goblin Slayer OC centric)

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The Fate of the world changed when for a chance of fate another token was introduced on the gods game when a certain slayer joined the Adventurers Guild. Enter Assassin; a young man with many secrets and part of an ancient brotherhood tasked with fighting against the forces of chaos and evil from the shadows. But why he joined the Guild, and what is his end goal?
Chapter 01: A new Piece enters the table
Chapter: A new Piece enters the table

Disclaimer: Neither Assassin's Creed nor Goblin Slayer belongs to me.

"This is my end?" thought a child laying amid the rubble of what was once a city, but now it was just another former battlefield between the forces of order and chaos, in their war to determine the fate of the world. But that didn't matter to the boy; since everything he knew in his life had been lost in the battle.
But in a rare case of a good dice roll, that boy's fate changed from certain death to a totally different one.

"A survivor!?" A man's voice shouted when he saw the boy on the ground; this man was dressed in light black armor and a white hooded cloak. He went at full speed to help the boy.
And while the man did everything possible to save him, the boy could not help noticing that the man's face had a smile of profound happiness, as if he had been the one who saved that man in the white robe.

"Can I ever smile like that?" the boy thought before losing consciousness.

"That dream again? How annoying" said the young man when he woke up in one of the rooms from one of the many inns in Border Town, the young man already knew what was the meaning behind that dream; something big was going to happen, although if it was something good or bad he could only speculate.

"Well, Teacher always told me that only easy day was yesterday" he thought wryly as he began to put on his Assasin gear, which consisted of black pants, boots of the same color, a dark blue shirt, and a white hooded coat. As for his weapons at the moment he only had a Kukri knife and its hidden blade. And since his master only left him enough money to make it to the Town, to register with the local Adventurer's Guild, and for his basic necessities, he probably didn't consider that he would also need to buy some basic equipment.

"At least this time he left me with a knife to defend myself" The young man thought sardonically, remembering some of the 'tests' that his teacher imposed on him that were undoubtedly infernal. For no matter how many times he said it: Eliminating a cabal of followers of chaos armed only with the hidden blade was not an easy task.

Once he arrived at the office of the Adventurer's Guild he had to use his poker face to hide his annoyance, since as he imagined, the place was full of people that varied from the typical ones in charge of delivering the new quests to the Guild, its staff, adventurers, and finally the new recruits just like him.

So just like the other rookies he stood in line to be registered in the guild as an adventurer and while doing so, he observed his surroundings to begin to familiarize himself with his surroundings.

"Next please" exclaimed a kind voice, abruptly pulling him out of his musings, since apparently, it was his turn.

"At last" was the only thing the young assassin thought. Once he got to the desk, he saw the receptionist who was going to attend him: She was a young blonde of his age, he could admit that she was pretty since the guild uniform accentuated her figure very well.

"Good morning, are you coming to post a mission or to register as an adventurer?" the young woman asked with a somewhat fake smile on her face.

"I'm coming for the second, dear." Assassin replied with a charming smile on his face. Not that he tried to flirt with the girl, but it would certainly be helpful to have a good relationship with the Staff of the Guild in the future. Noticing this, the girl gave the young man a more sincere smile and handed him the form, which the boy filled out without much trouble.
Once this was done, he took the porcelain tag that identified him as a new adventurer he left the building and headed to his next stop: The blacksmith, since he had equipment to buy before taking a mission.

Border Town – Smithy

One thing that the new adventurer noticed once he entered the premises was that the objects on display were; that while they didn't look special or magical they were of excellent quality, far more than what a novice adventurer could afford elsewhere. Which the Assassin liked since he knew that here he would not be scammed.
"In what I can help you brat?" Asked bluntly the blacksmith who was at the counter. The young murderer only limited to smile slightly before answering, "I need a long sword and a set of leather armor" the smith nodded and went to look for the gear.

At that time he young he made a quick look at the people who were in the store. Among those present, there was one that caught his attention. A swordsman, who used basic equipment, but his bearing and look were totally different from all the other rookies present. He was young and could be almost of his same age, but his gaze was that of someone totally focused on completing his goal, no matter how long or how impossible it may seem. Just like him.

"Hello, I see that you are also new to the Guild" he introduced himself with a friendly smile to the other rookie who continued to take inventory of what he had bought.

"Hello," he replied dryly to the assassin as he began to put on his armor.

"Are you going on a mission?" the Assassin asked the young man who gave him the look for the first time.

"Yes, I'm going to hunt down goblins" replied the young man and for the first time, he saw the eyes of the other young man. Two crimson orbs that glowed with an intensity comparable to that of hellfire at the mention of the Goblins. That undoubtedly surprised the young assassin, since he had only seen those kinds of eyes in another person… Himself, every time he looked in the mirror and remembered what happened to his hometown.

"This possible alliance can be advantageous" thought the young man, when he was called by the blacksmith to withdraw his order, so after paying for his purchase, he returned to where the young man was, who had finished putting on his armor and was sheathing his short sword in your waist.

"And do you have a team? Since goblin extermination missions are extremely dangerous for newbies" the Assassin commented, to which the young man only replied before putting on his helmet.

"I don't and I know that, but I'll still go to kill all the goblins." The young assassin couldn't help but smile at the sheer conviction in the words of the boy in front of him. No. He wasn't just another green brat with only dreams of glory and above-average skills. He was certainly someone like him. Someone who saw hell with his own eyes and instead of being broken or destroyed by it, was forged anew into something totally different from what he otherwise might have been.

"This certainly seems to be an interesting association" thought the assassin with a slight smile on his face. "So would do you like to team up with me on this mission? Since this way it will be easier to kill the little bastards, apart from increasing our chances of getting out of there alive" Assassin asked the other young man. Who seemed to think about it for a moment before answering him.

"Sounds good to me" was the young man's reply. The assassin smiled pleased as the first step towards his integration into the guild was complete.

"Although before leaving I recommend that you get rid of the horns that your helmet has since they are a good way for an enemy to hold you or make it more difficult for you to go through a narrow space" Assassin commented to his new partner while He pointed to the horns that his helmet had.

"I understand" replied the young man and then prepare to get rid of these. The assassin nodded pleased since that way his partner would have less chance of dying. The other young man took off his helmet and asked the blacksmith to remove the horns from the helmet.

So while the other boy modified his helmet, the assassin began to put on his armor and equip his sword to go on his first mission.
And that was how the two most unpredictable pieces on the board of the gods met. Thus initiating a friendship that would change the destiny not only of many people but of the world.

The next day - Outside a Cave on the outskirts of a village

The pair of rookie adventurers stood in front of the entrance of the cave that the goblins had taken as their nest "Are you ready?" the Assassin asked his partner seriously in a neutral voice as his face was hidden by the hood that obscured the upper part of it.

His partner stared at the cave while his right eye glowed with an ominous red "Yes, let's go and kill all the goblins" after that exchange of words both young men drew their swords and entered the cave with only one objective in mind.

Kill all the goblins and rescue the captive girl.

Seeing a couple of goblins standing guard, they go on the attack. The Assassin quickly dispatches his enemy by stabbing his sword into his head while his partner cuts his enemy in two with his short sword. "Those are two" was the only thing he said as he swipes his sword to remove the excess of blood.

The Assassin nodded to the words of his companion as he pulled the sword from the corpse because he knew that was true. But he could not answer him as a goblin jumped from the shadows ready to stab him with a crude knife. But the Assassin was quicker and captured the goblin with his left hand before killing him with his hidden blade stabbing him in the neck eliminating the threat instantly.

"That was close," the Assassin commented as he threw the corpse to the ground, keeping his guard up. Since he didn't want to be surprised again. His partner continued to advance with extreme caution, taking special care in possible traps or ambushes.

"They are dumb but not stupid" was his reply. To which the Assassin agreed because they undoubtedly were. After all, if he had not received his teacher training to be an assassin he would have certainly died moments ago.


The cry of a goblin echoes through the cavern when they see a group of goblins accompanied by a hob go against them. So they both prepare for the fight. The Adventurer accompanying the assassin hits one of the goblins with his shield, disorienting him and then finishing him off with a thrust of his sword. While the assassin decapitates one with his sword and quickly dispatched another stabbing him with his hidden blade.

"Hell, they are gaining ground on us." The Assassin tells his companion while blocking and counterattacking a goblin, his partner only replied by decapitating a goblin and throwing his sword to the Hob who block it using as a shield another of the monsters.

"I know." He replied dryly as he struck another goblin with his shield, finishing him off with a club that he had picked up from the ground, smashing the goblin's head, and scattering blood and gray matter around it.

"But even so we must now continue because these goblins are too close to a village and we must also rescue the girl the little bastards took prisoner." Finished the assassin who drew his kukri and began to fight with knife and sword in each hand. Which he used to decapitate a goblin with his knife and stab another with his sword.

The adventurer was not far behind since he discarded the shield and took with his free hand a spear from the corpse of another goblin and used it to impale a pair of goblins with it, then he dodged the attack of another goblin that he killed. With an accurate strike from the club.

The Hob watched as his pathetic subordinates died without getting rid of the damn adventurers who had dared to attack their lair "Damn useless vermin!" The hob thought annoyed while he advanced towards the battle and raised his huge club and with a quick movement attacked the adventurers. The fact that his subordinates would die did not cross his mind since if they died it meant that they were too stupid and weak to be alive. Besides that way, he would get a bigger part of the loot.

The assassin saw the attack coming so he pushed his partner away from the range of the weapon while using his sword to block the attack which broke into pieces from the force of the attack and made him recoil. The hob smiled cruelly at that as now he could certainly kill the pesky vermin.

But his happiness did not last long as the assassin threw at him the piece of his sword that he still had in his hand, which struck him in his right eye which made him drop his weapon of pain while roaring in fury and agony as he held the injured eye with one hand. The assassin smiled sadistically when he saw the injured monster, changing his Kukri to his right hand in an inverted grip he made with his free hand a gesture of 'come here' to the Hob who clouded by the pain, anger, and hatred he felt for the adventurer in front of him lunged at the assassin with the firm intention of killing the bastard with his bare hands.

"Idiot" the assassin said contemptuously to the goblin once it was a few steps away from him. At that moment the Hob feels a deep and stabbing pain in his head and then falls dead at the feet of the Assassin.

"That was a risky move" said his partner who was behind the corpse of the goblin with his right hand bloody because he grabbed the fragment of the blade of the assassin's sword which he used to stab the Hobgoblin behind his head.

"I know, but at least it worked to get rid of him" Assassin replied before starting to treat his teammate's injury. Since they both knew how dangerous it could be to leave an untreated wound in the middle of a mission.

After finishing treating the wound, the adventurer opens and closes his hand to check if it was well treated, when he sees that in fact, it was, he takes another weapon from the corpses (another spear) "Let's finish with this" he said to the Assassin who nodded and they set out to finish the mission.

Once they reached the most remote part of the cave where they found the captured girl huddled in a corner of the cave with obvious signs of abuse and a Goblin Shaman who was next to the girl. He smirked evilly and threw a lightning bolt at them from his staff which the adventurers could barely dodge but left them slightly stunned.
Something that the Goblin took advantage of to try to escape but the Adventurer took advantage of this to throw the spear at the Goblin Shaman sticking it in the head killing him instantly. "And with this, all the goblins have been exterminated" He commented while the assassin helped the girl.

Once they were outside they went to drop off the girl in the village, and after resupplying their supplies they started their way back to the guild. "Well, this was definitely an experience, don't you think buddy?" Commented the Assassin to his partner.

He only remained silent for a few moments before answering "Yes, but this has just begun because I have not finished exterminating all goblins "The Assassin listened to his words and smiled slightly.

"So you will be their Killer, some kind of Goblin Slayer?" the Assassin asked the now called Goblin Slayer who only affirmed with confidence.

"Yes, I will kill them all until there are none left on the face of the earth." Goblin Slayer replied to Assassin who laughed heartily before patting his partner on the back.

"Many would say that it is a stupid goal and a waste of your talents" Assassin commented before taking a sip from his canteen and then passing it to Goblin Slayer "But something tells me that you will achieve it eventually." Assassin said to his partner who was taking a drink from the canteen.

"Thank you for the vote of confidence Assassin" Goblin Slayer replied to his partner as he returned the canteen.

"No problem" Assassin replied while putting away the canteen "Although thanks to this mission I discovered that I need throwing weapons, which is good since better here than in the middle of a fight against a more dangerous enemy" Goblin Slayer nodded to his words as they were true. If they had throwing weapons they would have dealt with the goblins more easily.

"You are right." Replied Goblin Slayer. While in his mind he repeated the events of the quest. Since he was not fooling himself because if Assassin had not decided to go with him on the mission, things could have turned out worse for him. "But that's why teacher taught me to learn from my pasts experiences to avoid repeating the same mistakes" thought the slayer of goblins as devised new plans and strategies to deal more effectively so against his hated enemies.

Although he was not the only one doing that as Assassin was doing something similar "This mission was more dangerous than expected. My teacher was right, one should never underestimate their enemy because when you do so, you can consider yourself as good as dead. I will not make that mistake again" thought the assassin seriously since he knew that if he died now he would not only disappoint his teacher who saved his life in his darkest hour but also his family who gave their lives to protect him.

No, neither of them were going to die yet as they still had unfinished business to attend.

Days Later - Border Town Adventurers Guild

Guild Girl was concerned. As it had been two days since that rookie took the mission to exterminate the goblins alone and he still had not returned. She knew it was a futile hope since he was most likely dead, but the girl really wanted him to succeed.

But at that moment she notices a pair of rookie adventurers approaching the desk. They were both dressed in cheap armor typical of novice adventurers. One was the hooded young man who over his white coat now wore leather armor and the other was dressed in similar armor only with a cheap helmet that covered his entire face. "Hi, how can I help you?" the girl asked them with her typical polite and fake smile.

"The mission was completed successfully" said calmly Goblin Slayer to the girl who recognized his voice, opened her eyes surprised and grateful that he was alive. "Assassin and I killed the goblins and rescued the girl." Guild Girl directed her gaze to Assassin who only gave her a small smile and nodded. Causing her smile to become truly genuine.

"I met him at the smithy and decided to join him with this mission," Assassin continued the report in a calm and professional manner. "As my partner said the mission was completed successfully, the goblins were exterminated and the captured girl was successfully rescued." He finished.

"Okay, but could you give me more details for the report please." Guild Girl told them, keeping a cheerful smile while both adventurers gave her the details of the mission so that she could fill out the report.

And so it was that two of the most unthinkable pieces entered the game of the gods and changed it forever.

Author's Notes: Uff, this was a pain to finish but here it is! A crossover between Assassin's Creed and Goblin Slayer. Here I will use elements from AC 1 through Revelations (are both the ones the better fit with Goblin Slayer and are the best games of the franchise) Here the Assassin Brotherhood will fight against the forces of Chaos and any other group that tries to attempt against the free will of the people of the world.
I will also elements from other series like Darkest Dungeon, D&D (characters, monsters, and factions), and others.
And in case you want to know what Assassin looks like, well for now imagine him dressed as Altair in the first Assassin's Creed.

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