Winslow was hell again. Granted it was always hell, for what else could it be. It had started off with Madison putting glue down on her seat in first period. Luckily she had noticed and was able to clean it up with some tissue before it got onto her pants.
Still in a fit of petty retaliation she observed Madison. The girl's sound was that of a piccolo, like a higher pitched flute. Her sound carried hints of cuteness, but cruelty. Sharp sudden pips of noise that reminded Taylor of a shark circling. Within the sounds she could pick out the knowledge of girl having pushed Taylor into the locker, and other misdeeds of torture that she put Taylor through. On the positive side there was knowledge of her reaching out to strangers online who seemed to be struggling, of going out of her way to help her family. On the whole the positives didn't make up for what was done to Taylor, but it was good to know there were element of good in the girl, no matter how little it was.
She headed down the stairs towards her second period of the day. When she felt someone's hands land on her back and then pushing her down. She started to fall, but all of the training she had been doing with Layla and Officer Williams seemed to be paying off. She mostly caught herself a step or two down and managed to redirect her free fall down the stairs into a controlled fall on the next landing. All those practices falls truly were worth it.
She rolled over and kipped up. Once she was on her feet she twisted around to see who had pushed her. Standing in front of her was Sophia acting like she had no clue what just happend.
"Wow, what a klutz Hebert," she said with a snide laugh.
"Keep your hands to yourself in the future Hess." Taylor retorted.
She then opened her senses to the Symphony and focused on Sophia. That same out of tune saxophone. That same knowledge of almost killing a man with a crossbow bolt, that same knowledge of being forced by the PRT into their service. Sophia Hess was fucking Shadow Stalker. God this pissed her off.
She was so furious she picked up her bag and stormed out of the school slamming the door behind her. The implications of this could be massive. Was the PRT tying the school's hands. Was that why the administration refused to punish the Bitches Three?
Taylor would need to dig more. To investigate this before she jumped to any conclusions, but right now she couldn't take it any more. The utter hypocrisy. The false claim of being a hero.
At the very least Hess was unwillingly conscripted into the Wards. How much that displeased Hess was somewhat comforting. Still it added all the more reason for Taylor to continue being independent no matter how unsafe being independent was.
Taylor marched from the school to the bus stop and headed straight to the HARP house.
She had cooled off a bit by the time she got to her destination, but still was looking forward to some quality time with the punching bag. She walked inside to find Mary was doing some administrative work.
"Mary! I didn't expect to find you here. Aren't you supposed to be in school?" Taylor asked surprised by the other girl's presence. As far as she knew Mary was about the same age as her.
"I go to Arcadia, this is my work release." Mary replied.
"Wait how does that work?" Taylor questioned.
"Its mostly a cover for the wards, at least that's my theory. We get two or three half days a week depending upon our schedule. Then the other half of the day is spent working at a local business or charity." Mary explained.
A surge of jealousy that she was unable to attend Arcadia went through Taylor. Maybe she could see if Layla could help vouch for her attending next year? It would help give her a bit more time in her week. It was already pretty full between the genuine volunteering she did, the practice she does with Layla, going out patrolling, self defense class, and trying to spend at least a token amount of time with her dad.
She stamped the jealousy down. It wasn't Mary's fault.
"Unfair," she said trying to make sure her voice carried a tone of teasing. She thought based upon the grin on Mary's face that she succeeded, but her social skills were pretty rusty at this point.
"Anyways I've had a pretty rough day, I'm going to head downstairs and get some punching bag therapy."
"Have fun! I'll let Layla know where you are when she gets back." Mary replied before going back to her paperwork.
Taylor didn't even stop by her locker or get changed into her exercise clothes. She just went straight down to the basement. She did grab a pair of kickboxing gloves and strapped them on tight.
The wham, wham, wham of the punching bag filled her ears like music. She still couldn't believe Sophia.
A half hour later she was just starting to wind down. Her stamina seemed to have been increasing exponentially because she was barely feeling the exertion. The worst of the anger finally wearing out her system. She was still furious, but the hot burning rage had abated. She started stripping the gloves from her hands.
She then heard a clap clap clap coming from behind her. She spun around and saw Layla standing there watching.
"You have improved significantly since you started my young padawan." Her mentor said.
"How long have you been watching." Taylor accused. Embarrassed by the thought of having a spectator to her temper tantrum.
"Oh not long kid, just ten minutes or there abouts," Layla teased. "So want to tell me whats got your panties in a knot?"
"Found something out about one of my bullies, nothing I can't share, just what a fucking Hypocrite she is." Taylor said before she whipped back around and slammed the punching bag with a bare knuckled punch.
"Come on lets go grab a tea." Layla said heading up the stairs towards the longue.
Taylor called after her, "Still not going to tell you what it was." Then started following.
She collapsed onto the couch and draped herself across it like a Freudian therapy patient. She even draped the back of her hand across her forehead.
"Oh woe is me!" She exclaimed in mock drama.
"So want to tell me whats wrong?" Layla said. Ignoring the theatrics.
"Girl who has been bullying me. Discovered something about her. Reasons she might have influence over the administration in school." Taylor explained. She leaned over to peek at Layla's reaction. The older woman had a look of mild concern on her face.
"Reasons that she might be getting away with it?" Layla asked, bringing Taylor's hidden fear into the world.
"Exactly." Taylor groaned.
"Well what are you going to do about it?" Layla asked.
Taylor really wasn't sure. She wasn't sure what she could do. Most of her options would inevitably out Sophia, or involve blackmailing the administration. She could go to the PRT, see if they would do anything, maybe file an anonymous complaint? They did at least in part seem to want her, maybe they would accept her in trade for Shadow Stalker. That felt wrong though. Like she was trading herself into indentured servitude for justice. Justice shouldn't have a cost like that, it should be universal.
"I don't know," she cried out as she tossed her arms up into the air.
Layla walked over and bent down and pulled Taylor up into a hug. "Its okay Taylor, it will be okay." She started patting Taylor on the back.
The action of being pulled into a hug had frozen Taylor. She hadn't been hugged like this since… since her mother died. Her father had given her hugs, with just as much emotion, but there was something different to those. Like he was grasping on for support as much as he was giving it. This was different. This was someone just unconditionally being there for her. She burst into tears.
"Oh god, what an idiot I am," Taylor got out between sobs. She started trying to wipe her eyes clean, tried to get herself under control.
"Its okay kid, there is nothing to be ashamed of. It's a natural human reaction. You can come cry on big sister Layla when ever you want." The smile Layla said it with told Taylor that she wasn't joking or lying. That Layla meant it when she said she could cry on her whenever. "Hey Kid, let me look into a few things. Call in a few favors. Maybe there is something I can do."
Taylor released Layla and just laid there thinking about how different her life was from a month ago. She just stayed there like that thinking over everything, over what to do about Sophia, thinking about her changing life, about Layla, about her Dad. So many things were fucked up or rapidly changing in her life. All of them screaming at her. She just laid there staring at the ceiling trying to process it all.
Layla seeing her apprentice's improved, albeit still messy state got up and gave her space. Leaving the room and closing the door behind herself.
It took her a bit but she finished her moping and headed home. Once home she changed into her partial costume, grabbed her hero notebook, and headed out. Once she was a good five or six blocks away from her home she found an alley and got changed into the rest of her costume.
Once changed she set course for the boat graveyard. She wasn't patrolling tonight. That wasn't her plan.
When she got to the boat graveyard she looked for something that was easy enough to reach from shore without going swimming. Luckily there was a mid size tanker half sunken just adjacent to shore. She hopped the three feet from the dock onto it.
Next up she drew the brass hilt. And gave it a good luck. Her brief research seemed to indicate it was some kind of British bastard sword. Although they wouldn't have used bronze for for such a hilt. No one had used bronze in… just about forever. As she held it in her hands she took a deep breath. She could feel that it had partially recharged. A similar amount to what she gained everyday. Huh, that was useful. Essentially doubling her baseline daily regeneration.
Before she proceeded she checked the time and wrote it down.
She then took that piece of essence and funneled into the blade. The fire ignited. It crackled and hissed as it extended out from the hilt. The flames settling into the appearance of a bastard sword with the yellow, orange and red flames licking and flickering out from that base shape.
She wondered if Layla knew how to sword fight? That would be helpful.
She took the sword and gave it a few practice swings. While being very careful to not drop the sword or accidentally decapitate herself.
The sword had a certain balance to it. She wasn't sure how that worked when the majority of it was an essentially weightless plasma.
Once she got the hand of swinging it she took a swipe at a wall of the tanker. It cut into the metal. Not like a hot knife through butter, but with definitive ease compared to what she expected of a traditional metal blade.
Next experiment was to see if burned things like normal. She pulled out a wooden spoon she had stolen from the kitchen. She tossed it onto the ground and then held the sword out pointing it at the spoon. It took a minute to light, more than she expected but then she had never been camping or built a fire before.
So the fire worked like a normal fire. That was also good to know. She checked her watch to see how much time had passed. Only a minute. She shrugged and went back to swinging it for practice. After five minutes she started to wonder if it would extinguish on its own, and then it suddenly extinguished. The flame just dissipating into the ether.
She recorded the timing in her notebook, and then repeated the experiment. This time it lasted two minutes. The next and final experiment of the night it lasted four.
"Hmm," she said as she recorded her final experiment in her notebook. "That is frustrating, but good to know."
She collected her gear, slipped her notebook back into her motorcycle jacket's pocket, and then put the hilt in with it. She then took a deep breath and did a running leap back to the shore.
Taylor's walk back to her house had been a quiet affair, full of self reflection and pondering the various problems that currently plagued her. That was until she noticed some sounds up ahead, something was going on.
She started running in the direction she heard the noises hoping she would get there in time to make a difference.
Bursting into an intersection she saw a lifted truck with a large mounted minigun in the bed shooting erratically into the air. Manning the gun was the trashiest person that Taylor had ever seen. A shredded tank top covered in grease stains, booty shorts, and a pair of thigh high boots. Taylor looked for a moment trying to figure out what was driving this insanity. Sadly she couldn't clearly make anything out.
Quickly she sung her song of shields, infusing it with the necessary essence. The shield whirled around her. Then she drew her hilt and ignited it. This was going to be her first use of it in real combat, and a scary combat this was going to be. So far her shield had stood up to all abuse that was thrown at it, but she hadn't tested it on anything near the calibre of a minigun firing hundreds of rounds a minute.
She started charging forward, relying upon the noise of the minigun to hide her feet pounding against the street. Only parked cars lined the edge of the streets, with no drivers in sight. No bystanders to get pulled into this madness. Well as long as the gunner kept aiming into the air.
When she was a few feet away the gunner finally noticed her and let off the trigger and pivoted the gun towards her. Then the gun increased its spinning again. thwack thwack thwack the bullets pelted her shield and fell to the ground. She finished her charge, jumping onto the rim of the bed, and then into the bed with an overhead swing slicing into the barrel of the gun and cutting through the rods. The spinning motion helping to saw the barrels in twain.
"Cocksucking bitch! I was using that." The gunner swore as she pulled a handgun from a holster. Taylor swung the blade but stopped just shy of the woman's arm. She wasn't going to mutilate the woman. Not when she had options. She dropped the flaming sword and went in for a punch.
The handgun fired fairing no better than the minigun before it, the bullet falling to the ground with a small ping that was overwhelmed by the sound of the gunfire.
"Surrender!" Taylor yelled at the woman. Just then a blonde woman descended from the sky like a bullet slamming into the hood of the truck. The vehicle rocking from the impact sent Taylor reeling backwards, tripping over the rim of the bed and falling flat onto the ground. She kipped up onto her feet and prepared to once again engage the mad gunner.
She once again lept up scrambling into the bed of the truck. Taking a punch to the face as she did. Once more her shield held strong. It likely only had a few seconds left at this point. She needed to stop relying upon it, as she didn't have much energy left after her experiments and initial charge.
Taylor went for a tackle trying to take the woman down, but the gunner dodged like a matador. It took a moment for Taylor to regain her balance in which time her shield finally lapsed. The woman taking advantage of Taylor being off kilter and slammed an elbow into her back forcing her to the floor of the bed of the truck.
"Stay down you fucking shit stain." The gunner cried.
The blonde bullet had taken several swings at the engine ensuring she had stopped any potential fleeing.
In between punches and elbows to the lower rib Taylor somehow managed to roll over onto her back. She tried to fend of the punches that were raining down onto her as best as she could, but only succeeded on a quarter. One of the punches landed firmly on her lowest rib and she could feel a rib snap. The shock of agony overtook her for a period, but she quickly steeled herself.
She pulled her legs up towards her chest, wrangled her feet against the gunner's stomach and then pushed with all her might. The gunner went flying back into side of the cab. The act of kicking like she did caused a spike of blinding white pain as the broken rib moved. Taylor slowly caught her breath and then slowly pulled herself to her. She stumbled forward step after step, ignoring the excruciating pain, focusing on her target.
"I said surrender you miserable waste of breath."
The blonde seemed to have finished crushing the vehicle's engine and floated over to above Taylor and the downed gunner.
"Need a hand there?" The blonde asked.
Taylor looked up at her and finally recognised the costume. The golden tiara should have been a hint, but she had been more focused on the minigun of doom that would have torn through the neighborhood like it was wet tissue.
"Glory Girl, sorry for crashing your party." Taylor slurred out.
"Oh, no worries there. I was having trouble getting close enough with that monstrosity going off." Glory Girl said. Her fists resting on her hips and posing like an action figure.
"Happy to help." Taylor responded. "Now lets get this bitch tied up." she said before dropping to her knees over the unconscious gunner.
She ignored the pain once more and flipped the woman over onto her front. Pulling her hands behind her back and then pulling a flexicuff out of a pocket.
"So I don't recognise you, and I know most of the faces, so to speak, of the local scene."
"Paladin, fairly new." Taylor said before gesturing at her poor excuse of a costume.
"Ahh, well welcome to the Brockton Bay hero scene. Always nice to have another person playing for the good guys."
Taylor just nodded her head in acknowledgement, spending more energy trying to focus on acting through the pain than paying attention to the conversation.
"Do you have a phone? You know call 911." Taylor said to the illustrious blonde.
"Oh. Yea, sorry." Glory Girl said with a slight blush on her cheeks. "Let me call Amy while I'm at it, get you checked out."
Taylor just nodded, the name Amy sounded familiar, but she just didn't have the brain space right now to put it together. With the gunner finally secured she dropped down onto the floor and leaned back against the wall of the bed. Her focus on taking slow breaths, trying to regulate the pain, and prevent any shifting of her rib.
Glory Girl tried to carry on a conversation while they waited. Although that might have just been her rambling for the sake of rambling. Either way it was a fairly one sided conversation.
Instead of the BBPD showing up with a wagon to haul away the gunner it was a PRT wagon full of troopers that arrived.
They quickly secured the gunner into the wagon and foamed her up. Huh, apparently she wasn't just a mad gunner, but was a parahuman. So you learn.
"Who was that?" Taylor asked Glory Girl.
"Wait you beat her to unconsciousness and you don't know who she is." The blonde said with utter disbelief.
"Rings a bell, but can't focus right now." Taylor said, hoping the girl would take it as an acceptable excuse.
"That was Squealer, second in command of the Archer's Bridge Merchants."
"Fuck, they are going to be pissed about this aren't they." Taylor mused.
"Yup!" Glory Girl said popping the p.
They lapsed into silence which was luckily broken not long after by the PRT officer in charge coming over.
"Nice job girls."
"Paladin did most of the work, I just kept Squealer distracted." Glory Girl said while hooking a thumb in Taylor's direction.
"I don't even know how this kicked off. I just heard commotion and came running down. Then I saw the minigun going off and figured it could start hurting bystanders if any buildings ended up in the backdrop of the shots."
"So you charged head first at the problem" Glory Girl critiqued.
"I figured that would get me in close enough to do something about it. My abilities are all pretty short range." Taylor countered.
"Can I ask what you used to saw the mini gun in half?" The PRT agent interrupted before the two girls could continue.
"She was charging with a giant flaming sword!" Glory Girl exclaimed.
"I'm sorry a what?" The agent questioned.
"Flaming sword, you know like an avenging angel." Glory Girl piped in.
Great that was exactly the comparison Taylor needed. Being in the same breath as the Hopekiller.
"Could we see this flaming sword?" The agent asked.
Taylor thought about it for a moment before shaking her head. "I'm pretty beat and don't have a lot of gas left in the engine, so to speak."
The agent looked disappointed, but noted something down on his clipboard.
"The other question we had was about a number of flattened bullets we found on the tarmac. Do you know how they got there?"
Taylor briefly considered her response before settling on the truth. "I took a few minigun rounds to the chest, I imagine the impacted bullets are from where they hit my shield."
"An impressive set of abilities you have there Miss Grab Bag" Glory Girl teased.
Taylor really didn't have the energy right now to deal with teasing. It was hard enough at the best of times, but at the moment she was still trying to moderate her breathing to control the spikes of pain.
"Could I get a ride to the hospital. Probably need to get this looked at."
Glory Girl looked down at her phone before saying "Amy should be here any minute now. She can get you fixed up in a jiffy."
It finally clicked who Amy was. Amy Dallon was Panacea, greatest healer in New England, if not the world. It had to be a massive boon to have someone like her on speed dial.
Glory Girl was spot on as only a minute later Laser Dream landed on the ground carrying Panacea bridal style.
"I heard I was needed?" She said, clearly grumpy at being pulled away from her home at this hour.
"Yea, think I broke my rib," Taylor said from her position on the ground.
"Do I have your permission to heal you?" she asked with all the enthusiasm of a grocery store clerk.
"Yup. Yes you do." Taylor said in a strained voice.
Panacea bent down and reached out to touch Taylor's hand. Suddenly Taylor could feel her rib shifting as it reknit itself into position.
"There you go, all fixed." Panacea said.
Taylor stood up and stretched, checking for any residual pain. Thank god it was all gone. "I owe you one, thanks Panacea."
"You protected my idiot sister, so consider us even." She said before turning on the spot and heading back to Laser Dream.
"Hey! I'm not an idiot." Glory Girl yelled as she chased after.
"So we all set here?" Taylor asked the PRT Officer.
"Yes, have a good evening Paladin." He replied.