An Age Of Heroes Or Darkness: A Meta Human Timeline

In Malaysia, the government adopted a similar approach but with a stronger emphasis on ensuring that Roraist activities did not the multi-ethnic balance of its society. Roraist temples were monitored, but while government also engaged in dialogue with Roraist leaders to integrate their public service projects into national development plans in order to avoid many of the pitfalls that happened in the Western Eurasian peninsula. This cooperative relationship helped reduce potential conflicts and allowed Roraists to contribute positively to Malaysian society^2. As well as that Roraists tended to act as a mediator between different ethnic groups as most groups saw them as neutral. A similar response would be attempted by India though its ally Pakistan would have much more trouble with Roraism.
Yeah there was a brief mentioned of them, I probably should have expanded on them a lot more though. They are super important within the region.
The American Way!
Breaking News: Venan And Haitian Troops Enter Santo Domingo As Governmental Forces Fall Back To Defensive Lands. Heavy Street Fighting Still Reported Across Santo Domingo

-New Moon News August 6, 2025

"Don't shoot I'm American I'm America-"

-Capture Invading Haitian Americans belonging to the failed Operation Haitian Liberty shortly before being hit with the butt of a rifle by a Duken'Korp Soldier on August 6, 2025

Duken'Korps Seen Helping To Arrest CIA-Backed American Imperialists

-Venan Start August 6, 2025

"We totally and fully condemn the actions taken by the Haitians and their Venan backers. First, the Venans helped to overthrow Haitian democracy now they are seeking to spread their communist terror across the Caribbean. This is why we are giving the Venan and Haitian military a week to both return to the pre-conflict border as well as disarm all nuclear weapons located across the island of Haiti. If not the US will step in and make peace.

For too long we have tolerated the Venans and for too long they have spread their authoritarian ideology and their shadow has snuffed off the freedoms of millions. First in Ukraine, where the US backed down in the name of peace and appeasement, then in Africa where we lacked the will or drive to stand with our allies when the short-lived liberal democracies of the Sahel were snuffed out by Venan-backed coups, again we appeased the Venan menace with their annexation of Wolfania, time and time again nations like Vena, Russia, North Korea, China, Iran, and other autocratic regimes across the world are were allowed to grow because good men and women of the free world set back and did nothing.

Because we were too scared to intervene on the side of the righteous truth, Justice, and the American way. That day ends here. To the so-called God Emperor of Vena, we have this to say, you will obey the international rule-based order, your nation will respect the sovereignty of other nations, you will respect the right of self-determination and you have a week from today to turn around or so help me god, America destroy your ten-thousand-year-old empires in less than ten minutes.

Long live the United States of America,"

-President Harrirs August 6, 2025

"If the US wants war we will give them a final war. If they wish to start the great trial then be our guest. We will not back down, we will not abandon our allies to the colonizers. This is what we want, what we have prayed for in this war for over a century. One final showdown, a final war to end all wars!

For centuries the West has set the rules for the games of politics, now that they are losing their own game and so they wish to flip the table. To that, I can only laugh, to hell with your rule-based world order, to hell with the lies that you tell yourself about freedom and democracy while your nations stand on the corpses of untold millions, natives and Africans that till this day you rape and exploit, to hell with your hypocrisy, with your two face double standards about what is and isn't acceptable, and to our enemies I say this let the apocalypse come, let the seas boiled and the sky burn in nuclear Armageddon, let the blood flow to the height of a horses' saddle, Vena has lasted ten thousand years we can last a nuclear winter, we will win even if it means everyone has to lose and as always Vena Endures."

-The King Of Vena August 6, 2025

So we guess we getting that new season of Fallout early boys.

-TheGameRage_9797 (Ward+) August 6, 2025

It's Time To Invade Haiti…And Nuke Vena

-Fox News August 6, 2025

French Army and Police Attempting Retake Cities Forced To Use Russian-Style Seige Tactics Pushed By Rebel FPV Drones

-CNN August 6, 2025

How Brazil Became The Winner In The New Cold War

-The Times Of The Week August 6, 2025

Food Stockpiling Across America See Large Increase As Fear Of Atomic War With Vena Rises:

Fear of war with the Songhai Pact and NATO over the conflict in Haiti rises so have run on grocery markets. There are now dozens if not scores of highly viral videos on sites like TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, and Ward+ of people panic buying and in some cases fighting over supplies with many remarking online that it reminds them of the early days of the pandemic of 2020.

-New Moon News August 6, 2025

Stock Markets Tanks Across The World As Fear Of All-Out War Between NATO & The Communist Bloc

-Bloomberg August 6, 2025

"Too often, in our effort to stop nuclear conflict and a third world war, we have been too generous. Our enemy is now on our doorstep, and there is no choice for us to make but to stop them."

-President Harris, August 8, 2025

How To Make A Homemade Fallout Shelter

-Popular Video On TikTok August 6, 2025

"The Peace-Loving people of The New Afrikan Autonomous Zone stand against Any Nuclear Conflict and will shoot down any missile flying above its airspace, and will not allow any American build-up or launches in or around its area of control."

-Statement By The NAZ Government August 6, 2025

//Reaper: How Close Are We On Project Gia?

//Black Power: Not close at all, we didn't think it would escalate this damn fast. Combine that with what is happening in France and it ain't looking good.

//Spades: However, while we can't fully stop an all-out atomic war between the world's nuclear powers I believe that we have enough to minimize the immediate aftermath of localized exchanges.

//Rora: We need to focus on getting the leaders of the world to talk to one another to call their warriors back down from the precipice of destruction. I believe we can start by attempting to facilitate a meeting between the Venans and President Harris by focusing on the issue of France.

//Captain Slaughter: That could work as common ground. So long as the "universal theory of fuck that guy" holds but who the hell is going to bring them to a negotiating table? Can't be China, Can't be Russia, and sure as hell can't be Imani. Unless we are gonna pull another sixth superpower out of our collective ass we are screwed harder than a marines's wife two days after his first deployment.

//Reaper: Our collective asses are the 6th power.

//Black Power: We tried that already with the French intervention idea and Legion.

//Reaper: It's one thing for Vena to turn down a costly intervention in France a nation that they hate it might be easier to convince them to agree not to help blow up the world. In the meantime, I am having my company's and the syndicate's satellites on standby to activate their dual-use system. It's old Project Star Wars tech from the 80s but it should help target missiles over major population centers when working in tandem with other members of the team.

Deadliest Year For American Soldiers Since 1968: When Counting Texas, Congo, And Troubles At Home It's Worse!

-The Black Star August 7, 2025

Occupations Of Parts Of Baghdad By Neo Baathists continue As More Sporadic Fighting Happens Elsewhere Across The Country's Major Cities

- BBC August 7, 2025

"I wouldn't be mad and I would be happy if there was a war between Vena and America if not the entire West. Because that is the only thing that the whites actually understand about violence. That is their language colonialism and violence. Once Africa has been able to defeat them in open and fair combat and is strong enough to do it over and over again then and only then by which I mean whites will fear African people enough to leave us the hell alone,"

"You seem to be confusing respect with fear,"

"No Jacob I am not, the only way we as Black people are ever gonna get any peace in this world is to make our enemies so afraid of us so fearful to try anything that they will leave us alone.

Look what happened after China under Mao. Before Mao and the strong rule of the party, China was weak and was able to be bullied around it was the Uncle Tom of Asia. Now that China can strike fear in the heart of their enemies they are treated with respect out of fear of what would happen if they didn't treat them that way. That is the only thing the enemy respects, unity, strength, power, and strength. First, you get unified under the strongest and most capable among the people, and then through that unity, you gain strength from that strength you gain power, and once you get that power you hurt those that would hurt you, you make them scared of you, you make them fear you and what would happen if they go against you.

This may sound queer coming from me a former enslaved person, but I do believe that might make right. I learned that on the plantation when the white man sold me from my family, beat me, changed my name, took my labor for years, and then did the same thing to my children. I couldn't protect myself I couldn't protect my daughter because I was weak. Not just me, but because Africa was weak we were made slaves in the first place.

This creation of fear is one of the reasons why I support Vena, in their creation of an empire that not only rivals Europe but with their annexation of parts of Ukraine and all of Wolfanina we have seen Europe become scared of them, this is a good thing because out of fear respect follow. This is why I disagree with V. Clair, she wants to be president of all of America, we shouldn't save America we should let it crumble because it is a lot easier to make a bunch of divided weak principalities afraid of you than rule a united country through fear. Our goal should not be to help our enemies but to destroy them into a weaker version of themselves. "

"That's sound a lot like fas-"

"I'm not fascist, I am Darwinist though, fascism with the cult of an individual strong man isn't the type of strength I am referring to, I believe in the collective strength in democracy as a way of harnessing and expressing the national will but there is a cruel and unforgiving truth of the world Mr.Trapman. Truth is power only respect power which they fear. It's a cruel truth that is hard to stomach, but it is necessary to understand why we as Black people have been treated so badly throughout our history because we were weak and kind, too open, and too forgiving. The enemy didn't fear us and so they enslaved us. We will be only free when they fear us,"

-Tyrone Heydrich Freedmen Interviewed by Jacob Trapman on August 7, 2025.

US To Lower Troops Numbers South Korea In South Korea To Deal With Congo Crisis (Again)

-WarNReview August 7, 2025.

Blue Blur Helps To Break Up Street Fight Between Pro and Anti-War Protest

-Riot Call TV (Ward+) August 7, 2025.

An Assault On Israeli Settler Enclave Militia In The Disputed West Bank Claimed By New Roraist Group:

An attack that was conducted only a few days ago saw the death of over 5 armed settlers near a pre-placement Israeli Enclave Settlement has been claimed by a group calling itself Atfal Rora or Atfal "Children Of Rora" in a video posted on Telegram.

-CNN August 7, 2025.

"In the name of Rora, the highest height the most merciful through all things are possible and in the name of defense of the homeland of the Palestinian nation, we conducted this operation against the occupiers in response to numerous provocations and targeting of the nation. We shall continue exercising a just and fair war of National liberation in accordance with the scripture and with appropriate weapons. All praises to the Rora the Godmother of Humanity,"

-Statement by the masked leader of Atfal August 7, 2025.

Mass Panic As Poor Innocent Water Refugees From US Southwest Clash with Illegal Migrants Invading The US Near Al Paso

-News Max August 7, 2025.

Breaking News: Several Cells of Azov Command Busted By Justice Commandos

-The Black Star August 8, 2025.

"This is what happens when you let anti-Black scum into our country. But I am grateful to John Henry and Justice Commandos for helping us to root out this fascist scum before they could harm us, however, we must remain vigilant against all enemies of the state. This raid was a result of a citizen tip of suspicious activity, as such I encourage the people of the NAZ and America at large to report any suspicious behavior and people you may believe to be a danger to the proper federal or New Afrikan authorities."

-Imani V. Clair August 8, 2025.

This doesn't make sense why in the name of God would they even be in America an attack here would be like poisoning the well of support. Besides, there hasn't been any chatter or rhetoric on their socials like telegram about attacking the NAZ. This all seems fishy. I mean Imani used to work for the CIA so I wouldn't put anything past her…

-OSIT_Man_Man_69 (Ward+) August 8, 2025.

Reports Of Vena Using Gas And Cluster Munitions On Hold-Out Dominican Troops With Their Capital City

-New Moon News August 8, 2025.

Support For Unification Grows Within Orginal Twain: Is This Link To China's Growing Economy Or America's Retreat From Asia

-China Watcher Daily August 8, 2025.

Rora Seen Meeting With Aboriginal Community and Spiritual Leaders After Water Crisis:

After weeks of water shortages in a rural native community in Australia. The self-proclaimed Goddess and member of the Syndicate Of Heroes known as Rora appears to help solve the crisis which comes weeks after the government set another delay due to a lack of funds. While many around the world celebrate the news some of the Australian government have raised some concerns about national sovereignty. What are your guys' thoughts on it?

-Herowatch August 8, 2025.


Are you talking about that one group of asswhipes in government? Screw them BACK THE CAPE!

-The_Thin_Masked_Line_1978 August 8, 2025.

Increase Tension Along With Russo-Venan-Ukrainian-Polish DMZ Sparks Fears Of All-Out War In Europe

-BBC August 8, 2025.

New Superhero Polling Suggests That 6 Out Of 10 Americans That Live In Cities With NLEA Have Faith In 1 Or More Superheroes Than Their Local Police

-Gallup August 8, 2025.

Ace Ward Meets With Members Of Solar Douglass Development Project

-New Moon News August 8, 2025.

Teenage Chinese Billionaire To Buy Into North Star Terminus Space Station

-Space Net August 8, 2025.

"Men, you know who I am. You know what I am about. And I know that almost all of you are facing decades in prison. I'm here to ask you today to make a choice. Serve the rest of your sentence in prison, or fight for six months with me in Africa. You will be given a paycheck and a clean record and in return, you will work for DeathWatch for six months. Make your choice, you have 15 minutes,"

-Prison Recruiter From Death Watch PMC August 8, 2025.

Drone Bombing Kills 5 Members Of The British Army Soldiers At A Check Point In Londonderry, Ulster

-The Daily Mail August 8, 2025.

"This act of barbarism will not be tolerated. I have full confidence that our military will find and capture these criminals,"

-Rishi Sunak shortly before being removed in a no-confidence vote for the second time that day only to become PM again a few hours later.

"We the IRA will not stop until our goal is achieved. Our goal is as such all lands and counties of Ireland unified under a socialist republic. Until then the arms struggle will continue on,"

"You can't believe you can win? Against the British Army? One of the most powerful nations in the world. Certainty if it came to war the British military will crush you,"

"That same phrase you just said has been said about every anti-colonial struggle in history. It may be true that in open battle or in every battle the British will win and seem victorious, but in the end, Ireland will be free."

"And how?"

"To paraphrase, one of the greatest generals of the 20th century I must say "We dare to struggle, we dare to win," the Brits can win every battle, but at the end of the day they are not fighting for their homes, they are not fighting for their way of life, they aren't fighting so their children won't have too. And that is why they will lose,"

-Interview with one of the top IRA leaders by New Moon News on August 8, 2025.

Breaking News: A Pair Of F-35 Fighters Were Just Shot Down Over Congo-Congo Soviet Border Marking The First TimeTwo F-35 Was Lost In Combat At The Same Time

-CNN August 8, 2025.

Dominican Troops Are Now Being Rapidly Encircled America Must Act Now!

-GBNN August 8, 2025.

New Afrikan Atlantic Naval Drills Extended For Unkown Reasons

-Black Star August 8, 2025.

"Human rights this human rights that, tell America that the moment it stopped having massive slave camps disguised as prisons and feeding off the blood of the third world we will listen to them."

-Princess Emma (TikTok) August 8, 2025.

Water Ciris In Central Asia, the Middle East, Americas Has Only Worsen

-Weather Report August 8, 2025.

Swarm Of Locus Sweep Grace During Massive Heat Wave

-Weather Channel August 8, 2025.

Union Jack Stops Massive Shootout Between Paramilitary Gangs In South London

-BBC August 8, 2025.

Insurgent Groups Carrying Revolutionary Garveyist and Maoist Flags Launches Surprise Attack On Free French Pacific Naval Headquarters In New Caledonia In Coup

-BBC Australia August 9, 2025.

High John The Conquer and Panthress Seen Helping To Lead Insurgent Groups

-Hero Watch August 9, 2025.

Jade Javelin Seen Helping To Calm Down Food Rioters In East L/A

-HeroWatch August 9, 2025.

Haitian and Songhai Pact Troops Reaches Beaches On Some Parts Of The Dominican Republic:

Only a few days after the start of the conflict the Haitian troops supported by both the Songhai Pact soldiers and most importantly air power made a rapid advance across the island following reported decapitation strikes on both civilian and military Dominican Republic leadership. With little in the way of coordination, DR forces have taken to fleeing into the jungle or into the ocean while others attempt to surrender. However large pockets of Dominican troops remain encircled. This comes only three days ahead of President Harris's deadline for troops to withdraw back to the pre-war border. Already the American navy has begun to mobilize a response and blockade the entire island one that the Songhai Pact has made clear they wouldn't respect,"

-New Moon News August 9, 2025.

FEMA Placed Wide Alreat Something Big Is Going Down…Nuclear War?

-Prepper Talk (YouTube) August 9, 2025.

Breaking News At Least 50 Dead After Rocket Attacks And Drone Attack By JLA and Congo Rebels in SOUTH CAROLINA!

-CNN August 9, 2025.

"We the JLa and the Congo Liberation Army took joint actions today against US imperialism both at home and within the mother country of the imperial core. Earlier today the JLA let loose a rocket attack while our comrades in the Congo used a series of semi-submersible drones based on IEDs to target legitimate naval ships and soldiers. Unlike the imperialist dogs of the United States military and their allies, we do not attack civilians. These attacks will continue to increase US military targets until our demand is met for the full withdrawal of American troops from the Congo. Death to fascism, death to imperialism, death to capitalism, long live the Marxist Leninist cause."

-Joint communication from Hannah Hellfire and the Joint Operation Room Of Congo Liberation Army August 9, 2025.

African Terror Must Not Be Allowed! The Great President Harris Must Put And To This By Full Fledge War And Invasion Into The Congo Soviet!

-GBNN August 9, 2025.

Breaking: Another Dozen Troops Killed In Bomb Blast Near Port.

-Terror Watch August 9, 2025.

Death Toll Rises As Black Power Arrives On The Scene

-New Moon News August 9, 2025.

*Video cuts on showing the destroyed naval base and a number of victims trapped under debris as Black Power lands and helps people get to safety, before being stopped as a cop draws a gun on Black Power*

"Put you're hands up!"

"Are you serious right now I'm trying to help you guys out "

*bang bang*


*The video clearly shows the police officer arriving on the scene of the bombing and shooting Black Power while he was trying to help injured soldiers only to have the bullet ricochet off of Black Power and hit the officer in the leg…despite all of this a South Carolina court would still press chargers on Black Power.*


*Another female officer who also saw the whole thing. Somehow blames Black Power and shoots him again only to have the same thing happen again this time to her."


"You gotta be kidding me,"

-Black Power August 9, 2025.


1. Emma Johnson (22)

2. Noah Brown (24)

3. Olivia Williams (20)

4. Liam Jones (23)

5. Ava Davis (19)

6. Lucas Miller (21)

7. Mia Wilson (25)

8. Ethan Anderson (18)

9. Sophia Thomas (22)

10. Mason Martinez (20)

11. Isabella Hernandez (24)

12. Logan Moore (19)

13. Amelia Taylor (23)

14. James Jackson (21)

15. Harper White (22)

16. Benjamin Harris (20)

17. Evelyn Clark (25)

18. Alexander Lewis (21)

19. Charlotte Robinson (23)

20. Elijah Walker (18)

21. Abigail Young (24)

22. Aiden Hall (19)

23. Emily Allen (22)

24. Jacob King (21)

25. Ella Wright (23)

26. Michael Scott (20)

27. Madison Green (24)

28. Daniel Adams (22)

29. Lily Baker (19)

30. Matthew Nelson (23)

31. Avery Carter (21)

32. Joseph Mitchell (25)

33. Scarlett Perez (20)

34. Samuel Roberts (24)

35. Grace Turner (22)

36. David Phillips (18)

37. Aria Campbell (23)

38. Joshua Parker (21)

39. Chloe Evans (19)

40. Andrew Edwards (22)

41. Layla Collins (24)

42. Ryan Stewart (20)

43. Zoey Sanchez (21)

44. John Morris (25)

45. Nora Rogers (18)

46. Henry Reed (23)

47. Ellie Cook (22)

48. Sebastian Morgan (19)

49. Lily Bell (24)

50. Jack Murphy (21)

51. Mila Bailey (20)

52. Owen Rivera (23)

53. Hannah Cooper (22)

54. Caleb Richardson (18)

55. Sofia Cox (25)

56. Christopher Howard (21)

57. Addison Ward (19)

58. Isaac Bailey (24)

59. Aubrey Brooks (20)

60. Nathan Powell (22)

61. Ellie Long (23)

62. Gabriel Patterson (21)

63. Zoey Hughes (19)

64. Julian Ross (25)

65. Riley Foster (18)

66. Levi Bryant (24)

67. Victoria Simmons (22)

68. Anthony Butler (21)

69. Stella Barnes (19)

70. Dylan Coleman (23)

71. Hazel Morgan (20)

72. Luke Reed (25)

73. Penelope Fisher (18)

74. Isaac Gonzalez (22)

75. Paisley Bryant (19)

76. Asher Hayes (24)

77. Aurora Jenkins (21)

78. Wyatt Perry (20)

79. Nora Price (23)

80. Adam Barnes (22)

81. Scarlett Ross (19)

82. Grayson Rivera (25)

83. Savannah Powell (18)

84. Leo Wood (24)

85. Isla Ward (21)

86. Lincoln Long (20)

87. Brooklyn Butler (23)

88. Harrison Nelson (19)

89. Zoey Bryant (22)

90. Hunter Ross (25)

91. Ellie Perry (18)

92. Jack Jenkins (24)

93. Aubrey Gonzalez (21)

94. Carter Simmons (20)

95. Natalie Fisher (19)

96. Jayden Bailey (22)

97. Mila Morgan (23)

98. Eli Gonzalez (21)

99. Victoria Brooks (25)

100. Wyatt Reed (18)

101. Sophie Bryant (24)

102. Jackson Wood (19)

103. Chloe Butler (22)

104. Levi Long (23)

105. Stella Jenkins (20)

106. Samuel Nelson (25)

107. Layla Ward (18)

108. Lucas Rivera (21)

109. Aria Perry (19)

110. Benjamin Powell (24)

111. Zoe Jenkins (22)

112. James Brooks (23)

113. Grace Fisher (20)

114. Michael Simmons (25)

115. Nora Nelson (18)

116. Ethan Ross (24)

117. Ava Bailey (21)

118. Aiden Wood (19)

119. Olivia Gonzalez (22)

120. Logan Bryant (23)

121. Amelia Butler (20)

122. Jackson Long (25)

123. Mia Ward (18)

124. Oliver Nelson (24)

125. Harper Rivera (21)

126. Mason Perry (19)

127. Evelyn Powell (22)

128. Liam Jenkins (23)

129. Ella Brooks (20)

130. Alexander Fisher (25)

131. Riley Simmons (18)

132. Matthew Ross (24)

133. Avery Bailey (21)

134. Daniel Wood (19)

135. Scarlett Gonzalez (22)

136. Samuel Bryant (23)

137. Addison Butler (20)

138. John Long (25)

139. Zoey Nelson (18)

140. David Rivera (24)

141. Madison Perry (21)

142. Sebastian Powell (19)

143. Charlotte Jenkins (22)

144. Luke Brooks (23)

145. Hannah Fisher (20)

146. Gabriel Simmons (25)

147. Natalie Ross (18)

148. Christopher Bailey (24)

149. Brooklyn Wood (21)

150. Isaac Gonzalez (19)

151. Savannah Bryant (22)

152. Noah Butler (23)

153. Lily Long (20)

154. Mason Nelson (25)

155. Chloe Rivera (18)

156. Grayson Perry (24)

157. Ella Powell (21)

158. Jayden Jenkins (19)

159. Aria Brooks (22)

160. Asher Fisher (23)

161. Layla Simmons (20)

162. Levi Ross (25)

163. Zoe Bailey (18)

164. Harrison Wood (24)

165. Ellie Gonzalez (21)

166. Logan Bryant (19)

167. Aubrey Butler (22)

168. Jack Long (23)

169. Grace Nelson (20)

170. Wyatt Rivera (25)

171. Lily Perry (18)

172. Jackson Powell (24)

173. Avery Jenkins (21)

174. Leo Brooks (19)

175. Madison Fisher (22)

176. James Simmons (23)

177. Mila Ross (20)

178. Oliver Bailey (25)

179. Scarlett Wood (18)

180. Ethan Gonzalez (24)

181. Charlotte Bryant (21)

182. Owen Butler (19)

183. Amelia Long (22)

184. Benjamin Nelson (23)

185. Isla Rivera (20)

186. Elijah Perry (25)

187. Natalie Powell (18)

188. Daniel Jenkins (24)

189. Harper Brooks (21)

190. Lucas Fisher (19)

191. Abigail Simmons (22)

192. Aiden Ross (23)

193. Penelope Bailey (20)

194. Henry Wood (25)

195. Emily Gonzalez (18)

196. Mason Bryant (24)

197. Addison Butler (21)

198. Liam Long (19)

199. Zoey Nelson (22)

200. Logan Rivera (23)

201. Chloe Perry (20)

202. Lucas Powell (25)

203. Riley Jenkins (18)

204. John Brooks (24)

205. Mia Fisher (21)

206. Grayson Simmons (19)

207. Avery Ross (22)

208. Sophia Bailey (23)

209. Asher Wood (20)

210. Stella Gonzalez (25)

211. Caleb Bryant (18)

212. Lily Butler (24)

213. Addison Long (21)

214. Wyatt Nelson (19)

215. Victoria Rivera (22)

216. Benjamin Perry (23)

217. Aubrey Powell (20)

218. Jackson Jenkins (25)

219. Grace Brooks (18)

220. Jayden Fisher (24)

221. Ella Simmons (21)

222. Ethan Ross (19)

223. Layla Bailey (22)

224. Noah Wood (23)

225. Charlotte Gonzalez (20)

226. Gabriel Bryant (25)

227. Zoe Butler (18)

228. Samuel Long (24)

229. Harper-Nelson (21)

230. Michael Rivera (19)

231. Madison Perry (22)

232. Levi Powell (23)

233. Chloe Jenkins (20)

234. Jack Brooks (25)

235. Mila Fisher (18)

236. Daniel Simmons (24)

237. Isla Ross (21)

238. Aiden Bailey (19)

239. Penelope Wood (22)

240. Matthew Gonzalez (23)

241. Riley Bryant (20)

242. Jackson Butler (25)

243. Ellie Long (18)

244. Lucas Nelson (24)

245. Aria Rivera (21)

246. Logan Perry (19)

247. Amelia Powell (22)

248. Mason Jenkins (23)

249. Avery Brooks (20)

250. Liam Fisher (25)
Last edited:
I'm just curious how Australia is going to handle all of this? Hopefully, it starts to become rather interesting in terms of Australia influencing other countries.
The Battle Of Hispaniola
"One of the most significant yet often overlooked battles of the 21st century is the Haitian, or rather the Songhai-Dominican proxy war of 2025. This conflict holds considerable importance, comparable to the nuclear exchanges between France and Vena, as well as the Week War, which saw extensive nuclear exchanges among all nuclear powers. Despite its significance, the war in Haiti tends to be overshadowed and only briefly mentioned within the broader context of the Venan-Franco war. This paper aims to examine and detail the stages of the Battle of Hispaniola.

The Battle of Hispaniola, set against the backdrop of escalating global tensions, began as a proxy war between the Songhai Pact and the Dominican Republic, backed by larger failing international Western powers with vested interests in the region and, more importantly, holding back the inevitable rising tide of the global south. The conflict emerged from long-standing political and economic instability in Haiti, which created a fertile ground for external influences to take root. The Songhai Pact, seeking to expand its influence in the Caribbean, supported and helped bring to power communist Haitian insurgents aiming to overthrow the existing government. Meanwhile, the Dominican Republic, wary of a destabilized neighbor, received backing from Western allies to counter the Vena influence within the island before it was too late, all of which was heightened following the start of the Haitian Missile Crisis.


Haiti has always been a thorn in the side of the larger European settler colonial project within the Americas, starting with the great revolutionary slave revolt and the elimination of the settler colonialists from the island. Haiti then attempted to spread its revolution and civilization to the rest of the island but ultimately failed. However, Haiti, as it existed after the revolution, was too powerful of a symbol to be left alone. Consequently, for the next few centuries, whites systematically destroyed and undermined Haiti as a free Black republic, as it challenged the myth of Black inferiority, which was the bedrock of the primary contradiction of the world: Anti-Blackness.

Thus, it was deemed most important to leave Haiti a barren and destitute wasteland so that they could point to Black people within their empire and say, "This is why you cannot rule yourself," thereby maintaining their own mental sanity. This was evident in the "great madness" that swept over Europe following the French defeat in August of 2025. Anti-Blackness was not just the cornerstone and foundation of Western society but also of Western sanity. However, as with all systems of oppression, this could not last forever. In 2025, after centuries of humiliation, intervention, neo-colonialism, and occupation by Western forces, the Great People's Revolution occurred, leading to the rise of the party.

Following the second great Haitian revolution, there were almost immediate threats against the party. However, this time Haiti was not alone. Shortly after the government was secured in the hands of the party, Haiti's allies in the Songhai Pact helped them consolidate their hold on power. This new political landscape in Haiti marked the beginning of a renewed struggle for sovereignty and stability. The Songhai-Dominican proxy war erupted in this context, drawing international attention due to its implications for regional power dynamics and global political alliances.

Trouble Rises:

The Battle of Hispaniola was not merely a local conflict; it was a microcosm of the larger geopolitical struggles that defined the early 21st century. The insurgents in Haiti, bolstered by Songhai support, aimed to establish a government that truly reflected the revolutionary ideals of freedom and equality. Their efforts were met with fierce resistance from the Dominican Republic, which, backed by Western powers, sought to maintain the status quo and prevent the spread of revolutionary fervor.

The initial phases of the conflict were characterized by small, mostly symmetrical skirmishes. Dominican troops antagonized those on the border, which was met mostly by the Haitian Red Guard, employing guerrilla tactics and conducting effective ambushes and sabotage counter-raids against the better-equipped Dominican forces.

As the conflict intensified, the Western puppet Dominican Republic's military response grew more aggressive. This was due to Haiti's military and economic growth, bolstered by the support of the Songhai Pact and Vena. Soon, the Western forces and their puppet regime began to plan large-scale offensives and invasions of Haiti, hoping to revert the nation of the first free Black people in America back to slavery.

The Battle: Part One - The Bay of Rats

The Bay of Rats was one of the more comical events of the battle. What was initially thought to be a well-coordinated CIA invasion quickly revealed itself to be far more farcical. This so-called invasion and attempted coup against the party earned the derisive name "The Bay of Rats," echoing the failed Bay of Pigs invasion from the first Cold War.

The operation, if it could even be called that, was organized by a motley group of backers. These included exiled Uncle Tomists who had found refuge in America and the Dominican Republic, members of the American and other Western capitalist classes, right-wing paramilitary groups, and, strangely enough, an offshoot of the KKK.

The frontline soldiers were hired guns from dissident groups of counter-revolutionaries who had been purged or had fled to America or across the border during the early days and weeks of the revolution. They were also drawn from right-wing street-fighting organizations and Haitian street gangs that acted as little more than fourth-rate mercenaries. These were commanded by a white officer, a Klansman, and a former less-than-honorably discharged U.S. Marine veteran known as Big Gator Bubba (BGB). BGB had conned his way into the leadership of the operation by pretending to be an ex-U.S. Special Forces member. He was later purged from the mainstream Klan, not for his corruption—having embezzled tens of thousands from the Klan in a few months—but for being one-quarter Italian and Catholic. Despite the Klan being part of the greater White Right Alliance, which included various pan-European and pan-white groups, it remained strictly Southern Anglo-Saxon-focused under General Confederate. Membership was kept mostly within these parameters, though there were some experiments with auxiliary groups, notably white-passing Cubans from Florida.

The Klan connection was covered up by using a Dominican-created private military company, Grave Watch, to hire the foot soldiers, avoiding notice from the U.S. federal government. Grave Watch was a knock-off of the larger and more infamous PMC group Deathwatch PMC. The Dominicans funded this invasion force as part of their greater strategy to invade Haiti. However, Big Gator Bubba embezzled a large amount of the money meant for weapons and equipment, believing that the Black Haitian soldiers would mostly drop their weapons and run at the first sound of combat due to their race. Despite the fact that most of his soldiers were also Haitian, this lack of logic didn't matter much to BGB as he organized and trained his mostly lightly armed "army."

The Battle Part Two: The Plan

The plan was as simple as it was poorly thought out. The mercenary group would invade near the Haitian capital, secure multiple key locations and targets, paralyze the government, and distract the armed forces and the Haitian Red Army. Meanwhile, the Dominican Air Force would carry out a first strike on Songhai air vehicles and raid the Venan ICMB sites, paving the way for a larger invasion meant to sweep the Haitian people into the sea.

This plan would go down in history as one of the worst and most poorly thought-out failed battle plans in Caribbean history.

The Battle Part Three: Rats In The Water

Firstly, the landing by Grave Watch was late and off-target by several dozen miles due to bad weather and Big Gator Bubba's refusal to use GPS, stating, "Just trust me, bro, I know what I am doing; we learned all this at Ranger school."

This led to several boats being lost at sea, killing around 25 of the 400 soldiers. However, this was the least of their problems. Even before they left for Haiti, they were doomed. The party was given a warning by New Afrikan authorities who had received reports from fishermen who saw the boats sailing by, blaring an original song by BGB titled "Let's Go Invade Haiti Tonight," sung to the tune of "Take Me Home Tonight," which fully detailed their plan to invade Haiti.

Thus, the party, as it always does, acted in the best interest of the people and quickly organized a trap for the would-be invaders. However, due to the poor navigation of the invaders, the ambush was in the wrong place. This allowed the invaders to gain only a temporary foothold as they landed next to a small fishing village. Fortunately, the brave people of the nation, under the leadership of local political officials and guards, organized a frantic defensive offensive with their bodies and the few firearms available. This slowed down the enemy long enough for Venan aircraft to begin air raids along the beaches, forcing the invaders to run into the bush or attempt to flee back into the water.

In addition to the hail of gunfire, semi-autonomous drones were launched at the boats, sinking them all. However, due to the thick brush of the Haitian hinterland north of the village, these drones were almost useless, and bullets fired from the planes would take too long to clear the area. Thus, a number of larger gun battery drones were kept in the area to suppress any advance by the invaders while the Songhai Air Force quickly retrieved a number of Russian-made and Venan FABs. The north was quickly cleared, with the patch of woods where the invaders had taken shelter reduced to dead trees and burning holes. Venan and Haitian forces had to deploy vast amounts of tear gas to flush out the remaining survivors, who were quickly killed by the heroic defenders of the Haitian motherland and their Venan allies.

The Battle Part Four: The Invasion That Never Was

Despite the attack taking a few hours to fully conduct, the main Dominican force was able to make significant advances. However, the F-35 aircraft supplied to the Dominican Republic earlier that year were older models with less-than-accurate targeting systems. Most notably, their missiles lacked the capability to penetrate the bunker hangars used by the Venan forces. Nevertheless, they managed to destroy many older Soviet and Chinese-derived aircraft that were intentionally left out in the open as decoys. This common tactic used by Vena involved leaving outdated fighters or dummy aircraft exposed to absorb enemy fire, while the real, newer models were kept in slingshot bunker hangars. These bunkers worked similarly to sling aircraft carriers, with the ramp built into the bunker hangar exit, a strategy adopted after several drone attacks on Venan jets in Ukraine.

The Dominican aircraft were effectively fooled into wasting their ammunition on these decoys. This quickly became apparent when their jets were ambushed, not by other jets initially, but by a swarm of drones. The F-35s were forced to rely on their 25 mm GAU-22/A cannons, which quickly depleted their ammunition. These guns considered vestigial on such advanced aircraft, were equipped with minimal ammunition. When the Venan fighters approached from behind, the F-35s were left defenseless. This made them easy targets for the Venan fighters, who not only shot them down but also toyed with some, pretending to let them escape before finishing them off, akin to a predator playing with its prey.

Elsewhere on the island, hundreds of Dominican paratroopers and special forces attempted to infiltrate Venan ICBM bases but faced fierce resistance from the Venan forces stationed there. The fighting lasted for several hours, with reports of Venans using swords when they ran out of bullets or using their guns as clubs. One particularly harrowing account described an 18-year-old Venan soldier and low-level metahuman who, after losing his arm, used it as a club to kill around 25 enemy soldiers before being shot in the head.

The tide of battle shifted when the Haitian Red Guard's paramilitary forces, using mostly World War II-era and even some interwar-era planes, began to hammer the invaders, forcing them to withdraw. The remnants of the Dominican forces retreated into the bush, where they remained for months, and in some cases, even years and decades after the battle, fighting a war that had long been lost.

This invasion or failure highlighted several key issues of using outdated tactics in modern warfare. The Dominican forces' reliance on American technological wonder weapons such as F-35s over strategic and tactical thinking severely hampered their effectiveness. Their inability to penetrate Venan defenses and their failure to anticipate the drone swarm counterattack showcased a significant gap in their strategic planning. Furthermore, the Venan forces' use of decoys demonstrated their superior strategic acumen.

The Battle Part Five: The People's Counter Attack

Almost immediately, the main Dominican forces, now without air support, faced heavy resistance. Due to the failure of Big Gator Bubba and the inability to strike a critical preemptive blow to the Haitians, they were quickly pushed back by irregular Red Guard forces and the Haitian army. The counterattack was largely successful without any major setbacks, bolstered further by air support from the Songhai Pact. This air support arrived after dealing with the Bay of Rats and the attempted attack on Venan nuclear assets.

Older model Venan jets, recently given to other Songhai Pact nations and still bearing the Venan Royal Symbol, performed frontline attacks on large targets. Meanwhile, newer model aircraft flew ahead into more protected Dominican airspace, still defended by anti-air systems. These newer models dropped rocket-powered FABs, and large semi-rocket-powered glide bombs, which compensated for their lack of precision with size and yield. Additionally, advanced fighters provided air superiority, hunting down the remaining enemy airforce as well as toying with the pilots of the newer American fighters before shooting them down.

This was followed by a massive artillery barrage that opened the way for a tank assault, supported by helicopter gunships on a macro level. On a micro level, Katusha autonomous drones provided cover for smaller tank groupings, forming a net around the tanks to warn them of any potential threats ahead. These drones also tracked and attacked enemy drones and armored vehicles that were beyond the tanks' reach. This tactic was gleaned from the joint Syrian and Rojavan brief push into Turkey earlier that summer.

The advance from this point became a relentless march and push toward the Dominican capitals. The remaining Dominican forces suffered heavy targeting along the front roads and highways as they retreated from the unstoppable advance. When they stayed and fought, they were killed by the Venans. If their defenses were dug in too deep or they attempted to hide in urban environments, the Venans resorted to Russian-style tactics, flattening the area before advancing over the rubble. This tactic would later be replicated in Europe that same month only on the atomic level.

The Dominican forces, severely weakened and demoralized, struggled to mount any effective resistance against the advancing Songhai Pact and Venan forces. The Haitians, under the leadership of the party, exhibited unwavering determination and strategic brilliance. Their ability to adapt to the evolving battlefield, coupled with the technological and tactical support from their allies, ensured that the counterattack was not just a defensive maneuver but a decisive push toward complete victory and promised annexation of the Dominican Republic into Haiti.

The final push towards the Dominican urban centers and last holdouts was marked by intense and brutal urban warfare. Venan and Haitian forces systematically dismantled enemy defenses, leveraging their superior firepower and strategic acumen. The use of drones, advanced artillery, massive gas attacks, and heavy air support created an overwhelming force that the puppet Dominican regime defenders could not hope to match and thus they were pushed deeper into the bush spreading themselves in tiny "bite-size pockets,".

The American president, witnessing their puppet regime reduced to a small enclave and pockets being eradicated by the combined forces of the party and the wider communist world, sought to recover the situation. They issued a deadline for the revolutionary forces to retreat from the verge of victory over the reactionary nation that had shared the island with Haiti for centuries. The deadline implied the imposition of a blockade to stop any Venan reinforcements, warning that breaking this blockade would lead to an all-out atomic war.

As the deadline approached, tensions escalated to unprecedented levels, setting the stage for a potential atomic war. However, the conflict took an unexpected turn, unfolding in a manner that no one had prepared for or anticipated."

-Informational Audio File Posted On The Haitian State Ministry Of Truth And Revolutionary Thought Website On Haitian Local REM.NET 20XX

Note: This post was written in universe from a very biased perspective so take everything said here with a grain of salt…beside for Big Gator Bubba all that stuff was true.
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Also, I'm pretty sure the whole Grave Watch subplot in this was inspired by David Duke and a couple of "good ole boy" friends of his trying to overthrow the government of Dominica.
So some bad news old sports I won't be able to have an update out for sometime as I am gonna be pretty busy for the next week and some change, but I am working on some major works for this story.

Though there is also a chance I am able to have a smaller update covering the French civil war sometime this weekend. Once again though I am sorry about the lack of major updates recently.
The French Civil War

The French Civil War, like the wider Venan-Franco conflict, has origins mired in historical debates and conflicting perspectives. While some modern historians argue that the Venan-French conflicts began with the Battle of Guadeloupe, there is also significant contention surrounding the exact start of the French Civil War. Some scholars suggest that it began in 2025, while others trace its roots back to the tumultuous period of the 2020 collapse[^1^].

The Plague Of 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic, often referred to as the Plague of 2020, had devastating effects on France like almost every major nation in the world. The virus and its various offshoots and variants wreaked havoc on the population, with the already slashed public healthcare system due to neo-liberal policies and privatization overwhelmed by the sheer volume of cases. Hospitals were overburdened, and many medical issues went untreated, contributing to a staggering death toll of around 950,000 people between 2020 and 2021 alone France is the third worst-hit nation behind Russia and the UK each with around 5 million deaths [^2^]. The inability to manage both the virus and other critical medical conditions led to widespread suffering and social disruption[^3^].

The Economic Fallout Of The Second Great Depression

The economic fallout from the pandemic and the Second Great Depression that followed further exacerbated the situation in France. The outbreak exposed and accelerated the collapse of the already fragile Neo-liberal economy under President Macron's government. Businesses shuttered, unemployment soared, and public trust in the government plummeted[^4^]. This economic turmoil ignited a widespread protest movement, as citizens across the country demanded change and accountability[^5^].

In response to this social upheaval, the Neo-liberal government of Macron, true to historical precedents of all liberals in times of crisis where their class interest is threatened, aligned itself with fascistic elements within the country[^6^]. This alignment like always was a desperate attempt to maintain order and suppress the burgeoning class struggle led by the hard left within France's metropolitan and urban areas. It would end all the same as the other times Liberals have conducted such deals with the far right, with a far-right takeover of the government[^7^].

Rise of the French Far Right

The rise of the far right in France was catalyzed by several factors, both domestic and international. NATO's interventions in Libya, alongside other Western involvement in the Middle East, contributed significantly to regional destabilization[^8^]. Climate change, driven primarily by Western pollution and overconsumption, compounded these issues[^9^]. The wars, dictatorships, environmental disruption, and rebel groups supported by Western powers to secure cheap natural resources for their consumption created waves of migration from the Global South, particularly from the Middle East and Africa[^10^]. This migration sparked an anti-refugee movement in Europe, coinciding with the decline of social and economic welfare states and a rise in social and wealth inequality[^11^].

These conditions set the stage for a fractured European Union, which would later disintegrate over multiple years into squabbling nations filled with civil conflicts that would precede the fragile European Federation[^12^]. In France, urban riots post-2024 could be broadly divided into two factions: the native French communists, anarchists, and Marxists, Marxist Lennists, Syndicalists, and the Revolutionary Garveyists[^13^].

Class Reductionism and Revolutionary Garveyists

The native French western white leftists adhered to class reductionist ideologies, focusing solely on class struggle while neglecting the primary global contradiction which is the primary contradiction that being that of Anti-Blackness[^14^]. This ideology overlooked the nuanced class dynamics of racial oppression, particularly the exploitation of darker-skinned "Black," people by lighter-skinned "White" populations[^15^]. This class reductionism led to a schism between the white leftists and people of color in France, especially those of African and Middle Eastern descent who had darker skin or were perceived to be closer to Black on the ethno-class hierarchy. They believed that the lack of reforms on the issue of racial contradiction was an attempt by the white left to maintain white supremacy but with economic reforms[^16^].

In contrast, the Revolutionary Garveyists, inspired by Imani V Clair and her New Afrikan Autonomous Zone in America, formed a distinct faction[^17^]. The primary contraindication was not class-based but racial oppression, advocating for the rights and autonomy of people of color and how it was racial and ethnic oppression by those of lighter skin against those of darker skin[^18^].

Support from Revolutionary Garveyists in America:

The Revolutionary Garveyists in France would receive substantial support from their counterparts in America[^19^]. This support included the smuggling of weapons into French cities just before the coup by Sentinel, ranging from small arms to RPGs, anti-tank, and anti-air weaponry[^20^]. Additionally, they received covert backing from metahumans like the superhero John Henry and his Justice Commandos, further bolstering their resistance efforts [^21^].

Pro-Sentinel Coup:

The pro-Sentinel coup emerged as a dire response to a series of debilitating setbacks for France and Europe. The final loss in the war in Ukraine, primarily due to Venan intervention on the side of Russia, not only demoralized much of Europe but also enraged the far-right factions[^22^]. The presence of African troops occupying European lands was a bitter irony given Europe's colonial history in Africa[^23^]. The economic fallout from sanctions placed on Russia exacerbated the situation as Russia retaliated by halting fuel shipments[^24^]. This, combined with several years of record cold winters and scorching summers caused by climate change, resulted in thousands of deaths due to insufficient climate control and heating fuel[^25^].

The crisis was further compounded by a wave of anti-colonial uprisings across West and Central Africa, which severed France and Europe's access to cheap resources[^26^]. The rise of Venan communism in the majority of Francophone West Africa dealt another blow to the French military's morale, highlighting the waning influence of France in its former colonies[^27^].

The Battle of Guadeloupe marked another significant defeat for France, where the French navy was overpowered in open combat[^28^]. The near nuclear confrontation was only averted by the intervention of the superhero Black Power, who intercepted the launched missiles[^29^]. These international crises spilled over into domestic turmoil, with widespread riots and protests leading to the liberation of large city sections[^30^]. Paris fell into chaos, prompting the government to retreat to Versailles, only to witness the assassination of the president[^31^].

The ensuing political vacuum and infighting among different factions within the French government provided an opportunity for the metahuman known as the Sentinel to seize power[^32^]. Backed by the majority of the French land forces, police, businessmen, corporations, and right-wing, liberal, and social democratic members of Parliament, Sentinel was elected as dictator[^33^]. This move, reminiscent of the liberals' collaboration with the Nazis during their rise to power, aimed to prevent any revolutionary victory within[^34^].

The onset of the French Civil War saw a significant fracture within the military, with each branch responding differently to the unfolding chaos. The navy, traditionally a cornerstone of France's defense, largely defected to nearby NATO nations, taking with them the bulk of France's nuclear arsenal[^35^]. This defection not only weakened France's military capabilities but also left the nation vulnerable to future threats[^36^]. The loss of the nuclear arsenal was particularly devastating, stripping France of a critical strategic deterrent that would later aid the attempted NAZ-led intervention^37^].

In a bold move, elements of the French navy attempted to establish a government in exile in New Caledonia. However, this effort was short-lived. Native forces, supposedly supported by the NSS of the NOAAU under the direction of Imani V. Clair, launched a massive attack, overthrowing the nascent government[^38^]. During this conflict, the Australian SAS intervened, aiming to support the exiled French government[^39^]. The operation ended in catastrophe, with all Australian operatives killed or captured[^40^]. Their bodies were paraded in a manner reminiscent of the Black Hawk Down incident of the 1990s, serving as a grim warning to other potential foreign interveners[^41^].

The French Air Force experienced its own internal divisions[^42^]. Faced with the choice of aligning with the coup government or remaining neutral, the majority opted for neutrality initially[^43^]. This stance, however, proved untenable following the African Union attacks[^44^]. Realizing the impending atomic response from the Venan government, many in the Air Force chose to defect, mirroring the earlier actions of the Navy[^45^]. The faction that remained loyal to the junta undertook terror bombing campaigns against enemy cities within France[^46^]. These bombing efforts, aimed at demoralizing the opposition, resulted in the loss of valuable jets and fighters[^47^]. NOAAU-supplied MANPADS (Man-Portable Air-Defense Systems) effectively countered these air assaults, making the bombing campaigns largely symbolic and costly for the junta[^48^].

On the ground, the army and police forces predominantly sided with the junta government[^49^]. They managed to maintain control over military bases and the critical roadways linking them[^50^]. However, these forces faced significant challenges[^51^]. Early in the conflict, they launched frontal assaults on cities, which were met with fierce resistance and resulted in heavy casualties[^52^]. Despite their numerical and logistical advantages, the junta's ground forces found it difficult to secure urban areas held by well-organized and determined rebel factions[^53^].

Meanwhile, the rebel government, entrenched in urban areas, struggled to expand its influence[^54^]. Establishing reliable connections between different metropolitan regions proved difficult, leading to fragmented control[^55^]. The rebels managed to hold significant portions of cities but faced constant pressure from junta forces[^56^]. Their ability to break out and link various urban strongholds was limited, creating a series of isolated pockets of resistance rather than a unified front[^57^].

These dynamics set the stage for what was at the time believed to be a prolonged and grueling conflict in the center of Europe[^58^]. The fractured military landscape, combined with the political chaos and infighting, was believed that the French Civil War would drag on, with both sides vying for dominance amidst what could be the worst humanitarian catastrophe in Western Europe since the Second World War[^59^]. However, with the start of the Franco-Venan War, this idea of a long war would be cut short under a mushroom cloud[^60^].

[^1^]: Dupont, Jean. *Origins of the French Civil War: A Historical Debate*. Paris: Éditions Historiques, 2026.
[^2^]: Martin, Claire. "The Plague of 2020 and its Impact on France." *Journal of Contemporary History*, vol. 12, no. 3, 2023, pp. 345-367.
[^3^]: Nguyen, Sophie. *Pandemic Fallout: Healthcare and Society in Crisis*. Lyon: Université de Lyon Press, 2022.
[^4^]: Lefèvre, Marc. "Economic Collapse and Social Unrest: France in the 2020s." *European Economic Review*, vol. 45, no. 2, 2025, pp. 210-234.
[^5^]: Bernard, Hélène. *The Rise of the Protest Movement in France*. Marseille: Presses Universitaires de Provence, 2024.
[^6^]: Rousseau, Laurent. "Liberal Alignments in Times of Crisis." *Political Studies Quarterly*, vol. 39, no. 1, 2027, pp. 50-78.
[^7^]: Deveraux, Nicolas. *Historical Patterns of Liberal-Far Right Alliances*. Bordeaux: Académie des Sciences Politiques, 2025.
[^8^]: Müller, Hans. "NATO Interventions and European Destabilization." *Global Affairs*, vol. 20, no. 4, 2026, pp. 400-426.
[^9^]: Smith, Emily. *Climate Change and Global Instability*. London: Greenleaf Publishing, 2025.
[^10^]: Thomas, Noam. *The Western Influence in Middle Eastern Conflicts*. New York: Beacon Press, 2024.
[^11^]: Thompson, David. "Migration and the Rise of the Far Right in Europe." *International Journal of Sociology*, vol. 32, no. 5, 2025, pp. 500-525.
[^12^]: García, Juan. *The Disintegration of the European Union*. Madrid: Universidad Complutense Press, 2026.
[^13^]: Dubois, Michel. "Factions of the French Urban Riots." *Revue Française de Sociologie*, vol. 61, no. 2, 2027, pp. 275-298.
[^14^]: Johnson, Peter. *Class Reductionism and Its Discontents*. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2025.
[^15^]: Okoye, Amara. "Racial Oppression and Class Dynamics." *African Studies Quarterly*, vol. 47, no. 3, 2026, pp. 321-345.
[^16^]: Boulanger, Pierre. *The Schism within the French Left*. Paris: Éditions Sociales, 2026.
[^17^]: Ellis, Robert. *Imani V Clair and the New Afrikan Autonomous Zone*. Washington, D.C.: Liberation Press, 2025.
[^18^]: Harris, Jamal. "Revolutionary Garveyists and Racial Autonomy." *Journal of Black Studies*, vol. 51, no. 4, 2027, pp. 412-438.
[^19^]: Thompson, Lisa. *Transatlantic Revolutionary Movements*. New York: Freedom Publications, 2025.
[^20^]: Carter, William. "Weapon Smuggling in Modern Conflicts." *Defense Analysis Journal*, vol. 19, no. 2, 2026, pp. 123-145.
[^21^]: Stewart, Anthony. *Metahumans in Global Politics*. Los Angeles: Pacific Rim Press, 2027.
[^22^]: Petrova, Elena. "The Ukraine War and Its European Aftermath." *Eastern European Review*, vol. 30, no. 1, 2026, pp. 85-110.
[^23^]: Lemaire, Jacques. "Venan Flag European Lands." *Historical Parallels*, vol. 22, no. 3, 2025, pp. 275-292.
[^24^]: Ivanov, Sergei. *Sanctions and Retaliations: A Russian Perspective*. Moscow: Pravda Press, 2026.
[^25^]: Fischer, Kurt. "Climate Change and Its Deadly Winters." *Journal of Environmental Studies*, vol. 18, no. 4, 2025, pp. 389-410.
[^26^]: Nkrumah, George. *Anti-Colonial Uprisings in Africa*. Accra: Pan-African Publishing House, 2026.
[^27^]: Diop, Cheikh. "The Rise of Venan Communism in Francophone Africa." *African Political Review*, vol. 34, no. 2, 2026, pp. 200-225.
[^28^]: Rodriguez, Carlos. *Naval Battles of the 21st Century*. Miami: Naval Institute Press, 2027.
[^29^]: Jones, Alexander. "Metahumans in Modern Warfare." *Military Review*, vol. 52, no. 3, 2026, pp. 360-385.
[^30^]: Charpentier, Sylvie. "Domestic Turmoil in Post-2024 France." *French Political Studies*, vol. 29, no. 2, 2027, pp. 150-175.
[^31^]: Petit, André. *The Assassination of the French President*. Paris: Noir Sur Blanc, 2026.
[^32^]: Reynard, Olivier. "The Rise of Sentinel." *Journal of Metahuman Studies*, vol. 12, no. 1, 2027, pp. 1-25.
[^33^]: Leblanc, Henri. *The Shortland Lived Dictatorship of Sentinel*. Lille: Presses Universitaires du Nord, 2027.
[^34^]: Richter, Thomas. "Liberal Collaborations with Fascist Regimes." *Historical Insights*, vol. 40, no. 4, 2026, pp. 310-335.
[^35^]: Germaine, Louis. *The Fractured French Military*. Strasbourg: Military History Press, 2026.
[^36^]: Olsen, Erik. "Nuclear Defections and National Security." *Strategic Studies Quarterly*, vol. 15, no. 1, 2027, pp. 98-120.
[^37^]: Williams, Sarah. *The Loss of Strategic Deterrents*. Boston: Harvard Defense Studies, 2026.
[^38^]: N'Dour, Lamin. "The African Legion's Role in New Caledonia." *African Defense Review*, vol. 23, no. 2, 2026, pp. 175-198.
[^39^]: McKenzie, Ian. "Australian SAS in Foreign Interventions." *Commonwealth Military Journal*, vol. 21, no. 3, 2027, pp. 212-235.
[^40^]: Wright, Rebecca. *Operation Down Under: The New Caledonia Crisis*. Sydney: Pacific Defense Press, 2027.
[^41^]: Ford, Michael. "The Black Hawk Down Syndrome in Modern Warfare." *Journal of Tactical Operations*, vol. 19, no. 4, 2026, pp. 340-365.
[^42^]: Barrot, Philippe. *The Divided French Air Force*. Toulouse: Éditions Aéronautiques, 2026.
[^43^]: Müller, Ingrid. "Military Neutrality and Defections." *Journal of Military Ethics*, vol. 14, no. 2, 2026, pp. 130-150.
[^44^]: Okafor, Uche. "The African Union's Strategic Moves." *Pan-African Journal of Politics*, vol. 29, no. 3, 2027, pp. 205-230.
[^45^]: Chen, Li. "Defections in the Air Force." *East Asian Defense Review*, vol. 17, no. 2, 2027, pp. 110-125.
[^46^]: Smith, David. "Terror Bombing Campaigns and Their Consequences." *Journal of Conflict Studies*, vol. 26, no. 1, 2026, pp. 50-75.
[^47^]: Weber, Friedrich. "Losses in the Air: A Tactical Analysis." *Aerospace Review*, vol. 31, no. 2, 2027, pp. 140-160.
[^48^]: Mbala, Akin. "The Role of MANPADS in Modern Warfare." *Defense Technology Journal*, vol. 22, no. 3, 2027, pp. 220-245.
[^49^]: Dufresne, Alain. "Junta Control in France." *Military Affairs Quarterly*, vol. 34, no. 2, 2026, pp. 195-220.
[^50^]: Brun, Elodie. "Securing Military Bases and Roadways." *Journal of Strategic Logistics*, vol. 18, no. 1, 2027, pp. 85-105.
[^51^]: Hara, Kenji. "Urban Warfare Challenges." *Global Conflict Review*, vol. 16, no. 4, 2026, pp. 360-385.
[^52^]: Li, Xian. "Frontal Assaults in Modern Conflicts." *International Journal of Warfare*, vol. 25, no. 1,

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[^53^]: O'Brien, Patrick. *Rebel Governance and Urban Strongholds*. Dublin: Emerald Isle Press, 2027.
[^54^]: Novak, Petra. "The Struggle for Urban Control." *Central European Review*, vol. 28, no. 3, 2027, pp. 300-325.
[^55^]: Foucault, Jean-Paul. *Fragmented Resistance: Urban Pockets in France*. Paris: Librairie Nationale, 2026.
[^56^]: Gonzalez, Maria. "Rebel Communication Networks." *Journal of Resistance Studies*, vol. 14, no. 2, 2027, pp. 175-200.
[^57^]: Rossi, Luca. "Fractured Fronts in Civil Wars." *Journal of Military Studies*, vol. 27, no. 2, 2026, pp. 220-245.
[^58^]: Martinez, Carlos. *Prolonged Conflicts in Europe: A Historical Overview*. Madrid: Iberian Press, 2026.
[^59^]: Johnson, Laura. "Humanitarian Catastrophes in Western Europe." *Journal of European Studies*, vol. 19, no. 3, 2027, pp. 270-295.
[^60^]: Patel, Rina. *The Franco-Venan War: A New Nuclear Age*. London: Global Security Press, 2028.
-"The French Civil War: A Warning Before Atomic Disaster," United Association Of Afro-Historians Of The Americas 20XX
Photograph Of Heart Harkon
Photo of everyone's favorite Black Nationalist cat girl Heart Harkon. Though she can shift from this into a more monstrous form.

Anyway sorry for the lack of posts the last few weeks the latest chapter should be out soon we are just doing some last minute edits to it. It's going to be a two parter as it leads into the major crisis storyline that will change the landscape and power balance of the world.
Chapter 45: Hello From, The Sky Part One

The suddenness of the noise was jarring as the King entered the war room within the palace, more so than the heat of the fire that blared around the outer internal walls of the room, heating the water of the lake surrounding the island. This island was where the top leaders of the military, civilian, and religious sectors, as well as other members of the royal family, met and gathered, shouting at each other.

"A first strike is what we need," said Princess Emma. "An attack across the American coastal positions to cripple her. Keep everything conventional."

"And they will take it as an excuse to use a nuclear first strike," said the Alapini of the navy.

The Ikemba stepped forward. "Don't make any excuses for your fear."

"Watch your tone," said the Alapini, stepping forward to face his army peer. "You dare accuse me of being a coward? You damn land dweller!"

"No, I accuse your entire branch of being cowards. For over a century now, the navy has focused on running and hiding while striking as its main doctrine. That is why you were so keen on your assault submarines and submarine carriers over more conventional ships and sea carriers. You are scared to face the West in equal combat!"

"YOU DARE!" shouted the leader of the navy, pulling out his side weapon, a flat paddle lined at its edges with the teeth of a shark. "YOU DARE INSULT MY SAILORS, INSULT THEIR HONOR AND THAT OF THEIR FORBEARS!"

"Both of you are idiots," said the Aare-shal, the leader of the Air Force. "You are so hot-blooded that you can't see that the final war has begun. We must begin the great trial now! Not just against America but against all our enemies. One united front, one push to finally drive the stake through the heart of the West so that we can redeem our lost honor! By plunging it into nuclear fire!"

"All three of you are lunatics, looking to blow yourselves up like cartoon characters," spoke Hoodad, an uninvited guest at the meeting. "A direct attack on America will only provoke them into an all-out war. Can we just not even entertain the idea of starting a nuclear war every five seconds? Trust me, I ran the numbers, and it doesn't go over well, not for us and not for them. Now, if you just listen to me—" started Hoodad before he was interrupted by the head of the army. "How dare you! An outsider speaks here! How did you even come here?"

"He came with me," said Princess Emma, adding, "Do you have a problem with that?"

The Ikemba glared at the Princess. "Even so, you must obey the sacred laws. He is not a member of the government, military, clergy, or the royal family!"

Emma responded with a quick motion, grabbing her blade and slicing both her and Hoodad's hands before telling him, "Kiss me now." Hoodad started to stutter, but before he could answer, Emma kissed him, then turned back to the stunned table. "Now he is my husband. Shall we move on, or would you like to drag out more of your pathetic insolence before me?"

"That marriage is invalid. You are simply trying to game the system—" started the head of the Air Force before Emma yelled, "YOU DARE QUESTION THE HONOR OF THE WORD OF A GOD! HOLD YOUR TONGUE AND LET MY BELOVED HUSBAND SPEAK, OR I WILL HOLD YOUR SEVERED HEAD IN MY HANDS, YOU HONORLESS DUNG BEETLE!" Emma bared her teeth; her canines, like most other Venan women, were cosmetically sharpened and covered with a protective veneer tipped with gold. Her right hand, with its sharp nails each ending in gold-painted razor-tips, gripped tightly along the slightly curved handguard of the dagger, its main 15-inch tri-dagger blade flanked by two smaller razors at its hilt made of polished black marble and covered with red and gold pearls.

"Wait, what?" Hoodad stumbled out before AJ spoke up, shaking his head. "My friend, she will divorce you after the meeting. Just simply speak your mind."

Hoodad took a deep breath before explaining, "Fight while talking. Keep all channels for negotiation with the US open while fighting on the island, and if we need to run the blockade, do so with submarines while having a stand-off above the water. The average American doesn't want to end the world over Haiti. Given the current political situation within the country, we are already seeing anti-war protests forming against the crisis. If we attack America, they will view it as a direct threat to them, and support for a war may become popular. If we can keep this conflict isolated to Haiti, to what Americans view as a faraway, non-existential conflict, most of them will be against nuclear war for it and will raise hell for them to negotiate with us. Keep the conflict small, and fight while talking."

Princess Mina nodded. "That seems like the most sensible plan anyone has suggested yet."

"That doesn't seem honorable," said the youngest princess, Han'la.

"It is better to lose honor in a small battle in order to gain it tenfold in a larger war," said the King, breaking his silence. Everyone in the room, who had been too caught up in their own argument to notice that the God Emperor of Vena had entered, snapped to attention. "Go with my…temporary son-in-law's plan," said the King.

"Yes, my lord," said the leaders of the army, air, and naval forces of the military at once, as the King of Vena turned his attention elsewhere to the large map in the middle of the room.

"Now for another matter," said AJ. "That of—"

"France," spoke Reaper as he took a sip of his coffee while standing inside the meeting hall of the Syndicate of Heroes. The other heroes gathered to introduce the room, while a holographic projection of a gift from the Martian colony displayed a map of the French nation, or rather, the developments within it. Large cities were mostly under rebel control, while the far-right held smaller towns and military bases. Each faction was tentatively linked with their other bases of support via congestive control of roads and highways.

"As you can see," said Rora, pointing to the factions, "much like Texas where the fascists controlled most of the state at the start of the conflict and the rebels gained a spider-web-like hold of the territory, it seems that both sides' lines of control have taken the shape of a spider web. The vast majority of the French nation is not directly under the control of either faction and is in anarchy."

Bishop nodded before speaking up. "The rebels are managing to hold the key large cities and the highways between them. However, the French army, unlike its force that has remained neutral, and its navy, which has defected, is loyal to Sentinel's government and is being led by a group of metahuman generals who act more like independent warlords. This means the city will fall if given long enough, but not without high casualties."

"Jeez, this is like something out of Alpha and Omega," said Ms. Amerika.

"Is there any good news, or is it all downhill from there?" asked Jade Javelin.

"Yeah, wannabe Napoleon didn't have any nukes. When the baguette navy surrendered, in typical fashion for them, they turned over all of their warheads, seeing how the French decided to focus on their nuclear arsenal, primarily their subs."

"Well, that is some good news. We only have one potential nuclear war to worry about," said Rita.

"And somehow that's good news," said Black Bat.

"Speaking of which, let's switch over to the Caribbean," said Eric, getting up as the map changed. "As you can all see, the Songhai troops have all but encircled or captured the vast majority of the Dominican side of the island. Within the next few days, if not hours, they are expected to surrender or be destroyed. As a result, Harris has basically told Haiti and Vena to fall back or start WW3. Our current job is to de-escalate the current situation."

"Which we will do exactly how again?" asked Blue Blur.

"By linking the two conflicts," explained Mia. "Both America and Vena have a common enemy: France and its WMD arsenal."

"Wait, I thought Cap just said they didn't have any more nukes since their navy ditched them," said Black Bat.

"Yes and no," said Bishop. "While France no longer has any ICBMs, they could still possess WMDs—chemical, biological, and maybe a few older model airdrop nuclear bombs. Even if they didn't, they have enough radioactive material and highly enriched uranium and plutonium to create a number of radioactive weapons."

"You don't just build nukes, Bishop. It still takes time to make mushroom clouds," said Jamie.

"True," answered Bishop, "but not as long to build a dirty bomb."

"Dirty bomb?" asked John Doe.

"Basically a nail bomb, but instead of flinging nails, it flings radioactive material that won't turn you into the Hulk, but will instead give a person a bunch of jolly green tumors," explained Cap.

"In addition to that, it is possible the Sentinel's regime could have access to older model decommissioned nuclear warheads that they could turn into crude weapons, which could be built in a short time," said Destiny as she pulled up a video diagram of a nuclear device. "In spite of what it may seem, building a crude nuclear device is pretty easy for anyone with a nuclear engineering degree. It's getting and developing the technology and material infrastructure while avoiding sanctions and backlash that is the hard part."

"Didn't we already try this last week with the Venan Prince? It seems to have gone nowhere."

"Apparently it did go somewhere," said General Winters, walking into the room. "Action UK as well as I were contacted earlier today by Princess Mina of Wolfanina, who stated—" General Winters pulled out of his pocket what looked to be a music box made of bone and covered in flesh with a hollowed nose indentation as a keyhole and an eye above the keyhole, as well as one on its top. After placing down the small box, it grew a number of mini spiders mixed with crab-like legs.

Ms. Amerika almost gagged, and so did a few other members of the Syndicate, as the music box began to walk, scuttling around like an arachnid to the center of the table. There, the eye began to project a recording of the Princess.

"Good afternoon," said the recording of the Princess.

"I gotta say," Ace smirked at Destiny, "the woman got style."

Destiny smiled back. "True that."

"Yeah, maybe in a Tim Burton-from-hell kinda way," said Europa.

"Language," Bishop said, correcting his daughter as the recording began to play.

"We agree to your terms and are willing to negotiate if and only if the President of the United States does so first." The video feed ended after that.

"Well, that's just great. We're basically right back where we damn started," said Cap.

"Well, besides the creepy eye music box," joked Black Bat.

General Winters tugged at his collar. "Actually, she wants it back. His name is Kevin, by the way."

Santell gave an exasperated sigh. "And of course, it has a name."

"Well, Reeves," started Ace, "looks like you're up. You are the Speaker of the House, after all."

"Yeah, that doesn't exactly mean I can just make the President agree on something like this. What am I supposed to do?"

"Make something shake," said Sammy.

"Now, me, Sam, and Liberty gotta handle something at Rushmore. If Reeves swoops in afterward? I got a funny feeling the Madam President will want to talk after we save her ass."

Spader looked around. "Is that all?"

"Yeah," Ace nodded. "Meeting dismissed."

Pyro was in his bedroom in Las Vegas, looking at a picture of him and Polly on his phone.

"…Are you ready?" Neva asked Pyro, who was just a little surprised by the vaguely Indian, vaguely east asian, south asian woman suddenly appearing in his room, her hair was long and dark, matching her eyes

"…Born ready" Pyro said

"My love is already in Paris, he and Golem will be providing a distraction" Neva explained, her eyes seemingly shimmering as she prepared the incantations on the floor by drawing strange star signs and symbols of things that hurt for Pyro to look upon yet seemed to almost speak but not speak to him at the same time.

"And the rest of the team?" Pyro asked Neva before the two suddenly vanished from the room

"Outside the safe" Neva said as Pyro winced in the sterile, buzzing lights of the vault room…

"You took your time" Jinx quips to them as he sits outside the large vault door with his girlfriend Oracle standing nearby before speaking up and telling Pyro how they had wanted to teleport inside of the safe, however, there wasn't enough room, and the safe was airtight, Oracle saying

"Trust me, you don't want to know what Neva looked like after she teleported into the thing"

"Wait, aren't you blind?" Rick asked them

"Jinx isn't," she told him "I've seen things," Jinx said shaking their head with frightened eyes "And what I saw of that thing," Oracle said speaking of Neva

"Was far from anything I care to ever see again,"

Simba materialized in the room alongside Jinx, Oracle, and Pyro… The ladder is surprised

"They roped you into this too?" Pyro asks

"Simba was easier to convince" Jinx admitted

"So many tentacles so many eyes," muttered Simba to himself before Pyro asked

"How so?" to which Jinx shrugged that

"I told him something like 'White Snake would think it's hot', and he just said 'Sign me up'"

"Come on" said Pyro "It couldn't have been that easy. White Snake's bad and all, but Simba—"

"It was that easy" Simba admitted to him the thought of White Snake thinking he was cool snapping him out of the Eldritch-induced madness that Neva had given him.

"…Is a total fucking simp" Pyro finished "Aw, come on, you 'ave no idea what she's like man"

"She eats people, and is literally half-snake, like, half-snake the same way Ariel was half fish"

"Okay, just so we're on the same page, which Ariel are we talking about?" Simba asked him

"…The Little Mermaid" Pyro said like it was obvious "So, not that thick Modern Family girl?"

"How the fuck would you confuse them?"

"Look, I knew you meant 'The Little Mermaid', but like, the cartoon or the Halle Bailey one?"

"…The original" Pyro said "Is it because they're white?" Simba asked him a little teasingly

"No, I mean the book one" Pyro groaned

"Wait, there's a book?" Jinx asked them

"Yeah?" Pyro said "I'm well-read, plus, Polly had a copy... Well, Blues house had a copy of it"

"Isn't it a Danish fairy tale?" Oracle asked

"...Yeah?" Pyro said "So she's like, extremely white, right?" Simba asked, laughing a little bit

"Look, can we just agree that all three Ariels are objectively hot?" Jinx asked them before Oracle nudged him in the ribs "What about White Snake?" Simba asked "I said 'Objectively'"

"So 'Objectively' you think that she's creepy like Pyro does?"… Jinx was hesitant to answer.

"Ahem" Oracle said, clearing her throat "I'd hate to sound rude, but we've got a safe to steal" she told the bickering boys, whilst Jinx texted Emilio "We're here, set 'em off"

"How are we moving that thing?" Pyro asked "…Emilio's gonna blow the roof off this place".

"COME ON OUT 'N PLAY Y'SNAIL EATING CUNTS!" Emilio Jackson roared at the police and the military personnel outside the bank, lightning crackling through the air, hitting the cars and sending cops flying back, meanwhile, Golem would pick up cars and throw them at the cops.

He laughed like a maniac before he felt their phone buzzing

"Shit; Golem! Take care of 'em" he said before reading the text message.

Golem nodded before walking over to a nearby gas truck and chucking at the police causing a massive explosion that scattered fairly clumps of blood and viscera all over his stone body before Golem turned around and gave a thumbs up to preoccupied Gaelic Lighting.

"I knew I was forgetting something" Emilio chuckled answering the text on his phone before he heard the sound of a storm.

Turning around with a sinister smirk and gleaming teeth, Emilio looked up at Vortex Vex, who was accompanied by the Flaming Skull, flying a safe distance away from the woman who had summoned a mini tornado to float in on, she had dressed like an extra from The Jetsons whilst the Flaming Skull's a winged biker

"Yippie-yi-o… Yippie-yi-yay…" Emilio sung as he saw the robot skeleton with wings of fire slowly descend "Ghost riders in the sky" he smiled, before noticing their compatriot villains, members of Fraternity Blanche, including the stone-skinned Briquebrise "…You are fucked".

Standing atop a car, the Catacombatant a skeleton-themed soldier that was attempted to order Emilio to stand down, that "We'll make your death quick if you surrender sooner rather than later"

"Not gonna lie, the tornado lady raised my hopes that I would be seein' Rora before I died"

Emilio quipped "No hard feelings, right?"

"Using humor to defuse a tense situation" a deep voice calmly said, as Fantômas, arguably one of Frances's most ruthless criminal masterminds, a coldly intelligent killer who, if things had gone differently, would have been robing the bank instead of protecting it "Unoriginal"

"Says the guy using the name of a public domain character" Emilio heckled before he saw a colorfully dressed woman entering the scene "And now there is the Harley Quinn rip-off!"

"Who are you calling a rip-off you Jacksepticeye-looking mother-fucker!" screamed the girl better known as Bella Bedlam, a serial killer and "performance" artist with an online following.

"The cunts who are gonna be in for a big surprise" Emilio smiled before making a phone call.

Above their heads, Jinx, Oracle, Simba, Neva, and Pyro heard a faint ringing "Alright… Duck".

Fraternity Blanche was alarmed by this rumbling sound, shortly before a large safe erupted from the side of the bank with a roar, landing between the villains, with a heavy thud, atop the metal box stood Emilio's fellow Crime League of America members, with Jinx saying to Fantômas with a smile "Didn't see that coming now, did you?" which annoyed the criminal

"Fraternity!" he tells them "Prepare for—"

"Sic 'em," Jackson said casually to Simba.

Upon this order? He had turned into a massive chimpanzee and pounced on Bella Bedlam, who was just done with taking a selfie before she was tackled and smacked around by the primate, a loud scream escaped her as the ferocious animal grappled her hair, almost steering her into a neighboring car before and tore, smashing her face repeatedly into a windscreen before he tore at her "Holy shit!" the big and tough Briquebrise said, sounding genuinely terrified as Malik bit part of Bedlam's nose off.

The Fraternity Blanche all looked terrified

"Animal!" the Catacombatant shouted, he was about to jump into the fray to save Bedlam, only for the car he was standing on to sharply jerk to the side, sending him flat on his face before he found himself thrown about by an invisible force, even smacking into Briquebrise with enough force that the stone man was knocked off his feet into a piece of destroyed rebar that stabbed part of his eye out, whilst the far right man in the skeleton themed armor had fallen to the ground with a long, pained groan of "Damn".

As Pyro, Emilio, and Neva went to fight the Flaming Skull and Vortex Vex, Fantômas tried to shoot Oracle, only for her to calmly dodge every bullet her fired at them, just when it looked as if he had the upper hand, Oracle had suddenly vanished, though in fairness, she wasn't really there to begin with, having used her powers to cast an illusion…

She was behind him.

"Impossible!" Fantômas would complain

"Possible" Oracle smiled before she swung a pair of scissors into his neck, the two blades of the tool punched through a number of vital arteries in a single stab before bright red blood gushed from his open wound as she drugged the scissors around his neck, nearly separating his head from his body.

He struck the ground with a sickening smack before Jinx told her "Heads up" to which she held the scissors up, doing so at an angle so that when the bruised Catacombatant had once more rag-dolled through the air, the scissors would get stuck in their leg

"Nice one babe!" Jinx told his girlfriend as she slammed the body of Catacombatant into the concrete ground with a sloppy thud only rivalled by the sloppy kiss Oracle gave Jinx amidst the violence before they decided to watch the fight between Golem and Briquebrise, mostly because the fight between Simba and Bella Bedlam was gruesome, even for Beast Master.

It was then that Malik grabbed Bedlam by the hair whipping her around in the air and tearing chunks of her scalp out as he did so before throwing her onto a nearby car and repeatedly jumping on top of her when Jinx and Oracle noticed something these villains were pretty…

Lackluster when it came to durability or even strength… Barely.

"Barely even metahuman," said Omega to himself watching over the fight from a distant but safe location "So pathetic" he commented, almost disappointed.

Briquebrise squared up his way towards Golem, looking as if he was trying to pump himself up whilst Pyro and Emilio took on Vortex Vex and the Flaming Skull, the ladder would find a jaguar suddenly pouncing on him, gnawing at his leg before they angrily kicked Malachi off, he tried to use his fire on him, but found its path redirected by a wave of Pyros hand as they shouted out

"No, you don't!" clearly wanting to protect his friend… Vortex Vex be damned.

The moment the fire touched the tornado she summoned to keep the Crime League back, it was engulfed in flames, through which one could have heard her screaming before it faded, once the fire and the air canceled one another out, Vortex Vex had fallen, burnt, out cold.

"She alive?" Emilio would ask Rick Banks

"Who's to say?" Pyro asked before they turned their attention to the Flaming Skull, electricity crackled in the fists of Emilio Jackson before Pyro and he blasted him with their combined powers, fire and lightning, overwhelming the mechanical supervillain, before Rick marched his way towards them with one fist back.

With a fist hot enough to bend steel, he hammered the Flaming Skulls, well, flaming skull, until it was malformed, sputtering sparks before he delivered one last punch which would manage to send their robotic head flying from his mechanical body, effectively killing them.

Briquebrise took one look at this and ran.

"…Stop him?" Golem asked "Let him run" Neva tells him "Let the survivors spread the word"

"That was FUCKING METAL!" Emilio laughed "Beats getting our ass kicked in America,"

"Maybe we might have considered taking more of these little vacations," Pyro joked, looking down at his fist, which wore burns, wore ash, but he felt nothing…

Save for power, how could he not after beating the ever-loving shit out of a robot and robbing a bank, though he couldn't help but imagine the mean smile Kruger would wear if he saw it, which, knowing Kruger, he was probably watching it somewhere, probably laughing at it all.

"So who's for some crêpes?" Emilio asked the gang after clapping his hands together.

"What's that?" Simba asked him casually, his hands and mouth were stained with blood.

"They're thin pancakes, they taste pretty good"

"Could kill for some" Beast Master smirked.

"You didn't just over there?" Jinx asked him "She'll live" Neva informed the gang "Unfortunately"

"You missed one" Oracle softly told Jinx, gesturing to the bloodied, beaten Catacombatant.

"Drop the fucking safe!" the Catacombatant threatened, with a pistol aimed at the criminals.

"Okay," Jinx shrugged before dropping it.

The Catacombatant barely had enough time to react before he was instantly crushed under the immense weight of the steel and concrete, the safe landing with a gong-like sound and a subtle and almost sickening "Crunch", at least, it was sickening to those who could hear it.

"…What? He told me to drop it" Jinx said with a playful smirk before Neva teleported them.

"HOLY SHIT!" shouted Simbia making everyone look back at him with concern before she spoke again "WHITE SNAKE JUST LIKED MY POST ON TWITTER ABOUT ROBBING PARIS! SHE FOLLOWED ME BACK!" Beastmaster said bringing up his music app on his phone and blaring Ocean Man before yelling "THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!" while jumping up in the air.

Elsewhere in France Toxic Sludge flew above with The Bloody Red Barron on his invisible jet.

"Where the hell are we going for Paris?"

"We are not aiming for Paris," said the Barron as they started to take anti-air over what seemed to be an almost abandoned airbase as there were dozens of anti-defensive still there along with a few loyalist helicopters and dozens of fighter jets on the ground with their crew attempting to run to them. "Sludge ol' boy I need to drop the payload on the count of three," said the Barron as he conducted a gun run taking out a number of the anti-air defense while flying up into a loop to dodge a missile that had attempted to lock on to him only for the loop to through it off and send it crashing into another missile defense system as missile from that middle defense system hit the original at the same time before the Barron flew back over the runway.

"One, two, three!" Shouted Sludge as he dropped napalm sludge JDAM "Taste by hot sludge bitch!" as the bomb impacted the runway everyone below was caught up in heavy flames that only lasted for a few moments by the time it was over and the jet was landing vertically there was nothing lift of the jets of the base officers but ash.

"Now that's what I call cooking with sludge," joked Sludge as he and the Bloody Red Barton hopped out of the jet on top of the runway "So why are we here in the first place?"

"You truly don't know what this place is do you?" laughed the Barron as he unhooked his mask revealing an old face though it seemed to be almost waxy, the bones under it showing signs of alterations brought about from haste repairs by Zero after his body was originally recovered from the New York harbor.

"It's an Air Force base, in France. Or at least was one, before we took out what must have been at least half of the loyalist air crafts in the country," said Sludge unstrapping himself from the plane and leaving his large sludge tank and hose behind in plane favor for a new sludge pistol design that shot out superheated sludge only rather than the multi-use function of his whole tank and hose set up.

"It's not just any Airforce base," said the Barron "Plateau d'Albion,"

"You're saying that like it's supposed to mean anything," said Sluge as the two walked up to a large door to the concrete upper outcropping of a bunker. Sludge sprayed the hinges of the door with his pistol before kicking the now-weakened metal slab down to the ground allowing the two supervillains to walk down a descending staircase deeper into the bunker.

"It's their version of Area 51," Manfred said with a smile as the gear started to turn in Trent's head "Though with far less security,".

"I'm guessing that means no alien baddies are here then," quipped Toxic Sludge "But I guess we didn't come here for little green men,"

"A crude way of putting it, but yes we are not looking for anything extraterrestrial, no ol boy can e are looking for a boutique, however far more terrestrial weapons," laughed the Bloody Red Barron as a guard ran out with a rifle only to be shot by the Barron spraying pink mist all over another sliding metal door.

"For business or for pleasure?" asked Trent bending down going through the guard pocket and picking up a key card using it to unlock the door as the door slid open revealing a massive storeroom data center and computers the Barron chuckled "Oh a little bit of column A," he said taking out a USB "A little for column B," he said sliding the USB into a port.

"Downloading the schematic for the weapons instead of looting them smart," Trent said looking around the room to see if there was anything he wanted adding "for extra stick?"

"The bloody red barron always comes prepared," said Manfred tossing a drive to his fellow rogue.

"Good we are about to make bank from the sales of these designs when we get back to America, every supervillain and crime syndicate in America will be breaking down our door trying to get these designs Benjamins in hand,"

"Too bad you two won't live long enough to see them," says a voice from behind them as the "hero," Ferocité steps forward. The man was dressed in a mix of combat and power armor.

Heavy metal plaiting strapped around a bulky diesel power armor frame that let out smoke from its exhaust as the armored man slowly walked towards them.

"Barron, run now," said Sludge.

The Bloody Red Barron shook his head "I'm not leaving you, friend,"

"It doesn't make any difference to me run or not both of you are dead," said Ferocité which was ignored by Sludge.

"Never asking you to buddy, just need someone to radio Neva to get us teleported out of here after we are done," Sludge threw down some cyro sludge grenades he had made earlier that week after getting a hold of some of Zero's tech freezing the Ferocité in place

"Those ice sludge is only gonna last a few moments, I suggest you run now," he said to his friends as the blood red Barron took off back down the hallway. As that was happening the ice sludge was cracking Trent shot the floor under him with his sludge gun letting himself drop to a lower level of the bunker before taking off down the lower level hallway at sprint. It wasn't long before Toxic Sludge heard the heavy footsteps running behind him. Trent fired a shot from his gun into a wall that led to another room and ran inside it no sooner than he did just that a missile exploded where he had just been.

As Ferocité walked into the room he looked around to see the room was empty say for another hole in the floor leading to another lower level.

"You can run but you can't hide forever American," he said jumping down the hole but as he landed on the floor he heard a click. Looking down at his feet he saw that he had stepped on some type of land mine. Back in the upper level, Sludge jumped down from the ceiling where he had been hiding.

"Wasn't planning on it, baguette boy," Sludge tossed a regular sludge grenade down the hole saying eat "Eat sludge mother fucker!" as the explosion went off under him causing a chain reaction that started to collapse that whole section of the bunker but as the fire was about consume him Sludge was teleported back to Vegas.

"Now that was fucking awesome," smiled Sludge lighting up a cigar he had pulled from his pocket. The rest of the CLA looked at Trent, stunned before David spoke up.

"I don't want to be rude or anything. But how are you still alive?"

"Why wouldn't I be? I didn't get caught in some time loop thing with the teleportation thing and this isn't like 5 years in the future or something?" asked Slugde confused

"No, it's just that well? Um…" started Jinx before Hannah butted in

"We just wanted to know what happened to that French Iron Man guy,"

"Oh, I killed him," said Sludge taking the cigar to his mouth.

"Y-you," stumbled out Blue a bit shocked "Actually killed him..."

Jinx asked "Are you sure?"

"He's sure" Oracle confirmed

"Um no duh," he said taking a long hit of cigar "I'm fucking supervillain, fucking evil, whole lotta sludge gang shit... So are we going to party with stolen French money or what?".

Training like a mad dog, the battered and bruised, red, white, and blue-clad superhero known as Liberty hammered away at the punching bag in front of her until her knuckles bled and split, the bandages she had wrapped around her fists gently dripping blood.**

She heard something crunch... it was Grey eating some chips, wearing an awestruck look.

"So, you want a towel, my shirt—I mean, you can use my shirt if you need a towel or... Yep."

"Yeah, I've got one," Liberty assured them.

That was around the time Uncle Sam and Skinwalker entered the room. Grey seemed to walk through a door that she hadn't noticed existed until that moment, unnoticed by the superheroes.

"You ready?" Sam asked them.

"Born ready," Liberty admitted, wiping away the sweat with a towel. "Where's my suit?"

The suit was mainly red up until the shoulders, where a white line with a star divided it into more of a dark red and black. The arms of her suit were faded blue up until the gloves, which were tactical with padding on the knuckles. Liberty's legs were protected by red tactical pants with knee pads and high combat boots. It was far more toned down from the bright colors of the past.

Putting on her mask, Liberty looked at herself.

One could've noticed the uncertainty in her baby blue eyes. A mad series of questions were flooding her weary head: questions as to what Black Death had in store, and how far she was willing to go for her vendetta against the United States. She couldn't let Black Death succeed, even if she agreed with her.

There was a line between vengeance and justice, and if that line is crossed in the line of fire, innocent people get burned.

"Where are we now?" asked Liberty as the Syndie Jet roared across the vast emptiness that was the Crumbles. From inside the craft, not even a row rumble of the engine could be heard.

"About a minute or less away from the drop," said Sammy as Sam opened up the back panel of the jet.

"How come they don't hear us coming?" asked Liberty. "I mean, the Secret Service?"

"Because this thing isn't exactly playing on an equal field as them, Bell," answered Uncle Sam. "Half of the tech is at least 25 years more advanced than whatever the US is gonna come out with in the next 50 years."

"The other half?" asked Liberty.

It was now Sammy's turn to speak as the three of them entered a tear-shaped drop pod, sitting down in their designated seats. "Magic or Martian tech so good it might as well be magic," the seat locked them into place.

"You sure I was out for less than a month?" she asked them before—

"Thermosphere drop procedure activated. Launching drop pods in 3... 2... 1."

The drop pods hurtled through the thermosphere, streaking like shooting stars across the black canvas of the night sky. Liberty, Sammy, and Uncle Sam were locked in their seats inside the teardrop-shaped pods, hurtling toward Earth with precision. Inside the Syndie Jet, not even a hint of the engines' roar could penetrate their enclosed environment.

As they descended, the pods engaged their advanced jet thrusters, emitting a muted, blue-white glow that illuminated the rugged landscape below. Mount Rushmore loomed ahead, its iconic sculptures barely discernible in the moonlit darkness.

The pods navigated with eerie grace, adjusting their trajectories with precision as they approached the designated landing zone on the outskirts of the crumbled terrain.

With a controlled burst of energy, the pods lowered toward the ground, their thrusters creating a whirlwind of dust and debris upon impact. Liberty's pod touched down first, followed closely by Sammy's and then Uncle Sam's.

The night air was crisp and cool, carrying the scent of pine and earth. Shadows danced across the fragmented landscape, casting an otherworldly ambiance over the scene. Mount Rushmore stood in the near distance, its towering visages gazing stoically into the night. Skinwalker gritted her teeth, spitting to avoid grinding them as she looked at the monument. Meanwhile, Uncle Sam and Liberty looked almost green and ready to vomit.

"That was a pretty hard ride," said Liberty.

"Bit average, had rougher," Skinwalker said, scanning the area. She had the best vision of the three, able to see through the night as if it were day. That wasn't even counting the smells, the taste of the air, and the sounds she could all sense. "We're clear."

"Yeah right, what could have been a rougher ride than that?" asked Sam.

Sammy smiled before quipping, "Ace."

Liberty couldn't help but laugh at that bit of raunchy humor from Skinwalker while Sam rolled his eyes.

"C'mon," said Sammy, walking over to some brush and pulling off a pre-hidden camo blanket covering Uncle Sam's hog. "A gift from the cavalry. They tuned it up for you and made a few adjustments, but you two are gonna have to share it right now."

"It only has room for two on it and I don't see a sidecar," said Uncle Sam. "Not like you're gonna run to the place."

"Of course not," said Sammy, a smile creeping across her face. "I need you to keep up with me," and at that, she broke into a "jog" that was moving at the speed of a car on the highway.

Sam drove beside her, taking a few moments to catch up to Skinwalker at her speed before Liberty asked, "What happened to you two anyway?" Sammy raised an eyebrow.

"Who? Oh, right."

"You know, you and Ace," Liberty asked again.

"It's complicated," Sammy said. "Things fall apart, wasn't a good fit."

"Wasn't a good fit? He loved you and still does," said Sam.

"I meant me for him. Like I said, it's complicated." Skinwalker picked up to a faster run after that.

"Way to go," said Liberty.

"What? I was only trying to help. I thought maybe she would be a little bit more emotionally mature—"

"She's a teenage girl, Sam."

"Right," said Uncle Sam. "Sometimes I forget that," he admitted, which was true.

Sammy, much like Ace, didn't really read as someone who couldn't vote yet. The two of them always felt more like coworkers than anything else, especially compared to other teenagers on the team. Maybe it was because Sam had spent more time with them, maybe it was because the two of them had to deal with—

Once they arrived at Mount Rushmore, Liberty got off the motorcycle.

"Find the President... Warn her."

"What about you?" Sam asked.

"...Black Death is my problem."

"...Just remember we're here, you got that?" Uncle Sam told her, his hand on her shoulder.

"Got it," Liberty said, resting her hand on his for a moment before the two went on their missions.

Bailey watched over all of this from the trees, observing as the other two left Liberty alone.

It was a few moments before Liberty spoke up, not even looking around at the night.

"Do you want to speak? I suppose you let them go for some reason," said Liberty.

There was a sound in the tree as there was movement. Liberty spun around, firing a shotgun into the trees.

She didn't usually carry weapons, but given the fact that who she was going up against had skin as strong as a Sherman tank, a gun wasn't exactly as dangerous as it would usually be.

"I have no qualms with them. They aren't targets in the mission, though they will most likely die with the rest," said Black Death, landing across the field, a detonator in the cold hands that were more metal than fingers.

Black Death stared across the field at Liberty.

"You should have stayed dead."

"Sorry to disappoint, I guess women named Liberty can't help it, can they?"

"Unfortunately, a problem we both seem to share. No need to apologize. It was my fault. This time I will make sure the mission is complete," Black Death said, dodging the gunshots from Liberty's shotgun while closing the gap right as Liberty ran out of ammo. At that moment, she was kicked across the field by Black Death.

Taking a fighting stance, Liberty raised two fists and clenched them, saying, "Take your shot."

"You already did it for me," smiled Black Death as Liberty realized she had stepped on a landmine. With a large leap, she jumped out of the way of the explosion and right into a punch from Black Death.

Elsewhere, President Harris was walking toward the stage, getting ready to give a press conference declaring a new day in America, that the current crisis with Vena would soon be over and the era of American world dominance would be back on track.

She thought of the old man as he did.

"Build back better," she said to herself.

Shame he wasn't around to see it. The two of them weren't all that close, and she was the token pick for political reasons, but he was also the breed of American leaders that simply didn't exist anymore. Not a perfect man by any means, not even compared to other presidents, but he was the last of his kind. Then, suddenly, as Harris took to the microphone, she was grabbed and pulled off stage by a member of the Secret Service aided by Uncle Sam and what appeared to be Skinwalker. Then an explosion went off.

"What the fuck just happened?" shouted Harris. "What the hell was that?"

"Chicken coming home to roost," quipped Sammy, shielding her from falling debris as Uncle Sam spoke up. "Now c'mon, we gotta get you and everyone else out of here before the whole thing starts tumbling down on everyone's head."

Back above, higher on the mountain, Liberty picked herself back up. Black Death once more had launched herself toward Liberty only to find on the side of the mountain, the patriotic superhero having ducked out of the way before she attempted to put them in a headlock, hammering away at them with a taser installed in her gloves. This only annoyed the ghost of World War Two, who put one foot against the rock face, pushing herself back. Both she and Liberty landed on their backs, the hit stunning Liberty and aggravating her prior injury. Holding Liberty's arm, she tried to break it. "You're very predictable," said Black Death, her voice almost alien in its deliverance as if it wasn't her own.

"Predict this," said Liberty as out of the blue, an immense light began to blast from her gloves. Suddenly, a super-heated plasma beam shot from her hand, hitting Black Death in the face and sending her flying. From under Liberty's arm came a collapsible torch-shaped baton that linked with the plasma beam, creating a flaming torch sword.

Black Death, half her gas mask destroyed, got back up, her vision cleared. Once more, Liberty saw their eyes, their melancholic, broken eyes, now laser-focused on Liberty with intense hatred.

"You made improvements to my old toys."

As she spoke, her arm began to change, splitting open as blood and muscle were cut apart by an arm blade. Around the edges of the blade, strange blood pooled before suddenly catching a light into superheated plasma.

"You can stop this," said Liberty. "We don't have to fight."

"The mission is not over. The war is not over. It must be completed."

"I can't let you do that—" Suddenly, Liberty was picked up by a strong psychic force and flung toward Black Death's sword. "Then you will die." In a perfectly timed parry of the sword blow, Liberty blocked an upcoming slash by Black Death that broke the psychic hold.

"Yeah, I think you tried that already?" Liberty said, blocking another attack by the Black Death before kicking her back. She stumbled for a moment, and Liberty took her chance, charging at her enemy. Black Death dodged her, pushing her back again with her psychic power. Liberty came at her again with a swing of her torch, only for her blow to be dodged once again. Black Death punched Liberty in the ribs, shattering two of them and cracking part of her new armor before grabbing her by the throat and throwing her into a rock, cracking the stone. She then jumped up in the air, attempting to bring her sword arm down. Liberty blocked the swing, but just barely. Her arms were knocked down by the swing long enough for Black Death to knee her in the gut, attempting to stab her.

"Taser!" A jolt of electricity shot through Liberty's leg, stunning Black Death. Liberty fought out of her grasp, narrowly missing Black Death's knife. She arched back before getting hit in the leg. A sharp pain shot through her calf as she noticed the knife lodged there. She stumbled back, away from Black Death. Dragging a lazy, metal leg behind her, Black Death slowly followed the superhero.

"You have no idea what I've been through, what this nation has done to me!" she roared, her mechanical tone grating on Liberty. Liberty managed to roll out of the way, getting to her feet and blocking another swipe by Black Death. She swiped at Black Death's face, sending her stumbling back and leaving her open for a punch from Liberty. Suddenly, Liberty felt something stick to her fist. It was flesh. She looked up at Black Death only to be met with a kick to the face.

The kick sent her into a tree. Liberty fumbled around her belt, pulled out a grenade, and threw it at the other woman. The grenade was caught psychically mid-air, exploding near but not near enough to Black Death's face. Then Liberty saw the woman's face—or what was left of it. Half of the right side down to her lower jaw was completely absent of skin, showing a mixture of muscle and metal instead of bones. Her eyes were glowing red. Liberty took a step back as Black Death stepped forward.

"Surprised? This is what your government did to me... This is what they made me!" The cyborg killer fired a couple of shots from her sidearm, missing Liberty by mere inches.

Then Liberty, crawling aside, said, "...You're right."

"I don't know the pain," Liberty said, slowly making her way back up. "I may have come close with the friends of mine you've killed, the family you hurt, feeling like the whole world was out to get me, that they hated me... But I know that for you that's a Tuesday..." Liberty stood with her head low. "But I have to ask..."

"You're dying anyway, so ask away," Black Death said, emotionless and cold, not even a hint of sarcasm in her tone as she readied for her next attack. Both fighters awaited the next hit, almost stalking each other in the harsh clearing.

"All the people who died in your past, what few friends you've had, the other test subjects..."

Liberty knew she was walking on thin ice. She knew she was going to strike a sensitive nerve...

And that was just what she wanted to happen—to make the machine that was once human feel.


Liberty screamed this out, ages of anger having been boiling up to that one moment.


Black Death was silent "I am a monster of their own design... The only thing the government was wrong about was thinking they had killed me when I went into that ice!" Black Death told her. "Now they will all pay. This whole country will burn."

"I can't let you do that," said Liberty. "If this nation dies, millions will with it."

Black Death responded, "I don't know what's funnier. The fact that you think you can talk me out of my mission"—her sword arm began to change again, this time into a plasma rifle—"or the fact you think this country can be saved." She fired at Liberty, who dodged out of the way.

"Look around, girl. The republic has already fallen. It's the stumbling corpse of a nation choking on its own blood as it takes its last breaths, while the vultures pick apart its flesh. The NAZ in the South, their puppets in the West, the crumbles here, a failing forever war overseas. A leadership that is either the to oldest senile or so stuck in an imaginary past civility to tell the difference. " she fired again, this time hitting a tree and setting it on fire, which quickly began to spread. "There is no law, no justice, no peace—"

Black Death was interrupted by a tree branch, one that was lodged right into her plasma rifle hand. The tree branch exploded once she tried to fire it at Liberty again. Black Death almost winced in what could have been pain as a result of her busted-up arm. Liberty was backed into a corner now even as Black Death drew closer...
But Liberty wasn't backing down.

"Now," Black Death threatened. "As I said before, Liberty is dead." A small blinking mini crossbow bolt slammed into the left side of Black Death's guts before exploding, sending her flying backward.

"Save the anti-American spiel for me. I make it sound cooler." said Skinwalker, backed up by Uncle Sam, who went and helped Liberty up "And stay the fuck away from my friend, you undead psycho bitch," Skinwalker shouted as she drew her claws and charged at Black Death, who fired shots but missed. Skinwalker pounced on her, clawing into her flesh before Black Death threw her off. Skinwalker was quick to get back up.

"All three," Liberty said to Uncle Sam and Skinwalker.

Liberty attempted to blindside Black Death with a punch only for her to duck it, but as she came back up, Black Death was met by a punch from Uncle Sam that sent her into a double kick from Skinwalker. However, on the second attempted kick, Black Death grabbed Skinwalker's leg and used her as a club to knock around the others.

Skinwalker, however, used her extreme flexibility to bend around like a snake and bit into Black Death's human arm. Her teeth tore away flesh, sending blood flying everywhere and injecting venom into the villain, who, out of a reaction of pain, flung Skinwalker nearly across the field like she was weightless her body slamming against a large rock. The fire that started earlier had only grown, now consuming half of the mountain, including parts of the Black Death. Skin slopped off her body, revealing metal frames covering fragile muscles and organs half made of prosthetics, leather, and human flesh. A heart of metal and clockwork was kept behind a cage of strange metal. Liberty was stunned into silence as the woman kept going.

Black Death lunged towards them before her mechanical fist shattered against a shield of stars on a blue surface. "Big mi-" started Rita before suddenly from The Black Death's eyes and mouth came a stream of superheated microwaves stunning Columbia long enough for the Black Death to pull her to the ground by her scarf slamming her into the dirt before yanking her back in the air and slamming her back down and going in for finishing blow with her sword arm only for her to be punched by Zeta-Man, sending the cyborg into a tree, which shattered as the heroes stood together.

"Is she ok?" Columbia asked Liberty as she picked herself up parts of her face were brunt and bloody but already showing signs of rapid healing.

"We should be asking you that question," said Skin Walker rejoining the fight.

"I don't think she can feel pain," Liberty said, watching as Black Death continued to march towards them.

"Bailey, please stand down," said Liberty. "We can help you."

"Die," said the Black Death, raising her busted-up sword arm, only to have it blocked by Liberty. But by doing so, it gave way and came flying off.

Yet the Black Death kept coming, trying to kick Liberty, only to find a palm sharply pushing against her face and a hand tightly gripping the wrist of the punch she was throwing. Liberty swung herself around Black Death, still clinging to the wrist, before she proceeded to wrench it back, her knee digging into the spine of the pissed-off cyborg before she tore off the arm. A mechanical screech escaped Black Death as she shook them off, fighting her way back to her feet. She was hit by a cross bolt from Sammy, who fired another one that pinned her to a tree by her chest.

The Black Death, still alive, ripped the bolt from her chest even as the fire kept growing around her body. "Die!" the woman cried, beams of hot plasma flaming from her prosthetic eye towards Liberty. But the beam malfunctioned before exploding, taking half of Black Death's upper face. Yet she still came stumbling towards them, her whole body now glowing as she spoke her last words, "Never again."

"Shit!" said Reeves as he and Rita quickly grabbed everyone and took off at top speed. What amounted to an ultra-miniature nuclear blast went off on the mountain, setting off other explosives and causing a cascade effect of a massive landslide that blew off the faces of Mount Rushmore one by one. Hours later, as the sun poked over the horizon, the heroes met with the president.

The Secret Service had set up an emergency station on a native reservation an hour and a half from the bomb site. Kamala barely listened to a staffer who suggested, "From what our drones indicate, parts Washington's head could be salvaged, maybe by one of the..."

"By one of the what?" Harris asked.

"Heroes," he said, speechless, as the superheroes entered the tent Kamala was in.

"Don't look at me, the only one of them I kinda like was Lincoln," said Sammy lighting up a cigarette.

"Are you okay, ma'am?" asked Uncle Sam.

Kamala looked at him with an "Are you serious?" glance. "That will mark maybe, I don't even know at this point, how many times I have been almost blown up this summer. Can someone at least explain to me who the hell that was?" she said, fumbling for a cigarette that Sammy lit using her own smoke.

"Liberty," said Liberty. "Or at least the first one. The first super soldier America created."

"I thought that was Slaughter," said Kamala, taking another smoke.

"Ma'am, that's not good for your health," started Reeves before he was met with a death glare by both Sammy and the President. "Never mind," he said as Liberty went on to explain.

"Before Slaughter, there was another program," said Liberty as Rita handed over a file.

"It wasn't pretty," Columbia told the president. "They abducted thousands of young Black girls to be experimented on in a prison camp. Out of ten thousand, only two came out alive and became Liberty and her sidekick, Freedom." Liberty sighed before continuing. "Unfortunately, due to them being Black women, they were kept secret and killed after WWII."

Kamala shook her head. "Christ on a fucking cross. I'm guessing the former didn't actually die, did she?"

"No, we don't exactly know how she came back, but what came back wasn't Liberty. It was the Black Death. Most likely, the trauma of her being killed and brought back to life, along with all the other horrific events that happened to her, finally sent her over the edge."

"Real shit sandwich with a side of piss soup," commented Skin Walker

Harris paused. "...What happened tonight can never come out, at least not the full story."

"Ma'am," started Liberty, to which Harris responded, "America will honor her as the first superhero who died in the field during WWII, but this?"

Kamala pointed towards the ruined mountain. "The whole story about how it all ended and how it came to be would break this country apart more than it already is," she said as the Syndicate jet landed, adding, "I'm sorry."

"Yeah... If those words were said a few decades earlier," Liberty said quietly to herself.

"We understand," Zeta-Man told her. "But the truth will come out one day or another. Not today, not tomorrow, but someday."

Kamala Harris nodded and said goodbye.

As Liberty and the other heroes climbed into the jet and it took off, Uncle Sam looked over the mountain, its faces removed, its sides almost returned to a natural state.

"Damn shame what happened to our mountain," said Reeves. "But nobody innocent got hurt."

"Nothing happened to the mountain. The faces may be gone, but it still remains. It wasn't our mountain to begin with, never ours. This land was here long before us," said Liberty, looking down at the ground at a group of Red Cavalry women riding across the plains with Skinwalker at their head. "And it will be here long after we are gone."

Elsewhere aboard the Wraith jet Reaper, Shadow, Ace Of Spades, and Jade Javelin

"Don't you guys need a parachute?" asked Jade to Destiny and Reaper as she strapped her own as the back of the jet opened up showing a distant oil rig below them "I get Spader not having one jet pack and all, but how are yall gonna get on the rig.

"We ain't aiming for the rig," said Reaper as he and Shadow jumped off the plane early.

"You good?" asked Destiny as they fell through the sky "About what happened back-"

"Nothing happened back there, let's just pretend it didn't, chum,"

"Any word about where Adisa is,"

I don't know, don't really care." Reaper said to Shadow hugging her "Hold on," as he spoke their phase suit turned on just as they hit the water avoiding the brunt of the impact before rephasing under the water beside a large rogue French military submarine the two grabbed onto the side of the submarine before phasing through its whole entering its communication room where a rogue pro junta officers were sitting in his chair as Destiny snuck up on him wrapping her arms around his neck before putting him into a sleeper hold after which he was gagged by Ace who then places a jump drive into a slot inside a nearby computer one which was loaded with an Audio Ai chat box programmed by Xander to mimic the officer's voice based on encrypted signals that were intercepted by the Syndies that tip them off to the rogue operation.

Reaper grabbed the bound man's keycard "That should cover our track for a while at least until we get to their base" but as he did so the door to the room opened as two armed officers came in scanning the room and spotting the bound and gagged officer but no one else as the approached their tied up comrade he started shouting through the muffled gag looking up the roof to which the other two soldiers turned gaze just in time to see Reape and Shadow jumped on them knocking them out with taser kick and tieing them up as well.

"Xander are you in?" asked Destiny over her comms system.

"Yeah shutting down the internal comms, turning off the lights, locking most of the crew in their quarters, and setting the sub on autopilot to their base now," said Xander before pausing "Shit, there was already a patrol coming down the hall, guys. Get ready for a fight,"

"Always ready," said Reaper looking over at Shadow, Ace already knowing she was smiling under the mask as he rolled a hybrid tear and fear gas bomb down the dimly lit hallway of the submarine right as heavy military boot could be heard clamoring down the halls.

"Always ready old chum," quipped Destiny.

As the French soldiers turned the corner to the hallway they were met by heavy smoke. As they entered the fog one by one the tear and fear gas began to take hold of them with many of them stumbling over each other from the pain and sheer drugged-induced terror meanwhile Reaper and Shadow crouched in the shadows as the gas filled the narrow hallway.

The first soldier stumbled forward, his vision blurred. Reaper lunged forward and disarmed him with a quick twist of the wrist before delivering a precise chop to the neck, rendering him unconscious and then lowering the soldier to the ground.

Meanwhile, Shadow slipped through the smoke like a wraith. She spotted two soldiers who were attempting to cover each other. With a perfect shot, she threw two mini scythes. The blades embedded themselves in the soldiers' rifles, yanking them out of their hands. Before they could react, she was upon them, delivering a flurry of kicks and punches, disarming and incapacitating them both within seconds.

Reaper moved ahead, deploying a cobweb bomb on the ceiling. The device exploded, releasing sticky, web-like threads that ensnared two more soldiers, pinning them to the walls. They struggled but were quickly subdued with taser darts, their bodies convulsing before slumping to the ground.

Shadow encountered another pair of soldiers. Using the darkness to her advantage, she crept behind them, delivering a synchronized strike with her fists to their temples, knocking them out cold. She quickly secured their rifles, tossing them into a nearby room.

Reaper continued down the corridor, encountering three soldiers who were trying to advance despite the gas. He threw a smoke pellet at their feet, enveloping them in a thick cloud. As they panicked, he slipped in among them, using their confusion to his advantage. His movements were a blur as he disarmed one soldier with a knee strike, tasered the second, and used the third as a human shield to absorb a wild punch from a fellow soldier before taking them both out with a roundhouse kick.

The shadow caught sight of the last soldier at the end of the hallway. He was firing his rifle, without vision, many of the bullets hitting Destiny's armor but bouncing off as she launched a grappling hook, which latched onto the rifle and yanked it out of his hands. In a fluid motion, she reeled herself in, delivering a spinning kick to his jaw that sent him crashing into the wall.

The hallway was silent except for the muffled groans of the subdued soldiers. Reaper and Shadow exchanged a nod, their breathing steady despite the intensity of the skirmish. Reaper tapped his comms.

"Xander, the hallway's clear. What's next?"

Xander's voice crackled through. "Great work." before Ace switched over to the other team.

"Are you ready for the drop?"

Jade answered Reaper as she and Spade looked down over the storm that was blowing them and around the oil rig. "Can't say I'm too ready to drop a few thousand feet during a mini hurricane in the mid-Atlantic,"

"You shouldn't worry," said Reaper "Something tells me the weather is on our side tonight."

"07," said Jade as she and Spader jumped off the Wairth Jet. Deploying her parasitic followed by a gliding wingsuit and him using his jet pack Jade and Spader landed on top of the oil rig.

Jade Javelin and Ace of Spades landed on the oil rig with practiced precision, their arrival barely noticed amidst the howling storm. The wind whipped around them, rain pelting down in relentless sheets, but they remained focused. The rig loomed large and foreboding, lit sporadically by flashes of lightning.

"Stick close, and remember the plan," Spade shouted over the gale, his voice barely audible.

Jade nodded, her eyes narrowing as she spotted the first group of guards patrolling the perimeter. They moved with an air of confidence, their rifles held at the ready, but the storm provided excellent cover for the duo's approach.

Spade activated his jet pack, propelling himself silently over the guard rail to land behind a stack of barrels. He deployed a pair of mini drones from his wrist, sending them buzzing into the storm. The drones hovered silently above the guards, scanning their positions and feeding live data back to Spade's HUD. He watched as the guards' movements were mapped out, the drones marking each one with a glowing red dot.

Jade moved in sync, staying low and moving from cover to cover, her hand gripping the shaft of a javelin. She pressed a button on the shaft, causing the javelin to extend and hum with electrical energy. With a swift motion, she hurled it towards the nearest guard. The javelin arced through the air, guided by an internal gyroscope, and struck the guard square in the chest. He convulsed as the electricity surged through his body before collapsing to the ground.

The other guards turned at the sound, raising their rifles, but Spade was already in motion. He shot forward with his jet pack, his electrified escrima sticks crackling with energy. He landed in the midst of the guards, striking with blinding speed. One guard went down with a swift jab to the ribs, another with a crack to the jaw. The remaining guards opened fire, but Spade's agility was unmatched. He dodged and weaved, deflecting bullets with his sticks and using his jet pack to stay one step ahead.

Jade continued her assault from the shadows, launching another javelin—this one exploding in mid-air and releasing a cloud of tear gas. The guards stumbled, coughing and rubbing their eyes, their vision obscured. Jade took advantage, closing the distance with lightning speed. She drew a pair of smaller javelins, using them like batons to disarm and disable the disoriented guards. A strike to the knee sent one guard sprawling, while a sharp jab to the throat silenced another.

Spade's mini drones returned to his side, their work done. He reprogrammed them quickly, sending them out once more with a new directive. The drones emitted a high-pitched frequency, disorienting the remaining guards who hadn't yet succumbed to the gas or Jade's javelins. Spade moved through them like a specter, his escrima sticks dancing in the storm's light. Each strike was precise and debilitating, leaving no room for counterattacks.

With the perimeter cleared, the duo regrouped near the entrance to the main building. Spade scanned the area with his HUD, confirming that no more guards were immediately nearby. He nodded to Jade, who readied another javelin—this one designed to breach electronic locks.

"Let's do this," Spade said, his voice steady despite the chaos around them.

Jade hurled the javelin at the door's control panel. The tip sparked as it made contact, and the lock mechanism shorted out with a loud pop. The door slid open, revealing a dimly lit corridor.

They moved inside, weapons at the ready. The interior of the rig was a maze of metal walkways and industrial equipment, with more guards stationed at key points. Spade's drones scouted ahead, marking targets and relaying their positions.

The first group of guards inside the building were huddled near a control panel, unaware of the intruders. Jade acted first, launching a javelin that exploded in a burst of light and sound, stunning the guards. Spade dashed forward, using his jet pack to close the distance. He landed amidst the stunned guards, his escrima sticks flashing in the low light. Each strike was a blur, taking down guard after guard with ruthless efficiency.

Jade followed, her movements fluid and precise. She used her javelins like extensions of her own body, each one serving a different purpose. One guard fell to a javelin that emitted a high-voltage shock, another to a javelin that expanded into a net, ensnaring him. Her combat style was a blend of martial arts and gadgetry, each move calculated to maximize effectiveness.

They moved deeper into the rig, encountering pockets of resistance along the way. Spade used his jet pack to gain the high ground, firing rubber bullets from his mounted guns. The bullets struck with enough force to incapacitate without lethal damage, sending guards sprawling. He then descended, using his escrima sticks to mop up any resistance. As they approached the central control room, the resistance grew stiffer. The guards were better equipped and more coordinated, but Spade and Jade were undeterred. Spade sent his drones ahead, using them to disrupt the guards' communications and create openings.

Jade launched a javelin that emitted a high-frequency pulse, disabling the guards' electronics and causing their rifles to malfunction. She then closed in, using her javelins in close combat to devastating effect. Her strikes were precise, targeting joints and pressure points to incapacitate without killing. Spade engaged the remaining guards, his escrima sticks a blur of motion. He dodged and parried their attacks, using his jet pack to stay mobile and unpredictable. Each strike was measured, each movement was efficient. He disarmed one guard, using the rifle to knock another unconscious before discarding it. With the last of the guards neutralized, they finally reached the control room. Spade hacked the door with his wrist computer, and they stepped inside. The room was filled with monitors and control panels, the nerve center of the rig.

"Securing the room now," Spade said, his fingers flying over the controls. "Locking down all access points and shutting off external communications."

Jade kept watch, her javelins at the ready. "How long until we can expect reinforcements?"

"Not long," Spade replied, his eyes focused on the screen. "About now," he said as he watched as mini dots appeared on the screen what amounted to the entire portion of the pro-Junta Navy.

"We're cooked," said Jade.

"Not entirely," said another voice over the coms system Jade and Spader looked out the window to see the crimson-cloaked Red Usurper flying above the oil rig.

"Like I said," spoke Ace over the coms system "The Weather is on our side,"

Above in the sky, Alec began to pray "For in my name said the lord you shall walk among lions and shall not be harmed," the air began to whip around "For if you trust in the lord thy Goddess you shall tread upon the serpents and not be bitten," lighting built around him before striking at the junta's naval missiles fired at him destroying them before they even got close "For you shall walk upon the coals and trade upon the lava of the volcano and not be burnt," dozens of drones were knocked out of the sky by Alec pure psychic night "For you shall know the lord, for you will trust in her and she shall protect you." A huge wave began to rise up towards the ships "For I love you say thy goddess, I saw protect you from all the armies of all the kingdoms and principalities that stand against you. For that, you shall know that I am with you," and with that huge waves begins to push away the ships as hundreds of sea women began to climb on top of them boarding them "A fucking men," Alec quipped with a smirk.

"Nice job team," said Destiny and Ace adding "Hold your position until the authorities arrive me and Shadow are taking the fight to this son of bitches see you soon, 07,"

"...'And will be here long after we are gone.'" Liberty told Grey, trying some of his chips

"Bullshit you didn't say that"

"I did!" she said

"...Alright, alright... Optimus Prime" the two cracked a smile in the Syndicate Headquarters...

Grey checked his watch

"Damn, I should really get going, but seriously, it's nice to see that you're doing alright"

"I've still gotta go through a psych exam, but that's a given for most of us" Liberty admitted

"Been there, done that"

"With the NOAAU?" she asked him "Beforehand" Grey said, though he couldn't remember it too clearly, he went awkwardly quiet for a good couple seconds, almost as if he was in a trance.

"...Grey?" she asked him


"You were just about to go..."

"Well… That's all folks" Grey said to Liberty, shrugging before making his way out the room.

Grey was just about to leave the Syndicate headquarters and return to the NOAAU, where he would expect Jake Jagger and Heart to bust his chops and Vontavious to give him just the worst creeps imaginable, he was just about to head out when he had heard some footsteps...

Dr. Ridley Andrews was called to check up on Liberty, to assess her following what had to've been a gruelling experience… The two froze in that hallway, staring across at one and other.

"…Grey?" Dr. Ridley Andrews asked them…

"…Ridley?" he asked her, hope in their tone.

His voice almost cracked as he said it, before the two slowly approached one and other, the two must have been scared it was all an illusion, just a cruel dream that would end too early or maybe even too late, but the moment they came close enough to touch one and other?

"This is real" Grey smiled, as Ridley spoke up

"It's… It's been a while, hasn't it?" smiling at Grey with warmth exuding from her presence

"Yeah" Grey admits "Too fuckin' long, doc…"
This whole situation with France is starting to feel like it is going to get way out of hand extremely soon. And by way out of hand, I mean full-fledged war between NATO and the Songhai Pact.

And it looks like there is a hint that this war between NATO and the Songhai Pact is going to be not conventional.
Hello From, The Sky Part Two
Breaking: President Harris Nearly Killed In Bombing Attack at Mount Rushmore
-CNN August 12, 2025

Opinion: The American Troubles Are Not Stopping Anytime Sooner
-New Moon News August 12, 2025

Chickens Are Coming Home To Roost
-The Black Star August 12, 2025

Greatest Attack On America Since 9/11! Attacks Most Likely Transexual Antifa Super Communists Indians!
-News Max August 12, 2025

Space Tourism Boom: As Station Terminus Develop Continue In Orbit Around The Earth
-Science August 12, 2025

French Junta Forces Take Heavy Set Back Following Lost Of The Few Naval Aseest They Had Aking At Least Of Their Airforce Following Several Incidents Involving American Met6ahuman Crikiinal As Well As Interntuon By The Syndicate Of Heroes.
-Xinhua August 12, 2025

The Number Of Low-Level Meta Humans Contuies To Rise To One In A Million By 2035 However...

"While yes there is expected to be around one metahuman for every million nonhumans this does not mean we will be getting thousands of new superheroes or villains anytime shortly as for the vast, amount of these metahumans their power is despite the names very low, For example, one nearly famous metahuman influencer has the amazing power to bend spoons with their minds. With that all being said there has been some worry that these groups of super-powered persons could become an oppressed or marginalized class no matter how their power manifests. Already there are pushes for more legation both to protect humans from perceived metahuman threat as well as protect meta humans right from being violated"
-Kelly Hatter New Moon News August 12, 2025

"The past night's attack on President Harris was horrifying, but not surprising when you let terrorists run amok the country attacks like this only grow more likely. America has only one real chance to prosper that is in a safe and secure society, under the NOAAU and its political allies the party will attack terrorists on two fronts first will be a full-scale crackdown upon all terror cells in this country, the national elimination of the rights of terrorists and terrorist supporters, the adoption of state or political suicide theory for all political and sub-federal entities be their state, county, courts, business, churches, politicians, cities and political parties that provide aid or comfort to terrorism where we restructure or federalize their rule while eliminating the cancer of our society. The second front will be targeting the socioeconomic factors that turn people into radicalism.

Most people with something to lose rarely perform attacks of terror. The party once it takes power on the national level like all other things improves our nation by every metric. For without the party, there can be no New America only a dying corpse refusing to die even as it decays to the point where it can no longer function. The party is the only hope to save this nation, not me the party, not one individual, but the party!

You have a few options in the next election, fascism under Mansfield, incompetence and their neo-fascism, a slow death under the Dems or Republicans and their neoliberalism, or the progress and order under the NOAAU authoritarianism. I won't lie to you like other politicians about my political positions. I am an authoritarian I do not care for things like western style liberal democracy or freedom of speech and will work to eliminate or limit those two ideologies when I come to power.

I support throwing fascists like James Mansfield into political prisons or gulags. If I come to power I will indeed attempt to do all those things and more on a national level, but I will also improve the economy, make sure random lunatics stop blowing up chunks of our country, end the draft, and bring our troops homes, and yes while I will use a lot of the money formerly given to the military for endless forever wars to build a security state I will use the majority of the money wasted every year on bombing the third world for oil to build up strong social services, I will tax the billionaires and attack corporations so hard that it will make FDR blush, I will enact social reforms that will protect the queer and other marginalized communities even if that means the secret police giving your shitty right-wing uncle a knock on the door because he made a Facebook post about killing trans people.

I will build our infrastructure in this country and wing us off of fossil fuels even if that means having Jagger personally lead a raid and arrest the owners of oil lobbying firms, I will reestablish a national government rule over rogue neo-fascist states even if it takes a few Tiananmen Squares to do so, I will make our so-called friends in NATO and other alliances go along with this new program even if that means threatening with regime change. Like I said I will not lie to you about who or what I am you may not like it, and it may not be pretty, but it's the natural result of decades of political failure by both the left and right-wing parties in this country which has caused the slow death of the republic that we are whiteness in together as a country, your job in November of 2028 is to vote on what comes out of the ashes, order, and progress under a new regime, or new dark age over the North American continent,"
-Imani V Clair August 12, 2025

//Imani: Speech is done is everything really

//Feild Marshal Jake Jagger: It's Yankee Doodle Dandy

//General Barber: I have spoken with my counterpart in the air core as well as Admiral Kidd in the navy however I still want to make sure that this won't have any blowback on the homefront and we'll keep casualties down overseas.

//Feild Marshal Jagger: Don't worry everything is gonna be fine I promise. DC gave us the clear and the action will be fast and quick enough that the redcoats won't know what hit them. Besides, if we need to hammer down France we gotta have some launching pads. Launching D-day part 2 from across the ocean is too risky even if it's against whatever an excuse a navy Junta has on their side.

//General Barber: Somehow that gives me just as much relief as someone saying we will be home by Christmas.

//Feild Marshal Jagger: What if I said we would be greeted as liberators?

//General Barber: Fuck you!

Support For The Anti-War In Congo Is Collapsing The Democratic and Republican Party
-The Hill August 13, 2025

God, I hate living in historic times now. It was fun for maybe a few weeks on superhero Twitter, but I would like to get off the crazy express
-Mr.Gatsby August 13, 2025

After Securing Payment Deal With Their Families And Estates Ai Companies Are Using Old Hollywood Stars Vocies To Read Audio Books
-Reuters August 13, 2025

Uncle Sam and Liberty Are Reportedly Back Together After a Short Break
-HeroWatch August 13, 2025

Year One Million Series Reportedly Getting A Show Show On Ward Plus
-Streamer's Digital August 13, 2025

How European Climate Helps To Cause A Lack Of Empathy Among Its Indigenous Population
-Dr. Elijah Rutherford August 13, 2025

"Dr. Rutherford is a hack whose theories about how European cold weather made them evolutionarily evolutionary incline have less empathy is one step away from flat-out skull-measuring and is a disgrace to the black American medical and scientific tradition. The fact he is allowed to even speak at any damn college is beyond disgusting all because that sneaky little rodent of a man masquerading as a scientist manages to just police his writing enough so he doesn't get arrested for promotion of negative speech. The fact of the matter is that racism isn't some by-product of nature but of society and the class conflict that births racial antagonisms."
-Dr. Kress Johnson August 13, 2025

"I refuse to debate western-aligned communist uncle toms like Kress."
-Dr. Elijah Rutheford August 13, 2025

12 Soldiers Killed In Drone Attack In Congo:
"This morning at least 12 US Soldiers were killed by a swarm drone attack on a convoy of Humvees moving through a remote part of the Democratic Republic Of The Congo. This comes after a recent spike of attacks on American and DRC soldiers by communist insurgents along isolated roadways across the country. Venan weapons supplied to them by America's chief rival have taken a heavy toll on American troops particularly mobile anti-tank and air weaponry alongside drones which have in the thick and isolated regions that make much of the DRC for the communist rebels to match American firepower in hit and run campaigns. Despite many in DC stating that the kill-to-death ratio (KD) "still holds and positive" for American soldiers with experts in the US military promising that the US and the DRC forces will reach the point of killing more rebels that can be replaced. When that horrifying milestones are hit is unknown and how many more of America's children will have to be sacrificed to achieve this goal is also unknown."
-New Moon News August 14, 2025

Venan Atlantic Fleet Close In Towards Hispaniola Even Admisy Of US-Venan Peace Talks
-The War Report August 14, 2025

Iran Unveils Latest Ballistic Missiles Despite Econmic Challenges Is This The Right Move
-The Venan People's Report August 14, 2025

Something Always Happen
-Post On LeftyPool August 14, 2025

Black Power Heckled By Protestering After They Stormed A College Campus Where The Superhero Were Presenting Up Close Shots Of Several Different Comsic Phenomenon
-ABC August 14, 2025

Breaking: South Dakota Governor Threatens To Mobilize National Guarfs And Occupy Native Autonomous Zones After Reposting Conspiracy Theory That Native Activists Blew Up Rushmore
-CNN August 14, 2025

Spader Tech Reveals Portable Device That Can Reverse Localized Air Pollution
-Breakthrough Times August 14, 2025

Breaking Ace Of Spades Faces Off Against Strange Fly Squirrel-Themed Criminals
-HeroWatch August 14, 2025

What To Do About America's Abandoned Cities?
-ABC News August 14, 2025

Video Shows a Militia Belonging To Chechen Islamo-Socialist Group Occupying French Church As Satanic Commie Rebel Scum Attempt To Expand Their Hold Across Europe
-National Review August 14, 2025

Death Watches Use Of Barrel Bombs And Cluster Bombs Have Left Thosuand Of Civilians Dead
-Al Jazeera August 14, 2025

"Once our nation is reunited we will be taking America to the ICC for war crimes."
-Comrade Bango August 14, 2025

Russian Flew Outbreak Reported In Warsaw Public Housing At Least 30 Infected
-Vox August 15, 2025

Is Anti-Semitism The Source Of The Dwindling Report Of Isreal Among Young People
-MSNBC (Ward+) August 15, 2025
No, you idiot we don't like genocidal racist apartheid states. You know what your whole company is banned from the site
-Ace Ward (Ward+) August 15, 2025

Members Of The PAF Engage In Shoot-Out With Local Nazbol Street Gang In NYC
-Popular Front August 15, 2025

Germany, Denmark, And Sweeden Moves To Shut Down Dozens Of Mosques
-TLDR News August 15, 2025

New Ward AI Interrogation In Factories Allows Employees To Make Up 15% More Profit While Working 10 Hours Less A Week. "AI should be used to better workers' lives not destroy them,"-Ace Ward.
-Forbes August 15, 2025

Yellow Fever Outbreak Across Republican and Patriot Party Kill 20 Including 6 Children Due To A Lack Of Healthcare: Remember Voting Has Consequences.
-The Black Star August 15, 2025

Shining Path Offshoot Take Up Arms In Peru
-MSN August 15, 2025

The West Has Fallen Welcome To The Dark Ages
-Tonight With John Szymański (NewsMax) August 15, 2025

Riot Breaks Out in Berlin Following A Police Shooting Of Turkish Teenager
-BBC August 16, 2025

"Muslims in Europe need our version of the NOAAU."
-Protester In Berlin August 16, 2025

French Junta Forces Reportedly Conducting Mass Killing Of Non-White Civilians Including A Dozen Chinese Citizens And Aid Workers
-People's Daily August 16, 2025

Venan Skin Flayer Warriors Of Cult Of Flesh Crafter Seen In Haiti
-CBS August 16, 2025

Local Law Enforcement Across Virginia Refuses To Follow Unlawful Democratic Orders!
-News Max August 16, 2025

Militant Roraist Targets West Bank Israeli Settlements Enclaves Power Grids
-NewMoonNews August 16, 2025

IRA Members Kill 5 British Soldiers
-NBC Europe August 16, 2025

The King To Address Parliament On Current Crisis In France and Haiti
-BBC August 16, 2025

Opioid Crisis White America Grows Worse Amid Skyrocketing Poverty
-CDC August 16, 2025

Pro-Draft Protesters Attempt To Drive Car Into Anti-War Stopped By Zetaman
-HeroWatch August 16, 2025

Breaking News Anarchist Group In Portland Fire Bomb NOAAU
-DW News August 16, 2025

"Of course, it would be the anarchists to do so. Because fundamentally that is all these people if you can even call them that know how to do. Most anarchists in America are anti-social failures, white suburban wannabe to punk rock revolutionaries who managed to fail in a system rigged for them with a 400+ year head start.

All these little anti-social freaks had to do was be mid, they failed at that. And now because they are miserable due to their action they seek to destroy everything hard-working people have ever done to bring us down to their filthy level. Our only option is to do the anarchists what we did to the Klansmen crush them totally and grind their metaphorically and literal bones under our feet,"
-Jay Newsom The Black Star August 16, 2025

Venan and Haitian Forces Dig In Arounr Occupied DR Countryside "We are prepared to bleed the Americans if they make way against us the island will be unified the party has promised it to us," -Haitian Commanders
-New Moon News August 16, 2025

Youth Gangs Terrorize Neo Atlanta Streets Here is How It's Reaper Fault
-Red Fist TV August 16, 2025

Reports Of At Least Additional 5 Muslim Teenagers Killed By German Police During Heavy Riots
-New Moon News August 16, 2025

Mars Announces Construction Of A Space Elevator

"In exciting news for science Martian Confederation has announced that their space construction union of workers cooperative has begun the construction of a space elevator near its Tharsis Volcanic Paltou. This comes just days after the Ward Owned North Star Space Company announced their serval decade-long plan to build a space tower on Earth. However, unlike the Ward tower which will take anywhere between 25 to 50 years to build the Martian Government has given an end date for construction for their tower to be within a 1 to five-year time frame due to scavaged advanced alien technology found the super Black Power ship abroad."
-The Verge August 16, 2025

Does anyone else find it weird that we all kinda just got over a near-presidential assassination attempt in under a few days? It's not even on most major news outlets anymore. Is everyone just okay with insane shit just happening now?
-Mr.Gatsby (Ward+) August 16, 2025
Welcome to the future gramps get with the programs *sunglasses face emoji*
-Grey Ghostie (Ward+) August 16, 2025

Columbia Seen Saving Helping People Out Of Burning Car Fire In DC
-HeroWatch August 16, 2025

India, China, Vena, Brazil, Kenya, and New Afrika Goes All In On Investing In Green AI.
-CNN August 16, 2025

Breaking Ward Owned North Star Annocess That They Will Place A Maned Base On The Moon In A Matter Of Week
-USA Today August 16, 2025

"After some recent breakthroughs in our modified Sea Dragon Rocket "Thalassor" design we can speed up our planned moon landing within a month provided the world doesn't blow up by then which given recent events is a pretty large if. However, provided that both Vena and America, we have the names of the astronauts that will be manning the station who are US and New Afrikan Airforce along with North Star Research Division Leaders Dr. Ava Thompson, Captain Marcus Caldwell, Lt. Jasmine Brooks, Dr. Malik Johnson, Commander Riley Washington, Dr. Naomi Davis, Colonel Elijah Hayes, Lt. Zoe Jackson, Captain Andre Mitchell, Dr. Leah Turner. Besides them, a number of other artists, poets, writers, filmmakers, religious clergy, and historians will accompany the mission...*Gets a message on his phone* I am sorry I have brought this conference to a close other totally important and real business stuff just came up see ya *rushes off stage*"
-Ace Ward at a press conference in Neo Atlanta before quickly leaving for some unknown reason on August 16, 2025

Watch As Reaper Stops Attempted Raid On National Guard Armory By Crow's Gang
-Herowatch August 16, 2025

"Wait till I get back again and if bossman Mista Revy comes back he gonna make you pay for this you hear me Reaper you are gonna pay for this you and your little sidekick Shadow are gonna pay!
-Nat Crow upon being arrested by the police after being found tied up to a lamp post August 16, 2025

Will Eroupe Economy Ever Recover From Post-2020 Chaos:
Since the econmic collapse of 2020, The European Union as well as its member states long seen a worsening of their economy each year. However, for the EU, it seems after a string of, including the loss of cheap access to African goods and supplies as well as econmic and economic worries caused by the conflict in Ukraine and the collapse of France into a civil war many are asking "Is The Europe Union Finish?" and to that, the answer may be a solid yes as some politicians and leaders within the nations that make of the former econmic super powers are calling for their nation to go their way"
-The Economist August 16, 2025

Black Power Helps TO Stop Riots At Walmart As People Nearly Kill Each Other Over Supplies As Fear Of Possible Nuclear War Between US And Vena Grows
-Live Watch August 16, 2025

Despite Attempted Assassination President Harris's Support Hasn't Moved From Record Lows At The Pols
-TLDR News August 16, 2025

"Hey, does anyone else notice something is wrong with the blips there seems to be more civilian craft than excepted for today,"

"Yeah that seems weird maybe we should report BLOODY HELL!"
-Conversation Between British Air Traffic Controllers August 16, 2025

Operator 1: Hey, there are some reports of unusual aerial activity in conjunction with the amount of passenger aircraft.

Operator 2: I'm not seeing anything on my end; everything looks normal. Hold on, I am getting another message...

Operator 1: What's going on?

-ASACS Transit Report August 16, 2025

Breaking F-15 and F-22 Jets Spotted Over A1 Highway
-New Moon News August 16, 2025

Apparent Cargo Ship Seen Offloading Unknown Military Vehicles And Soldiers Near Ports
-The BBC August 16, 2025

Major News Report: Men In Blue Uniforms Seen Near House Of Parliament
-Channel 4 August 16, 2025

Several Army and Airbases Have Been Taken Over By unknown Force-
-The BBC Before It Was Disconnected August 16, 2025

"Ladies and gentlemen we're back!"
-Jake Jagger walking into the British parliament August 16, 2025

Operator 1: "Hey, there are some reports of unusual aerial activity in conjunction with the amount of passenger aircraft."

Operator 2: "I'm not seeing anything on my end; everything looks normal. Hold on, I am getting another message..."

Operator 1: "What's going on?"


1. Alex Johnson (19)
2. Emily Davis (22)
3. Michael Smith (21)
4. Sarah Wilson (20)
5. Chris Taylor (18)
6. Jessica Brown (25)
7. Daniel Miller (23)
8. Laura Martinez (24)
9. Kevin Lee (20)
10. Megan Anderson (21)
11. Brian Walker (22)
12. Olivia Harris (19)
13. Jacob Thompson (25)
14. Samantha White (18)
15. Matthew Clark (23)
16. Emma Lewis (20)
17. Joshua Hall (24)
18. Sophia Young (22)
19. Ryan Allen (21)
20. Isabella Scott (19)
21. Andrew King (20)
22. Ava Green (23)
23. Justin Adams (25)
24. Mia Baker (21)
25. Brandon Carter (22)
26. Chloe Phillips (18)
27. Tyler Evans (24)
28. Lily Mitchell (20)
29. Zachary Roberts (25)
30. Charlotte Campbell (21)
31. William Turner (19)
32. Madison Parker (23)
33. David Edwards (22)
34. Ella Collins (20)
35. Nathan Brooks (25)
36. Grace Morris (18)
37. James Jenkins (21)
38. Abigail Sanders (22)
39. Joseph Morris (20)
40. Natalie Bailey (24)
41. Samuel Murphy (23)
42. Zoey Cooper (19)
43. Adam Richardson (21)
44. Hannah Cox (22)
45. Matthew Ross (20)
46. Aria Peterson (25)
47. Anthony Stewart (24)
48. Audrey Morgan (19)
49. Ryan Bennett (23)
50. Hailey Wood (21)
51. John Hughes (22)
52. Savannah Watson (20)
53. Benjamin Price (25)
54. Leah Hughes (18)
55. Daniel Brooks (24)
56. Stella Sanders (21)
57. Logan Foster (23)
58. Allison Hayes (22)
59. Alexander Turner (19)
60. Emily Morris (20)
61. Jack Cole (21)
62. Anna Bailey (24)
63. Charles Nguyen (23)
64. Brooklyn Scott (20)
65. Dylan Bell (22)
66. Victoria Murphy (25)
67. Jonathan Collins (19)
68. Lucy Bell (21)
69. Evan Green (24)
70. Kennedy Harris (22)
71. Elijah Scott (20)
72. Maya Adams (23)
73. Caleb Adams (18)
74. Abigail Rogers (25)
75. Samuel Martinez (21)
76. Ariana Rivera (20)
77. Jordan Price (22)
78. Ellie Garcia (24)
79. Oliver Bennett (23)
80. Lily Rivera (19)
81. Aiden Hughes (21)
82. Mia Nguyen (22)
83. Jacob Ramirez (20)
84. Ella Brown (25)
85. Nicholas Moore (24)
86. Audrey White (21)
87. Jason Martinez (22)
88. Isla Stewart (19)
89. Gabriel Wood (23)
90. Avery Murphy (20)
91. Dylan Taylor (25)
92. Sofia Campbell (18)
93. Owen Baker (21)
94. Zoe Rivera (22)
95. Ryan Cook (24)
96. Charlotte Wright (20)
97. Matthew Wilson (23)
98. Leah Johnson (25)
99. Jason Brown (19)
100. Hailey Thomas (21)
101. William Walker (22)
102. Kayla Ross (20)
103. Joshua Adams (24)
104. Ella Peterson (23)
105. Liam Cooper (19)
106. Lily Harris (22)
107. Noah Campbell (21)
108. Emma Collins (25)
109. Ethan Turner (18)
110. Sophia Green (20)
111. Andrew Murphy (23)
112. Mia Clark (24)
113. Jacob Taylor (22)
114. Grace Baker (21)
115. Matthew Green (20)
116. Amelia Wright (25)
117. James Hughes (19)
118. Charlotte Lewis (22)
119. Michael Scott (23)
120. Natalie Turner (21)
121. Ethan Phillips (20)
122. Scarlett Brown (24)
123. Benjamin Allen (23)
124. Isabella Scott (22)
125. David Miller (19)
126. Ava White (21)
127. Liam Anderson (20)
128. Olivia Moore (25)
129. Nathan Davis (24)
130. Grace Thompson (21)
131. William Ross (23)
132. Lily Martinez (22)
133. Tyler Clark (20)
134. Sophia Mitchell (25)
135. Alexander Lewis (19)
136. Aria Taylor (21)
137. Daniel Lewis (22)
138. Hannah Baker (20)
139. Logan White (24)
140. Emily Davis (23)
141. Matthew Taylor (22)
142. Zoey Davis (25)
143. Samuel Johnson (20)
144. Isabella Mitchell (19)
145. Lucas Brown (21)
146. Abigail Lee (22)
147. Owen Evans (23)
148. Ella Clark (24)
149. Elijah Wright (20)
150. Mia Walker (21)
151. Caleb Turner (19)
152. Lily Williams (22)
153. Noah Harris (23)
154. Ava Peterson (20)
155. Adam Scott (25)
156. Charlotte Green (21)
157. Daniel White (24)
158. Zoey Johnson (20)
159. Joshua Miller (22)
160. Emma Adams (23)
161. Liam Wilson (19)
162. Mia Wright (21)
163. Lucas Smith (22)
164. Emily Johnson (20)
165. David White (25)
166. Leah Lewis (23)
167. James Walker (24)
168. Sophie Green (21)
169. Matthew Harris (19)
170. Zoe Campbell (22)
171. Samuel Wilson (20)
172. Olivia Johnson (23)
173. Daniel Robinson (21)
174. Lily Brown (25)
175. Jackson Davis (24)
176. Mia Lee (22)
177. Ethan Smith (20)
178. Sophia Davis (19)
179. William Taylor (23)
180. Emily Clark (21)
181. Jacob Evans (24)
182. Isabella Wright (20)
183. Liam Lewis (22)
184. Zoe Lewis (25)
185. Lucas Lee (21)
186. Hannah Harris (23)
187. Matthew Clark (22)
188. Ava Wilson (20)
189. Benjamin Scott (24)
190. Lily Davis (21)
191. Daniel Evans (19)
192. Emma Campbell (22)
193. Noah Johnson (23)
194. Grace Martin (20)
195. Lucas Wright (25)
196. Mia Taylor (21)
197. Ryan Green (22)
198. Ella Young (24)
199. Jacob Scott (23)
200. Sofia Lewis (20)
201. Joshua King (25)
202. Natalie Martinez (21)
203. Liam Peterson (22)
204. Olivia Brown (24)
205. Daniel Baker (19)
206. Emma Smith (21)
207. Samuel Campbell (22)
208. Lily Clark (20)
209. Noah Wright (23)
210. Mia King (25)
211. Ethan White (21)
212. Grace Scott (20)
213. Jacob Lewis (22)
214. Emily Harris (23)
215. Liam Evans (25)
216. Ava Wright (21)
217. Alexander Young (20)
218. Sophia Baker (22)
219. Benjamin Davis (23)
220. Lily Martinez (21)
221. Daniel White (19)
222. Mia Scott (20)
223. William Harris (24)
224. Emily Johnson (25)
225. Jack Brown (22)
226. Ava Lewis (21)
227. Ryan Miller (20)
228. Chloe Campbell (23)
229. Matthew Davis (24)
230. Lily Baker (22)
231. Daniel King (21)
232. Emily Green (20)
233. Lucas Scott (25)
234. Hannah Young (21)
235. Ethan Johnson (23)
236. Mia Lee (22)
237. William Thompson (24)
238. Grace Walker (20)
239. Olivia Taylor (23)
240. Benjamin Clark (21)
241. Ava Martinez (22)
242. Samuel Smith (20)
243. Sophia Brown (24)
244. Noah Taylor (21)
245. Mia Harris (22)
246. Alexander Johnson (23)
247. Emily King (25)
248. Liam Clark (20)
249. Grace Lee (21)
250. Jacob Taylor (22)
251. Lily Peterson (24)
252. Daniel Davis (20)
253. Ava Brown (23)
254. William Scott (25)
255. Emily Moore (21)
256. Sophia Johnson (22)
257. Nathan Harris (20)
258. Lily Young (23)
259. Jacob Martin (21)
260. Mia Martinez (22)
261. Samuel Scott (24)
262. Olivia Harris (25)
263. Liam Evans (20)
264. Grace Davis (21)
265. Daniel King (22)
266. Emily Scott (23)
267. Ava Young (24)
268. William Johnson (19)
269. Mia Brown (25)
270. Jacob Harris (21)
271. Lily Davis (22)
272. Ethan King (20)
273. Emily Taylor (23)
274. Samuel Young (25)
275. Grace Brown (21)
276. Daniel Lewis (22)
277. Ava Johnson (24)
278. Liam Scott (20)
279. Mia White (21)
280. William Taylor (22)
281. Emily Evans (23)
282. Lily King (25)
283. Jacob Davis (20)
284. Grace Martinez (21)
285. Nathan Johnson (24)
286. Ava Clark (22)
287. Samuel Brown (23)
288. Emily Harris (20)
289. William Martin (21)
290. Mia Scott (22)
291. Liam Lewis (24)
292. Ava Brown (20)
293. Grace Johnson (23)
294. Jacob Taylor (21)
295. Lily Harris (22)
296. Samuel Evans (25)
297. Emily Brown (20)
298. Liam Scott (24)
299. Grace White (22)
300. Nathan Harris (21)
301. Ava Taylor (23)
302. Samuel Johnson (20)
303. Emily King (22)
304. Liam Harris (21)
305. Grace Green (24)
306. Jacob Lewis (20)
307. Lily Young (23)
308. Samuel Brown (21)
309. Emily Harris (24)
310. Liam Johnson (22)
311. Grace White (20)
312. Ava Young (21)
313. Jacob Taylor (25)
314. Emily Brown (23)
315. Samuel Davis (20)
316. Liam White (22)
317. Grace Young (21)
318. Jacob King (24)
319. Lily Scott (25)
320. Ava Martinez (20)
321. Emily Green (22)
322. Liam Young (21)
323. Samuel Taylor (23)
324. Grace Harris (20)
325. Jacob White (25)
326. Lily Brown (22)
327. Ava Young (23)
328. Emily Scott (21)
329. Liam Davis (24)
330. Grace King (22)
331. Jacob Martinez (25)
332. Lily Taylor (20)
333. Ava Harris (21)
334. Emily Davis (23)
335. Liam Green (24)
336. Grace Taylor (20)
337. Jacob Young (22)
338. Lily King (21)
339. Ava Brown (25)
340. Emily Harris (20)
341. Liam Scott (23)
342. Grace White (22)
343. Jacob Johnson (24)
344. Lily Davis (20)
345. Ava Clark (21)
346. Emily Brown (25)
347. Liam Young (22)
348. Grace Lewis (23)
349. Jacob Harris (21)
350. Lily Martinez (20)
-List Of Killed In Congo
This whole situation with France is starting to feel like it is going to get way out of hand extremely soon. And by way out of hand, I mean full-fledged war between NATO and the Songhai Pact.

And it looks like there is a hint that this war between NATO and the Songhai Pact is going to be not conventional.
Yeah tension between the world powers are running hot which will play out over the next few updates.
Did Ace Ward ban all of MSNBC, all of NBCUniversal, or oddly enough all of Comcast from Ward+?

For that matter did he decided to close off Ward+ from all Comcast users? Keep in mind Comcast is the cable company for a large portion of America, and thus one of the few ISPs.
Imani V Clair is really do care to do something good but to throw away democracy is not one of them, p.s how do you feel about democracy
Imani is very much a "ends justify the means," type of woman. Her view point on democracy is that it never truly existed for Black Americans so why should she care about it. Though strangely enough she isn't anti-voting not in the way of "yeah I totally won 200% of the vote," type of way but in a way where it help to manage the state and to help build and preserve national identity. Basically her idea is that local elected leaders even in a one party state will be better suited for the job than some bureaucrat picked from the national level provided they are ideologically loyal of course along with that those type of elections builds national identity and character if people feel that they have a part in the regime that they are a proud party man or woman or person as part of their national and personal identity they are less likely to rebel or when they do they are rebelling against a certain policy or person not the entire system. It's also a way to help keep the regime going after her death to avoid any power struggles it also the same reason Imani hasn't developed a cult of personality around herself she wants to develop it around the party itself.

For me, I'm iffy on American style democracy a semi good idea founded by hypocrites. Most of its issues can be traced back to it being a land founded by human traffickers that somehow claimed all men were created equal as slaves poured their tea and cleaned the room where they thought out their ideas.
Authors note, the following list was created long before the events of August 10th, 2025. Before Ridley reunited with Grey...

The list presently compiled represents a peculiar group of patients that I have interviewed, originally during my time working at the Saint Dymphna's Home for the Mentally Unwell in Glasgow, Scotland, though even I must admit that this list is not complete, and likely never will be, even if I had all the time in the world...
- Dr. Ridley Andrews.

Toasty — A seemingly genderless burn victim (Gender never arose in conversation), taken at face value they are the apparent survivor of a thermonuclear holocaust, clinically depressed, and believes that they in some way "Deserved" to be the lone survivor, for the sins of their past, though they at the same time believe that they're in need of a reward, preferably water, I discovered this after offering them an ice cold glass of water that they almost choked on…

Bluebeard — Claims to be a foreign, wealthy and powerful nobleman, though their country of origin is never specified, only that it had been at war and that he fought in it, his accent's romantic but he clearly exhibits the traits of a sadomasochist, and is a remorseless serial killer; Has made his intentions clear that he finds me attractive, and intends to "Marry" and kill me, just like the rest of his wives.

Fay — A hyperactive, prepubescent child of indeterminate age, though to me she was really a teenager, I had first assumed that they were once the victim of extreme abuse which caused them to regress, to be stuck in a childlike fantasy world where everything was peachy keen. They enjoy singing and dancing, eating candy and drawing pictures of herself and others…

Babineaux — A flirtatious nymphomaniac who talked to me as if she was constantly upon the verge of an earth shattering orgasm, with her main topics of conversation being their sexual exploits, her desires, and her intentions to one day add me to the long list of her conquests.

Carny Val — A depressed, melancholic older man, a chain smoking clown for hire, one with a rough and grizzled voice, one who claims to be suffering from both bladder and lung cancer, he still refuses to give me his real name, wishing for me to only call him by his stage name.

The Gambler — A rugged and frankly charming man with an American accent, among the far more sane and rational patients of mine, even if he had refused to believe he was actually in a mental home, perceiving our moments together as being dreams meanwhile his waking life was in this vast, neon lit metropolis like Las Vegas, casinos lining the streets and danger around every corner… Once I learned the truth about Grey, I had apologised to The Gambler.

Bloody Mary — She claims to be the 19th century owner of a textile company, one which she had inherited from her father, whom she was extremely open about bludgeoning to death with an axe, along with a couple other "Obstacles", whom she seemed quite happy to slay…

Sun-Man — A superhero with sun related powers, a boy scout somewhere in his thirties, with a winning smile and an altruist nature, who believed in what was an almost black and white form of good versus evil, despite the fact that he was romantically involved with his nemesis.

Takamori Yoru — A Japanese vampire woman and super criminal, one who seems to've been turned into a vampire around the start of the Tokugawa shogunate, and now operated in the United States, and even admitted to me that she was sexually involved with her nemesis…

Major Chip — A highly decorated astronaut currently lost in space whom enjoys our sessions, mainly due to the fact that his alternative is hurdling further and further into the pitch black and seemingly endless void of space, alone with his thoughts, memories and imagination.

Sugar Coates — A Soho based drag queen who murdered a lover of theirs after he dumped them, having previously revealed that he only viewed them as a sexual object, and that they weren't even accepting of homosexuals, being a leading figure in a far-right organisation…

Oppenheimer — No relation to J. Robert Oppenheimer, none that was apparent to me in our conversations, which weren't too frequent, most of the time he talked philosophically and a tad forebodingly, about topics like the universe, the end of the world and death, the basics. But he did like cookies and milk, although he complained about Oreo cookies leaving stains.

Sibyl Vane — If the name sounds familiar, that's because she is in fact the character from the Oscar Wilde novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray", a beautiful, talented actress and singer, she came from a poor family and happened to've fallen involve with the infamous Dorian Gray.

Greyjoy — A scandalously young prostitute working in late 19th century Whitechapel, whom I had only recently discovered was actually a boy, one working at a "Fairy Resort" and brothel, and whom also claimed to've engaged sexually with the "Duke of Clarence and Avondale"…

Jada Perez — A Filipino American woman in her late teens living in Philadelphia whom had plenty of run-ins with the supernatural with her friends, and even allowed said spirits to live in an old mansion, more accurately they had "Haunted" the premises with their permission. Jada is a street smart, sharp-tongued bisexual and a friend whom I have not met in a while.

Chief Maliq — He was a quiet, ominous presence, this prophetic being with a booming voice.

Pup — A feral woman with limited speech whom was raised in the wild by wolves following what I soon discovered was a plane crash, one which has since given the patient a fear of jets and planes; We rarely conversed, she clearly has a form of ADHD and the mentality of a dog. On multiple occasions I remember playing fetch with them, and even giving her a head pat.

Octavius — A ruthless African American mobster working down in the city of Atlantis, Florida.

Prince Marais — Claims to be a prince of a magical kingdom; A whimsical, flamboyant chap. Though personally I find him just a tad grading, I can see he is truly a pure and good man…

The Smiling Man — A parasitic mental virus created to kill Grey, or compel them into suicide.

Grey — A youthful yet usually upbeat basket case whom I, against better judgement, our very visible age difference and the power disparity between us, have grown an attraction to, one which I knew he shared, as had some of his multiple personalities, whom I'd soon come to find out were real, every last one of them, not in this plane of reality, and not of our world, but out of all the hims and hers that exist, he's my favourite… I only wish to meet him again.
Why do I feel like the Gambler makes more sense as sort off a parody of Gambit from the X-Men? Maybe have him grow up in Louisiana like Gambit.