Amnesia (IC)

Faraam nodded his head at the answer not letting his surprise be noticeable. An actual human, Faraam is fairly sure that he has never seen a human as his memories from before Drangleic are all but gone.
"I am Faraam, one of the cursed undead. I see that we seem to share the same goal as I am aiming to go to the tower as well... assuming you are wanting to go there as well?"
Faraam sheathes his sword while talking and goes to lean on a nearby tree.

[Rei Ayanami] ~ North Western Forest
"Yes." Looking at the tower I began to consider the trek ahead, there was no telling what lurked in the deeper parts of the forest and I was unsure if I had any sort of fighting ability... and even if I had it would be too dangerous to go alone, "Perhaps we should go together?"
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[Rei Ayanami] ~ North Western Forest
"Yes." returning my sight to the tower I began to consider the trek ahead, there was no telling what lurked in the deeper parts of the forest and I was unsure if I had any sort of fighting ability... and even if I had it would too dangerous to go alone, "Perhaps we should go together?"
Faraam looks at the woman-no girl. She looks and sounds young, much younger than he could remember his only female companion Lucatiel being.
He then stands up straight and walks to the girl and hands her his dagger. "Here, take my dagger. I get the feeling it won't be of much use to me at the moment and it's more your size anyway"
It's better to risk being stabbed than having an unarmed companion, especially on this island where anything could be around the next tree.
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[Bubbles.]~Northern Beach.-Northern Forest.

Bubbles moved swiftly through the forest, She had run out of options on the beach and while with this new body swimming was impossible, she could move faster than most on foot. Her sensors had picked up a multitude of life signs and they all seemed to be gathering near the large tower. '
So' she thought lowering her shoulder to plow though a tree. 'Options, I do not have many either I stay with this group once I reach them or I do not.' Bubbles sighed while jumping a small trench without slowing down why could this not be easier?

OOC: Right sorry bout, that extended silence I was asleep, oh, and for those near me Bubbles running should be mostly silent except when she hits a tree or leaves the ground for a jump so, make of that what you will, I also won't be able to post for some of toady as I have classes sorry.

[??? / NPC] ~ ???

In a distant place hidden in plain sight, a figure of what seemed like a woman was observing several massive monitors before her. on them were the Eight beings who had arrived here a while ago. The first monitor was overseeing Three of them, One of them was a strange purple creature... and it was being threatened by a man with a knife! The third one on the screen had a metal mask on their face. The Second monitor showed a swordsman with some flying orange thing by it's side, She did not think her system would transport companions, but it did. The Third Monitor had showed some sort of knight of sorts, but what was most concerning was something else... the monitor showed no signs of life. with them Was a girl with blue hair, now the system was picking up children? how odd. The Fourth monitor showed the others individually in a split screen display. "Let's see how this batch fairs" she would say to... seemingly no one? At that moment a computerized voice spoke out to her, "Yes milady, as you wish"... but just who or what is this 'woman'? where is she? And what dose she want from our heroes? and what did she mean by "batch"?


Shortly after, Several creatures made them selves visible to each of the teams of amnesiacs, and they weren't friendly.... and whats even more concerning is that safe from a mysterious circle that illuminated its self for a few moments, the creatures seemed to appear out of no where.

In the Northwest, Two Ghost like foes blocked the path of a Girl and the hollow knight.

To the East, A warrior whom had seemed like they had died long ago ambushed a traveler with... A Key?

To the North, What seemed like a cyborg would be halted by a soldier armed with an advanced weapon of some kind.

To The Southwest, A Massive Snake made of Rock bursted out of the ground in front of a swordsman and their flying orange companion.

And in the south, THREE Foes ambushed the three beings whom were already at odds with one another.

@Lazy Coyote @Nox @Rei of Sunshine @See my smile @Theaxofwar @UbeOne @Ultimatum


[Mewtwo] ~ The Southern Forests' Edge

Mewtwo was rather annoyed at this NEW human whom had just threatened to attack him, But now he had even more reason to be distraught with the arrival of three.... well monsters for lack of a better word. He knew that he could take them on easy, but he wasn't too sure about the other two with him... or rather the One masked man with him and the rude man with a knife. "Look I don't know who you are, or what you want.." he would pause, as he teleported out of the man's grip. "But why don't we foucus on a more pressing concern?"
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To the North, What seemed like a cyborg would be halted by a soldier armed with an advanced weapon of some kind.

[Bubbles]~Northern Forest.

Bubbles smashed through another tree and spotted the strange cyborg just as he finished teleporting in? What? How? That was impossible! As she stared in confusion her sensors picked up the weapon at the strange soldiers side. She slowly backed away while attempting to appease the man. "Um, hello? Do you know where we are?" As Bubbles asked this question she ran her targeting sensors over the man? and the surrounding forest in an attempt to gain some kind of upper hand.

@TyranntX @Theaxofwar


Riddick grit his teeth from where he was frozen, glancing toward the three aproaching creatures before he sighed.

"Alright, I can see when I'm outgunned, so I suggest we take care of those things that are coming at us. Truce for now?"
@TyranntX @Theaxofwar


Riddick grit his teeth from where he was frozen, glancing toward the three aproaching creatures before he sighed.

"Alright, I can see when I'm outgunned, so I suggest we take care of those things that are coming at us. Truce for now?"
[Darth Revan] ~ The Southern Forests' Edge

I narrow my eyes at the man before dropping him. As much as I dislike him, I don't think I can hold onto him while fighting off our attackers.

"Yes, but do not take my mercy for granted."

My hands immediately slipped into my robes, drawing a metal cylinder and pressing the button to reveal a red beam of light.

I glance at it in confusion. I know it's a light saber, but how did I get it?

I shake my head. It doesn't really matter at the moment. Right now I should focus on combat.
To The Southwest, A Massive Snake made of Rock bursted out of the ground in front of a swordsman and their flying orange companion.

"Aaaa! Monster! Mash the buttons! DO SOMETHING!" Fidget panicked. Dust was already moving, darting around with great speed to try and out-maneuver the foe.

'It's big, and looks like it's made of fire or lightning won't do as much as on a flesh-and-blood that means...' Dust thought as he swerved and lunged to the side, trying to use his smaller size to get in it's blind-spots. "Fidget! Magic burst now!"

The little nimbat reacted instinctively to the command, spurting out a bolt of magical attack energy from her hands. This little bolt alone would only do minor damage, but Dust knew a better trick to use with it. Even before the bolt had finished leaving the nimbat's paws, Dust used a combination of his blade skills and Aurah's levitation to spin the weapon in front of him. The effect was a mystic vortex called...


The vortex sucked in the mystic bolt, and turned it into a rain of projectiles that launched at their foe.
Who am I?
Where am I? ((Eastern Forest))

Shortly after, Several creatures made them selves visible to each of the teams of amnesiacs, and they weren't friendly.... and whats even more concerning is that safe from a mysterious circle that illuminated its self for a few moments, the creatures seemed to appear out of no where.

To the East, A warrior whom had seemed like they had died long ago ambushed a traveler with... A Key?
The jungle is a rather humid place, but at least it provides some shade from the sun. Well, that's at least what Roxas feels as he continues onward.

Then a white circle appears a distance away before him, and some sort of knight comes out, one who looks like he's seen better days. Was that a portal?

Wait, the knight is charging straight for him, sword held high! The Nobody instinctively holds up his hands, as if to block the attack, only for a flash of light to appear at his hands. A moment later, he finds himself holding two large keys in a cross pattern, which intercepted the knight's overhead strike. Where did those come from? What are those things?

No matter. Fight now, think on that later. The swordsman is clearly a hostile threat, and must be dealt with. Roxas deflects the enemy's attack and rolls to the side, the guy's right side which isn't holding the shield. He then follows that up with a lunge, intending to close in and unleash a rapid combo on the target.

((In gameplay terms, he's using Block, followed by Dodge Roll, then Sliding Dash, with the intention of landing a combo on the guy.))
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[Faraam] ~ North Western Forest
While handing the dagger to Rei, Faraam notices some kind of ghosts in the edge of his vision so he quickly thusts the dagger into Rei's hands.
"Take the damn dagger Rei! I'll distract them so maybe you can a few well placed stabs in"
This decision was tactical on Faraam's part, he wanted to see if the girl could fight.

Rei of Sunshine
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[??? / NPC] ~ ???
Shortly after, Several creatures made them selves visible to each of the teams of amnesiacs, and they weren't friendly.... and whats even more concerning is that safe from a mysterious circle that illuminated its self for a few moments, the creatures seemed to appear out of no where.

In the Northwest, Two Ghost like foes blocked the path of a Girl and the hollow knight.

[Faraam] ~ Nort Western Forest
While handing the dagger to Rei, Faraam notices some kind of ghosts in the edge of his vision so he quickly thusts the dagger into one of Rei's hands.
"Take the damn dagger Rei! I'll distract them so maybe you can a few well placed stabs in"
This decision was tactical on Faraam's part, he wanted to see if the girl could fight.

Rei of Sunshine

[Rei Ayanami] ~ North Western Forest

Nodding in response as I grip the dagger tightly in my hand and urgently move over to one side of the ghosts. Driven by instinct, I take a defensive stance with the blade held out in front me as I wait for an opportune moment to strike... this felt familiar somehow... have I done this before?
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[Faraam] ~ North Western Forest
The undead unsheathes his sword and yells out to Rei while running towards the ghosts.
"Go back into the forest and circle around to their backs! I'll keep them interested!"
Faraam goes in front of the ghosts and starts slashing wildly at them, not expecting to hit something as fast as a ghost.
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The undead unsheathes his sword and yells out to Rei while running towards the ghosts.
"Go back into the forest and circle around to their backs! I'll keep them interested!"
Faraam goes in front of the ghosts and starts slashing wildly at them, not expecting to hit something as fast as a ghost.

[Rei Ayanami] ~ North Western Forest

Quickly rushing back into the forest, I arc around to the rear of the ghosts. As Faraam distracts them with his sword swings I dart out of the vegetation, my heart pounding as I race forward and make to thrust the blade of my dagger into one of the ghosts' back.

[Bubbles]~Northern Forest.

Bubbles smashed through another tree and spotted the strange cyborg just as he finished teleporting in? What? How? That was impossible! As she stared in confusion her sensors picked up the weapon at the strange soldiers side. She slowly backed away while attempting to appease the man. "Um, hello? Do you know where we are?" As Bubbles asked this question she ran her targeting sensors over the man? and the surrounding forest in an attempt to gain some kind of upper hand.

[Soldier/ Enemy NPC] ~ Northern Forest

The Soldier did not reply, and instead began to open fire on the Cyborg before them.

"Aaaa! Monster! Mash the buttons! DO SOMETHING!" Fidget panicked. Dust was already moving, darting around with great speed to try and out-maneuver the foe.

'It's big, and looks like it's made of fire or lightning won't do as much as on a flesh-and-blood that means...' Dust thought as he swerved and lunged to the side, trying to use his smaller size to get in it's blind-spots. "Fidget! Magic burst now!"

The little nimbat reacted instinctively to the command, spurting out a bolt of magical attack energy from her hands. This little bolt alone would only do minor damage, but Dust knew a better trick to use with it. Even before the bolt had finished leaving the nimbat's paws, Dust used a combination of his blade skills and Aurah's levitation to spin the weapon in front of him. The effect was a mystic vortex called...


The vortex sucked in the mystic bolt, and turned it into a rain of projectiles that launched at their foe.

[Rock Snake/ Enemy NPC] ~ Southwestern Forest

The massive creature let out a harsh ROAR, as tiny orbs of magic started striking it in all directions. But it was far from done with this fight, that is when its body began to stiffen up and thus was able to take the damage it revived much more effectivly. [ONIX USED HARDEN!]

Who am I?
Where am I? ((Eastern Forest))

The jungle is a rather humid place, but at least it provides some shade from the sun. Well, that's at least what Roxas feels as he continues onward.

Then a white circle appears a distance away before him, and some sort of knight comes out, one who looks like he's seen better days. Was that a portal?

Wait, the knight is charging straight for him, sword held high! The Nobody instinctively holds up his hands, as if to block the attack, only for a flash of light to appear at his hands. A moment later, he finds himself holding two large keys in a cross pattern, which intercepted the knight's overhead strike. Where did those come from? What are those things?

No matter. Fight now, think on that later. The swordsman is clearly a hostile threat, and must be dealt with. Roxas deflects the enemy's attack and rolls to the side, the guy's right side which isn't holding the shield. He then follows that up with a lunge, intending to close in and unleash a rapid combo on the target.

((In gameplay terms, he's using Block, followed by Dodge Roll, then Sliding Dash, with the intention of landing a combo on the guy.))

Decrepit, and still decaying. The knight was not able to put up much of a fight, and collapsed to the ground. What was left dissolved into a purple vapor, and within seconds there was no trace of it to speak of

[Faraam] ~ North Western Forest
The undead unsheathes his sword and yells out to Rei while running towards the ghosts.
"Go back into the forest and circle around to their backs! I'll keep them interested!"
Faraam goes in front of the ghosts and starts slashing wildly at them, not expecting to hit something as fast as a ghost.
[Rei Ayanami] ~ North Western Forest

Quickly rushing back into the forest, I arc around to the rear of the ghosts. As Faraam distracts them with his sword swings I dart out of the vegetation, my heart pounding as I race forward and make to thrust the blade of my dagger into one of the ghosts' back.


[Ghosts / Enemy NPC] ~ Northwestern Forest

These ghosts where quite the trouble makers, the daggers didn't seem to even be phasing them! Much less threaten them, Once their foes had made their move the ghosts began to counter attack... with a back handed slap of all things.

[Darth Revan] ~ The Southern Forests' Edge

I narrow my eyes at the man before dropping him. As much as I dislike him, I don't think I can hold onto him while fighting off our attackers.

"Yes, but do not take my mercy for granted."

My hands immediately slipped into my robes, drawing a metal cylinder and pressing the button to reveal a red beam of light.

I glance at it in confusion. I know it's a light saber, but how did I get it?

I shake my head. It doesn't really matter at the moment. Right now I should focus on combat.
@TyranntX @Theaxofwar


Riddick grit his teeth from where he was frozen, glancing toward the three aproaching creatures before he sighed.

"Alright, I can see when I'm outgunned, so I suggest we take care of those things that are coming at us. Truce for now?"

[Mewtwo] & [Monsters / Enemy NPC] ~ Southern Forests' Edge

"We can fight later, let us bring an end to these ones first" mewtwo would say as he used telekinesis to grab a hold of the purple monster with a spear and began to strangle it. [MEWTWO USED PSYCHIC!]
[Soldier/ Enemy NPC] ~ Northern Forest

The Soldier did not reply, and instead began to open fire on the Cyborg before them.

[Rock Snake/ Enemy NPC] ~ Southwestern Forest

The massive creature let out a harsh ROAR, as tiny orbs of magic started striking it in all directions. But it was far from done with this fight, that is when its body began to stiffen up and thus was able to take the damage it revived much more effectivly. [ONIX USED HARDEN!]

Decrepit, and still decaying. The knight was not able to put up much of a fight, and collapsed to the ground. What was left dissolved into a purple vapor, and within seconds there was no trace of it to speak of

[Ghosts / Enemy NPC] ~ Northwestern Forest

These ghosts where quite the trouble makers, the daggers didn't seem to even be phasing them! Much less threaten them, Once their foes had made their move the ghosts began to counter attack... with a back handed slap of all things.

[Mewtwo] & [Monsters / Enemy NPC] ~ Southern Forests' Edge

"We can fight later, let us bring an end to these ones first" mewtwo would say as he used telekinesis to grab a hold of the purple monster with a spear and began to strangle it. [MEWTWO USED PSYCHIC!]

Riddick popped his neck, jogging towards the Green Monster, gripping his Kukri as he used his other hand to pull out a throwing knife, launching it at the monster.

As soon as the knife left his hand his speed tripled, his form blurring as he rushed the monster, lashing out with his Kukri right behind the thrown knife.

Soldier/ Enemy NPC] ~ Northern Forest

The Soldier did not reply, and instead began to open fire on the Cyborg before them.

As the shots flew towards her, sensors and automatic reactions that had been programmed into her body activated. She quickly dropped to the ground and roles behind a tree as she stood she pulled her leg back and sent a kick into the tree sending several large chunks of wood at the man, she then charged after the shower with the intent of sending several punches that could crumple armored cars, at the man's chest.
[ Courier Six ]
[ Location: Unknown ]
[ Status: Good ]

He arrived at a ridge in the jungle, having awoken some time ago. He had no idea where he was but he knows that he ain't in the Mojave anymore. Grabbing his binoculars, he laid his body down and took an observation. In the south was some kind of commotion and an intrigued Courier headed down there to see what it's all about.

Running through the woods, he made his way near the site of the commotion and saw a soldier or a synth of some kind armed with an advanced weapon fighting a woman in a red military armor. He took cover in a large tree nearby and counted ammo for his carbine rifle.

'10 clips? I could take 'em both out with one or two or I could just shoot at one of 'em and help the other.'

For now, the Courier stayed low and observed the fight from afar. He can either help one and fight the other, fight both of them or wait until one loses and attack the winner.
[Ghosts / Enemy NPC] ~ Northwestern Forest

These ghosts where quite the trouble makers, the daggers didn't seem to even be phasing them! Much less threaten them, Once their foes had made their move the ghosts began to counter attack... with a back handed slap of all things.
[Faraam] ~ Northwestern Forest
Faraam sees one of the ghosts be hit by Rei's dagger but it simply goes through the damn thing. They have no real chance of winning unless Rei knows some sorceries or perhaps even pyromancies.
"Rei get away from them! They can't be hurt by physical means! But, please tell me you know some sorceries or even pyromancies!"
After this short exchange of words Faraam rushes towards the girl and jumps in front of the blows, confident that his armour can take some measly slaps. If it won't then he'll simply wait until Rei has gotten and then follow her.
Rei of Sunshine
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[Soldier/ Enemy NPC] [Ghosts / Enemy NPC] ~ Northwestern Forest

These ghosts where quite the trouble makers, the daggers didn't seem to even be phasing them! Much less threaten them, Once their foes had made their move the ghosts began to counter attack... with a back handed slap of all things.
[Rei Ayanami] ~ North Western Forest
A gasp escapes me as my attack phases through the ghost and I attempt to jump back and dodge the incoming blows, they seemed incapable of being harmed via physical means... How were we going to fight them if we could not harm them?

[Faraam] ~ Northwestern Forest
Faraam sees one of the ghosts be hit by Rei's dagger but it simply goes through the damn thing. They have no real chance of winning unless Rei knows some sorceries or perhaps even pyromancies.
"Rei get away from them! They can't be hurt by physical means! But, please tell me you know some sorceries or even pyromancies!"
After this short exchange of words Faraam rushes towards the girl and jumps in front of the blows, confident that his armour can take some measly slaps. If it won't then he'll simply wait until Rei has gotten and then follow her.
Rei of Sunshine

"No!" As Faraam placed himself between me and the incoming assault something stirred deep within me, I would not allow them to touch him. Just an instant before the ghosts' strikes were about to land I felt as if my will, my soul, my very being manifested into a barrier of pulsating energy that separated the two of us from the ghosts... they would not break through.
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"No!" As Faraam placed himself between me and the incoming assault something stirred deep within me, I would not allow them to touch him. Just an instant before the ghosts' strikes were about to land I felt as if my will, my soul, my very being manifested into a barrier of pulsating energy that separated the two of us from the ghosts... they would not break through.
Faraam jumps back after seeing the barrier in front of him. Perhaps it is an offshoot of the force miracle, regardless of his musings Faraan rushes next Rei.
"Can you modify the shape of that barrier Rei? You could try and crush the ghosts with your barrier and if that doesn't work then perhaps we could try and... ah! My apologies, I did not ask the important question. How long can you keep up this barrier Rei?"
Faraam says all this at a fairly quick pace as he needs to be ready to... make a tactical retreat, yes that is what he would do. He however cuts this train of thought short, he may have done horrible deeds throughout his time in Drangleic but he refused to let a young girl die.
Faraam then readies himself, he will jump in front of the... slaps once again if need be.
Rei of Sunshine
Faraam jumps back after seeing the barrier in front of him. Perhaps it is an offshoot of the force miracle, regardless of his musings Faraan rushes next Rei.
"Can you modify the shape of that barrier Rei? You could try and crush the ghosts with your barrier and if that doesn't work then perhaps we could try and... ah! My apologies, I did not ask the important question. How long can you keep up this barrier Rei?"
Faraam says all this at a fairly quick pace as he needs to be ready to... make a tactical retreat, yes that is what he would do. He however cuts this train of thought short, he may have done horrible deeds throughout his time in Drangleic but he refused to let a young girl die.
Faraam then readies himself, he will jump in front of the... slaps once again if need be.
Rei of Sunshine
[Rei Ayanami] ~ North Western Forest
"I am unsure....I will try," I replied, Faraam's voice sounded distant as it took nearly all of my concentration to maintain the barrier. It rippled and shifted as I tried to manipulate its shape and managed to form a cube that encased the ghosts, then slowly started shrinking it down in an attempt to crush them.

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[Rock Snake/ Enemy NPC] ~ Southwestern Forest

The massive creature let out a harsh ROAR, as tiny orbs of magic started striking it in all directions. But it was far from done with this fight, that is when its body began to stiffen up and thus was able to take the damage it revived much more effectivly. [ONIX USED HARDEN!]

Fidget pumped her paw when she saw how well her magic worked on the thing. "Yeah! It's super-effective!"

"Not now Fidget." Dust said with exasperation. Deciding for a more up-close approach, the warrior sought to dash around the rock snake, and delivered swift slashes with Ahrah hoping the mystic blade would work.
Who am I?
Where am I? ((Eastern Forest))

Decrepit, and still decaying. The knight was not able to put up much of a fight, and collapsed to the ground. What was left dissolved into a purple vapor, and within seconds there was no trace of it to speak of

That was fast. The knight wasn't able to do much. What was his deal, anyway?

Roxas wonders where he suddenly knew how to fight, as if he's done that all his life, but figures that wherever it came from, it was a lifesaver.

So, these keys, what are they? They're kinda like swords, but in the shape of colorful keys. Why keys? And how did they appear just out of thin air?

...Nope, still a blank. No answers yet. Then the keys disappear in a flash of light. He could still feel their presence, however, as if they'll be there when he needs them.

The Nobody continues onward, towards the tower.
[Rei Ayanami] ~ North Western Forest
"I am unsure....I will try," I replied, Faraam's voice sounded distant as it took nearly all of my concentration to maintain the barrier. It rippled and shifted as I tried to manipulate its shape and managed to form a cube that encased the ghosts, then slowly started shrinking it down in an attempt to crush them.


[Ghosts / Enemy NPC]

Oddly enough, this plan seemed to work. Both ghosts have been vanquished. But what exactly where they anyway?

As the shots flew towards her, sensors and automatic reactions that had been programmed into her body activated. She quickly dropped to the ground and roles behind a tree as she stood she pulled her leg back and sent a kick into the tree sending several large chunks of wood at the man, she then charged after the shower with the intent of sending several punches that could crumple armored cars, at the man's chest.

[Soldier / Enemy NPC]

With what seemed like little t no effort, the mad falls to the ground dead, and his body vanishes via dark fog.

Fidget pumped her paw when she saw how well her magic worked on the thing. "Yeah! It's super-effective!"

"Not now Fidget." Dust said with exasperation. Deciding for a more up-close approach, the warrior sought to dash around the rock snake, and delivered swift slashes with Ahrah hoping the mystic blade would work.

[Rock Snake / Enemy NPC]

The baled didn't even seem to scratch the beast, maybe it had to do with that move it used earlier? The rocky reptile chose to counter by... Roaring at the sky? But wait! now it's raining rocks? what was going on around here?


[Mewtwo] Southern Forest Edge

Once his foe was immobilized, no doubt no longer conscience from a lack of oxygen, Mewtwo threw his foe into the sky using telekinesis and created a stange ball of energy to launch at the airborne foe. DIRECT HIT! and with that there was nothing left of the spear monster but falling... dark fog...
Soldier / Enemy NPC]

With what seemed like little to no effort, the mad falls to the ground dead, and his body vanishes via dark fog.

Bubbles slowly backed away from where the solider had disappeared using her sensor suit to check the surrounding foliage for life. If her sensors didn't pick up anything large she resolved to continue on toward the tower. If the sensors did pick up something then she would investigate it.