The Lone Star Republic is a bitter enemy of the much maligned New Californian Republic. This is...
Kind of a two way street there.California has better defensive terrain, so we let the Texans break themselves trying to claw their way over the desert and mountain regions of the border.![]()
Texas has better access to the rest of the North American continent, so they can win "simply" by containing California.
Also, they can drill for their own oil and do not have to trade for it.
Does 20th/21st century technology include nukes?
You realize that without any outside resources being funneled into it it's going to crumble right? There's only so much work a person can put out before you need to start siphoning off the efforts of others to increase the living standards of a few, and there's no foreignAh, but nothing happening is a failure condition for Texas, because California's existence is an insult to conservatives. Similarly, California wants nothing more than to be left alone and not have to deal with the US's shit.
As such, there's no scenario that isn't a Californian victory.
You realize that without any outside resources being funneled into it it's going to crumble right? There's only so much work a person can put out before you need to start siphoning off the efforts of others to increase the living standards of a few, and there's no foreignslave laborsweatshops to force all the work on while maintaining the illusion of moral superiority.
Sure, if you only pay attention to a small slice of the world while ignoring everything outside of it. The Confederacy used Africans, the Soviets used political dissenters, the Nazis used Jews, China is currently using Muslims, and America is outsourcing it to foreigners because We're too good to do it ourselves while receiving the benefits all the same. Why do you think Chinese manufacturing is so cheap, despite the massive costs for shipping? And if your thinking "But global trade stimulates the economy" that's historically because it created new demands for goods that couldn't be found at home (Like how certain spices were only grown in specific regions) or because nations were engaging in unfair business practices (like how Americans were being unfairly taxed by England, alongside all the other colonies), not because the worker costs were magically lower.Yes, being forced to pay more for resources and facing trade barriers we might go from $66k per capita to $60k per capita!
Ahhhhh! Not $60k per capita, anything but that!
That's much more a Texas problem than a California problem. Without being propped up and restrained by the "Blue States" I would expect any Red State to pretty rapidly collapse. All California has to do is hold out and watch Texas eat itself.You realize that without any outside resources being funneled into it it's going to crumble right?
Ah, but nothing happening is a failure condition for Texas, because California's existence is an insult to conservatives. Similarly, California wants nothing more than to be left alone and not have to deal with the US's shit.
As such, there's no scenario that isn't a Californian victory.
That's much more a Texas problem than a California problem. Without being propped up and restrained by the "Blue States" I would expect any Red State to pretty rapidly collapse. All California has to do is hold out and watch Texas eat itself.
EDIT: Plus, in this scenario California can just use Texas as its source of downtrodden and impoverished labor.
You do now there are two state between them that separates them, ore are those two states divided between California and Texas.The Lone Star Republic is a bitter enemy of the much maligned New Californian Republic. This is an alternate universe where both states are basically their own countries, and for some Twilight Zone reason the rest of the country doesn't exist. California wants America, and Texas wants America. They both have 21st century technology.
An alternate situation is that they have 20th century technology, and finally a third situation where everything is 19th century.
You do now there are two state between them that separates them, ore are those two states divided between California and Texas.
Or the two states being occupied by California and Texas and thus becoming the battlefield for the two states.We could assume the rest of the states only exist as tribal occupied territory, maybe with "American" City States occupying other territories.
We could assume the rest of the states only exist as tribal occupied territory, maybe with "American" City States occupying other territories.
Erm economies from city states that are independent from Texas and California.
So there's no sudden trade collapse, but we can just assume the entire US is about $5-10k per capita poorer?
I would assume no trade collapse. Maybe the Californian Republic and Texas might even be richer through exploitation if they choose to be dirt bags. :🤷:
Exactly, I was about to say that Cali and Texas can beat the shit out of every state around them.
Is the post-WW2 Western 'No Annexation' rule still in effect? Because Cali and Texas can just walk into most of their neighbors and take vital territory for themselves. Cali and Texas will want to just annex the entire Colorado and Rio Grande/Mississippi Rivers, respectively.
They probably would do just that. I assume they will because despite being California and Texas, they are not part of a "United States".
There are no such things as Canada and Mexico.Are Canada and Mexico still united or are they split up into their states as well?
Excellent, then British Columbia will make a path for California to take Alaska, and Baja California can be reunited with California, and California can make the Pacific States of America.
How are the independent Mexican states? Do they have Spanish Colony Disease like the rest of Latin America, or are they more developed?