Alternate Realm Exploitation Quest

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An original setting quest. Control a group going into other dimensions for exploration and profit. Deal with the challenges that said alternate dimensions inevitably bring, while trying to supply solutions to an alternate future version of Earth ravaged by environmental and resource crises.
Initial Condition Customization New
The world we live in is not as special as we would like to think. A discovery in a remote lab in 2038 briefly connected to a different world. As more data was gathered, an unexpected picture was made: a theoretically infinite number of layers lay suspended underneath our dimension. As resource shortages become a greater concern and environmental crises grow more severe, exploiting these layers becomes a priority for the future of mankind and its nations.

This is your job.

With resources provided by your sponsor, you will aim to explore and exploit these alternate layers.

[] Government Research Facility - Your funding and resources have been granted by the government of one of the various superpowers throughout the world. Interested in what is held within, they want to exploit the other dimension for its resources.

Starting Funding Limit: 2,500 Funds
Starting Staff: 200 Workers, 50 Security Personnel, 30 Researchers
  • Gain 3 Bonuses below
  • Funding is granted yearly to the Funding Limit
  • Funding Limit is tied to performance in Government Contracts. This will mean they will ultimately have the slowest 'growth' of funding.
  • Will regularly get Government Contracts; These will include requests for delivery of certain resources, exploration of a layer, or require certain infrastructure projects within a layer to be constructed.

[] Public Corporation - Your funding and resources come from a major corporation that had been involved with the original experiments about the alternate dimension. Seeking to monetize it and its resources, they opened a division specifically to harvest its resources to enrich their shareholders further.

Starting Funding: 5,000 Funds
Starting Staff: 100 Workers, 30 Security Personnel, 20 Researchers
  • Gain 2 Bonuses below
  • Funding is obtained through the development and sale of products and resources
  • All costs will have to be paid yearly, and bankruptcy is a possibility.
  • Will regularly get Corporate Contracts; These will include requests for a certain amount of production, money transfer requests, and support for other corporate products and services.

[] Private Enterprise - Your funding and resources come from a wealthy entrepreneur, who by luck developed the technology to enter the other layers. Whether from a desire to make money or save the world in their own perceived way, they had decided to harvest the resources of the alternate dimension.

Starting Funding: 2,000 Funds
Starting Staff: 100 Workers, 20 Security Personnel, 15 Researchers
  • Gain 1 Bonus below
  • Funding is obtained through the development and sale of products and resources
  • Will regularly get Entrepreneur Contracts, which will grant bonus funding for completing various tasks based on the whims of the Entrepreneur
  • All costs will have to be paid yearly, and bankruptcy is a possibility
  • If the Entrepreneur dies or otherwise becomes indisposed, you will lose the benefits of Entrepreneur Contracts.

Regardless of the sponsor above, you must also select how you are accessing the alternate dimension. This will change how you traverse the layers, the ease of getting material to lower layers, and the costs otherwise associated with it.

[] Stable Portal Generation - At your main facility, a large machine has been set up. Using a large amount of power and a bit of exotic matter found by chance, it managed to open a gateway large enough for human life to get through.

  • The primary Portal will remain open, as long as maintenance costs are paid.
  • Moving to the next layer will require finding its Portal in the current layer's map
  • Increased likelihood of Layer Excursion events.
  • Upgrading the size of the primary Portal and the layer Portal will require rare exotic matter materials.

[] Dimensional Bores - A device that physically drills between dimensions could make a temporary connection between Earth and the layer below. You have one constructed at your main facility, but others will need to be made in order to explore deeper.

  • Portals can be made anywhere on a Layer once dimensional boring infrastructure is set up.
  • Boring efficiency can be improved with higher-grade Materials
  • Portals are temporary and have an upfront cost which varies based on size.
  • Due to the temporary nature of portals, Food Supplies will be necessary for employees in the Layers.

[] A Rip In Reality - Unbeknownst to almost everyone, the portal was not created. The tear in reality was always there, and the facility was built around it. Once experiments began, it opened up in a freak accident. Exploration had only begun once the other side was deemed safe for humans.

  • All portals will constantly remain open, without any need to maintain them.
  • Portals will be at their maximum size from the start.
  • Increased likelihood of Layer Excursion events.
  • A Portal Key will need to be found in the current layer to access the next layer.

Depending on the sponsor you select, you will also get to select a certain amount of bonuses. Each bonus is meant for a quick boost in the Early Game - each of their benefits can be replicated with time and effort put into them.


[] Greater Funding - Your sponsor saw a lot of potential in this prospect, to the point that they are willing to put more funding into this endeavor than they would otherwise intend to.

  • For a Government sponsor, increase the starting Funding Limit by 1,000.
  • For non-Government sponsors, increase the starting Funding by 3,000.

[] Quality Safety Equipment - Knowing the risks of a hostile environment inside the layers were relatively unknown, it was decided that the safety of the crew was a priority to extract further resources.

  • Starting Safety Equipment Grade starts at High-end

[] Military-Grade Arms - The dangers of another dimension are completely unknown - even in real-world wilderness, wild animals are a risk to isolated communities. It's better to arm the crew with something that can guarantee their safety.

  • Starting Weaponry Grade starts at High-end

[] Dimensional Scouting - While the use of Drone Aircraft isn't very efficient without sufficient infrastructure, scouting through the portal has yielded some results.

  • An additional layer feature will be revealed for Layer 1
  • Several layer feature locations will be filled out on the map for Layer 1.

[] Alpha Base - Strictly speaking, this wasn't the first expedition out into this world. The initial discovery had sent its people within and had laid the groundwork for future expeditions.

  • A random resource research project will be finished
  • Infrastructure will be pre-constructed around the base tile.

As a final note, what is the name of this alternate world?

[] Write-in a name you will be using for this world you are exploiting.

Hello, everyone! First-time quest-maker here. Decided to make this quest to use some creative juices when I am not busy.

While this quest will generally be in the Plan format for votes, this first one won't be due to the inevitable differences between how some options will interact and the write-in option. Regardless of your pick of sponsor, it would best to choose 3 options for bonuses, just in case.

As a final aside, please don't name this dimension the Backrooms or any other existing setting like it. I intend this to be original the entire way through, at least for the most part.
Mechanics New
The primary way you will be able to take action will be by manipulating resources. These resources fit into two overall categories: Commodity, and Initiative Resources.

Commodity Resouces: Any resource in this category, by itself, is generally not useful. All resources in this category are instead used to research and construct improvements to equipment and infrastructure and sell it on the market for Funding. A few examples of commodity resources are:

Raw: Represents things such as raw resources and other unprocessed goods. Generally turned into other commodity resources before becoming valuable.
Food Supply: In circumstances where you are not regularly connected to the rest of the world, this is important for keeping your Teams alive and healthy. Otherwise, this is generally only used to feed wildlife and for sale as a superfood on Earth.
Material: Represents resources processed into a usable state for more complex constructions. Used primarily for equipment and infrastructure upgrades.
Energy: Represents energy-dense resources, like oil. Beyond being sold for Funding, a supply of these can be needed to maintain certain structures.
Exotic: Rare resource. Generally only used for high-end infrastructure and Contracts.
Commercial: Resources that are only useful for sale in some manner, though some research projects may use them.
Junk: General refuse found in certain layers. Not worth anything, but can be converted to more useful resources with certain infrastructure projects.

Initiative Resources: Any resource in this category will generally be used purely by you to do actions within the world. This can additionally be divided into Labor and Equipment.

Labor: Anything classified in this category can use Safety Equipment to prevent attrition. Each can carry 1 non-Labor Resource alongside Safety Equipment.

Workers: Any person within this category represents someone dedicated to physical tasks within the layers. Can optionally use Weaponry equipment, but at half-efficiency. Cost 2 Funding every year for salaries.
Security Personnel: Any person within this category represents individuals who are focused on dealing with possible threats within the layers. They use Weaponry equipment at full efficiency. Cost 3 Funding every year for salaries.
Researchers: Any person within this category represents someone dedicated to researching and figuring out details about the layers. Can optionally use Weaponry equipment, but at half-efficiency. Cost 5 Funding every year for salaries.

Funding: Capital used for the purchase of supplies and pay for labor
Safety Equipment: Used by Labor to safely move through Layers.
Weaponry: Used by Labor to engage certain threats in the Layers
Ground Vehicles: These represent the free transport capabilities of the Layers. Each vehicle requires 1 Labor to use, but can carry 4 units of Resources. Transporting these between layers can be difficult depending on the portal size.
Tools: Represent advanced equipment for building infrastructure. Needed for some infrastructure projects.

Other resources exist, but remain secret until they are unlocked.

Non-Funding and non-Labor resources will also have a Quality Grade associated with them. Certain upgrades will need higher-quality resources to finish, and deeper layers will generally require a higher Quality Grade to prevent attrition from the elements.

The Quality Grades are as follows:

Civilian >> High-end >> Layer 1 >> Layer 2 >> Layer 3 …

This pattern continues with each layer.

Each layer's information can be summarized with the following format:

Layer Name: The name of the Layer being entered.
Local Layer Size: Determines the overall size of the map of the layer.
Environmental Risk: Determines the minimum Quality Grade of Safety Equipment to prevent general attrition within the Layer.
Wildlife Risk: Determines the minimum Quality Grade of Weaponry needed to remain effective against threats within the Layer.
Layer Features: This will be followed by a number to indicate the total number of layer features within the Layer
  • Identified Feature: For each identified feature, it will be identified with its effects here, as well as any confirmed locations on the map if they exist.
  • ????? (##): Each unidentified feature will be shown as this, with the roll left next to it to indicate its positive or negative tilt.

An example, if we described your Earth facility as a Layer:

Layer Name: Earth Facility
Local Layer Size: 0
Environmental Risk: Human Inhabitable (Grade 0 Needed)
Wildlife Risk: Civilized (Grade 0 Needed)
Layer Features: 5
  • Sapient Species: Naturally inhabited by a natural species, which can be purchased as Labor resources.
  • What You See Is What You Get: The map for this layer does not have a frontier border.
  • Global Civilization: Can purchase up to High-end supplies using Funding.
  • Global Infrastructure: No time delay in moving resources.
  • Global Manufacturing: Can process Raw materials into other forms instantly.

To indicate the details seen above, in a sample 'Size 8' map:

Orange Circle: Portal to Higher Layer. This will be generally where you will start on each map unless you select an option that removes the portals.
Blue Circle: Portal to Lower Layer.
Grey Square: Indicates constructed infrastructure in a region. Whenever a map is posted, there will be a guide to indicate what was built and where.
Grey Line: Indicates a road construction. The movement of teams over roads is doubled, and roads will be needed to transport any resource from a hub to where you would transport them.
Blue Line: Railine. Teams can instantly move anywhere on a line where these are built. Useful to send teams to lower layers quickly.
Diagonal Grey Line: Difficult Terrain. Teams moving through here have double cost, unless a road or railine is also through the area.
Triple Diagonal Grey Lines: Extreme Terrain. Moving through here has quadruple cost, and most infrastructure projects are impossible to make without a large amount of investment.
Black X: Impassible Terrain. Teams cannot move through these tiles at all. These are not counted in the Size value of a map.
Brown Triangle: Indicates a Layer Feature or Resource Deposit being located on the map.
Red Outline: Indicates a Hazardous Terrain Feature is located in a certain portion of the map.
Greyed Out Tile (Not Shown): Unexplored terrain. Features remain unknown unless nearby tiles or the tiles themselves are explored.

Turns are broken up into three parts: the Team stage, the Event stage, and the Extraction stage.

During the Team stage, teams will move around as ordered to certain locations and will do actions ordered to do. During this time, they can receive Labor and Equipment resources from hubs. Do note that a Team can only hold items based off they number and Vehicles

Each team will have a certain number of movement points based on its overall size, which is mitigated with Vehicles. When doing a project, a Team will be able to make as much progress as its size—a 50-worker team will be able to do 50 points of labor, for example.

During the Event Stage, events will play out in each layer as well as Earth. This can suddenly make the situation much more dangerous in a layer and temporarily alter map conditions. If a Team is within the affected area, they will also deal with the event as they can.

During the Extraction Phase, all resources will be collected and, if a warehouse connected via roads or raillines, brought into your resource grid.

All infrastructure projects have two major components, their Resource Cost, and their Labor cost.

Material Costs are paid with the appropriate Resources, either carried by a Team or sent through roads from a warehouse.

Labor Costs are paid by any Labor member who are on the tile when the Team phase runs. Infrastructure projects will take all movement remaining from a team.

Feel free to write Omakes for this quest. If I like them, I will give Omake bonuses for certain things, as well as threadmarking them into the thread's canon.

Currently offered Omake bonuses include:
A small permanent boost to the effectiveness of a Team.
An infrastructure project's costs will be reduced
A bonus to future Event Rolls for a turn
Bonus Resources, including Labor and even Layer resources, as long as you had already found some.

Exact amounts will vary based on QM decision.
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[X] Plan Governmental Work
-[X] Government Research Facility
-[X] Stable Portal Generation
-[X] Quality Safety Equipment
-[X] Military-Grade Arms
-[X] Dimensional Scouting

Good safety and military equipment along with scouting to let us know what we can exploit
[X] Plan: Breach and clear
-[X] Government Research Facility
-[X] Dimensional Bores
-[X] Military-Grade Arms
-[X] Dimensional Scouting
-[X] Quality Safety Equipment

Government work but I'd rather grab the Bores.

[X] Plan: In the name of Enterprise.
Last edited:
[X] Plan: welcome to black mesa...
-[X] Government Research Facility
-[X] Stable Portal Generation
-[X] Quality Safety Equipment
-[X] Alpha Base
-[X] Military-Grade Arms

World name:

[X] Aeon
Last edited:
[X] Plan: Breach and clear.

[X] Plan: In the name of Enterprise.
-[X] Public Corporation - Your funding and resources come from a major corporation that had been involved with the original experiments about the alternate dimension. Seeking to monetize it and its resources, they opened a division specifically to harvest its resources to enrich their shareholders further.
-[X] Dimensional Bores - A device that physically drills between dimensions could make a temporary connection between Earth and the layer below. You have one constructed at your main facility, but others will need to be made in order to explore deeper.
-[X] Alpha Base - Strictly speaking, this wasn't the first expedition out into this world. The initial discovery had sent its people within and had laid the groundwork for future expeditions.
-[X] Quality Safety Equipment - Knowing the risks of a hostile environment inside the layers were relatively unknown, it was decided that the safety of the crew was a priority to extract further resources.

World name:
[X] Aeon.
Last edited:
[X] Plan Governmental Work

World name:
[X] Hyperborea

@GAWR The [X] for the world name needs to be at the start of the line (like I did) for the tally to count it as a vote.
Vote closed New
Scheduled vote count started by Humaan on Jan 19, 2025 at 1:12 PM, finished with 7 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Plan Governmental Work
    -[X] Government Research Facility
    -[X] Stable Portal Generation
    -[X] Quality Safety Equipment
    -[X] Military-Grade Arms
    -[X] Dimensional Scouting
    [X] Plan: Breach and clear
    -[X] Government Research Facility
    -[X] Dimensional Bores
    -[X] Military-Grade Arms
    -[X] Dimensional Scouting
    -[X] Quality Safety Equipment
    [X] Plan: In the name of Enterprise.
    -[X] Public Corporation - Your funding and resources come from a major corporation that had been involved with the original experiments about the alternate dimension. Seeking to monetize it and its resources, they opened a division specifically to harvest its resources to enrich their shareholders further.
    -[X] Dimensional Bores - A device that physically drills between dimensions could make a temporary connection between Earth and the layer below. You have one constructed at your main facility, but others will need to be made in order to explore deeper.
    -[X] Alpha Base - Strictly speaking, this wasn't the first expedition out into this world. The initial discovery had sent its people within and had laid the groundwork for future expeditions.
    -[X] Quality Safety Equipment - Knowing the risks of a hostile environment inside the layers were relatively unknown, it was decided that the safety of the crew was a priority to extract further resources.
    [X] Plan: welcome to black mesa...
    -[X] Government Research Facility
    -[X] Stable Portal Generation
    -[X] Quality Safety Equipment
    -[X] Alpha Base
    -[X] Military-Grade Arms
    [X] Aeon
    [X] Plan: Breach and clear
    -[X] Government Research Facility
    -[X] Dimensional Bores
    -[X] Military-Grade Arms
    -[X] Dimensional Scouting
    -[X] Quality Safety Equipment
    [X] Plan: In the name of Enterprise.
    -[X] Public Corporation - Your funding and resources come from a major corporation that had been involved with the original experiments about the alternate dimension. Seeking to monetize it and its resources, they opened a division specifically to harvest its resources to enrich their shareholders further.
    -[X] Dimensional Bores - A device that physically drills between dimensions could make a temporary connection between Earth and the layer below. You have one constructed at your main facility, but others will need to be made in order to explore deeper.
    -[X] Alpha Base - Strictly speaking, this wasn't the first expedition out into this world. The initial discovery had sent its people within and had laid the groundwork for future expeditions.
    -[X] Quality Safety Equipment - Knowing the risks of a hostile environment inside the layers were relatively unknown, it was decided that the safety of the crew was a priority to extract further resources.
    [X] Aeon
    [X] Plan Governmental Work
    -[X] Government Research Facility
    -[X] Stable Portal Generation
    -[X] Quality Safety Equipment
    -[X] Military-Grade Arms
    -[X] Dimensional Scouting
    [X] Hyperborea
    [X] Plan: In the name of Enterprise.
    -[X] Public Corporation - Your funding and resources come from a major corporation that had been involved with the original experiments about the alternate dimension. Seeking to monetize it and its resources, they opened a division specifically to harvest its resources to enrich their shareholders further.
    -[X] Dimensional Bores - A device that physically drills between dimensions could make a temporary connection between Earth and the layer below. You have one constructed at your main facility, but others will need to be made in order to explore deeper.
    -[X] Alpha Base - Strictly speaking, this wasn't the first expedition out into this world. The initial discovery had sent its people within and had laid the groundwork for future expeditions.
    -[X] Quality Safety Equipment - Knowing the risks of a hostile environment inside the layers were relatively unknown, it was decided that the safety of the crew was a priority to extract further resources.
Okay, votes a bit of a mess due to the format, but it appears that Governmental Work wins with the name "Aeon" for the alternate dimension, unless people want to vote on the name further I think that's it. I'll get to work on the update now.