Alternate New World

Alternate New World
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Alternate New World is a science fantasy about a 21 years old college student named Cosy finds a portal that takes him to a parallel new dimension that is fill with tons of humanoids with feature appearance on a large planet.
Search 1.1
It's been 3 weeks after I graduation from college. My dream is to become the best scientist just like my professor Craft and his assist Dence. I live in a motel which I don't have enough money to rent a house which I need to stay in a motel for weeks. My parents came to my graduation and they were proud of me of so much. But... Craft and Dence didn't show up during my graduation, I wonder why? did they retired? Craft didn't told us in class about his retirement from teaching. I was disappointed they didn't came to my graduation.

During our graduation, me and my classmates were sitting at the table while we having fun talking to each other about cool interest stuff in class about new world which our professor Craft was explaining about new alternate reality during class. Craft told us about parallel world that is similar to our universe, I was so thrilled to explore the multiverse to meet new people.

I wonder it is true to travel to a new alternate world? Many people had theory there is a possibility that people build a portal that takes them to a new world.

After our long discussion about parallel universe stuff. It was time for me to say goodbye to my friends and I was going to miss them and both of the professor too.

I been looking for a job around New York City, but I couldn't think of a job what I wanted, I head back to the motel which is getting late for me while I was looking for a new job.

As I was heading back to the motel, I was still thinking about Craft and Dence retirement. "That's strange... I wonder why Craft and Dence didn't told us they were retiring? Maybe I should go back... No, It's getting late. I ask some other professors in college tomorrow." I said talking to myself while heading back to the motel.

I dig into my pocket and I grab my room key which shown the number 1 on it, and I look for my room number and I found my room and unlocks it as I head inside my room.

As I enter my room. I was building my own telescope yesterday and it took me hours to set it up so I can see the moon and the stars.

"Oh man, it sure did took me a whole hours to set this telescope up yesterday. Now lets see I can test this out, I wonder the flag is still there on the moon?" Cosy said as he picks up the telescope to place it next to the windows.

I look into the telescope to look at the sky. "I hope some people doesn't see me thinking I'm peeping in their windows." He said as he turn the telescope up in the sky.

"I'll make sure I can find the Sirius star in the sky." Cosy said as he is looking for the star.

"Hey! I think I found the Sirius star already! Wait... It's just the airplane lights." I got excited to early which I found a star until it was the airplane lights.

I kept on looking to find a perfect star in the sky, all I see is small star. "Man I hope I'll find that Sirius star. I want to wish for something before I go to bed." Cosy said while looking for the Sirius Star in the sky.

"This telescope should be capable to view far distance in space. I wonder why I can't find the..." I was cutoff which I spotted something in space. "Is that the Sirius Star? Oh boy! Looks like I found it!" I was glad I found the Sirius Star. I finally to get my first wish while staring at the Sirius Star. "Okay, my wish is to become the best scientist which I can find a way to cure cancer and rare diseases, then I want to discover a new parallel world if that is possible."

After I finish with my wish, I was done with the telescope as I move it back from the window. "That's that, now I need some sleep." Cosy yawn as he stretch his arms. "I need to get up in the morning to ask some people at my college about my professors retirement."

I put off my clothes and then put on my pajamas. "Hope I still got enough money to keep living in this motel. Don't want to be kick out of here." I was worry if I don't have enough money to keep living in this motel, the owner of this motel might get upset at me.

I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

While I was still in the bathroom brushing my teeth. I couldn't stop thinking about my brother Scar, after he committed some crime "Scar... Why did you rob a bank and murder a person? I said while brushing my teeth.

My brother might break out of jail one day to come after me for revenge. That's why I'm living in this motel for the sake of myself.

I was done brushing my teeth and I exit out of the bathroom. I got in my bed and I want to forget about my awful brother which I'm still worry about that, then I need to get up in the morning to head back to college to ask people about Craft's retirement.

In my dream, I was dreaming of myself building a car that can fly in the air. "Oh boy! After my longest invention of working this car. It's finally done after my 7 years of my hard work." He said in a happy way.

"Let me test this out and see what it is capable of. Craft and Dence would be proud of me." I grab my key out of my pocket and I unlock it as I get in the car.

I sat down on the front seat. "Alright! Lets see my invention of this car is a success." I press the button to start the engine of the car as I heard it running."

"The engine is running, check. Now where's the button to switch to fly mode?"

Cosy tries to find the button so the car enter in fly mode. "Ah ha!" He found the button that was up in the ceiling while It was above me. I press it as the wheels flips in the sideway as the car was hovering in the air.

"Amazing! The car is hovering. I'm the only person manage to create my own flying car! I'm going to give this a shot to see how this flying car does." I put my hands on the wheel and put my foot on the pedal as the car was moving straight as I turn the wheel to the left, then begin to go straight up in the sky, and it's working.

Cosy was enjoying the view in the sky as he piloting the flying car. "What a great success of my invention. I want to take a ride around the city. I'm sure I would love to see the view of the city from way up in the sky." I said as I turn the wheel right.

While heading to the city from my own home. I look down to see lots of people on the road while I'm up in the sky.

"I know some people down there won't noticing this is a flying car or not. But it's nice to see the view from way above as I see lots people driving their cars on the road."

Cosy smile as he enjoying the view while in the sky. "Wish I can make more flying cars for everyone, the road can get crowned someday.

I was still flying straight to the city as I see the ocean and New York City up ahead.

"My gosh! While I'm up in the sky, it's stunning to see the city and the statue of liberty from way up." Cosy said.

As he driving the car, the sun beam hits his face. "Argh! Is the sun getting brighter or it's just me?" I cover my eyes and then the sun got larger for some odd reason. "Ah! What's going on?!"

Back in reality, I feel like the sun was beaming in my face for real.

"Ugh... Who turn the light on?" I woken up as I feel someone was in my room turn the light on. "Oh! It just the sun beaming at my face. How clumsy of me." I chuckled as I got out of my bed and I check the clock to see what time it is.

"9:17 AM? Good thing the sun woke me up that early, time for me to head to the college to ask people about Craft and Dence's retirement." I said as I got out of my pajamas to change my clothes.

I put on my white shirt and blue pants, then I put on my shoes as I tire my shoelaces, I then grab my light green jacket.

"Alright then, time for me to head to college right now." Cosy said.

I walk to the door and I unlock the door, It's seem I was forgetting something. "Whoops! I'm about to leave out without my room key." I grab my room key from the table and I exit out of my room and I lock the door. "Should I take the bus? Nah... It's just 1 hour for me to get there. Beside, I love walking which is a good exercise for me." I begin walking to college as I saw the man was taking out the trash as I wave to him and the man waves back to me.

Cosy was walking to New York University as he walk across the street when the light turn red.

"I wonder how my parents are doing after I moved out? I hope I'll see them in the next week." I said while thinking to see my parents again.

While I was walking, I look at the cafe restaurant and I plan to stop by to grab a bite on my way back to the motel.

"Hope some people in my college finds out both of my professors retirement. I didn't got a chance to show Craft my custom homemade pens I was working on last week." I said while frowned which It was a gift for both of my professors.

I continue walking which I am almost there. I saw a lady and her kids were going into the mall to buy something in there which I smile at them as I kept walking.

While I was still walking, I can see my college up ahead. I was so glad I made it, I needed some exercise anyway. I dash there to get a move on so I won't be messing around.

As I dash for a minute, I finally made it. When I arrive at my college. I don't see many people here after I graduation, I open the door as I enter inside the building. There are few people inside I recognized which is the janitor, Stacy, and others.

"I go ask the janitor first, maybe he knows about Craft and Dence." I walk around the building to look for the janitor.

The janitor was mopping the floor on the upper floor. "Man... Why do they spill drinks on the damn floor? Give me a break man." The janitor was frustrated which he had to clean up the sticky mess from the student's drink.

As I still walking around the building, I heard a water sound on the upper floor. "That's must be the janitor." I walk upstairs to find the janitor and I see him mopping the floor. "Hey Arc!" Which I know the janitor name.

"Huh? Someone there?" Arc stop mopping the floor and he turns around and he sees Cosy behind him. "Gah!" He got spooked which he didn't know Cosy was behind him. "Oh it's you Cosy. Don't sneak on me like that man, I almost got a heart attack."

"Hehehe... Sorry about that Arc. I got something important to ask you." Cosy said.

"Yeah? What is it?" Arc said while waiting for Cosy to respond.

"A weeks ago. Did you heard about Craft and Dence retirement? Cosy question him.

Arc was thinking for a few second. "Not really man, sorry. I didn't heard about your professors retirement.

"Really? That's strange..." Cosy said while confused.

"Anyway what are you doing here man?" I ask Cosy why he's here for a reason.

Cosy dig in his pocket in his jacket and grab two of his custom homemade pens to show it to Arc. "I want to give this custom homemade pens to Craft and Dence as a gift, since their my favorite science professors.

"No way! You made those by yourself kid?" Arc was surprised.

I nodded at my best janitor which I made these homemade pens by myself. "You betcha Arc! I spend working on both of these pens for weeks. I added a laser pointer, and it bend like a string so it won't break, and the nib on the pen can change color whenever you press the side button. Cosy said.

Arc was speechless. "Damn man, I wish I was like you inventing stuff like that."

"Thanks! It's all thanks to Craft and Dence teaching. I got to get going now, I have to ask the other person somewhere in the building about my professor."

"Don't know Cosy. They probably don't know where they at anyway. But see ya man." Arc wave at him as Cosy wave back as he head to ask the other people about his professors retirement.

Cosy went to the right side of the hall hallway when Arc went back mopping the floor.

I was looking at the room number while walking and it's seem most of the professors are not here. It's like a ghost town on the upper floor which is spooky for me. I saw the last door at the end of the hallway.

I look through the window and I can see one person in there which is Craft other professor friend named Stacy. "Stacy? I'm surprise she still here in this building, I'll talk to her. I know she is a good friend of Craft and Dence." I knock on the door.

Stacy heard a knock on the door and she got up from her seat. She look at the window at the door and recognize Cosy. "Is that Cosy? I wonder what's he doing here?" I walk towards the door and unlock it.

"Heya Stacy, sorry for interrupt your work you were doing." Cosy said.

"It's alright Cosy, I'm just checking my email on my computer." Stacy giggle "Did you stop by to say hello to me?

"Yeah, I did want to stop by to say hello, but I want to ask you about Craft and Dence retirement." Cosy said.

"Retirement? I didn't heard them saying they were about to retired." Stacy said.

"That's weird... You didn't heard them they were retiring?" Cosy was confused.

"Nope! But I did saw his drunken pal Dence, which he was holding something in his arm."

"Holding something in his arm? Cosy said. "What was it? Was he holding a document of paper or something?

Stacy tries to think what Dence was holding in his arm. "Don't know kiddo. Before the graduation started. I saw that doofus Dence went inside room 111. I have no idea what Dence was holding, it was a long blue paper, but not that long." Stacy said while explaining to Cosy.

"Blue paper? Hmm..." Cosy was thinking for a second. "Was that a blueprint he was holding?"

"I think so?" Stacy said if she is correct.

"Wonder why Dence had that blueprint for?" Cosy was curious.

Stacy shrug. "Beats me Cosy. I still have no idea why he had that blueprint. Can't explain more.

"I see then... Well It was nice meeting you Ms. Stacy." He shakes her hand.

Stacy shakes his hand. "Nice seeing you too Cosy."

I left out of her room and I wave my hand at her as I leave.

Stacy wave back at Cosy and she got back on her computer checking more of her email.

As I was walking in the hallway, I was thinking about the blueprint that Dence was holding on to. "So that's the blueprint that Dence was holding on before the graduation? Was he working on a invention?

"I need more clue. I don't see someone in the hallway expect Arc still mopping the floor. I'll go find someone downstairs, beside If I go up the second or third floor. It's even more a ghost town up there. Still spooky..." Cosy said as he continue walking and heads downstairs.

While I was walking downstairs, I recognize the person in that grey sweater sitting at the table. It was my classmate Clay. "Clay? I wonder what's he doing here? But since Clay is here, it's my chance to ask him a question about Craft and Dence retirement." I said.

I head over to the table where he's sitting and meet my friend. "Hey Clay! I'm surprise to see you here buddy."

"Oh sup Cosy! I'm glad to meet you too man?" Clay said.

"What are you doing here? Didn't expect to see you here Clay." I said as I sit down with him.

"I just want to stop by to see my other friends are here or not. How you been? It's been 3 weeks since our graduation." Clay said.

I scratch my head. "Nothing much Clay. I was upstairs talking to the janitor and then saw Ms. Stacy in the room and spoke to her about Craft and Dence retirement."

"Ms. Stacy is still here? That's surprising. So you been upstairs asking the two about our professors? Clay said.

"Yeah... They didn't heard about Craft and Dence done teaching, but Ms. Stacy saw Dence was going to room 111 which is our classroom.

"Huh? That's fishy... What was he doing in there?" Clay was confused.

"He was getting a blueprint which Ms. Stacy didn't know what Dence was holding in his arm." Cosy said.

"A blueprint? Did he left it in there by accident? It's sound like Dence is inventing something." Clay said.

This got Cosy attention. "Inventing? You really think Dence is working on a project?"

"If I'm correct man. I won't be lying to you Cosy, I can tell that blueprint he was holding in his arm is might be a big project for the both of them. I can't explain more, I don't know what invention they working on."

"Man if that is true, I would be so excited to see what they working on." Cosy said with a smile.

"True dude. I wish both of our professors show us the blueprint what project they working on. That will be so cool!"

I got up from my seat and I was ready to leave the building. "Well... I got to get going now. It was nice seeing you here Clay, hope we get to see each other again." Cosy said as he is ready to go home.

"Same to you pal. Good luck on your future." Clay said to his best friend.

"You too Clay." I walk towards the main exit and open the door as I leave the building.

"What time is it? I know I been in there for half of hours." I check my wristwatch, it was 1:03 PM. "Gosh! I guess my walk must have speed the time up, hahaha... " I crack a laugh with a boring joke I just made.

I dig into my pocket from my jacket and grab two homemade pens which I want to give them to my professors as a gift. "Really wish I found out what they live..." I said as I put my homemade pens back into my pocket.

"That blueprint what Dence was holding... No wonder they didn't show up on my gradation."

"Now I figure that out. I don't know what I supposed to do with these homemade pens I made. Should I give them to someone?" I said which I'm thinking about giving the homemade pens to someone. "No, I'm still giving them as I gift no matter what."

I was still walking back to the motel until my stomach growl a little bit. "Oh right! I'm completely forgot about that. I said I was going to the cafe restaurant."

"I'll go head to the cafe for some lunch, hope they have something delicious in there."

I begin heading to the cafe to grab something to eat since I haven't ate anything since yesterday which I been busy setting up the telescope for a hours and messing around of it.

As I made it to the cafe restaurant, I open the door and I see few people inside enjoying their meals. I got in line behind the man which I'm excited to grab a bite.

After the man was done with his order, I was up next.

"Hello! What would you like to have sir?" The lady from the counter said.

I request my order to the lady. "I would like a pancake, cinnamon muffin and a iced tea please." I said.

"That would be $5.00."

I dig into my pocket and grab my wallet and open my wallet up and gave the money to the lady from the counter.

"Thank you, your will be coming up soon." The lady said.

I took a sit at the table to wait for my order. While I'm waiting for my food, I am still thinking about the invention what Dence and Craft were working on. "I wonder what kind of invention they working on? A flying car I dreamed last night?" I said while talking to myself.

After 1 minute, Cosy was waiting patiently for his order.

I heard the lady from the counter. It's sound like my food is ready.

"Wow that was quick." Cosy said as he got up from his sit and heads to the counter to get my order.

"Here you go sir, a pancake and a nice fresh cinnamon muffin and your iced tea. Have a nice day." Lady said while handed the food and a drink to him.

"Thank you miss." I got my food and I sat back at the table and I was going to enjoy my lunch.
Search 1.2
Cosy was about to eat his pancake and cinnamon muffin, the man that was sitting behind him heard Cosy mention about Dence and begin speaking to Cosy for a question.

"Hey kid? Did I heard you say about Dence?" The man asked him.

Cosy turn his head around to see the man sitting behind him before he was about to eat his lunch. "Huh? Yes I did. But, how did you know my professor name? Do you know him sir?" Cosy said.

"Of course I know him, we both were friends for a long time, I'm surprise my pal is your professor man. The guy was a cool bastard as we both drink together while we have so much fun at the party."

"Wow, I didn't knew you guys were friends. I'm Cosy by the way." I shake his hand. "It's nice to meet you sir, what's your name?"

He shake his hand as well too. "The name Ray." He burp a little which he covered his another arm. "Oh excuse me! Had a big lunch which I was so hungry, hehehe." Ray laugh. "So how you doing anyway?" Ray said.

"I'm doing quite fine Ray, I just graduation from college 3 weeks ago and I planning to find a job."

"Kickass man! Congratulation for your accomplishment."

"Thanks Ray, I hope I find a neat job for me so I can be the best scientist ever." Cosy said as he grab his muffin and took a bite of it and swallow it. Cosy starts thinking about his professors. "I really wish I want to see them again to show my invention I made... Craft and Dence were already gone at my college, they didn't mention us about their retirement.

"Craft? I heard that guy what my friend said, and that's strange... Since the other day, I just realize Dence didn't answer me back." Ray was scratching his hair. "I try calling him, but no answer."

"No answer? That's unfortunate..." Cosy said. "Did you also try emailing him to see he respond? Dence always check his email on the computer whenever places he at." Cosy took a bit of his pancake.

Ray shrug. "Nope, I did email Dence before, and he didn't reply me back."

"That's a bummer... He always check his email all the time." Cosy ate his pancake more. "I know I don't like asking someone personal address. Do you know what Dence's house location at? I want to check he's there or not."

"Since he's your professor, sure! Let me see I got a pen in my back pocket. "Ray reach his hand in his back pocket, and then found in his back pocket which is his short pen. "Ah ha! I knew I didn't drop it. Well I don't have any paper, I use this napkin instead." He try to remember what's Dence's address after he went to his place the other day while thinking and he figure out his address in his mind and Ray starts writing on the napkin and finished writing. "Here's the address my guy." He hand it to Cosy.

"Thanks Ray, I own you one." He take the napkin that was written from Ray.

"No problem Cosy. Oh speaking of which, did you say you invented something for your professors? " Ray said.

"Yeah, I did." He grab his homemade pens out of his pocket and show it to Ray. "This is my homemade pens I just made back at the motel, I want to show it to Craft and Dence for my effort." Cosy said.

"Whoa man, that's really neat! How long did it took you to make them?" Ray said.

"It took me about weeks to finish it. I did a lots of stuff like adding a laser pointer, making the pens bend like a string so it won't break, the nib can change into different colors."

"Man! I am totally blown out of my mind right now. That is the some great stuff what you just did. Your professors would be proud of you dude, I wish I was like you and your professors."

"Thanks! My first invention isn't the best anyway, that's why I want to be the best scientist like my professors." Cosy said as he hope to be the best scientist.

Ray smile. "You got potential kid, I'm sure your professors would be shocked as me even more what you just invented. Like hell, when I was your age, I dream to fix someone electronics when I was little."

"We both share a same common huh?" Cosy was done with his pancake and check his wristwatch. "I need to be going now, I have to head to Dence house to see he's there or not."

"It was nice talking to you Cosy. Before you leave. Can I have that last muffin?"

"Sure! Here you go." Cosy gave the muffin to Ray. "I really love something that has cinnamon in it." Cosy said which he likes foods that has cinnamon favor on it.

Ray take the muffin from Cosy. "I do like cinnamon just like you man." He then bites the muffin and swallow it.

Cosy got up from his seat and took his plate to the trash and then spoke to Ray one more before leaving. "I hope to see you again Ray, and thank you for the address by the way.

"Same thing man and no problem. Stay safe out there, heard the news that one dude got murdered last night. Don't know who did it."

"Oh that's terrible... Rest in peace to the guy. Don't worry, I won't be out in the dark for that long so I won't end up like that person." Cosy said as he leaving the cafe.

"Take care man!" Ray wave at him."

Cosy wave back to Ray. "Same to you Ray."

I exit out the cafe to head to Dence's house to see he's home or not. "I need to take the bus, his apartment might be a long miles away which will take 3 hours for me to get there. I wish I had a bike anyway..." Cosy said as he walk to find the bus sign.

While I was walking down on the sidewalk. I was thinking about the guy that was killed last night what Ray said when he saw the news. "I wonder who kill that person last night? It's not my brother isn't it? No it can't be. Scar is still in jail. I know he tries to break out to come after me. But if he didn't do it, then who did it?" Cosy said while thinking.

Cosy was looking for the bus sign. "Where's the bus sign? I know I saw it somewhere when I was heading to the college." I kept walking to look for the bus sign as I look around.

He was still looking as he saw the bus's sign and the bench.

"Oh there it is. I knew I saw the bus sign early. Wasn't paying attention at first. Really hope I still have some money." I sit down on the bench and wait for the bus to arrive. "Can't wait to show my homemade pens to Dence." I said as I wait for the bus.

As I waiting for the bus, I look up at the sky and had a dream last night as I invented a flying car. "I wish I can invent a flying car like the dream I had last night. That would be awesome."

Cosy wait patiently for the bus arrive as he smile.

Minutes pass by. I then check my wristwatch to see it's 3:17 PM. "Where's the bus at? I know it didn't left already when I was looking for the bus sign. I really hope the bus get here soon so it won't get dark." I said again as I kept waiting for the bus.

As I was still waiting for the bus. I grab my homemade pens out of my pocket and I stare at it, which I really want to show it to my professors.

"I know Craft and Dence would be proud of me of my hard effort I did. I want to be just like them for making robots, crafting, and of course! Building a spaceship would be cool."

Cosy put his homemade pens back in his pocket and he notice the bus is coming. "Oh hey! The bus is here." I was glad it came as I got up from the bench and got on the bus.

As I got on the bus, I saw few people on the bus which there aren't lots of people on the bus. I saw the farebox and then grab my dollar out of my pocket and insert it in the bill slot, and I head to find a seat to sit.

I sat down on the third row seat and I looked through to the window as soon the bus starts moving. "Can't wait to show these homemade pens to Dence once I arrive to his house soon." Cosy said quietly as he was excited to see Dence.

He look through the window again and saw some people and family were walking on the sideway.

Cosy begin to talk to himself again about his professors once more. "I still don't get why they didn't told us they were retiring from teaching? I need to ask him and why." Cosy said. "I think I should stop worry about my professors. I been saying the same thing over and over after I went to the college." I sigh as I scoop back. "I'll take a nap till I arrive there."

I then took a nice rest as I close my eyes till I arrive there soon. I have to make sure I won't miss my stop.

As I resting, I then start dreaming again. But this time, not the dream I had back at the motel.

In my dream, I was 17 years old ago back then as I went to visit my brother Scar after he moved out.

Cosy ring the door bell and wait for his brother to answer the door.

Scar sees his brother on the front porch and open the door.

"Hey Cosy, surprise to see you here man." Scar said.

"Nice seeing you again Scar." Cosy smile. "How you doing after you moved out? It's been a while.

"I'm be doing fine brother, it was such a pain in the ass for moving all the stuff in the living room, the bathroom and much more. God my back hurts..." He rub his back. "So you came here to see me?"

"Yeah! I also have a favor for you Scar."

"What's that? Don't tell me... It's one of your lame joke isn't it?"

"No no no, that's not it. I just want to ask you if you want to go to the New York Hall of Science with me today."

"Well... Sorry Cosy, can't go with you. I have some plan in the afternoon."

"Oh okay then. But what kind of plan you having?"

Scar put his hand on his shoulder. "It's a secret alright? You can go without me, I'm busy with some other things and I need to finish up cleaning the apartment. Didn't want to upset you Cosy." Scar said as he pat his brother shoulder.

"It's okay Scar. You do what you doing and I'll have fun at the New York Hall of Science by myself."

Scar smile at his brother. "Thanks for understanding little bro. You have a great time at there." Scar closes the door.

Cosy then heads off to the New York Hall of Science while frowning.

"It's too bad he didn't want to come with me, I hope he has a good time whatever he doing." Cosy said.

Scar peek through his window to see his brother leaving. "Oh thank god I don't want him found out what I'm doing. Cosy wouldn't know I'm still moving all my stuff, I need to get my things so I can get ready till afternoon."

He was beginning to wake up from his dream "That dream I had..." He said after his woke up.

"The dream I was having, I remember I visit my brother few years ago after he moved out. I wanted to ask him if he wants to go with me, but didn't want to come since he has some plan. What kinda plan he has back then?"

Cosy was thinking a bit until he look through the window again and sees the sun was almost going down. "Oh no. How long I been asleep? I hope I didn't miss my stop."

I look at the window once more and sees a bunch of apartments in the neighborhoods area. "Perfect timing, this must be the neighborhood what Dence lives there." I reach my hand to pull the cord to request the bus to stop.

The bus stop as I pull the cord. Cosy got up from his seat and begin exiting out of the bus.

"You have a nice day sir." The female driver said.

"Same to you miss." I reply back to her while smiling as I got off the bus. Cosy then saw some apartments. "Wow! I wish I own a apartment, don't have enough money anyway... I'm still looking for a job. But, that's not the time. I need to find Dence's address." Cosy said and begin walking and starts to look for his professor's address.

"Dence's apartment number is 173, lets see I can find his apartment here in this neighborhood area." I said while walking on the sidewalk to look for my professor's address and looking at the apartment numbers.

"The people living in those apartments looks so neat." He smile while looking at their apartments they living while looking for Dence's apartment.

I kept looking and walking around the neighborhood to see what Dence is living. I take out the napkin out of my pocket which Ray wrote the address for me back at the cafe, I hold onto it to make sure I'll find his address.

Cosy kept walking as he was looking at the apartment numbers.

"His house gotta be... Right... Here!" I found his address which his apartment number is 173. "That was easy." I knock on the door to wait for Dence to open the door. But after that, he didn't answer the door. "Hm? Is he busy or did he left out to get some drink?" I just realized I didn't saw the doorbell as I arrive. "Oh oops! Didn't saw the doorbell. Quite small too." I press the doorbell as I heard the doorbell noise inside his home. "Can't wait to show my homemade pens to him." Cosy said as he was excited to see him.

As I'm still waiting for him to open the door. It's seem like Dence still didn't answer the door.

"Still no answer? I don't want to spam the doorbell that much. I'll keep waiting, I know Dence answer the door all the time what he say in class." Cosy said as he wait more.

I kept waiting more, but it's seem like Dence isn't really home.

"That's strange... It's seem like he's not home. Well... I guess I'll head back to the motel so I can get back working on my another inventions. I know Craft might be gone too. What Dence once say in class? He love cocktail drink so much."

Suddenly, I heard a ding sound effect somewhere.

"Password is correct! Welcome back Mr. Dence! It's nice to see you again. I would be sending you down to your lab right now. Please stand still for a second and enjoy the ride."

It was a robotic female voice, I don't know where it came from or how I activate the password somehow. It must be thinking I am Dence or something.

"Wait hold on! I'm not Dence, you're must be mistaking! I'm Cosy, I'm a student that graduation from college." Cosy said while he try to find the voice is coming from and try to explain it."

"I was trying to see he's home as I... Wait... What's that other sound I'm hearing?"

Cosy try to figure out what's the other sound coming from. But not realizing this, the hole suddenly open up while he was standing on the rug which had open a hole.

"What's going... HUH?!"

Before I react, I was too late as I fell down in the hole which I slide down to Dence's secret underground lab. I don't know what's this slide is taking me, I know the computer voice say it sending me into his lab if I'm correct.

After 7 seconds, I came out of the hole up in the celling as I finally got into his lab. I landed on few big pillows that save my fall, If the pillow wasn't there, my legs would be broken.

"Oh boy... I'm glad this pillow save my fall, but... Where am I? Is this Dence's lab what the voice said? It's too dark. Let me find the switch." I try to find the switch to turn the lights on as I place my hand on the wall if I found the switch.

I kept walking around the lab to find the switch as the room was too dark for me to see.

"Where is the switch? I should have brought a flashlight with me. If only I didn't expect Dence build a secret lab down here, I wouldn't know about this. I need to find a exit."

My hand was still place on the wall, I feel something. It's must be the switch.

"Ah ha! This must be the switch, let me see if this is it." I flip the switch as I turn the lights on. "Whoa! His lab!" I look around to see all of Dence inventions. "This is awesome! I never knew Dence take his inventions to the next level."

Cosy was looking at all those gadgets and weapons that was lock in the case.

"Unbelievable! So these the inventions he made by himself? Some of them are unreal." I said in excitement as I look at all those inventions.

Cosy saw a gadget in the case which is a shoes and he reads the description "If someone wears this shoes, it will allow them to walk on walls and ceiling." He said while reading. "A shoes that allow the user to walk on walls and ceiling?! That is amazing! Can't believe Dence manage to invent something like this. I'll check the other stuff he made and then I'll look around this lab a little bit."

He look at the second invention what Dence created is a weapon that can shoot large bubbles in different colors and he reads the description. "Shooting bubble? How about shooting color bubble? Sound awesome right?" Cosy said as he read the description. "Oh sweet, shooting large bubbles in different colors sounds really cool, I was thinking about that last month."

The other invention what Dence made is a gloves. I read it to see what it does. "If a person put both of the gloves on, it will allow them to aim it at high building for climbing, and it also use for swinging too."

Cosy was amazed at those gloves.

"So it's a grappling gloves? That's awesome! But dangerous too."

Cosy was impress at some of those inventions what his professor created. "Some of them were cool! I like the shoes more which is really useful for me to walk on walls and ceiling, wish I can try those shoes out.

I was done looking and reading all the inventions what my professor made. I begin looking around this area in this room to see more of his inventions on table which some of them were unfinished.

"Most of his stuff are quite unfinished, wish I can try it out, but I don't want to touch it and destroy most of his stuff by accident." Cosy said and walk pass it until he sees something on the another table.

"Huh? What's that on the another table? It's seem like it's not unfinished."

I walk towards to the another table to see a small cube sitting there by itself as I pick it up to look at it.

"Hmm? I wonder what this cube does? Does it have a button on it." I try to find a button on this strange cube what Dence invented. I soon find a small button which I didn't saw it. "Oh there it is!" I press the button as the cube was making colorful lights as I sat it down on the table while the cube was rotating different colors as I watch.

"Whoa... This is cool! Don't know how long it took him to create this." I kept watching the cube as it rotate a little faster and doing different colors.

"Now it's getting faster? Now I want to see what's going to happen next." The cube was increasing faster as the cube starts to move around the table.

"This is so awesome! I wish I can do this." While I was amazed at Dence's invention. The cube starts to move even faster as it jump off the table while spamming colors.

"Yikes! Is the cube unfinished? I thought it was finish. I need to stop it and turn it off before it break something in this lab. I don't want it destroying the lab." Cosy said.

The cube was moving on the floor as I try to catch it to turn it off. "Come back here!" I'm trying my best to catch the cube, but it was too fast. I don't want it to do so much damage in Dence's lab and his other inventions.

"I gotta turn off that cube, I don't want to ruined his lab and his other inventions."

Cosy trying his best to catch the cube, while it was bumping into chairs, and knocking over his cups down. "Shoot! I pick that up later till I stop that cube going crazy." Cosy said as he tries to catch the cube.

Just then, the cube starts to bouncing around the lab which is hard for me to catch it. "Oh no! Now it's bouncing too?! What else the cube about to do next?! Blow up?! I hope it doesn't..." Cosy said again as he try to catch the cube bouncing around the lab knocking more stuff and he was worrying about the cube might explode.

The cube was bouncing around as I try to catch it while it was bumping into chairs, tables, and his other inventions inside those glass case he look early.

"I don't know if it will explode or not, I shouldn't have press that button. I'm also glad those inventions inside those display glass cases are indestructible which I didn't realized that."

While the cube was bouncing and decreasing speed. It stop bouncing and making color as it lay on the floor still as I picked it up while I was so glad.

"Oh thank goodness... I was worry it might blow up. Hehehe..." I was so relieved the cube stop going nuts around the lab. It's seem like it turn off by itself. I was cleaning up the mess as I put those cups back on the table and putting all those unfinished inventions back on the table. After I was done cleaning, I saw a blueprint on the floor which I didn't see that.

"Huh? Is that a blueprint? I need to see what it is." Cosy said as he walk and picked it up to see what it is.

I pick up the blueprint from the floor to see what is Dence other invention is. "So Dence really has a blueprint for real." I was reading the blueprint that caught my attention. "No way?! Is this... A portal what he's working on along with Craft for months?! This is unbelievable! Is this real?!" I then look at Dence wrote this quote. What if we travel to a different world to find some greatest scientists that is not human, isn't it great Craft? Like hell! There is a possibly right? We can totally travel to a different reality to meet new people there! Awesome right?

"No wonder they disappeared after my graduation. They must had travel to a new different world to study there. I never knew this was possible, I thought it was impossible to build a portal to a different world. I didn't expect my professors was capable of building a portal. But... Is there a portal around his lab somewhere? I need to check it out to see if there is a portal here." I hold the blueprint with me.

I look around the lab to find a portal. "I really hope Dence doesn't realized I ended up in his underground lab, thanks to his computer voice outside." Cosy said while looking for the portal.

As I spotted a another door, I walk over there to see if this the portal in there. I look through the window and sees the portal in there. "This must be it!" I then look at the knob has a home combination lock with a keypad.

"Of course... It's a home combination lock. But I don't see no codes around his lab. Maybe I just guess it to see if I get it right?" Cosy said as he press the numbers on the keypad to open the door.

"Incorrect, try again. First try." Voice from the lockpad.

"He install a failed attempts on this home combination lock?! Bummer... What about the numbers what Dence said in class? That's must be his favorite numbers." I put in three, five, and nine to see if this is correct this time.

"Sorry... Incorrect again. Second try, this is your last chance."

"Oh shoot... If I get this wrong again, I will never see that new world and see my professors again. There is gotta be a correct numbers." Basically, I was thinking about the numbers on the napkin.

"I wonder if I can use this address numbers for this code? Maybe it should work? I pull the napkin out of my pocket to see the address numbers and try to see if this is the right digit code. "Let see if this is the correct code. I would be surprise if this is it.

Cosy than put in the one, seven and three if this correct this time.

"I hope this is the right code for this." I said.

"That is incorrect once again. Come back tomorrow."

Cosy frowned as he never going to meet his professors in that new world. "Well... That's okay then. I guess I'm never going to meet them again anyway. I'll just go back to the motel.

I then try to find a way to leave Dence's lab. I then found a exit door that lead me upstairs. It's like I'm breaking into his house which I'm really not. I begin walking towards the door.

As I about to open the door. I heard a unlock noise from the door which it from the home combination lock. "Just kidding! It was correct. You can now enter inside the room." The voice said and it was teasing me.

"Really?" I just smile and roll my eyes "I figure that was correct, he use his address numbers as a digit code. Really surprise anyway." I open the door to see a big portal as I enter inside the room.

"Oh my gosh! So this is the portal what Dence and Craft was working on. I wonder I can get this turn on?" I look around the portal to find a way to turn it on. I then saw a machine behind the portal.

"Hmm...? I wonder this machine still works? The wires are connected to the portal. It can be activated if I turn this on. But let me check the blueprint again."

I look at the blueprint again to find some clues how to operate this machine to run the portal. But there were no clues on it. "There's no instructions on it to operate this portal? Hmm? How odd... Let me look at the machine.

Cosy walk over to the machine that has a screen and try to figure it out to get it running. "There's no button on it, just a screen only." Cosy said as tries to find a way to turn it on, while he was thinking until he saw a hole in there.

"A hole?" I scratch my hair while confused. "Why there is a hole on this machine? That's strange... Hold on a second." Cosy know what's he thinking. "This hole on this machine. I think I need to pour it in there to get this machine running. Now I get it now, but where I can find some bottle of liquid in this room? I check around the room to find it.

Cosy was searching around the room to find some liquid in this room to get the machine running to have the portal turn on.

While I was looking for the bottle of liquid, I then saw some one bottle inside the top shelf cabinet.

"Bingo!" I walk over to the top shelf cabinet to open it as I grab the bottle. "This must be it! It was only one left inside the cabinet. Let see I can pour it inside the machine to get this operate." Cosy said as he walk back to the machine and he pour it inside the machine which cause it to turn on. While he was done pouring, he smell something similar. "Why this liquid smell like..."

Suddenly, a robotic female voice spoke from the machine.

"Detected! Cocktail booze was pour inside the machine. Preparing the portal now."

Cosy sweat drop a little. "Really Dence? The machine needs alcohol to run it?"

I then heard the noise from the portal which is opening, the blue light inside the portal was so bright a little as I watch.

"Holly molly! I can't believe it work!" Cosy said in excitement.

"But, I don't know if I want to do this or not. What if my parents and my friends starts worrying about me? No... If I enter inside the portal, I can't get back to my own world."

He thinks for a second. "Basically, what Dence wrote that quote on that blueprint. Someone in that new dimension might have a portal in that world. I really doubt that.

Cosy took a deep breath and was ready to step inside the portal.

"Alright! Here goes nothing. Craft and Dence, I can't wait to see you again." I begin walking towards the portal as I enter inside of it while I was sweating to see what will take me.
Search 1.3
The portal what Cosy walk through inside the portal. He have no idea what will take him, Dence's quote on the blueprint said there must be non human scientist in that different dimension if that true. I can't wait to find out once I arrive there.

A blue swirling portal send me in a forest as I walk out of the portal and look around to see lots of trees and saw few fireflies lighting up. It's seem to be night already in this dimension while back at my own world was almost dark.

"It's seem like I'm in this new dimension, but... I don't know where I am. I don't know why the portal send me to this strange forest, I need to be careful if I see some wild animals in the forest." Cosy said.

Cosy begin walking in the forest to find a way out of this forest to make out of alive in the forest so he won't get killed by some creatures in this new world.

I smell the air while walking. "The air smell like the one back at my own dimension. I hope I'll find some way to leave this forest and look for both of my professors."

Cosy was still walking in the forest while he grab both of the homemade pens out of his pocket while kept walking. "I need to hold on these so I won't lose them."

Suddenly, there was a sound from the south as I heard and look over there. "What was that?" Cosy said which he look at over there as he heard a footsteps as someone is stalking him.

I was shaking a little which I'm seem in a dangerous situation. Cosy tries he best not to run away, if he did. The creature might chase him.

"Whatever that was. It was so fast as I look over there." I said which I was still walking and looking around the forest if the creature is hiding somewhere and waits to attack me soon.

Cosy kept walking and he heard a footstep once again and tries not to look back while he was sweating.

"I hope it isn't following me..." Cosy said nervously.

Cosy took a deep breathe to calm himself down and kept walking to make it out of the forest alive.

"Did the portal send me to the right location?" Cosy was wondering. "I know this was strange of Dence for having the machine to require a cocktail to get the portal running which was odd. But why the portal send me here in the forest? I know I read the instructions on the blueprint to get the portal running. Maybe I didn't do it correctly or something?"

I kept thinking while walking as soon I tripped on something as I fell on the ground.

"Ouch... What was that I trip on?" I got up to see a small rock. "Oh that was a small rock. I need be careful while I'm walking." Cosy said and he heard the sound footsteps again. "Oh no..."

The footsteps sound was getting closer.

"It's getting closer... If I run, it might chase me. I need to close my eyes and stand still a while so it will leave me alone." I said as I close my eyes and stand still so it won't kill me.

Cosy was sweating as the footsteps was getting real loud. "I wish I didn't trip on the rock in the first place."

Just that, the footsteps stop and it was right next to me.

"Hello." A unknown person said.

"Eh?! Did the animal just talk?" I open my eyes to see a male person.

"AHH!" I jump back to see his eyes socket were black and his pupils was red, I then see a black hair and a slimy black tail behind his back. Then I see three sharp teeth sticking out of his mouth. I'm sensing this person isn't a human.

"You're not a human are you?" Cosy said while frighted.

The strange being was confused. "Human? What's a human?" He said which the nonhuman didn't know what's a human is.

"Like a example, I'm a human being from a different world. What are you?"

The unknown being move his pupils left to right and then look at Cosy. "A human... Never heard something like that before, And well... Um... I'm a humanoid worm." He said to Cosy which he reveal what species he is.

"A humanoid worm?" Cosy look around this humanoid person while the person is watching him. "I never seen a worm person that has limbs, but I can't believe It's my time seeing a non human being. I'm Cosy, what's your name?"

"Vital." The humanoid worm said and reveal his name to Cosy. "It's nice to meet you Cosy." Vital said as he smile. "I'm sorry for sneaking behind you like that which I was trying to see what you doing here in the forest by yourself.

"It's okay Vital, you didn't need to apologize for that. I just came from a different world to explore this new world to find my professors."

"Different world... Human... Professors..." Vital said while looking in the air. "I want to learn about the stuff from you." He look at Cosy. "Do you want to visit my place for a while?" He ask Cosy if he wants to visit his home.

"Your place? Well... I don't know." His scratch his hair and doesn't trust him.

"I'm not a hostile humanoid, trust me. I think you will be safe at my place at the swampy area I live. There is some another humanoids that is dangerous that likes to kill and eat you."

Cosy thinks for a seconds if he telling the truth. "Okay Vital. I'll visit your place." Cosy said.

Vital smile. "Good. Lets hurry up shall we?"

He shows Cosy where his place at and the two begins walking before the other humanoids finds them.

As the two walking. Cosy wants to ask him a question. "Hey Vital? You say there is more humanoids in this world, right?"

"Of course. There is more humanoids in this world which you can find different types of humanoids species." Vital said.

"So you telling me there are humanoids that has animal features in this world?"

"Yes, that's why's your seeing me as a humanoid worm. You might encounter a humanoid weasel or a humanoid sea mammals, and more." Vital said as he explains him about other humanoids he might meet.

"Wow... A world of humanoids that has animals features that look human. This new world is really interesting. I can see why Craft and Dence came to this world."

"Craft and Dence?"

"Yeah, they're my professors back at my own world I came from. I'm a college student that graduated from university."

"Graduated from college? Congratulation human."

"Thanks Vital." He smile.

Both of them were still walking as Vital's pupils stare at Cosy which he is following him.

"Human... So that's what a human is. I wonder...? Never mind. I think about it later on." Vital said in his mind.

After a long great walk, they finally arrive at the swampy area and Cosy sees a nice house.

"So this is your home? Looks neat." Cosy said.

"Yep, I usually live of my own and don't want another humanoids to see what I live."

"Why that's Vital? Is there a reason why the others don't want to see what you live?"

"Nothing... Lets just head inside."

Vital get his keys out of his pocket and walk towards to his front door to unlock it. "After you human." He let Cosy enter first.

"Oh thanks Vital." He enter inside of his home to see a couch, multiple tables, and a tv.

"Your place quite nice Vital. How someone visit your place before?"

"Not really. They doesn't come here for a visit and the other humanoids think I'm terrifying." Vital said.

"I don't think you're terrifying Vital. I did got spooked when I saw your eyes. But I think you're a nice person."

Vital look at him. "Thank you, no one ever being friendly towards me before." He said as he smile a little bit. "Would you like a coffee Cosy?" Vital ask Cosy and offer him a coffee.

"No think Vital. I'm not really a coffee person, but I do love drinking tea."

"Well I don't think I have any tea here. Sorry human." Vital said

"Oh that's a shame."

"Why don't you sit at the table to relax as I make my own coffee." Vital said as he ask him to sit at the table.

"Sure. My legs were getting a little tired all this walking after my long day back in my dimension I had." He said as he walks towards the table and sits down on the chair.

Vital walks to the kitchen to make his own coffee while Cosy wait patiently.

Cosy was thinking of a second while he look at Vital's tail. "His tail... It looks real. Never seen a walking humanoid worm before." He said quietly.

Vital was in the kitchen and he stare at Cosy while making his own coffee.

"Hmm..." Vital kept staring at him.

I was still waiting for him and then notice him watching me.

"Why is he staring at me like that? Did he heard me while I was talking to myself?" Cosy was getting chilled from Vital which he think he heard him.

Vital notice Cosy looking at him and look back while making his own coffee.

I was confused and nervous a little bit. "I wonder why he was staring at me for? Is it because I'm a human?" I said quietly again and waits for him till he gets done making his coffee.

Vital was done making his coffee and heads to the table where's Cosy sitting at.

"So Cosy. You said you came from a different world. I want to hear from you."

"Well okay then. Back in my own dimension, I'm a human from Earth. My professors been gone for three weeks and I want to find out why. I visit to my college after I graduated from and ask one of the people did they retire or not. Then after that. I then visit Dence's apartment until I discover his underground laboratory and find the portal they were working on and here I am."

"So your a human from Earth in a different dimension and you find out your professors been gone for three weeks and then you found their portal machine thing in the underground laboratory?"

"You are correct. The one he was working along is Craft. Dence is a assist to him which he likes to help out in class."

"I see." Vital took a sip from his coffee. "So the two teach you, like what?"

"They teach us science stuffs which we learn about how to make robots, doing biology, and more. That's why I want to be the best scientist like them." Cosy said in excitement.

Vital chuckles at the human. "I can see why you want to be like them."

"I mean I do want to be like them for building the portal they created." Cosy said and wants to ask him a question. "Hey Vital, I got a question for you. How you went to college before?"

"Um... Not exactly." Vital said.

"Why's that?"

"I took home school long ago which I don't want people around me."

"Home school you say. But why you don't want other humanoids around you?"

Vital tries to think of something. "Lets just say... There scared of my appearance."

"Oh come on. You're not that scary I'm sure those other kind humanoids like to be friend with you."

"To be honest human. No one wants to be around me due for a reason."

"A reason?"

"It's a secret okay? I don't want to talk about it..."

"Oh, alright then. I won't ask more question."

Vital took a sip of his coffee and Cosy yawn.

"I want to find where Craft and Dence at while I'm here in this new world." Cosy said which he was thinking about leaving.

"Basically, it's not a good idea for being out at late."

"Is that really that late? My wristwatch say 9:17 pm."

"Well not really. The time is 1:37 am." Vital said to Cosy about the right clock."

"I knew the clock has a different time zone in this world."

Cosy yawns again and stretched his arms.

Vital look at him. "You must be really sleepy human."

"Yeah... It's been a long day for me while I was busy looking for my professors." He smile.

"You can sleep on the couch. I only have one bedroom."

"Thanks Vital, you're the best humanoid I met. Goodnight." Cosy said as he got up from his chair and took his green jacket off.

"I'm the best...?" Vital said which he is surprised. "No one call me the best before."

Cosy took his shoes off and lay on the couch.

Vital watch him lay on the couch. "I do need some sleep too. But first, I need to do something first." He said as he gets up from his chair and took his mug to the kitchen to wash it.

Cosy grab the sheet to cover himself so he won't get cold.

In the kitchen. Vital was washing his mug and thinking about heading out at night for something. "Hmm... I need more sugar to make more coffee. But..." I look at Cosy which he was sleeping on the couch.

"Good. He's asleep." Vital said and grab his bag from the closet, then head towards to the front door.

He step out and lock the front door and starts wandering in the forest by himself to find something.

While Cosy is sleeping. He dream again once more.

Cosy was walking down the street until he sees his brother holding something in his hand.


He notice his brother saw him. "Oh hey brother!" It's not what it looks like."

"Why are you holding a bag of money in your hand?"

"You see... You remember I told you I got things to do?"

Cosy didn't believe him what he say. "I don't believe you brother. Did you rob the bank?"

Scar got nothing to say but to tell him for real. "Yes... I rob the bank."

Cosy was shocked to hear his brother robbing the bank. "I knew it! My parents were right about you. You're secretly a criminal that been hiding this from us. Why Scar?"

"It's because they didn't give me a nice apartment for me to live. That's why I want to have a perfect apartment rather living in that fucking awful apartment I'm living there."

"Just to rob a bank to get a nice apartment?! How can you be this selfish?!"

"Of course! That's why I need lots of money to steal from the bank. So I want you to be a good little brother to get out of my damn way. Or... If you try to call the police or our parents. I swear, I will kill you."

Cosy was shaking and step back what his brother said.

"Ha! I knew you be scared. So get of my way!" Scar said and push him away.

Cosy was pushed back and saw him running away.

"I'm not scared... I'm still going to call the police on you for those other crimes you did. I know you still going to kill me and my parents later on. I'm not going to forgive you Scar." Cosy said.

Back in reality. I was still sleeping and I suddenly was talking in my sleep.

"Scar... You won't get of way of this." I said in my sleep and roll over.

Just then. Vital came back after a hours and open the door with a bag which was full he's holding on.

"Phew... Good thing they didn't saw me out there." Vital said and carry the bag to the kitchen.

While Cosy was still sleeping. He smell something rotten as he woke up.

"Oh dang... What's that smell?" Cosy said as he gets up from the couch and sense the smell coming from the kitchen which the lights wasn't on.

Cosy walk towards the kitchen to see what the smell is until I saw something horrifying.

The bag inside of it were dead animals and humanoids body remains in it. Vital grab the arm part and pour the blood in his coffee and drinks it which he licks it. "So delicious... I wonder what's the human's blood taste like while he's sleeping. I can't wait to taste the sweetness from him." He said as he put the coffee down next to the coffee maker.

My eyes widen what he just did and said. I'm staying over at a murder house, and worst. He's not even a humanoid worm. I think he's a humanoid leech that likes to feed off someone blood which he lure me into his home. "I need to get out of here."

I rush to put my shoes on and put my green jacket on as I tries to be careful so I won't make a sound. As I got my things on, I went to the front door quietly and place my hand on the doorknob. But... It won't open.

"What the...? Why isn't it opening?" Cosy said while try to unlock it.

Vital was still in the kitchen draining the dead squirrel's blood and heard it in the living room. "Hmm? What's that sound?" He said as he put the bloody squirrel next to the bag.

Cosy couldn't get the front door opening.

"This is crazy... Did he lock it from the inside? I need to find a way out and-"


He eye widen again and turns around to see Vital with blood in his mouth.

"Cosy... Why are you up this late? Something wrong?"

"Vital?! Um... I need to take a fresh air outside."

"Why?" He tilt his head in a creepy way.

"The smell was bothered me, so I need some air." Cosy said sweating.

"No... I can't do that, your my prey. I want to taste your blood." Vital was walking slowly towards him.

Cosy was stepping back from him. "Wait a minute! Can we talk about this?"

"No talk. I wonder what a human blood taste like."

He was stepping back more from Vital and tries to find a way to escape.

"I got to find a way to distract him." Cosy said in his mind.

Vital smile evilly which shows his sharp teeth and he charge at him.

Cosy then dodge which Vital almost grab his arm and fell on the floor.

"Now my chance!" I push the couch on him to trap him to buy more time.

Vital struggle to get the couch off of him and Cosy heads to the hallway to find a escape.

"There gotta be a way to get out of this house! I can't believe I was sleeping at a killer house this whole time! What was I thinking?!"

Vital manage to get the couch off and sees him running in the hallway and begin going after him.

Cosy kept running and stop for a second and saw two doors. He try to open the first door, but it was locked. "Shoot! Won't open... What about the other door? It got to open." I open the second door, but that was also locked too. "Dang it!"

I then heard footsteps behind me which I turn around to see Vital walking slowly towards me. I was trapped. There was no way for me to escape.

"You can't escape now Cosy, now I can really taste your blood." Vital said which he licks his fangs.

"Vital... Why are you doing this? Why did you kill those poor animals and those other humanoids while I was sleeping?" I try to ask him for a reason.

"The reason why I'm doing this is because I can't control my hunger. I went outside while you was sleeping and slaughters some creatures and other humanoids which I do at late and afternoon. I need blood."

"Monster... There was no reason for stealing their blood." Cosy said while upset.

"I'm sorry human, I know you was kind to me, but I need blood to survive. and I want to taste a human blood from you. Be still, you might feel lots of pain once your body is dry up." Vital said and open his mouth and charges at him.

My eye widen and I ducked down which Vital crash into the second door.

Cosy sees the stairs that might lead him to the attic. "That's must be the way out of here!" Cosy said as he rush to the second door while Vital laying on the floor hurt after crashing into the door.

Vital notice Cosy was heading upstairs to the attic. "Get back here human!" Vital said out loudly and chase him upstairs.

I was running upstairs and I know Vital was chasing me. I couldn't look back as I kept running to the stairs to make it up there to the attic.

Cosy finally made it to the attic and sees a window. "There's my escape." I said and rush to the window.

Vital sees him heading to the window and tries to stop him.

"I will not let you leave till I have a taste of your blood human!"

When Cosy tries to open the window and tries to get out. Vital manage to grab his leg tightly to prevent him from escaping.

"Let go!" Cosy said to him.

Vital stare at his leg and attempt to bite his leg while holding it tightly.

"Finally. I can't wait to taste your blood" Vital said which he licks his lip and open his mouth.

I was shocked when he about to bite my leg to drain my blood and I have no choice to do this. "I'm sorry Vital... You leave me choice to this." I then use my other leg to kick him in the face.

Vital fell down on the ground which his face was bleeding.

While he's injured, I then manage to escape through to the window.

As I step out of the window. I was on top of the house, then I look down to see the ground. "So high... I can't jump down there. If I do, my legs will be broken and I'm done for. There is gotta be a way to jump down safety."

Cosy tries to find a way to jump down safety and sees a pond which might save his fall.

"Perfect!" I said as I make a jump for it and landed in the pond.

Vital gets up and notice the human had escape. "NO!" Vital yelled loudly and rush to the window to see Cosy in the pond. Vital was upset which he had lost his delicious prey and decided to whistle for someone.

While Cosy was swimming in the pond and tries to make it back to the surface and hears Vital is whistle for someone.

Cosy sees him whistling for someone. "What is he whistling to?" Cosy said and heard a splash from way back there.

I look back to see what that was that enter in the pond way back. It raise up and it was... A giant leech. it was looking right at me. "A giant leech!?" It kept looking straight at me and growls. "I need to get to the surface fast!"

He swim faster to get away from the giant leech.

"Come on girl! Devour him. I'll give you a nice tasty treat what I got in the kitchen." Vital said loudly to his pet.

I trying my best to get to the surface to not get eaten by his pet.

The giant leech was a good swimmer as it was so fast.

Cosy was almost to the surface as the giant leech roar at him which she was hungry to eat him whole.

As that, I finally made it to the surface as she almost bite my legs as I exit to the pond and rush to the forest.

"Liy, go after him." Vital said to his pet.

She then gets out of the pond and roar loudly and begin slithering fast to chase Cosy through the forest.

Cosy was running so fast which he was so glad to make it out alive from that murderous humanoid leech and his pet too. But, he heard a roar behind him which was his pet leech was still chasing me.

"It's still chasing me?! I need to find a place to hide!" Cosy said while running from her.

Cosy tries to figure out which way he need to go to lose her.

"I don't know which way I need to go. But I'll find somewhere so it won't find me where I'm hiding at." Cosy said again and went to the left to find a good place to hide from the giant leech.

Cosy kept running to look for a hiding spot to hide and he sees a large bushes.

"I hope it doesn't see me hiding in there." I said and jump right straight into the bushes and hide from Vital's pet."

Liy didn't know where Cosy at and she growls and sniff for him.

Cosy was sweating and covering his mouth so she won't notice him hiding in the bushes.

It slithering around the forest to find me where I'm hiding at.

Cosy try his best to not make a sound which Liy might know where's he hiding at.

The saliva from Liy's mouth which she was searching for the human to eat.

Liy sniff again to search for Cosy around other bushes which he watch her looking around the buses and try to stay quiet.

"Please don't find me..." He said in his mind.

She was sniffing around the bushes to find the human.

Cosy tries to find a weapon to attack her and he sees a broken branch on the ground and tries to reach it which until he made a little sound which made the giant leech noticing it.

Liy heard the sound came from and slithering where Cosy hiding at.

I quickly grab the branch and I saw the giant leech was coming this way. "It must have heard the bush sound." Cosy said and try to hide safety from her.

Liy was looking at the bush and was smelling the bush if he is hiding in there or not. As soon she smell him in the bush, she growls and know Cosy was hiding in there bush.

Cosy's eyes widen. "It noticing me hiding in this bush. I got no choice, this branch... I got to stab it in her stomach to scare her away. I really don't won't to do this."

I begin to hold the branch tightly and I stab Liy in the stomach which made her roar in pain as the blood was leaking out of her stomach and kept continuing roaring again.

"Now my chance to escape!" Cosy said and rush out of here while the giant leech try to get the branch off her stomach with her mouth.

I ran so quick as I was glad to make it alive back there for real this time.

Cosy kept running in the forest to get away from the giant leech from long distance so it won't find him again. Just that I see a tree which I hide behind it to see it's chasing me or not.

I look back to see it's not chasing me anymore.

"Oh thank goodness..." Cosy said and was so glad he escaped from that giant leech.

I rest my legs a little bit so I can find somewhere safe to sleep.

"Having a nice rest human?" Unknown person said.

"Who's there!? Is that you Vital!" Cosy said loudly and look around somewhere if he's here.

"No dumbass, I'm up here."

I look up to see who that is on top of the tree. It was a humanoid rabbit.

"A rabbit person?" Cosy said while seeing him up in the tree.

The humanoid rabbit then jump down from the tree and was about to stomp Cosy which he move out of the way which he was trying to kill him for some reason.

I was on the ground and sees this humanoid rabbit that almost stomped me. He was wearing a black shirt, dark blue pants, and red shoes. His hair was white, and his pupils in his eyes has a same color like his shoes. One tooth that was sticking out of his mouth was sharp. Something wasn't right, I don't think he isn't a friendly person as I back away from him while on the ground.

"You're a human, right?" Humanoid rabbit said.

"How did you know I was a human?"

"That doesn't fucking matter, you're a human aren't you? I didn't expect a human came to this world. I can't wait to kill you." He said evilly and walking towards him.

"What?!" Cosy said frighted while backing away more while on the ground.

"Oh wow, I never see a shitty human be scare of me that much. Hahaha! Don't worry. I'm going to give you a nice brutal death from me, but first. I might will torture you first."

"No wait! I want to ask why you want to kill me?"

"Do I look I want to explain you a damn reason?!"

Cosy gets back up and tries to run away from him.

The humanoid rabbit smirk and ran so quick and caught him in a instant and grab him by the collar jacket and lift him up in the air.

I couldn't believe what just happen, the humanoid rabbit was so fast as he tries to escape, but caught him in three second, and lifting him me up in the air too as well while staring at me.

"What the!? How did you catch me that fast!?"

"I don't know, maybe I'm a good runner like your fucking human kind." The humanoid rabbit said and throw him right straight at the tree with his ridiculous strength.

Cosy groan and feel his back was injured and was laying on the ground.

The humanoid rabbit smile again and walk towards him and grab him by the hair tightly and stare at him.

"Please. Why you doing this?" Cosy said while he was injured and hurt.

"Why? You want to fucking know why?! I hate human! Simple as that. I'm not going to give you detail Why I'm doing this. In matter of fact. I want to find out where you came from and visit your world and kill all those human."

Cosy was shocked he just say. "No! I'm not going to let you genocide all those human in my homeworld!" He said and was ready to punch him.

"Go ahead. Do it then. I like to see how weak you are."

Cosy then try to punch him in the cheek hard for threating for killing the human race in his world. But the humanoid rabbit just tank the punch like it wasn't nothing which Cosy was surprise at this.

"Just what I thought. A weak ass human being." He punch Cosy in the stomach.

He felt the pain from that punch which the humanoid rabbit let go of him which Cosy struggle and cough off blood on the ground while the humanoid rabbit watch him and laughs.

"So weak. Couldn't hit that hard." The humanoid rabbit was mocking him."

That punch from him. It was like a big rock that fell on my stomach. What in the world is he made of?

"Before you die. My name is Nal by the way. See you in hell!" He raise his fist to strike Cosy in the face.

I close my eyes to meet my fate. There is nothing I can do just die.

But suddenly. A mystery another humanoid with yellow horn came out of nowhere and had stop Nal's fist from killing Cosy.

"What the fuck?! Who are you!?" Nal said to this unknown humanoid.

"That's quite enough from you. I'm not going to allow you to kill him."

"I have no idea who the hell you are. YOU"RE IN MY DAMN WAY!" Nal said out loud and dash at the unknown humanoid to strike a punch.

The Unknown humanoid dodge his fist at quick speed.

"What the?!-" He was interrupt when the unknown humanoid uppercut him in the chin and then kick him right straight at his stomach that send him knocking across multiple trees.

Cosy was shocked at this and wants to know who this humanoid that save him.

Unknown humanoid look back to Cosy. "Don't worry, I'm not like those other evil bastard like him."

"Who are you?" Cosy said.

"My name is Vold, It's not the time to explain this. You're badly injured."

Nal was on the ground groaning in pain and gets up. "What in the hell was that person? It has two yellow horns on top of his head." While Nal was talking he notice a bruise on his chin which was bleeding a little and was pissed.

"That damn horn person! I'm going to kill him for that!" He said angrily.

Nal then rush back to murder Vold for that punch.

The unknown humanoid help's Cosy up, while he couldn't stand after the punch from Nal.

"It's no used... I can't walk after that big punch from that guy."

"Don't worry, I'll take you somewhere elsew-"

"YOU!" Nal said out loudly to Vold.

Cosy and Vold look at Nal was already back.

"I have no idea how the hell you strike me like that, it hurts. and I'm really PISSED OFF!" Nal said out loud and try to kill Vold for that.

"I'll take care of him. Don't run or he'll chase you down."

Vold dash at Nal and try to make a strike with his fist which Nal caught it this time.

"Ha! Not this time." Nal said cocky.

"Really then? Can you handle this?" Vold said and open his mouth as he breathe fire at him."

"What the hell?!" Nal dodge the fire and was surprise at this.

Cosy couldn't believe what Vold just did. "No way! The fire he breathe. Is Vold a humanoid dragon!?" Cosy said.

Nal was backing away a little which he wasn't scare. "Damn... I almost got burned from that.

"Is that so?" Vold walking towards him. "Tell me. I want to know why you was about to kill this person." While staring at him. "If not... I might have no choice to burn your whole body if you don't tell me why?" He said coldly.

"You think I'm afraid of you dragon boy?" Nal said and look at the big tree and he picks it up with his bare hands without struggling.

Cosy was beyond shocked what he is seeing right now. "Did he lift up the entire tree like it was nothing?! " Cosy said and tries to find out why in the world is Nal so strong.

Vold was staring at him and not scare at all. "Impressive... But I seen something like that before."

Nal was confused what he meant by. "What the hell you mean you seen something like this? You know I will crush you like a bug. Should you be scare of me holding this big ass tree?"

"If I'm really scared. It just makes you a idiot." Vold said.

Nal was pissed what he just said.

"What the fuck did you just say!? That's it! I'm killing you right now!"

Nal was holding the tree and then slam him so hard which cause a big shockwave that push Cosy out of the way.

"He jump on the tree and laugh so hard."

"Not so tough aren't you dragon boy? Seen something like that my ass! Hahaha! That is one of most fucking lamest shit I ever heard. Oh well... Time for me to kill the human."

Before he was about to kill Cosy. He notice a rumble sound from the tree while Vold was still alive. "What the hell!? There is no way he survive that!"

Vold lift up the tree with one hand and was completely fine and clean his clothes with his other hand.

"No fucking way... He's alive!? How!?" Nal was backing away slowly.

Vold look at Nal stepping back. "So you stepping back huh? That's a shame. I want to continue our fight. Beside, I wasn't really taking this battle seriously. I was holding back.

Nal was shocked a little. "Holding back?!" He growl at him.

Vold put the tree back and look at Nal. "What's the matter? You don't like it if I burn you to crisp?" Vold said and walking towards him which he summon two fire in his hands. "Two options. Tell me or leave." Vold said again in a coldly tone.

Nal kept growling at Vold. "Fine... You win, next time. I will come back."

He left and heads off somewhere.

Vold look back at Cosy and sees him on the ground.

I walk towards him and picks him up. "Hang on tight, I'm going to take you somewhere safer." Vold said as he let his wings out and fly's up in the air to take him somewhere so those other humanoids won't kill him.

As Vold was holding on Cosy while flying. He have no idea who this person or species he is. "Whatever he is... He's not a humanoid."

For a long minutes. I couldn't wake up for a long hours. I know I was somewhere safer.

In the morning, I woke up in a bedroom. I look around to see I am in someone house. I then get out of the bed which my stomach still hurt a little which I can barely stand. I then heard voices.

Cosy open the door and heads out of the bedroom to see where the voice is and who live in this house. I then see two person in the kitchen.

"I hope he's alright when he gets up." The humanoid lizard said.

"Are you sure? Can we trust him? He's seem scary." The humanoid firefly said.

Cosy then enter the kitchen. "Um, hello you two." I greet the two.

"AH!" The humanoid firefly went under the table.

"Come on Light, really? He's not going to harm us."

"But that person is not a humanoid Dalso. What if he kills us?"

Dalso sigh and look at Cosy. "Hey man, I'm glad to see you awake. Had a nice nap?"

"Yeah, I did. Where I am? I remember I was at the forest last night."

"Oh Vold drop you here. You was in a bad shape what he said." Dalso said.

"I know... I had ran to two of those another humanoids. I encounter was a humanoid leech named Vital along with his giant leech which he name her Liy if I'm correct, and lastly was Nal a humanoid rabbit. He-"

"Vital?!" Light came out under the table. "Did you say Vital!? The guy that drain people blood when he lure people in his home!"

"I did. You know about him?"

"Of course... I know him long ago. He's not a good person. Vital is known for catching and killing other residents he finds. That includes animals too. Worst of all... He also wandering into the city to stalk them."

Cosy was getting chilled what Light said and glup.

"I'm glad you okay man, and I can't believe you manage to escape from that guy. No one ever got out of his house of alive." Dalso said and pat Cosy on the back.

"Hehehe... I know." I scratch my hair. "So you are Dalso and your friend is called Light, right?"

"Yep! And don't worry about Light. He mostly be afraid of someone that likes to eat him."

"Really? The tail behind you. I'm sure you are a lizard."

"Man you are correct, and also. I'm not a bug eater, just letting you know that."

Light was sweating a lot.

Cosy look at him. "Hey Dalso? What species is your friend is?"

"Him? He's a humanoid firefly. Kinda cool right?" Dalso said. "So pal, what's your name? And what species you are? Sorry for stealing your question. Hahaha." Dalso laugh a bit.

"I'm Cosy, and I'm a human."

"A human? That's new. Never seen a human before." Dalso said.

"I'm know this might sound weird you too. I'm from a different dimension."

"That rings a bell. I know I heard rumor stuff I visit the huge place long ago they talk about dimensions stuff." Dalso said.

"Wait... Rumor? Huge place?" Cosy was confused.

"Isn't that the organization called Global Across Network we used to visit there a long ago with all the science stuff and tons of amazing humanoid scientist?" Light said.

"Global Across Network?" Cosy said.

"Oh heck yeah. Why I couldn't think of that huge place name? Been a long time." Dalso laugh again.

"Wait a minute... The quote from Dence's blueprint. So there is scientist humanoid in this world. My professors might be at the Global Across Network what the two just say." Cosy said in his mind.

Cosy look at Dalso. "Hey Dalso? Do you know where's Global Across Network? I want to visit there if my professors are here in this world."

"Oh man... I don't know if I remember the place." Dalso tap his finger on the table.

"Dang it..." Cosy said.

"But! I know one person that know the place. It's Badge."

"Huh? Badge? Who's that?" Cosy said.

"A friend of mine. Don't worry, Badge isn't a jerk, but a little bit."

"Dalso, are you sure that humanoid badger might help us where the location of Global Across Network at?" Light said.

"Trust me Light, I know he is a pain of the butt for messing with us. Beside... I know why Cosy wants to visit there, he's from a different world if he telling the truth. If the rumor is true, we both will be amazed."

"Well okay then." Light said with a worry look.

Dalso got up from his chair and look at Cosy. "Alright Cosy. Me and Light we'll take you to the Global Across Network to see your professors.

Cosy smile. "Thank you guys, you two are awesome!" I said and gets up.

Light gets up too. "I wonder what's your world look like Cosy. I hope your race won't eat me or something."

I sweat drop. "Don't worry, we not that bad." He chuckles.

The three decided to head to the Global Across Network for a visit to see Craft and Dence if they are at the organization place. It looks like this is the world what my professors are at now. Can't wait to see them again.
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Going Against My Other Self?! 2.1
The three exit the house and begin heading to find Badge's house to head to the Global Across Network.

Cosy look around to see a nice neighborhood in this area and saw other humanoids taking the trash out and walking on the sidewalk.

"Wow! The neighborhood in this area looks peacefully." Cosy said.

"You say it man, people here in this neighborhood are quite friendly. But I know they might be confuse at you since they think your not a humanoid." Dalso said to him which the other humanoid might think Cosy isn't a humanoid.

"I know, it might look strange to explain them about where I came from."

"Just forgot to mention this." Light said while flying and look at Cosy. "Why did you want to visit Global Across Network for?

"Oh right!" Cosy gets both of his homemade pens out of his pocket to show it to Dalso and Light. luckily there were still in there after I arrive in this dimension and the pens wasn't broken after my encounter with Vital and Nal.

"There are the pens I invented back in my homeworld. I want to show it to my professors of my effort and give them as a gift."

"That's radical Cosy! Didn't knew you was a inventor. How long did it took ya to make them?" Dalso said.

"Took me weeks to finish them. It's not the best, but it's my first invention. I want to invent more inventions like Craft and Dense does." Cosy said and put it back in his pocket.

"Amazing, I can see why you want to visit the Global Across Network and see those two." Light said which he was amazed at Cosy's first invention.

"Craft and Dense? Sound like a cool name for your professors Cosy." Dalso said. "I want to see them what they look like."

"I hope his professors aren't secretly a bug eater." Light said in a worry way.

"Light come on... You know Cosy and his race don't eat bugs, I'm sure his professors doesn't too. You got to stop being paranoia man."

"I guess you're right, I think I'm be paranoia so much due to my fear to other humanoids that wants to eat me."

"Not all other humanoids that wants to devour you pal. You remember I met you at the park which you was so scared of me thinking I was about to eat you?" Dalso said to Light.

"Yeah... I did met you at first which you was a humanoid lizard thinking you was going to eat me as I fly up the tree. A lizard was my biggest fear..."

"Hehehe, I know I had to convince you which I'm not some type of humanoid lizard that wants to eat you and other humanoid bugs. But anyway, I'm glad we on a good term and best friend." Dalso said and smile at his pal.

Light laughs nervously. "Yeah, I'm glad you're the first humanoid lizard that doesn't want to devour me."

Cosy watch the two talk how they met and smile.

The three were still walking and almost there to Badge's house to ask him to take us there to the Global Across Network.

Dalso can sees Badge's house. "Yo guys, there his house. I hope the dude is home or not."

"I hope Badge won't make fun us..." Light said.

Dalso walk up to his porch and rings his doorbell.

Light hide behind Cosy's back.

Badge open the door and greets Dalso. "Hey Dalso! What's up?" He said and shake his hand.

Dalso shake his hand. "Oh I been fine man, I was expecting you to pull some prank on me or something."

"I was planning to, Hahaha! So? Who's that guy with the white shirt with a green jacket? Is he a friend of your? He look weird without a tail or something." Badge said.

"Not cool man. This is Cosy, he's a human from a different dimension. I was wondering if you-"

"Wait wait wait, hold on a minute. A human? Never heard of that before. So this guy is not a humanoid?"

"Of course he isn't a humanoid, this might look strange and why he's here in this world. I was thinking if you can take us to the Global Across Network so Cosy can see his professors at the organization?"

"Hmm..." Badge was thinking for a second. "Sure! Why the hell not! I'll take you guys there."

"Really?" Dalso was surprised. "I thought you going to refuse or something?"

"Believe me man. I got nothing to do today which I been watching tv and hanging out with Tacko and Shelt lately. So I'll take guys to the Global Across Network so this kid can see his professors."

"Awesome man! Thanks!" Dalso said in excitement.

"Before we go. I notice the wings behind that white shirt person. Is scaredy bug with you two?" Badge know Light is hiding behind Cosy's back."

Light was shocked which his wings was twitching in fear.

"Ha! I thought so. Hold on a minute, I need to get my things so we can hit the road." Badge said and went back inside the house to get something.

Cosy look at Dalso. "Wow Dalso, your friend is um... Kinda cool and funny?"

"Trust me... I'll say it again. He's a pain in the butt... I wish I remember the location of Global Across Network at. But it's been a long time."

Badge came out of the house and already got his things which was his phone and his key. "Did I say minute? I meant seconds. Get it? Seconds! Hahaha! Come on, Lets go." He said and lock the door and heads toward his car.

Dalso roll his eyes and follow Badge and same with Cosy and Light.

"I wish I was at home enjoying a nice hot cocoa..." Light said.

Badge unlock the car door and got inside of his car and then unlock all doors for the three to get in.

Dalso got inside the front seat and Cosy and Light sit at the back seat.

"I'm surprise this world has vehicles in this world." Cosy said.

"You're going to be more surprise human guy. The Global Across Network and the city has kind of awesome stuff in this world." Badge said and starts his engine and starts driving.

While we finally heading to the organization, I am really excited to see Craft and Dence again. I look out the windows to see a humanoid dog greeting a other humanoid which was a horse person.

"Unbelievable..." Cosy said while staring at those two humanoid talking. "So this world is full of humanoid with animals features?"

"You damn right. There are lots of type of humanoid species in this world, I can't tell how many on this freaking planet." Badge said.

"How many exactly?"

"I don't know? Maybe... Billons?" Badge said which he was guessing.

"Billons?!" Cosy said in shocked.

"I think Badge is right." Dalso said. "There is billons of humanoid people in this world, crazy right?" He laugh.

"Don't forget there is over 1000 types of species in this world." Light said.

"You're totally right scaredy bug."

"It's Light... Why everyone called me scaredy bug?"

"Well maybe you're scared of everything because you're afraid of other people that will eat you, right?" Badge said in a mocking way.

"Cut it out Badge. The dude just have paranoid issue." Dalso said.

"Yeesh... Sorry man. I was messing with him." Badge said and focuses driving.

Cosy was thinking about meeting new humanoid people around the world.

"So human guy. You're a human person, correct?"

"Um? yes I am."

"How did you end up here in this world?"

"I came from the portal which my professors invented back in own world."

This got Dalso attention. "A portal?! No way. You're professors might be a super genius for that. How on earth did they manage to build something like that?" Dalso said and wants to know.

"I have no idea how they build the portal while I graduated from college. I though Craft and Dence retired from college which I just find out about that."

"That's explain that." Dalso said.

"I wish I brought the blueprint with me to show it to you three what the portal machine look like."


The four kept talking and was almost there to the Global Across Network organization which will take five minute to arrive there soon.

Light was asleep and Cosy was still up and wants to ask Dalso about the humanoid dragon. "Hey Dalso? Do you know where Vold went after he drop me in your house?"

"Vold? I don't know man, he didn't told me where he was going after he left. I met the guy before. But... He never smile for a reason."

"Never smile? How come?"

"I have no idea Cosy. He just never smile, I want to tell him what's wrong and ask him about his past. But Vold didn't want to tell me about it."

"Oh darn, poor guy. I wish I'll see him again one day and ask him."

"What's this Vold person you two talking about?" Badge said.

"A person I know a while back and he drop Cosy in my house."

"What is he anyway? Is a humanoid or he just like that human like that white shirt person."

"Vold told me he's a humanoid dragon. We don't have any humanoid dragon on this planet before which is surprising." Dalso said.

"Wait, What you mean by we don't have any humanoid dragon on this planet?" Cosy said.

"I have no clue, he told me he was a humanoid dragon which I was thinking if there were one on our planet. It's seem like this planet doesn't really have a humanoid dragon, which is rare for me seeing the guy."

Cosy was wondering. "You know this might feel funny what I'm going to say. Is Vold from a another planet?"

"Well..." Dalso was about to think of something to say until Badge interrupt the two talking.

"Yo! We almost there. I can see organization way up ahead."

"Oh sweet! About time." Dalso said and look at Cosy. "I think the people at Global Across Network might explain this about Vold and where he come from. They might give us answer."

"Gotcha, I hope it's true he's from another planet. This world surprise me even more."

After 1 hours from our long road. We finally made it to the Global Across Network. I look out the windows to see lots of cars.

Cosy look up the building that shows a planet globe sign with 3 letter says G.A.N in short name.

"So this is Global Across Network. I can't wait to see what's inside the place and see my professors are really in there." Cosy said and exit out of the car.

Badge and Dalso exit out of the car too, expect one person.

"Hey? Is Light coming out?"

"I think he still sleeping." Dalso said.

"Don't worry guys, I'm going to wake up scaredy bug." Badge said.

"What are you doing Badge?" Dalso said.

Badge walk to the open middle car door and sees him still sleeping in there while Light was snoozing peacefully.

He smirk and begins to scare him. "BOO!"

Light woke up scared and fell out of the car. "What was that?! I heard a bug eater in my dream?!"

"Hahaha! Oh man, I can't believe you got spooked like that."

Cosy and Dalso sweat a little.

Light gets up. "What's the big idea Badge? I was having a nice dream of myself enjoying a hot cocoa and talking to Mr. Clock guy."

"I have no idea what you just said, but whatever. We're here at the Global Across Network scaredy bug."

"Stop calling me scaredy bug!"

"I swear. I wish I have a car and he didn't come with us." Dalso said and face palm.

"Totally agree with you Dalso." Cosy said.

After that. The four went inside the organization and Cosy sees lots of humanoid people inside the building looking all the stuff and saw other humanoids wearing a lab coat showing people around this organization.

"Holy basket... This place is amazing and huge. This place is lot better than the New York Hall Of Science back in my world." Cosy said in amazed way.

"I know I came here to see all the awesome stuff in this place before. You might be surprise Cosy. This place is actually a hybrid organization museum mix-up together." Badge said to Cosy.

"That's explains with lots of cars out there, but this is awesome."

One of the humanoid scientist which he is a goat male saw Cosy which he is sensing he's a human. "No way! Is that a another third human?! I need to inform Professor Emi about this. She will be surprise at this." He said and rush to her.

Dalso walk around to see a monitor that shows about gadget stuff and other things too. "It's been a long time I came to this place. Good time."

Cosy was looking for his professors while Badge was following him.

"So kid? Is there a reason why you want to come here to see your professors?" Badge said.

"Yeah, I haven't see them since 3 weeks after I graduated from my college. I wanted to show them what I made."

"What you made? Can I see it?"

"Sure." I took the pens out of my pocket and show it to Badge. "I made these to show it to Craft and Dence and give them as a gift."

"Holy damn. That's actually cool man, you might end up working in this place someday."

"Wait seriously? Working in the Global Across Network?"

"Yeah dude, what you just invented, this organization is a kinda place for you to have a job here."

"Don't know about that Badge." He scratch his hair. "My friends and family back in my world might be worry about me. I been here for one day after the incident in the forest when I arrive in this dimension. Beside, I want to-"

"Yo dude? Hate to interrupt you, but I see one professor coming this way."

"Craft?!" I turn around to see it's him, but's it not Craft. It was a female humanoid wolf that wears a white lab coat, black shirt, heels and pencil skirt.

"Oh who's this hottie?" Badge said.

"Hello Human, welcome to the Global Across Network. Nice to meet you." The female humanoid wolf said and greets Cosy.

"It's nice to meet you miss...?"

"Professor Emi, you can call me Emi. It's fascinating to see a another human in this world."

"Another human? You mean that Craft and Dence are here in this building?" Cosy said and was wondering.

"Of course! I'm guessing you know those two, am I correct?" She smile.

"Yes, I do know them. Craft and Dence were my professors in my college back in my world."

"That's surprising to hear that. A college student travel to this world. You don't mind coming with me? First, what's your name?"

"Sure, I'll go with you Ms. Emi. My name is Cosy."

"Wonderful, Follow me Mr. Cosy. I want to show you the demonstration around Global Across Network and speak with you in private in my office."

Badge smirk at Cosy. "I'll see you around man. I'm going to meet back to see Dalso and scaredy bug to see where they at." He said and left.

"I'll see you later Badge." Cosy said and he follow Emi.

Badge chuckles a little bit. "I leave him be along with her, I can tell his nose was a little red." He laughs.

Cosy catch up to Emi and ask her a question. "Ms. Emi? How did you know I was a human?"

"How did I know? Simple, I invented a machine called the Dimension Viewer which allow me to look at possible alternate new worlds. That's why I encounter your homeworld and did some research on your planet and your race."

Cosy was amazed what she just say. "Dimension Viewer? That's amazing. How long did it took you to finish it?"

"It took me 5 years to invented the machine and did some test on it which I first look at the alien dimension and then research on that world to study on their home planet and their entire people."

"Wow... incredible. You're more a genius then my professors." Cosy said.

Emi giggle at Cosy "Thanks for the compliment Cosy." She smile.

The two with up on the escalator stairs.

"So this is Global Across Network, correct? Badge said it's a hybrid organization and museum mix-up together?

"Indeed it is. Global Across Network is for every resident to come here to see all the amazing stuff we invented and they look at unseen stuff from different worlds and much more."

"Awesome, this is similar to New York Hall of Science back in my world, but way better." Cosy said.

Cosy and Emi finally got on the top floor and the two got off the escalator stairs.

"My office room should be at the east Mr. Cosy." Emi said.

The two heads to the east and there were few humanoid scientist that was looking at Cosy.

I wave at them nervously which they probably thinking I was new in this place or something.

As we were walking to the hallway. We saw a female humanoid ferret was holding a lots of papers.

"Oh hey professor Daily." Emi said. "It's seem like you outta papers again."

"Yeah... I can't believe I was outta paper again. I think I haven't put that much papers in my printer tray." Daily said and then she look at Cosy. "Hey Emi? Who's that with you? Is he a new member here?"

"That's a bummer you was outta papers again Daily." Emi said. "This is Cosy, he's a human from a different world, and no. I am showing him around this building."

"A another human?!" Daily said in excitement and walk up to him. "I'm Daily, it's nice to meet you Cosy, like your name by the way."

"Nice to meet you Ms. Daily." I smile.

"I want to learn more about you Cosy, but I need to head to my office to work on my latest invention I'm working on. My hands are getting tired for holding these crap tons of papers. See ya you two!" Daily said and heads back to her office room.

Cosy look at Emi. "She's a friend of your Emi?"

"She is. We used to work together back in high school and became great friends."

"Oh that's cool you two are great friends Emi."

After 1 minute of walking and talking. Cosy and Emi finally made it to the office at the end of the hallway.

"Here's my office Cosy." She said and get her keys from her pocket and unlock the door.

Cosy and Emi went inside the office room, while Cosy was amazed at the size of her office room.

"Holy moly, your office room is quite big." Cosy said and then look at the other inventions on the table. "Are those your other inventions you was working on Ms. Emi?"

"Why of course. There quite unfinished which I need to work on the circuits on them, which has some small bugs in it."

"I see then." Cosy said.

Emi walk to her desk and sits down at her chair. "Sit down Cosy. I want to ask few questions about you."

I sat down on the chair which the chair feel soft.

"Now Mr. Cosy. How did you manage to travel to this world by yourself?"

"Well back in my own world, I went to Dence's apartment to see he's home or not. When I arrive to his front porch, I somehow enter inside his secret underground laboratory which was the password I activate which I say about his favorite drink. I then discover a portal machine which my professors been working on together, that's how I ended here since it send me to the forest."

"Interesting. Now I can see why you travel here like your professors did. Another question. Why did the portal send you to the forest? And did you encounter something dangerous in the forest?"

"I don't why the portal send to me to the forest and I have no clue why, and yes Unfortunately... I met a humanoid leech named Vital which he seem friendly at first. But as soon I visit to his home to sleep there till morning, he was a murderous person. I smell the awful sense from the bag in the kitchen while I was sleeping on his couch, which I saw dead animals and other people he killed while he was draining their blood."

Emi was shocked at Cosy's story. "Oh my goodness, I'm sorry to hear that you encounter a terrible humanoid person. How did you escape from his place?"

"I manage to escape from his place alive, I know all the windows were shut close and he lock me from the inside so he won't let me escape. I made it up to the attic which I jumped out from the window."

"Really glad you okay and got out alive Mr. Cosy. I let the others professors know about this and find the location of his place."

"Be careful, he had a pet giant leech that chase me through the forest."

"Christ! Who in a right mind own a giant leech?!" Emi said in frighted way. "I'll let the CEO know about this and have it capture and terminate it for good. I did heard rumor on the tv lately. Thanks for telling me this Cosy."

"You're welcome Ms. Emi."

"Now for the last question. Does the human in your world ever invented something impressive like the portal machine?"

"Well... Not really. I never seen no one build something amazing like inventing a flying cars or jetpack, just my professors only."

"I see. Thanks for answer three of my questions Mr. Cosy." She said and shake his hand.

Cosy shake her hand. "You're welcome, It's nice to meet a friendly humanoid wolf like you." He smile.

Emi smile. "It's pressure for meeting a kind human like you Mr. Cosy."

Meanwhile back to Dalso and Light.

"I wonder where's Cosy and Badge at?"

Light was looking around which are lots of people in the building until he saw Badge. "Hey Dalso, I think I see Badge. I think?"

Badge see the two and walk up to them. "Sup guys? Sorry I'm late, I be looking around some cool stuff."

"Oh that's great, where's Cosy? Was he with you?" Dalso said.

"The humanoid wolf named Emi wants to talk Cosy in private."

"Who?" Light said.

"You know? The sexy scientist wolf wants to show him around this building and talk to him in private in her office room. I notice I saw Cosy's nose was a little red when he saw her." Badge laugh.

"Seriously Badge? They just met."

"Hahaha kidding man, just kidding."

"Ugh..." Dalso groan.

Up on the top floor. Cosy and Emi exit out of the office and she lock the door.

"Hey Emi? I was thinking about something. With the Dimension Viewer, are there possible new universes popping out in your world and mines?" Cosy question her.

"Of course. While I was using the Dimension Viewer, I think in my research, I stated there are universes popping up endlessly in my world and your world."

"Really? So it's keeps popping up new universes nonstop? That's coo-"


I stop and I know that voice is as I turn around to see Craft.

"Craft?!" Cosy said.

It was Craft, it was really him.
Going Against My Other Self?! 2.2
My professor Craft was speechless while looking at me.

"Cosy?! How on heaven did you get here?!"

"Well you see..." I scratch my hair. "I went to Dence's apartment to see he's home or not, I somehow activate his password about his favorite drink before I was about to go back to the motel."

"That drunken idiot! I told him to disable that damn password!"

Emi was listen their conversation and plan to see Daily.

"I leave you two along, I want to check Daily and to see her invention and help out." Emi said and left.

"See ya Ms. Emi." Cosy said and wave at her.

Craft was still confuse at Cosy. "Tell me Cosy, how did you manage to get here? And how did you manage to access to the room where the portal machine at? The passcode was hidden for you to figure it out."

"Well it's not surprising for me how I figure it out that easily Mr. Craft. It was the correct passcode which was his address number."

Craft facepalm. "That son of a bitch... Why did he use his address number for his passcode?"

I shrug at my professor.

Craft look at Cosy. "Look, you can't be here in this world."

"I know, I told Emi about the incident when I arrive in this dimension which the portal send me to the forest."

"That is why you can't be here in this world, it's too dangerous. I'm surprise you're still alive. Speaking of which, how on earth did you got the portal machine running?"

"While I was in his underground laboratory. I look at the blueprint to get portal running which I needed to get it running was a simple cocktail booze."

"Of course... The moron left the last booze on the top shelf." Craft said.

"That is why I'm here to give this to you." Cosy said and reach his hand in his pocket and show the pens to Craft.

"Pens?" Craft said and grabs the pen. "Is this for me?"

"Yeah, I came all this way to give this to you and Dence since you two were gone for 3 weeks. I invented by myself by the way."

"Thanks Cosy, I don't know what to say. You're probably the first student to give me a gift. I'll give this pen to Dence."

"You're welcome Mr. Craft." Cosy smile. "Say? Where is Dence?"

"That buffoon might be having break to have a drink."

Dence was walking and drinking his cocktail booze.

"Man! This cocktail drink in the humanoid world is still the best!" Dence said.

Emi was walking and sees Dence "You got a special visitor Mr. Dence, and professor Craft is not really happy with you."

"Special visitor?! Who's that? A extra dimensional alien?"

"No, a third human named Cosy knows you and Craft."

"What?! Cosy is here!? That can't be!" Dence drink his cocktail booze and rush there.

Cosy and Craft were walking and begin heading down to the bottom floor.

"Hey Craft? What you meant by dangerous? Some of the humanoid people in this world seem nice and friendly."

"Well to explain this to you Cosy. Some of them can be nice, or some of them be hostile."

"Hostile... That's why I was in the forest and met the humanoid leech named Vital."

"A humanoid leech?! That's rare. I know some leech like to drink blood, was it hostile when it attack you?"

"He befriend at first to let me sleep at his place. But he lure me as a bait to trap me in his home in order to drain my blood. It was horrible... I manage to escape from his house."

'I Figure... that's why I hate humanoid parasites. I'm glad you're safe Cosy."

"No biggie Mr. Craft, that's why I used to explore on my own when I was-"

Cosy was interrupt when he sees Dence running. "Is that Dence?!"

Dence stop running and catch his breath for a while. "I heard professor Emi told me that Cosy is here. Hold on... I need to catch my breath."

"Um Dence? Can I have a word with you?" Craft said in a nicely tone.

"Sure Craft, what is it?"

"Why the hell did you use your address number for your passcode you idiot!"

"How should I know Craft? I couldn't think of a passcode, that's why I use my address number for my passcode so I won't know the passcode is, and you don't need to shout too."

"You know what? Forget it... Can't believe you use your address number for your passcode. Unbelievable Dence!"

"Um hello? It's not my fault just because I use my address number for my passcode. You don't need to be pissy at me Craft."

"Quit your nonsense Dence! You know in hell you should have randomly write the damn numbers on a paper you buffoon!"

Cosy break up the fight. "Guys! You two don't need to fight! It's my fault... I wish I figure out what you two be doing after I graduated. I wanted to give these pens to both of you as a gift."

"He's right. We shouldn't arguing over about the damn passcode." Craft said.

"Agree, I should have wrote the number randomly what you say Craft. It was my fault the kid got in the room with the portal machine in there. None of this wouldn't happen."

"Right." Craft said and look at Cosy. "How did you find out Dence's address anyway Cosy?"

"When I was at the cafe to grab a bite, I met Ray which was Dence's friend, and I told him where his address at."

"Ray?! Shit! I haven't talk to him for a great while. I need to invent a dimension phone to see how he's doing. Completely forgot about my old friend." Dence said.

"Hey idiot, I want to give this to you." Craft hands the pen to him.

"A Pen? I already got one in my office. Why I need a another one?"

"I invented the pens by myself Dence. It's a gift for you and Craft." He smile.

"You? You made these Cosy?" He sees a button and press it that switch the nib to different colors. "I'll be damn! Didn't know you invent something this impressive. How long did it took you?"

"About one month." Cosy said.

"That's awesome! I figure you add lots of feature on these pens. I notice the laser pointer too. Really impressive Cosy." Dence said.

"Hehehe thanks Dence. I need to head downstairs, my friends probably waiting for me."

"Wait? Your friends? You mean you made friends with a humanoid?" Craft said.

"Yep! Their names are Dalso, Light, and Badge. I'll show you, follow me."

Craft and Dence follows Cosy.

At the bottom floor. Dalso, Light, and Badge were at the cafe table and was still waiting for Cosy.

"Man... Where is Cosy? Dalso said. "I know he's still talking to Emi in her office."

"Well maybe they're making out in there. Hahaha!" Badge said in a mock tone.

"Really? Badge?"

"I was kidding Dalso again."

"Sure you was Badge," Dalso said and tap his finger on the table.

Light was slurping his drink. "I wonder what the human is doing?"

"Eh... Beats me." Badge said and ate his fries.

Dalso was tapping the table and sees Cosy. "Oh hey! There he is. And... Who those two with him?"

"Huh?" Badge turn around to see Cosy along with Craft and Dence. "I think that's Craft and Dence what the kid was mentioning about."

Cosy walks to the table where his friends at. "Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait. I want you to introduction Craft and Dence, they're my professors." Cosy smile.

"Greeting Dalso, Light, and Badge. It's a pleasure for meeting you three. I'm professor Craft and this is my assist Dence, we used to work at New York University for teaching our students about science."

"It's nice meeting you Craft and Dence, you can tell I'm a humanoid lizard. Light is a humanoid firefly and Badge is a humanoid badger."

"Huh? Kinda funny his name is Badge without a r in his name." Dence said.

"Yo! My parents couldn't think of a name for me." Badge said to Dence.

Dalso and Light laugh.

"What you guys laughing at?!"

"Nothing Badge, it's nothing." Dalso slurp his drink and tries not to laugh again at his name.

"Yeah right, I can tell you about to laugh again."

"Excuse me guys. I need a soda. Be right back." Dence said.

Craft roll his eyes. "Buffoon..."

"So Dalso, did you save me some food while I was at the top floor?" Cosy said and smile at his friend.

"Yeah!" Dalso picks up the sandwich and hands it to Cosy. "It's a cheese sandwich, I know you probably don't like it."

Cosy grab the cheese sandwich from Dalso. "It's fine. I love cheese sandwich." Cosy said and bites it.

"It was nice meeting you three, I hope Cosy be okay from those hostile humanoids threat out there."

"No problem Craft sir. I'll make sure the dude won't get killed. I have to thank Vold for dropping him off to my home."

"Vold?" Craft said.

"The humanoid dragon what Cosy mention his species."

"A dragon? That's something... I thought this world was all about humanoid animal people here. Didn't knew that."

"You didn't?" Cosy said while chewing his cheese sandwich. "Emi also told me there were aliens in a other dimension. I'm thinking there are in this world too, I think?"

"Amazing... Why I didn't knew about that too?"

"How come Mr. Craft? You been in this world for weeks, right?" Cosy said.

"I just didn't know, but Emi did mention me about the Dimension Viewer she invented for a long time, I didn't ask her since she was busy with some other stuff."

Dence came back and got himself a soda. "I'm back! What did I miss?"

Craft look at Dence. "Dence can I have a word with you for a minute somewhere else?"

"Um sure?" Dence follow him while drinking his soda.

Cosy watch them leave. "Look like they're going to have a private talk somewhere." He turn around to face at Dalso. "Dalso? Do you know what time it is? My wristwatch is not working."

"Hmm?" Dalso look at the clock that says 5:17 P.M. "5:17 PM. Can't believe we been here for whole hours."

"I was thinking it was 3:05." Light said."

Meanwhile while Craft and Dence was near at the exit door.

"What?! A humanoid dragon?! You're not making this up, right? A dragon is not possible here in this world, right?"

"Tell me Dence. Why this world is full of humanoid that look like human with animal feature? Can you tell this dimension is a fantasy land?"

"Hmm? I can see your point Craft." He drink his soda.

"What Cosy said back there. This world might have even more humanoid people throughout in space, I need to ask Emi about this if this true or not. This multiverse is sure quite mystery."

"I think Emi told me about infinite possibilities the other day."

"Really? And why didn't you told me about this?"

"I was a little drunk and I forgot to tell you about it." Dence said.

"Well whatever, this world is a mystery. I need to head back in my office and study more on this world first and then ask Emi."

"That's fine with me." Dence said and finish drinking his soda. "Oh yeah, I need to tell you before you leave."

"What's that?"

"Daily told me about a mystery humanoid hybrid that live for a long time that kill and drink their blood and then inject the black liquid from their fangs to the victim's circulatory system to become one of them. She say it's a legend." '

"Humanoid hybrid? I know it's a vampire. But what's the other half is?"

"A half demon I think? Pretty sure I'm correct. She say their quite dangerous and powerful which she say to me. They must be pretty powerful long ago. I won't we don't encounter them. Global Across Network team need to exterminate them. I'll be surprise they have enough power to destroy this planet or something like that. That might be a problem."

"Half vampire and half demon. What a dangerous combination... And destroying the entire planet with much power?! Good god... We need to invent a weapon to kill those bastards. Thanks for telling me this Dence."

Craft and Dence finish talking and went to top floor to head back to their office room.

Back at the cafe. Cosy, Light, Badge and Dalso were still having their conversation and thinking to head to the city.

"So guys?" Badge said. "What will we say we show Cosy around the city for a tour?"

"Definitely!" Dalso and Light said together.

Badge smile and look at Cosy. "How about that Cosy? You don't mind showing you around the city for a big surprise in this world?"

"I would love to Badge." Cosy said and finish his cheese sandwich. "Do really want to see the city and see what it looks like."

"Then it settle then." Badge gets up.

Cosy, Dalso, and Light gets up.

The four begin to head out of Global Across Network while Cosy was excited what the city going to look like and how big that is compares to New York City in his own world.

Badge use his car key and unlock the car door and gets in and then unlock every door for the three to get in.

Cosy, Dalso, and Light got inside the car and sat down while Badge start the engine and begin driving to the city.

Meanwhile back on the top floor, Craft was in his office room and on his computer to look up about the rumor of the hybrid humanoid in this world.

Craft didn't find some good result on the search engine until that got his attention.

"Hmm? The history of the half vampire half demon story?" Craft said and click on the link of the website that leads him to the website with black background and white texts on it. I began to read it.

"About 351 years ago. There was a war of the angels going against the hybrid that was planning to take over this planet and possibly the universe. The origin of the hybrid is unknown and where they came from. Their first plan is to bite the victim blood and then inject the black liquid into the person's circulatory system while drinking their blood. The black liquid will spread throughout the circulatory system to turn everything blood cell into black cell and then continue to spread through the circulatory system. The hybrid have good sweet taste of blood whenever they encounter the people on this planet. If the person blood is not sweet, they begin to kill their prey. If the blood taste okay to them, the hybrid will then inject the black liquid into the circulatory system. Finally, if the blood taste sweet to them. They begin drinking every blood out of their circulatory system which lead the victim to death due to blood loss. Whenever the hybrid tasting the victim's blood, it makes them stronger and even more dangerous. All the hybrid were slayed by the angels during the war to prevent them from killing and turning every humanoid on this planet to become one of them. However, there was one remaining on this planet and hiding somewhere. It is still a mystery that one hybrid is still around some area. Stay safe everyone."

Craft was finish reading the history of the half vampire half demon story and was shaking a little.

"Dear god... So it was true. They exist way back in the old days. Dence wasn't kidding about the hybrid getting stronger when they drink the victim's blood, they have potential to get more stronger when they feast the person's blood to become even more powerful. This is straight up madness. I need to print this and let the others know about this story." Craft said and begins printing it.

"The angels in this world. I'm surprise they exist in this world as well too. I'll do more research on the website to find out more in this world." Craft said and sees the paper came out of the printer and grabs the paper."

"Perfect! I'll show this to Emi and the others later on, I need to do more research about this world and the universe." Craft said and begin looking more mystery stuff on the internet about this world.

On the road. Badge was still driving to the city.

Light was looking at the window and saw the river. "I wish I want to go fishing. But I'm afraid I might get eaten by a larger one."

"You be okay on the surface if you have a chair with you Light." Cosy said.

"What if it jump out of the river and lunged at me?"

"Trust me Light, they won't even jump out of the river to eat you."

Light was feeling better what Cosy said. "Thanks Cosy. That make me feel lot better." Light smile.

Dalso was surprised. "Wow... It's my first time I see Light calming down."

"Shocking right? Didn't expect from scaredy bug." Badge said and still mocking him.

"You still going to call him name like that Badge? Is that getting old?"

"If I get bored mocking him. I wouldn't call him names." He laughed.

"Whatever dude. I hope we arrive at the city soon. I want to grab a new coat till winter come soon."

After Badge driving on the road. He look at the humanoid sheep's truck.

"That person has a kickass truck." Badge said.

"Yep, and I wish I'll buy a vehicle to drive around some area for a nice ride." Dalso said.

About 31 minutes of driving. They finally made it to the city, it was the largest city on this planet. Cosy couldn't believe the city was largest then New York City. He was so excited and look at the sign says Utopicity.

"Wow! So this is Utopicity? It's even bigger than New York City and other cities back in my world. This world is really amazing!" Cosy said while looking at the window.

"Hahaha, I knew Cosy will get this excited." Badge said and then explain it more to him. "That's not all Cosy. This is the best part I'll tell you there is a underground city here."

"Wait seriously? There is a underground city here?" Cosy said.

"Of course man, I usually went down there which I didn't know about that year ago. There is some humanoid people I encounter down are, a humanoid mole, spider, worm and more."

Light was shaking a little what Badge said about the other humanoids down there.

"Cool! This makes it more amazing then ever." Cosy said.

"To be honest, I never knew there was a underground city which is surprising to me. Do you know how you went down there?" Dalso said.

"Well I took the elevator to head down there. There is more elevators around this city, I don't know how many elevators in this city."

Dalso look out through the window and see a elevator. "You mean that one?" Dalso said and points at the silver elevator.

"Yeah, that's it." Badge said.

"Hey Light? Do you want to go with me down to the underground city?" Dalso ask his friend.

"Are there bug eater down there? I know Badge said there are humanoid mole down there. So absolutely not!" Light said and cross his arm.

"Oh come on scaredy bug, don't be such a wuss. Some of them down there are quite nice down there." Badge said.

"Like I said. Nope!" Light said.

"Well suit yourself then." Badge laughs.

Cosy pat Light in the back. "Don't worry Light, you can stick with me." He smile at him.

Badge tries to find a parking lot to park his car and saw one. "Ah ha!" He then park his car on the parking lot.

He stop his car engine and got out of the car and same with the three.

Cosy look around the huge buildings and sees other lots of humanoid people walking on the street and driving their car and was still amazed at all of this.

"So Badge, what you heading? I know Dalso heading down to the underground city."

"I'm going to head to the arcade place to play some game there. I know scaredy bug is going with Cosy and doesn't want to go down to the underground city because of humanoid mole and others." Badge said.

"For the last time... Stop calling me scaredy bug!"

"Alright alright alright. Light, there... Feel better?"

"Thank you! About time." Light look at Cosy. "Let's me show you around the city Cosy."

Cosy and Light went off.

Badge look at Dalso. "You say you going to buy a coat, right?"

"Yep! I know it's still summer, I want to check if there is a store underground to see if it is or not. I just need a winter coat before winter comes."

"Well alright then. I'll be busy at the arcade place to beat someone high score and then meet you down there."

"Seem fine for me. I'll see ya later." Dalso said and left.

Badge tries to find the arcade place at. "Now where the hell is the arcade place at? I know! It's near by the restaurant." Badge said and begin walking there.

Cosy and Light were walking on the sidewalk while Cosy was looking at some buildings.

"You seem to be liking this city Cosy."

"I am, I couldn't believe this city be huger than New York City." Cosy said in excitement. "Wonder what building we should go in."

"Hmm..." Light was thinking and sees a mall. "What about the mall?" Light pointed at.

"Oh definitely! I wonder what's some good stuff in the mall?"

The two head to the mall to look around.

Dalso was walking on the sidewalk. "I hope I don't take this long." Dalso said and was worrying he might take to long to find a coat.

While walking, he saw a another elevator. "Another elevator? Cool! Now I want to see the underground city look like and find a coat store down there." Dalso said and went up to the elevator and press the button and wait.

After 30 seconds pass by, the elevator finally came up.

Dalso got inside and the elevator takes him down to the underground city.

Inside the elevator. Dalso was waiting patiently till he arrive down there and enjoying the music that's playing.

About a another 30 seconds. The elevator open as Dalso was surprise at this as he step out of the elevator. "Holy smokes! The underground city is amazing! Wish Cosy came down to see all of this."

Dalso look around the underground city to see lots of huge buildings and other humanoid people were also riding vehicle here.

"There's cars here? That's shocking."

I see the humanoid mouse was reading a news paper on the bench as I spoke to him.

"Excuse me sir? How is people using vehicle down here?" Dalso said.

"There is a building that let them use cars." The humanoid mouse said.

"Oh sweet, where can I find the place? I don't have a driving license."

"If you don't have a driving license, you can ask them for a request for a taxi person which they can take you somewhere you want to go. When you see the building that has a picture of a car. That's the place."

"Nice! Thank you sir."

"You're welcome lad."

Dalso heads to find the building and then finds a store to buy a coat.
Going Against My Other Self?! 2.3
As Dalso heading to the building, he look at the road and tons of building in this underground city.

"This is crazy, how in the world I didn't know about the underground city? I know I did saw the elevator at first when I visit Utopicity by myself few weeks. But I didn't expect this." Dalso said while walking.

He was still walking on the sidewalk and saw some humanoid moles were building a new building and wondering what it's going to be.

Then Dalso sees a building with the picture of a red car up ahead that say's Need a Vehicle?

"Sweet! That must be the place what the humanoid mouse said." Dalso said and begins walking there.

After walking there about 2 minutes. Dalso finally made it to the place and open the door and enter the building.

Inside the building, there weren't lots of people inside the building which Dalso sees few of them sitting on the chair waiting for their request for a car and a taxicab to come.

Dalso walks up to the counter and tap the bell.

The humanoid spider with his lower body with eight legs and walk up to the counter and greets me. "Hello sir, welcome to Need a Vehicle. How can I help you?"

"I need a vehicle since I don't have a driving license and I want to request a taxi to take me to the store."

"Gotcha!" The humanoid spider said. "I'll request a taxicab for you in about 5 minutes since she on her break." He said again and then takes the ticket from the dispenser and gave it to Dalso. "Here you go."

"Thanks sir." Dalso said and takes the ticket from him and look at the number which is 3.

"Oh right! I didn't catch your name. What's your name?" The humanoid spider said and wants to know his name.

"My name is Dalso."

"Dalso, I'll call on the taxicab till she get done with her break." He said. "By the way. This is your first time coming here Mr. Dalso?"

"Hehehe Yeah. My friend Badge told me there was a underground city which I didn't know about which was surprising to me."

"Sometime people up on the surface won't know about every elevators around in Utopicity."

"Totally true." Dalso said. "It was nice meeting you sir."

"You too Mr. Dalso. Take a seat, I'll call her till she get done with her break."

Dalso heads to the seat where the other humanoid people sitting and sat down.

He wait patiently for the taxicab to come.

"Wonder how the guys are doing up on the surface while I'm down here." Dalso said.

In the mall. Cosy and Light were walking around the mall while Cosy sees lots of amazing stuff inside this place.

"Hey Cosy?" Light said to him. "I need to find a pharmacy to get some pills for my paranoid issue. I'll meet you later."

"Okay, I'll be at somewhere to check to see if this mall has some cool science stuff."

"That's fine by me, but please don't take too long. I hope there aren't bug eater here." Light said while sweating.

"Don't worry Light, no one in this mall is going to eat you. I won't take that long, I promise." Cosy said and smile at him.

Light calm down after looking at Cosy's smile. "That smile of your calm my nerves down. Thanks Cosy."

"No problem Light. I'll see ya later."

Light smile a little and left to head to find the pharmacy inside the mall while Cosy left too and tries to find some science stuff somewhere in this mall.

At the arcade place. Badge was playing Shoot The Meteors while he try to beat someone high score.

"Come on! I only have one extra live left, I can't let those damn meteors destroy the planet again for the third time." Badge said while moving the analog stick and pressing the button while shooting at the meteors."

A humanoid Cheetah got done playing the pinball and saw Badge was almost beating someone's high score.

"No way! That guy has 1000 points and about to beat someone high score." He said and whistle for the other people to watch Badge as he about to surpass someone high score."

The other humanoid people came to see and was surprised.

"He's going for the high score!?" Humanoid butterfly said.

Badge was focuses on the game while sweating due to lots of meteors on the screen as he kept shooting at it.

Dalso was still sitting while waiting for a taxicab until he was about to fall alsleep.

"Mr. Dalso?" A humanoid female deer said.

I woke up and sees her. "Oh! You surprised me miss. You're the taxicab, right?"

"Yes I am. Sorry for scaring you like that."

"It's okay, I was about to fall asleep which I didn't feel sleepy anyway."

She giggles. "Your request is to go to the store? Isn't that correct?"

"Of course, I need to go to store so I can buy a coat before winter come." Dalso said to her.

"Understood. Follow me outside." Humanoid female deer said.

Dalso gets up from his seat and follows her. "Say? What's your name miss?" Dalso said.

"My name is Locks." She said and open the door as both of them exit out of the building.

Dalso and Locks walk towards the gate and sees a slot ticket.

"I'm assume this ticket I'm holding is to insert it to the slot for the gate to open?"

"That's correct. You can insert it inside the slot."

Dalso then insert the ticket into the slot as the light went green which says Enter.

Locks open the gate and Dalso saws lots of cars with numbers on it.

"Whoa, that is a lots of cars here." Dalso said and was thinking for a second. "I got a question for you Ms. Locks. How do you people bring the vehicles down here?" Dalso was wondering.

"There is a tunnel road somewhere that leads people down here in the underground city. There are total of 17 tunnel road around here."

"17 Tunnel road? That's explain why there are lots of cars and other people down here."

The two walk towards the yellow car and shows number 3. Locks gets her key from her pocket and open both door for him and herself.

Dalso and Locks got inside the taxi car and then they close the door as she start the engine and begin driving.

Locks was driving and went straight to the other gate and stopped and the humanoid turtle saw both of them inside the car and open the gate as she drives out.

On the road. Dalso look out the windows to see lots of humanoid people walking on the sideway.

He then look back at Ms. Locks. "I just can't believe I didn't know about the underground city..." Dalso said.

"How come?" Ms. Locks said.

"Well I usually came to Utopicity by myself a while back once I saw a elevator when I arrive the city on the surface. I thought someone place the elevator by accident."

She laugh a little. "It happen every times on the top surface when people think every elevators in Utopicity was misplaced everywhere in the city.

"Hahaha, so true. I really wish Cosy came down with me to see all of this."

"Cosy? Sound like a adorable name for a humanoid person."

"Actually... This is going to sound funny to you. He's a human."

"Human? I never heard of that without the oid in it. That's new to me."

"I know this is confusing to you Locks, he's from a different world which he came here yesterday and wants to find his professors in this world until we told Badge to take us to Global Across Network and-"

"Hang on? Global Across Network? I heard that organization place where people study about another worlds and others."

"Yes, and you went there before?"

"Why yes, I used to go there after my day off to see all the wonderful stuff at Global Across Network. I heard there was rumor about two professors wasn't a humanoid. You said you're friend is a human, correct?"

"Yes, Cosy is a human and his other two human professors are Craft and Dence. I met them, they were nice."

"Interesting... It's rare to see a non humanoid in this world."

"Totally." Dalso said again and look at the window again and saw a female humanoid dolphin sitting on the bench while he was shocked.

"Is that?! No... That can't be her..."

"Mr. Dalso? You alright?"

"Yeah... I'm okay, I thought I let my wallet at home."

She chuckles. "Oh okay, I heard you was panic about something."

"Hehehe, sorry about that Locks." He look at the window again.

"That female humanoid dolphin... That's Wave! I remember she met me at the city and tries to seduce me at the back ally. I need to hide from her if she sees me again." He said in his thought.

Wave was sitting on the bench and was waiting for the bus.

"The bus is taking too long!" She said while frustrating. "I need to buy some new shoes since they getting old. Argh!" She then think about something. "When I see him again, I will make sure he won't escape me again this time~"

Wave was thinking about Dalso and tries to do some dirty stuff with him and Wave then sees the bus coming.

"The bus!" Wave said and gets up from the bench while her tail was wagging.

Inside the mall. Cosy was in the isle which shows some science stuff while amazed at all of these.

"Cool!" He said while looking at the stuff and then caught his attention.

"What's this?" Cosy said and picks up a small bottle that has a gray liquid inside of it that can turn into something metal.

"This liquid can turn something into metal? Is this dangerous? Hmm...?" He look at the back to see a warning label that's only harmful for drinking it."

"Oh phew... I thought it's going to turn my entire body into metal."

"I wonder what's the price is?" Cosy said and look at the price tag that say's $7.

"Only $7 for this small bottle? That's surprising... Maybe I'll buy this and test it out when I do it at Dalso's apartment. I hope I have enough money for this." He said and begin to look for Light somewhere in the mall.

Light was standing in line while nervously as he look around to see some humanoids.

"Hey buddy? Are you alright?" The humanoid gerbil said to him.

"Wha?! Oh... Yes. I just have paranoid issue." Light said.

"I don't blame you man, my sister has that too. she been freaking out whenever I take her somewhere to the store and hides behind my back."

"Sorry to hear about your sister. Is she doing okay?"

"Yeah... I been calling her to see if she okay or not. I don't want to see her get a heart attack and died."

"Oh yikes..." Light said while nervously.

"I know, I don't want to lose my sister, and sorry for spooking you. I don't want to give you a heart attack too."

Light calm down. "I'm fine. Thank you."

The female humanoid hamster got her thing and left. Light was up next.

"Hello sir, do you have any dream pills here?" Light said.

"Dream pills? Hmm... Of course! Be right back."

Light was waiting patiently.

"Huh? Dream pills? Never heard of that. What the pills do?" The humanoid gerbil said.

"Once you take them, the pills has a effects that make you dream something excited to get rid of your paranoid issue. The pills are really good." Light said while explaining it to him.

"Why I didn't think about that? I might buy them to see if that can make my sister feel better."

The humanoid horse came back with the dream pills he's holding. "Alright, we do have some. That will be $5."

"Great, thank you so much sir." He got the money out of his pocket and gave it to him.

"You're welcome sir." He smile and put the dream pill in the bag and hand it to Light and takes the money.

Light takes the bag from him and left. "I hope Cosy isn't taking too long." Light said and starts looking for him.

At the arcade place once more. Badge was still reaching to break the high score.

"Holy shit! 2957 points! This guy is going break the high score." The humanoid cheetah.

Suddenly, a humanoid buffalo came to see all the humanoids were watching Badge was playing Shoot The Meteors. "What the hell is going on?" He said and decided to check.

"I'm so close! Those meteors are popping up so much." Badge said while sweating.

The humanoid buffalo push away some other people and his eyes was widen as he sees him beating his high score. "What the fuck?! He's about to beat my high score!?"

Badge kept shooting the meteors and tries to keep his eyes on it until the meteor hits the planet for the third time and he finally beat the high score.

"Wahoo! 3157 points! I finally did it! I beat the high score!" Badge said.

All the humanoid people cheer for him while the humanoid buffalo was pissed off.

"HEY ASSHOLE!" He yelled at Badge.

"Eh?" Badge turn around to see a humanoid buffalo.

"So you beat my high score, Huh?"

"Yeah you got that right. Is there a problem?"

The humanoid buffalo grind his teeth.

"You damn right it is a problem! No one ever beat my high score!"

"I mean? It's just a game. No need to be piss about that fellow."

"Fellow?! I'll give you a fellow punch right here you son of a bitch!" He charge at Badge to strike a punch at him.

Badge dodge the punch from him. "Whoa! Seriously? What the hell is your problem man? Just because I beat your high score?"

"You damn right punk! I'm going to clabber you till your face cover in blood."

"Leave him alone!" The humanoid cheetah said.

The humanoid buffalo turn around. "Oh you wants some too?" He walk towards him to beat him up.

"Yo man, don't you dare attack him. He didn't do nothing to you." He tries to stop him until he was uppercut from him.

"I deal with you later punkass." He look at the humanoid cheetah. "Ready for the big punch big guy?" He tighten his fist. "This is going to hurt pal."

Badge gets up while his nose was bleeding a little. "That bastard." He said and saw him about to kill the guy. "NO!"

The humanoid cheetah wasn't afraid at all.

"Nighttime for you!"

Before he about to strike him. The humanoid cheetah stomp his foot so hard.

"Yeowch!" He was in pain as he jump backward.

Badge then walk up to him and tap him on the shoulder as the humanoid buffalo turn around to see him.

"I got something for return for you asswipe!" Badge said and punch him.

He step backward and almost fell down on the floor. "Fuckers! I'm going to kill both of you for that."

The humanoid security guard was walking and saw crowned of people watching. "What in the world is going on over there?" He said and rush there.

Badge saw him getting up while struggle.

"Yo dude?" He look at the humanoid cheetah. "Is this a best idea to run while he tries to kill us?"

"Nah! Don't worry man. I see the security guard coming over here."

The humanoid buffalo finally gets up and begin charging at them.

"Dude! He's coming!" Badge said.

"Wait for it." He said while chewing his bubblegum.

The security guard pulls out a taser gun and shoot it at the humanoid buffalo.

He was in pain by the taser gun.

"Told ya." The humanoid cheetah said to Badge and blow a bubblegum.

Back in the underground city. The taxicab finally arrive at the coat store and Dalso exit out of the taxi and close the door.

"Thanks Locks, I own you one. I'll make sure I won't take too long."

"You're welcome Mr. Dalso and don't worry. I'll be texting my phone to see how they doing."

He gave her a thumbs up and heads to the coat store.

As Dalso enter inside the coat store. The inside of this place was amazing. "Oh man, I never see this place in the underground city be this cool and fancy before." He said and begin wandering to find a coat to buy.

He look at the first isle to check to see if it's a perfect coat for him. "Hmm?" He grab the brown coat and puts it on and see it fits him.

"Nope..." He said and took it off and puts it back. Dalso then see a another coat which was gray and try it on.

"This coat sure is a little heavy..." Dalso said and puts it back.

Dalso then look at the last coat that got his attention which has light green coat and tries it on. "Say! This coat is really good. I'll buy this one." He said and took it off and holds on it for a while and look for a another one.

Outside the shoe store. Wave just got out of the shoe store and was holding a bag.

"I can't wait to try these new shoes when I get home. But first! I need to go to the coat store to buy a attractive coat for me. I know the men might find me really sexy. Hehehe~" She said in a lust way.

Wave then saw the coat store about a mile way.

"Speaking of which! The coat store is up ahead." Wave said and begins walking there.

Back in the store. Dalso already got a second coat and try to find the last one.

"Now let's see..." He said while looking at some coats. "Which one that suit me better?"

He kept looking at the coats and then saw one with multiple pockets and tries it one. "This coat feels great." He said and zip it up and Dalso feels a little warm.

"Oh this coat is perfect. I'll buy this one too." Dalso said and unzip it and took it off and holds on it too.

As Dalso is about to checkout three coats he sees Wave came in the coat store.

"Oh crap! It's Wave! Now this is great... I need to hurry up to checkout before she sees me. I can't believe she here." Dalso said in frighted way and head to the checkout area.

Wave look around the coat store to see all the coats. "Amazing, this coat store is so cool!" She said in excitement.

"I don't know what I need to get, but who cares. I just find one." She chuckles.

Dalso was in line and was sweating a little. "If she sees me, I'll just run to the taxi and then get back up on the surface to see Cosy, Light, and Badge and get out of here." He said in his thought.

He look at the clock on the wall that says 9:35 P.M. "It's 9:35? It's probably nighttime by now."

The person was done checking out and I was up next.

"Got some of the coat you need sir?" The female humanoid seal smile.

"Yep! Just what I need miss." He said and gave it to her.

She begins scanning three coats with the price tags on it and put it in the bag. "Alright sir, that will be $37."

"$37?! Well... Alright then." He took out his credit card and swipe it in the payment terminal and then enter his pin numbers and was accepted then Dalso grab the bag.

"Thank you for shopping at coat store. Hope to see you again."

"Same." Dalso said while smiling and begins heading to the exit.

Wave was at the isle what Dalso was at and then she sees him leaving the store.

"Dalso?! He's here!? I need to catch up with him. Now my chance." She smile and put the coat back and follows him.

He was so glad he finally made it out and got away from Wave. "Oh thank god she didn't see me. Now I can finally see the guys, a-"

"Oh Dalso~" Wave said in a seductive tone.

Dalso eyes widen and turn around to see Wave.

"Wave?! Um... It's surprising to see you." He said while sweating.

"I'm surprise to see you down here my sweet Dalso~"

"Um look. I got to go, my friends are waiting for-"

"Not this time you won't. I want you so much~" She begin walking towards him.

Dalso was stepping back. "Now hold on! We can talk this out."

"Really? The last time I met you at the back ally at Utopicity and you escape from me? You won't get away from me this time my sweet Dalso. Since you here, we can find a private location for the both of us to have fun~ You and me.

"How about no." He was about to run.

She notice Dalso was about to run. "Trying to escape again are you? Well I don't mind chasing you again in the underground city." She lick her teeth.

Dalso was disturbed by her lust and begin running.

Wave also begin chasing him.

"If I catch you my sweet Dalso. I want that sticky white fluid of yours~"

Up in the top surface, Badge and the humanoid cheetah were walking on the sidewalk and talking to each other.

"Thanks for saving my ass man, I own you one." Badge said."

"It's nothing dude. That big brute was so upset that his high score was surpassed by you."

"Hahaha! I know. Over a damn high score, ridiculous!"

Both of them laugh.

"Anyways, what's your name man? You seem cool." Badge said.

"The name Blast." He said and shakes his hand.

"I'm Badge." He shake his hand too.

Badge look at the sky was dark.

"Seem like it's getting dark."

"Well damn. Didn't knew it was that late. The guys need to hurry up. I don't want to stay in the dark too long."

"Got company with you?" Blast said while chewing his gum.

"Yeah. I got three pals which is Dalso, Cosy, and scaredy b- I mean Light."

"Oh sweet! Nice friends you got there. Well I need to be heading home."

"Well, it was nice talking to you man. I got to get back home too. My movie might start soon."

Blast chuckles and then left to head home.

He wave at Blast and then walk back to his car. "God those three need to hurry up for real..."

Cosy and Light were already out of the mall and Light look at the sky.

"It's night? Can't believe it be that late."

"I did forgot to check the clock while we were in the mall, since my wristwatch is not working." Cosy said.

"What did you buy Cosy?"

"I purchase this bottle of gray liquid, it's say it can turn something to metal."

"Turn something to metal?! What happen you accidently put it on your skin?" Light said.

"I don't think so. It's only pour on material only."

"Well alright then, be careful with that alright?" Light said and the two head back to Badge's car.
Going Against My Other Self?! 2.4
Dalso was running in the underground city while getting chased by Wave.

"Come back here my sweet Dalso! I'll make sure I'll be gentle with you this time, or maybe not~" Wave said.

"I need to find a way to lose her, and I need to hurry back to the taxi or else I get charged for not paying a taxicab." Dalso said in his thought while running from Wave.

The humanoid people on the sidewalk saw Dalso was running from Wave.

"Excuse me! Sorry." He said which he almost bump into the humanoid rat.

"Hey watch it!" The humanoid rat said in a rude way.

The humanoid rat than suddenly got bump from Wave and he fell on the ground.

"Sorry sir!" Wave said while chasing Dalso.

Dalso was still running away from Wave and tries to find which direction he need to go. "Which way I need to go? Left or right?" Dalso said and think for a second to figure out to lose her. "Left! Maybe I can find something to hide from her." Dalso said again and begin heading to the left to find a good place to hide from Wave to lose her.

Wave saw Dalso was heading left to the building. "Oh? Hiding behind the building Dalso? You know I'll find you soon~" Wave said in a lust way.

Dalso kept running and saw multiple trash cans. "Perfect! I can hide there. But the smell is too strong for me. Look like I don't have a choice then." Dalso said and cover his nose while hiding behind the trash can and put his bag next to himself.

She arrive and look for Dalso in the area. "Oh Dalso? Where are you~? I know you hiding somewhere." Wave said and look around "When I find you, I'm going to enjoy tasting your delicious semen to suck you dry and then taste your little flesh like what I did to those other people."

Dalso was sweating and surprised. "She's crazy..." Dalso said in his thought. "If she find me hiding behind the trash cans, I'm done for." He think for a second, but couldn't because of the smell "I can't think because of this smell I'm hiding."

Wave kept looking and then saw the trash can. "Is my sweet Dalso hiding behind the trash can~?" Wave said while giggling and walking towards the trash can.

Dalso's eyes widen. "No no no!" He said in his thought.

Wave smile and kept walking towards the trash can. "I know you hiding there. If you are. We can finally have se-" She stop walking and smell the trash can. "Ew... Maybe he's not hiding in there anyway. Oh well, I guess I'll head somewhere else and then find a another humanoid male to have fun with till I'll find my sweet Dalso." She said and turn around and left while frowning.

Dalso saw her leaving and gets up and then grab his bag.

"Whew... That was so close. I need to head back to the taxi, I hope Locks is still there at the coat store waiting for me, overwise I might get a fined." Dalso said and begin heading back to the coat store.

Locks was in her taxi still texting on her phone and then look at the window to see if Dalso came out of the coat store.

"That's odd... I wonder what's taking him so long. Probably the line in there might be really long." Locks said.

Dalso was walking on the sidewalk and tries to make it back to the coat store where he came from. "Great... I can't believe I was chased by Wave twice. Hope she doesn't spot me again this time." Dalso said while walking. "I know the guys on the top surface are waiting for me. I need to hurry back up there before Badge leave me." Dalso said again and rush back to the coat store.

Locks was on her phone and done texting. "Hmm? He's still in there?"

He was still rushing and made it back to the coat store and sees her taxi car. "Nice! She's still there waiting for me." Dalso said.

Locks tries to see if he came out or not until she sees him on the sidewalk. "Oh there he is."

Dalso open the car door and got inside the taxi and shuts it. "Sorry for the long wait Locks. I ran into someone."

"It's okay Mr. Dalso, and who was that you encounter in the store?" She said while starting the car and begin driving.

"Actually... I met someone that is obsession with me."

"Oh my." Locks giggles. "It's a girl that know you somewhere?"

"Yes I met Wave at Utopicity on the top surface about the other day by myself, until she plan to seduce me at the back ally when she think I'm handsome and charming," Dalso said while sweating.

"Oh my... That's something."

"I saw her again after I came out of the coat store and she chases me again. I don't know why she wants me so much? I know she not a good person when she says she going to taste my flesh.

"No wonder why you took so long. So you are saying that girl is probably not a good person and was trying to eat you?"

"That's right. She's not a good person, the way she look at me in the eyes and wants to have some kind of fun and plan to taste my flesh at the back alley. I refused to do it with her and she didn't want me to leave and Wave pin me against to the wall and starts unzipping my pants without my permission. I manage to escape when I trick her and then Wave chase me through Utopicity."

Locks was kinda feeling bad for Dalso. "Mr. Dalso, I'm sorry you witness a horrible person. Did you went to the police station while she was chasing you?"

"Yes I did. I told the polices about what Wave was going to do to me and I explain the story to them. After that, Wave was gone and she know I went to the police station, I have no idea where she went."

"It's a good thing you went to the police station Dalso. She down here after she chase you, right?"

"Yeah... I was surprised Wave was down here and chased me again. It's a good thing I hide behind those trash can and the smell was so strong that made her leave."

"I'm glad you got out of there. Not to mention, I can smell the small oder from you Dalso." Locks said and smell the oder from Dalso when he hide from the trash cans.

Dalso smells it and cover his nose. "Oh yikes... You're right. I got to head home and take a bath and wash my clothes. I wish I had found a better hiding place since I didn't have no choice to hide behind those trash cans."

Locks giggles. "No worry Mr. Dalso. You did the right thing to hide in that spot from her."

"Hehehe, thanks Locks." Dalso said and smile. "I got to hurry up to the surface, my friends are waiting for me."

"I'll drop you to the elevator. I did saw it earlier." Locks said.

"Nice! I hope the elevator takes me where Badge parked his car on the top surface." Dalso said.

Dalso was wondering about something. "Locks? After you drop me off to the elevator. Do I got to pay you?"

"What my boss said. Once someone pay him and request a taxi cab, they have to pay the taxi cab once the person is drop back home or other locations. Sorry Mr. Dalso."

"I figure... But that's alright. How much it is? I know you was waiting for me."

"Well I think it will be $14 due to your long wait. But after you told me that girl was chasing you again. I will exchange it to $5." Locks said.

"For real? Really? You didn't have to do that Locks, but thank you so much."

"My pressure Dalso. I'm a kind lady after all." Locks said and wink at him."

Up at the top surface. Badge was standing next to his car waiting for Cosy, Light and Dalso.

"Man... Where are those three at?" Badge said while tapping his foot with his arm cross.

Badge was looking around until he sees Cosy and Light walking on the sidewalk. "Oh there's Cosy and scaredy bug. Wonder what took them so long?"

Cosy and Light were walking on the sidewalk and sees Badge right next to his car and begin heading to him.

"What took you two so long? I been waiting for 5 minutes. My legs has been killing me." Badge said.

"Sorry about that Badge. I was looking for something to buy in the mall until I got this bottle of gray liquid." Cosy said and show it to Badge.

"Huh? A bottle of gray liquid? Didn't know you was a alcohol Cosy." Badge said which he think it was a drink.

"No no no, it isn't Badge. This gray liquid can turn something to metal, I want to see how i-"

Badge interrupt Cosy. "Wait a minute? That gray liquid you holding on can turn something to metal?"

"Of course. The label on this bottle says it can only turn stuff into metal, and it also have no effects if the liquid gets on the person's skin and animals. I want to test it out while I'm at Dalso's place."

"Damn turning stuff into metal?! Why the hell the mall had something like that? Be careful with that stuff, I don't want my car turn into a shiny metal." Badge said and look at Light. "What about you scaredy bug? What did you buy?"

"I purchase some dream pills to get rid of my paranoia issue so I can sleep better."

"Dream pills huh? Will you let me have those dream pills? I would like to dream about something. Hehehe."

"Since you call me scaredy bug again. So no." Light said.

"Well whatever..." Badge said and cross his arm while looking for Dalso. "Damn... Where is Dalso?"

Cosy sees the elevator open up and saw Dalso exit out of the elevator. "Oh hey! There he is."

As Dalso exit out of the elevator, he sees Cosy, Light and Badge at the parking lot.

"Oh crap! They must have been waiting for me this whole time. I'm surprise Badge didn't leave me behind..." Dalso said and begin heading straight where they at.

"Hey Dalso, it seen you like got some cool coats in that bag." Cosy said.

"Yeah, I know I been down there to try out these coats if it look fit and better on me." Dalso said.

"Oh wow, didn't know Dalso was a fashion dude." Badge said while teasing him.

"Shut up Badge."

Badge laugh and he unlock the front door and got inside his car and then unlock all doors for the three to get in.

Cosy, Dalso, and Light got inside the car and they lock the door as Badge starts his car and begin heading home.

"Oh boy... What a day for me." Dalso said and cover his face with his hand and while putting his bag on his lap.

"Something happen down there? You're face kinda sweating." Badge said and smell something from Dalso. "Holy crap Dalso! That smell... Did you ever take a bath everyday man?"

Dalso sigh. "I was hiding behind the trash can and Look... I was chased by a female humanoid dolphin named Wave while I was down there hiding from her, alright?"

"Wave? Sound like you got a hot gir-"

"She isn't man. I was chased by her again while I was at the coat store to buy some coat until Wave saw me when I leave out of the coat store and she began chasing me around the underground city."

"That's something... Maybe she love you so much." Light said.

"Yeah, what scaredy bug said. She just like you man, I'm pretty sure." Badge said.

Light's antenna was twitching when Badge call him scaredy bug.

"Seriously Badge. This is serious, she try to do something to me without permission."

"Yeesh really? Like she tries to touch you somewhere around your body?"

"Well yeah... But that happen the other weeks when Wave took me to the back alley. You know... Some kind of fun when she unzip my pants and plan to taste my flesh."

"Oh that's unexpected." Cosy said while sweating.

"Did you went to police station and explain it to them Dalso? I'm pretty sure that crazy bitch has issue to be honest."

"I did, but she escape when I went to the police station."

"Well damn. I swear... Some people on this planet can be crazy some day." Badge said.

"Don't forget some other hostile humanoid people in the woods, outside the city or unwanted building that like to eat, kill and other stuff too." Light said while shaking a little.

"True. I just want to take a nice bath and rest too..." Dalso said

As Badge was driving on the road. He sees something on top of the small building.

"What the? Is someone on top of the building?" Badge said while looking at the mysterious humanoid person.

"Hmm?" Dalso look through the window and sees no one on top of the building. "I don't see one on the top of the building Badge. Hope you not pranking us this time."

"Wait what?" He look at the window and the mysterious humanoid was gone. "Dude I swear I saw someone up there, I'm not pranking you for real."

"I mean... I don't know how the person got on top of the building, but he's not up there. You probably was seeing something dude." Dalso said.

"Pfft... Whatever man." Badge said.

On top of the building. The humanoid person teleport back on top of the building which reveal to be a half vampire half demon which he was spying on Badge and the three.

"That person with the white shirt and green jacket. He's not a humanoid. I been spying on him as I can smell the blood in his body from miles away. I wonder? Yes. He's my perfect target. I will taste his blood and eject the liquid in his system to create a clone and that includes his friends. Soon, This foolish world and those angels will feel my wraith as I turn everyone on this planet into hybrid clone."

He laughs as his black wings came out of his back and starts flying and follow Badge's car to not get spotted.

Back at the Global Across Network. Daily was heading to the hallway to meet the other professor when she sees Craft coming upstairs.

"Oh professor Craft! Didn't see you there, how you doing?" Daily said.

"Not much Daily, I been busy in my room searching up on the computer about the rumor about the half vampire half demon that existed way back in this world and learning about their origin."

"Existed way back? That's surprising... I never heard about the hybrid of the half vampire half demon. What's the origin about them?"

"While I was on my computer and I came across a website that has a history about those hybrid that existed about 351 years ago when they going against the angels during war.

"Going against the angels? Are the hybrid that dangerous?" Daily said.

"Like what the story say about the hybrid. Yes, they are really dangerous Ms. Daily. As I kept reading the story about them, their fangs which they are capable of biting the user while drinking their blood and then eject the black liquid to the circulatory system which make a clone of them. Worse... They can get stronger whenever they drink the person's blood and might destroy this planet."

Daily was hearing Craft's story and was a little horrific.

"So you saying these hybrid can create more clones when they bite the user and eject the liquid in the circulatory system and destroying the planet?!"

"What the story is true, then yes." Craft said.

"Oh dear... That is a problem." Daily said. "Do you think some of them still alive or not?"

"There is one remaining here somewhere around some areas which is a rumor. If it's true, that hybrid might had already bite someone in a different areas and plan to create a army."

Craft gave the paper to Daily. "I want you to give this to Emi. I printed the story off the website so she can find out about this news about the hybrid and we must find a way to get rid of those bastards.

Daily take the paper from him. "I will professor Craft, I'll make sure I give this to Emi so she can find out about this."

"Good, I got to be going now. I need to see what the buffoon is doing right now. Hope he isn't on a break to get some drink again." Craft said and begin heading to Dence's room."

As Craft was walking, he was worry about Cosy if he encounter one of those hybrid that will bite his favorite student.

"I really hope Cosy doesn't encounter those beasts out there at night. But thank god he made friends with the humanoids that will keep him safe. This world is fill with mystery and dangerous stuff." Craft said while talking to himself.

At the neighborhood. Badge and the others made it back home safety as they got out of the car and close it.

"Boy that sure was the fun for the four of us going to Global Across Network to see my professors and all the cool stuff at the organization and seeing this awesome city in this world." Cosy said while he was so excited.

Dalso smile. "It was man. It's been a while for me and Light when we went to that place a long time ago."

"Really agree." Light said and yawn a bit. "I'm so sleepy after all of this, but it was fun and thanks to Cosy for calming my nerve down. I'm going to get some rest so I can sleep better." Light said again and begin flying up in the air to head home.

"There he go... It was funny when I scare him while he was sleeping when we arrive at Global Across Network." Badge said and was laughing.

Dalso roll his eyes and look at Cosy was holding a bottle of gray liquid. "Hey Cosy? What's that you holding?

"Oh this?" Cosy was showing it to Dalso. "I purchase this at the mall, this liquid can turn stuff into metal."

"Wait What?! Turn stuff into metal?! That can't be true, right?" Dalso said.

"Like what the label says, so yes."

"Yikes dude... I hope you be careful with that bottle you holding on. Imagine my entire apartment was turn into metal."

"I promise Dalso. I'll make sure it doesn't spill on the floor."

"Alright then. Lets head home Cosy. The dark gives me the chill." Dalso said.

"See ya you two. I'm going get something to eat and then right to bed." Badge said while unlocking the door and went inside house and close it.

Cosy and Dalso begin heading back to the apartment to get some goodnight sleep too as well.

Suddenly, a hybrid teleport on top of Badge's house and he sees Cosy and Dalso going home.

The hybrid starts to lick his lip and plan to drain both of their blood and he teleport again to follow them.

After Cosy and Dalso made it back home. Dalso unlocked the door with his key and he let Cosy go in first and then heads inside and close the door and lock the door.

"Oh man... I can't believe Wave tries to plunder me again."

Cosy put his hand on shoulder. "I'm here with you Dalso and forget about her, okay? Some people just be like just to do cruel stuff to them. Like a example when Vital trick me and kill one of the innocent humanoid people and animals."

This made Dalso feel better. "You're right Cosy, thanks." Dalso said and smile. "I'm going to take a bath and then go to bed."

Dalso put the bag on the table and head to the bathroom as he take his light green jacket and his white shirt off and close the door.

Cosy look at the bottle he was holding. "Hmm? I don't know if I want to test this is out or not. But I'll do this somewhere else tomorrow so I won't turn Dalso's house into a metal." Cosy said while sweating and put it in his pocket.

"I wonder what's on TV?" Cosy said and he sat down on the couch and grab the remote control and turn the TV on.

As he turn the TV on. The female humanoid fox reporter was explaining about the death in the road where a humanoid goat was laying on ground with his entire body was drain.

He was shocked. "Oh gosh... That's horrible." Cosy said while looking at the news.

The hybrid then teleport right behind Dalso's house and look through the window to sees Cosy watching TV.

"Excellent! Soon... I can't wait to taste the blood of his, and then I will turn him and his friend like my kinds." He chuckles as he kept watching the human till he come up with a plan.

As Cosy was watching the news, he begin to think about the humanoid world.

"I know Craft told me this world is danger and there are hostile humanoids in some areas. I got to be careful next time when I don't know where I'm going." Cosy said.

As that, he heard a stick crack outside.

"What was that?" He said as he turn the TV down a bit and look at the window.

As Cosy look at the window. There is no one out there.

"I think it probably was a animal that was looking for something to eat." Cosy said while laughing nervously and got back watching the news.

The hybrid stop hiding in the bush and begin teleport right next to the front door and starts knocking on the door.

"Huh? Someone at this hour? I know Dalso is taking a bath in there. But I'll see who that is." Cosy said and got up from the couch and heads to the door to see who that is.

Cosy open the door and sees no one out there. "Hello?" He said and look around to find the person. "Strange... Is this a prank?"

As Cosy about to head back inside. He saws small saliva mix with blood on the ground which shock him.

"Is this... Blood?! What on earth?" Cosy said while looking at it.

"That is blood my friend, and you are my next prey for tasting your delicious blood and becoming like my kinds."

"Wha?! Who's there!?" Cosy said and tries to find the person at.

The hybrid teleport at his front door and blocking his way while smiling evilly at Cosy.

Cosy step back while sweating and thinking this person isn't friendly. "Who are you? Are you the one knock on the door?" Cosy said.

"Why of course I did." He said and begin walking slowly towards Cosy. "I wonder what your blood taste like? If your blood taste so sweet, then your my perfect target."

Cosy was shocked. "Stay back! I'm warning you. I'm not going to let you steal one of my blood like Vital tries to do to me."

The hybrid laughs. "Oh really now? I like to see how you deal with a half vampire half demon. You are such a fool, I like to see how you try to attempt to stop me." He said while licking his fang.

"A half vampire and demon?!" Cosy was surprised at what he said and never knew this world has vampire and even demon in this dimension.

"Surprising, right? I need to create a army of clones to make this planet disappear and then the universe will be our till we kill those damn disgusting angels. You are my target, I'm going to bite that neck of your and see what will happen to you."

Cosy tries to make a run for it when he tries to get to the backyard until the hybrid teleport in front of him and glare at him with his devilish eyes.

"A foolish attempt for a weakling like you that dare tries to run from me.

He grab both of Cosy's arms and begin pinning him down on the ground while laughing at him.

"There is no escape for you. Now... I can't wait to taste the blood of your and then you because like me."

"Get off of me! I'm not going to let you steal my blood and become like your kinds!" Cosy said and tries to struggle to get him off, but can't.

"Struggle all you want fool. You can't escape." He laughs.

Dalso was done taking a bath as he exit the bathroom with a towel wrap around his body and sees the door open. "What the?" Dalso was confused.

As the hybrid smile evilly, he begin to bite Cosy's neck as he scream in pain.

When Dalso about to close the door, he heard a scream from the backyard which was Cosy.

"Is that Cosy?!" Dalso said and rush out of his house to find him.

The hybrid was drinking Cosy's blood and then starts ejecting the black liquid into his neck.

Cosy was still screaming in pain and tries to get the hybrid off of him, but still can't as he can feel the blood getting drain and feel something was getting inside of his neck.

Dalso was searching for the scream and sees the hybrid was drinking Cosy's blood.

"Hey! Get off of him!" Dalso shouted at the hybrid.

The hybrid stop drinking Cosy's blood and sees Dalso. "Ah a another prey to feast on. Wonderful! You're next once your friend become like me."

Dalso grind his teeth and tries to punch him, but the hybrid teleport behind him and punch him hard at his back.

He falls down on the ground and feel the pain from his back. "Damn it... That guy's punch like it was made of metal."

"The hybrid laugh at Dalso. "Such a fool you trying to stop me. Now be still on the ground so I can enjoy your blood too and eject it in your neck so you will end like me." He said and walks slowly towards him.

Dalso tries to step back away from him as he struggle to get up after the punch he taken from him. "What should I do? There is gotta to be a way to kill this evil guy. Wait a minute... That's it! The bottle of liquid." Dalso said in his mind.

He tries to crawl to Cosy to see he has it and dig into his pocket and tries to open it.

The hybrid kept walking towards him while smiling evilly and getting ready to bite Dalso.

"I hope this work..." Dalso said quietly.

The hybrid grab his leg and was about to bite Dalso's leg and drain his blood.

"Crap!" Dalso said and tries to get the bottle open and he got it open and he sees him was ready to bite his leg.

Before the hybrid was about to bite Dalso's leg he sees him holding a bottle of liquid.

"Try tasting this!" Dalso said and pour it on the hybrid.

He begin to laughs. "That's it? Pouring this on me with that bottle was your plan? Hahaha! Pathetic..."

While he was laughing, he can feel his leg was turning into metal.

"Huh?! What is this madness?!" The hybrid was confused and can feel a sharp pain as the metal kept spreading to his leg and even his body.


"This liquid that can turn stuff into metal thanks to my friend for having it." Dalso said.

"Can't be possible... That liquid you pour on me was my weakness! Damn you! You're going to pay for tha-"

Before he was about to kill Dalso. He feel a pain in his heart as he vomit blood on the ground which shocked him. As that, the metal spread faster in his body which turn him into a metal.

Dalso was glad he got rid of him and he turn around to see Cosy was still alive.

"Oh my god Cosy please don't die on me..." He said and tries to get up while struggling.

Dalso tries to see his human friend was okay.

"I'm... fine... Dalso." Cosy said.

"Oh thank god you're still okay. Don't worry, I'm going to take you back home and then call the ambulance." Dalso said and picks him up and bring him back to the house.

As Dalso manage to bring Cosy back to his home. He place him safety on the couch to stop the bleeding and tries to call the ambulance.

"Hello? I have a friend that is seriously bleeding a lot."

"Okay sir, what is your friend's name and where do you live at?" The humanoid female on the phone said.

"My friend's name is Cosy and I live outside of Utopicity which the area I'm at is "Resident Local Utopia" and my address number is 357."

"Thank you sir. The ambulance will be on their way."

"Nice, thank you so much miss." Dalso said and end the call.

Dalso look at his friend and was worry about him.

"Can't believe this... What was that humanoid person that bite him? The way he bite in the neck was... I can't tell what species he was. That guy was wearing a hoodie and-"

"That guy... says he... was a hybrid..." Cosy said on the couch.

"A hybrid?" Dalso said. "What he look like when he attack you?"

"He told me... He was a half vampire half demon... and tries to." Cosy cough which he can't continue talking.

"A half vampire half demon? First time hearing about a hybrid." Dalso said and look at his friend. "Rest a bit man, I'm going to put my clothes on till the ambulance come." He said and went to get his clothes on.

Cosy feel the burning in his neck with a mix of red and black coming out of his neck. He have no idea what will happen to him.

Dalso was putting his clothes on in his bedroom and was still worry about Cosy.

"Crap... It's a good thing he had that bottle which he purchase it at the mall. We both would end up like that guy." Dalso said and heard a doorbell at the door. "It's must be the ambulance!"

Dalso went to the front door and open the door which was the humanoid ambulance people.

"We're here on time, where is your friend?" The female humanoid lamb said.

"My friend Cosy is on the couch, he still alive. I manage to stop the bleeding a little, but it's still bleeding out."

She then check to see Cosy's neck has a mix up red and black liquid that was coming out of his neck.

"My god... I never see something like this." She whistle for the another ambulance people to bring the gurney.

The male humanoid horse bring in the gurney and picks up Cosy and strap him into the gurney.

Dalso was looking at the black liquid on Cosy's neck and he didn't notice that earlier.

"Hey miss? What's with my friend's neck leaking out black liquid? It was red before, but now it's black?"

"Don't really know. This is new to us, we going to find out the problem and tries to stop it from leaking and do some test on his blood." She said.

The humanoid horse push the gurney where Cosy is strap on and exit out of the Dalso's house and then open the behind of the truck and put him at the back in the ambulance truck.

"I hope that black liquid won't kill him or something" Dalso said.

"Don't worry sir. We will try our best to see what's the problem in his circulatory system to get the bottom of this." She said and left.

She got inside the ambulance truck and close it and begin driving away.

Dalso sees them driving away.

"Man... Really hope Cosy is okay. His professors is going to be worry about him. I know Badge and Light are sleeping, I need to get a ride over at the hospital to check he's okay."

Inside the ambulance truck, the humanoid horse tries to stop the bleeding from Cosy's neck as the mix of red and black was leaking on the gurney and the floor as well too.

"Christ! What in the world that put something in this poor guy's neck?" He said and tries to figure out.

"I have no idea... The bite mark on his neck is big. Can't tell a wild animals bite him that hard, and the black stuff that's coming out of his neck... Have no clue what that is. Really hope it isn't a infection." She said while driving.

Cosy can feel a little pain in his body as something was inside of him.

"It will be okay kid. Stay strong." The humanoid horse said.

Cosy was breathing and he close his eyes till he arrive there soon.

After a long minute. The ambulance made it to the hospital and they take Cosy out of the truck and begin pushing the gurney inside the building so he can get a treatment.

Cosy open his eyes while he was strap on the gurney and finally made to the hospital and look around to sees humanoid people around the building.

While inside the hospital, they took him to the emergency room.

Back at Dalso's apartment. Dalso exit out of his house and went to the backyard to sees the hybrid was still turn into metal and he picks him while it was a little heavy and went straight to the dumpster and dump him in there.

He close the dumpster and went back inside.

After that, Dalso wants to take a ride to go to the hospital as he went back to the house to call a taxi to get there to check his friend is doing good okay and stay there for a while.
Going Against My Other Self?! 2.5
The humanoid doctors tries to find out the problem of the strange black liquid that is inside Cosy's neck and something was inside of him was hurting him while they try to stop the bleeding.

Cosy feeling a pain inside of his body which he was coughing out small blood.

"Oh dear god... Stay with us kid, don't die on us." The humanoid horse said while stopping the bleeding.

"Run some diagnostic on him. We need to figure out what's the black liquid is doing something to him and hope not it isn't deadly disease." The male humanoid toad said.

The other doctor turn on the machine to investigating the issue.

One of them set up a blood bag and then attach it on Cosy's arm to check his blood is alright.

"What species is he Doctor Zed? I don't see him having a tail or anything else." The female humanoid lamb said.

"No clue Agnes... This is new to me. I have no idea what species this kid is." The humanoid horse said.

Inside Cosy's body. The small black liquid was somewhat alive inside of him and was absorbing his blood's cell and tries to transform Cosy into a half vampire half demon hybrid. As that it was heading to a different location to his body and the black liquid was absorbing more blood while it was getting a little bigger and it was beginning to spread it around his body causing more pain to Cosy.

While it was doing that. It was moving to the another location and it feel like it was getting pulled in by something. It was a syringe which they attach it on Cosy arm.

It tries to swim away from it, but couldn't as it got pulled right into the syringe.

Cosy was sweating from the pain until it stop hurting him.

They look at the black liquid from his neck which had stopped leaking.

"Doctor Rispole, look at this!" Agnes said which she pointed at the blood bag. It was the small black liquid that was inside of Cosy.

"What in the...?" Zed said.

The black liquid that was inside the blood bag has turn invisible.

"It's gone!" Agnes said which she was surprised at it.

"That is troublesome... Remove it off his arm immediately. I don't know what will happen if that stay in that blood bag. It might cause even problem if that unknown parasite spread it more into his circulatory system." Rispole said.

She unattached the syringe from his arm before it spread into his body and cause more pain.

The blood drip on the floor a little bit which the other doctor didn't saw it.

She hand it to Rispole.

"I'm going to the blood lab to check the parasite is still in there and see his blood is okay." Rispole said.

"Alright doctor Rispole. But wait, can you find out what species he is while you at the blood lab?"

"I will yes. I quite sure this poor boy is not a humanoid or something which is rare. You make sure he's still okay Agnes."

After that, Rispole left out of the emergency room to head to the blood lab.

She look at Zed was cleaning up the blood from Cosy's neck and was wrapping the bandage on his neck.

The small blood on the floor which reveal to be the black liquid in it which escaped from the blood bag and has suddenly slither to hide under the table so it won't get caught by the other doctors.

She walk to Zed. "I heard this guy name is Cosy. Such a nice name for him." Agnes said.

"Agree. I have no idea what animal attacked him, I hope the black liquid isn't venom... The way it got inside the blood bag and turn invisible was crazy. Good thing the guy stop feeling the pain which we found that problem."

"Right. We going to leave him be so he can get some rest. I'm going to check on the other patients and then check on Rispole at the blood lab."

"Sound good to me. I'm going to the bathroom and then have a small break a little bit and check on the kid again if he's alright." Zed said.

The two leave out of the room to let Cosy gets some rest.

As that, the blood came out hiding under the table and then begins forming into something as the black liquid was getting bigger into a new being.

Cosy open his eyes slowly and heard a noise which he sees something horrific what he is witness.

It was done transforming. This being was naked and it was like me, expect it has different hairstyle and his hair is black, and the pupils in his eyes were red.

Cosy was surprised this guy was just like him. "Who are you...?" He said.

It turn around to see Cosy resting on the medical bed and it smile evilly at him and begin to talk.

"Why hello there Cosy. Having a nice nap?" He said.

Cosy was shocked when he says his name. "How did you know my name? And why do you look like me?"

"I'm a clone which you got bitten by my kind. You lucky you're the first person that managed to not get turn into a hybrid while I was inside of you, and I know about your past " He said while walking toward Cosy and grab his chin.

"A clone and you know my past?!"

"Why yes, even though it backfire anyway. But I still have enough blood cells while absorbing it while I was inside of you and that blood bag. I know all of your information Cosy. Your family and your friends, and the human world."

"There no way you know about me. How?"

"Everytime my hybrid race bite the victim and eject it in their body. The liquid form that be inside the person's body that be absorbing every blood cells and then spread it around the body. That includes effecting your cerebrum."

"No wonder my head hurt was hurting a lot." Cosy said. "What are you planning to do?" He question him. "You're not planning to... Go into my world and kill my family and my friends?"

He laughs. "Maybe... Or maybe later. I have other plans to destroy this world and find those low level filthy angels hidden somewhere in this world and slaughter them all.

"I'm not going to let you do that." Cosy said.

"Really? For a weak human that got bitten by my kinds. Hahaha! How rich! You don't know what I'm capable of fool. Once I have enough blood to feast on those humanoids on this planet. I will be stronger to kill all those goddamn angels after the war that happen on this planet. After I success, I might pay a visit to your world and then kill all those human you love very much." He smile evilly at him.

Cosy grind his teeth at his clone.

The clone snap his finger which the clothes appear on him that has a same clothes like Cosy, but in a different color which was black and he summon a scythe with his own blood. "You can call me Harm."

Cosy was sweating and sees him holding a scythe. "You're not going to kill me, are you?"

"Killing you be a waste. But turning everyone into a clone in this planet is a perfect thing to watch every billion humanoids become like me. Then we will conquer the entire universe as we create even more army!"

Cosy know he can't do anything to stop him.

Harm then walk towards the window and look all the humanoid people and then look back at Cosy.

"We will meet again Cosy. This world will be our and I will find a way to enter your world to destroy everything. Farewell fool." He laugh evilly as he teleport out of the emergency room.

Cosy watch his evil counterpart teleport out of here and was worry about everyone in this world and his home world are in danger.

"What have I done..." Cosy said as he look at the bandage warp around my neck and can feel the bite mark on his neck which still hurts. "I shouldn't have went outside and got bitten by the hybrid. The entire world is in danger and that includes my world too. The three doctors that left out of here won't believe me what I just saw. I hope Dalso get here soon."

Cosy lay down on the medical bed for a while till his friend gets here and explain it to him.

Outside the hospital building. Dalso made it as he exit the taxi car.

"I really hope Cosy is alright." Dalso said quiet and look at the taxi cab. "Thanks for the ride sir."

"No problem buddy." The humanoid stoat said.

Dalso shut the car door and begin heading to the hospital.

Up on top of the another building. Harm was watching Dalso head inside the hospital as he chuckles.

"So he come to visit to see his precious human friend laying on the death bed? How pathetic... Hahaha!" Harm laughs and plan to do next. "I want to go to the Global Across Network to kill all those foolish scientists and that includes both of his favorite professors, Craft and Dence. But first, I need to find a nice prey to feast on their blood and make a army clones."

Harm sniff to find a target somewhere in this area and found a target as he smile evilly. "Ah! Found one." Harm said as he teleport somewhere rather than flying to not get spotted from the humanoid people.

Inside the hospital, Dalso ask one of the doctor at the counter if Cosy on the bottom or top floor.

"Cosy? That's his name right?" The female humanoid moth said.

"Yes, that's his name. I came to see if he is alright."

"I saw them took him on the top floor. If you get on the top floor, make a right and turn left, and keep going straight when you see room 111."

"Alright, thank you so much miss." Dalso said and heads to the top floor to find Cosy.

In room 111. Cosy wants to sleep, but can't since his evil counterpart is out there that tries to destroy this world.

Cosy wipe the sweat off his face and tries to take a light breathe.

"If one of the doctor come here, what should I say? No... If I tell them about the hybrid of me, they will think I'm crazy... I know Dalso saw it when he was facing it when I got attacked by it. I need to explain this to him." Cosy said.

As Cosy was looking at the window, he heard a knock on the door.

"It's must be the doctor."

The door open which was Dalso and saw Cosy on the medical bed.

"Hey man, I'm glad to see you're alright." Dalso said and closes the door.

Dalso sat down on the chair.

"It's nice you made it to see me Dalso." Cosy said as he smile.

Dalso smile back and sees Cosy's sweats.

"Hey Cosy? Are you feeling a little hot or worry about something? I see lots of sweats coming down on your face. You're alright?"

"I'm not hot, I'm fine. but I need to tell you while you're here. A hybrid clone of a half demon and vampire of me had appear in here."

Dalso was surprise. "Wait what?! A clone of you!?"

"Yes, the black liquid that was forming something was me. The pain I was having was the black liquid inside of me that was causing all this pain. Surprisingly, the pain was gone."

"Not to mention, the black liquid that was coming out of your neck what the hoodie guy did to you which explains that. Where did he went to?"

"The clone of me teleport out of here and plans to create a army of hybrid clones to destroy this world and including my world as well too, he then wants to slaughter every angels here and then take over the universe. " Cosy said.

"What?!" Dalso was shocked after hearing Cosy's story. "This is not good... Really not good." Dalso said. "I know the doctors here won't believe us, but this is a huge problem."

"It's my fault Dalso, I know I shouldn't have went outside. None of this wouldn't happen."

Dalso look at Cosy. "It's not your fault man. I thought the hoodie guy was kidding about turning someone into a clone like him which he wasn't joking for real. Don't blame it on yourself, I'm with you dude." Dalso said.

"Thanks Dalso. I'm glad I made a friend after Vold drop me off to your house."

Dalso smile again and then gets up. "Well, I need to get going now and find way to stop that hybrid. Since you're mention about Vold. I need to find him somewhere. If I don't find him, what should I find someone to help?"

Cosy tries to think for a second and he figure it out. "If you can't find Vold. What about the Global Across Network we went? Maybe they can help. I'm sure Craft, Emi and Dence might figure it out to stop the evil counterpart of me."

"The Global Across Network! of course! I'll get there and explain it to them." Dalso said and was about to exit the room until Cosy wants to ask him more before he leaves.

"Dalso wait! Before you leave, if you see him wearing a black clothes, and his hair is the same color like his clothes. Run away and hide. His name is Harm."

"Gotcha, I'll try my best to stay alive so I won't encounter him." Dalso said as he exit the room and begin heading to Global Across Network."

Cosy lay down on the medical bed and pray for everyone in this dimension and his world too till he get recover soon.

"I really wish I want to help, but can't after the hybrid in the hoodie did to me after Dalso saves me." Cosy said and think more about the angels in this world. "What Harm said. Are there really angels in this world too? At first I know Vold came from a different planet. This world is sure is a mystery." Cosy said again and then rest for a bit.

Up on top of the building somewhere. Harm was searching for a prey to feast on.

"Hmm? Where is the tasty smell coming from." Harm said and saw a female humanoid raccoon in her 30s and he grin. "Ah! It's her. Can't wait to drink her blood." He licks his lip and teleport to spy on her.

A female humanoid raccoon was heading home by herself which she didn't have enough money to take the bus.

"This is freaking unbelievable. I can't believe I don't have enough damn money to pay the bus driver. That just great..." She said while pissed.

As she was walking on the sidewalk, she heard a noise that was coming from the back alley. "Huh? What the hell was that sound?" She said and follow the sound that is coming from.

When she arrive at the back alley, there was a mouse that was in the trash can was making all that noise.

"Ugh... Gross."

When she about to leave, Harm was already behind her which scare her.

"AHH!" She fell on the ground and look at the hybrid.

"Oh? Did I scare you miss?" Harm said.

"You damn right you freak! You almost gave me a heart attack you son of a bitch!"

He chuckles as he walk towards her. "Sorry for spooking you miss. You don't mind I have one of your delicious blood?" Harm said while grinning.

She got up and was stepping back from him. "You better stay the fuck away from me before I break your legs."

"Really now? Do it, I like to see you try." Harm said while walking towards her.

She growls and begin to kick him.

Harm caught her leg with one hand as he smile evilly at her.

"What the...?!" She was surprise at him when he caught her foot without struggling.

Before she react, Harm then squeeze her leg tightly which she scream in pain and fell down on the ground again.

"My leg! You broke my damn leg!"

"You know, I should have treat you well before which I don't like your attitude missy. Perhaps I should give you more pain." Harm said and he stomp her another leg which she scream even more."

Harm laughs while hearing her scream. "Hahaha! Yes! Scream more. No one will save you." He kept on crushing her leg which she can feel her bone broken.

She kept screaming and tries to tell him to stop. "AGH! Stop! please! No more..."

"Hmm? Stop? Alright then, since you ask nicely." Harm stops torturing her.

The tears was rolling down on her face. "You'll let me live... Right?"

"Yes, but first." He gentle play with her hair and then starts licking her neck. "Such taste from a sweet lady." He kept on licking her neck which his fangs was poking at her neck. "I want to have fun with you, but I got plans."

"Plans...?" She said while scared.

"Of course, now be still and be a good girl. You will feel lots of pain and you will become like me." Harm said and begin biting her neck which made her scream more again.

Harm then starts drinking her blood and eject the black liquid into her circulatory system while draining her blood.

She tries to get him off. But can't. It's like his body made of iron that won't move which she then tries to punch him in the face, which he didn't felt any pain from that punch.

After 14 seconds. Harm was done draining her blood and she was twitching which she is barely alive.

"Excellent." Harm wipe the blood off his lip. "Soon you will become like me and everyone on this planet will become just like me. Hahahahaha!" Harm laughs and pick her up. "If the transform of her complete. I might have her as my partner."

Harm laughs again while holding her and teleport somewhere hidden.

At the hospital, Dalso got done talking on the phone to request a taxi again to get to Global Across Network and sat down on the seat and waits.

"I hope the taxi get here quickly. This world and Cosy's world are in danger." Dalso said quietly.

Dalso check to see if he has more money. "Good thing I still have enough money, I know Global Across Network is probably a long way to get there." Dalso said and look at the window to watch for the taxi to come.

At the Global Across Network. Craft and Dence are walking together as they head to the professor Scope's office room and knock on his door and ask him the news about the half demon half vampire hybrid in this world.

Scope open the door and was surprise to see them.

"Oh! Professor Craft and Dence, glad you two stop by. I need help with something I'm inventing." The male humanoid koala said.

"What kind of invention you making Scope?"

"I'm trying to figure out how to develop this small ship that can travel light years away to find more race in the universe." Scope said.

"Wish I want to help you professor Scope. But this is a emergency."

"Emergency? What kind of emergency?" Scope said while confused.

"I want you to read this. I print it off the website and made more copy of it about those hybrid bastard we dealing with." Craft said and gave the paper to Scope.

Scope takes the paper and reads it. As he kept reading it, his eyes widen what the hybrid are capable of. "Mother of god... They can get stronger while drinking the person's blood?!"

"Wow he read fast." Dence said.

"Shut up buffoon. This is serious." Craft said to Dence and look at Scope. "That is correct Scope, they get stronger when they feast on someone's blood. Their potential are so absurd which they can destroy a universe or more."

He wipe the sweat off his face. "What you saying are true. I know the angels exist long ago about 1000 years when they created this world. But what was the reason for the hybrid going against the angels?" Scope said.

"I have no clue, I wish I found more information about the hybrid on the website more which is only one story on there. I want you to tell the others and the CEO about this news. We have no idea what they hiding at."

"No problem professor Craft. I'll let the others know about this threat we dealing with." Scope said and hang on this paper.

Craft and Dence left and begin to check on Emi if she is not busy or not.

"Do you think Cosy and the others be okay?" Dence said.

"I hope so Dence, and I hope Cosy be alright. I just didn't expect him to enter this world after he manage to activate the portal machine, which of course, when you didn't put in a better passcode."

"Come on... I say I was sorry about it, okay?"

Inside the cave, Harm was watching the female humanoid raccoon if the transform was complete.

He grin as he notice something around her body which was a dark aura that surround her as she feels the pain that was hurting her system that made her cough off blood. Then her animal features on her had disappear and the wings grew behind her back and her pupils in her eyes were no longer green, but turn red. Her teeth become even more shaper like him.

The transformation was complete. "Yes! A another new clone has been born!" Harm shouted in excitement.

She open her eyes to see Harm.

"Greeting my dear. I see you are quite beautiful in your new look." Harm chuckles.

Basically she have no idea she know the event what happen when Harm attack her at the back alley. But only know about the past about the hybrid race and knows Cosy and others too. Plus, her legs were completely heal.

"I feel... Great." She let out a small chuckles and gets up and look at Harm. "So? You must be Harm, right?" She said which she know his name. "Quite a name for you. My name is Pre." She said.

"Well of course my lovely." He grab her hand and kiss it. "Such a nice perfect name for a woman." Harm said. "How about we find more prey to feast on and create more army? How's that?"

Pre smile and accept his offer. "Why yes, I would love to join with you and feast on those poor fools blood. Like this make me more excited to taste the mortal's blood." Pre said when she lick her lip.

Harm grin. "You're such a perfect evil woman, and I like that. We both will become perfect partner and become unstoppable."

She giggles. "Agree, shall we begin our feasting on the humanoid on this planet?"

"Indeed, lets go my dear. Those pathetic fools on this worthless planet won't stop us. Not even Cosy and his friends will stop us." Harm said.

Both of them laughs as they exit the cave and fly up in the sky to look for more prey on this planet to get more powerful and create more hybrid clone to get revenge on the angels for a long time to conquer the universe.
Going Against My Other Self?! 2.6
Dalso was still at the hospital and was still waiting for the taxi to get here. He look at the clock on the which says 12:53 AM.

"Man... Where is the taxi? It's been half of hour... Hope the taxi cab didn't got killed or bitten by those hybrid out there." Dalso said while looking at the window and looking for taxi to come.

He kept looking until he sees a yellow taxi finally came. "Oh finally, the taxi came." Dalso said and get's up from his seat and exit out of the hospital.

The male humanoid goat unlock the door for Dalso as he open the car door and then closes the car door and locks it.

"What location you what to go sir?"

"I need to go to Global Across Network to see Cosy's professors."

"Global Across Network? I heard that place, why you want to go there?"

"My friend got..." Dalso wants to tell the taxicab about the hybrid that attack Cosy. But he know he won't believe him." Well... He got bitten by a wild animal which I need to go there to tell Craft and Dence the news about this."

"Oh sorry to hear that man, what's your friend's name by the way?"

"His name is Cosy, he's a kind guy."

"That's a nice name for him." The humanoid goat said and begin driving to Global Across Network.

Harm and Pre were flying in the sky to find their next prey to find in the area.

"I wonder what humanoid we can find in some area my dear. I hope there is some pathetic humanoids somewhere in this area which I can sense their blood." Harm said while smiling.

"Oh me too Harm. I can already smell the blood of the humanoids in some area, can't wait to drain their delicious blood so they become one of us." Pre giggles and lick her lips.

"Your such a hot beautiful woman Pre. I wish I can taste that tongue of your." Harm said while teasing her."

"Every time you tease me makes me excited Harm." Pre said and was thinking of something. "Why don't we split up as you find some prey and I can find some too? It would be a lot quicker."

"Good idea my dear. It's a lot easier for the both of us for turning them into clones.

"Agree, I'll find someone to play with and then drain their blood so they will become one of us. No one will stop us. No one!" Pre said while laughing.

"She is evil just like me." Harm said in his mind and he blush.

Harm and Pre split up to find someone to feast on.

Meanwhile at the Global Across Network. Craft went to Emi's room to check on her if she is busy. Craft knock on the door and then waits for Emi to open the door.

Emi heard the knock on the door while she was busying on her computer. She got up from her seat and heads to the door and unlock it and open the door to see Craft.

"Professor Craft, surprising to see you."

"Hello Professor Emi, I want to tell you about the news while I found something on the website."

"The news? What kind of the news Craft? Did you find something fascinating to show me?" Emi said while smiling.

"Well... This paper I'm holding which I printed the story off the website. This might explain it to you." Craft said and gave the paper to Emi.

As Emi was reading the paper, her eyes widen while she was reading the history of the half demon half vampire. She never thought of a threat be that dangerous that will take over the universe.

"My god... Feasting on their blood make them stronger while ejecting the black liquid into the person's circulatory system that make one of them. Craft? Where did you find this story at? And what the website called?"

"While I was reading the story I came across the website that is called 'The Untold Stories'. The website has stories that explains the origin of mystery stuff, it's just like the urban legend."

"I see... How did you find out about this?" Emi said and was wondering how Craft know about the hybrid.

"Dence told me about the hybrid while we were discussion at the front door after meeting Cosy's new friends which professor Daily told him about the rumor of one hybrid is somewhere hiding in this world and planning to create a entire army of clones to take over this world. We need to inform the CEO about this and know about this potential threat we dealing with."

"Basically if this legend is true, I'll tell the other scientist about this and prepare some weapons so we can find one of those hybrid to exterminate them for good so they won't cause harm to this world."

"Right, I'll go find that buffoon first and then tell the CEO about this threat. I'll see you later Professor Emi." Craft said and exit out of her room and find Dense.

Emi look at the paper again while sweating. "My goodness... I never knew there were humanoid demons and vampires exist here on this planet. Speaking of which. This paper tells they had a war for a long time against the angels. The angels should be on Earth, I wonder where they located at? I should get going now so I can inform the others."

She exit out of room and get her keys out of her pocket and lock the door and then heads to tell the other scientist about the dangerous news.

On the road, the taxicab was driving on the road while Dalso was still worry about Cosy. "I don't know what to say to Craft and Dence about this... Craft is going to be upset about what happen to Cosy." Dalso said quietly.

The humanoid goat heard him. "Hey buddy? Are you talking to yourself?"

"Oh no I was worry about my friend Cosy. I'm hopefully he's still okay, the bite on his neck was kinda big which I had to stop the bleeding from his neck."

"Crap... Was the bite lethal? I know the jaw of a animal was so powerful to dig into his skin."

"Not really, I arrive at the hospital to check on him to see he's okay. He could barely talk and move his neck a bit."

"I'm glad your friend is still okay. Oh yeah! I forgot. You said his professor names are Craft and Dence, right?"

"Yeah, that's his professors." Dalso said. "You know them or went to Global Across Network?" Dalso was wondering.

"Nah not really, I never heard that name before or went inside the place either. I know the place, but didn't enter that place." The humanoid goat said.

"Oh alright then." Dalso said and look back at his window and was also worry about Badge and Light which they still sleeping and might be targeted too.

"Really hope those two at home are safe from those half demon half vampire hybrid." Dalso said in his mind and prey for his friends that won't get killed or drain by them.

At the bottom floor, Dence was drinking a glass of wine while walking.

"I wonder where's Daily at? She might be busy getting more papers somewhere." Dence said while drinking his wine again.

He sees Craft was on the escalator. "Oh Craft is back."

Craft was looking for Dence and sees him drinking his wine and facepalm. "Of course... That buffoon have to get a drink while we in a dangerous situation." Craft said and finally got off the escalator.

"So you told Emi about the hybrid?"

"I did yes. What are you doing down here Dence? I can tell you got some drink again..." Craft said and was wondering why his partner was down here."

"Come on Craft, can a guy get a drink? But sorry about that. I was looking for Daily on the bottom floor, I have no idea where she went. I check her room, the lab, and outside too."

"Dence... You know she just left already to check on her sister and then head home."

"Shit really? I didn't knew she left." Dense said while scratching his hair.

Craft roll his eyes. "Just come with me, we need to tell the CEO as soon as possible. God knows those hybrid bastard out there draining the resident people's blood."

"Right! Gotcha." Dence said and begin follow Craft to the escalator to head to the third floor to meet the CEO.

Outside on top of the mountain. Vold was sitting on top of the edge of the mountain looking at the cloud and was daydreaming after saving Cosy back at the forest yesterday.

"Cosy... That name I will never forget that. I might be thinking to meet him again. No... I got something to deal with that been haunting me for a long time. The pain, people getting burned up alive, and the family getting killed..." Vold said.

Vold stands up and cross his arm while looking at the direction to the other mountain. "The potential in me. I know I have strong power in me. I need to focus on my tra- Huh?" Vold was interrupt and sees someone flying so fast.

"So fast... Who was that? It like it was wearing a similar clothes to someone. I don't see no humanoid wing type that fly at night that really fast. Whoever that was, I need to follow it."

Vold left out his wings and begin to take off to follow the hybrid.

At the beach. The humanoid lion was in his swimming trunks which he was in his 30s. He was drinking his beer and watching the ocean while he was drunk. "Oh damn... I drunk so much beer, I need to head back in my tent to get some sleep."

He went inside the tent to get some sleep.

Pre was up in the sky watching the humanoid lion heads inside the tent and planning to drain his blood and then make a hybrid of him.

"Hehehe! It's seem like my prey is off to sleep. But first, I might play with him for a little bit till I look for other humanoids to feast on." Pre said while smiling and planning to have fun with him.

As she fly's down and landed on the sand. Pre was walking towards to the man's tent as her clothes suddenly change into her bikini while she was grinning.

The humanoid lion was about to go to sleep when he was about to zip the tent until he saw a beautiful lady was walking towards his tent.

"Oh damn... Am I dreaming? " He said as he rub his eyes and thinking it was a dream.

Pre walk up to the male humanoid lion to greet him. "Hello big boy." Pre said. "You don't mind me coming inside your tent?"

"Um... Sure! Come right in. I was about to go to sleep." He said and invite her to come inside.

"Wonderful! Thank you handsome." Pre said as she enter inside his tent.

The humanoid lion was sweating a little to see a hot lady entering his tent. "This is really awesome. I can't believe this hot lady is here in my tent. This is my fucking chance to score with her." He said in his mind.

Pre then look out to see someone out there while smiling evilly and then look back to him. "Since no one is out there, why don't we have some fun?" Pre said while.

The humanoid lion eye widen and his chest was racing fast. "Holy shit, I can't believe this is happening." He said in his mind again. "Sure, I'm ready when you are."

"Good." Pre said and zip the tent down and look at him with a seductive smile.

She begin walking towards him and starts kissing his neck.

The male humanoid lion can feel his neck being kiss by her as he was enjoying it.

"You got a soft neck." Pre said while kissing his neck. "Are you ready for the real fun?" Pre said again.

"Of course, I'm ready for the fun hot stuff." He said while getting excited.

"Well then." Pre stop licking his neck and then pin him down while smiling.

The humanoid lion was getting more excited. "This is it!" He said in his mind once more and waiting to see Pre untie her bra.

"I want you to close your eyes first." Pre chuckles.

The male humanoid lion closes his eyes and waits while he was smiling.

While he is closing his eyes. Pre lick her fangs and then bites on his neck.

"ARGH!" He felt a painful bite from his neck as he was screaming and tries to get her off, but her grip was too strong while he was struggling to push her off while his blood getting drain by her.

Pre was still drinking his blood and then eject the black liquid into his circulatory system.

He kept screaming more as he can feel a warm liquid that was entering into his system and was doing more pain even more. His legs were twitching and he still try to push her off. But it was no use, his body was getting weaker as Pre kept draining his blood while she was pinning him down tightly from escaping as the poor male humanoid lion close his eyes again.

After that, Pre was done draining his blood and see him not moving while grinning. "Hahaha! So foolish of him for letting me in. But thanks for the tasty blood." Pre said while licking the blood off her lip.

"The transformation might take minutes. I have no time to wait since me and Harm need to create entire army." Pre said as her clothes change back to her original clothes.

Pre then unzip the tent up and let her wings out and being to fly to hunt more humanoids people to feast on their blood while she was laughing.

On the road again. Dalso was sleeping while the taxicab was driving him to Global Across Network.

The humanoid goat sees Global Across Network up head. "Look like the organization is still open." He said and look at Dalso and try to wake him up. "Hey wake up, we here now."

Dalso wakes up and yawn. "Why you wake me up?" Dalso said.

"We're here man. Look." The humanoid goat said and pointed at the organization.

"Oh sweet! Nice, I hope Cosy's Professors are still there."

The taxicab made it to Global Across Network as he park his car.

Dalso unlock the car door and look at him. "Thank you so much man." Dalso said and gets his money out of his pocket. "How much I got to pay you? I know it was a long ride."

"You're welcome sir. That will be $31." The humanoid goat said.

His eyes widen and he just sigh. "Well I got no choice anyway. Here you go." Dalso hand the money to him as the humanoid goat take the money.

Dalso exit the taxi and close the car door and rush to Global Across Network to tell Craft and Dence about the news about Cosy and his evil counterpart.

He open the door and went inside and sees few humanoid scientist and resident people. "Where is Craft and Dence? I might ask one of the scientist." Dalso said and begin walking towards to the humanoid male otter.

"Excuse me sir? Is Craft and Dence here? I came here before along with my friends after meeting them. How you seen them?"

"The two human? Hmm... Oh! I think I saw them when I was upstairs when they talking about meeting the CEO."

"What floor they on? I need to tell them about my friend Cosy about the incident back at my apartment since he was attacked by a hybrid when we return home."

"I think I saw Craft and Dence heading to floor 3." The humanoid otter said. "And did you say your friend got attacked by a hybrid?"

"Yes, that's why I'm here to let them know about this. I don't wan-"

"Hang on for a minute... Hybrid. Now I know what you saying. I remember what Craft was talking about those hybrid when he was talking to Emi upstairs. Did you two encounter it?"

"We did. Cosy saw it first while I was taking a bath. When I got done taking a bath, the door was open when he check outside. Sooner after that, the hybrid was draining my friend blood and eject this strange black liquid into his neck."

The humanoid otter was shock what Dalso was saying. "Oh my god... The two were right... A blood thirty being are real." The humanoid otter said while shaking and look at Dalso. "Did your friend become one of them?"

"No. I went to the hospital to see he's okay and he was completely fine. He told me he saw the clone of himself before I arrive there. I took the taxi to get here."

"This is some major problem... But thank god your friend is okay." The humanoid otter said. "Come with me, I'll take you to see Craft and Dence."

"Oh thank you so much." Dalso said and begin following him.

"We going to take the elevator which it's the quicker." The humanoid otter said. "My name is Quake, pleasure to meet you."

"The name is Dalso, same with you too." Dalso said and smile.

Quake and Dalso were walking and sees the elevator as Quake press the button as the two waits.

"Is your friend is a humanoid or a human?"

"Cosy is a human when he told me back home when he arrive in this world."

"A third human to come into this world. But how did he get here?"

"He says he arrive from the portal what Craft and Dence invention a portal." Dalso said.

"Deja vu. I remember hearing Emi talking about Professor Craft and Dence were working on a portal in their world. Truly amazing to see some human in that world are capable inventing like we do here in Global Across Network."

While the two were talking. The elevator finally came when it made a noise.

"Look like it's finally here." Quake said.

The elevator open as Dalso and Quake enter inside the elevator which we take them to floor 3 where Craft and Dence are heading to see the CEO.

In the hallway, Craft and Dence were walking to the CEO to explain him about the major threat in this world.

"Hey Craft? Will it be a good idea when we tell him about him... You know. About alien in this world. Should we tell him about that too?"

"No Dence, this is serious. We need to let him know about those damn half vampire, half demon hybrid that exist here in this world biting people that is becoming like them."

"Right, Is it possible here in Global Across Network to create a cure to get them back to normal? Like here for a example. Emi created a Dimension Viewer which the machine can view dimensions up to 4th only."

"While it's sound really impressive what she invented. But I'm sensing which is impossible to cure them back what they use too. I'm already know those bastard have those special type of virus liquid in their teeth which is uncurable."

"Seriously?! It got to be a way! The people here in Global Across Network are way fucking genius than us and the people back in our world. There gotta to be a way to get the-"

Craft interrupt him. "Can you stop being so dramatic and shouting at the same times? I know the people here in the organization are impressive than us. I'm just thinking that virus going to prevent them from being cure."

"So what you mean... Once that transforming is done. There is no way to...?"

"I'm afraid so Dence. I hope Cosy is alright and same with his friends too."

While the two Professors were done talking. They made it to the CEO's room

Craft knock on the door to see if he in there or not. "Hope the CEO is in there." Craft said.

The door was open which was a male humanoid tiger of the CEO of Global Across Network which he open the door to see Craft and Dence. "Oh Craft and Dence nice seeing you here."

"Greeting Mr. Stock. May we come in discuss about the hybrid?" Craft said.

"Come in." Stock said as the two walk inside as Stock close the door. "You said hybrid? Like when two humanoids combine with each other?"

"Something like that, but it's about a threat that is a vampire mix together with a demon that is capable of turning people in this world into clones like them.

"A threat? Vampire and demon hybrid? Do you two have proof to show me?" Stock said.

"Here you go. It's a good thing I didn't lost this paper. Dence give the paper to Mr. Stocks.

As Stock was reading the story about the hybrid that live long ago. He was shocked while reading the story. "Getting stronger while feasting their blood, cloning more as possible and taking over the universe too?!"

"I printed off the website called 'The Untold Stories.' Mr. Stock."

Mr. Stock stop shaking what Craft said. "This can't be real, right? Someone on the internet gotta be tricking them thinking it's real." Stock said which he doesn't believe the story.

"Mr. Stock, I can tell this story is real what Dence find out about this."

"Yeah, Daily told me she heard rumor of one hybrid is hiding somewhere in the area."

Stock look at the two while holding at the paper. "Craft and Dence, I can sure this person on the internet is trying to scare them. There's no way it can be real."

"Please Mr. Stock. This is real, we're not lying. I can tell this story i-"

The three heard a knock on the door.

"Pardon me Craft and Dence." While heading to the door.

Dence whisper to Craft. "Craft? Why the hell is he not believing us? He's the CEO. This world has full of possibilities like one day we might see a humanoid unicorn pop up somewhere in the area.

"Be quiet Dence, I hope he believe us. I just don't why he's thinking it's fake."

Mr. Stock open the door to see Professor Quake along with Dalso.

"Oh it's you Mr. Quake, and who's that with you?"

"This is Dalso, he came here to see Craft and Dence."

"Craft and Dence are already here. They came here to tell me about this half demon and half vampire hybrid story."

"It's a good thing I'm here to see Cosy's Professors. Can I ask the two about this?" Dalso said.

"Of course, come in you two." Mr. Stock let Dalso and Quake in while Stock was wondering why Dalso wants to meet Cosy's Professor.

"Wait a minute... He know about the hybrid too? How he find that out?" Craft said and was wondering how Dalso know about that.

Dalso walk up to them. "Hey, I came here again to tell you something..." Dalso said which he was afraid to tell them about Cosy.

"You saw the hybrid, right?" Craft said.

This surprise Dalso. "Wait? You know too?" Dalso said.

"Me and Dence and the other scientists didn't saw it yet. I was wondering how you find out about that. Can you explain how you encounter it? And is Cosy alright?" Craft was waiting for Dalso's answer how he know about those hybrid.

Dalso scratch his hair. "I saw it. when we return home, that guy in that hoodie attack Cosy and draining his blood. I manage to save him as I heard that scream which was him getting attacked. That stuff he brought from the mall was that liquid thing that turn into metal. I pour it on him which is his weakness. If Cosy didn't buy that stuff. We both would be goner."

Stock was surprise at Dalso's story. "Oh my god... The two were right." Stock said.

"Dalso... Did Cosy turn into a clone like them?" Craft said and was waiting for the answer.

"No, he's still the same. He's at the hospital recovery when I visit to see him if he alright. While I was at the hospital, he told me a clone of himself is planning to take over this world and Cosy's world to create more army to take over the universe."

"The story on the website is indeed true." Stock said and look at Craft and Dence. "I'm sorry for not believing you too." Stock said. "I just thinking it wasn't real that demon and vampire somehow don't exist here today.

"It's alright Mr. Stock, I'm glad you believe us now." Craft said. "I'm also glad my best student is still okay."

"Shall we get ready to exterminate those son of bitches?" Dence said.

"Agree! We going to hunt them so those bastards won't destroy this world and our world too." Craft said.

"Then lets prepare to stop the invasion of the hybrid before they infect everyone here on Earth and the universe too." Stock said.

All of them were determination to stop Harm and his hybrid kind before they create more army to take over this world and the human world too.

In the sky. Harm was flying to find some humanoids to feast on their blood and planning to clone them.

"Let's see..." Harm said while sniffing to find some humanoids and encounter someone near by the lake. "Oh! I smell three humanoids." He said while smiling evilly and fly's to head to the lake really fast.

While he was flying to the lake area. Vold was following him. "He's quick and much faster then me. He's heading to the lake area." Vold said which he was surprise that no one in this world is faster than him.

At the cabin. There were two male humanoids which is a dog and mole playing ping pong and there was a female humanoid squirrel which she is busy texting on her phone.

The female humanoid squirrel was done texting her phone and decide to get some drink. "I'll be right back guys. You two wants some drink?" She said.

"Nah! Maybe later after I beat him at this ping pong." Humanoid dog said.

"Hell no! I'm the one going to win." Humanoid mole said.

"Whatever... Suit yourself then." She said as she got up from her seat.

As she was heading to the car. Harm was watching her behind the tree and begin to stalk her.

Vold arrive in this area and was looking for Harm. "Damn it... I couldn't find him. He was too fast." Vold said which he lost track of him in the woods.

The female humanoid squirrel was walking by the trees as she heard a footstep somewhere. "Hello? Is someone there?" She said while looking around to find whoever that is, but shrug and kept walking to the car.

She continue walking as Harm was hiding behind the tree while watching her as she was heading to the car to get some drink.

Vold was searching for that hybrid in the woods. "I wonder who that is? And why this person landed here in this area for?" Vold said.

"Whoever that is, this person is planning something. I hope there's no one around this lake area."

She was on her phone to check the time. "Damn, it's 1:57 AM. Those guys going to be playing ping pong all night."

As she put her phone in her pocket. She finally made it to the car as she dig in her pocket to get her car key to open the back of the door.

She open the back of the car to see the cooler inside the car and open it to see few beers in it and was looking for a energy drink.

"Where is my energy drink? Did those asshole drink my?" She said while looking inside the cooler.

She kept looking inside the cooler until she find it on the other end. "Oh thank god those guys didn't drink my stuff. I would been thirsty."

"Thirsty? May I take a sip from you?"

"Huh?!" She turn around to see Harm right behind her.

The two were still playing ping pong. "Damn you good man." The humanoid mole said.

"Same with you punkass."

The scream echo throughout this area.

Vold heard the scream somewhere that close. "That scream. It sounded like it came from the other side of the woods. That being might kill someone."

Both of them stop playing and also heard her scream. "What the hell...? Is she okay?"

"I don't know... We should check on if she okay or not." The humanoid dog said and the two begin heading to the car.

Harm was done draining her blood and he put her inside the back of the car and teleport away to hide from her friends.

The two were rushing to the car and was wondering did the animal scare or attack her.

When they arrive. The two see no sign of her while they were looking for her.

"I don't see her somewhere... I know we heard her when she was getting a drink."

"Don't know what fucking creature that was. I would kill it if it does something to her." The humanoid dog said while he clench his fist.

The two were still looking for her when they see blood finger print on back of the car.

"Is that blood?!" The humanoid mole said while shocked.

"What?!" The humanoid dog surprise what his pal said and saw it too.

The back of the door was still open as the humanoid mole was nervous while opening slowly when they see their friend not moving. "Oh my god! She's dead..." The humanoid mole said.

While they looking at her body. They see a black liquid mix with her blood coming out of neck and they see her body begin to twitch.

Both of them step back a bit until they saw Harm on top of the car.

"Well well well. It's nice to see you two pathetic humanoids to pay a visit to see your dead friend." Harm laughs at them with his arm cross while mocking at her death."

The humanoid dog was pissed. "You kill her did you?! You son of a bitch, I swear pal, I'm going to beat the living shit of you till you won't wake up another morning! You fucking hear me!?"

"You think your threat scares me? Hahaha! These beings on this planet are so worthless to go against me. I could kill you with my craws or summon my scythe to rip your head off and your friend too." Harm jump down from the car.

The humanoid mole was shaking from him. "Yo dude, we should leave... This guy is sure is not joking."

"Leave? No way man, this fucker kill her. I'm going to pound his stomach so hard so he won't walk anymore."

Harm laugh at his foolish threat.

"What's so funny huh?!" The humanoid dog said.

"You are one pathetic humanoid. You will die like what I did to her. Soon you two will rise back up as new like me including that girl too. I dare you to strike me."

"Dude! We should go now!" The humanoid mole said.

He ignore his friend and stare at Harm. "You as for it fucker!" He said as he about to punch Harm.

The humanoid dog punch Harm's face so hard. But he didn't move a each while smiling evilly at him. "Was that going to impressive me? HAHAHA!" Harm laugh at him while the humanoid dog was stepping back from him while shocked.

"He didn't move as I punch him... What the hell is he?" He said.

While he was shocked. Harm then use his claws and slash at his face hard.

"ARG!" The slash from Harm which he fell down on the ground. So much blood on his face was bleeding as he was in pain.

Harm lick the blood from his claws and stare at him. "Not so mighty huh? Look at you, acting so tough to kill me. Completely pathetic. Hahaha!" Harm kept laughing and stare at the humanoid mole with a death stare while smiling.

The humanoid mole was truly scared by him and begin to run away.

Harm watch him running away as he grin and teleport.

"This gotta to be a nightmare! I got to find a place to hide." He said while running to look for a place to hide.

As he was running. Harm suddenly teleport right in front of him while the humanoid mole's eyes widen. "What the?! How did you-" Before he about to speak more. Harm grab him by the collar.

"For your foolish attempt to escape from me. You will receive much pain like I did to your friend." Harm said which he was ready to slash at his stomach.

"Please wait! I'll do anything! I won't call the police."

"Anything you said?" Harm said while smiling evilly at him.

"Yes please! Anything! I'll give you money or take our car back there."

Harm laugh at him. "I don't need any of those. What I want is you!" Harm said and was ready to bite his neck hard.

Vold was searching around the lake area instead of flying which he may get seen. "I have no idea where the scream came from. I need t-"

While Vold was talking. A another scream was heard.

Vold figure out what that came from and heads east while rushing there.

Harm throw the humanoid mole down on the ground as he feel his power growing inside his body. "Yes! I can feel the power in me as I drain their blood. Hahaha! I could destroy this area." He kept laughing.

"YOU THERE!" Vold shouted at him.

"Hmm?" Harm look back to see Vold. "Oh? A another worthless humanoid?"

"That blood in your mouth. So you been drinking their blood in this area." Vold said in a cold tone.

"Correct, I need to grow powerful as I can so I can drain their blood on this planet and create a entire army to conquer the entire universe!"

"I will not allow you drain more people's blood. I'll make sure I will burn your entire body if you lay a another hands on someone." Vold said and was ready to end him for good.

"Oh you'll see Vold." Harm said his name which surprise him.

"How did you know my name?" Vold was confused.

"You want to know why I know your name? Lets say I know all of his past and today, thanks to that human friend Cosy. He was so weak when he got bitten by the last remaining hybrid."

Vold grit his teeth as he summon a fire from his hand and getting ready to destroy him.

"Want to give you the answer dragon? Your poor human friend is still alive at the hospital on his death bed." Harm laugh at him.

Vold had enough as he shoot the flame at him.

Harm then teleport so quick before getting hit by the flame.

"Impossible! How he dodge it that fast? no one ever dodge my flame attack before."

The laugh was heard in the sky as Vold look up to see him flying. "Know this Vold. I know how powerful you are, so I won't be fighting you yet. I know all Cosy's past and know all of his friends and that includes you too. Farewell fool!"

Harm once again teleport out of this area to feast on another humanoid blood.

"Damn it!" Vold said as he clench his fist. "I won't know what location he's at." Vold said again and pause for a second. "He said there more clones out there. I need to stay caution."

Before he about to leave. He sees the humanoid mole was transforming as his animal features was falling apart.

Vold didn't want to do this as he prepare to kill this poor guy before the transformation is complete. "I'm sorry..." Vold said as he breath fire from his mouth at the corpse.

The body stop transforming and as the flame was on him burning.

Vold then let his wings out and begin to search for Harm as he fly up in the air and heads to the another area.

After Vold left the lake area. The back of the car door open which was the humanoid squirrel that already transform while she was giggling at her dead friend that got slash by Harm.

"Oh my, it's seem my friend is dead. Let me fix you right up." She said as she use her dark power to revive him back and heal his face. But into a half demon half vampire hybrid like her.

He gets up from the ground and stare at her. "Thank you for reviving me hot stuff. I really appreciate it."

"Don't mention it." She giggle again. "I'm hungry for some blood. Care to join with me and find the other hybrid to see what they doing?"

"Will do! People on this planet will become one of us! And this planet will become hellish!"

Both of them laughs as the two let their wings out and then teleport to another area to begin hunting to find some humanoid to feast on their blood.

Vold was flying in the air and was worry about Cosy, Dalso and other. "This world is in great danger. I need to figure out to stop him and his clones."

Meanwhile back at Global Across Network. Emi was finish talking to the other scientists about the demon, vampire hybrid that will take over the world to turn everyone like them and continue their plan to conquer the entire universe.

Emi was walking and planning to head back to her room to get the invention that she finish on the other day that she can track those hybrid out there.

"That invention I created should be able to find those demon, vampire hybrid out there. It should be capable to detect them for sure." Emi said while walking back to her room.

As she was heading back to her room to get her invention. Emi saw Craft, Dence, Quake, and Dalso along with the CEO exit out of the elevator.

"Professor Emi, did you tell the other scientists about the threat we dealing?" Mr. Stock said to Emi.

"I did yes. There getting ready to get their weapon and begin inventing something that will stop them for good."

"What kind of invention that will stop them?" Quake said to Emi.

"I don't know Professor Quake, we have to wait to find out what it is till they get done working on it."

"Really hope so..." Dalso said. "My friend Cosy is at the hospital and I'm kinda worry those demon, vampire hybrid might head there to bite him which might create a second clone of him."

"Cosy?" Emi said and look at Dalso. "Is he alright?"

"Yep, he still at the hospital resting there after his neck got bitten by the hybrid."

"Thank goodness he's alright." Emi smile. "Pardon me, he's your friend, right? what's your name? I know I didn't got a chance to meet you since I met the humanoid badger that was with Cosy."

"I'm Dalso, and the guy you met. His name is Badge. My other good friend of mine named Light which he's a humanoid firefly."

"Pleasure to meet you Dalso."

Both of them shake their hands while Craft was thinking a idea.

"What you thinking Craft?" Dence said.

"I'm thinking how we going to defend ourself by getting bitten by those bastards out there? They might be hiding somewhere waiting to bite us before we try to exterminate them."

"The human is right, how in the world can we defend ourself getting turn into like them?" Quake said.

Emi think for a second and has a idea. "I got it! Follow me. I have a idea so we can protect ourself from getting turn into a hybrid." Emi said as she heads back to her room as the four follow her.

While the five are walking, Dence is wondering what's her idea is. "So Emi. What kind of idea is it? Some sort of gummy stuff effect that you place it on our skin so their teeth bounce off?"

"Nope, it's something better than that." Emi said.

After the five walk about a minute. They arrive at Emi's room as she get her key and unlock the door as the five enter the room.

"Professor Emi." Mr. Stock said. "What's your idea for us not getting bitten by those demon, vampire hybrid?"

"To explain this, the invention what the other scientist doing down there. They are inventing a device that can attach on our skin so those hybrid won't bite us so they won't eject that strange liquid in our system."

"Great! How long till it get finish Professor Emi? If they don't hurry. The people in Utopicity would be in danger.

"The others at the lab on downstairs will get it finish around 5 to 10 minutes. It shouldn't take that long."

"Wonderful! We make sure we won't get turn into like them while hunting them down." Mr. Stock said.

"Also, I have a invention which I worked on since the other day." Emi said as she walk to her desk and open the drawer which was a tracking device and she picks it up and close the drawer.

"The tracking device?" Quake said. "Do you have more of them Professor Emi?"

"Unfortunately no. I wish I invention more of them if I can. Sorry."

The five heads out of the room and Mr. Stock look at Dalso.

"Mr. Dalso, I'm afraid you have to stay here along with the other people that come here to Global Across Network."

"Huh? But why?" Dalso said.

"I don't want to see you and the other people get hurt by those monsters out there. Plus, if it's true they get stronger while drinking their blood. You will get outnumber and get turn into them."

Dalso wants to say something to him but can't. "I understand sir... I'll stay here." Dalso said. "What about my friends? Can your team go get Badge and Light? I don't won't them turn into a demon, vampire hybrid like them."

"I'll see I can Mr. Dalso. What's the location you and your friend live?"

"Badge, Light and me live at is Resident Local Utopia."

"Thanks Mr. Dalso. I'll make sure the team will get your friends and the residents that are living there will be safe here." Mr. Stock said.
Going Against My Other Self?! 2.7
I know it's been two months since I was busy writing other stories. But here it is now.

Nal was on top of the mountain resting and was still thinking about Vold after his fight with him at the forest yesterday since he almost got his chance killing Cosy while he was still upset.

"That damn dragon... I was close killing that fucking human." Nal said. "His strength was ridiculous than mine. Where the hell did he come from?" He was wondering how did the humanoid dragon came out of nowhere and save Cosy. "It doesn't matter, if I see dragon boy again. I'll make sure I get more powerful and kill him and that human too."

Nal then got up and look around the other hills and sigh. "I need to head home, my brother is waiting for me since he probably doesn't know I been out for a whole hours." Nal said.

He then begin to make a big jump as he jump to another mountain.

While Nal was jumping to mountains to mountains. Nal's right white bunny ear detected someone coming from the south. "It's that dragon boy?" Nal said and was wondering it's Vold again.

Nal stand still and sees a sign of him. "It's might be him. Now my chance to get my revenge on him since our first fight back at the fucking forest." Nal said while smiling.

Before he about to jump up in the air. It teleport away.

"What the fuck?! He's gone!?" Nal was shocked to see it teleport away. "How the hell did he disappear like that!?"

Nal was looking for him until he heard a giggle behind him. "Oh? You looking for that dragon? Too bad bunny man. It's look like you dealing with me." Female voice said to him.

"HUH?!" Nal look back to see a hybrid humanoid female. Her eyes was red and her teeth was sharp.

"Did I scare you? You should be. My name is Maxie, I can't wait to drink that delicious blood of your." She said while licking her lips.

Nal was creeped out. " Ew... But anyway. Who the hell are you lady?"

"Me? I'm just a sweet lady that loves to drain someone blood and make them become one of us. Sound cool, right? Now come here so I can have that blood of your~" She said.

"Sorry lady, But no. I have no idea who the fuck you are. But I'm not letting you take one of my damn blood. If you take any closer, I will kill you since I got no problem fighting girls."

"Oh~ I dare you. I double dare you fool. I like to see you how weak you are." She giggle and mock Nal.

"Alright bitch! NOW I'M REALLY PISSED OFF!" Nal said as he dash at her in full speed and was ready to punch her.

She stop giggle and dodge him. "Huh? I didn't expect you be that fast."

Nal glare at him. "Oh you about to find out soon. I had my fight with that dragon back in the forest." Nal said.

"Well then bunny man. I like to see you try... THIS!" She use her dark magic which she summon a lots of arrows and launch it at Nal.

He dodge it as he was jumping up and down as the spear made a tiny explosion on the mountain.

Nal look at the tiny crater on the mountain. "How the hell did she bring up a arrows out of thin air?" He said in his mind and was confused at her and was wonder how she summon arrows out of nowhere.

"Surprise right?" She giggle. "I'm glad you dodge that bunny man. If you didn't, you're entire body will get disintegrate by my lovely arrows."

Nal growl at her. "I swear... I'm going to tear that wings off your back and then send your ass where you came from."

"Oh I'm so scared by your cute threat~." She said and summon a spear in her hand. "I like to see how strong you are to take me down bunny man. But can't you react to my spear I'm holding? No one ever dodge it before."

"I'll see I can dodge your lame ass spear woman!" Nal dash at her in such speed to deliver a punch Maxie.

"Poor little fool~." She smirk as she steady her spear to aim it at Nal and then throw it at him.

Nal sees the spear and dodge it as the spear made a another small explosion.

"He dodge that too!? That's impossible... I guess the bunny man wasn't kidding after all." She said in her mind and was surprised at Nal dodge her spear which no mortals couldn't react in time.

Nal kept dashing at her and then jump in the air and was ready to punch Maxie. "I hope you like pain! This is going to hurt a lot!" Nal yells at her.

She then teleport while she is smiling as Nal punch her which he missed. "What the hell?!" Nal said as he landed on the ground and was looking for her. "Where that bitch go?"

"Up here~"

"Huh?!" Nal look up in the sky which she was way up in the sky.

"You surprised me bunny man. Your speed and your reaction is great. However... I could teleport away way quick so I can tired you out while messing with you and then drink your delicious blood.

Nal grit his teeth as he tight his fist. "You think staying up in the air going to help you, bitch?"

Maxie giggles as she mocks him.

"Grr..." Nal growl and begin to make a another big jump in such speed and ready his fist again to strike her this time.

Maxie watch him and smile.

"I hope you don't disappear again!" He yelled at her.

Nal punch her, but the hybrid teleport yet again.

"Damnit!" Nal landed on the ground.

"Oh bunny man~! Over here!" Maxie said.

Nal look at her and sees her holding a another spear. But it was electric red and glowing too, but more powerful.

"Do you see this bright red spear I'm holding? This one is much powerful which I could destroy this mountain where you standing at."

Nal was a little shocked if that spear will destroy this mountain and including himself too.

"Oh you're scared again? I thought you was a strong brave bunny man. But oh well then... It would be nice to see you falling off this mountain and see your precious legs broken."

Maxie giggle like crazy as she was preparing her powerful spear to aim it at Nal.

"Shit!" Nal said and tries to make a run for it to get off this mountain.

Maxie throw the spear at Nal, but he dodge it once again and Nal look at the spear and was about to blow up in few seconds and run away to get off this mountain before the spear explode.

Soon after Nal jump off the mountain. The spear blows up the entire mountain as she laugh.

"Falling to your death? Such a poor choice~" She said and laugh at his death.

Lots of chucks and pieces were falling on the ground as Maxie fly's down on the ground to look for Nal's corpse.

"Finally, he was a little problem for me. But anyway. Time to find his body and drain his blood." She said as she lick her lips to find his body somewhere after he jump off the mountain.

While she was searching for Nal's body. She couldn't find him somewhere.

"Huh? Where is he?" She said while looking for body. "There's no way he be still alive after that long fall."

Maxie was still looking for him. "Where is that bunny man?"

"Right here!"

"Wha?!" She turn around until she got punched by Nal which he punch in the stomach so hard which send her flying towards the big chuck of the piece from the mountain.

The pain from that punch was unreal which no mortal had ever damage a vampire, demon hybrid before as she cough blood from her mouth. Maxie gets up slowly and look at him.

"Impossible... I thought you died... How?" Maxie said.

"You thought I was dead bitch? Guess what? I survived from long fall about a month ago when I was on top of the building. It was really fucking funny to see your look on your face." Nal laughs and mocks her.

Maxie grit her teeth while she was pissed.

"Tch! I change my mind for drinking your blood and have you becoming us, but I'm going to enjoy seeing you suffer as I put a spear through your heart!" She yelled at him.

"Ha! Bring it on. It's rare to see you get upset." Nal said which he wasn't afraid at her anger.

While struggling in pain. Maxie use her dark magic to heal herself as she smirk.

"Huh? What?! You can heal yourself!?" Nal was shocked which he didn't know she can heal.

"Of course I can. I think you're a idiot that doesn't realized I can heal."

"God damnit..."

"Now then." She summon two spears and holds it and then pointed at Nal. "I like to see how you can dodge these? No running away or I have to impale your precious legs~

He was sweating a little and have no choice to fight her and get into his fighting stance.

"Not shaking or running away? How brave of you, but foolish~" Maxie said with a mocking tone and smile as she begin to charge at Nal to strike him.

Maxie strike him multiple time as Nal kept dodging those spears while she trying her best to kill him.

"Damn... Her attack are getting faster. I need to think of something." Nal said in his mind while dodging on of her two spears.

Maxie smile and came up with a plan while striking him.

"You won't be dodging anymore bunny man." Maxie said as she use her dark magic with her eyes which prevent him from escaping.

"What the fuck?!" Nal shouted which he couldn't move and stare at her. "You lying cheating bitch!" He said while pissed at her.

She giggle at him and point one spear at his face. "Me cheating? Oh dear~ I have to do that to lure you to my trap. I wish I should did it at the start when I encounter you on top of the mountain.

Nal struggle to break free from her dark magic.

"Hahaha! Struggling is meaningless for you." She said and look at Nal. "Now... Which one should I impale at with my spears? The heart? Your nose? Or... Your eyes? Choose wisely~"

Nal growl at her and was still trying to break free.

"You still struggle to break free? It's useless you know~" She said as she mock Nal to break free from her dark magic.

Nal grit his teeth as he kept struggling to break free.

As she laugh at him and prepare to kill Nal. She notice a small movement from him. "Huh? What's this?"

He kept struggling more and was finally free from her dark magic which shocks her.

"No! Impossible! No mortal has ever break free from my dark magic!" She was shocked at this.

He stares at her. "You said you're going to kill me, right? Like I said before. I'm going to tear your fucking wings off your back." Nal said.

"What are you... There is no way for you to break free from my dark magic."

"You telling me what am I? Ha! I'm a humanoid rabbit with super strength. Do you want to know why I'm so strong? I drink that damn disgusting water while I was camping with my brother a years ago and gain this power."

"Madness... It was a mistake encounter you. I must retreat to tell lord Harm about this and find my partner." She said as she teleport away to escape from him.

Nal watch her teleport away and tries to find her in this area.

"HEY GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE! I WASN"T FINISH WITH YOU!" Nal shouted at Maxie after she teleported away.

"Great... She escaped." Nal said while looking in the sky and think for a seconds. "That lady said she has a partner and the other person name... Harm? What the hell is going on? Are there more like her? I need to head back home first to check my brother if he's okay. That bitch and her partners better not do something to my brother." Nal said while tighten his fist. "I got to get going now."

Nal rush back home to check his brother if he is alright.

Meanwhile in the sky. Her partner in the sky was looking for some prey to find.

"Which area should I go? Ah! I think this area with those mortals living in those house is a great choice for me to drain their blood. Hehehe." He begin to fly down to the area what Dalso live in this neighborhood area.

He landed on the ground and hides his wings from other humanoid people if they are late at night.

The male hybrid sense a humanoid's blood in some houses. "Oh! It's seem I smell a blood coming in some houses. I wish my partner was here." He said as he begin walking to find his first prey.

Inside the house. Badge was still sleeping. "Hey scaring bug, you got something on your nose." He said while talking in his sleep.

The hybrid was smelling the blood sense coming from Badge's house which he forgot to lock his window.

"It's seem like that mortal didn't lock the window. What a fool." He said as he grin and open the window slowly and enter inside Badge's house.

He look around the house to see a tv, kitchen, and the broom on the floor.

"I wonder where the mortal's room is at?" He said as he stiff to find him as he begins walking around his house.

Badge was still sleeping in his bedroom and not noticing a intruder is inside his home.

The hybrid was walking around the house and sees a stair that lead him upstairs which Badge's bedroom at.

"Perfect, he's upstairs. Can't wait to drain that mortal's blood so he become like me and then visit their other houses too." He grin evilly as he walk towards the stairs.

Badge was still sleeping and begin talking to his sleep again. "No Dalso... I swear I didn't pull a prank on Light."

The hybrid kept sniffing and know what room he's in. "You're blood is mine." He said as he kept walking upstairs.

While he was walking upstairs. He sense Badge in his bedroom as he smile evilly.

Badge kept sleeping and he then roll over in his bed and continue talking in his sleep one last time. "Cosy? You sure you didn't stare at that hot scientist wolf chick's butt, did you?"

The hybrid open the door slowly and sees him sleeping.

"Hehehe... That fool is still sleeping. Now I will prepare draining his blood and then he'll become one of us." The hybrid said quietly.

Badge was still sleeping while the hybrid was walking towards his bed as he begin to open his mouth which his fangs was leaking out black liquid which he is preparing to eject it into his circulatory system.

While the hybrid is about to bite him. Badge smell a breath which he is beginning to wake up.

"Ugh... What is that smell?" Badge said and turn around to see... Nothing.

"Weird... I thought I smell that awful stench. But it's gone now. Is it my breath?"

He open his mouth to smell his breath and then look around the bedroom and rubs his eyes and yawn. "Well since that stench woke me up. I guess I'll get some milk and cookies and then after that. I'll brush my teeth again and right back to bed again." Badge said as he got out of his bed to head downstairs to get some milk and cookie.

As he got up, Badge saw some black liquid stuff on the floor.

"What the crap?" Badge said as he was looking down at the strange black liquid stuff. "Huh? Where this stuff come from? Great... I need to get the mop in the kitchen and clean that mess up..." Badge said again and sigh.

Badge was walking towards to the door and put his hand on the doorknob and tries to open it... But couldn't.

"Huh? What the hell? Why the door is lock? Speaking of which, the lockset is not even pressed. What's going on?" Badge said which he tries to open the door and was wondering why the door is not opening.

"Look like someone is awake, but you can't escape from me." The unknown voice said.

"Who's there?!" Badge said as he was looking for the person in his room. "Where are you?! And how the hell did you get in my house?"

The hybrid appear in his room and greets him. "Greeting mortal, it is nice to meet you." He said while smiling evilly at Badge.

"What the..." Badge said while confused and try to ask the hybrid. "Who are you man? And where did you come from?" Badge said and was shocked at him which he appear out of thin air.

"Me? Called me Bled before your blood get drain by me."

"Draining my blood!? No! And I want to know how the hell you got in my house." Badge said as he step back and kept watching him.

The hybrid laugh. "It's really simple my friend. You didn't lock the window."

Badge's eyes widen which he forgot to lock the window. "Crap..."

"Now then Badge. Shall I begin draining your blood?"

This made Badge shocked even more which he know his name. "What the hell... How did you know my name? I never met you before.

"How I know your name? Hehehe, I know everything about you and your pitiful friends and this world too. But enough talk. Your blood is mine and soon you become like me."

"There is no way you know me and my friends somehow... I got to get the hell out of here." Badge said and tries to head to the window as Bled teleport in front of him.

"Where do you think you're going mortal? I didn't got a chance to taste your blood. I want you to stand still and this will be all over." Bled grin evilly as he was walking slowly.

"Huh?! How did you!?"

"You can't escape from me. So now, give me your blood now!"

"I swear man... Stay back. I'm never going to let you drain one of my blood you damn parasite."

"Wrong answer." Bled said as he open his mouth and tries to bite him, but Badge use his hands to grab the side of his face to prevent him from biting him.

Bled kept chomping like a dog while the black liquid was getting on Badge's pajamas.

"Oh gross... I need to find a way to knock him out cold. Wait! That's it! I can stuff my craps into his mouth which could choke him to death. I hope it doesn't make me a murder. But I got no choice to kill this evil prick." He said in his mind.

Badge use his other hand to grab something which was a bunch of small papers.

"You want something tasty then my blood? Well here's some treat pal!" Badge said as he jam the small papers in his throat which cause Bled to choke to death.

"Now my chance to escape!" He said as he push him away and tries to open the window. But the window couldn't open and notice Bled broke the lock. "He broke the damn lock off my window!? Shit!"

Badge sees him tries to get the papers out of his mouth while Badge tries to find something to smash the window.

"I need to hurry! I need something to smash the window." He said while looking around his room and sees a rusty baseball bat."

"Yes!" Badge said and grab the baseball bat next to his bed and smash the window multiple times to escape from the hybrid.

Bled sees him escaping through the window while he finally got the papers out of his mouth and grab Badge on the collar.

"You're not going anywhere you pest!" Bled said.

"Oh yeah? The pest is you!" Badge swing his baseball bat at Bled's face so hard that cause him to get knock out and let go of his collar.

Badge then finally escape out of his home.

He look down on the ground to make sure he won't fall down to his death and sees the tree on the right side.

"Hope I make a jump to that tree." Badge said as he let out a deep breath and begin jumping safety to the tree.

"That was close... I almost slip off the window. But good thing I'm still alive."

He climb down on the tree and planning to head to Dalso's home. "I need to head to Dalso's home and explain him quickly about the guy that wants to drink my blood." Badge said and begin running to Dalso's home.

Badge was still running and was wondering about that guy that tries to drink his blood and how he know his name. "How the hell did that prick know my friends name and mine too? Was he stalking me this entire time? There's no way... I have no idea how he know our names somehow..." Badge said as he kept running to Dalso's place.

"I hope someone is not out here seeing me in my pajamas... That would be damn embarrassing." Badge said as he blushed.

After a minute of running to Dalso's home. He finally alive.

Badge press the doorbell and wait for him.

"Oh that's right! I forgot Cosy is staying at his place after he came here to this world. Hope he believe me too."

Badge kept waiting and there was no answer. "The hell? They didn't heard the doorbell? Great... Hope Dalso won't know I'm peaking at his window." Badge said and went to find his bedroom window.

He went to his backyard and tap on Dalso's window with his finger. "Yo man, wake up. I need to talk with you. This is a emergency. A crazy guy broke into my home tries to drain my blood."

Badge stomp his foot lightly and waits for a few seconds. "Geez... Dalso sure is a deep sleeper." Badge said and look back to the window and notice something odd. "Wait a minute... I can barely see his room being dark. But he's not in his bed? Strange... Did he left out for some reason? It really late outside. Cosy also gone with him too."

"Damn it! Don't know where those two at. If they not inside the house. I guess the only option is scaredy bug's house then. Really hope he doesn't scare if I-"

Suddenly. Something grab his neck.

"Gah!" Badge was struggling and he reckon those hands.

"You think you can escape from me that easy? Think again mortal!"

"What! Yo...u!? I thought... I kill... you." Badge said which he was struggle to talk while Bled chocking him to death.

"You though you kill me? HA! When you strike me so hard. Mere objects are nothing but a joke to me. I fake it for being out cold."

"WHAT?!" Badge was shocked at him what he just said.

"You heard me right fool. Plus! I'm going to slash you to pieces what you did to me back there." Bled said as he kept chocking him to death as he use his other hand which reveal to be sharp claws.

Badge tries to punch him multiple times. But Bled was unfazed by his punches.

"HAHAHA! You think punching me going to do me harm? Mere objects and physical attacks are nothing to me. Even weapon are also joke too. Struggle all you want mortal! I will have that blood and you will become like me!"

Badge tries his hardest to punch him hard as Bled was still tanking it.

"Hehehe! HAHAHAHAHA! YES! You almost out of breathe." Bled said while choking him as he about to slash him with his other hand.

While Bled was still choking him. Something hurt him from the behind.

"ARGH!" Bled felt the pain from his back and sees two of the humanoid scientists that has weapons.

Badge coughs and sees two of humanoid scientists. "Huh...? Who are they? Wait... I know those outfits. It's those scientists from the Global Across Network.

"You pathetic beings! That hurts! How a mere weapon damage me!? I will rip both of your body you fools!"

"Let him go and surrender hybrid! You're terror is over. The female humanoid scientist meerkat said while pointed the weapon at Bled.

"You heard her! Let go of that guy or else!." The male humanoid scientist weasel said.

"Me? surrender to both of you!? I will not surrender to you pathetic beings! NO ONE! I'll turn every kinds on this planet like me! I will kill both of you damaging me!" Bled said as he preparing to kill them.

"Guys! That guy is too strong. RUN!" Badge yelled at the scientists.

The hybrid charge at the scientists as Bled was about to bite both of them.

Both of the scientists shoot at the hybrid which made Bled yell in pain as he almost fell to the ground and grit his teeth while glaring at both of the scientists.

"How!? How is this possible!? Me getting harmed by your pathetic weapon of your? I should be invisible!"

"Just so you know. Our weapons aren't pathetic. These weapons are build and design to harm beings that can bypass durability." The female humanoid meerkat said.

Bled was shocked what she says.

"Impossible! No mortals should have no hope for putting me down and defeating our race. We are the strongest! We will take over this universe! You all will die!" Bled said and continue charging them while in pain.

Both of the scientists shoot him again which the bullets going through his skin as Bled scream in pain as the blood was dripping on the ground and was dead.

The scientists look at Bled's corpse as it turn into ashes and the wind blew it away.

"Whew. It's a good thing we been having these weapon we build for a while, right Professor Clare?" The male humanoid weasel said.

"Yeah... If we didn't arrive to this area without these weapons. We would be a goners and this entire neighborhood would become a hybrid like that guy."

Badge got up and ask those scientist. "Sorry to interrupt your victory party, aren't you two from the Global Across Network?" Badge said.

"Yes, we are from the Global Across Network. Mr. Stock send me and Professor Bench to arrive in this neighborhood." Professor Clare said.

"Well thanks for saving my butt. But anyways... What the hell was that Bled guy that was attacking me? I never seen a odd humanoid person before." Badge said and wants to know about it.

"That wasn't a normal humanoid person. What you just witness, that was a hybrid of a demon and vampire." Professor Bench said.

"Demon and a vampire?! But I thought it was fairy stuff long ago."

"There no time to explain this. I want you to come with us and get inside the car. We going to take you to Global Across Network safety due to those invasion of those hybrid that is lurking somewhere in some areas." Professor Clare said.

"Huh?! There's more of them!?" Badge shouted.

"Shh... Yes, that is correct."

"Damn. I'm glad these people from the Global Across Network arrive and saved me." Badge said in his mind and follow them. "What you guy saying... There are more of these bastards killing and drinking people's blood?"

"Of course, what Mr. Stock and Professor Craft told us about these hybrids. There are known to feast on people's blood which they insert that black liquid into the circulator system which cause the user become like them."

"The black liquid which I saw it dripping from his fangs which he trying to bite me back at my place... Ugh... Is there a way to find a cure to get these people back to normal?"

"I think it's impossible to reverse them back what they used to. The virus of their liquid is so powerful which can prevent them from being cure."

"Figure anyway..." Badge said.

Badge and both of the scientists arrive at the car as Professor Clare open the door which was already unlocked as Badge enter the car and sit at the back and Professor Clare and Bench got inside too.

Professor Clare starts the engine and begin driving to find Light's home.

"You're name is Badge, correct?" Professor Bench said.

"That's my name, but how you too know my name by the way? I know I visit the Global Across Network to take Cosy, Dalso, and Light to visit there."

"Well to answer this question. You're friend Dalso came back to Global Across Network and told those two human scientist about the solution after both Craft and Dence already know about this threat we dealing with."

"Dalso there? No wonder why that dude wasn't home and same with Cosy too. I wonder what's going on while I was sleeping?"

"No worry Mr. Badge. Mr. Stock and Professor Craft going to explain this solution to you once we arrive back to Global Across Network organization. Now where your other friend Light live at?"

"Damn... I don't know where Light live at? I don't even bother visit to his place."

"Oh that's just great... We got to find which house he live at. Speaking of which, we also need to bring these another people safety back to Global Across Network. Who knows those hybrids might appear here." Professor Bench.

"Hold on, I remember Dalso told me what address what Light live at."

"Really? What's his address?"

"A while back. After I was pranking Light, I know I heard Dalso says his address number was 157 if I'm right."

"If that is his address, that might be it. I hope your friend is alright too." Professor Clare said.

Professor Clare drives to find Light's address to recruit him and then bring them back to Global Across Network.

On the very top of the building. Harm was waiting for his minions to return for the report.

"Pre and the others might have success biting those pathetic humanoids in some other areas." Harm said as he grin evilly.

"Very soon, All of these people in this world will meet their end once they become us once we get our revenge on those damn angels. Then after that, Cosy's home world is next too. Hahaha!"

While Harm was laughing, he sees Pre returning and smile.

"Oh Pre, it's nice for you to return. How many blood did you feast? Did you success infection them?"

"Why of course Harm. I manage to feast on that male humanoid lion at the beach and then feasts on the three girls which there were fishing. Their blood were quite delicious and I feel more powerful then ever." Pre said as she lick her lips.

"Excellent, you're such a beautiful lady draining those weakling humanoids dear."

"Oh Harm, the teasing of your makes me wants to taste your tongue."

"I want to do the same with you my dear. I also wants t-"

Suddenly, Harm sees a another female hybrid which was Maxie. But he notice the blood in her mouth.

"You, what happen to you?" Harm said to Maxie.

"I'm sorry Lord Harm... I just encounter a humanoid bunny man on top of the mountain to attempt to drain his blood and become like us. But he was too powerful. I have to retreat from him." Maxie said.

"WHAT?! You telling me you lost to that humanoid rabbit!?" Harm shouted at her.

"Yes... He might be a problem for us if we don't find a way to kill him so he won't get in our plan."

"Oh my... Seem like he a troublesome strong mortal." Pre said.

Harm grit his teeth. "Damn that humanoid rabbit! I know his name and his unknown strength... His name is Nal. Which that pathetic human name Cosy met him in the forest."

"You're not going to kill me Lord Harm?" Maxie said while she was worried she is about to be killed due to her failure.

"No, But I'll give you another chance. I will find that damn rabbit and give him a painful death. Besides... There is a another being I also encounter which was a humanoid dragon named Vold."

"Vold?" Maxie said. "Is he strong like that bunny man?"

"Don't know... He was also fast which I have no time to waste with that humanoid dragon which I might deal with him later until we meet again." Harm said. "Let not waste our time with those fools. We got things to feast more on their blood."

"Agree! Mortal blood are really tasty~." Maxie said while licking her fangs in a seduced way.

"Same with you." Pre said while smiling evilly.

"Lets continue our plan. Soon these people on this planet will not be able to stop us! Hahaha!" Harm said as he let out his wings and begin flying.

The two female hybrids let out their wings as they giggles and starts flying too and follow Harm to a different areas to keep feasting on more humanoid's blood to create more army.
Going Against My Other Self?! 2.8
At Light's house. Light was in his bedroom sleeping peacefully after his day hanging with Cosy, Dalso, and Badge for going to Global Across Network organization and Utopicity.

Professor Clare was driving while looking for Light's address.

Badge was looking for his address until he Light's address number. "Guys, there's his house." Badge said which he pointed at Light's address number sign that says 175.

"Splendid! Let's hurry if he is alright." Professor Clare said.

Professor Clare drove her car and parked it next to Light's home and keeping the car running as Professor Bench get out of the car to recruit him.

"Be careful Professor Bench, some of those hybrids are hiding somewhere." Professor Clare said.

Professor Bench gave her the thumbs up and begin walking towards to Light's home.

As he arrive, he ring the doorbell so Light can hear it.

In his bedroom while he is sleeping. Light was still sleeping in his bed and the noise from the doorbell has woke him up. "Hm...? Who's ringing the doorbell this late? It's 2 AM in the morning... Wonder who can that be?" Light said.

Light got out of his bed and starts heading to the front door to figure out who might that be at the door.

He open the door.

"Can I help you? I know that outfit somewhere..." Light said while he was still to sleepy.

"I'm Professor Bench, you must be Mr. Light. Nice to meet you."

"Huh?! How in the world you know my name sir?"

"Your friend Dalso back at the Global Across Network told me to get you and then bring you back safety to the organization."

"Dalso back at that place? I don't understand what's going on. Why I need to go with you?"

"We need to take you safety back to Global Across Network because of a dangerous threat we dealing with. Come with me. There's no time to explain, we got to hurry if one of those shows up again." Professor Bench said.

Light was confused and doesn't know what's going on. But he listen what he said. "Alright then. But hang on, I need to get out of my pajamas first." Light said as he rush to get his clothes and his key too.

Professor Bench waits for him and look around to find some hybrids hiding somewhere and sees no sign of it. "Look like I don't see one of them popping out of nowhere. So that's good." Professor Bench said.

Light came back as he got his clothes and his key which he lock the door and follows Professor Bench.

"Hehehe, didn't know scaredy bug wears a pajamas like me." Badge said quietly which he was teasing him.

Professor Bench open the door for Light.

"Badge?!" Light was shocked to see him as he got inside the car and shuts it and lock it.

"Sup man."

Professor Bench got inside the car and shuts the door.

"Wonderful, now lets head back to Global Across Network." Professor Clare said and begin driving out of the neighborhood.

Light was confused once more and look at Badge to ask him question. "Badge? What the heck is going on? And why are you in your pajamas?"

"To explain this to you. I got attacked by a damn hybrid that broke into my home and wants to drain my blood, and I didn't had a chance to get my clothes on. So... You better not laugh."

"Hybrid? Draining your blood?" Light said.

Professor Bench look back at Light. "What your friend said. He has encounter a hybrid of a demon and vampire."

"Demon and a vampire?" Light said. "You're not joking are you sir?"

"No, we are not joking Mr. Light. What your friend said, he got attacked by one of those things that are trying to bite living humanoid beings on this planet by becoming them as they eject the black liquid inside of them. They are extremely dangerous and powerful which there are known for drinking the victim's blood to get stronger each time."

Light antennas twitch a little after hearing this. "Oh god... If it's true then. I guess I believe you. It's a good thing you guys from the Global Across Network organization came here to get us.

Professor Bench smile. "Don't mention it Mr. Light. That's what the people at Global Across Network do. I know we like to discover stuffs in the universes, but also saving people from threats."

"Man... I hope Dalso and Cosy are alright. I have no idea what just happen after we came back from Utopicity." Badge said.

"Your friend Dalso is alright. But Cosy..."

Badge and Light's eyes widen. "Did he..." Badge said.

"Well... Dalso might explain it to you once we arrive back to the organization."

Light and Badge look at each other and was worry about their human friend that got attacked by the hybrid.

Meaning back at the Global Across Network. Mr. Stock has all of the scientists line up and begin explaining to them.

"Alright everyone! This is a serious dangerous mission. As you all known, we are dealing with those hybrids which is a combine of a demon and vampire. We will try to find them and track them down with this tracking device what Emi invented it since she only made one. I want all of you to stay together in a team and don't let them bite you or you're done for. The two humans and Professor Emi and Quake will try their best to stay alive to fight off those invaders. People in the lab got done inventing a device that attach to your skin so you won't get infected."

Mr. Stock holds up a small device in the air. "This is called the unfazed bite. Whenever a animals or some humanoids bites you in the skin. Your entire body will be protected by this. It might work if one of those hybrids bites all of you and tries to eject the black liquid into your circulatory system. We'll be alright. But don't let them noticing what device we wearing." Mr. Stock said.

"Everyone on this world, and that goes the same with the two human Professors and their college student came from the human world. We will not let them conquer both of our world and we will stop them for good."

All of the scientists cheers as they are determination to save both worlds.

Craft look at Professor Dence. "You're ready Dence? I know this will be hard for us for saving the humanoid world and our world too."

"I'm sure in hell ready to kill those fuckers, Craft." Dence said.

Craft then look back at Professor Emi. "Professor Emi, do you have some plans how we going to deal with those bastards out there?"

"Well to come up with a strategy. I only have one tracking device that can track those hybrids. the good news is which the screen in the van which I can plug it with this tracking device. It will be a lot easier for finding them quickly."

"That's excellent Professor Emi. Alright then. Lets exterminate those hybrids." Craft said which he was ready.

All of the scientists picked up their advance weapons and also picks up lots of unfazed bite device so they can place it on their skin which will protect them from becoming like the hybrids.

The scientists open the door and heads outside to the big long van as one male scientist open the back of the van as the other scientists enter inside the back.

Professor Emi open the front door as she enter inside the van to take the wheel and Professor Craft seat at the front next to her.

"No fair Craft. I want to take the front seat." Professor Dence said.

"Craft, this is no time for messing around. Just hurry up and enter inside the back of the van."

"Great... I wish I also bring some drink with me anyway."

Professor Dence enter the back of the van along with the humanoid scientists as Professor Emi starts her engine and begin driving to hunt down those hybrids in some areas.

Meanwhile back at the hospital. Cosy was still resting after he has his lunch when the nurse came in to bring him something to eat while he's trying to recover really soon.

Cosy was still resting and starts to dream.

In his dream. Scar was arrested after Cosy call the police on his brother.

Scar sees his brother and was really pissed at him.

"Cosy I swear to god... I'm going to break out of the prison and then get my revenge on you! I'm going to fucking kill you once I break out. You hear me! FUCKING KILL YOU!"

They put him inside the police car and starts driving to jail.

Cosy watch as they were taking him to jail while his eyes was shaking from fear.

"Gasp!" Cosy wakes up from his nightmare.

"Another dream of my brother... Oh right... My brother rob a another bank which I couldn't take it anymore which I had to call the police. I know he still trying to kill me. But he wouldn't know I'm in a other world which I'm safe." Cosy said.

"I hope Dalso and the others are doing okay. That clone of me is out there trying to create more of them out there. Wish I can do something which I can't..."

He look at the window to see the moon in the air. "My friends and my family back in my own world... If Harm success getting more powerful. He might enter the human world and kill everyone there."

Cosy lays down and keeps praying.

Somewhere in the sky. Vold was looking for Harm somewhere in the areas.

"No sign of him... Wonder where he hiding at?" Vold said while flying in the air until he sees a van that says Global Across Network.

"Global Across Network...? Hmm... I need to follow it to see where it going."

Vold begin following the van so the others inside the van won't know Vold is following them.

At the back in the van. Multiple humanoid scientists and including Professor Dence were looking at the screen to find some hybrids.

"No sign of them yet." Female humanoid scientist said.

"I wonder where there are hiding at?" Professor Quake said.

"Who knows... They might be planning something." Male humanoid scientist said.

On the front. Professor Emi kept driving and Craft was looking at the window if he sees one.

"See anything Professor Craft?"

"Not really. I don't see one in this area. Lets check near at the woods if we find one. It might be dangerous if we enter inside the woods which is death for us." Professor Craft said.

"Alright, the woods is up ahead." Professor Emi.

The other scientists at the back and sees one on the screen. "Hey guys! We find one detected other distance, and it's coming this way!" Professor Quake said loudly to Professor Emi and Craft.

"Look like we find one." Professor Craft said.

Vold sees the van stop. "Huh? That's strange... Why it stop?" Vold was confused for a second while flying in the air.

"HEHEHE! Who might you be? You look new." Unknown voice said.

Vold turn around to find the voice coming from. "Who said that? Show yourself!" Vold shouted.

"I did." The hybrid appear in front of Vold.

"Your not Harm... I can tell there are more of you."

"Correct fool, It seem you encounter our leader. I wonder what's your blood taste like? Might be even tasty after feasting on those worthless beings. Hehehe. "

Vold grit his teeth with a serious face as he summon fire in his hand. "So your kinds been drinking their blood? I see then... I get I got no choice to burn you alive." Vold said in a cold tone.

"Oh what's this? You seem like a special humanoid. I guess I'll play with you a while." The hybrid said.

Professor Emi and Craft gets out of the van and sees two of them in the air.

"Are there two of them Professor Emi?"

"There's one what Professor Quake said. But there is one in the air that isn't a hybrid."

"What?! Then who might that be then?"

"To explain... It's seem he's helping us. Whoever that person is. It has yellow horns and wears a casual outfit."

Hybrid smiling evilly and begin to strike Vold. "DIE!"

Vold grab his arm tightly and kept staring at him.

"Huh?! Impossible!"

"Those who cause harm to innocents need to be killed. I won't let you and your leader take over this planet."

"You think you will stop us? HA! What rubbish nonsense that you can try stopping us? We will get stronger the time we feast their blood."

Vold was still glaring at him and not saying anything.

"Won't speak more? HEHEHE! HAHAHA! Then lets see you can stop me then." The hybrid said and begin to chomp him.

But Vold manage to stop him from getting bitten by the hybrid as he spit fire into his mouth.

"GAH! IT BURN!" The hybrid said in pain which he falls to the ground.

Professor Emi and Craft watched the fight.

"It's seem that humanoid with the horns is on our side." Craft said.

The hybrid was in pain as he felt the burn in his mouth. "That hurt..." He grit his teeth as his claws getting longer and dash back in the air to kill Vold for that cheap shot. "I'LL KILL YOU FOR THAT YOU WORTHLESS TRASH!"

Vold preparing to put down the hybrid for good.

"You up in the air! He's coming!" Craft shouted at Vold.


Vold's hand starts channel the flame around his arm and he punch the hybrid really hard which send him flying towards the ground creating a crater as Professor Craft and Emi, even the other scientists in the van watching the fight.

"Holy shit, who is that guy fighting that hybrid?" Professor Dence said.

The hybrid was in pain and was shocked for being damage like this. "No! How is this being mange to harm me! This is ridiculous! No beings on this planet should not be this powerful!"

Vold fly's down and landed on the ground and stare at him. "Now then... Are you going to surrender?"

He look at Vold. "NEVER! I will never surrender to you! We will take over this planet to create more armies and then take over this worthless universe!"

"Then... Farewell." Vold said as he shoots a fire from his hand to burn the hybrid alive.

"AHHHHH!" The hybrid was burning and screaming in pain as he was rolling on the ground.

The scientist was shocked at Vold for killing the hybrid.

After that, the hybrid stop rolling and finally died.

Vold look at Professor Emi and Craft. "Are you guys alright?"

"Yeah we're alright. Thanks for your help." Craft said. "Who are you anyways? Craft wants to know.

"My name is Vold, and I'm a humanoid dragon."

This shocked Craft. "A humanoid dragon?! Unbelievable! So there are more mystical humanoids in this world."

"Fascinating... Can you explain where you come from while we hunting those hybrid?" Professor Emi said.

"I'll explain my origin after we get done dealing with all those hybrid."

"That's understandable Mr. Vold. Anyway, we are heading to the woods to find those hybrids. Care to come along?" Professor Emi said.

"Yes, I'll help you all out. I keep a eye out while I follow your van so I can defend off those hybrids."

"Great! That's settle then. Let's hurry to track them down." Professor Emi said as she heads back to the van and same with Craft.

Vold lets his wings out to follow the van.

Meanwhile somewhere in a different location. Harm and Pre got done drinking multiple people's blood and they feel powerful then ever.

"Yes! We feel much powerful then ever! HAHAHA! Soon... Every humanoid on this planet will meet their end."

"Agree Harm, nothing will stop us now. What's the next location?"

"The location we heading is the Global Across Network, it's where are those pathetic humanoids are inventions weapons and gadgets in there. We going to make sure they won't dare trying to stop us."

"Sounds fair to me. I'm hungry for some more blood."

"Me too dear, more drink we feast, the more powerful we get."

Both of them begin flying in the air to head to invade the Global Across Network.

Outside the organization. Professor Clare and Bench made it back.

She stop the engine. "Alright, we're here." Professor Clare said.

All four of the exit out of the car as Professor Clare lock the car and the rest begin heading to go inside the Global Across Network organization.

"Oh man... Does the organization stay open all the time?" Badge said.

"Yes, some people stay or leave once they get done on their shift. It's depends on that since the organization never be close." Professor Clare said.

"Can't believe you people stay up all night in that place." Badge was amazed.

The four enter inside the Global Across Network which Badge and Light sees Dalso. "Hey man! Nice to see you okay." Badge said which he was glad to see him okay.

"I'm alright man, thank you. Glad you both fine." Dalso said. "But... Why are you in your pajamas?"

"Man... I didn't have the chance to get my clothes while I was attacked from a damn hybrid okay?!"

"Geez... Alright man."

"Dalso, what is going on? And where is Cosy?"

"What scaredy bug said. What the hell is going on?" Badge said.

"To explain this to both of you... He's in the hospital guys. Dalso said with a worry face.

"Is he... Going to be alright? Did something happen to him?" Light said.

"Cosy is still alive. It's just his neck was bitten by that hybrid while we was at home. I manage to save Cosy after I heard a scream which I was taking a bath. If I didn't save him, he would die."

"Damn... Totally glad you save him man. But why you didn't let of know?" Badge said.

"Because Badge, Cosy neck was bleeding a lot. I have to stop the bleeding or else he would died from blood loss."

"Oh right... Sorry."

Mr. Stock walks up to greet Badge and Light.

"Hello you two. you're friend Dalso requested me to bring you back here safety. You two name are Badge and Light, correct?"

"Umm... Yes, that's our name sir." Light said nervously.

"Hey before you ask some questions. Where is Cosy's Professors and that chick wolf, and those other scientists at?"

"They left to find those hybrids hiding in some areas to exterminate them for good." Mr. Stock said.

"But how? Professor Clare and Bench said they are powerful. So how the hell your team going to put them down for good?" Badge said.

"That's simple. We build advanced weapons that can kill evil supernatural beings and the people in the lab invents a small device that can be attach to their skin to prevent them from bitten."

"Oh sweet! That's sound awesome. But how your team going to find them anyway? They won't know where they hiding it." Badge said.

"Professor Emi invented a tracking device that can locate them where there hiding. But she only has tracking device, which in the future she might make more of them."

"Seem fair I guess."

"What are you going to take us to?" Light ask Mr. Stock.

"I'm going to take you three some elsewhere safe once it is over. Now follow me you three."

The three follow Mr. Stock.

Badge look at Dalso. "I'm surprised Mr. Stock and those two scientists didn't say anything about my pajamas, right Dalso?" Badge said quietly while smiling.

"I mean... People don't care what you wearing dude."

"Hehehe... Whew... I also glad no one here in this organization won't say anything while in my pajamas."

Dalso rolls his eyes and ignore him.

Up in the sky. Harm and Pre were flying in the air and almost arriving to the Global Across Network.

Harm grin evilly as he about to kill everyone in the organization. "I hope there are lots of people in there. If so, lots of armies and we also become even more powerful! Hahaha!"

"So much to feasts on. Make me wish we never get full." Pre said.

"You say it my dear. If that humanoid dragon comes here again. He'll be in a surprise how strong we got." Harm laughs.

"Don't forget about that humanoid rabbit Harm. He's also be a problem too."

"Hehehe, don't worry Pre. That pathetic being won't stay a chance either against us."

Both of them laughs while flying to Global Across Network.

At the organization again. Mr. Stock is taking them downstairs which is a safe place.

"Man it's spooky down here. Downstairs is like a ghost town down here." Badge said.

"Yeah... I really wants to be alive once this madness is over." Light said while shaking a little bit.

"Don't worry. It will be over soon. Professor Craft, Emi, Dence and lots of other scientists will be taking care of this. I know this is hard, but trust me." Mr. Stock said.

"He's right, I hope those guys be okay out there. You knows..." Dalso said.

Meanwhile back upstairs. Professor Clare and Bench were talking while walking.

"So Professor Clare. Should we call on the Professor Emi and the others about the people in the neighborhood and bring them back here?"

"I wish Professor Bench. But it's not a good idea to tell them about the hybrid roaming around in some areas. They won't believe us and think we're crazy. I think it's the best thing to have them remain in their home once this over."

"Well okay then." Professor Bench said. "So what are we going to do next?"

"First, we need to meet up with the other Professors to see if Emi and the rest are okay and help them out."

"How in the world are we going to know where they at?" Professor Bench said.

"The GPS back inside the car which can detect them were they located at."

"Splendid Professor Clare. Hope the guys are okay and-"

But then suddenly. The entire lights in the organization went out.

"What the...?" Professor Clare and Bench said as they stop walking.

Back downstairs. The four stand still and look around as the lights downstairs went out too as the four can barely see.

"Huh?! What's going on!? Why the lights went off?" Light said while panicking.

"Oh no..." Mr. Stock said with a worry face. "Don't tell me... It must had found this location..."

"WHAT?!" The three shouted what Mr. Stock said.

"Come on! Lets hurry! There is a exit somewhere down here."

Mr. Stock rush and the three follow him.

In the generator room. Pre cut all the wires as she giggles. "Oops... Looks my nails accidently cut the wires. But oh well... Without the light in the building, it will be easy for us for tracking them." Pre said as she teleport to find some victims.

Professor Clare and Bench were running to find the threats inside the building.

"Look like someone is inside the organization." Professor Clare said.

"There is no way... Did it follow us when we taking those two here?" Professor Bench was wondering.

"I didn't see any hybrids flying in the sky following us. But I don't know how it know this location."

'Well lets not waste time Professor Bench. We need to catch up with Mr. Stock and those other three before those hybrids does something to them." Professor Clare said.

Both of them were still rushing downstair that will lead them downstairs until they hear footsteps.

"Someone is coming... Get behind the walls." She said to Professor Bench.

The two scientists hide behind the walls to see Pre walking around the building to find some people to drain their blood.

"Oh where is everyone gone to?" Pre said while walking. "I hope my preys aren't hiding from us. I guess me and Harm will play hide and seek with them." Pre laughs.

Professor Bench was sweating. "How did both of them get inside the building?" Professor Bench said quietly to Professor Clare.

"I have no idea... I lock the front doors once we arrive back here." She said quietly to him. "We need to be quiet and caution. We don't want her and her partner knowing us we still here in this building."

The two tries to find a another way to leave this organization.

Pre stops walking and smell someone here. "What's this? I smell someone in here. Can it be someone hiding from me? How adorable." Pre grin evilly as she smell someone is hiding.

"Come on." Professor Clare said quietly to Professor Bench as both of them rush to escape from the hybrid.

Pre then look at the wall as she teleport over there only for that they had escaped.

"That's a shame, they escaped. But that's alright, I detect more prey hiding in this building." Pre said as she teleport out of here.

Professor Clare open her door slowly to check to see Pre is gone.

"Alright, I think she's gone." The two scientists exit out of the closet and heads downstairs.

Professor Bench look around to find Pre. "No sign of her again. That's good to be relief.

Both of them sees the door that will lead them downstairs. "Great, now we can-" Professor Clare was cut off when she sees the doorknob was destroyed.

"The doorknob! Who destroy the doorknob!" Professor Bench said.

"I did." Pre said which she was flying in the air.

Both of the scientists sees Pre and was shocked to see her again.

"Glad to see me? I knew my prey were still here. It's a good thing I love tricking mortals thinking I went off somewhere. My plan worked which I lure both of you to my trap." Pre said while she is laughing as she land on the floor.

Professor Clare pulls out her weapon and pointed at Pre. "Stay back hybrid! Don't you dare come any closer!"

"You think that toy of your going to stop me? Hahaha! I like to see how it will harm me."

Professor Clare pulled the trigger which she shoot at Pre. But nothing fazed her as the bullets bounce off of her.

"What the?! This weapon should be capable of bypassing your durability."

Pre laugh at her. "I knew your toy wouldn't harm me. How pathetic! Hahaha! You're precious weapon won't kill me and Harm that easily sweet heart. We much stronger then ever. But first..." Pre teleport behind Professor Bench.

"HUH?!" Professor Bench was surprised as Pre holding him tight to prevent him from escaping.

"I do love men's blood which are tasty." Pre said as she licks his neck slowly.

"Get off of him now!" Professor Clare shouted at her.

"Professor Clare do something please." He said while sweating.

"Don't worry. It will be over soon once I drain your blood and then you be next too dear." Pre chuckles.

Professor Claire tries to dig in her pocket to find something.

She open her mouth which reveal her fangs which Pre is almost about to bite Professor Bench's neck.

Professor Claire found something in her pocket which was a small smoke grenade as she pull the string to release the smoke.

The smoke was covering around the building as Pre smelling something which was garlic.

"Bah! What is this smell?!" Pre said as she let go of Professor Bench.

Professor Clare grabs Professor Bench arm. "Come on!"

Both of the scientists were heading to the front door while Pre tries to catch up with them as the smell was too strong for her.

"Damn that Lady. She must have find out about our weakness." Pre said as she cough.

Professor Clare open the door as the two escaped out of the organization.

At upstairs. Harm was searching for those scientists to feast on. "No sign of those humanoid scientists... Are these fools hiding somewhere? Hiding is useless for them." Harm laughs.

While Harm was laughing. He smells something that was coming from the bottom floor.

"This smell! It's Garlic!" Harm cover his nose. "I wouldn't forget that damn awful smell from ancient time which those disgusting angels use it on us. But no worry, I have something that won't weaken us."

Harm use his dark magic which the aura around him which prevent him from smelling the garlic.

"Those foolish humanoids thought it will be easy to use garlic to weaken us." Harm said as he teleport at the bottom floor.

As he teleport on the bottom floor. Harm tries to look for the scientists which the smoke was covering around the building. "It's hard too see with all those damn smoke around here." Harm said.

While Harm was still walking. He hears a cough which was Pre. "Pre?!" Harm said shouted as he rush to her.

Pre couldn't get up from the garlic smoke as Harm sees her laying on the floor and use his dark magic on her. "My dear, are you okay?"

She stop coughing and look at Harm. "I'm alright Harm. That wretch lady had a smoke grenade which I was about to drain her partner's blood.

"Do you know where those fools went?" Harm asks her.

Pre gets up. "I saw both of the scientists were escaping to the front door to escape here. I try to stop them from escaping, but the garlic smell was too much which weaken me." Pre said.

Harm grit his teeth. "I swear... I'll make sure those two have a painful death once I have their heads." Harm said and look back at Pre. "Let's be going now Pre. I don't smell any scientists in this building."

"Same with me too. I want to cut her face with my beautiful sharp nails." Pre said as she smile evilly."

Outside of Global Across Network. Mr. Stock open the door to see one of the hybrids are outside and sees none of them on sight.

"No sight of the hybrids. Come on you three, my car is parked somewhere." Mr. Stock said as Badge, Light and Dalso follows him.

Light was shaking as he look around.

Dalso pat Light on the back. "It's alright Light. We made it out alive."

Badge look at Mr. Stock. "So how we going to find somewhere safe since they invading the organization?"

"I don't know..." Mr. Stock said. "I'm trying to think of a solution where to keep you three safe. But it will be a risk if the hybrids are hiding somewhere in the areas."

"But wait a minute. What about Professor Clare and Bench? They might be still inside the organization." Dalso said.

"Don't worry Mr. Dalso. They'll be alright. Professor Clare and Bench probably might escaped from the organization before we did. They should be fine."

While the four were walking to find Mr. Stock's car. Harm and Pre suddenly teleport outside.

"Gasp! You three, hide in the bushes." Mr. Stock said.

Dalso, Light, and Badge hide inside the bushes and Mr. Stock hides along with them.

Mr. Stock was spying on two hybrids.

"Did... They see us sir?" Light said while shaking again.

"No... I don't think so." Mr. Stock said quietly while watching them. "Don't know what they planning."

Harm try to search for those two scientists and couldn't find them somewhere. "Damn it to hell! Those fools really did escape for real."

"What should we do Harm? Should we hunt them down to locate them where they at?"

"Of course, we will find those two pathetic fools and those others too. They have no hope from hiding from us."

Harm and Pre let out their wings and begin to fly up in the sky to search for Professor Clare and Bench, specially that includes the other scientists as well too.

Mr. Stock watch them leave this area "They're gone now." Mr. Stock said as he got out of the bushes same with Badge, Dalso, and Light.

"Where they heading too?" Dalso said.

"Don't know... But I heard their conversation which they were talking about searching Professor Clare and Bench. That guy with the black hair also might be referring to other scientists that are hunting down the hybrids."

Mr. Stock and the three rush to the car as they made it as he was holding the key in his hand and open the doors for Dalso, Light, and Badge as they enter inside the car and Mr. Stock begin to start his engine to find the other scientists.