Master of Disguise.

... if she gets that far south she's gonna get a job as a Hollywood makeup artist, isn't she?
I'll be real, was hoping to go for the conclusion once we got back to Trinitite. But it seems we are going for round three.
...yeah, I'll admit to the same. It doesn't help that Trinitite's story seems to be approaching a natural conclusion, and that I've seen more than a few works (both published and amateurial) playing "the natural conclusion of this story is lava" and pulling themselves into mediocrity through going on and on and on, where a good finale would have crowned them.

This said, this story needs to conclude somehow, and that means writing more. I just hope this arc isn't another full "create identity > live identity > be discovered > run" leading into more wash-rinse-repeat, but actually preparing the conclusion to this story.
This is where a book, or a completed work, is undeniably superior - there is little fear of "just how long will this keep going", because you can see you are close to the end (or, conversely, you are a third of the way in).
/people wanting the natural conclusion to the story
/me, an intellectual, knowing the Fugitive ran for four seasons
Eh i say the story can't end without actually going through Trials in the Job Market and so far her job hunting have been going quite well
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Frankly I think the story will keep going until Nashville is firmly on team Trinitite.
If she's openly using her fairies on the job, there are better options. If she's not, her makeup skills aren't anything special because she's used to relying on the fairies.
"Why aren't you working."
"You'll find my contract states that I only work alone. In the dark. In a locked room. And the person I apply the makeup to has to have their eyes closed the whole time."
yeah, she need to at least try self employment or white collar work before story end before just giving up on civilization and become a hobo/wilderness survivalist
Well, either third time's the charm, or three strikes and you're out.

I can't help but wonder if she could use an under-layer of some sort beneath the duct tape, to avoid having it on bare skin. Dunno what material would be ideal, but humans have been doing this kind of thing for millennia, there's got to be some info out there for her to find.

Also, job speculation: she's wearing flannel, obviously she's going to be a lumberjack.
Also, job speculation: she's wearing flannel, obviously she's going to be a lumberjack.

Will she be singing while working?
I'm a lumberjack, and I'm okay
I sleep all night and I work all day
She's a lumberjack, and she's okay
She sleeps all night and she works all day

I cut down trees, I eat my lunch
I go to the lavatory
On Wednesdays I go shoppin'
And have buttered scones for tea

She cuts down trees, she eats his lunch
She goes to the lavatory
On Wednesdays she goes shoppin'
And has buttered scones for tea

I'm a lumberjack, and I'm okay
I sleep all night and I work all day
Unless she becomes a Fiction Writer. Can she do it? Her crew can write stories?
Can they write?

She could take over a mediun size newspaper and provide a complete newsroom*.
Hell, the only reason shipgirls can't outcompete modern content mills is they have an inferior editor/internet interface.

* if one with a bit of an obvious theme and bias, unhinged sports commentary, but the weather reports are solid, the DIY articles are gold, the comics are cute and there's a couple of surprisingly insightful advice columns.
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I can't help but wonder if she could use an under-layer of some sort beneath the duct tape, to avoid having it on bare skin. Dunno what material would be ideal, but humans have been doing this kind of thing for millennia, there's got to be some info out there for her to find.

Chest binders have come a long way, but I've talked to more than one trans masc who started with duct tape bc of availability and came to regret it. Depiction seemed pretty accurate as far as Trin's experience would be.
Hm... I thought they would be named imps.

Oh well.

Anyway, did she at least place a ban on turning on her searchlights' lights? To prevent a repeat on what happened at Jack in the Box.
Instead of puffy, thick layers of clothing, then, she slipped on a thin flannel, checking her silhouette in the mirror.
Wouldn't this just make her even MORE conspicuous?
I can't help but wonder if she could use an under-layer of some sort beneath the duct tape, to avoid having it on bare skin. Dunno what material would be ideal, but humans have been doing this kind of thing for millennia, there's got to be some info out there for her to find.
Would a sports bra work? Under the duct tape?
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Hm... I thought they would be named imps.

Oh well.

Anyway, did she at least place a ban on turning on her searchlights' lights? To prevent a repeat on what happened at Jack in the Box.

Wouldn't this just make her even MORE conspicuous?
(emphasis mine)
Maybe she think that puffy/baggy cloths are what her ''pursuer'' would be looking for, not somebody in fitting clothing ?
(emphasis mine)
Maybe she think that puffy/baggy cloths are what her ''pursuer'' would be looking for, not somebody in fitting clothing ?
Yah. But considering the weather everyone would be wearing baggy clothes and she could camouflage easily. It would be hard to spot a tree in a forest unless you look close. But spotting something different from everyone is easier.
Hm... I thought they would be named imps.
Imps are a class of abyssal seaplane. Some fanfics like Forgotten, Forsaken (E: and apparently the actual game) use the term to describe other abyssals like PT boats that are too small to be a ship but still have their own crews.
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Yah. But considering the weather everyone would be wearing baggy clothes and she could camouflage easily. It would be hard to spot a tree in a forest unless you look close. But spotting something different from everyone is easier.
The multicolored jacket she'd gotten from a thrift store wouldn't have fit her without her tape binding, the undersized flannel emphasizing a thin look she wasn't really used to. In case it rained, she removed a light windbreaker from her hold, tying the waterproof jacket's sleeves around her waist in the style she'd seen among many other humans.
She does have other cloths for the weather, so it seem that she chose fitting shirt to break her past usual style. Which could either be a success or, as you pointed out, could make her stand out. But nothing is sure.