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Muhkat Lomorki

Draconic Sorcerer
Alright, so, I'm seriously mad. I'm just going to unleash all of my anger here.

Fuck Bronies, because they have stolen a show from girls and made it their own thing, filling it with rape, pedophilia, nazism, nationalism, racism, and (most notably) misogyny, while depicting all those wretched things as good.

Fuck GamerGaters, because they don't want anyone but themselves to be near their toys, and are wrathful towards any woman who decides to get in the business of making toys.

Fuck Jontron, because he's an asshole, filled with hypocrisy and sexist bile. he also tries to justify himself, but only digs his hole deeper.

Fuck Vivian, for being a mouthpiece for 4chan's anti-feminist attitudes which they hide their misogyny behind.

Fuck overt militarism, for destroying homes and killing civilians, for draining the poor of their donations, for causing millions of deaths, for ruining the lives of countless people, and for being held as glorious by those who benefit from it, convincing many it is good.

I understand that most of my words upset you. I think some of you are crying now, and typing up some angry hurtful response to this. Quite frankly, I don't care. I believe my anger is righteous, set towards those who deserve it.

If you're going to say "but not all [insert group mentioned above]" or "theirs only some rotten apples", I hope you realize how you are excusing the bad, and how those terrible things make of, not the minority, but the majority of the group.
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Um... what? You really feel that strongly about all this?

I know the Bronies are, at least, split half and half between the nice people who inject such things reasonably in a way which tries its best to not offend anyone and just make the world more complex and those who just fuck around because lol corrupt the innocent, but still, can I at least see some examples? I know for a fact I could pull some MLP related stuff which is not NSFW but proves your point, but really, I want to see what makes you think all of this. Plus, well, I don't really watch Jontron, have ignored GamerGate in the hope that it's something that doesn't concern me and have no idea who Vivian is.
We all have angers at many things in the world. Some have the same angers as you, but others don't.

And for me I don't have a problem with Bronies.
I occasionally read the GamerGate thing going on.
No Idea who Vivian is as well.
Never watched Jontron.
And the militarism? I will pass on answering that.
Don't be coy man, tell us how you really feel.
What do you mean, "coy"? You think I'm like this?(short sketch by me):
First episode:
SV: Hi. *hands ML fandoms*
ML:*Blushing*B-baka, SV! It's not like a like you or anything!
SV:Stop being coy, ML. Tell me how you really feel.
ML:*Still blushing*I don't know what your talking about! Now leave me alone!*runs off*
SV:*smug*Totally Tsundere.
Like a hundred episodes later:
ML: Oh SV-chan, those are nothing to me.
SV:*grasps shoulder* wait!
*Magically, ML decides to kiss SV-chan*
ML:*overwhelmed with emotion* Oh my! Let's go on a date now!

Because that's wrong as all fuck.
Um... what? You really feel that strongly about all this?

I know the Bronies are, at least, split half and half between the nice people who inject such things reasonably in a way which tries its best to not offend anyone and just make the world more complex and those who just fuck around because lol corrupt the innocent, but still, can I at least see some examples? I know for a fact I could pull some MLP related stuff which is not NSFW but proves your point, but really, I want to see what makes you think all of this. Plus, well, I don't really watch Jontron, have ignored GamerGate in the hope that it's something that doesn't concern me and have no idea who Vivian is.
Vivian's a female character that 4channers made that they call their 'daughter.' However, they draw ceaseless porn of the character, make her state their own views, and is little more then a puppet they use than a character.
Huh. I guess Vivian's not on /tg/, because that's the only part of 4chan I go to, and I haven't noticed her there. Since you're teling me she's misogynistic, I'll assume she's from /pol/ and /soc/ and /r9k/.
Vivian's a female character that 4channers made that they call their 'daughter.' However, they draw ceaseless porn of the character, make her state their own views, and is little more then a puppet they use than a character.
Wait is that the character that the author denied to make anymore porn of her?
What in the Fuck? Why would they do that?
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Naziism if it stands for something stands for German race above all and seeing the world through the eyes of Jewish conspiracy, I find it hard to believe that people are seriously advocating for volksch and Judeo-Bolshevism in this day and age

have no idea who Vivian is.

Vivian James is a design, similar to how the trollface is a design, the design sometimes gets characters traits in individual cartoons but having no overarcing writer I don't think can really be called a character
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