All Level, No Experience (Worm/Pathfinder Amnesia Quest)

[X] Getting Money
-[X] Visit a local general store and exchange the less valuable laptop you acquired for cash.

[X] Your appearance
-[X] An Osirian man in a garb slightly modified to match the local style.

[X] Where to get free wifi
-[X] The Upper class section of town.

like so?
Almost, it'd be more like

[] [Getting Money] etc.

If you were doing it that way, it's the brackets that make it. I left some sample task names in a post above, let me just grab those,
Let's say, top of my head, [Funds], [Appearance], and [Class], maybe.

There we are.
Almost, it'd be more like

[] [Getting Money] etc.

If you were doing it that way, it's the brackets that make it. I left some sample task names in a post above, let me just grab those,

There we are.
[X] [Getting Money] Visit a local general store and exchange the less valuable laptop you acquired for cash.

[X] [Your appearance] An Osirian man in a garb slightly modified to match the local style.

[X] [Where to get free wifi] The Upper class section of town.

How about this then?
[X] [Getting Money] Visit a local general store and exchange the less valuable laptop you acquired for cash.

[X] [Your appearance] An Osirian man in a garb slightly modified to match the local style.

[X] [Where to get free wifi] The Upper class section of town.

How about this then?

Yep! You've got it down. Although if everyone uses different task names, then I might end up having to take the time to merge them anyway, funny enough.

Well, lessons for the future for myself to actually give task names in the main post itself if doing task voting. Duly Noted.
Our character is indeed extremely capable of the ancient art of running the fuck away. Even if we are tragically still really fucking slow.
We can teleport and move just into the earth where no one can follow us. We are slow, sure, but it is also impossible for opposition to actually follow us.
Being able to run away from almost any engagement however is still really different from winning them.
The reason why I am talking about disengage is that if we ever do get to actually fight fight, we win. There is not a scenario involving fighting BB capes we don't win. We can take on all capes in the BB at the same time in virtually every kind of starting scenario and still win ten times out of ten. They have no way to realistically go after us while we can just keep using our fuck off spells against them. Dominate cooks them, Disintegrate cooks them, Wail solos entire team of capes and so on. Meanwhile we have AC of yes, are invisible, can travel through earth or fly and bunch of other shit.

Disengage is relevant in situation where we are actually in danger. In that case we want to disengage and reset, then reengage and win because as per above we are just vastly stronger than them. When I say that there is notdanger, I do mean that there is actually no danger because even if we are in situation where we are taking damage(again Armsmaster cutting us up, Purity going on us etc), we can just cast our spells and win - two exceptions being Bakuda and MM nuke which can instantly murder us, former of which either requires us to miss her mundanely placed bombs or thralls(roll Perception) or Oni Lee teleport(we get to react) and later which requires pretty bizarre circumstances. There is also Sundancer sphere, which is too slow, Clockblocker, which is not getting past our touch DC, and teleport swap guy, against which we can save and in most cases still react after swap. That's entirety of relevant people.

We are harder to kill Eidolon because Eidolon is at least sometimes human. We are Brute 7+ at all time base, and as long as we have Time Stop we can't die as long as we have opportunity to cast that single spell(or teleport or just earth glide straight down). Then we just attack on our terms and win every single time. To make sure that I am understood correctly here - when I say that we can do whatever we want, I mean that I'm aware of every single power or combination BB capes produce and there is very, very few scenarios where they approach being dangerous to our abilities. We are just that much stronger than they are.

You could try coming up with a scenario where BB capes defeat us. You would find it very difficult.
I agree on the stealth thing, but keep in mind we aren't protected from technological detection like we are magical.
Of course. However that is only relevant for Armsy, Dragon and a bit for Coil mercenaries, and no one there can do much with info in the context of current BB. Later on it becomes bit more relevant with stronger Tinkers or unchained Dragon, but currently they can't really do much about us.
I'm not sure where y'all are getting the idea that you're slow from, since many trained/high level adventurers all stay pretty much at 30 ft. speed on land, while y'all have 40 ft. walking speed and 60 ft. fly speed (unless at some point something ended up eating the 0's in the character sheet and I didn't notice). Which is, y'know, meaning that you guys are respectively about a third again or twice as fast as a typical adventurer, depending on locomotion method (not counting monks or the like, but I mean, they're monks, who does count them?).

Also, Wolfy, love the enthusiam but just, a little bit of caution might be wise. I don't want to give too much away, but you're making a few assumptions, not just about the character which is totally fine and honestly both expected and part of the fun, but about the way that I might run certain things in the quest itself, and the ways things interact slash how PF 'translates' so to say. Just, careful, yeah?

A lot of what you've said may or may not be directly true (hard to give a message like this when I'm also trying to not give the game away), but the presentation of it matters too. I learned that the, not the 'hard' hard way, but definitely not quite the easy way myself.
[X] [Getting Money] Visit a local general store and exchange the less valuable laptop you acquired for cash.
[X] [Your appearance] An Osirian man in a garb slightly modified to match the local style.
[X] [Where to get free wifi] The Upper class section of town.

This looks fine
[X] [Getting Money] Visit a local general store and exchange the less valuable laptop you acquired for cash.
[X] [Your appearance] An Osirian man in a garb slightly modified to match the local style.
[X] [Where to get free wifi] The Upper class section of town.
I'm not sure where y'all are getting the idea that you're slow from, since many trained/high level adventurers all stay pretty much at 30 ft. speed on land, while y'all have 40 ft. walking speed and 60 ft. fly speed (unless at some point something ended up eating the 0's in the character sheet and I didn't notice). Which is, y'know, meaning that you guys are respectively about a third again or twice as fast as a typical adventurer, depending on locomotion method (not counting monks or the like, but I mean, they're monks, who does count them?).

Also, Wolfy, love the enthusiam but just, a little bit of caution might be wise. I don't want to give too much away, but you're making a few assumptions, not just about the character which is totally fine and honestly both expected and part of the fun, but about the way that I might run certain things in the quest itself, and the ways things interact slash how PF 'translates' so to say. Just, careful, yeah?

A lot of what you've said may or may not be directly true (hard to give a message like this when I'm also trying to not give the game away), but the presentation of it matters too. I learned that the, not the 'hard' hard way, but definitely not quite the easy way myself.
Well phantom steed is... a lot faster? And uses its own actions instead of our own for movement? It's even in our book...

I am pretty sure it's the best in combat movement in the game. At least without trickery like quickened dimension door.

Often cast in the communal version so everyone benefits from that mobility.

Overland Flight is also popular...

is what baba yaga uses.

Angel, Solar – d20PFSRD has 150ft fly speed

Planetars have 90ft

Dragons generally get faster as they get older (and less agile)

And in worm pretty much all of the capes who can fly can do so faster than humans can run. To say nothing of... however you could try to represent Vista.

(not counting monks or the like, but I mean, they're monks, who does count them?).
if you use path of war... :V
Fair enough, very fair enough when you mean relative speed to other things of a, well I'd say similar level but I don't think it's giving much away if I told you you could probably body a Solar. And, alright, fair enough on the Path of War as well. Hmm, actually, maybe it would be a good idea to quickly track down all the sourcebooks Iluontar draws from (not including spells), that way y'all have a better idea of what's within the bounds to search for and what isn't.

however you could try to represent Vista.

Y'know how like 90% of the time in a movie, any time a scientist type has to explain a wormhole they inevitably bring out the old folded paper and pencil thing? I'd have to somehow do that with my battlemap if I ever tried to represent Vista on tabletop, just, a nightmare that would be.
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Some random stuff/goals we should take note of:
  • IC we complained about storage capabilities, so we need to take that in consideration as well. In theory we can just use Teleport Object in the meanwhile
  • Outside of Wish, we do have a number of spells that require reagents, some of which would be generically useful i.e. can't go wrong with +4 int. We should make a list of reagents and endeavor to get all our spell online
  • Using Permanency on Arcane Sight, Comprehend Languages and Sigil of Pain could be useful once we get resources. First two are not super important given that we can just use them as needed, however permanent Sigil of Pain is probably just more economical in the long run. Quite useful against capes too
  • We really need to figure out how good our crafting is at some point. Being able to create healing potions would be quite nice for trading
  • I'm still focused on robot, since it should in theory be relevant on to our level. Any idea how do we get it back online?
  • While we are not at that point yet, we will have to figure out certain interactions with parahuman powers - can we save certain effects, how do they interact with certain powers and so on
  • On a bit longer timescale, we should consider how to use parahuman powers in busted ways with our own spells. For time being, we should absolutely focus on getting TT so we can fill our missing info
  • Is there any way we can get more spells? Researching them manually probably takes a way too much time, but it is not like we can stumble upon spell scrolls around here either.
  • Can we fight Endbringers? Outside of Wish most of our shit will just likely bounce straight off them. Maybe we could Plane Shift them?
My big long term goal would be to figure out how shards work on a fundamental level so we can take advantage of it/defend against it better.

Like, some sort of item with a modified version of Dimensional Lock on it to prevent foreign dimensional effects from targeting us would block out a lot of what shards could do to us.
If we could figure out the mechanisms behind certain powers, like say Alexandria's invincibility and mimic them with items that would help a lot too.

Honestly I would not trust TT with anything. Almost anything she can do we can do better with our natural intelligence. The author has done a good job showing just how BS our brain is. No need to use an unreliable power.
IC we complained about storage capabilities, so we need to take that in consideration as well. In theory we can just use Teleport Object in the meanwhile
Getting a base somewhere. Ideally carving one out under the city maybe?

A future vault of our own...

Outside of Wish, we do have a number of spells that require reagents, some of which would be generically useful i.e. can't go wrong with +4 int. We should make a list of reagents and endeavor to get all our spell online
Mostly precious gems. Of generally higher quality than what can be found in Brockton Bay. At least going by our casual look around.

Using Permanency on Arcane Sight, Comprehend Languages and Sigil of Pain could be useful once we get resources. First two are not super important given that we can just use them as needed, however permanent Sigil of Pain is probably just more economical in the long run. Quite useful against capes too
Sounds like a plan!

We really need to figure out how good our crafting is at some point. Being able to create healing potions would be quite nice for trading
Maybe sign up with Toybox? Or simply bill ourselves as mercenary.

I'm still focused on robot, since it should in theory be relevant on to our level. Any idea how do we get it back online?
Lets put Dragon into it!

While we are not at that point yet, we will have to figure out certain interactions with parahuman powers - can we save certain effects, how do they interact with certain powers and so on
Good questions!

On a bit longer timescale, we should consider how to use parahuman powers in busted ways with our own spells. For time being, we should absolutely focus on getting TT so we can fill our missing info
Hm... Getting our hands on some tinker tech. Or some tinkers.

Is there any way we can get more spells? Researching them manually probably takes a way too much time, but it is not like we can stumble upon spell scrolls around here either.
Study, scrolls, trading with outsiders maybe?

Can we fight Endbringers? Outside of Wish most of our shit will just likely bounce straight off them. Maybe we could Plane Shift them?
...also a very good question.
I'm still focused on robot, since it should in theory be relevant on to our level. Any idea how do we get it back online?
Since it's in the spellbook, I will warn you, Memory of Function is what you're looking for, aside from the other option of
Lets put Dragon into it!
I I figure since the information is already in there, I'm not revealing anything by just bringing it to the forefront.
Since it's in the spellbook, I will warn you, Memory of Function is what you're looking for, aside from the other option of

I I figure since the information is already in there, I'm not revealing anything by just bringing it to the forefront.
It really depends on who-what the shell is for/from.

If it's casandalees body...?

Also we should build constructs.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Sckribe on Nov 18, 2023 at 12:53 AM, finished with 42 posts and 6 votes.
  • 3

    [X] Visit a local general store and exchange the less valuable laptop you acquired for cash.
    -[X] An Osirian man in a garb slightly modified to match the local style.
    -[X] The Upper class section of town
    [X] Attack on Merchants
    -[X] Use Veil to take guise of a Human. Venture to most well frequented spots in the city, mingling with commoners, using your Comprehend Languages to perfect your mastery of English. By listening, and via trial and error, learn common topics and jargon of this city as well as the Major and minor Factions in the City.
    -[X] Depending on the information gathered find the weakest faction and what they are know for and locate one of there stash's i.e if merchants use locate object to find a lot of drugs in one place as that would be a stash also assuming mc smart enough to know that a hospital or clinic as not a gang.
    -[X] make another Bag of holding but like a gym bag for easier looting and make space in the OG Bag.
    -[X] Use Spells as needed to knock out everyone and steal everything of value or if Greater invs is enough to steal a major a mount of loot without anyone knowing do so.
    -[X] if the above is Successful, go to a café and use internet for info gathering make sure your out of sight of any window and are sat at a corner with a wall behind you, also make your best attempt at finding out how to use the Web safely.
    -[X] attempt stealing a power cables monitor and a power generator and fuel if the risk of being seen is big for any of the items stop the attempt.
  • 4

    [X] Visit a local general store and exchange the less valuable laptop you acquired for cash.
  • 4

    [X] [Your appearance] An Osirian man in a garb slightly modified to match the local style.
  • 4

    [X] [Where to get free wifi] The Upper class section of town.
ALNE - 1.8
Scheduled vote count started by Sckribe on Nov 18, 2023 at 12:53 AM, finished with 42 posts and 6 votes.
  • 3

    [X] Visit a local general store and exchange the less valuable laptop you acquired for cash.
    -[X] An Osirian man in a garb slightly modified to match the local style.
    -[X] The Upper class section of town
    [X] Attack on Merchants
    -[X] Use Veil to take guise of a Human. Venture to most well frequented spots in the city, mingling with commoners, using your Comprehend Languages to perfect your mastery of English. By listening, and via trial and error, learn common topics and jargon of this city as well as the Major and minor Factions in the City.
    -[X] Depending on the information gathered find the weakest faction and what they are know for and locate one of there stash's i.e if merchants use locate object to find a lot of drugs in one place as that would be a stash also assuming mc smart enough to know that a hospital or clinic as not a gang.
    -[X] make another Bag of holding but like a gym bag for easier looting and make space in the OG Bag.
    -[X] Use Spells as needed to knock out everyone and steal everything of value or if Greater invs is enough to steal a major a mount of loot without anyone knowing do so.
    -[X] if the above is Successful, go to a café and use internet for info gathering make sure your out of sight of any window and are sat at a corner with a wall behind you, also make your best attempt at finding out how to use the Web safely.
    -[X] attempt stealing a power cables monitor and a power generator and fuel if the risk of being seen is big for any of the items stop the attempt.
  • 4

    [X] Visit a local general store and exchange the less valuable laptop you acquired for cash.
  • 4

    [X] [Your appearance] An Osirian man in a garb slightly modified to match the local style.
  • 4

    [X] [Where to get free wifi] The Upper class section of town.

There in the sewers, you decide fairly quickly on just what was what, although the order would have to change just a touch. Firstly, you elect to give yourself the appearance of an _______ man with the Veil spell, soon settling into the appearance of a moderately tall (6'1") man of a thin and lithe build, long-legged, dark bronze skin, with slight geometric markings on the ends of your arms, your initial idea of a tunic being altered for more local sensibilities, going for a look like a traveler, or backpacker you supposed was a loal variation based on the dictionary, someone traveling about on foot with a large pack of things, as sadly you couldn't extend your disguise to your Haversack with this spell, though all your other belongings you thankfully could.

While fully disguised even to tactile sensations, you would need to try and keep only one pair of arms going and the second hidden, having already selected the upper pair as looking far more natural than the lower pair when used like this.

With this done, you fairly quickly made your way through the earth, finding a good alley where you can quickly and quietly slip onto the surface, and then into the general crowd as if you had always been there. A subtle look in your peripheral vision at a few reflective windows as you walked had shown that your disguise was positively impeccable,

Not long at all afterwards you had made your way to one of the more seemingly reputable pawn shops in the more middle class area of town (as there were none in the upper class area you planned to get wifi and incidentally coffee as well in) to exchange the lower performance laptop for a touch of cash. It went quite smoothly, you speaking to the man behind the counter that you had a laptop in near new condition you needed to pawn for some cash. As to why you were pawning a near-new laptop that was only turned on once? That was simple, a friend you had stopped to visit a town over had gotten it for you as a gift and had very excitedly and insistently ran you through setting it up, not realizing that you had already bought yourself a better one earlier.

By the way the man laughed at the story, you'd have to say he seemed to wholeheartedly believe it, and after a little bit of light haggling, you managed to get about $300 out of the exchange in a good variety of bills, although you knew that the laptop ought to sell for about $400 or so. Still, the time looking at the things in the shop and listening in on other pawnbrokers conversations confirmed to you that you had a fairly good sense for values, and could very confidently say that every $100 should be about equivalent to 1 Gold Piece in terms of materials you could acquire.

With that done, it was about noon or so, and as such a more than reasonable time to be going to a coffee shop. In fact, by the time you get there, there is a moderate line at the place you'd chosen to go to, a fairly spacious place with a nice number of semi-private booth seatings with fairly sized tables and plugs by them, though thankfully the vast majority of people are simpy getting their orders to go. You actually blend in perfectly well, getting a small coffee for five dollars and taking a seat in a fairly empty corner booth, setting your backpack down by your legs after taking out the laptop and booting it up, connecting to the Wi-Fi.

Now you can properly do your research. Firstly, local power structures in your new world. About a dozen minutes later, interspersed with the occasional light sip of coffee, you find nothing too unusual. Your current country, the United States, manages political rule through general popular election all the way up to their highest councils, of which there a good few meant to keep eachother in check. How well that works in practice, you aren't entirely sure, but the overall notion is there. Similar structures tend to echo down to more familiar things such as local mayorships and the like. Across the seas appeared to have many similar features, some places moderately different, and others like Africa actually seemed fairly familiar, in the sense of nigh constant warfare and battles of control. You'd have to settle that whole mess some time down the line, you supposed, if it didn't work itself out by the time you got around.

Next on the list, any particular known threats to look out for. The Triumverate were somewhat notable, mainly in that you might be forced to imprison over kill Alexandria if you couldn't spot a particlar weakness in her 'indestructability' on your own end, but the other two were, eh. Eidolon would quite likely be a problem if fought openly, and perhaps Legend, presuming he could find you or shoot through the ground, but ultimately not too much of an issue if the cards were down on either of them. After all, all of their methods of avoiding harm seemed to be manual in nature and require reaction time, and from what you can tell, they sleep. So, avoid Eidolon if he shows up ready to fight, maintain a Scrying effect on him at nearly all times, then wait for him to sleep, and kill in one blow. Wash, rinse, repeat for Legend. Still, you didn't think you'd need to fight them at any point. Nilbog had his own city-state, and he hadn't even offered anything in return. Meanwhile, if you could simply get the resources you could offer to restore them back to being a Quadrumvirate again if you felt so inclined. The Slaughterhouse Nine both needed to be dealt with and would likely make a very good source of cash and reputation, as would Nilbog too now that you think on it. Hm, Endbringers?

Oh. Oh. Oh you certainly cannot stand for the continued existence of these things. Worse than the Tarrasque, each of them. Actually, you do kind of wonder why the locals seem to simply abide their existence- yes you recognize that there have been plentiful deaths and struggles at the regularly occurring Endbringer fights, but have they really never thought to try and be a touch proactive, perhaps hunt the damn things down? Leaving the Simurgh was perhaps a touch excusable given the aerial position, but come on, the other two were earth bound. Regardless, their known capabilities were fairly laid out, and you also found that while there were technically some residual bounties on the first two, Behemoth and Leviathan, those only had what was left from the initial years when people hadn't seemed to be treating the eminently killable or at least containable creatures as if they were natural phenomena. So, not quite as much on the direct cash front as the Slaughterhouse Nine, but assuredly immensely more reputation.

You heard a young woman's voice ask near you, "Excuse me, is the seat across from you taken?"

Rather engrossed in your research, you respond without looking up, "No, Miss, feel free."


You return to your research, now focusing closer on more local concerns. It seems your initial eavesdropping had been mostly correct, in the presence of three major gangs known as Empire 88, The Merchants, and The Azn Bad Boys, whereas the Parahuman Response Team was the government law enforcement branch in relation to 'Parahuman' matters, and the Protectorate was something of a subordinate branch of the PRT. Honestly, as you read about them, if they weren't so opaque and non-specific in their public facing offerings and the ones you could find, they would be exceptionally tempting. They still are, to a degree, although the options for formally quitting didn't have many examples, primarily one 'Mouse Protector', though she appeared to have left during her childhood years, so likely gave more leniency than one would to a full adult like yourself. Still, it was an option to keep in mind, and at least Independent hero status seemed like it could be helpful.

It had also brought up the notion of Case 53's which, while you on the surface seemed to be similar to, you had a very strong sense you weren't, especially given how you were actually regaining your memories, that and to your knowledge you had no tattoos. Actually, now that it's on your mind, you haven't had the opportunity to see a reflection of your actual self, and you did own Needles of Fleshgraving, so, possibly. You'd need to check or have someone else check. It would line up with that time sensitive business with the room and such.

Moving onwards, rounding out the end of your research, your best source of proper quality diamonds would have to be buying directly from a supplier or wholesaler, perhaps 'lab made' might be usable even though you'd need to check at least one yourself to be sure if the idea had merit, either those or directly going to the mines yourself, and there appeared to be nothing indicating any unusual other world activities. It did lead you to discover that there were apparently normal other world activities in that the people here on Earth Bet had maintained contact with a parallel universe version of their planet going by Earth Aleph, so that did at least leave some mild precedent for your own being from out of world, at least.

As you put away your laptop, you hear spoken in a quiet way to fall below the natural murmur of an active place, "So, I take it you're not from around here, Bugman?"

You pause, and look at the young woman sitting across from you taking a sip from her coffee.

Dark blonde hair, green eyes, freckles along the nose, looks like a mildly disguised kitsune, particularly with the slight grin. Same girl as the library. Looking you not in the eyes of your disguise, but at your actual eyes wearing your glasses just slightly above it at the illusion's forehead. Interesting.

What now, then?

[ ] Write In

Iluontar, Unique Xiomorn Wizard ? | CR ?
?? Large Outsider (Earth, Elemental)
Initiative: ? Perception: ? Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Tremorsense 120 ft., ?
AC ? Touch ? Flat-Foot ? (+6 Armor, +? Dex, Natural Armor +?,)
HP ? (?); Fast Healing 5
Fort ? Ref ? Will ?
Defensive Abilities: ?; DR ?; Immune: Elemental Traits, ?; SR ?
Speed: 40 ft., burrow 30 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 60 ft. (Average), ?; earth glide
Melee: 4 claws +? (2d4+? plus Crystallization), or, Enchanted Monowhip +? (3d6+?, 18-20/x3), or, Enchanted Dagger +? (1d4+?, 19-20/x2)
Ranged: Enchanted Dagger +? (1d4+?, 19-20/x2), ?
Special Attacks: Crystal burst (DC ?), Crystallization (DC ?), Rend (2 claws, 2d4+?), Wizard Spellcasting
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips — Prestidigitation, Acid Splash, Read Magic, Detect Magic
1st (DC 30) — Comprehend Languages (6), Mage Armor (2), Magic Missile (2), Shield (2)
2nd (DC 31) — Locate Object, Mirror Image (2), See Invisibility, Invisibility (2), Alter Self (5)
3rd (DC 32) — Arcane Reinforcement (2), Arcane Sight (3), Battering Blast (2), Dispel Magic (3)
4th (DC 33) — Bestow Curse, Dimension Door (2), Greater Invisibility (3), Phantasmal Killer (2), Lesser Geas (2)
5th (DC 34) — Baleful Polymorph, Break Enchantment (2), Dominate Person (5), Teleport (2)
6th (DC 35) — Disintegrate (5), Mislead, Veil (1), Antimagic Field, Sarzari Shadow Memory
7th (DC 36) — Ethereal Jaunt (2), Finger of Death (2), Greater Teleport (3), Prismatic Spray (2)
8th (DC 37) — Dimensional Lock (2), Discern Location (3), Mind Blank (3), Polar Ray
9th (DC 38) — Dominate Monster (3), Time Stop (3), Wail of the Banshee (3)
10th (DC 39) — Polar Ray (4)
11th (DC 40) — Polar Ray (3)
12th (DC 41) — Polar Ray (3)
13th (DC 42) — Wail of the Banshee, Finger of Death (2)
14th (DC 43) — Wail of the Banshee (3)
15th (DC 44) — Wail of the Banshee (2)
16th (DC 45) — Wail of the Banshee (2)
17th (DC 46) — Wail of the Banshee (2)
STR ? DEX ? CON ? INT 47 WIS ? CHA ?
BAB: ? CMB: ? CMD: ?
Feats: Heighten Spell, ?
Skills: Appraise +61, Bluff +16, Craft (?, ?, Mechanical, ?, ?) +89, Craft (?) +97, Disable Device +86, Disguise +71, Knowledge (Arcana) +100, Knowledge (Engineering +86), Sleight of Hand +78, Spellcraft +122, Sense Motive +2, Stealth +89, ?
Languages: Common (Golarian), Terran, Aquan, Auran, Ignan, Aklo, Androffan, Infernal, Celestial, Draconic, Dwarven, English; Telepathy 300 ft.
Item mastery, Item shaper, ?
Environment: ?
Organization: Last of Your Kind (Alone)
Treasure/Inventory: 5 30,000 GP Black Sapphire Gems, 1 Artisan's Outfit, 1 Bedroll, 1 Blessed Blook (W/Superior Lock), 1 Commander's Expidition Pavillion (Improved), 1 Crowbar, 1 Decanter of Endless Water, 1 Enchanted Adamantine Dagger, 1 Enchanted Boots, 1 Enchanted Cloak, 1 Enchanted Glasses, 1 Enchanted Mithral Monowhip, 1 Enchanted Silken Ceremonial Armor, 1 Enchanted Technological Bracers, 1 Explorer's Outfit, 1 Fishing Net (25 sq. ft.), 1 Flint & Steel, 1 Folding Pole, 1 Graviton Reactor, 1 Handy Haversack, 24 Immovable Rods, 1 Needles of Fleshgraving, 50 Golden Scrolls (10 Blank), 1 Robot Frame (Perfectly Intact), 1 Portable Hole, 3 (50 ft.) Power Cables, 4 Power Receivers (3 in use between Signal Booster, Bracers, Monowhip), 1 Signal Booster, 1 Spyglass, 1 Traveler's Any-Tools, 3 Vials of Black Lotus Extract, 2 Vials of Terinav Root, 1 Winter Blanket, 1000 Pinches of Ruby Dust (50 GP Each), 1 High-End Laptop, 3 Smartphones, 1 Flip-Phone

Cash: $295.00

Crystal Burst (Su) As a standard action once every 1d4 rounds, Iluontar can create an explosion of razor-sharp crystals at a range of up to 120 feet. These crystals fill a 30-foot-radius burst and deal ? points of piercing and slashing damage (Reflex DC ? half). The save DC is Constitution-based.

Crystallization (Su) A creature struck by any of Iluontar's claws must succeed at a DC ? Fortitude save or take ? points of Dexterity drain. On a critical hit, a target that fails its save instead takes ? points of Dexterity drain. As long as a creature suffers this drain, portions of its body appear as living green crystal and it gains the earth creature subtype. A creature whose Dexterity score is drained to 0 in this manner transforms into a green crystal statue, as if affected by flesh to stone. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Item Mastery (Ex) Iluontar can always activate spell trigger and spell completion items as if the spell were on his class list.

Item Shaper (Ex) For the purposes of crafting magic items or constructs, Iluontar is treated as though he had all item creation feats.
1st Level — Charm Person, Comprehend Languages, Hypnotism, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Mindlink, Mount, Shield
2nd Level — Alter Self, Arcane Lock, Bear's Endurance, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Eagle's Splendor, Fox's Cunning, Haste, Invisibility, Locate Object, Make Whole, Mirror Image, Owl's Wisdom, See Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy
3rd Level — Arcane Reinforcement, Arcane Sight, Battering Blast, Blink, Dispel Magic, Explosive Runes, Fly, Keen Edge, Nondetection, Phantom Steed, Secret Page, Sepia Snake Sigil
4th Level — Bestow Curse, Dimension Door, Greater Invisibility, Greater Make Whole, Lesser Geas, Phantasmal Killer, Stoneskin
5th Level — Baleful Polymorph, Break Enchantment, Dominate Person, Dream, Mind Fog, Nightmare, Permanency, Secret Chest, Sending, Symbol of Pain, Teleport
6th Level — Antimagic Field, Disintegrate, Eyebite, Geas, Greater Heroism, Mislead, Sarzari Shadow Memory, True Seeing, Veil
7th Level — Awaken Construct, Ethereal Jaunt, Finger of Death, Greater Teleport, Limited Wish, Memory of Function, Plane Shift, Power Word Blind, Prismatic Spray, Teleport Object
8th Level — Demand, Dimensional Lock, Discern Location, Greater Bestow Curse, Mind Blank, Polar Ray, Screen, Trap the Soul
9th Level — Crushing Hand, Dominate Monster, Energy Drain, Prismatic Sphere, Soul Bind, Teleportation Circle, Time Stop, Wail of the Banshee, Wish
This item Functions as a Combined Commander's Tent and Expedition Pavillion, containing the best features of both.

Weight: 1 lb.
Aura(s): faint Evocation, moderate Divination
Total Price: 41,000 GP


This small flag sports a banner that is 2 inches wide by 3 inches tall and has a thin wooden dowel that serves as the flag post. When a creature plants the flag in the ground and speaks the command word, the flag expands into an ordinary-looking, windowless tent of stout canvas with the flag falling over the outer side of the entrance flap. The tent fills a space that is 10 feet by 10 feet, but, inside, it measures a full 30 feet by 30 feet. The entrance of the tent consists of a vestibule with an outer and inner flap for keeping light from spilling out,.

Inside, the tent contains a central table and several chairs and cushions, and three small "bedrooms" (separated by curtains) along the back wall. The center table features a blank map. Once per week, any creature inside the tent can utter a second command word to transform the map into a model of the nearby area, as sand table (see page 164).

The temperature inside the tent is 70° F if the exterior temperature is between 0° and 100° F. For every degree the exterior temperature is below 0° or above 100°, the interior temperature decreases or increases, respectively, by 1°. The pavilion also provides protection against the elements, such as rain, dust, and sandstorms. The pavilion withstands any wind of less than hurricane force, but a hurricane (75+ mph wind speed) or greater force destroys it.

While the commander's tent is in tent form, the user can utter a third command word while holding a new flag to replace the flag on the tent with one of his own choosing. The two pennants swap places. A fourth command word causes the tent to break down, returning to its miniature flag form, ejecting any creatures still inside the tent.
+2 Adamantine Agile Axiomatic Impervious Returning Ricochet Assassin's Dagger

Total Price: 92,002 gp
Total Equivalent Enhancement Bonus: +6

Max HP: 43
Hardness: 28

Weight 1 lb.
Damage 1d3 (small), 1d4 (medium) Critical 19-20/x2 Type piercing or slashing
Range Increment 10 ft. (thrown)
Category light Proficiency simple
Weapon Groups light blades, thrown, tribal


This jet-black blade is curved viciously, and is dull, never glinting in the dark.


Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on Sleight of Hand skill checks made to conceal a dagger on your body.

Adamantine: Weapons fashioned from adamantine have a natural ability to bypass hardness when sundering weapons or attacking objects, ignoring hardness less than 20.

Enchanted With;

+2 Enhancement Bonus to attack and damage rolls


Aura moderate transmutation CL 7th
Slot none; Price +1 bonus; Weight —
A character with Weapon Finesse can apply her Dexterity modifier to damage rolls with an agile weapon in place of her Strength modifier. This modifier to damage is not increased for two-handed weapons, but is still reduced for off-hand weapons. This weapon special ability can be placed only on melee weapons usable with Weapon Finesse.


Aura moderate evocation CL 7th
Slot weapon quality; Price +2 bonus; Weight —
An axiomatic weapon is infused with lawful power. It makes the weapon law-aligned and thus bypasses the corresponding damage reduction. It deals an extra 2d6 points of damage against chaotic creatures. It bestows one permanent negative level (Core Rulebook 562) on any chaotic creature attempting to wield it. The negative level remains as long as the weapon is in hand and disappears when the weapon is no longer wielded. This negative level cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the weapon is wielded.


Aura moderate transmutation CL 7th
Slot weapon quality; Price +3,000 gp; Weight —
An impervious weapon is warded from damage and decay. A metallic weapon cannot rust and a wooden weapon cannot rot or warp, even by magical or supernatural means. An impervious weapon gains double the normal bonus to its hardness and hit points for each point of its enhancement bonus. The break DC for an impervious weapon and the wielder's combat maneuver defense against sunder maneuvers against the impervious weapon each gain a bonus equal to twice the weapon's enhancement bonus.


Aura moderate transmutation CL 7th
Slot weapon quality; Price +1 bonus; Weight —
This special ability can only be placed on a weapon that can be thrown. A returning weapon flies through the air back to the creature that threw it. It returns to the thrower just before the creature's next turn (and is therefore ready to use again in that turn). Catching a returning weapon when it comes back is a free action. If the character can't catch it, or if the character has moved since throwing it, the weapon drops to the ground in the square from which it was thrown.

Ricochet (Adapted from Ricochet Hammer)

Price +12,000 gp; (Must be a Returning Weapon)

This weapon can strike multiple foes with a single throw. If the wielder has multiple attacks from a high base attack bonus, he may throw the weapon so it rebounds off the first target to strike at a second target, and so on for each of the wielder's additional attacks. The distance to each target adds to the total range of the weapon, and range penalties apply.

The weapon can only ricochet if it successfully hits a target; if it misses, it stops ricocheting, has no further attacks that round, and returns as normal for a weapon with the returning property. Because ricocheting attacks are treated as separate attacks, modifiers that only apply to one attack roll (such as true strike) only apply to the first attack and not the others. The ricochet attacks count as the wielder's additional attacks for that round.

Assassin's Dagger (Base Item)

Aura moderate necromancy CL 9th
Slot none; Price +2,000 gp
This wicked-looking, curved dagger provides a +1 bonus to the DC of a Fortitude save forced by the death attack of an assassin.
Enchanted Boots (Boots of Vaulting)

Total Price: 3,500 GP

Enchanted With;

Boots of Vaulting (Base Item of the Boots)

Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd
Slot feet; Price 3,500 gp; Weight 1 lb.


The wearer of these suede boots ignores an additional 10 feet of falling distance when she successfully uses Acrobatics to soften a fall. Once per round as a free action, the wearer can use the boots to gain a +10 competence bonus on an Acrobatics check to jump, treating such jump as though she had a running start. The wearer also receives this +10 competence bonus on Acrobatics checks to avoid attacks of opportunity during the jump or to balance after landing.

Using the boots in this fashion strains the lower body. If the wearer attempts a second such jump before at least 1 minute has passed, she must succeed at a Fortitude save with a DC equal to the DC of her second jump attempt or injure her legs. This injury reduces her speed by half for 24 hours, or until she is successfully treated with a DC 15 Heal check or at least 1 point of magical healing. The DC of the Fortitude save increases by 5 for each additional jump attempted until at least 1 minute passes between jumps.
Enchanted Cloak (Wings of Flying+)

Total Price: 55,500 GP

This grey cloak has feathers all about the collar and uppermost shoulders, and is evocative of the wings of a perched owl in the way it falls when worn or hung.

Enchanted With;

Wings of Flying (Base Item of the Cloak)

Aura moderate transmutation; CL 10th; Slot shoulders; Price 54,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.


A pair of these wings might appear to be nothing more than a plain cloak of old, black cloth, or they could be as elegant as a long cape of blue feathers.

When the wearer speaks the command word, the cloak turns into a pair of bat or bird wings that empower her to fly with a speed of 60 feet (average maneuverability), also granting a +5 competence bonus on Fly skill checks.

Muleback Cords

Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Slot shoulders; Price +1,500 gp; Weight -.


These thick leather cords wrap around the wearer's biceps and shoulders. When worn, they make the wearer's muscles appear larger than normal. The wearer treats his Strength score as 8 higher than normal when determining his carrying capacity. This bonus does not apply to combat, breaking items, or any other Strength-related rolls, it only contributes to the amount of equipment or material the wearer can carry.
Enchanted Glasses (Greater Sniper Goggles+)

Total Price: 50,000 GP

These round glasses have thin black rims that form a subtle crosshair like pattern on the inner edges of the lenses.

Enchanted With;

Sniper's Goggles, Greater


These glasses function as sniper goggles, but the wearer gains the +2 circumstance bonus on each sneak attack when making a sneak attack at any range.

Sniper Goggles


The leather strap attached to these bulbous lenses allows their wearer to fit them to his head. The wearer of these goggles can make ranged sneak attacks from any distance instead of the normal 30 feet. When making ranged sneak attacks within 30 feet, the wearer gains a +2 circumstance bonus on each sneak attack damage die.
+1 Agile Impervious Resizing Mithral Monowhip

Total Overall Price: 85,500 GP
Total Technological Price: 70,000 GP
Total Enchantment Price: 15,000 GP
Special Material Price: 500 GP

Total Equivalent Enhancement Bonus: +2

Type light melee; Proficiency exotic; Weight 1 lb.
Damage 1d10 (small), 2d6 (medium), 3d6 (large); Damage Type S; Critical 18-20/x3
Range —; Capacity 10; Usage 1 charge/round; Special Performance, reach, touch


A monowhip is a deadly melee weapon capable of inflicting horrible wounds, even in the hands of the weak. An inactive monowhip looks like a short metal baton, but when it's activated, a small weight detaches, revealing a 15-foot-long monofilament length. Wielded like a whip, a monowhip slices deeply into targets and can inflict grievous critical hits with shocking ease. Attacks made with a monowhip resolve as touch attacks, and they ignore hardness as if the monofilament were made of adamantine. A monowhip's damage cannot be enhanced by strength, as the monofilament slices with equal ease regardless of the force applied. Activating a monowhip is a move action; once activated, the whip consumes power incredibly quickly, at the rate of 1 charge per round.


Material: Mithral, Price: +500 GP

Enchanted With;

+1 Enhancement Bonus to attack and damage rolls


Aura moderate transmutation CL 7th
Slot none; Price +1 bonus; Weight —
A character with Weapon Finesse can apply her Dexterity modifier to damage rolls with an agile weapon in place of her Strength modifier. This modifier to damage is not increased for two-handed weapons, but is still reduced for off-hand weapons. This weapon special ability can be placed only on melee weapons usable with Weapon Finesse.


Aura moderate transmutation CL 7th
Slot weapon quality; Price +3,000 gp; Weight —
An impervious weapon is warded from damage and decay. A metallic weapon cannot rust and a wooden weapon cannot rot or warp, even by magical or supernatural means. An impervious weapon gains double the normal bonus to its hardness and hit points for each point of its enhancement bonus. The break DC for an impervious weapon and the wielder's combat maneuver defense against sunder maneuvers against the impervious weapon each gain a bonus equal to twice the weapon's enhancement bonus.


Aura faint transmutation CL 5th
Slot none; Price +4,000 gp; Weight —
A resizing weapon instantly shrinks or grows to suit the size of any creature that picks it up unless it is currently wielded by another creature. It reverts to its original size 1 round after it leaves its wielder's possession
+5 Advancing Burdenless Comfort Ghost Touch Impervious Greater Shadow Greater Slick Silken Ceremonial Armor

Total Price: 176,680 GP
Total Equivalent Enhancement Bonus: +10

Max HP: 105
Hardness: 20

Weight 4 lbs.
Armor Bonus +6; Max Dex Bonus —; Armor Check Penalty 0
Arcane Spell Failure Chance 0%; Speed 30 ft./20 ft.

Used for ceremonial displays or occasionally worn (albeit with no additional benefit) over heavier armor, these robes consist of several layers of cloth and an outer layer of silk intricately woven with gold brocade designs and covered with metal studs.

Enchanted With;

+5 Enhancement Bonus to Armor


Aura faint necromancy CL 5th
Slot armor quality; Price +1 bonus; Weight —
A suit of armor with the advancing special ability allows its wearer to move through fallen enemies to the forefront of any conflict. Once per round when the wearer of a suit of advancing armor reduces an opponent to 0 hit points or fewer with a melee attack, she can immediately move up to 10 feet as a free action. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If this armor is created as barding, the effect is triggered if either the mount or its rider reduces an opponent to 0 hit points or fewer, and allows the mount to move up to 10 feet. The advancing special ability can be applied only to heavy armor.


Aura faint transmutation CL 5th
Slot none; Price +4,000 gp; Weight —
Burdenless armor distributes the weight of the wearer's load more efficiently, allowing her to carry more without suffering the effects of encumbrance. The wearer's carrying capacity is increased by 50% across each load (light, medium and heavy).


Aura faint transmutation CL 5th
Slot armor quality; Price +5,000 gp; Weight —
Armor of comfort sheds dirt and sweat as they accumulate, and remains as comfortable as weather-appropriate clothing regardless of environmental conditions. A suit of armor with this enhancement always looks immaculately clean, can be slept in as though it were light armor, and does not cause a penalty to the wearer's saving throws to resist the effects of extreme heat. In cold weather, it counts as cold-weather clothing. In addition, the armor's armor check penalty is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0).

Ghost Touch

Aura strong transmutation CL 15th
Slot armor/shield quality; Price +3 bonus; Weight —
This armor or shield seems almost translucent. Both its enhancement bonus and its armor bonus count against the attacks of corporeal and incorporeal creatures. It can be picked up, moved, and worn by corporeal and incorporeal creatures alike. Incorporeal creatures gain the armor's or shield's enhancement bonus against both corporeal and incorporeal attacks, and they can still pass freely through solid objects.


Aura moderate transmutation CL 7th
Slot armor/shield quality; Price +1 bonus; Weight —
A shield or suit of armor with this special ability is especially hardy. It gains double its enhancement bonus to hardness and hit points (instead of just the enhancement bonus), its break DC increases by double its enhancement bonus, and it gains a bonus on saving throws against direct attacks (such as a rust monster's rust ability) equal to its enhancement bonus.

Shadow, Greater

Aura strong illusion CL 15th
Slot armor quality; Price +33,750 gp; Weight —
As shadow, except it grants a +15 competence bonus on Stealth checks.
"This armor blurs the wearer whenever she tries to hide, while also dampening the sound around her, granting a +5 competence bonus on Stealth checks. The armor's armor check penalty still applies normally."

Slick, Greater

Aura strong conjuration CL 15th
Slot armor quality; Price +33,750 gp; Weight —
As slick, except it grants a +15 competence bonus on Escape Artist checks.
"Slick armor seems coated at all times with a slightly greasy oil. It provides a +5 competence bonus on its wearer's Escape Artist checks. The armor's armor check penalty still applies normally."
Enchanted Technological Bracer (Fate-Woven Braid of the Norns (Improved))

Tech Capacity: 40
Tech Charge Usage: Varies by function

Total Overall Price:
Total Technological Price: 88,530 GP
Total Enchantment Price: 15,000 GP

This singular jet black bracer is built to be worn on the left arm, and has a dull gloss to it's metal. On the side meant to be on the interior of the forearm, set almost perfectly into the material itself, is three thin strings of gold that run from nearly end to end.


Technological Functions;


Price 6,000 GP
Usage 1 charge/hour

This device allows for communication between two commset users. A commset carries audio and visual signals, and includes a builtin camera that can record all communications being broadcast. Communication between two commsets requires both users to tune their individual devices to the same frequency. A commset has a range of 1 mile—beyond this range, communication is impossible without enhancing the signal strength with a signal booster (see page 51). The price and cost listed for this item are for a single commset.

Chipfinder (Prismatic)

Price 76,500 GP
Usage 1 charge/hour

When the chipfinder function is activated, all active tracker chips within a 500-mile radius appear as glowing dots on the screen, indicating the direction and approximate distance to each installed tracker chip, as well (customizable) identification number for each chip. The screen can filter out unwanted data to make it easier to track a specific chip. This range is a signal, and can be enhanced by a signal booster (see page 51) or blocked by a solid enough barrier.

Flashlight (Improved)

Price 30 gp
Usage 0, but must have at least 1 Charge available.

When activated, the flashlight creates a beam of normal light in a 60-foot cone. It also increases the light level in the area beyond this initial cone by one step, out to a 120-foot cone. It does not increase the light level in normal light or bright light. A flashlight has no effect in areas of magical darkness.

Fire Extinguisher

Price 6,000 gp
Usage 1 charge

This function open a small hole at the wrist-end of the bracers, from which a thin nozzle pokes out. When activated as a standard action, the fire extinguisher creates a 15-foot cone of misty vapor that swiftly extinguishes fires within its area of effect. Against magical fire effects, such as those created by a wall of fire or similar spell, the fire extinguisher only extinguishes the part of the larger effect its vapors directly contact. Continual magic flames, such as those of a flaming weapon or fire creature, are suppressed for 6 rounds before they automatically reignite. To extinguish an instantaneous fire effect or spell, the wielder must use a readied action with the fire extinguisher to counter the effect; this can cancel the entire effect, provided the source of the effect is in the extinguisher's area of effect.

When used against a creature of the fire subtype, a blast from a fire extinguisher deals 4d6 points of damage (Reflex DC 15 halves). A breathing creature exposed to a direct blast from a fire extinguisher is not harmed as long as the area is relatively well-ventilated—using a fire extinguisher in a confined area with poor or no ventilation can result in slow suffocation (at the GM's discretion).


Enchanted With;

Fate-Woven Braid (Improved)

This item functions as a Fate-Woven Braid of the Norns, except the 3/day use limit has been expanded to any number of uses, and the Price is increased to 15,000 GP.

However, it is still subject to a three-fray limit.

Each single fray can be repaired at 1/3 the creation cost.

Fate-Woven Braid of the Norns (Standard)
Aura strong abjuration and evocation; CL 16th
Slot wrists; Price 9,000 gp; Weight —
At first glance, this circlet of plaited hair interwoven with a single gold thread appears to be nothing more than a personal memento or a lover's token. Closer examination reveals that each strand of hair seems to have neither a beginning nor an end. Most of these braids are blonde in color, but other hues are not unknown.

Up to three times per day, the wearer of a fate-woven braid of the norns can potentially negate a disastrous turn of fortune. Upon rolling a natural 1 on a saving throw or after failing a saving throw against a death effect, the wearer can activate the braid as a free action to reroll the saving throw.

The golden thread is vulnerable to severe twists of fate, though. If the result of any reroll obtained by the braid is ever a natural 20, the golden thread frays, permanently reducing the braid's daily reroll uses by one. If all three daily uses are eliminated in this manner, the golden thread snaps and the fate-woven braid of the norns falls apart into a nonmagical pile of wispy gray hair. A fate-woven braid of the norns uses up the entire wrists slot, even though the user wears only one at a time. The user can't use another item (even another fate-woven braid of the norns) that also uses the wrists slot.
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Interesting. She must have gotten a lot of data even just from sitting across from us.

[X] Lecture her on how incorrect it is to compare you (an elemental) to an insect.
This is actually fanon, by the way. Some parts of Africa are like this in Worm, but by no means all of it.
Huh. I didn't know that. Of all the things I end up missing in my wiki checks, that's the one. Well, I suppose for now we can just imagine he only did a surface level look on that one particular part of the topic, I do suppose.
By the way the man laughed at the story, you'd have to say he seemed to wholeheartedly believe it, and after a little bit of light haggling, you managed to get about $300 out of the exchange in a good variety of bills, although you knew that the laptop ought to sell for about $400 or so. Still, the time looking at the things in the shop and listening in on other pawnbrokers conversations confirmed to you that you had a fairly good sense for values, and could very confidently say that every $100 should be about equivalent to 1 Gold Piece in terms of materials you could acquire.
Neat, a conversion rate.
It had also brought up the notion of Case 53's which, while you on the surface seemed to be similar to, you had a very strong sense you weren't, especially given how you were actually regaining your memories, that and to your knowledge you had no tattoos. Actually, now that it's on your mind, you haven't had the opportunity to see a reflection of your actual self, and you did own Needles of Fleshgraving, so, possibly. You'd need to check or have someone else check. It would line up with that time sensitive business with the room and such.
New task: get a mirror.
As you put away your laptop, you hear spoken in a quiet way to fall below the natural murmur of an active place, "So, I take it you're not from around here, Bugman?"

You pause, and look at the young woman sitting across from you taking a sip from her coffee.

Dark blonde hair, green eyes, freckles along the nose, looks like a mildly disguised kitsune, particularly with the slight grin. Same girl as the library. Looking you not in the eyes of your disguise, but at your actual eyes wearing your glasses just slightly above it at the illusion's forehead. Interesting.

What now, then?

[ ] Write In

What now indeed. IC the biggest worry is that this is possibly a trap. In which case we should just (offer?) Greater Teleport her somewhere else in the city and continue our conversation there. As always my stance is that we shouldn't hold back at all, and with TT specifically we should aim to impress her instead.

So, who's for some Dominate Person into Greater Teleport?
Still, the time looking at the things in the shop and listening in on other pawnbrokers conversations confirmed to you that you had a fairly good sense for values, and could very confidently say that every $100 should be about equivalent to 1 Gold Piece in terms of materials you could acquire.
Hmm okay then we have our conversion ratio. So each pinch of ruby dust is $5000, we have 5 million in total of that.
Repairing our Fate-Woven Braid (Improved) should cost $800,000.

Wish should cost 2.5 million. Limited wish is just $150,000.

perhaps 'lab made' might be usable even though you'd need to check at least one yourself to be sure if the idea had merit
Oh this is promising. We get our hands on a machine to rework and improve and it would make things real easy.

Dark blonde hair, green eyes, freckles along the nose, looks like a mildly disguised kitsune, particularly with the slight grin. Same girl as the library. Looking you not in the eyes of your disguise, but at your actual eyes wearing your glasses just slightly above it at the illusion's forehead. Interesting.
Annd I figured this would happen. Fate seems to want to make things interesting for us.

I say we do our best Sherlock scan of her. Don't list off what we get like an idiot though.
Get her to talk. The more she says the more information we get.

[X] Plan Out-Thinker
-[X] She has you at a disadvantage, if she would introduce herself?
-[X] Do your best to analyse her down to the smallest detail. Who is this person, and why have they approached you.
-[X] Let her talk, try not to give away too much.

Let her set the stage, and once we know what sort of game she is playing we can make our moves.
We actually want to flex

[X] Plan Out-Wizard
-[X] Cast Arcane Sight and check how the person looks under Arcane Sight
-[X] Offer to continue conversation elsewhere. If she agrees Greater Teleport away with her to some remote location
-[X] If not, leave some money on the table and sink away in the ground yourself. Lurk and follow the girl instead using your abilities

She needs us, not the other way around.
So thinking, if mind blank doesn't work against shard based scrying what are our options? Not that we should stop casting it. It still gives benefits against mind altering stuff no matter the source.

I notice our spellbook has Screen which seems our best alternative to me? We should set it up wherever our base is anyway just out of caution. Dimensional Lock too.

We actually want to flex

[X] Plan Out-Wizard
-[X] Cast Arcane Sight and check how the person looks under Arcane Sight
-[X] Offer to continue conversation elsewhere. If she agrees Greater Teleport away with her to some remote location
-[X] If not, leave some money on the table and sink away in the ground yourself. Lurk and follow the girl instead using your abilities

She needs us, not the other way around.
I would rather not cast anything with verbal or somatic components in front of her. No reason to give her information on how our power works.
Also teleportation out of a public location will no doubt draw attention.

I agree that she needs us not the other way around. But that just means that it's on her to impress us, not the other way around.