All Level, No Experience (Worm/Pathfinder Amnesia Quest)

By the way, what can a Simulacrum not do for us, beyond HD, memories + Thinker power info if we send a Simulacrum out?
Crafting? Social? (I think casting Spells should be fine)

Was thinking of making one of ourselves and dedicating ourselves to studying the Nether Scrolls while we give general instructions from time to time lol.
I think speak with dead is gonna come in handy here , Coil never saw us so he doesn't know we are his killer , ask him about his passwords / ask him about his contingencies /ask him about his secrets for our three questions I think
I know you were likely referring to the Bracelets we just made,
but is a Bracelet of Friends (expensive - 19k GP) worth making to give to Dragon?
Yeah, it was in reference to the bracelets of budget dominate person. A bracelet that lets Dragon move us to her would probably be uniquely useless for her, as she can already move her "self" across the country in seconds by changing what computer she is running her primary self on but she can't take physical stuff with her. Maybe something that gives her x/day Sending that she sits on top of whatever computer she normally runs her primary self on, and then she sends us a Sending asking us to teleport to wherever she needs, and it would be cheaper in the long-term as we don't need to make a new one every now and then.
Or maybe a Permanency Telepathic Bond (12500gp) would be better, with a 1/week? Sending in case we're in a demiplane or something. Or just pray that we answer our phone.
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I mean, it'd be easier to just Permanancy a Prismatic Sphere somewhere convenient than do any shenanigans with constructs or staves.
We can make arbitrary spells permanent.
Will he refuse to return through Raise Dead though?
Since Speak with Dead takes 10 minutes to cast and all.

(And there's the whole body must be whole thing, which...)
we shouldn't waste a wish spell on a losser like Coil doubly since there is a chance it won't work since you can't bring back the unwilling , as for speak with deal we can just grab the body and teleport out then back in with refreshed greater invisibility to apply what ever information gained and lastly Coil's body is relatively intact enough to ask him unless his corpse was reduces to mince meat the spell will work fine
I mean, it'd be easier to just Permanancy a Prismatic Sphere somewhere convenient than do any shenanigans with constructs or staves.
We can make arbitrary spells permanent.
Permanency, I have been sadly reminded, needs diamond dust. We have no such dust. However, adding stuff to our staff is mobile and costs vague valuable crafting materials worth however much money, and is potentially cheaper as well as a Permanent Sphere is 22500gp to get
Permanancy a Prismatic Sphere somewhere convenient
22500GP... is it cheaper than just adding charges to the Staff + ring of sustenance (which we really could use for other things - 6 more hours a day is a lot for someone like Iluontar; Nether Scroll reading? - anyway)?

wish spell on a losser like Coil doubly since there is a chance it won't work since you can't bring back the unwilling
The current winning vote doesn't have this limitation, are you mixing things up with Raise Dead?
As for LW, the cost is only regular abstracted GPs which we have a decent amount of so it doesn't matter?
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Quite interesting to see the discussions! Only one thing for me to clarify that I think I might not have communicated quite right in the chapter, that seems like it might throw a wrench in things.

Coil died six seconds ago as of end up chapter, meaning that it's already been a 'round'- even quickened you'd be acting 2 rounds after his death.

The rounds go something like teleport in: Death Attack Study 1-3, Death Attack aiming to incapacitate (Surprise Round/1, Coil dies), Iluontar actively assesses his surroundings & takes stock of the situation, spotting secret doors (Round 2), the earliest he can act on directions you give him is Round 3.
We could just sit on Coil's char and go "new management". They are mercenaries and we are looking for minions to employ.
While there is a good chance we can tank the self destruct bombs, I don't think the surrounding area can. Although I'm not sure if the self-destruct is fanon or canon so it might not actually exist. And either way we don't know about it anyway, so its not like it matters.

And ok, to rez the poor bugger we need a Limited Wish Raise Dead, so thats gonna hurt a bit in strength damage but putting the friendship bracelet on his corpse before we rez him will make stuff afterwards simpler. I think we should just raise him and continue as we were gonna do for the turn.

[X] Place the Bracelet of Mandatory Co-operation on the corpse's wrist, then use Limited Wish to cast Raise Dead to resurrect him. Then continue as you previously intended to before accidentally killing him

Anyone got ideas to improve that new plan, seeing as "[Y] Use Limited Wish to cast Breath of Life, then bearhug him and teleport back to base." is timed out?

[X] Place the Bracelet of Mandatory Co-operation on the corpse's wrist, then use Limited Wish to cast Raise Dead to resurrect him. Then continue as you previously intended to before accidentally killing him
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Quite interesting to see the discussions! Only one thing for me to clarify that I think I might not have communicated quite right in the chapter, that seems like it might throw a wrench in things.

Coil died six seconds ago as of end up chapter, meaning that it's already been a 'round'- even quickened you'd be acting 2 rounds after his death.

The rounds go something like teleport in: Death Attack Study 1-3, Death Attack aiming to incapacitate (Surprise Round/1, Coil dies), Iluontar actively assesses his surroundings & takes stock of the situation, spotting secret doors (Round 2), the earliest he can act on directions you give him is Round 3.
It looks like the Mythic version of Breath of Life gives us two rounds. Not clear on if we're allowed to use that or not through Limited Wish.
It looks like the Mythic version of Breath of Life gives us two rounds. Not clear on if we're allowed to use that or not through Limited Wish.
If you had Mythic Limited Wish, then for 2 uses of Mythic Power you could duplicate a Mythic spell you don't have prepared. But, alas, you do not.

Also, to either Shadow Archon or Wolfy, there is still that Omake reward available, if you'd like.
[X] Place the Bracelet of Mandatory Co-operation on the corpse's wrist, then use Limited Wish to cast Raise Dead to resurrect him. Then continue as you previously intended to before accidentally killing him
[X] Place the Bracelet of Mandatory Co-operation on the corpse's wrist, then use Limited Wish to cast Raise Dead to resurrect him. Then continue as you previously intended to before accidentally killing him
[X] Place the Bracelet of Mandatory Co-operation on the corpse's wrist, continue as if Coil was still alive (teleport back to base?), then use Limited Wish to cast Raise Dead to resurrect him, continuing as previously planned afterwards.

While Raise Dead will finish before Greater Invisibility expires, I don't see a reason not to go back to home base first (Greater Teleport) in case the guards decide to randomly check in for some reason?

Unless the plan is to have Dominate'd Coil walk out the front door and all, in which case I withdraw my objection
I see things have gone pretty smoothly in finding a vote y'all like. Allow me to attempt to throw that into disarray, for the sake of my own bemusement: What if Coil doesn't/can't be Res'd? Because, Raise Dead only applies to the dead that are both willing and free to come back. Heck, with Jack's soul in your pocket, you're carrying around an example of something that could interfere in the process.

I mean, Iluontar can improvise on his own, but who knows what he'd do in that case, or more accurately, who knows if y'all would like what he does in that case?
[X] Place the Bracelet of Mandatory Co-operation on the corpse's wrist, continue as if Coil was still alive (teleport back to base?), then use Limited Wish to cast Raise Dead to resurrect him, continuing as previously planned afterwards.
-[X] If he refuses to be revived, use Speak with Dead to retrieve information about his bank accounts and what you'd need to authorize things, then transform into him and pretend to be him for the moment.

Someone can probably think of a better subvote, but this should work for now?
@Sckribe do you mind extending the vote and/or adding a temp threadmark for the new information given? It significantly changes the previously winning vote's considerations and all.

[X] Place the Bracelet of Mandatory Co-operation on the corpse's wrist, continue as if Coil was still alive (teleport back to base, costume and all?), then use Limited Wish to cast Raise Dead to resurrect him, continuing as previously planned if he wants to be revived.
-[X] If he refuses to be revived, use Speak With Dead to get useful information out of him: Personality, daily routine and resources (money/contacts) of note or anything that Iluontar thinks is useful.
-[X] If Iluontar thinks its feasible, go back and check what's now going on - has the death been discovered?
--[X] If not, Iluontar Veils into becoming Coil to make up a reason why he is now unavailable and/or is now dead (if this is within Iluontar's ability). ---[X] If it has, just roll with it, there's not much else that can be done here, it's now time for Disintegrate.

Something like this?
I have no idea what Iluontar would do in said scenario, and so whether the results of leaving it to autopilot would be good.
Conversely, I have no idea whether the given vote is appropriate? I'm wondering if we should just roll with it and don't come back if Coil refuses to be revived lol
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