All Level, No Experience (Worm/Pathfinder Amnesia Quest)

We missed the trigger, which is mildly annoying since I'd have hoped we could see a shard connecting and them derive information from that. Any other triggers that we know are supposed to happen?
We never knew when Dinah Alcott triggered, but I don't think it was too long before canon. Not more than 2-3 months I'd guess, which puts us close to the earliest I think it could happen. Otherwise, Theo can trigger while protecting Aster (hopefully not necessary), Aisha triggers after canon starts (attacked by E88 goons), and Bakuda triggers in a 1-2 months at Cornell. Or possible already triggered? Unclear. In addition, Skidmark ends up with some vials post-Leviathan, and we could always use those to analyze Shard connections. Browbeat triggers at some unknown point, but probably not for another month or two.
Anyway for this turn I would suggest we start with talking to Dragon. Get updates from her both on how/what she is doing, and on more general current events.
She did have her restrictions removed, so she probably has been up to a bunch of big stuff.

Then hunt the nine to expand our budget and pay back Dragon's loan.

Then, maybe start digging into the mechanics of powers/tinkertech? Or use the money from the S9 bounties to start building a corporate empire?
Probably the first thing we should do is to Plane Shift to some plane so we can start process of attuning rods for that plane, putting our Plane Shift online. OOC we know that Simurgh will come up soon, so coming up with stuff capable of dealing with her might be prudent. We should also try to summon outside to see if that works


-[X] Basic Cleanup
--[X] Using Limited Wish try to summon an Outsider
--[X] Plane Shift to some other plane, and start process of attuning rod to that plane

Anyway, at this point we should go for Wish imo

[X] I Have Become Genie, Wisher of the Worlds
-[X] Craft Manual of Gainful Exercise, and star reading it
-[X] Craft Staff or Restoration and Memory of Function, similar to our staff of Blood Magic
-[X] Craft Ring of Three Wishes, then use one to Scribe and learn Dragon Form III
-[X] Craft Bracers of Might
-[X] Should Manual of Gainful Exercise give you full effect(+5), cast Dragon Form III(+6), activate Bracers of Might(+4) and get Blood Rage to +4 to cast a Wish using Blood Money
-[X] Use Staff of Restoration to heal our Str score

Congrats, now we have infinite* wishes.

*limited by our spell slots and available Bracers of Might
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Mighty Strength and your current belt both grant Enhancement bonuses, meaning they don't stack. That and because you're not medium, you're large, the size bonus ends up only being +6 in total, as a heads up. Which I think altogether leaves you at a hypothetical 42 strength, which is just short of the 50 you'd need for Wish. Although, I think Blood Rage might tip it over, let me check- it would. Alright then.

Also, just adding more spells onto the existing Staff is absolutely a thing you can do, and would end up being much cheaper than making new ones, funny enough- the staff I am now realizing I forgot to actually add to your inventory, dang it! Right, I need to go back and fix that.
Mighty Strength and your current belt both grant Enhancement bonuses, meaning they don't stack. That and because you're not medium, you're large, the size bonus ends up only being +6 in total, as a heads up. Which I think altogether leaves you at a hypothetical 42 strength, which is just short of the 50 you'd need for Wish. Although, I think Blood Rage might tip it over, let me check- it would. Alright then.

Also, just adding more spells onto the existing Staff is absolutely a thing you can do, and would end up being much cheaper than making new ones, funny enough- the staff I am now realizing I forgot to actually add to your inventory, dang it! Right, I need to go back and fix that.
Dang, I was afraid that we would get less size Str. Well we can just use Blood Rage then I suppose.
At this point Mighty Str is just for +2 enchanted str, as it does give more Belt.
Nope, your belt's already a +8 Belt, I'm afraid. Also, yeah, section under the polymorph rules as it turns out. I wasn't aware of those for the longest time myself.

Edit: Every so often, when I go to update the character sheet on the informational post, I see above it
.. well, our powerlevel is a bit higher than what I've expected.
And it gets just that tiniest bit funnier to me every time.
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Ah, since you have a Valet familiar, it does crafting stuff in exchange for giving up other things, amongst the things given up being getting Alertness as a bonus feat if they're close enough. Ioun Wyrds share the effects of Ioun Stones they contain when they're familiars and within 30 ft., and Dark Blue Rhomboids give Alertness as a bonus feat.

Basically, it's a sort of petty way of saying "I am going to have my cake and eat it too." A subtle flex that literally only another Wizard might pick up on, and therefore among the best kind.
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Which of our current crafting feats apply to Tech? I think that we are at point where crafting Labs is not prohibitively difficult.
Technologist and the tech crafting feats, of course, but otherwise, Frugal Crafting and, if someone else has it (and the suitable feats) Cooperative Crafting. To my knowledge, that's about it.
very nice, really enjoyed the Ioun Wyrd familiar, we should give him the wheel more often. I would like to check on tattletale and kill coil soon.
Technologist and the tech crafting feats, of course, but otherwise, Frugal Crafting and, if someone else has it (and the suitable feats) Cooperative Crafting. To my knowledge, that's about it.
Man, that's dire. I suppose we will ignore tech crafting until we manage to make army of Simulcras for super crafting. I guess the easiest way would be to just make bunch copies of ourselves, each of which has Familiar with Cooperative Crafting.
The advantage of tech crafting is that it doesn't require all the participants to be arcane casters. So it's something we could actually teach some minions to help with.
Oh wow the Ioun Wyrd looks amazingly overpowered for us. What do people think of loading it up with a bunch of ioun stones for it?

Anyway I think it is time to start looking at the outside world a bit. Enough crafting for now. I'll propose a plan since the voting seems to be a little slow:

[X] Plan Get Caught up and a friendly chat.
-[X] Browse the news. See if anything notable has happened or is happening.
-[X] Check in with Dragon. See what she has been up to. Discuss the news if there is anything relevant.

Without her shackles I expect Dragon has been doing a lot. Maybe there is something we could help with or provide insight regarding.
Plus we are friends with Dragon now. And being friends means keeping up and having friendly chats every now and then.
There also seem to be some that give bonuses to various skills, which might be helpful to slightly patch our weaknesses. Say +5 to Diplomacy and Bluff from the Mulberry Pentacle. Which is nice when we only have +3 and +16 for them by default.
Though yeah most of it would be "nice" extra bonuses rather then anything game changing.
There also seem to be some that give bonuses to various skills, which might be helpful to slightly patch our weaknesses. Say +5 to Diplomacy and Bluff from the Mulberry Pentacle. Which is nice when we only have +3 and +16 for them by default.
Though yeah most of it would be "nice" extra bonuses rather then anything game changing.
They do have some neat competence bonuses though, so there is that.

Like they are not terrible and for me it is perfectly fine if we do end up making them, but I don't expect them to move the needle much. You can use them for charisma build thing I talked about earlier for bolstering our social, but you can also do it with other stuff.
Man, our voting is pretty slow. I don't suppose anyone would throw even one vote in the direction of my plan? I think it's pretty important to catch up on anything we missed, particularly whether our Fleshgraved items got spotted by anyone.
Man, our voting is pretty slow. I don't suppose anyone would throw even one vote in the direction of my plan? I think it's pretty important to catch up on anything we missed, particularly whether our Fleshgraved items got spotted by anyone.
Ah, it was confirmed that there were no issues with that:
Yeah. That uh, that wasn't meant to be an in-character fugue, that was just me, the author, having forgotten something. There were a couple moments where you prepared a few less Transfiguring Touches in order to teleport out to your favored underground hole in BB, threw up a Prismatic Sphere, then deliberately take off Ascalon and The Divinity Drive to re-add them as tattoos in the same places. As for how y'all managed The Divinity Drive's constant aura of cold? Just straight-up face tanked the damage and moved on. Y'all have more than 900 health, and ten minutes means only 100d6 of damage.

I generally agree with the other parts of your plan however. Could I tempt you to vote for mine?
[X] Plan Get Caught up and a friendly chat.
-[X] Browse the news. See if anything notable has happened or is happening.
-[X] Check in with Dragon. See what she has been up to. Discuss the news if there is anything relevant.
Which is similar if slimmed down.